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Document ALI MOHAMED ALI v. BJ ORGANIZATION OF NEW YORK INC. et al, 507394/2015, 849 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Mar. 16, 2023)
In addition, the court declines to sign Ahmed's order as to show cause recently filed seeking contempt for the same reasons.
The parties oppose that request only because accuse Ahmed of forum shopping by initiating another lawsuit has been assigned to another judge.
Related matters should rightly be heard by the same judge so that consistent results are reached affecting the same parties.
Further, the nature of the allegations are in large part connected to the actual dispute between the parties and as resolution on matter long as it lingers this cannot be resolved.
The only basis to oppose the motion is the argument presented by Ahmed that would frustrate the of refinance Kenny fruits any benefits.
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Document ALI MOHAMED ALI v. BJ ORGANIZATION OF NEW YORK INC. et al, 507394/2015, 850 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Mar. 16, 2023)
with the usun| powers and directions, Receiver, r the benefit of the plaintUT of all the rents and proDts now due and unpaid or to become·due and payable during the pendency of this acdon and described in the complaint in this action.
that said Receiver be and is hereby directed to demand, collect an receive from the occupants, tenants, and licensees in possession of said sttbject premises liable inclusive af ot other persona thercGr, the de01udunt, R1 Organization, an the renja and licease fees thereof now due and unpaid or hereafter to become lixed or due, and that said R civer be and is hereby nuthorized to institute and carry on all legal proecedings necessa:7 for the protection of sitjd Premises or to recover possession of the whole, or any part thereof, and/or apply to the Court to fix reasonable rental value and license fee .
that pursuaut to the provisions of the General obligations Law or advances ofrental Section 7-105, anybody holding deposits as accorhy under any lease or license agrooment affecting space in the Premises affected by this action shall tum same over to said Receiver within five ($) days aher said Receiver shall have qualified; and thereupon the said Rocciver shall hold sitch security subject to auch disposition thorcef as shall be provided in an Order of this Court to be made and catered in this action; and h is further,
that anybody in possession of same shall turn over to said Receiver all rent )ists, orders, unexpired and expired leases, agrcoments, correspondence, notices and registration staternents relating to rental space or facilitics in the Premises, and it is further,
thai the Receiver is prohibited frotn incurring obligations in excess of the monics in his/her hands without further Order of this Court h:-easeswet he- glainti:fhmttomey; and it is further,
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Document ALI MOHAMED ALI v. BJ ORGANIZATION OF NEW YORK INC. et al, 507394/2015, 854 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Mar. 16, 2023)
01/19/2023 of ofNew a Comni At 8 Term Court of the State County,.1ocated Kings Room .
a a ction, located at 2017 Church Avenue, Brooklyn Ne¶York 11226 a/k/a
East Street, Brooklyn, New York 11226; ("Property") and is further;
01/19/2023 shalLbe appöinted as real estate broicerto list and marketthesale of saidproperty; and itis further,
that Republic Valuatibns Inc. 184 Prk Avenue S., Suite 103, Stooklyn, New York, 1120.5 shall be appointed as.apprais.er of said.property..
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Document ALI MOHAMED ALI v. BJ ORGANIZATION OF NEW YORK INC. et al, 507394/2015, 846 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Jan. 19, 2023)
At a Comm 8 Term of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Kings County, located at 360 Adams Street, Room 285 Brooklyn New York 11201
Based upon the application of Eric Nelson, Esq. Receiver appointed in the above-entitled
action, it is hereby; ORDERED that the Receiver is authorized to proceed with the sale of the property located at 2017 Church Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11226 a/k/a 156 East 21st Street, Brooklyn, New York 11226; (“Property”) and it is further; ORDERED that Maryl Realty of New York, Ltd., 2753 Coney Island, New York 11235 shall be appointed as real estate broker to list and market the sale of said property; and it is further.
ORDERED, that Republic Valuations Inc. 184 Park Avenue S.,Suite 103, Brooklyn, New York, 11205 shall be appointed as appraiser of said property.
Dated: January 18, 2023 Brooklyn, New York
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Document ALI MOHAMED ALI v. BJ ORGANIZATION OF NEW YORK INC. et al, 507394/2015, 839 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Aug. 19, 2022)
yg ALIASPart.
Index:No.DOF39 y f A QROL ~against - 33 OR ganisa610 BE flew Yokes.
‘This refetenceshall beto:
Hon,Lawrence Knipel On matterta Hear and Determine:- ConsentofAttorneys:.
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Docket 507394/2015, New York State, Kings County, Supreme Court (June 16, 2015)
Leon Ruchelsman, presiding
Case TypeCommercial
TagsCommercial, Civil
Plaintiff - Petitioner Ali Mohamed ali
Defendant - Respondent Yasin M. Mohamed a/k/a YASIN MOHAMED ALI
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Document ALI MOHAMED ALI v. BJ ORGANIZATION OF NEW YORK INC. et al, 507394/2015, 822 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County May. 6, 2022)
Part-3of the State of for held in and at the Courthouse Adams
At Supreme of New County located Brooldyn, of May, Commercial Court York, of Kings at New York 2022 the the on the _ day Street,
Index No.507394/2015 Upon the affirmation of Eric Nelson, Esq., receiver, the Court grants the application for reimbursement of the disbursement of the payment of the bond in the amount of $1,935 and he is authorized to repay himself in the amount $1,935.
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Document ALI MOHAMED ALI v. BJ ORGANIZATION OF NEW YORK INC. et al, 507394/2015, 806 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Feb. 11, 2022)
Frank J. Monteleone, an attorney duly admitted to practice in the State of New York, affirms the following under penalty of perjury:
I submit this Affirmation in the opposition to the Order to Show Cause of Ahmed N. Mohamed signed by this Court January 18, 2022 to direct Receiver Eric Nelson to list the subject property for sale.
I am advised that Receiver is currently reviewing several construction proposals that are the key to both moving forward with a refinancing and substantially improving the value of this asset.
The parties have had an informal commitment from Columbia Capital II, Inc. to refinance the current first mortgage loan with Levon Church LLC that is in default for several months now.
I am hopeful that the Receiver will enter into a construction contract in the very near future, and that a refinancing will follow shortly thereafter that will resolve the pending foreclosure action.
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