Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 77-4 Filed 06/26/20 Page 1 of 22 Page ID #:1875
`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 77-4 Filed 06/26/20 Page 1 of 22 Page ID #:1875


`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 77-4 Filed 06/26/20 Page 2 of 22 Page ID #:1876
`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document NATHMIIMHMMIMIMMMIMMRE
`(12) United States Patent
`US 7,088,233 B2
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Aug. 8, 2006
`(10) Patent No.:
`Inventor: Raymond J. Menard. Hastings. MN
`Assignee: Royal Thoughts, LLC. Minneapolis.
`MI (US)
`Subject to any disclaimer. the temt of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`Appl. No.: 10/165,624
`Jun. 7. 2002
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2004-0027244 A9 Feb. 12. 2004
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Continuation-impart ofapplication No. 091956.474. filed on
`Sep. 19. 2001. which is a continuation of application No.
`09.-'384.165. filed on Aug. 27. 1999. now Pat. No. 6.356.192.
`application No. 10165.624. which is a continuation-impart
`01' application No. 105112.669. filed on Mar. 28. 2002. and
`a continuation-in-part of application No. PCT.-‘USOI:18734.
`filed on Jun. 8. 2001.
`Provisional application No. 603135.862. filed on May 25.
`1999. provisional application No 600105.493. filed on Oct.
`23. 1998. and provisional application No. 601279.40l. filed
`on Mar. 28. 2001.
`Int. Cl.
`6083 [/08
`U.S. Cl.
`............................... 340/5391. 340/539] 1'.
`340539.12: 340539.13: 340/506: 340/531:
`340/11: 340/533: IMO/825.49
`Field of Classification Search .............. 340/5391.
`340/539.11. 539.12. 539.13. 506, 511. 517.
`3401524. 533. 537. 3.1. 825.36. 825.49
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`a subscriber. patient. related party. or health care provider or
`health care system.
`See application file for complete search history.
`57 Claims, 9 Drawing Sheets


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`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 77-4 Filed 06/26/20 Page 5 of 22 Page ID #:1879
`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 77-4 Filed 06/26/20 Page 5 of 22 Page ID #:1879
`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 8, 2006
`Sheet 1 of9
`US 7,088,233 B2
`FIG. 1


`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 77-4 Filed 06/26/20 Page 6 of 22 Page ID #:1880
`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 77-4 Filed 06/26/20 Page 6 of 22 Page ID #:1880
`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 8, 2006
`Sheet 2 of9
`US 7,088,233 B2
`FIG. 2


`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 77-4 Filed 06/26/20 Page 7 of 22 Page ID #:1881
`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 77-4 Filed 06/26/20 Page 7 of 22 Page ID #:1881
`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 8, 2006
`Sheet 3 of9
`US 7,088,233 B2
`FIG. 3


`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 77-4 Filed 06/26/20 Page 8 of 22 Page ID #:1882
`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 77-4 Filed 06/26/20 Page 8 of 22 Page ID #:1882
`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 8, 2006
`Sheet 4 of9
`US 7,088,233 B2
`PWD 500
`FIG. 4B
`MD1600 W
`1 6 0
`FIG. 4C


`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 77-4 Filed 06/26/20 Page 9 of 22 Page ID #:1883
`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 77-4 Filed 06/26/20 Page 9 of 22 Page ID #:1883
`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 8, 2006
`Sheet 5 of9
`US 7,088,233 B2
`MD] 600 W
`400 PMD 100
`1 60
`FIG. 4D
`PMD 100
`LAW 330
`PMD 100
`LAW 330
`FIG. 4E


`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 77-4 Filed 06/26/20 Page 10 of 22 Page ID #:1884
`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 77-4 Filed 06/26/20 Page 10 of 22 Page ID #:1884
`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 8, 2006
`Sheet 6 of9
`US 7,088,233 B2
`DEVICE ( 100
`FIG. 4F


`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 77-4 Filed 06/26/20 Page 11 of 22 Page ID #:1885
`Case 2:19-cv-06301—AB-KS Document 77-4 Filed 06/26/20 Page 11 of 22 Page ID #:1885
`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 8, 2006
`Sheet 7 of9
`US 7,088,233 B2
`Responding Personnel R, Responsiblc Panties RP
`Dispatcher or
`Medical Caregiver D
`FIG. 5


`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 77-4 Filed 06/26/20 Page 12 of 22 Page ID #:1886
`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 77-4 Filed 06/26/20 Page 12 of 22 Page ID #:1886
`US. Patent
`Aug. 8, 2006
`Sheet 8 of9
`US 7,088,233 B2
`sound and View of
`location infonnan’on
`medical device data
`responsestrategies —’\gF
`/ connection to responsible parties
`responders /
`medical device control
`Dispatcher or
`Medical Caregiver
`Automated and human
`FIG. 6
`to user/bystanders


`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 77-4 Filed 06/26/20 Page 13 of 22 Page ID #:1887
`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 77-4 Filed 06/26/20 Page 13 of 22 Page ID #:1887
`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 8, 2006
`Sheet 9 of9
`US 7,088,233 B2
`: 10
`FIG. 7


`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 77-4 Filed 06/26/20 Page 14 of 22 Page ID #:1888
`Case 2:19-cv-06301—AB-KS Document 77-4 Filed 06/26/20 Page 14 of 22 Page ID #:1888
`US 7.088.233 B2
`The present application is a continuation-in-part of US.
`patent application Ser. No. 09/956474 filed Sep. 19. 2001.
`which is a continuation of US. patent application Ser. No.
`09/384.165. filed Aug. 27, 1999 and now issued as US. Pat.
`No. 6.356.192. which claims priority to US. provisional
`patent application Ser. No. 60/ 135.862. filed May 25. 1999
`and to U.S. provisional patent application Ser. No. 60/105.
`493 filed Oct. 23. 1998. The present application is also a
`contimlation-in-part of co-pending US. patent application
`Ser. No. 10/112669. filed Mar. 28. 2002. which claims
`priority to a provisional patent application Ser. No. 60/279.
`401. filed Mar. 28. 2001. The present application is also a
`continuation—in-part and claims the benefit of International
`Application No. PCT/USOl/18734. filed Jun. 8. 2001.
`The present invention relates generally to bi-directional
`personal and health-wellness provider communication sys-
`tem and in particular to a personal communication system
`suitable for use with children. vulnerable adults (such as
`those in assisted living situations). and more specifically.
`medically distressed persons and those in whom an personal
`medical device has been deployed. for medical testing. and
`for other life enhancements.
`There are several trends which taken together are causing
`a change in the way medical services are delivered. Among
`other things. these include longer lifespan. medical technol-
`ogy improvements. automation of diagnostic processes. spe—
`cialization of caregivers. the rapid pace of technology that
`causes a shortening of the amortization of development and
`investment costs.
`increasing expense of medical care
`centers. and the shortage of health care workers.
`The results of these trends are manifold. They include
`moving more of the delivery of services out of a tnedical
`center and away from the direct supervision of highly
`trained medical personnel. They include providing personal
`medical devices to allow long-temt patients to resume a
`ntore mobile lifestyle. They include allowing patients to be
`treated from home for issues of cost and comfort. They
`include reducing the level of training associated with car-
`egivers so that in some cases. even a casual passerby is able
`to provide meaningful assistance with devices once associ-
`ated only with properly trained medical personnel.
`example using Portable Automated Defibrillators. However.
`the remoteness of patients from professional caregivers
`increases the need for communications systems to monitor
`the patient. deliver care. and communicate.
`What is needed in the art is an improved detection system
`that is friendly to a mobile user. that is easy to adapt to
`existing devices. that is easy to install. that is inexpensive.
`and that provides substantial interoperability between wire-
`less technologies. communication network providers. and
`other widely used medical and public systems.
`One skilled in the art will readily recognize that
`embodiments described solve all of these problems and
`many more not mentioned expressly herein.
`Personal Medical Devices (PMD) take many forms.
`PMDs may be surgically implanted. strapped extemally to
`the body. carried in a pocket. transported in a carrying case.
`or installed as a home appliance. They may be used only for
`rare emergencies. on an occasional basis. on a regular
`schedule. or in a continuous or nearly continuous fashion.
`PMDs may monitor individual or combinations of body
`functions such as heart
`function. respiration. body
`chemistry. brain function, or muscular/skeleton actions.
`PMDs may provide body functions such as mechanical
`hearts. kidney dialysis. digestive or respiratory activities.
`PMDs may be used to deliver drugs. heart defibrillation. or
`other treatment. PMDs may be used to enhance wellness.
`test drug therapies. monitor patient health. deliver long—term
`care. or treat acute conditions.
`We describe a device and method to couple with PMDs to
`provide wireless communication and locating functions. The
`purpose for communications include but are not limited to
`the following:
`to provide health care professionals with
`access to information for remote diagnostic capabilities: to
`provide notification of acute conditions possibly requiring
`immediate assistance, transportation to a medical center. or
`remote treatment action; to provide a location information of
`mobile persons for caregivers; to notify responsible parties
`of the occurrence of a medical condition: and to provide
`remote intervention assistance by caregivers through verbal
`or visual interaction.
`In one embodiment. in order to provide mobility for users
`of PMDs in a public environment, we employ standard
`network communication systems to deliver a comprehensive
`medical communications service. In one emboditnent. the
`communications network links together the PMl). casual
`caregivers. a medical center. an emergency dispatch center.
`medical databases. and related responsible parties. This
`group of associated parties is able to combine resources to
`improve the survivability during an acute medical event.
`In one embodiment, the medical communications system
`delivers an end-to—end comprehensive solution to provide
`care to a remote or mobile user ot‘a PMl).
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram showing the overall structure of
`the system of the present invention.
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram showing the internal structure
`of a portable device.
`FIG. 3 is a block diagram showing the structure ofa user
`interface module.
`FIGS. 4A—4F are block diagrams showing various con-
`figurations of the system of the present invention.
`FIG. 5 is a network diagram showing communications
`through the system of the present invention.
`FIG. 6 is a chart showing the uses of various data by a
`dispatcher or medical caregiver.
`FIG. 7 is a block diagram of the power management
`This detailed description provides a number of difiererit
`embodiments of the present system. The embodiments pro-
`vided herein are not intended in an exclusive or limited
`sense, and variations may exist in organization. dintension.
`hardware. software. mechanical design and configuration
`without departing from the claimed invention. the scope of
`which is provided by the attached claims and equivalents
`The present system provides many benefits. including but
`not limited to,
`low cost. easy installation. limited power
`requirements and wireless operation and signal transmis-


`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 77-4 Filed 06/26/20 Page 15 of 22 Page ID #:1889
`Case 2:19-cv-06301—AB-KS Document 77-4 Filed 06/26/20 Page 15 of 22 Page ID #:1889
`US 7,088,233 B2
`sion. Many other benefits will be appreciated by those
`skilled in the art upon reading and understanding the present
`U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/098392. filed
`Aug. 29. 1998; US. Provisional Patent Application No.
`60/098270 filed Aug. 28. 1998: US. Provisional Patent
`Application No. 60/105.493 filed Oct. 23. 1998: and US
`Provisional Patent Application No. 60/ 135.862 filed May.
`25. 1999. are all hereby incorporated by reference in their
`Personal Medical Device
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram showing the interoperability of
`a personal medical device (PMD) 100 with a medical device
`interface (MDI) 200 and a network 400. As can be seen. the
`PMD 100 may interact directly with the network 400 or
`through the mediation of the MDI 200. Alternatively, the
`PMD may interact with a personal wireless device 500
`which in turn interacts with the network.
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram depicting the components of
`one embodiment of a PMD 100. In one embodiment. the
`PMD includes a power module 110. The power module 110
`may be a battery or a line cormection. If a battery. it may be
`In one embodiment
`the PMD includes a
`memory 120.
`In one embodiment
`the PMD includes a
`processor 130. The processor 130 executes instructions from
`its programming and also may participate in data transfer
`between other components of the PMD 100.
`Optionally. PMD 100 has connections to related external
`or embedded devices.
`In one embodiment. PMl) 100
`includes connections to delectors 140. Detectors 140 may be
`any sensor of bodily or physiological parameters such as. but
`not limited to: temperature. motion. respiration. blood oxy-
`gen content. electrocardiognun (ECG). electroencephalo-
`gram (EEG). and other measurements.
`Optionally. PMI) 100 has connections to outputs 150. 'Ihe
`outputs may be signaled by changes in voltages. impedance.
`current. magnetic field. electromagnetic energy such as radio
`frequency signals. infrared signals or optical signals. and
`audible or other forms of mechanical energy. The outputs
`may be direct changes of state. analog. or digital in form.
`Several embodiments are possible. and the examples given
`herein are not intended in a limiting or restrictive sense. The
`outputs may be activated and controlled by the medical
`device interface 200 or the processor I30. or by the actuation
`of the detector 140 or a combination of these. The outputs
`150 may be used. for example. to actuate solenoids. operate
`motors. or apply electrical current to the bean.
`Optionally. PMD 100 has connections to data input/output
`ports [60. Data I/O ports 160 may include. but are not
`limited to: serial. parallel. USB. etc.
`Optionally. PMD 100 includes a User Interface Module
`(UIM) 200. The UIM 200 may allow users to View or enter
`data. conduct voice communications. use a camera to trans-
`mit images. or View a screen for graphical images.
`Optionally. PMD 100 includes a wireless communications
`module 300. In one embodiment the wireless communica-
`tions module includes systems and standards for Local Area
`Wireless 330. In one embodiment the wireless communica-
`tions are designed to be Network Based Communications
`(NBC) 360.
`User Interface
`FIG. 3 depicts User Interface Module (UIM) 200. In one
`embodiment of UIM 200. display 220 is included. Display
`220 may be any standard device for displaying information.
`such as a CRT. plasma display. LED. LCD. etc. or equiva-
`touch screen. bar code
`information. such as a keypad.
`telephone keypad. buttons. switches. etc.. or
`In one embodiment of UIM 200, a speaker/microphone
`module 260 is included. Speaker/microphone module may
`be any device for producing sound. such as a speaker or
`microphone or the equivalent.
`In one embodiment ofUIM 200. a camera 280 is included.
`Camera 280 may be a still camera. video camera. etc.
`FIGS. 4A—4E depict various possible wireless communi-
`cation paths that may be used by the PMD 100 to comiect to
`the long-range bi-directional network 400.
`FIG. 4A depicts one embodiment of the present system.
`PMD 100 communicates to Personal Wireless Device
`(PWD) 500 with local area wireless (LAW) 330. PWD 500
`includes a LAW 330 compatible with LAW 330 in PMD
`100. In one embodiment. PWD 500 includes a UIM 200.
`PWD 500 includes network based communications (NBC)
`360. NBC 360 communicates information received from
`LAW 330 to long-range bi-directional network 400.
`FIG. 4B depicts another embodiment of the present sys-
`tem. PMD 100 communicates to the network 400 through
`NBC 360. LAW 330 is not employed.
`FIG. 4C depicts another embodiment of the present sys-
`tem. PMD 100 communicates through data port 160 to
`Medical Device Interface (MDI) 600. In one embodiment.
`MD] 600 includes a UIM 200. In this embodiment. MD] 600
`includes a LAW 330 and communicates to PWD 500
`through LAW 330. PWD 500 includes a LAW 330 compat-
`ible with MDI 600. Preferably. PWI) 500 includes U IM 200.
`Preferably. PWD 500 includes NBC 360 and communicates
`to long-range bi-directional 400 through NBC 360.
`FIG. 41) depicts another embodiment of the present
`system. PMD 100 communicates through data port 160 to
`MD] 600. MDI 600 may include UIM 200. Preferably. MDI
`600 includes NBC 360 and communicates to long-range
`bi-directional network 400 through NBC 360.
`FIG. 4B depicts another embodiment of the present sys-
`tem. PMl) 100 communicates through IAW 330 to another
`PMD 100. which in turn communicates through data port
`160 to a third PMD 100.
`FIG. 4F shows that a single medical device interface 600
`can conununicate simultaneously with multiple PMDs 100.
`About Local Area Wireless Communications
`LAW 330 may include. but is not limited to. infrared or
`radio frequency (RF). Any suitable RF system that conforms
`to FCC requirements and power requirements may be used.
`the BLUE’I‘OO'I‘H standard is used. BLUE-
`TOOTH is a 2.4 GHz wireless technology employed to
`transport data between cellular phones. notebook PCs. and
`other handheld or portable electronic gear at speeds of up to
`l megabit per second. The BLUETOOTH standard was
`developed by the Bluetooth Special
`Interest Group
`(“BSlG”). a consortioum formed by Ericsson. IBM. Intel.
`Nokia. and Toshiba. The BLUETOOTH standard is
`designed to be broadband compatible and capable of simul-
`taneously supporting multiple information sets and
`architecture. transmitting data at relatively high speeds. and
`providing data. sound. and video services on demand. Of
`course. other suitable wireless communication standards and
`methods now existing or developed in the future are con-
`templated in the present invention. In addition. embodiments
`are contemplated that operate in conjunction with a BLUE-
`TOOTH or BLUETOOTH-like wireless conununication
`Preferably the UIM 200 includes data input means 240.
`Data input means may be any standard means for inputting
`standard. protocol. or system where a frequency other than
`2.4 GHZ is employed. or where infrared optical. or other


`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 77-4 Filed 06/26/20 Page 16 of 22 Page ID #:1890
`Case 2:19-cv-06301—AB-KS Document 77-4 Filed 06/26/20 Page 16 of 22 Page ID #:1890
`communication means are employed in conjunction with
`BLUETOOTH or BLUETOOTH-like wireless RF commu-
`module and an optional base station using the short-range
`module or the network module. In one embodiment the
`US 7.088.233 B2
`system may employ different portions of the network to
`provide short-range or
`long-range network connections.
`depending on the distance between the devices and the base
`stations. In one such embodiment. the network automatically
`adjusts for diflemnt required transmission distances.
`In one embodiment. the transceiver is compatible with
`both a long-range communication protocol and a short-range
`communication protocol. For example. a person located a
`long distance away. such as several miles. may communicate
`with the transceiver using a cellular telephone compatible
`with the long-range protocol of transceiver.
`Other short-range communication protocols are also con-
`templated and the foregoing examples are not to be con-
`stmed as limitations but merely as examples.
`About Long-Range Bi-Directional Network Based Commu-
`Long-range network based communications 360 refers to
`a type of communications system that has a greater range
`than LAW 330. primarily because more power is available
`and/or because ofan FCC license.
`NBC 360 may include a long-range wireless communi-
`cations network 362. such as a cellular network. satellite
`network. paging network. narrowband PCS. narrowband
`trunk radio. or other wireless communication network. Corti-
`binations of such networks and other embodiments may be
`substituted without departing from the present system.
`In one emboditnent. the long-range wireless network 362
`a cellular communications network.
`In another
`embodiment. the long-range wireless network is a paging
`network. In another embodiment the long-range wireless
`network is a satellite network. In another embodiment the
`long-range wireless network is a wideband or narrowband
`PCS network. In another embodiment the long-range wire-
`less network is a wideband or narrowband trunk radio
`module. ()ther networks are possible without departing from
`the present system.
`In one embodiment.
`the NBC 360
`supports multiple network systems. such as a cellular mod-
`ule and a two-way paging module. for example.
`In such
`embodiments. the system may prefer one form of network
`communications over another and may switch depending on
`a variety of factors such as available service. signal strength.
`or types of communications being supported. For example.
`the cellular network may be used as a default and the paging
`network may take over once cellular service is either weak
`or otherwise unavailable. Other permutations are possible
`without departing from the present system.
`The long-range wireless network 362 employed may be
`arty consumer or proprietary network designed to serve users
`in range of the detection system. including. but not limited
`to. a cellular network such as analog or digital cellular
`systems employing such protocols and designs as CDPD.
`'I‘E’I‘RATM. DEC'I‘. Data'I‘ACTM. and Mobitex‘l'M.
`RAMNETIM or ArdisTM or other protocols such as trunk
`radio. MicroburstTM. Cellemetrym. satellite. or other ana-
`logue or digital wireless networks or the control channels or
`portions of various networks. The networks may be propri-
`etary or public. special purpose or broadly capable.
`However. these are long-range networks and the meaning
`imposed herein is not to describe a premises or facility based
`type of wireless network.
`The long-range wireless network 362 may employ various
`messaging protocols. In one embodiment Wireless Applica-
`tion Protocol (WAP) is employed as a messaging protocol
`over the network. WAP is a protocol created by an intema-
`nication teclmiques.
`In one embodiment. the present system includes a trans-
`ceiver in compliance with BLUETOOTH'E technical speci-
`fication version 1.0. herein incorporated by reference. In one
`embodiment. the present system includes a transceiver in
`compliance with standards established. or anticipated to be
`established. by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group.
`In one embodiment. the present system includes a trans-
`ceiver in compliance with standards established. or antici-
`pated to be established. by the Institute of Electrical and
`Electronics Engineers.
`(IEEE). The IEEE 802.15
`WPAN standard is anticipated to include the technology
`developed by the BLUETOOTHtE- Special Interest Group.
`WPAN refers to Wireless Personal Area Networks. The
`IEEE 802.15 WPAN standard is expected to define a stan-
`dard for wireless communications within a personal oper—
`ating space (POS) which encircles a person.
`In one

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