Case 1:22-cv-00061-TSK-JPM Document 624 Filed 09/01/23 Page 1 of 56 PageID #: 48178
`Cass 2P2AcQOOUOnI-SENAMM Dinousmbas2hetOEes Pape 0412582?Pahaiett 68538
`PagelD #: 29029
`Exhibit 24


`Case 1:22-cv-00061-TSK-JPM Document 624 Filed 09/01/23 Page 2 of 56 PageID #: 48179
`Cased 222200065:SKHIAVM Docamenh6422 PietHiS0HR3 Page 2OF5Pavalih # ABIGF9
`PagelD #: 29030
`Page 1
`Case No.
`January 18, 2023
`9:12 a.m.
`taken pursuant to Notice, held at
`Westchester Marriott, 670 White Plains Road,
`Tarrytown, New York, before Fran Insley, a
`Notary Public of the States of New York and New
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Case 1:22-cv-00061-TSK-JPM Document 624 Filed 09/01/23 Page 3 of 56 PageID #: 48180
`Cased 222200005:SKKIAVM Docamenh6422 fiethIS0HR3 Page 8OP5&Pagaliz & 48160
`PagelD #: 29031
`Page 2
`Page 4
`Attorneys for Plaintiff and
`680 Maine Avenue, 5.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20024
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
`707 Virginia Street East
`901 Chase Tower
`Charleston, West Virginia 25301
`(via teleconference)
`-eeseeeereneee DN DE X --c0enececnenerer
`4 §
`-------------E X HI BIT 8---------------
`7 Exhibit 900 Objections to Interrogatories
`8 Exhibit 901 RGN-EYLEA-MYLAN00487461 to 503 54
`9 Exhibit 902 RGN-EYLEA-MYLAN0054862 to 863
`10 Exhibit 903 MYL-AFL5190 through 5215
`11 Exhibit 904 MYL-AFL5216 through 5241
`12 Exhibit 905 Patent 61/432245 application
`14 (The following exhibits were not referred to in
`14 the deposition:
`16 Exhibit 906 MYL-AFL90927 through 953
`17 Exhibit 907 MYL-AFL90954 through 980
`18 Exhibit 908 MYL-AFL91108
`19 Exhibit 909 RGN-EYLEA-MYLANI3557 through
`20 13602)
`21 Exhibit 910 RGN-EYLEA-MYLAN13909 to 917
`22 Exhibit 911 RGN-EYLEA-MYLAN13628 to 629
`23 Exhibit912 RGN-EYLEA-MYLAN]13918 to 929
`24 Exhibit 913 RGN-EYLEA-MYLANS525081 TO 083 135
`25 Exhibit 914 MYL-AFL91250 to 273
`2 Exhibit 915 RGN-EYLEA-MYLAN501 236to 248
`3 Exhibit 916 RGN-EYLEA-MYLAN493989 to 994
`4 Bxhibit 917 RGN-EYLEA-MYLAN504696to 693
`5 Exhibit918 RGN-EYLEA-MYLAN4952807 to 852
`6 Exhibit919 RGN-EYLEA-MYLAN539067 to 068
`Page 5
`8 Exhibit 5204 Previously marked.
`9 Bxhibit 4 '601 Patent
`10 Exhibit 5 '572 Patent
`APPEARANCES. (Continued)
`Page 3
`Attormeys for Defendant
`6 West Hubbard Street
`Suite 500
`Chicago, Illinois 60654
`(via teleconference)
`400 White Oaks Boulevard
`Bridgeport, West Virginia 26330
`(via teleconference)
`LARRY COURY,ESQ., Regeneron
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`2 (Pages 2 - 5)


`Case 1:22-cv-00061-TSK-JPM Document 624 Filed 09/01/23 Page 4 of 56 PageID #: 48181
`Cased 22200066SKHERM Didcimecn6422PhethISi0He3 Paed 44P5ePagallt # 48381
`PagelD #: 29032
`Page 6
`9:12: 18AM
`THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Good moming. We
`are going on the record at 9:12 a.m on
`9:12: 19AM
`January 18, 2023,
`This is media unit one ofthe
`Page &
`Q. Have you given any statements or
`2 swor testimony in any matter involving the US
`3 government and EYLEA?
`<A. No, Fhave not.
`QQ. Have you given any statements or
`videotaped deposition of George
`6 testimony involving any claims involving a
` ¥ancopoulosin the matter Regeneron
`7=Phammaceuticals Inc. v Mylan 9:12:35AM 7 state governmentrelating to kickback 9:14:47AM
`Pharmaceuticals Inc, et. al. Case number
`8 allegations invalving EYLEA?
`9=:1:22-CV-00061-TSK. The deposition is 9:12:42AM 9° A No, [have not. 9:14:53AM
`10—_beittg held at 670 White Plains Road, 9:12:524M 10° Q. Have you received any subpoenas to 9:14:56AM
`Tarrytown, New York.
`11 appear before a state or federal grand jury?
`My nameis Matthew Chin-Quee from
`A. No, I have not.
`Veritext and I'm the videographer. The
`Q. Have you had any discussions
`court reporter is Fran Insley from the
`14 internally regarding the US Government's
`firm Veritext.
`15 kickback lawsuit against Regeneron involving
`Will ali counsel please state your
`ig EYLEA?
`$15; 2AM
`MR. BERLE: Objection. You can
`MS. MAZZOCHL Good moming. My
`answer that yes or no.
`name is Deanne Mazzochi from thelaw firm
`A. Lam not sure if [ heard of anything
`of Rakoczy Molio Mazzochi Siwik, LLP.
`20 referred to in the manner in which you just
`Also with me is Lauren Lesko.
`21 describedit.
`9:13: 1SAM
`Q. Are you aware of or have you spoken
`MR. BERL: David Berl, Wittiams &
`23 to anyone internally within Regeneron involving
`Connolly on behalf of Regeneron and the
`24~~witness. With meare Ellen Oberwetter 9:1327AM 24 allegations by the US Government that of 9:15:35AM
`from Williams & Connolly and Kathryn
`25 Regeneran's misuse of the Chronic Disease Fund
`Kayali from Williams & Connolly and Larry
`Coury from Regeneron.
`1 or improper payments by Regeneron to the
`2 Chronic Disease Fund?
`Page 7
`Page 9
`THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Will the court
`reporter please swear in the witness,
`6 Witness herein, having first been duly swom by
`7 the Notary Public, was examined and testified
`9: 13.40.4M
`MR. BERL: Objection. You can
`answer that yes or no.
`A. Tmaot sure that anything that Tim
`6 aware of has been referred to in that way that
`7 you referredto it.
`8 as follows:
`QQ Whaiis your understanding of the
`9 Chronic Disease Fund?
`9:16: 10AM
`A. Tm not an expert in this matter.
`Q. Good morning, Dr. Yancopoutos. Can
`11 youplease state your full name and address for 11)3=Q9:13:52AM It doesn't matter. I'm not asking 9:16: 1LLAM
`12 the record?
`12 for your expertise. I'm just asking for your
`9:16: 13AM
`George Damis Yancopoulos.
`13 factual knowledge about the Chronic Disease
`14 Fund.
`Home address?
`re ee ee eeee re er er ee ee re re te
`i Regeneron Protected Material |
`Q. Have you given testimony under oath
`20 before?
`9:14:L LAM
`A No.
`0««Q.s Are you aware of the US Department
`23 ofJustice lawsuit against Regeneron involving
`24 EYLEA?
`25° A ¥es,lam.
`A. Factual knowledge?
`A. TmanotsureifTunderstand ——9:16:25AM
`Q. Do you know what the Chronic Disease
`19 Fundis?
`[believe the Chronic Disease Fund
`21 isa foundation that pays for the co-payments
`22 for certain medicines when patients cannot
`23 afford to pay for them.
`«=©Q. Are you aware of payments that
`25 Regeneron made to the Chronic Disease Fund or
`9:1 700AM
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`3 (Pages 6 - 9)


`Case 1:22-cv-00061-TSK-JPM Document 624 Filed 09/01/23 Page 5 of 56 PageID #: 48182
`Cased 222v200005-TSKHANM Docamenh6222 PiethIS0HR3 Page SOP5&Pagali= & 40182
`PagelD #: 29033
`the founclation that operates it?
`1 the lawsuits, but ] don't know if that was
`Page 10
`Page 12
`MR. BERL: Objection.
`I['mnot personally aware of
`4 payments. That is not my side of the business.
`3 I believe that we provide donationsto that
`6 foundation.
`2 involved in his leaving from the company.
`Q. Doyou have an understanding that
`4 Murray Goldberg was involved with some of these
`9:20: 18AM
`5 foundation issues?
`7 Q How about your CEO Len Schleifer?
`8 A Idonot.
`Q Doayou know the size and scope of
`8 the donations that Regeneron has provided to
`9 that foundation?
`A. No, Ido not.
`Q. Do you know why Regeneron made
`12 donations to that foundation?
`A. My understandingis so that the
`14 foundation can help pay the co-payments for
`15 patients below a certain poverty level who
`16 cannot afford io pay for the co-payments for
`17 those medicines themselves.
`Q Can you state your educational
`10 background post high school?
`[received an undergraduate degree
`12 from Columbia College.
`I] received medical and
`13 Ph.D. degrees from Columbia as well.
`Q. Howisit that you cameto be
`15 involved with Regeneron around the 1989 time
`16 period J think?
`I was approached by Leonard
`18==Q. Do you have an understanding that 9:18:05AM 18 Schleifer who had interacted with my Ph.D. 9:21:10AM
`19 Regeneron spent tens of millions of dollars in
`19 mentor about the possibility of helping start
`20 grants to that foundation?
`20 this new company.
`[really do not know the amounts
`Q Who was your Ph.D. mentor?
`«A. Fred Alt.
`22 that we have donated to that foundation.
`«Q.) Whoarethe individuals you most
`24 closely associate with Regeneron as
`25 understanding Regeneron's interaction with the
`24 thesis?
`«~What was the subject of your Ph.D.
`<A. The molecular biology of lymphocyte
`1 Chronic Disease Fund and the foundation that
`Page 11
`2 operates it?
`A. Well, 1 would -- 0 1 believe the
`4 case that you are referring to is referring ta
`5 issues back in 2013.
`I do not know who at
`6 Regeneron waslargely responsible for
`7 interactions.
`J assume it would be somebody in
`9:19: 1OAM
`8 our commercial group.
`Q. Like Robert Terifay?
`1 A.
`Idonot know.
`$When was the last time you spoke
`12 with Robert Terifay?
`[don't know,
`Q. Are you aware ofthe reasons why
`15 Mr. Terifay left the company?
`9:19: 26AM
`1 cell development.
`2 Q What about your educational and
`Page 13
`3 Ph.D. work caused Mr. Schleifer to think you
`4 would be a goadfit for what he was trying to
`5 do with Regeneron?
`MR. BERL: Objection.
`&. Atthe time the field of cloning
`9:22; 10AM
`8 genes was in its infancy and the idea was that
`9 would be a major component of what the company
`10 would be trying to do, particularly clone nerve
`i] growth factors that control nerve growth and
`12 could be used to fight back against
`I am aware of someofthe reasons.
`13 neuradegenerative diseases and to that point in
`14 time there bad anly been a single nerve growth
`15 factor identified and the dream wasto try to
`16 clone many more and then use them to help
`17 ¢ither grow or sustain neurons that were dying
`«6. What are some of the reasons you're
`18 aware of?
`18 in neurodegenerative diseases.
`19=A. [know that he had a number of 9:19:40AM
`Tn order to do that, one would have
`20 catastrophic medical events such as multiple
`21 strokes that affected his ability to come to
`22 work.
`20 to bring gene cloningin a big way into the
`21 field of neurobiology. There were not that
`22 many gene cloners and there were not that many
`«Q. Any others you're aware of?
`[know that he was tangentially or
`25 somehow involved with the foundation issues and
`23 gene cloners in that field. Most of them were
`24 in immunology, which is where I had been, and
`25 his idea or plan was to bring somebody from a
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`4 (Pages 10 - 13)


`Case 1:22-cv-00061-TSK-JPM Document 624 Filed 09/01/23 Page 6 of 56 PageID #: 48183
`Cased 222200005:SKKIANVM Docamenh6422 FtethES0HR3 Page 6OF5Pagaliz & 48163
`PagelD #: 29034
`Page 16
`Page 14
`@Q And they eventually wound up using I
`1 different field, but [ had had a longstanding
`2 interest for various reasons inte
`2 believe MacugenIbelieve initially in some of 9:27:30AM
`3 their clinical work?
`3 neurodegenerative diseases and so it was a very
`4 A Na,
`4 naturalfit that J, as a gene cloner, would
`5 moveto this new company that was going to try
`& to use gene cloning as a way to fighi back
`7 against neuradegenerative diseases.
`Q. Before you get to Regeneron, did you
`> have any training in the field of
`10 ophthalmology?
`=A. During medical training you do
`12 required rotations in the various areas,
`13 including ophthalmolagy.
`Q. About how much time do you think you
`15 spent doing the rotation in ophthalmology when
`16 you were in med school?
`[don't remember exactly.
`18=Q. More than six months? 9:25:08AM 18 Q. Who was that in collaboration with? 9:28:17AM
`A. That was in — I'm not --
`Q. Well, what molecules were they
`& injecting into the eye?
`MR. BERLE: Objection. Vague as to
`A. Lecontacted them about injecting
`10 BDNF neurotrophin 3 and ciliary neurotrophic
`11 factors and those were the factors they were
`12 injecting into the eye.
`Q. Now,the initial neuradegenerative
`14 product that Regenerontried ta bring to market
`15 that went to Phase [I] trials, it never got to
`16 market, righi?
`9:28: 13AM
`17) A Thatis correct.
`=A. Probably noi.
`4. Sanofi?
`202=6©Q. Whattraining did you acquire while 9:25:12AM
`Ji wasn't Sanofi. What I'ma
`21 you were at Regeneron in the field of
`9:25; 13AM
`22 ophthalmology or diseases involving
`23 ophthalmology?
`MR. BERL: Objection. Vague.
`A. When helped lead our efforts to
`22 struggling with is we had multiple things of
`23 neuradegenerative diseases, multiple of which
`24 we put into Phase ID] trials which didn't
`25 succeed and I] don't know which wasthefirst.
`Page 15
`Page 17
`1 I can't remember which was the first one ta
`1 cloneavariety of nerve growth factors,I
`2 have failed. Some of whom -- some of these we
`2 realized that there were also essentially the
`3 brought forth with partners and some of which
`4 we brought forth by ourselves.
`Q. When did Regeneron start making the
`6 switch or adding the focus on ophthalmology in
`7 developing molecules for ophthalmic uses?
`<A. AsI said, we first started
`9 exploring this possibility with LaVail and
`10 Steinberg in the early 1990s.
`Q. When wasthefirst time -- well, did
`12 anything come of those initial efforts with Dr.
`13 Steinberg and others involving the — I think
`14 you called it BDNF and other neurotrapic
`15 factors?
`MR. BERL: Objection.
`A) Webuilt internal expertise and
`18 knowledge and created a group among several
`19 other groups that we had that studied the eye
`20 and eye diseases and generated a lot of
`21 upiise and knowledge.
`Q. Who were those intemal experts that
`9:30: LEAM
`23 you had at Regeneron relating to the ophthalmic
`24 field?
`Itdepends on your definition of
`3 equivalent of neurodegenerative diseases of the
`4 eye.
`So just retinal deterioration
`6 degenerative conditions and so forth. So I had
`7 the idea thai perhaps we could just like we
`8 were trying to help neurons that were dying in
`% neuradegenerative diseases in the brain, such
`10 as an Alzheimer's disease or in the spinal
`11 cord, such as in Lou Gehrig's disease, that we
`12 could also maybe use nerve growth factors to
`13 help the neurons in the eye survive in retinal
`14 degeneration diseases as the retina is an
`15 outcropping of the brain.
`Sa I contacted at the time some
`17 scientists who | felt were leaders in this
`9:26: 13AM
`18 field and ] suggested that we work together to
`19 inject nerve growth factors into the eye,
`20 starting with animal models to try to protect
`21 them against these models of neurodegenerative
`22 disease.
`9:27: 18AM
`Q. Those individuals you imitially
`24 contacted, who were they?
`A. Math LaVail and Roy Steinberg.
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`5 (Pages 14 - 17)


`Case 1:22-cv-00061-TSK-JPM Document 624 Filed 09/01/23 Page 7 of 56 PageID #: 48184
`Cased 22200068SKHERM DiOcimecn64222hethISi0He3 Paed JOP5ePagallt 7 48184
`PagelD #: 29035
`Page 18
`1 experts.
`Q. The way in which you just used the
`3 term, what you referred to as your internal
`4 expertise, the people involved in building that
`5 internal expertise and knowledge you referred
`6 to?
`I would say it would be primarily
`8 myself and an individual known as Stan Wiegand.
`9 @ Well, you didn't have any formal
`9:31: LIAM
`10 training in eye diseases. Did Stan Wiegand
`11 have any training in eye diseases?
`MR. BERL: Objection. Lack of
`9:31: 18AM
`A Instience I'm not sure what formal
`9:3 1:28AM
`15 training really means.
`«6. Well, you didn't — I mean IJ think
`17 you said that your experience before you
`18 started working on these projects was limited
`19 to # rotation during medical school. So you
`20 never worked as an ophthalmologist, never did a
`21 residency in aphthabuology, didn't have a
`22 post-doc or a fellowship on ophthalmology,
`23 never treated patients, might?
`MR. BERL: Objection. Compound.
`Q. Was Mr. Wiegand somebody who had
`] ophthalmologist or treated patients with eye
`2 diseases?
`Page 20
`MR. BERL: Objection. Vagueas to
`9:34: LOAM
`QQ. Say prior 2005.
`[don't know.
`Q When, in what time period was it
`decided to test the VEGF compoundin the eye?
`I don't rememberexactly.
`Q. Well, was VEGFtried first for
`4] cancer and then it led into the eye or the eye
`12 camefirst and that led into the cancer
`13 indications?
`MR. BERLE: Objection. Vague.
`It's hard ta remember.
`I think that
`ié Imay have been thinking of them somewhat
`i7 simultaneously. Maybe cancer first. Hard to
`18 remember.
`Isit fair to say that Regeneron has
`20 been at the center of your professional career
`21 for the last 30 years?
`Its been my entire career for the
`23 last 30 plus ae
`' Regeneron Protected Material |
`1 that kind of experience?
`MR. BERL: Objection. Vague,
`Ph.D. training,sciencetraining is
`5 largely learning by doing and asking and
`6 exploring questions that have not been asked
`7 before and that's how one learns and that is
`8 arguably how most ofus, including me, as
`% scientists have gotten mast of your training,
`10 including in eye diseases or in allergic
`11 diseases or in inflammatory diseases or in
`12 couscular diseases. That's where most of the
`Page 19 |
`9:32: 13AM
`Fro not sure. Regeneron Protected Material
`13 training happens.
`@. When did you bring Jesse Cedarbaum
`15 on board?
`Jsthat when or why?
`M8. MAZZOCHI: When.
`9:33: IGAM
`19 board.
`Idid not bring Jesse Cedarbaum on
`Who did?
`I don't know for sure.
`9:33: 14AM
`Who brought Avner Ingerman. on board?
`Did Regeneron ever have anyone on
`25 staffwho had actually worked as an
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`6 (Pages 18 - 21)


`Case 1:22-cv-00061-TSK-JPM Document 624 Filed 09/01/23 Page 8 of 56 PageID #: 48185
`Cased 222v,00066-I-SKHERM Ddcwmecn64S2PhethIS0He3 Paed 8OP5ePagalle @ 48385
`PagelD #: 29036
`! Regeneron Protected Material
`epeermrm eei aaIYees
`Page 24
`1 indications?
`A. No, I was not.
`9:40: 10AM
`Q. Did you play anyrole in trying to
`4 make sure that you were keeping US revenues
`9:40: L9AM
`5 from aflibercept at Regeneron and not in the
`6 hands of partners?
`7 A I wasn't involved in those parts of
`8 the negotiations.
`Q Do you remember urging Len Schleifer
`10 that be should ensure that Regeneron was going
`i] to keep a hundred percent of the US revenues
`i2 from aflibercept in connection with the Bayer
`13 deal?
`[donot remember doing that.
`Im goingto place before you
`14 documents that were previously marked as
`17 Defendant's Exhibit 4 and Defendant's
`18 Exhibit 5, the '601 and '57?2 patents in this
`19 case.
`Q. Would it be fair to say that the
`7 bulk of payers for the aflibercept in some way,
`8 shape or form are state and federal
`9 governments?
`«=A. Can you say that again?
`11 Q Sure. Wouldit be fair to say that
`12 the largest number ofdollars in sales for
`13 aflibercept come in some way, shape or form
`14 through state and federal governments such as
`15 Medicaid and Medicare programs?
`MR. BERL: Objection.
`‘I'm primarily in charge of the
`18 science.
`I dan't know that much believe it or
`9:38: 13AM
`19 not about those numbers.
`I believeit’s true
`20 that Medicare does pay for a Lot of the use of
`21 BYLEAin elderly patients.
`@. Billions of dollars over the years,
`23 right?
`[knowthat it’s a lot of money,
`25 yes.
`Feel free to read the whole thing,
`2) but if you can confirm that you have seen these
`9:41: 16AM
`22 documents before?
`(Witness reviewing document.)
`Q. Dr. Yancopoulos,it's taking you
`25 quite a while to go through these two patents,
`So your personal wealth has
`2 certainly grown significantly as a consequence
`Page 23
`1 the '601 and 572 patents. Have you not seen
`2 these before?
`Page 25
`3 of the taxpayer dollars that have been used to
`4 fund Medicaid and Medicare purchases of
`5 aflibercept?
`MR. BERL: Objection.
`I don't think of it that way.
`9. Ebelieve when it comes to worldwide
`9:39: 16AM
`% sales of aflibercept, Regeneron bas gotten half
`10 of those through its partnership with Bayer, is
`11 that fair?
`MR. BERL: Objection.
`[don't know the exact fraction.
`Q. Were you aneof the individuals who
`15 were involved in negotiating that deal to
`16 insist that Regeneron would keep a hundred
`17 percent of the US revenuesfor itself for
`18 aflibercepi?
`A. Which — whatis the question
`20 exactly?
`Q. Whenit comes to the Regeneron
`22 apreements with Bayer, were you one ofthe
`MR. BERL: Objection. You said feel
`free to read through the whole thing.
`MS. MAZZOCHI: Ifhe needs to
`identify it.
`MR. BERL: That's not what you said.
`<A. Well, I haven't looked at these in
`9 detail in a very long time and I was, as you
`10 suggested, I was reviewing the documents. I
`i] have only gotten through one of them right now.
`Q. Well, the specification is the same
`13 for both of them, so no need to read it twice.
`14 Do you recognize these documents as your
`15 patents?
`A. They look very similar to what I
`17 believe were my patents.
`Q. When was thelast time you actually
`19 looked at the '601 or '572 patents that you
`20 recall?
`9:56: 154M
`A Ihave looked at copies of them as
`22 recently as yesterday, but [ haven't reviewed
`9:56: 17AM
`9:36: 19AM
`23 individuals who imsisted on Regeneron keeping a
`24 hundred percent of the revenues from the US
`25 market for aflibercept for the ophthalmic
`23 them carefully in years.
`=Q. Do you zecall why you decided to
`25 file for these patents?
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`7 (Pages 22 - 25)


`Case 1:22-cv-00061-TSK-JPM Document 624 Filed 09/01/23 Page 9 of 56 PageID #: 48186
`Cased 222200005:SKKIANVM Docamenh6422 PtethES0HR3 Page 9OF5Pagaliz @ 48166
`PagelD #: 29037
`MR BERL: Objection. Vague.
`[don't recall.
`Page 26
`Ifyou take a look at the second
`4 page of these exhibits, there is a reference to
`5 related US application data and about
`6 two-thirds of the way down to the left-hand
`7 column there is references to provisional
`9:57: 18AM
`8 application number 61/432245 filed on
`9 January 13, 2011. Do you see that?
`=A. Which patent am I looking at?
`=Itdoesn't matter. Either the '601
`12. or the '572.
`1 trial?
`A. The standard dose escalation Phase I
`3 trial, ] don't remember who designed this.
`Further down in column 8 there isa
`Page 28
`5 reference to "Example 2" a "PhaseII clinical
`& trial of repeated doses of intravitreally
`7 administered VEGF Receptor-based chimeric
`8 molecule (VEGFT)in subjects with neovascular
`9 AMD." [ believe that was the CLEAR-IT 2 study.
`10 Who designed that clinical trial?
`sO was involvedin designing that
`12 trial along with my team.
`Q. Who else on the team?
`A. And wherein the patent am I
`14. A sIt’s so long ago I can't remember.
`14 looking?
`Q. Do you know why any of your other
`Second pageof the exhibit. There
`16 team members are not listed on this patent if
`16 you go. Left-hand column about two-thirds of
`17 they helped you with the clinical trial design
`17 the way down, do you see a reference to
`18 or coming up with ideas for the clinical trial
`18 provisional application nurober 61/432245 held
`19 on January 13, 20117
`19 design?
`MR. BERL: Objection. Lack of
`=A. Could you just repeat the number?
`21=foundation. 10:03 :06AM
`Q. 68432245.
`A. Yes.
`Q. Now,by the time we had reached
`24 January 13, 2011, would you have considered
`25 yourself to be an ophthalmologist with
`9:58: L1AM
`=A. This was an exploratory study that
`23 was used to produce data to inform so as to how
`24 to design a dosing regimen and I gather that
`25 the lawyers didn’t think that there was
`_ experience in treating angiogenic eye
`1 anything inventive here in terms ofusing this
`2 to design the ultimate dosing regimen.
`Page 29
`A I was never an ophthalmologist.
`Q. Do you have an understanding as to
`why you are listed as the sole named inventor
`on these two patents?
`4. Our legal team would have reviewed
`all the work andeffort that is described
`herein and reached that conclusion.
`Q. Well, let's take a look, for
`example, int DX4, the '601 patent andlet’s
`start with columm 8, example.
`Onethere is a reference to a "Phase
`1 Clinical Trial of Intravitreally Administered.
`VEGF Receptor-Based Chimertc Molecule VEGFT in
`Subjects with Neovascular AMD.” That's in
`colunn 8. Let me know when you are there,
`A In patent 6017
`Q Takes look at "Example 3: Phase I
`4 Choial Tnal of Systemucally Administered.
`5 VEGF Receptor-Based Chimeric Molecule (VEGFT)
`6 in Subjects with neovascular AMD." Did you
`7 have any role in designing this clinical trial?
`A Timsure I played a role in the
`design of this, but [ can't remember the
`Q Do you kitow if you were ever
`identified as a coauthor on any publication
`describing this clinical trial?
`I couldn't remember.
`Q Do you recall whether this trial was
`one that was done with Dr. Cedarbaum and others
`10:06: 15.AM
`at Johns Hopkins?
`A I wouldbelieve that Dr. Cedarbaum
`was involved. I'm not sure with which sites ke
`T see page numbers.
`. Yes, go to column 8. Q.=Let's take 4 look at Example 4 which10:00:324M 10:06:33AM
`is titled "Phase IClinical Trials ofthe
`Page 8?
`No, column 8.
`Isee. Yes.
`20 collaborated.
`Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Repeated
`24 Doses of Intravitreal VEGFTin Subjects with
`25 Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration."
`. Who designed that PhaseI clinical
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`8 (Pages 26 - 29)


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`Case 1:22-cv

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