November 25, 2015

How Do You Research PTAB Decisions?

Tara Klamrowski

How Do You Research PTAB Decisions?

The Patent Trial and Appeal Board, or PTAB, has been steadily gaining momentum since its inception inSeptember 2012. Recognizing the need for lawyers to navigate the ever-growing list of decisions, Docket Alarm has created the first and only dedicated PTAB legal research engine and analytics platform.

Docket Alarm’s database contains every published PTAB decision and features a dashboard with quick links to different categories of recent decisions. To make finding relevant information even easier, Docket Alarm has also created numerous one-click filters that allow users to parse through results by specific criteria.

The Difference Between a Good and Great Junior Attorney.

Law is competitive, and it can be difficult for young attorneys to stand out at their firms. However, junior associates can give themselves an edge by taking an active interest in their practice and their firm’s business. Here are some specific ways junior attorneys can separate themselves from the pack.

Know Your Practice Area

This goes without saying, but great junior attorneys don’t just clock in and clock out, they have a healthy intellectual curiosity about what is going on in their practice area.

Pinterest Loses Major Battle Against "Pinning" on the Internet

Yesterday, a federal court issued a major ruling against social media giant Pinterest in a trademark infringement lawsuit against much smaller startup Pintrips.

Pinterest is America’s third largest social network behind Facebook and Twitter. The company is currently valued at $11 billion and has an estimated 80 million monthly users. Users view, share, and organize content by creating “pins” on their virtual pin boards.

Pintrips is self-described as a collaborative trip-planning dashboard for tracking flights and prices across destinations in real time.

What's Scaring Copyright Trolls: The Legal Tech Used to Manage the Onslaught

What kind of company makes no creative works but earns millions of dollars a year suing random people on the internet in the name of copyright law? You guessed it, a copyright troll. Much like patent trolls, copyright trolls are entities that do not create or distribute creative content, yet acquire copyrights to creative works in order to file lawsuits against accused infringers.

When the Government Shuts Down: Third Party Data Providers Step Up

From August 29 to September 6, 2015, servers operated by the United States Copyright Office, were down. For more than eight days, hundreds of applicants had to jump through hoops to file a copyright.

The Copyright Office’s electronic filing system, known as “eCO”, was taken offline “to accommodate a scheduled annual power outage to allow routine maintenance by the Architect of the Capitol,” according to the Office.However, at the end of the blackout period, the Library’s information technology office could not bring the servers back online, along with several other Library managed government sites.

Victory for SpaceX: PTAB Cancels Blue Origin Patent

In a victory for aerospace company SpaceX, the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) issued a decision on August 27th canceling 13 claims in a rocket sea-landing patent owned by competitor Blue Origin, a space venture backed by Amazon’s Jeff Bezos.

The patent at issue, U.S. Patent No. 8,678,321 B2 (the “’321 patent”), describes a method of vertically landing a rocket booster on a floating platform after launch.

PTAB Hits a Quarter-Million Filings

Founded almost three years ago, the Patent Trial Appeal Board ("PTAB") has exploded in popularity as the venue of choice for challenging patent validity. This week, the PTAB reached a symbolic, but nevertheless real milestone:exceeding a quarter million document filingsin the court.
Tags: PTAB

Automate Financial Due Diligence with Docket Alarm

Commercial banks, investment banks, brokerages, and other financial institutions spend an inordinate amount of time on due diligence: researching a potential debtor’s financial history and quantifying the amount of risk of a particular investment or loan. Much of this diligence can be automated.

There are hundreds of thousands of bankruptcies filed every year. Banks and other financiers use Docket Alarm to research personal and commercial bankruptcy records. Financial institutions can easily see if a potential corporate customer is solvent or has declared bankruptcy in the past. Using Docket Alarm’s API, searches can be automated, leading to an enormous savings in efficiency over manual searching.

In addition to bankruptcies, Docket Alarm automates access to court recordsinvolving your clients' and debtors’ litigation.

War of the Fitness Trackers: Adidas v. Under Armour

Back in February of 2014, German sportswear giant Adidas filed a patent infringement suit against competitor Under Armour, Inc. in United States District Court for the District of Delaware.

Adidas accused Under Armour and its newly acquired fitness tracker subsidiary, MapMyFitness, Inc., of infringing ten of its patents.

Advanced Search Tools to Find the Right Court Decision

Terms and connectors searching allow users to string together multiple complex queries. Say you are searching for §112 issues in a patent case. You may search for “written description invalidity” to find relevant information. However, this search will return any result that uses those three words. By using terms and connectors, you can narrow your query: (written w/3 description) w/10 invalidity. This query indicates that you are looking for results where the word “description” appears within three words of “written”, and “invalidity” appears within ten words of that combination.

Terms and connectors searching is also helpful in finding cases whose characteristics match your own.

Rapper and Mogul 50 Cent Files for Bankruptcy

50 Cent’s moniker has ceased being figurative— the rapper and business mogul has filed for bankruptcy in Connecticut’s Bankruptcy Court.

Curtis James Jackson III, known by his stage name “50 Cent” or “Fiddy”, started his career as a successful rap artist, rising to the top of the charts and taking in millions of dollars in royalties annually.

Get the Fastest SCOTUS News Alerts, Such As the Court's Recent Same Sex Marriage Decision

On July 26, the Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges that states must recognize same-sex marriage. The long awaited decision was 5-4, with Justice Kennedy casting the swing vote in favor of upholding same-sex unions. In his opinion for the majority, Kennedy wrote:

No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family.

How Can I Track Companies Being Sued?

Docket Alarm’s comprehensive platform has many tools to help you keep track of companies and their legal affairs. For example, Docket Alarm’s email alert tool helps keep you informed of the latest litigation developments involving a specific company. When a new lawsuit is filed that the company is a party to, or when there is a new development in an existing case involving that company, an update will be sent right to your inbox.

To create an email alert for a particular company, simply enter the company’s name in Docket Alarm’s Federal Court Case Alert Tool and click on the “View New Lawsuits” button.

Performing Citizen Legal Research and Analysis with Docket Alarm

In addition to lawyers and professionals, regular citizens can benefit from having access to Docket Alarm’s legal research platform to uncover litigation history and stay informed of the latest lawsuits and cases. Here are four ways the public can use Docket Alarm to their benefit.
1. Conduct Due Diligence
Citizens can use Docket Alarm to research potential employers or business partners.

Saint Laurent Does Not Find Your Parody Funny

Creating a parody of a well-recognized brand is a popular way to captivate the public, à la the “Dumb Starbucks” phenomenon that took the internet by storm last year and had LA residents lining up around the block for a cup of “dumb coffee.”

But is this type of witty commentary legal? Well, as any lawyer will tell you, it depends.

Parody can be raised as a defense to a trademark or copyright infringement lawsuit.
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