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3,102 results

Cortez v. United States of America

Docket 2:24-cv-07532, New York Eastern District Court (Oct. 29, 2024)
Judge Joan M. Azrack, presiding, Magistrate Judge Arlene R. Lindsay
Contract - Other
DivisionCentral Islip
Cause28:1346 Breach of Contract
Case Type190 Contract - Other
Tags190 Contract, Contract, Civil, Other, 190 Contract, Contract, Civil, Other
Plaintiff Douglas Cortez
Defendant United States of America
cite Cite Docket

Doe 1 et al v. United States Twirling Association, Inc. et al

Docket 2:22-cv-05399, New York Eastern District Court (Sept. 9, 2022)
Judge Orelia E. Merchant, presiding, Magistrate Judge Steven Tiscione
Personal Injury - Other
DivisionCentral Islip
Cause28:1391 Personal Injury
Case Type360 Personal Injury - Other
Tags360 Personal Injury, Personal Injury, Tort, Civil, Other, 360 Personal Injury, Personal Injury, Tort, Civil, Other
Plaintiff Jane Doe 1
Plaintiff Jane Doe 2
Plaintiff John Doe 1
cite Cite Docket

Doe v. Baldeo

Docket 1:22-cv-00917, New York Southern District Court (Feb. 2, 2022)
Judge Katherine Polk Failla, presiding
Labor - Other
DivisionFoley Square
Cause28:1331fl Fed. Question: Fair Labor Standards
Case Type790 Labor - Other
Tags790 Labor, Other, 790 Labor, Other
Plaintiff Doe
Defendant Baldeo
Plaintiff JOHN DOE
cite Cite Docket

Kuykendall v. Amazon Studios LLC et al

Docket 5:20-cv-00219, Texas Southern District Court (Dec. 21, 2020)
Judge Marina Garcia Marmolejo, presiding, Magistrate Judge John A Kazen
Assault, Libel & Slander
Cause28:1332 Diversity-Libel,Assault,Slander
Case Type320 Assault, Libel & Slander
Tags320 Assault, Libel and Slander, Slander, Libel and Slander, Tort, Civil, Libel, 320 Assault, Libel and Slander, Slander, Libel and Slander, Tort, Civil, Libel
Plaintiff James Kuykendall
Defendant Amazon Studios LLC
Defendant Hector Berrellez
cite Cite Docket

Doe v. Cuchel

Docket 2:20-cv-05402, New York Eastern District Court (Nov. 6, 2020)
Judge Gary R. Brown, presiding, Magistrate Judge Arlene R. Lindsay
Assault, Libel & Slander
DivisionCentral Islip
Cause28:1332 Diversity-Libel,Assault,Slander
Case Type320 Assault, Libel & Slander
Tags320 Assault, Libel and Slander, Slander, Libel and Slander, Tort, Civil, Libel, 320 Assault, Libel and Slander, Slander, Libel and Slander, Tort, Civil, Libel
Plaintiff Jane Doe
Defendant Stephen J. Cuchel
Defendant Sharon J. Cuchel, in her capacity as Executrix of the Estate of Stephen J.Cuchel
cite Cite Docket

Doe v. Nygard et al

Docket 1:20-cv-06501, New York Southern District Court (Aug. 16, 2020)
Judge Edgardo Ramos, presiding
Statutory Actions - Other
DivisionFoley Square
Cause28:1331 Fed. Question
Case Type890 Statutory Actions - Other
Tags890 Statutory Actions, Other, 890 Statutory Actions, Other
Plaintiff John Does 1-2
Defendant Nygard
Plaintiff Doe
cite Cite Docket

National Audubon Society v. Bernhardt et al

Docket 1:20-cv-05065, New York Southern District Court (July 2, 2020)
Judge Lewis J. Liman, presiding.
Administrative Procedure Act

cite Cite Docket

Collier et al v. John Doe II

Docket 1:20-cv-02183, New York Eastern District Court (May 13, 2020)
Judge Brian M. Cogan, presiding.
Habeas Corpus

cite Cite Docket
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