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ParkerVision, Inc. v. MediaTek Inc. et al

Docket 6:23-cv-00732, Texas Western District Court (Oct. 27, 2023)
Judge Alan D Albright, presiding
Cause35:271 Patent Infringement
Case Type830 Patent
Tags830 Patent, 830 Patent
DeadlineORDER GRANTING 45 Motion for Entry of Scheduling Order : Markman Hearing set for 6/12/2025 09:00 AM before Judge Alan D Albright
DeadlineJoinder of Parties due by 7/29/2025
Plaintiff ParkerVision, Inc.
Defendant MediaTek Inc.
Defendant MediaTek USA Inc.
cite Cite Docket

ParkerVision, Inc. v. NXP Semiconductors N.V. et al

Docket 6:23-cv-00389, Texas Western District Court (May 19, 2023)
Judge Alan D Albright, presiding
Cause35:271 Patent Infringement
Case Type830 Patent
Tags830 Patent, 830 Patent
DeadlineDispositive Motions due by 6/2/2025.
DeadlineFinal Pretrial Conference set for 8/1/2025 before Judge Alan D Albright.
Plaintiff ParkerVision, Inc.
Defendant NXP Semiconductors N.V.
Defendant NXP B.V.
cite Cite Docket

ParkerVision, Inc. v. Texas Instruments Incorporated

Docket 6:23-cv-00384, Texas Western District Court (May 18, 2023)
Judge Alan D Albright, presiding
Cause35:271 Patent Infringement
Case Type830 Patent
Tags830 Patent, 830 Patent
DeadlinePretrial Conference set for 4/16/2025 before Judge Alan D Albright
DeadlineJury Trial set for 5/7/2025 before Judge Alan D Albright, Jury Selection set for 5/7/2025 before Judge Derek T. Gilliland
Plaintiff ParkerVision, Inc.
Defendant Texas Instruments Incorporated
Counter Defendant ParkerVision, Inc.
cite Cite Docket

ParkerVision, Inc. v. MediaTek Inc. et al

Docket 6:23-cv-00375, Texas Western District Court (May 16, 2023)
Judge Alan D Albright, presiding
Cause35:271 Patent Infringement
Case Type830 Patent
Tags830 Patent, 830 Patent
Deadline7/25/2025 Close of Fact Discovery
Deadline7/25/2025 Close of Fact Discovery 8/12/2025 Opening Expert Reports 9/12/2025 Rebuttal Expert Reports 9/26/2025 Close of Expert Discovery 9/30/2025 Deadline for the second of two meet and confer to discuss narrowing the number of claims asserted and prior art references prior art combinations at issue to triable limits.
Plaintiff ParkerVision, Inc.
Defendant MediaTek Inc.
Defendant MediaTek USA Inc.
cite Cite Docket

ParkerVision, Inc. v. Realtek Semiconductor Corp.

Docket 6:23-cv-00374, Texas Western District Court (May 16, 2023)
Judge Alan D Albright, presiding
Cause35:271 Patent Infringement
Case Type830 Patent
Tags830 Patent, 830 Patent
Patent10148257; 10158387; 6302321; 6879817; 7865177; 9118528, 10148257, 10158387, 6302321, 6879817, 7865177, 9118528
DeadlineJURY TRIAL DEMANDED ORDER AMENDING SCHEDULE Pursuant to Rule 16 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and for the good cause shown, the Court ORDERS that the following amended schedule will govern deadlines up to and including the trial of this matter: Original Deadline 12/4/2024 1/8/2025 2/7/2025 2/19/2025 2/14/2025 Amended Deadline 1/24/2025 3/7/2025 4/18/2025 4/30/2025 4/25/2025 Item Close of Fact Discovery., 3/28/2025 8/26/2025 4/11/2025 4/16/2025 9/9/2025 9/11/2025 4/25/2025 9/23/2025 5/2/2025 10/7/2025 5/9/2025 10/17/2025 5/16/2025 10/17/2025 5/23/2025 10/20/2025 6/27/2025 10/27/2025 7/7/2025 11/14/2025 Signed and ORDERED November 6, 2024.
DeadlineJURY TRIAL DEMANDED ORDER AMENDING SCHEDULE Pursuant to Rule 16 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and for the good cause shown, the Court ORDERS that the following amended schedule will govern deadlines up to and including the trial of this matter: Original Deadline 12/4/2024 1/8/2025 2/7/2025 2/19/2025 2/14/2025 Amended Deadline 1/24/2025 3/7/2025 4/18/2025 4/30/2025 4/25/2025 Item Close of Fact Discovery.
Special Master Dr. Joshua Yi
Plaintiff ParkerVision, Inc.
Defendant Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
cite Cite Docket

ParkerVision, Inc. v. Realtek Semiconductor Corp.

Docket 6:22-cv-01162, Texas Western District Court (Nov. 10, 2022)
Judge Alan D Albright, presiding
Cause35:271 Patent Infringement
Case Type830 Patent
Tags830 Patent, 830 Patent
Patent6049706; 6266518; 6302321; 7292835; 8660513, 6049706, 6266518, 6302321, 7292835, 8660513
Deadline4/11/2025 Serve objections to pretrial disclosures/rebuttal disclosures., 3/14/2025 5/16/2025 3/28/2025 4/11/2025 4/16/2025 4/25/2025 5/2/2025 PVI: 5/23/2025 PVII: 8/26/2025 PVI: 6/4/2025 PVII: 9/9/2025 PVI: 6/6/2025 PVII: 9/11/2025 PVI: 6/13/2025 PVII: 9/23/2025 PVI: 6/20/2025 PVII: 10/7/2025 5/9/2025 PVI: 6/23/2025 PVII: 10/17/2025 5/16/2025 5/23/2025
Deadline4/16/2025 Parties to jointly email the Court’s law clerk (See OGP at 1) to confirm their pretrial conference and trial dates., 3/14/2025 5/16/2025 3/28/2025 4/11/2025 4/16/2025 4/25/2025 5/2/2025 PVI: 5/23/2025 PVII: 8/26/2025 PVI: 6/4/2025 PVII: 9/9/2025 PVI: 6/6/2025 PVII: 9/11/2025 PVI: 6/13/2025 PVII: 9/23/2025 PVI: 6/20/2025 PVII: 10/7/2025 5/9/2025 PVI: 6/23/2025 PVII: 10/17/2025 5/16/2025 5/23/2025
Plaintiff ParkerVision, Inc.
Defendant Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
Movant Michael Bultman
cite Cite Docket

ParkerVision, Inc. v. MediaTek Inc. et al

Docket 6:22-cv-01163, Texas Western District Court (Nov. 10, 2022)
Judge Alan D Albright, presiding
Cause35:271 Patent Infringement
Case Type830 Patent
Tags830 Patent, 830 Patent
DeadlineJury Selection set for 4/11/2025 before Judge Derek T. Gilliland
DeadlineJury Trial set for 4/14/2025 before Judge Alan D Albright,.
Plaintiff ParkerVision, Inc.
Defendant MediaTek Inc.
Defendant MediaTek USA Inc.
cite Cite Docket

NetSocket, Inc. v. Cisco Systems, Inc.

Docket 2:22-cv-00172, Texas Eastern District Court (May 24, 2022)
District Judge Rodney Gilstrap, presiding
Cause35:271 Patent Infringement
Case Type830 Patent
Tags830 Patent, 830 Patent
Plaintiff NetSocket, Inc.
Defendant Cisco Systems, Inc.
Counter Claimant Cisco Systems, Inc.
cite Cite Docket
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