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3,488 results

Mike Moyle, Speaker of the Idaho House of Representatives, et al., Petitioners v. U...

Docket 23-726, Supreme Court of the United States (Jan. 5, 2024)
Petitioner Mike Moyle, et al.
Petitioner Idaho
Respondent United States
cite Cite Docket

Appalachian Voices, et al v. FERC

Docket 24-1094, U.S. Court of Appeals, D.C. Circuit (Apr. 22, 2024)
Petitioner Appalachian Voices
Petitioner Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League
Petitioner Center for Biological Diversity
cite Cite Docket

Billy Raymond Counterman, Petitioner v. Colorado

Docket 22-138, Supreme Court of the United States (Aug. 11, 2022)
Petitioner Billy Raymond Counterman
Respondent Colorado
Other Coles Whalen
cite Cite Docket

Sergio Mencia-Medina, Petitioner v. Merrick B. Garland, Attorney General

Docket 21-1533, Supreme Court of the United States (June 7, 2022)
Petitioner Sergio Mencia-Medina
Respondent Garland, Att'y Gen.
cite Cite Docket

Commonwealth of Kentucky v. EPA, et al

Docket 23-1315, U.S. Court of Appeals, D.C. Circuit (Nov. 9, 2023)
DeadlineCLERK'S ORDER [2102328] filed scheduling oral argument on Friday, 04/25/2025.
Petitioner Commonwealth of Kentucky
Respondent Environmental Protection Agency
Respondent Michael S. Regan, Administrator, United States Enivronmental Protection Agency

Sergio Mencia-Medina, Applicant v. Merrick B. Garland, Attorney General

Docket 21A525, Supreme Court of the United States (Mar. 21, 2022)
Petitioner Sergio Mencia-Medina
Respondent Garland, Att'y Gen.
cite Cite Docket

American Electric Power Service Corporation, et al v. FERC

Docket 23-2734, U.S. Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit (July 28, 2023)
Petitioner American Electric Power Service Corporation
Petitioner Xcel Energy, Inc.
Petitioner Oklahoma Gas & Electric Company
cite Cite Docket

State of Utah v. EPA, et al

Docket 23-1157, U.S. Court of Appeals, D.C. Circuit (June 20, 2023)
DeadlineCLERK'S ORDER [2102328] filed scheduling oral argument on Friday, 04/25/2025.
Petitioner State of Utah, by and through its Governor, Spencer J. Cox, and its Attorney General, Sean D. Reyes
Respondent Environmental Protection Agency
Respondent Michael S. Regan, Administrator, U.S. EPA
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