with the usun| powers and directions, Receiver, r the benefit of the plaintUT of all the rents and proDts now due and unpaid or to become·due and payable during the pendency of this acdon and described in the complaint in this action.
that said Receiver be and is hereby directed to demand, collect an receive from the occupants, tenants, and licensees in possession of said sttbject premises liable inclusive af ot other persona thercGr, the de01udunt, R1 Organization, an the renja and licease fees thereof now due and unpaid or hereafter to become lixed or due, and that said R civer be and is hereby nuthorized to institute and carry on all legal proecedings necessa:7 for the protection of sitjd Premises or to recover possession of the whole, or any part thereof, and/or apply to the Court to fix reasonable rental value and license fee .
that pursuaut to the provisions of the General obligations Law or advances ofrental Section 7-105, anybody holding deposits as accorhy under any lease or license agrooment affecting space in the Premises affected by this action shall tum same over to said Receiver within five ($) days aher said Receiver shall have qualified; and thereupon the said Rocciver shall hold sitch security subject to auch disposition thorcef as shall be provided in an Order of this Court to be made and catered in this action; and h is further,
that anybody in possession of same shall turn over to said Receiver all rent )ists, orders, unexpired and expired leases, agrcoments, correspondence, notices and registration staternents relating to rental space or facilitics in the Premises, and it is further,
thai the Receiver is prohibited frotn incurring obligations in excess of the monics in his/her hands without further Order of this Court h:-easeswet he- glainti:fhmttomey; and it is further,