Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 87-3 Filed 07/31/20 Page 1 of 274 Page ID #:2566
`Case 2:19-cv-06301—AB-KS Document 87-3 Filed 07/31/20 Page 1 of 274 Page ID #:2566








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`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 87-3 Filed 07/31/20 Page 5 of 274 Page ID #:2570
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`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 87-3 Filed 07/31/20 Page 8 of 274 Page ID #:2573
`• European Patent Office
`Patentlaan 2
`Philips Intellectual Prope.rty. & Standards
`~6~l~~,gi~~hoven EP· . "" ~JG 2
`The Netherlands
`· · . ~...
`0 9. 04. 2015
`. ·
`Ema i I: pc1tent.adm i
`Tel: +3140 27 40607
`Date: 7 April 2015 ·
`Subject: European Patent Applications (attached list)
`1 .CQh_ditional withdra'Aicil _ (SORA) of Applications
`2. Unconditional withdrawal of automatic debit order (DECA)
`3. Unconditional Withdrawal of (auxiliary) request for oral proceedings ..
`I hereby vvithc1raw the EP Patent Applications iridica,ted in the attached list, on the
`condition that any fee is .refunded.. It is understoqd that ff no refund is possible, the ·
`applicc:ition is not withdrawn.
`• The automatic debit order from deposit accounf28090021 is herewith unconditionally
`If, for any of these Applications, an(auxiliary) request for oral proceedings is pending,
`said request is herewith withdravvri. lh case summons to oral proceedings have
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`will hot attend the oral proceedings, aild. requested to take a decision on the state of
`. the file.
`The Professional Hepresent9tive,
`P.O. Verweij
`Philips International B.V.
`Commercial Register Eindhoven
`No. 17047664
`Office address: High Tech Campus 5
`5656 AE Eindhoven, The Netherlands
`Tel. +3140 279 1111
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`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 87-3 Filed 07/31/20 Page 9 of 274 Page ID #:2574
`Internal file
`1999P01232WE 01
`2002P03137WE 01
`Filing date
`2000-feb-28 Gii__1J.984A.~~ J
`2010-j un-10
`Applicant / Name
`Koninklijke Philips N.V.
`Koninklijke Philips N.V.
`Koninklijke Philips N.V.
`RIC Investments, LLC
`Koninklijke Philips N.V.
`Discus Dental, LLC
`Koninklijke P,hilips N.V.;
`Philips Intellectual. Property & Standards GmbH
`Koninklijke Philips N.V.
`Respironics Oxytec, Inc.
`Koninklijke Philips N.V.
`Koninklijke Philips N.V.
`Respironics, Inc
`Koninklijke Philips N.V.;
`P~ilips Intellectual Property & Standards GmbH
`Koninklijke Philips N.V.
`Koninklijke Philips N.V.
`Koninklijke Philips N.V.
`Koninklijke Philips N.V.
`Koninklijke Philips N.V.;
`Philips Intellectual Property & Standard,!; Gr'libH .
`Koninklijke Philips I\J.V.;
`Philips Intellectual .Property&. StandardsGmbH
`Koninklijke Philips N.V.
`Koninklijke Philips N.V.
`Koninklijke Philips N.V.
`Koninklijke Philips N.V.
`Koninklijke Philips N.V.
`Koninklijke Philips N.V.
`Philips Deutschland GmbH
`Koninklijke Philips N.V.
`Koninklijke Philips N.V.;
`University Hospitals Medical Group, Inc.;
`Case Western Reserve University (CWRU)
`Koninklijke Philips N.V.
`Philips Deutschland GmbH
`Koninklijke Philips N.V.






`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 87-3 Filed 07/31/20 Page 12 of 274 Page ID
` #:2577
`A measuring system (1) comprising
`- a sensor (6) arranged to be attached at a plurality of body parts of a subject
`for obtaining a measured value representing a physical or a physiological quantity of the
`subject at a body part to which the sensor is attached,
`- means for deriving a subject-related value from the measured value in
`dependence on which body part the sensor is attached to,
`characterized in the measuring system further comprising
`- means for determining on which body part of the subject the sensor is
`attached to.
`The measuring system (1) according to claim 1, wherein the plurality of body
`parts includes at least two of the following: a wrist, a lower arm, an upper arm, a lower leg,
`an upper leg, a waist, a chest, a neck, a head.
`The measuring system (1) according to claim 1, wherein the derived value
`comprises an activity parameter of the subject,
`the activity parameter comprising energy expenditure.
`The measuring system ( 1) according to claim 1, wherein the activity parameter
`represents a degree of activity of the body part the sensor is attached to.
`The measuring system ( 1) according to claim 1, wherein the measured value .
`comprises at least one of temperature, ECG, or accel~ration, in particular tri-axial
`The measuring system (1) according to claim 1, further comprising means for
`selecting a subset of a predefined set of farther physical-and/or physiological quantities of the
`subject in dependence on which body part of the subjectthe sensor is attached to, and the


`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 87-3 Filed 07/31/20 Page 13 of 274 Page ID
` #:2578
`sensor is arranged for generating a further measured value for each quantity in the selected
`22.12.2010 -
`The measuring system(!) according to claim 1, further comprising
`- means for converting the measured value into an estimated measured value
`related to a reference position on the subject, and
`- means for derivi~g the subject-related value from the estimated measured
`The measuring system (1) according to claim 1, wherein the means for
`determining to which body part the sensor is attached is arranged for performing the
`determining in dependence on the measured value.
`9 ..
`The measuring system (1) according to claim 8, further comprising means for
`obtaining from the sensor (6) a plurality of measured values measured during a time interval,
`and wherein the means for determining to which body part the sensor is attached is arranged
`for performing the determining in dependence on the measured values measured during the
`time interval.
`The measuring system (1) according to claim 8 or 9, wherein the means for
`determining to whif;h body part the sensor ( 6) .is attached is arranged for performing the
`determining on the basis of a predefined set of rules related to the measured value or
`measured valuesmeasuredduring the time interval, respectively.
`The measuring system ( 1) according to claim 9, wherein the means for
`determining to which body part the sensor ( 6) is attached comprises means for performing a
`pattern recognition of a signal derived from the measured values measured during the time
`The measuring system ( 1) according to claim 8 or 9, further comprising means
`for determining that the user is performing a standardized activity, and wherein the means for
`determining to which body partthe sensor is attached is arranged for using at le_ast one
`measured value obtained from the sensor (6), the measured value relating to a time the user is
`performing the standardized activity.


`. .,
`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 87-3 Filed 07/31/20 Page 14 of 274 Page ID
`irl~}i'tf~~'.~~j~~?Q[QJE.P2. - -Main request
` #:2579
`The measuring .system ( 1) according to claim· 1, further comprising a us~r
`interface for receiving input from a user related to which body part of the subject the sensor
`is attached to.
`The measuring system ( 1) according to claim 1, further comprising
`- means for establishing that the subjectis p~rforming a predetermined
`- storage means for storing at least one pattern related to performing the
`) 0
`predetermined activity in a predetermined manner,
`- means for determining a similarity measure relating to a signal representing
`the derived value and the stored pattern, and
`- means for providing feedback in dependence on the similarity measure.
`A system for determining the calorie balance of a subject, the system
`comprising the measuring system (1) according to claim 4, means for monitoring food
`consumption, and mean.s for deriving the calorie balance using the derived energy
`Amethod of estimating a derived value relating to a subject, the method
`- obtaining at least one measurnd value from a sensor (6) attached to a body
`part of the subject, the measured value represent1ng a physical or a physiological quantity of
`the subject at the body part to which the sensor is attacheq, and
`- determining which body part the sensor is attached to, and
`- deriving the subject-related value from the measured value also in
`dependence on which body part the sensor is attached to.


`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 87-3 Filed 07/31/20 Page 15 of 274 Page ID
` #:2580
`A measuring system (1) comprising
`- an accelerometer (6) arranged to be attached at a plurality of body parts of a
`subject for obtaining a measured value represehtihg a physical or a physiological quantity of
`the subject at a body part to which the accelerometer is attached,
`- means for deriving a subject-related value from the measured value in
`dependence on which body part the accelerometer is attached to,
`characterized in the measuring system further comprisin~
`- means for determining on which body part of the subject the accelerometer is
`attached to.
`The measuring system (1) according to claim 1, wherein the plurality ofbody
`parts includes at least two of the following: a wrist, a lower arm, an upper arm, a lower leg,
`an upper leg, a waist, a chest, a neck, a head.
`The measuring system (1) accordllig to claim 1, wherein the derived value
`comprises an activity parameter of the subject,
`the activity parameter comprising energy expenditure ..
`The measuring system ( 1) according to claim l, wherein the activity parameter
`represents a degree of activity of the.body part the accelerometer is attached to.
`The measuring system (1) according to claim 1, wherein the measured value
`comprises at least one of temperature, ECG, or acceleration, in particular tri-axial
`. 6.
`The measuring system (1) according to claim 1, further comprising means for
`selecting a subset of a predefined set of further physical and/or physiological quantities of the
`subject in dependence on which body part of the subject the accelerometer is attached to, and


`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 87-3 Filed 07/31/20 Page 16 of 274 Page ID
` #:2581
`the accelerometer is arranged for generating a further measured value for each quantity in the
`selected subset.
`The measuring system ( 1) according to claim 1, further corn.prising
`- means for converting the measured value into an estimated measured value
`related to a reference position on the subject, and
`- means for deriving the subject-related value from the estimated measured
`The measuring system ( 1) according to claim 1, wherein the means for
`determining to which body part the accelerometer is attached is arranged for performing the
`determining in dependence on the measured value.
`The measuring system (1) according to claim 8, further comprising means for
`obtaining from the accelerometer (6) a plurality of measured values measured during a time
`interval, and wherein the means for determining to which body part the accelerometer is
`attached is arranged for performing the determining in dependence on the measured values
`measured during t~e _time interval.
`The measuring system ( 1) according to claim 8 or 9, wherein the means for
`determining to which body part the accelerometer ( 6) is attached is arranged for performi~g
`the determining on the basis of a predefined set of rules related to the nieasured·value or
`measured values measured during thetime interval, respectively.
`The measuring system ( 1) according to claim 9 ~ wh~rein the means for
`determining to which body part the accelerometer ( 6) is attached comprises means for
`performing a pattern recognition of a signal derived from th~ measured values measured
`during the time interval.
`The measu~ng system (1) according to claim 8 or 9, further comprising means
`for determining that the user is performing a standardized activity, and wherein the II1eans for
`determining to which body part the accelerometer isattached is arranged for using at least
`one measured value obtained from the accelerometer (6), the measured value relating to a
`time the user is performing the standardized activity.


`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 87-3 Filed 07/31/20 Page 17 of 274 Page ID
` #:2582
`The measuring system (1) according to claim 1, further comprising a user
`interface for receiving input from a user related to which body part of the subject the
`accelerometer is attached to.
`The measuring system ( 1) according to claim I, further comprising
`- means for establishing that the subject is performing a predetermined
`- storage means for storing at least one pattern related to performing the
`predetermined activity in a predetermined manner,
`- means for determining a similarity measure relating to a signal representing ·
`the derived value and the stored pattern, and
`- means for providing feedback in dependence on the similarity measure.
`A system for determining the calorie balance of a subject, the system
`comprising the measuring system ( 1) according to claim 4, means for monitoring food
`consumption, and means for deriving the calorie balance using the derived energy
`A method of estimating a derived value relating to a subject, the method
`- obtaining at least one measured value from an accelerometer ( 6) attached to a
`body part of the subject; the measured value representing a physical or a physiological
`quantity of the subject at the body part to which the accelerometer is attached, and
`- determining which body part the accelerometer is attached to,.and
`- deriving the subject-related value from the measured value also in
`dependence on which body part the accelerometer is attached to.


`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 87-3 Filed 07/31/20 Page 18 of 274 Page ID
` #:2583
`A measuring system (1) comprising
`- a sensor (6) arranged to be attached at a plurality of body parts of a subject
`for obtaining a measured value representing a physical or a physiological quantity of the
`subject at a body part to which the sensor is attached,
`- means for deriving a subject-related value from the measured value ir1.
`dependence on which body part the sensor is attached to,
`characterized in the measuring system further comprising
`- means for determining on which body part of the subject the sensor is
`attached to by analyzing qn the basis of a predefined set of rules related to the me·asured
`value a signal from the sensor for features that are position dependent.
`The measuring system (1) according to claim 1, wherein the plurality of body
`parts includes at least two of the following: a wrist, a lower arm, an upper arm, a lower leg,
`an upper leg, a waist, a chest, a neck, a head.
`The measuring system ( 1) according to claim 1, • wherein the derived value
`comprises an activity parameter of the subject,
`the activity parameter comprising energy expenditure.
`The measuring system (1) according to claim 1, wherein the activity parameter
`represents a degree of activity of the body part the sensor is attached to.
`The measuring system (1) according to claim 1, wherein the measured value
`comprises at least one of temperature, ECG, or acceleration, in particular tri-axial
`The measuring system ( 1) according to claim 1, further comprising means for
`selecting a subset of a predefined set of further physical and/or physiological quantities of the
`subject in dependence on which body part of the subject the sensor is attached to, and the


`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 87-3 Filed 07/31/20 Page 19 of 274 Page ID
` #:2584
`sensor is arranged for generating a further measured value for each quantity in the selected
`The measuring system ( 1) according to claim 1, further comprising
`- means for converting the measured value into an estimated measured. value
`related to a reference position on the subject, and
`- means for deriving the subject-related value from the estimated measured
`The measuring system ( 1) according to claim 1, wherein the means for
`determining to which body part the sensor is attached is arranged for performing the
`determining in dependence on the measured value.
`The measufing system ( 1) according to claim 8, further comprising means for
`obtaining from the sensor (6) a plurality of measured values measured during a time interval,
`and wherein the means for determining to which body part the sensor is attl:lched is arranged
`for performing the determining in dependence on the measured values measured during the
`time interval.
`The measuring system ( 1) according to claim 9, wherein the means for
`determining to which bodypartthe.sensor(6) is attached is arranged for.performing the
`determining on the basis of a predefined set of rules related to the measured values measured
`during the time interval.
`The measuring system ( 1) according to claim 9, wherein the means for
`determining to which body part the sensor ( 6) is attached comprises means for performing a
`pattern recognition of a signal derived from the measured values measureq during the time
`· interval.
`The measuring system (1) according to claim 8 or 9, further comprising means
`for determining that the user is performing a standardized activity, and wherein the means for
`determining to which body part the sensor is attached is arranged for using at least one
`measured value obtained from the sensor ( 6), the measure<i value relating to a time the user is
`performing the standardized activity.


`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 87-3 Filed 07/31/20 Page 20 of 274 Page ID
` #:2585
`The measuring system ( 1) according to claim 1,. further comprising a user
`interface for receiving input from a user related to which body part of the subject the sensor .
`is attached to.
`The measuring system ( 1) according to claim 1, further comprising
`- means for establishing that the subject is performing a predetermined
`- storage means for storing at least one pattern related to performing the
`predetermined activity in a predetermined manner,
`- means for determining a s1milarity measure relating to a signal representing
`the derived value and the stored pattern, and
`- means for providing feedback in dependence on the similarity measure.
`comprising the measuring system (1) according to claim 4, means for monitoring food
`A system for determining the calorie balance of a subject, the system
`consumption, and means for deriving the calorie balance using the derived energy
`A method of estimating a derived value relating to a subject, the method
`- ,obtaining at ieast one measured value from a sensor (6) attached to a body
`part of the subject, the measured value representing a physical or a physiological quantity of
`the subject at the body part to which the sensor is attached, and
`- determining which body part the sensor is attached to by analyzing on the
`basis of a predefined set of rules related to the measured value a signal from the sensor for
`features that are position dependent, and
`- deriving the subject-related value from the measured value also in
`dependence on which body part the sensor is attached to.


`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 87-3 Filed 07/31/20 Page 21 of 274 Page ID
` #:2586
`A measuring system (1) comprising
`- an accelerometer ( 6) arranged to be attached at a plurality of body parts of a .
`subject for obtaining a measured value representing a physical or a physiological q\lantity of
`. .
`the subject at a body part to which the accelerometer is attached,
`- means for deriving a subject-related value from the measured·value in
`dependence on which body part the accelerometer is attached to,
`characterized in the measuring system further comprising
`- means for determining on which body part of the subject the accelerom~ter is
`attached to by analyzing on the basis of a predefined set of rules related to the measured.
`value a signal from the accelerometer for features that are position dependent.
`The measuring system (1) according to claim 1, wherein the phirality of body
`parts includes at least two of the following: a wrist, a lower arm, an upper arm, a lower leg,
`an upper leg, a waist, a chest, a neck, a head.
`The measuring system (1) according to claim 1, whereinthe c,lerived val.ue
`comprises an activity parameter of the subject,
`the activity parameter comprising energy expenditure.
`Th~ measuring system ( 1) according to claim 1, wherein the activity parameter
`represents a degree of activity of the body part the accelerometer is attached to.
`The measuring system (1) according to claim 1, wherein the measured value
`comprises at least one of temperature, ECG, or acceleration, in particular tri-axial
`The measuring system ( 1) according to claim 1, further comprising means for
`selecting a subset of a predefined set of further physical and/or physiological quantities of the
`subject in dependence on which body part of the subject the accelerometer is attached to, and


`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 87-3 Filed 07/31/20 Page 22 of 274 Page ID
` #:2587
`the accelerometer is arranged for generating a further measured value for each quantity in the
`selected subset.
`The measuring system ( 1) according to claim 1, further comprising
`- means for converting the measured value into an estimated measured value
`related to a reference position on the subject, and
`- means for deriving the subject-related value from the estimated measured
`The measuring system (1) according to claim 1, wherein the means for
`determining to which body part the accelerometer is attached is arranged for performing the
`determining in dependence on the measured value.
`The measuring system (1) according to claim 8, further comprising means for•
`obtaining from the accelerometer(6) a plurality of measured values measured during a time
`interval, and wherein the means for determining to which body part the accelerometer is
`attached is arranged for performing the determining in dependence on the measured values
`measured during the time interval.
`The measuririgsystem (1) according to Claim 8 or 9, wherein the means for
`determining to which body part the accelerometer (6) is attached is arranged for performing
`the determining on the basis of a predefined set of rules related to the measured value or
`measured values measured. during the time interval, respectively.
`The measuring system (1) according to claim 9, wherein the means for
`determining to which body part the accelerometer ( 6) is attached comprises means for
`performing a pattern recognition of a signal derived from the measured values measured
`during the time interval.
`The measuring system (1) according to claim 8 or 9, further comprising means
`for determining that the user is performing a standardized activity, and wherein the means for
`determining to which body part the accelerometer is attached is arranged for using at least
`one measured value obtained from the accelerometer (6), the measured value relating to a
`time the user is performing the standardized activity.


`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 87-3 Filed 07/31/20 Page 23 of 274 Page ID
` #:2588
`The measuring system (1) according to claim 1; further comprising a user
`interface for receiving input from a user related to which body part-of the subject the
`accelerometer is attached to.
`The measuring system (1) according to claim 1, further comprising
`- means for establishing that the subject is performing a predetermined
`- storage means for storing at least one pattern related to performing the
`predetermined activity in a predetermined manner,
`- means for determining a similarity measure relating to a signal representing.
`the derived value and the stored pattern, and
`- means for providing feedback in dependence on the similarity measure,
`A system for determining the calorie balance of a subject, the system
`comprising the measuring system (1) according to claim 4, means for monitoringfood
`consumption, and means for deriving the calorie balance using the derived· energy
`A method of estimating a derived value relating to a subject, the method
`- obtaining at least one measured value from an accelerometer ( 6) attached to a
`bocly part of the-subject, the measured value representing a physical or a physiological
`quantity of the subject at the body part to which the sensor is attached, arid
`- determining which body part the accelerometer is attached to, and
`- derivii:ig the subject-related value from the measured value also in
`dependence on which body part the accelerometer is attached to.


`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 87-3 Filed 07/31/20 Page 24 of 274 Page ID
` #:2589
`Application No: 0 6 8 3 2 0 8 5 . 2
`Demande n°:
`The objections raised in the summons were discussed.
`EPO Form 2906 01.91 TRI








`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 87-3 Filed 07/31/20 Page 28 of 274 Page ID
` #:2593
`Application No: 0 6 8 3 2 0 8 5 . 2
`Demande n°:
`Summary of Facts and Submissions
`European patent application No. 06 832 085.2 having the title "DETECTION
`ACTIVITY ON THE BODY" was filed on 05-12-2006 as PCT 2006 IB 05499. It
`claims priority of EP 05112250 filed on 15-12-2005. The applicant is
`Koninklijke Philips N.V.
`High Tech Campus 5
`5656 AE Eindhoven
`The first communication of the examining division made reference to the
`US 5 111 826 A (NASIFF ROGER E [US]) 12 May 1992
`OMRON HEALTHCARE CO LTD [JP]) 6 November 2002
`US 2003/065257 A 1 (MAUL T JAMES R [US] ET AL) 3 April 2003
`and raised objections i.a. under Articles 123(2), 52(1 ), 54(1) and (2) and 56
`In the response received on 27-01-2010 the applicant requested further
`examination on an amended set of claims and provided arguments in support
`of the patentability of these claims.
`In a communication under Article 94(3) EPC issued by the examining division
`on 19-08-2009, objections i.a. under Articles 123(2), 52(1 ), 54(1) and (2), 83
`and 84 EPC were raised.
`EPO Form 2916 01.91 TRI


`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 87-3 Filed 07/31/20 Page 29 of 274 Page ID
` #:2594
`Application No: 0 6 8 3 2 0 8 5 . 2
`Demande n°:
`In the response received on 22-12-2010 the applicant requested further
`examination and provided arguments in support of the patentability of
`amended sets of claims.
`On 30-06-2014 the examining division issued a summons to attend oral
`proceedings on 18.03.2015. In the annex to the summons, objections i.a.
`under Articles 52(1 ), 54(1) and (2), 83 and 84 EPC were raised.
`The following documents were cited:
`US 2006/112754 A1 (YAMAMOTO HIROSHI [JP] ET AL) 1 June
`2006 (2006-06-01)
`October 2004 (2004-10-28)
`On 18.03.2015, oral proceedings were held in applicant's absence. During the
`oral proceedings, the objections raised in the summons were discussed.
`Since there is no allowable set of claims on file, the application was refused
`(Art. 97(2)).
`The decision is based on the following request(s):
`Main Request
`Description, Pages
`1, 2, 4, 5, 7,
`filed on
`3, 6,6a,8
`filed on
`Claims, Numbers
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`Drawings, Sheets
`EPO Form 2916 01.91 TRI


`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 87-3 Filed 07/31/20 Page 30

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