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Vincent Hesener v. Travis County, City of Pflugerville, Pflugerville ISD, Travis Coun...

Docket 03-24-00032-CV, Texas State, 3rd Court of Appeals (Jan. 16, 2024)
Case TypeReal Property
Appellee Pflugerville ISD
Appellee Travis County
Appellee Travis County ESD #02
cite Cite Docket

Prime Core Technologies Inc.

Docket 1:23-bk-11161, Delaware Bankruptcy Court (Aug. 14, 2023)
Bankruptcy Judge J Kate Stickles, presiding
Bk. Chapter11
Debtor Prime Core Technologies Inc.
U.S. Trustee U.S. Trustee
Creditor Committee Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors
cite Cite Docket


Docket 153783/2018, New York State, New York County, Supreme Court (Apr. 24, 2018)
Louis Nock, presiding
Case TypeTorts - Other Negligence (Trip & fall)
TagsTort, Civil, Other, Negligence, Slip and Fall
Plaintiff - Petitioner Melinda Hernandez
Defendant - Respondent 125 WEST 31ST STREET ASSOCIATES, LLC
cite Cite Docket

Memorandum Opinion

Document Vincent Hesener v. Travis County, City of Pflugerville, Pflugerville ISD, Travis County ESD #02, and Travis County Central Health District, 03-24-00032-CV, Memorandum opinion issued (Tex. St....
Further, Appellees contended Hesener failed to demonstrate that he exhausted all administrative remedies available to him, including seeking any applicable tax exemptions, before filing his suit and thus lacked standing to maintain his claims.
is “invalid.” As to the governmental-immunity issue, Hesener contends that he “seeks only prospective injunctive relief from a tax sale, and a declaration to set aside the lien from an invalid assessment,” which he argues means that he “is not required to obtain legislative consent” to sue Appellees.
Garcia, 593 S.W.3d at 209 (recognizing “a narrow exception to immunity when a plaintiff seeks reimbursement of an allegedly unlawful tax, fee, or penalty that was paid involuntarily and under duress”).
That is, even construing Hesener’s pleadings liberally in his favor, his suit arises from the imposition of an automatically placed tax lien for unpaid ad valorem taxes—the basis of which he does not challenge—not the illegal action of any state official.
Because Hesener has not met his burden to show any exceptions to or waiver of Appellees’ governmental immunity from his claims, we affirm the trial court’s order granting Appellees’ plea to the jurisdiction.
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Document Vincent Hesener v. Travis County, City of Pflugerville, Pflugerville ISD, Travis County ESD #02, and Travis County Central Health District, 03-24-00032-CV, Memorandum opinion issued (Tex. St....
Travis County, City of Pflugerville, Pflugerville ISD, Travis County ESD #02, and Travis County Central Health District, Appellees
This is an appeal from the judgment signed by the trial court on December 20, 2023.
Having reviewed the record and the parties’ arguments, the Court holds that there was no reversible error in the trial court’s judgment.
Therefore, the Court affirms the trial court’s judgment.
The appellant shall pay all costs relating to this appeal, both in this Court and in the court below.
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Livio Scarano v. Polychron Marina, Inc.

Docket 21458/2018E, New York State, Bronx County, Supreme Court (Feb. 6, 2018)
Robert Johnson, presiding
Case TypeTorts - Other Negligence (trip and fall - premises)
TagsTort, Civil, Other, Negligence, Slip and Fall, Premises
Plaintiff - Petitioner Livio Scarano
Defendant - Respondent Polychron Marina, Inc.
cite Cite Docket


Docket 716520/2017, New York State, Queens County, Supreme Court (Nov. 29, 2017)
Case TypeTorts - Motor Vehicle
TagsTort, Civil, Vehicle
Plaintiff - Petitioner Diana Choe
Plaintiff - Petitioner Sarah Jeon
Defendant - Respondent LUX CREDIT CONSULTAN LLC
cite Cite Docket

Jessica St. Cyrus v. Xu Tao Dong et al

Docket 520587/2017, New York State, Kings County, Supreme Court (Oct. 24, 2017)
Carolyn E. Wade, presiding
Case TypeTorts - Motor Vehicle
TagsTort, Civil, Vehicle
Plaintiff - Petitioner Jessica St. cyrus
Defendant - Respondent Xu Tao Dong
Defendant - Respondent Samed G. Abdullayev
cite Cite Docket
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