Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 120 Filed 01/22/21 Page 1 of 10 Page ID #:3862
`Rachael D. Lamkin (246066)
`One Harbor Drive, Suite 300
`Sausalito, CA 94965
`(916) 747-6091 Telephone
`Michelle L. Marriott (pro hac vice)
`Erise IP, P.A.
`7015 College Blvd.
`Suite 700
`Overland Park, KS 66211
`(913) 777-5600 Telephone
`(913) 777-5601 Facsimile
`Attorneys for Defendants
`Garmin International, Inc. and Garmin Ltd.
` Case No. 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS
`Hearing: February 26, 2021
`10:00 am
`Hon. André Birotte Jr.
`Philips North America LLC,
`Garmin International, Inc. and
`Garmin Ltd.,


`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 120 Filed 01/22/21 Page 2 of 10 Page ID #:3863
`PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on February 26, 2021 at 10:00 AM, or as soon thereafter
`as the matter may be heard before Honorable André Birotte Jr., in Courtroom 7B of the
`United States District Court, Central District of California, located at 350 West First
`Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012, Defendant Garmin will, and hereby does, respectfully
`move pursuant to extend the trial dates until after final decision on the IPR of the asserted
`’233 Patent.
`The grounds for the Motion are set forth in the Motion below. This Motion is
`based on this Notice of Motion, the accompanying Memorandum of Points and
`Authorities, the pleadings and papers on file in this action, and on such other and
`further evidence as may properly be before this Court at the hearing on the Motion.
`This Motion is made following the requested conference of counsel on January 14,
`2021, and again on January 18, 2021, and again on January 20, 2021, and on the
`telephonic discussion on January 21, 2021. The undersigned acknowledges that this
`Motion was filed less than seven days after the telephonic conference of counsel but was
`necessitated by Philips’ delay in participating in said conference and the trial schedule,
`which currently calls for summary judgment motions prior to this motion for an extension
`in the trial schedule.
`/s/ Rachael D. Lamkin
`Rachael D. Lamkin (246066)
`One Harbor Drive, Suite 304
`Sausalito, CA 94965
`Attorney for Defendant
`Garmin USA, Inc.
` Motion to Extend Trial Dates
`CASE NO. 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS


`Case 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS Document 120 Filed 01/22/21 Page 3 of 10 Page ID #:3864
`Philips asserted six patents against Garmin. (Dkt. No. 45, ¶48.) Only three
`remain. The ’007 Patent was invalidated at claim construction (Dkt. No. 102), and
`Philips has voluntarily withdrawn its infringement allegations as to the ’192 Patent. (Dkt.
`No. 113-1, ¶6.) Only the ’233 Patent (expired), the ’377 Patent (expired), and the ’542
`Patent remain at-issue. As noted by this Court in two separate orders, “each of the
`asserted patents generally relate to monitoring a subject’s activity or health condition.
`The patents are all utilized across the same allegedly infringing products and involve
`electronic monitoring of athletes—facts that Plaintiffs also recognize as true.” Order on
`Philips’ Rule 54 Motion, Dkt. No. 118, at 3 (citing Markman Order, Dkt. No. 102, at 2).
`On October 27, 2020, the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (“PTAB”) instituted an
`IPR challenge against all of the asserted claims of the ’233 Patent, finding a “reasonable
`likelihood that Petitioner would prevail” in its invalidity challenge. (Dkt. No. 113-1, ¶7.)
`The PTAB’s final decision must issue on or before a year from institution, or October 27,
`2021. See 35 U.S.C. § 316(a). Further, in 2020, in 79% of the cases, at least some claims
`of the instituted patents were invalidated by the PTAB. In 52% of the cases, all claims of
`the asserted patents were invalidated. (Lamkin Decl., Exh. A) There is thus a near 80%
`probability that at least some of the asserted claims of the ’233 patent will be invalidated
`and a 52% chance that all asserted claims of the’233 Patent will be invalidated on or
`before October 27, 2021.
`Further, just a few days ago, Philips filed its response to the institution decision.
`Motion to Extend
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`(Lamkin Decl, Exh B.) In that response, Philips took positions that if adopted by the
`PTAB, should prompt a non-infringement determination in this case.
`Currently, trial is set for July 27, 2021, three months to the day before the final
`deadline for the PTAB’s decision on the validity of the asserted claims of the ’233 Patent.
`On the data, the PTAB is highly likely to invalidate some or all of the asserted claims of
`the ’233 Patent. And in the unlikely event that the PTAB declines to invalidate all of the
`asserted claims of the ’233, the PTAB may side with Philips on key arguments that will
`in fact demonstrate that the accused products do not infringe the ’233 Patent.
`It would be a quintessential waste of judicial resources to try Philips infringement
`case and Garmin’s invalidity defense of the ’233 on these facts. Moreover, given the
`substantial overlap between the ’233 and the remaining two patents, judicial economy
`warrants an extension of the case schedule until after the PTAB’s final determination on
`October 27, 2021.
`In deciding whether to grant a stay pending inter partes review proceedings (or, as here,
`a mere extension), courts in this District have considered three factors that were originally used
`to consider requests for stays pending the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s reexamination
`proceedings: (1) whether discovery is complete and whether a trial date has been set; (2) whether
`a stay will simplify the issues in question and trial of the case; and (3) whether a stay would
`unduly prejudice or present a clear tactical disadvantage to the nonmoving party. Dataquill Ltd.
`v. Tcl Commun. Tech. Holdings, No. 2:19-cv-03394-AB-PLAx, 2020 U.S. Dist. LEXIS
`Motion to Extend
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`122984, at *3 (C.D. Cal. Apr. 24, 2020) (citing Allergan Inc. v. Cayman Chem. Co., No. SACV
`07-01316 JVS (RNBx), 2009 WL 8591844, at *2 (C.D. Cal. Apr. 9, 2009). While these three
`factors are important, ultimately the totality of the circumstances governs. Id.
`Factor One is Neutral or Slightly Weighs Against an Extension
`“A court’s analysis of the stage of litigation focuses on whether discovery is completed,
`and whether a trial date has been set.” SCA Hygiene Prods. Aktiebolag v. Tarzana Enters., LLC,
`No. CV 17-04395-AB (JPRx), 2017 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 218330, at *7 (C.D. Cal. Sep. 27, 2017)
`(citations omitted). Here, fact discovery is closed but expert discovery remains open. A trial
`date has been set but currently all civil trials in this District are stayed during the Covid 19
`pandemic. As such, a trial date in July seems unlikely. This factor is neutral, or possibly
`weighing against extending the case schedule.
`Factor Two Weighs in Favor of an Extension
`“With regards to IPR, some of the advantages of a stay include the fact that the record of
`the reexamination may be entered at trial[;] that the PTO’s expertise will govern[,] thus
`simplifying the case; that evidentiary and other issues will be further narrowed following a
`reexamination; and that costs will be reduced.” SCA Hygiene Prods. Aktiebolag v. Tarzana
`Enters., LLC, No. CV 17-04395-AB (JPRx), 2017 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 218330, at *10 (C.D. Cal.
`Sep. 27, 2017) (citations omitted). Further, the Court “will benefit from the expert evaluation
`of the issues by the Patent Office.” Id., at *12.
`Motion to Extend
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`Across all three of the remaining patents, Philips has elected to assert twelve claims. Of
`those twelve claims, half are from the ’233 Patent. Thus, if the PTAB invalidates the claims of
`the ’233, half of Philips case will be eliminated.
`There is no need to split this case into two trials in the unlikely event that the claims of
`the ’233 survive IPR. The Parties are using the same experts across all three remaining patents,
`and Garmin will use the same in-house witnesses for all three remaining patents. The reduction
`in resources associated with keeping the three patents together is substantial. Thus, while the
`’233 should without question be stayed/extended, it makes good sense to also stay/extend
`adjudication of the remaining ’377 and ’542 Patents.
`Finally, in its response to the PTAB’s institution, Philips has argued additional claim
`construction positions that would render its infringement case against Garmin here impossible.
`That is, in an attempt to avoid invalidity over strong prior art, Philips has taken the position that
`a failed password log in that prevents all data from being sent to the device cannot meet a
`limitation present in all asserted claims: “(c) a security mechanism governing information
`transmitted between the first personal device and the second device.” ’233, 15:9-11.
`Specifically, Philips argued, “Petitioners rely on Jacobsen’s ‘self-disabling means,’
`which simply renders a device inoperative in the event a user inputs the wrong password.”
`(Petitioner Response, Lamkin Decl., Exh. B, at 8.) “While the ‘self-disabling’ means provides
`“security” in a general sense by disabling a device in the event that a wrong password is entered,
`that mechanism in no way would govern information transmitted between the wrist/sensor unit
`and the soldier unit 50 as required by claim 1.” Id., at 20. “While the claim expressly requires
`Motion to Extend
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`‘a security mechanism governing information transmitted,’ under Petitioners’ and Dr.
`Paradiso’s understanding of the claim, there would be no information transmitted whatsoever in
`the event that a soldier entered the wrong password on the wrist unit or soldier unit and disabled
`the device.” Id., at 21 (emphasis in the original).
`That is, Philips argues that a mechanism such as the wrong password that operates to
`block all information between the personal medical device and the second device cannot meet
`the limitation at issue. As will be shown through expert testimony if the claims of the ’233
`survive, Garmin’s password system works the same as Jacobson’s. Thus, if the PTAB
`determines Jacobson is not prior art based on Philips’ arguments, its reasoning can be employed
`by this Court to rule at summary judgment that the accused product don’t infringe.
`The same is true for Philips’ argument, “the ’233 patent explains how it provides a system
`with “multiple levels of prioritization, authentication of a person (task, step, process or
`order), and confirmation via interrogation of person, device, or related monitor.” Id., at 19
`(citing ’233 Patent, Abstract, Martin Decl., Ex. 2026, ¶¶23, 70) (emphasis by Philips). If the
`PTAB agrees with Philips that the “security mechanism” of the asserted claims of the ’233
`require multiples levels of access, none of the accused products infringe the claims of the ’233
`In sum, statistically the PTAB should invalidate some or all of the claims of the ’233. If
`not, the PTAB may rely upon arguments made by Philips to distinguish the prior art. If so,
`Garmin’s products will not infringe. Thus, regardless of the outcome of the PTAB’s final
`determination, half of this case could be eliminated. This strongly favors a stay/extension.
`Motion to Extend
`CASE NO. 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS


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`Prong Three Favors an Extension
`At prong three, the Court analyzes whether a stay/extension would unduly prejudice or
`present a clear tactical disadvantage to the non-moving party. SCA Hygiene Prods., at *12
`(citations omitted). The delay inherent to the reexamination process does not constitute, by
`itself, undue prejudice. Id. In analyzing this factor, courts have looked to considerations such
`as the timing of the requests for reexamination and a stay, the status of the reexamination
`proceedings, and the relationship of the parties. Id., at *13.
`Philips first accused Garmin of infringing the ’233 Patent in February 2016. (FAC, Dkt.
`No. 45, ¶43.) Garmin disagreed, providing evidence and reasoning in support of its non-
`infringement and invalidity positions. Philips waited more than three years to file the instant
`litigation. During this litigation, Philips has requested and the Parties have jointly sought
`multiple informal and formal requests for extensions in the case schedule. See, e.g., Dkt. Nos.
`27, 30, 89, 103. Philips is demonstrably not prejudiced by extensions in the trial schedule. See
`SCA Hygiene Prods., at *14 (“Seeing as how SCA delayed in bringing this action in the first
`place, its arguments of prejudice are unpersuasive.”)
`Totality of the Circumstances Favors a Stay
`Philips has not been in a rush to get to trial. Further, half of Philips’ original case has
`already been eliminated and the instituted IPR is highly likely to halve Philips’ case yet again.
`A stay/extension would likely benefit the parties and the Court by at least simplifying an issue
`or issues in this case.
`Motion to Extend
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`Garmin respectfully asks that this Honorable Court extend the trial schedule until after
`the PTAB’s Final Determination, as set forth in the proposed order filed with this Motion.
`Respectfully submitted, Dated: January 22, 2021
`/s/ Rachael D. Lamkin
`Rachael D. Lamkin (246066)
`One Harbor Drive, Suite 304
`Sausalito, CA 94965
`Attorney for Defendant
`Garmin USA, Inc.
`Michelle L. Marriott (pro hac vice)
`Erise IP, P.A.
`7015 College Blvd., Suite 700
`Overland Park, KS 66211
`(913) 777-5600 Telephone
`(913) 777-5601 Facsimile
`Motion to Extend
`CASE NO. 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS


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`On this date, January 22, 2021, I did personally serve upon counsel for Philips via
`this Court’s ECF system the following documents:
`Notice of Motion
`Lamkin Declaration & Supporting Documents
`/s/ Rachael D. Lamkin
`Rachael D. Lamkin (246066)
`Motion to Extend
`CASE NO. 2:19-cv-06301-AB-KS

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