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1,964 results

TikTok Inc., et al., Petitioners v. Merrick B. Garland, Attorney General

Docket 24-656, Supreme Court of the United States (Dec. 18, 2024)
Petitioner TikTok Inc. and ByteDance Ltd.
Petitioner Brian Firebaugh, et al.
Petitioner BASED Politics, Inc.
cite Cite Docket

Vivek H. Murthy, Surgeon General, et al., Petitioners v. Missouri, et al.

Docket 23-411, Supreme Court of the United States (Oct. 20, 2023)
Petitioner Vivek H. Murthy , et al.
Respondent Missouri, et al.
Respondent Louisiana
cite Cite Docket

NetChoice, LLC, dba NetChoice, et al., Petitioners v. Ken Paxton, Attorney Genera...

Docket 22-555, Supreme Court of the United States (Dec. 19, 2022)
Petitioner NetChoice, LLC, dba NetChoice, et al.
Respondent Angela Colmenero, in her Official Capacity as Provisional Attorney General of Texas
Respondent Ken Paxton, Attorney General of Texas
cite Cite Docket

NetChoice, LLC, dba NetChoice, et al., Petitioners v. Ashley Moody, Attorney Gene...

Docket 22-393, Supreme Court of the United States (Oct. 26, 2022)
Petitioner NetChoice, LLC, et al.
Respondent Ashley Moody, Attorney General of Florida, et al.
Other Chamber of Progress; Consumer Technology Association; Engine Advocacy; Global Project Against Hate and Extremism; HONR Network; Information Technology & Innovation Foundation; Interactive Advertising Bureau; IP Justice; LGBT Tech; Multicultural Media, Telecom and Internet Council; Safeguarding American Values for Everyone; The Software & Information Industry Association; Stop Child Predators; TechNet; and Washington Center for Technology Policy Inclusion

Ashley Moody, Attorney General of Florida, et al., Petitioners v. NetChoice, LLC, db...

Docket 22-277, Supreme Court of the United States (Sept. 23, 2022)
Petitioner Ashley Moody, Attorney General of Florida, et al.
Respondent Netchoice, LLC, et al.
Other National Security Experts
cite Cite Docket

NetChoice, LLC, dba NetChoice, et al., Applicants v. Ken Paxton, Attorney General...

Docket 21A720, Supreme Court of the United States (May 13, 2022)
Petitioner NetChoice, LLC d/b/a NetChoice; and Computer & Communications Industry Association d/b/a CCIA
Respondent Ken Paxton, in his Official Capacity as Attorney General of Texas
Other Chamber of Progress, et al.

Reynaldo Gonzalez, et al., Petitioners v. Google LLC

Docket 21-1333, Supreme Court of the United States (Apr. 6, 2022)
Petitioner Reynaldo Gonzalez, et al.
Respondent Google LLC
Other National Security Experts
cite Cite Docket

Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc., Petitioner v. Lynn Goldsmith, et a...

Docket 21-869, Supreme Court of the United States (Dec. 13, 2021)
Petitioner The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc.
Respondent Lynn Goldsmith, et al.
Other Photographers Gary Bernstein and Julie Dermansky
cite Cite Docket
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