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3,036 results

James E. Snyder, Petitioner v. United States

Docket 23-108, Supreme Court of the United States (Aug. 3, 2023)
Petitioner James E. Snyder
Respondent United States
Other American Center for Law and Justice
cite Cite Docket

Dennis Merritt v. Joseph Grady, et al

Docket 24-2329, U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit (Aug. 1, 2024)
Racketeer/Corrupt Organization (Appeals)
Case Type3470 Racketeer/Corrupt Organization
Tags3470 Racketeer / Corrupt Organization, 3470 Racketeer / Corrupt Organization
Plaintiff - Appellant DENNIS R. MERRITT
Defendant - Appellee JOSEPH GRADY, Judge
Defendant - Appellee BRADLEY DAVID, Judge
cite Cite Docket

Dennis Merritt v. Joseph Grady, et al

Docket 24-1308, U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit (Feb. 28, 2024)
Racketeer/Corrupt Organization (Appeals)
Case Type3470 Racketeer/Corrupt Organization
Tags3470 Racketeer / Corrupt Organization, 3470 Racketeer / Corrupt Organization
Plaintiff - Appellant DENNIS R. MERRITT
Defendant - Appellee JOSEPH GRADY, Judge
Defendant - Appellee BRADLEY DAVID, Judge
cite Cite Docket

Michael Coscia, Petitioner v. United States

Docket 21-946, Supreme Court of the United States (Dec. 28, 2021)
Petitioner Michael Coscia
Respondent United States
cite Cite Docket

Novo Nordisk A/S et al v. Midwest Alternative Treatment Clinic, P.C.

Docket 1:24-cv-12804, Illinois Northern District Court (Dec. 12, 2024)
Honorable Jeremy C. Daniel, presiding
Cause15:1051 Trademark Infringement
Case Type840 Trademark
Tags840 Trademark, 840 Trademark
DeadlineThe defendant shall respond to the complaint on or before March 28, 2025.
DeadlineStatus hearing set for 2/6/2025 is reset to 4/3/2025 at 9:30 a.m. Mailed notice.
Plaintiff Novo Nordisk A/S
Defendant Midwest Alternative Treatment Clinic, P.C.
cite Cite Docket

Sky Business Credit, LLC v. Herwood et al

Docket 1:24-cv-11142, Illinois Northern District Court (Oct. 29, 2024)
Honorable April M. Perry, presiding
Racketeer/Corrupt Organization
Cause18:1962 Racketeering (RICO) Act
Case Type470 Racketeer/Corrupt Organization
Tags470 Racketeer / Corrupt Organization, 470 Racketeer / Corrupt Organization
Plaintiff Sky Business Credit, LLC
Defendant Gary Herwood
Defendant Dawn Herwood aka Dawn Chapman and DM Chapman
cite Cite Docket

Merritt v. Grady, et al

Docket 1:23-cv-16243, Illinois Northern District Court (Nov. 27, 2023)
the Honorable Andrea R. Wood, presiding
Racketeer/Corrupt Organization
Cause28:1331 Federal Question
Case Type470 Racketeer/Corrupt Organization
Tags470 Racketeer / Corrupt Organization, 470 Racketeer / Corrupt Organization
Plaintiff Dennis R. Merritt
Defendant Judge Joseph Grady
Defendant Judge Bradley David
cite Cite Docket

Fund Recovery Services, LL v. Kuhlman, Jr., John A., et al.

Docket 2022-L-009861, Illinois State, Cook County, Circuit Court (Nov. 2, 2022)
JOHN J CURRY, JR., presiding.
DivisionLaw Division
Case TypeFraud - Jury
TagsFraud, Jury
Plaintiff Fund Recovery Services, LL
Defendant Kuhlman, Jr., John A.
Defendant Tomaszkiewicz, Sean
cite Cite Docket
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