Apple's Retail Store Design is Now a Registerable Trademark in Germany

Apple is famous, or maybe infamous, for its comprehensive approach to IP protection. One of the latest victories for the computer giant comes out of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). On July 10, 2014, the CJEU issued a preliminary ruling that a distinctive store layout may be registered as a protected trademark with the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA).

Procedural History

The procedural history of this ruling takes us back across the pond.
Tags: Legal-News

Apple Denied Permanent Injunction Against Samsung’s Smartphones

On August 27, 2014, California Federal District Court Judge Lucy Koh denied Apple’s request for a permanent injunction against Samsung, which would have prevented the telecom giant from “making, selling, developing or advertising” features in its products that infringed on three of Apple’s patents. Apple, Inc. v. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. et al, No. 5:12-cv-00630-LHK, slip op at 1 (N.D. Cal. August 27, 2014). In her ruling,Judge Koh cited Apple’s failure to demonstrate any irreparable harm it was likely to suffer as a result of Samsung’s exploitation of Apple’s patented features as the basis for denial.
Tags: Legal-News

A Comparison of the Federal Patent Court of Germany and the PTAB

After the United States, Germany has the second most active patent docket in the world. With so much activity, Germany has a body dedicated to patent invalidity and appeal proceedings, known as the Federal Patent Court (“Bundespatentgericht”). This forum has original jurisdiction over challenges to a patent’s validity and appellate jurisdiction over decisions issued by the German Patent and Trademark Office (“DPMA”).

Similarities Between PTAB and Germany’s Federal Patent Court

Similar to America’s Patent Trial and Appeal Board (“PTAB”), the Federal Patent Court of Germany provides parties with an alternative to civil litigation for patent disputes.
Tags: PTAB

Who Are the PTAB Judges?

With over eight USPTO regional offices across the country, there are more than 170 Patent Trial and Appeals Board (PTAB) administrative judges currently on the bench. Who are these judges? What are their backgrounds? What should attorneys know before appearing in front of a PTAB panel?


While the PTAB judges come from a variety of backgrounds, they share a similar set of qualifications.

First Ever Post Grant Review Petition Filed in PTAB

What is a Post Grant Review?

Post Grant Review (PGR), another product of the America Invents Act (AIA), is an invalidity proceeding that went into effect September 16, 2012. Along with Inter Partes Review, PGR is meant to phase out Inter Partes Reexamination. The petitioning party has up to nine months after the a patent is granted to file a PGR petition to invalidate one or more claims of the patent in question.

First PGR Petition: LaRose Industries, LLC v. Choon’s Design, Inc.

UPDATE: PTAB Denies All Three Of Catapult Innovations Derivation Petitions Filed Against Adidas AG

The last decision in a trio of derivation petitions filed by Catapult Innovations against adidas AG has been released by the PTAB. In derivation proceeding DER2014-00005, Catapult filed a petition for derivation against adidas AG, alleging its U.S. Pat. App. 13/543,428 was derived from Catapult’s invention disclosed in U.S. Pat. App. 14/045,954.

Again, the Catapult disclosure in question, for purposes of proving derivation in this petition, is the same disclosure referred to in Case DER2014-00002 and Case DER2014-00006— a two-day presentation and demonstration given by Catapult’s CEO to adidas AG subsidiary AWSE, during which technical information regarding the subject matter of Catapult’s application was disclosed.

On July 18, 21014, the PTABdenied Catapult’s petition for the same reasons the petitions in DER2014-00002 and DER2014-00006 were denied.

PTAB Denies First Two of Three Derivation Petitions Filed by Catapult Innovations Against adidas AG

Derivation Proceedings
Along with the switch from a “first to invent” to a “first to file” patent system, the America Invents Act (AIA) created a new proceeding to deal with disputes over the true inventor of the subject matter of a patent application – Derivation Proceedings.

Using Docket Alarm to Research an Expert on PACER

In high stakes litigation, an expert’s testimony can be determinative of the outcome of a case. It is of the utmost importance to ensure your expert is not only qualified and experienced in their area of expertise, but has offered credible testimony in past litigation

Using Docket Alarm, you can quickly search for a particular individual and find all of their litigation history in the US Court PACER database. Using terms and connectors, you can conduct a search of PACER dockets and documents that leverages the relationship between the expert’s name and keywords indicative of the expert’s credibility.

Terms and Connectors Searching With Docket Alarm

Docket Alarm can conduct natural language searches and terms and connectors searches. Searching with natural language is easy, just type what you’re looking for and we’ll find the most relevant documents.

Terms and connectors searching provides a high level of precision that can help narrow down search results. Docket Alarm supports many terms and connectors, including Boolean, proximity, stemming, wildcard, and phrase searches.

Below is a summary of Docket Alarm’s connectors:

Find documents containing all connected terms.

The New Resource for All Things PACER

Part important public resource, part anachronistic PDF filing cabinet, PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) is outdated at best and downright primitive at worst.

Announcing Our New Search Engine for the PTAB

Docket Alarm is proud to announce the release of its search engine for the Patent Trial Appeal Board.It is currently the only search engine dedicated solely to PTAB decisions, providing instant access to every docket and document produced by the PTAB, including every decision, petition, motion and most exhibits. The PTAB search engine allows you to search dockets, documents or both dockets and documents simultaneously.

The PTAB Improves on Federal District Court Shortcomings

The Patent Trial and Appeal Board was created in response to the America Invents Act (AIA) and opened for business on September 16, 2012.The court is now the newest venue to challenge patent validity.

One advantage to challenging a patent in the PTAB over Federal District Courts is that the patent is not presumed to be valid as it is in District Court litigation, which can be incredibly difficult for challengers to overcome.

Docket Alarm Enters Private Beta

We are proud to announce the Docket Alarm has entered private beta. Select users can enter the site and get updates to all Federal Court litigation and I.T.C. litigation. As we gain more confidence in the system, we will be opening it up to more users. If you would like to be included in the beta program, please email
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