August 12, 2020

Never miss a deadline again.

Hannah H

Never miss a deadline again.

Synchronize court deadlines with your team's Outlook calendars.

Docket Alarm’s calendar feature automatically extracts deadlines from judge’s orders making it easy for you to add them to multiple calendars in 1-click. This feature combines the most state-of-the-art docket research platform with a robust set of court rules to calculate any deadline.

More Courts & More API Coverage in Docket Alarm

Industry-leading coverage to support the most comprehensive research

In June, Docket Alarm met an exciting milestone: over 400 million dockets and over 900 counties are now included in Docket Alarm's coverage, in addition to federal courts and agencies.

Today, we're proud to announce Docket Alarm has expanded to include the courts listed below.

Docket Alarm has reached a huge milestone: 400 Million Dockets

In early June, Docket Alarm reached a milestone of making more than 400 million legal dockets and documents available for litigators and subscribers gathering legal analytics and insights.These documents include briefs motions, complaints, and other docket items that litigators want at their fingertips.“Today, more than ever, we all see the integral role that law plays in our society,” said Docket Alarm Founder and Managing Director Michael Sander.“Transparency and easy access to legal materials is a prerequisite to a well-functioning legal system.

It's easier than ever for attorneys to get work done with new features in Docket Alarm

Docket Alarmis proud to launch a feature-packed website refresh, making it easier than ever for attorneys to get work done and find new business.

Find More Business

It's now easier than ever to get notifications when your clients get sued. Just type in your firm's name, and we'll pull in your client list and send you new lawsuit alerts on a regular basis.

Higher Quality Research

A more unified search bar experience makes it easier than ever to find all relevant dockets, slip-opinions, motions, and exhibits, that you need to support your client.

Court Opinion Digests

Get slip opinions from the courts you care about as soon as they are published.

Do you have any questions about Docket Alarm? Click here to schedule timewith our team to get your personalized walkthrough.

Free Docket Alarm Accounts for Pro Bono Attorneys During COVID-19

Hi Friends,

As our nation deals with this national crisis, I know that many law firms and individual lawyers are stepping up their pro bono activities to help ease the stress on providing legal services and on the entire legal system generally.

At Docket Alarm, we want to do our part, however small.
Tags: free covid-19

Docket Alarm Adds U.S. Patent Application Prosecution History

Docket Alarm Expands Coverage With Data From PAIR
Docket Alarm has expanded its coverage to U.S. Patent Application prosecution history from the Patent Application Information Retrieval(PAIR) system and all of the underlying documents.

The Docket Alarm team will be showcasing the PAIR addition at the upcomingAIPLA 2019 Annual Meetingon October 24-26thin Washington, D.C.

“If a patent gets enforced, the action usually takes place in U.S. District Courts or the I.T.C. and invalidity challenges often come before the PTAB, but it all starts at the USPTO,” says Docket Alarm Founder and Managing Director Michael Sander.

Docket Alarm Announces New Clio Integrations

Platform Allows Tracking and Management of Cases in Multiple Courts from Clio

Docket Alarm has teamed up with Clio’s practice management software to create a seamless process for attorneys to track and manage their cases.

The timing couldn’t be better: With the Clio Cloud Conference 2019 on legal technology coming to San Diego on October 21 and 22, the Docket Alarm integration showcases Clio’s app marketplace, enabled by a robust API integration with services such as Fastcase legal research and Docket Alarm docket tracking and research tools.

The new integration allows Clio users to synchronize their document library with the court, via Docket Alarm's direct court connection.

New Calendaring Solution Added to Docket Alarm Platform

Docket Alarm is excited to announce an innovative new calendaring feature that binds the work of docketing professionals more closely to attorneys. This feature will be showcased during the National Docketing Association’s 7th Annual Conference this September 22-24 in Denver, CO.

The calendaring feature combines the most state of the art docket research platform with a robust set of court rules to calculate any deadline:
  • Track cases with lightning-fast updates, whether or not your firm has made a notice of appearance;
  • Search through entire case records to find documents in your own or related cases;
  • Research court rules and scheduling orders, and how individual judges have applied them in the past, quickly find sample documents;
  • Calendar deadlines quickly, by simply selecting a docket entry, and synching it with all attorneys on the case.

Docket Alarm Enhances Litigation Hub with Deadline Display

New Feature Aids Litigation by Exporting and Extracting Deadlines from Dockets

Washington, DC(March 14, 2019) –Docket Alarm by Fastcase, a leader in litigation analytics and docket research, today debuted “deadline display” – a new docket feature that extracts and exports deadlines from dockets.

Docket Alarm’s “Analytics Workbench” Pioneers Customizable Legal Analytics for All Cases, All Practice Areas

A New Category of Tools for the Growing Class of “Makers” in U.S. Law Firms

Washington, DC(July 5, 2018) – Docket Alarm by Fastcase, a leader in litigation analytics and data-based judicial profiles, has released the Analytics Workbench, a new category of legal analytics tools.

Integrations Between Fastcase and Docket Alarm

Now you can seamlessly move from court dockets, briefs, and pleadings that cite case law to view the case in Fastcase without a separate login. These are public links so you can immediately share the cited cases with courts, clients, paralegals, or anyone else.

On the left hand column of the document view screen, click on the ribbon icon to see cases organized by year and to link to the case text within Fastcase.

Leverage Your Research History with Docket Alarm Search History

Docket Alarm is excited to announce the release of visual search history, allowing you to easily track and browse your past research activity. Having search history at your fingertips means you never have to waste time reconstructing a previous search or digging up a document you previously found. If you find a great case or formulate a good search string, it will be automatically saved in your history log.

Search History on Docket Alarm
Picking up on a query from a prior session is easy— scroll through the entries in your search history log and select a query with a single click to instantly re-run the search or access a previously viewed docket or document.

Featured on Patently-O: Docket Alarm's Latest Article Unpacks Gender Diversity With Legal Analytics

Docket Alarm's latest article,Gender Analytics: Using Litigation Data to Evaluate Law Firm Diversity,explores how legal analytics can be used to conduct an in depth analysis of gender imbalances at law firms. By analyzing the gender of attorney appearances, Docket Alarm's analytics use litigation data to identify firms that are making a real commitment to gender diversity.

Read the full article atPatently-O.

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Easily Find Top Attorneys with Docket Alarm's New Analytics Tool

Just in time for the annual AALL conference, Docket Alarm is excited to announce the addition of attorney analytics to its analytics platform. Now, along with being able to view analytics on parties, judges, and law firms, users can see how individual attorneys are performing in the PTAB.

The attorney analytics tool allows users to identify top attorneys based on the number of proceedings in which they have participated, along with the parties they typically represent, the tech centers they focus on, their success rate.

Show Me the Money: Quickly Find Court Damages Awards, Verdicts, Judgments, and Fines by Dollar Amount

Docket Alarm is excited to announce a new search feature that makes researching damages awards and jury verdicts fast and easy.

Researching dollar amounts in litigation is a common task, as parties often seek to understand their potential financial exposure or recovery by analyzing cases similar to their own. Previously, researching jury verdicts, damages, or other types of amounts in controversy was arduous. Researchers needed to either go through each case one-by-one or search for language that was often used in close proximity, such as the terms “damages” or “award.” Unfortunately, manually reviewing each document is extremely time consuming, and using too many shortcuts may result in overlooking relevant documents.

Docket Alarm has solved this problem.
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