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1,820 results

NetChoice, LLC, dba NetChoice, et al., Petitioners v. Ken Paxton, Attorney Genera...

Docket 22-555, Supreme Court of the United States (Dec. 19, 2022)
Petitioner NetChoice, LLC, dba NetChoice, et al.
Respondent Angela Colmenero, in her Official Capacity as Provisional Attorney General of Texas
Respondent Ken Paxton, Attorney General of Texas
cite Cite Docket

Ashley Moody, Attorney General of Florida, et al., Petitioners v. NetChoice, LLC, db...

Docket 22-277, Supreme Court of the United States (Sept. 23, 2022)
Petitioner Ashley Moody, Attorney General of Florida, et al.
Respondent Netchoice, LLC, et al.
Other National Security Experts
cite Cite Docket

Reynaldo Gonzalez, et al., Petitioners v. Google LLC

Docket 21-1333, Supreme Court of the United States (Apr. 6, 2022)
Petitioner Reynaldo Gonzalez, et al.
Respondent Google LLC
Other National Security Experts
cite Cite Docket

Steven Douglas Freeman v. Landon Northcutt

Docket 11-24-00251-CV, Texas State, 11th Court of Appeals (Sept. 11, 2024)
Case TypeMiscellaneous/other civil
TagsMiscellaneous, Other, Civil
Appellant Steven Douglas Freeman
Appellee Landon Northcutt
cite Cite Docket

Edward Gelin v. Kyle Shuman

Docket 21-1498, U.S. Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit (Apr. 29, 2021)
Civil Rights - Jobs (Appeals)
Case Type3442 Civil Rights - Jobs
Tags3442 Civil Rights, Jobs, 3442 Civil Rights, Jobs
Plaintiff - Appellant EDWARD GELIN
Plaintiff - Appellant DEBORAH GELIN, as personal representatives of the Estate of Ashleigh Gelin, and for themselves
Defendant - Appellee KYLE SHUMAN, individually and as an agent/employee of Baltimore County, Maryland
cite Cite Docket

Bay Country Consumer Finance Inc. v. HIT Portfolio I GBGL Owner LLC et al

Docket 1:23-cv-01925, Maryland District Court (July 19, 2023)
District Judge Ellen Lipton Hollander, presiding.
Personal Injury - Other

cite Cite Docket

One Hour Air Conditioning Franchising SPE LLC v. Zubie Air, Inc. et al

Docket 1:23-cv-00739, Maryland District Court (March 17, 2023)
Judge Stephanie A. Gallagher, presiding.

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Edward Gelin v. Baltimore County, Maryland

Docket 20-1141, U.S. Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit (Feb. 7, 2020)
Civil Rights - Other (Appeals)

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