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Don Gibson, et al v. Benny Cheatham, et al

Docket 24-3564, U.S. Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit (Dec. 19, 2024)
Anti-Trust (Appeals)
Case Type3410 Anti-Trust
Tags3410 Anti-Trust, 3410 Anti-Trust
DeadlineAppendices due on 04/21/2025., The briefs of appellants James Mullis, Monty March, Robert Friedman, Benny D. Cheatham, Robert Douglass, Douglas Fender and Dena Fender are due 04/21/2025.
Plaintiff - Appellee Don Gibson, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated
Plaintiff - Appellee Lauren Criss, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated
Plaintiff - Appellee John Meiners, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated

Don Gibson, et al v. James Mullis

Docket 24-3473, U.S. Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit (Dec. 6, 2024)
Anti-Trust (Appeals)
Case Type3410 Anti-Trust
Tags3410 Anti-Trust, 3410 Anti-Trust
DeadlineAppendices due on 04/21/2025., The briefs of appellants James Mullis, Monty March, Robert Friedman, Benny D. Cheatham, Robert Douglass, Douglas Fender and Dena Fender are due 04/21/2025.
Plaintiff - Appellee Don Gibson, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated
Plaintiff - Appellee Lauren Criss, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated
Plaintiff - Appellee John Meiners, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated

Don Gibson, et al v. Robert Friedman

Docket 24-3481, U.S. Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit (Dec. 6, 2024)
Anti-Trust (Appeals)
Case Type3410 Anti-Trust
Tags3410 Anti-Trust, 3410 Anti-Trust
DeadlineAppendices due on 04/21/2025., The briefs of appellants James Mullis, Monty March, Robert Friedman, Benny D. Cheatham, Robert Douglass, Douglas Fender and Dena Fender are due 04/21/2025., MOTION for extension of time to file brief until 04/21/2025, filed by Attorney Steven J. Buttacavoli for Appellant Robert Friedman w/service 03/07/2025.
Plaintiff - Appellee Don Gibson, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated
Plaintiff - Appellee Lauren Criss, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated
Plaintiff - Appellee John Meiners, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated

Don Gibson, et al v. Monty March

Docket 24-3478, U.S. Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit (Dec. 6, 2024)
Anti-Trust (Appeals)
Case Type3410 Anti-Trust
Tags3410 Anti-Trust, 3410 Anti-Trust
DeadlineMOTION for extension of time to file brief until 04/21/2025, filed by Attorney Matthew Van Tine for Appellant Monty March w/service 03/07/2025., Appendices due on 04/21/2025., The briefs of appellants James Mullis, Monty March, Robert Friedman, Benny D. Cheatham, Robert Douglass, Douglas Fender and Dena Fender are due 04/21/2025.
Plaintiff - Appellee Don Gibson, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated
Plaintiff - Appellee Lauren Criss, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated
Plaintiff - Appellee John Meiners, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated

Rhonda Burnett, et al v. Benny Cheatham, et al

Docket 24-2391, U.S. Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit (July 5, 2024)
Anti-Trust (Appeals)
Case Type3410 Anti-Trust
Tags3410 Anti-Trust, 3410 Anti-Trust
Plaintiff - Appellee Rhonda Burnett
Plaintiff - Appellee Jerod Breit
Plaintiff - Appellee Jeremy Keel
cite Cite Docket

Rhonda Burnett, et al v. Spring Way Center, LLC

Docket 24-2168, U.S. Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit (June 7, 2024)
Anti-Trust (Appeals)
Case Type3410 Anti-Trust
Tags3410 Anti-Trust, 3410 Anti-Trust
Plaintiff - Appellee Rhonda Burnett
Plaintiff - Appellee Jerod Breit
Plaintiff - Appellee Jeremy Keel
cite Cite Docket

Rhonda Burnett, et al v. James Mullis

Docket 24-2143, U.S. Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit (June 4, 2024)
Anti-Trust (Appeals)
Case Type3410 Anti-Trust
Tags3410 Anti-Trust, 3410 Anti-Trust
Plaintiff - Appellee Rhonda Burnett
Plaintiff - Appellee Jerod Breit
Plaintiff - Appellee Jeremy Keel

Reiss v. Audible Inc.

Docket 1:24-cv-05923, New York Southern District Court (Aug. 5, 2024)
Judge Jennifer L. Rochon, presiding
DivisionFoley Square
Cause15:2 Antitrust Litigation
Case Type410 Anti-Trust
Tags410 Anti-Trust, 410 Anti-Trust
Deadline5. WHEREAS, if there is no decision on the motion to dismiss by August 1, 2025, the Parties will meet and confer to discuss the continuation of the stay of discovery.
Plaintiff CD Reiss
Defendant Amazon.com Inc
Defendant Audible Inc.
cite Cite Docket
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