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1,582 results

Huzhou Chuangtai Rongyuan Investment Management Pa v. Qin

Docket 23-0747, U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit (May 1, 2023)
Other Statutes (Appeals)
Case Type3896 Other Statutes
Tags3896, Other, Statutes, 3896, Other, Statutes
Petitioner - Appellee Huzhou Chuangtai Rongyuan Investment Management Partnership
Petitioner - Appellee Huzhou Huihengying Equity Investment Partnership
Petitioner - Appellee Huzhou Huirongsheng Equity Investment Partnership
cite Cite Docket

Huzhou Chuangtai Rongyuan Investment Management Partnership et al v. Hui Qin...

Docket 1:24-cv-02219, New York Southern District Court (Mar. 25, 2024)
Judge Katherine Polk Failla, presiding
Racketeer/Corrupt Organization
DivisionFoley Square
Cause18:1961 Racketeering (RICO) Act
Case Type470 Racketeer/Corrupt Organization
Tags470 Racketeer / Corrupt Organization, 470 Racketeer / Corrupt Organization
Plaintiff Huzhou Chuangtai Rongyuan Investment Management Partnership
Plaintiff Huzhou Huihengying Equity Investment Partnership
Plaintiff Huzhou Huirongsheng Equity Investment Partnership
cite Cite Docket

Jet Midwest International Co., v. Jet Midwest Group, LLC, et al

Docket 21-1858, U.S. Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit (Apr. 16, 2021)
Recovery & Enforcement of Judgments (Appeals)
Case Type4150 Recovery & Enforcement of Judgments
Tags4150 Recovery and Enforcement, Judgments, 4150 Recovery and Enforcement, Judgments
Plaintiff - Appellant Jet Midwest International Co., Ltd
Defendant - Appellee Jet Midwest Group, LLC
Defendant Paul Kraus
cite Cite Docket

Jet Midwest International Co., v. F. Paul Ohadi, et al

Docket 21-1795, U.S. Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit (Apr. 9, 2021)
Recovery & Enforcement of Judgments (Appeals)
Case Type4150 Recovery & Enforcement of Judgments
Tags4150 Recovery and Enforcement, Judgments, 4150 Recovery and Enforcement, Judgments
Plaintiff - Appellee Jet Midwest International Co., Ltd
Defendant Jet Midwest Group, LLC
Defendant Paul Kraus
cite Cite Docket

Jet Midwest International Co., v. Jet Midwest Group, LLC

Docket 21-1793, U.S. Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit (Apr. 9, 2021)
Recovery & Enforcement of Judgments (Appeals)
Case Type4150 Recovery & Enforcement of Judgments
Tags4150 Recovery and Enforcement, Judgments, 4150 Recovery and Enforcement, Judgments
Plaintiff - Appellee Jet Midwest International Co., Ltd
Defendant - Appellant Jet Midwest Group, LLC
Defendant Paul Kraus
cite Cite Docket

Jet Midwest International Co., v. Jet Midwest Group, LLC

Docket 20-3334, U.S. Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit (Nov. 5, 2020)
Contract - Other (Appeals)
Case Type4190 Contract - Other
Tags4190 Contract, Contract, Civil, Other, 4190 Contract, Contract, Civil, Other
Plaintiff - Appellant Jet Midwest International Co., Ltd
Defendant - Appellee Jet Midwest Group, LLC
Defendant Paul Kraus
cite Cite Docket

Jet Midwest International Co., v. Jet Midwest Group, LLC

Docket 20-3297, U.S. Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit (Nov. 2, 2020)
Contract - Other (Appeals)
Case Type4190 Contract - Other
Tags4190 Contract, Contract, Civil, Other, 4190 Contract, Contract, Civil, Other
Plaintiff - Appellee Jet Midwest International Co., Ltd
Defendant - Appellant Jet Midwest Group, LLC
Defendant Paul Kraus
cite Cite Docket

Jet Midwest International Co., v. F. Paul Ohadi, et al

Docket 20-2285, U.S. Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit (June 25, 2020)
Colloton, Erickson, Smith, presiding
Recovery & Enforcement of Judgments (Appeals)
Case Type4150 Recovery & Enforcement of Judgments
Tags4150 Recovery and Enforcement, Judgments, 4150 Recovery and Enforcement, Judgments
Plaintiff - Appellee Jet Midwest International Co., Ltd
Defendant Jet Midwest Group, LLC
Defendant Paul Kraus
cite Cite Docket
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