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19,877 results

Dante DeMartini, et al v. Microsoft Corporation

Docket 23-15846, U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit (June 7, 2023)
Anti-Trust (Appeals)
... Christopher Joseph Giddings-Lafaye, Steve Herrera, Hunter Joseph Jakupko, Daniel Dermot Alfred Loftus and Beowulf Edward Owen motion to take judicial notice. Deficiencies: None. Served on 05/28/2024. (court entered filing of motion...
08/10/2023 68 Filed Appellee Microsoft Corporation motion to file Opening Brief and Excerpts of Record, Vol. 4-5 UNDER SEAL. Deficiencies: None. Served on 07/19/2023. (Court-entered filing of motion sub...
08/10/2023 67 Filed Intervenor - Pending Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC motion to file documents UNDER SEAL. Deficiencies: None. Served on 07/17/2023. (Court-entered filing of m...
cite Cite Docket

Consumer Indirect Purchaser, et al v. Agri Stats, Inc., et al

Docket 23-8002, U.S. Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit (Apr. 12, 2023)
Respondent Consumer Indirect Purchaser Plaintiffs
Respondent Direct Purchaser Plaintiffs
Respondent Commercial and Institutional Indirect Purchaser Plaintiffs
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John Treanor, et al v. Micron Technology Inc., et al

Docket 21-16641, U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit (Oct. 6, 2021)
Anti-Trust (Appeals)
Case Type3410 Anti-Trust
Tags3410 Anti-Trust, 3410 Anti-Trust
Plaintiff - Appellant, JOHN TREANOR
Plaintiff - Appellant, ONSHORE NETWORKS OF ILLINOIS, L.L.C., on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated, DBA onShore Networks, L.L.C.

Coulson v. Change Healthcare Inc. et al

Docket 0:24-cv-02947, Minnesota District Court (July 25, 2024)
Judge Donovan W. Frank, presiding, Magistrate Judge Dulce J. Foster
Contract - Other
FlagsCHI_Data, MDL
Cause28:1332 Diversity-Breach of Contract
Case Type190 Contract - Other
Tags190 Contract, Contract, Civil, Other, 190 Contract, Contract, Civil, Other
Plaintiff Amy Coulson
Defendant Change Healthcare Inc.
Defendant Optum, Inc.
cite Cite Docket

Dai et al v. SAS Institute Inc. et al

Docket 3:24-cv-02537, California Northern District Court (April 26, 2024)
Judge Jeffrey S. White, presiding.

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Dai et al v. SAS Institute Inc. et al

Docket 4:24-cv-02537, California Northern District Court (April 26, 2024)
Judge Jeffrey S. White, presiding.

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Zhang et al v. Google LLC et al

Docket 3:24-cv-02531, California Northern District Court (April 26, 2024)
Judge Eumi K Lee, presiding, Magistrate Judge Susan van Keulen

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Zhang et al v. Google LLC et al

Docket 5:24-cv-02531, California Northern District Court (April 26, 2024)
Judge Eumi K Lee, presiding, Magistrate Judge Susan van Keulen

cite Cite Docket
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