Case 1:20-cv-00393-LO-TCB Document 616 Filed 05/14/21 Page 1 of 11 PageID# 13993
`Plaintiffs and
`Counterclaim Defendants,
`Defendants and
`Counterclaim Plaintiffs.
`Case No. 1:20-cv-00393-LO-TCB


`Case 1:20-cv-00393-LO-TCB Document 616 Filed 05/14/21 Page 2 of 11 PageID# 13994
`INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................1
`FACTUAL BACKGROUND ..............................................................................................2
`Reynolds Refuses To Provide An Alternate Date For Mr. Kodama’s
`Deposition ................................................................................................................2
`Reynolds Refuses To Provide A Date For
` Deposition .........................2
`ARGUMENT .......................................................................................................................4
`Reynolds Must Provide An Alternate Deposition Date for Mr. Kodama’s
`Deposition ................................................................................................................4
`Reynolds Must Provide A Date For
` Deposition...................................5
`CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................6


`Case 1:20-cv-00393-LO-TCB Document 616 Filed 05/14/21 Page 3 of 11 PageID# 13995
`Genentech, Inc. v. Trustees of Univ. of Pa.,
`No. 10-cv-2037, 2011 WL 7074208 (N.D. Cal. June 10, 2011) ................................................. 5


`Case 1:20-cv-00393-LO-TCB Document 616 Filed 05/14/21 Page 4 of 11 PageID# 13996
`This case has been pending for 13 months, and the Final Pretrial Conference will take place
`next week, on May 21. Throughout this case, Counterclaim Defendants (“Reynolds”) have stalled,
`delayed, and frustrated the Court’s schedule and needlessly complicated the parties’ trial
`First, Reynolds has refused to move the deposition date for its technical expert on two of
`the asserted patents, Mr. Kelly Kodama, in order to accommodate the attorney who is taking it and
`became seriously ill. This issue should be straightforward. PMP/Altria informed Reynolds that
`the attorney with principal responsibility for the patents at issue and Mr. Kodama’s deposition
`unexpectedly developed a serious illness. This illness prevents him from taking the deposition on
`May 17, or facilitating another attorney’s ability to take the deposition. Reynolds refused to make
`Mr. Kodama available on any other date. PMP/Altria requests that the Court order Reynolds to
`provide an alternate date for Mr. Kodama’s deposition.
`Second, Counterclaim Plaintiffs (“PMP/Altria”) have already been forced to compel
`Reynolds to provide basic discovery, including source code, technical documents, and depositions.
`Yet, Reynolds continues its pattern of delay tactics, and now refuses to provide dates for its
`remaining fact depositions—some of which have been pending for seven months. Reynolds has
`refused to provide (i) a date for the personal deposition of Reynolds’ witness
`, and
`(ii) dates for PMP/Altria’s 30(b)(6) Topics 22, and 79-96. The Court recently ordered that any
`remaining fact depositions “will be done closely within” the date of the Final Pretrial Conference,
`May 21. Ex. 1 (4/16/2021 Transcript) at 12. The Court should compel Reynolds to provide dates
`for the requested depositions before the end of May.


`Case 1:20-cv-00393-LO-TCB Document 616 Filed 05/14/21 Page 5 of 11 PageID# 13997
`Reynolds Refuses To Provide An Alternate Date For Mr. Kodama’s
`The parties initially agreed that Mr. Kodama’s deposition would take place on May 10. On
`May 7, PMP/Altria notified Reynolds that the attorney scheduled to take Mr. Kodama’s deposition
`had fallen seriously ill and requested that the deposition be rescheduled. On Wednesday evening,
`May 12, Reynolds informed PMP/Altria that Mr. Kodama was available for deposition on May
`17. PMP/Altria’s counsel called Reynolds’ counsel the next day, informing counsel that the
`attorney’s medical condition unfortunately remained serious and ongoing, which prevented him
`from taking the deposition or facilitating another attorney’s ability to take the deposition.
`PMP/Altria asked whether Mr. Kodama could be made available the week of May 24. Reynolds
`responded on May 14, refusing to provide an alternate date and stating that Mr. Kodama would
`appear on May 17 only and would not be made available for deposition again. Ex. 2 (5/14/2021
`N. Smith email).
`Reynolds Refuses To Provide A Date For
` Deposition
`On October 20, 2020, PMP/Altria served a 30(b)(6) notice on Reynolds, which included
`numerous topics pertaining to PMP/Altria’s counterclaims. Ex. 3 (10/20/20 30(b)(6) Deposition
`Notice to Reynolds). One of the noticed topics was Topic 22, which seeks the facts and
`circumstances relating to
`. Id. at 10. Reynolds did not
`provide a witness on Topic 22 before the Court stayed the case on December 4, 2020. Dkts. 426,
`When the Court lifted the stay on PMP/Altria’s Counterclaim Patents only on February 16,
`2021 (Dkt. 456), PMP/Altria promptly sought a new deposition date for Reynolds’ designee on


`Case 1:20-cv-00393-LO-TCB Document 616 Filed 05/14/21 Page 6 of 11 PageID# 13998
`Topic 22 (and other topics), on February 26, 2021. Reynolds changed its designated witness for
`Topic 22 to
` on March 8, and PMP/Altria served a personal deposition notice for
` on March 30. Ex. 4 (3/30/21 Figlar Notice of Deposition). Reynolds agreed to produce Dr.
` for deposition on April 9.
`Shortly before
` scheduled April 9 deposition, Reynolds postponed the
`deposition until April 16. Shortly before the scheduled April 16 deposition, Reynolds again
`postponed the deposition so that
` could address an additional 30(b)(6) topic (Topic 79)
`relating to PMP’s request for injunctive relief, served on March 12, 2021. Ex. 5 (3/12/2021
`30(b)(6) Deposition Notice to Reynolds). PMP/Altria asked Reynolds to provide a new date for
` deposition the week of April 19. Reynolds did not provide a new date for
`On April 21, PMP/Altria served additional 30(b)(6) topics relating to PMP’s request for
`injunctive relief. Ex. 6 (4/21/2021 30(b)(6) Deposition Notice to Reynolds). The next day,
`Reynolds stated that it was “withdrawing” its designation of
` on Topics 22 and 79, and
`refused to make
` (or any other witness) available on those topics at that time. Ex. 7
`(4/22/2021 A. Smith letter). Reynolds also unilaterally withdrew
` personal deposition
`indefinitely, stating that it would only “schedule the injunction-related topics and
`30(b)(1) deposition after we receive a new date” for PMP’s witness on injunctive relief topics. Ex.
`8 (4/27/2021 N. Smith email).
`Reynolds designated
` as its corporate designee for other 30(b)(6) topics (Topics
`54, 69, and 78), but only after the Court ordered Reynolds to provide a witness on these topics.
`Dkt. 566. PMP/Altria deposed
` on Topics 54, 69, and 78 on May 3, 2021, but Reynolds
`refused to make
` available in his personal capacity, or on Topics 22, 79, or any other


`Case 1:20-cv-00393-LO-TCB Document 616 Filed 05/14/21 Page 7 of 11 PageID# 13999
`injunctive relief topic, on that date.
`PMP/Altria repeatedly asked Reynolds to provide a date for
` personal
`deposition, and to identify witnesses and dates for Topics 22, 79, and the remaining injunctive
`relief topics (Topics 80-96). PMP also provided dates for its own witnesses on Reynolds’
`injunctive relief topics. Exs. 9-10 (5/4/21 J. Koh letter; 5/6/21 J. Koh email). Following a week
`of silence, Reynolds refused to accept any of PMP’s proposed deposition dates, and continued to
`refuse to provide any deposition dates for its outstanding depositions of
` and Topics 22,
`The parties met and conferred on May 13, 2021. While Reynolds stated that
`could be made available for deposition in early to mid-June if it believed PMP/Altria had complied
`with Reynolds’ discovery requests, it continues to refuse to provide a specific date for his
`deposition. Ex. 2 (5/14/2021 N. Smith email).
`Reynolds Must Provide An Alternate Deposition Date for Mr. Kodama’s
`Reynolds must be ordered to provide an alternate date for Mr. Kodama’s deposition. The
`attorney in charge of taking Mr. Kodama’s deposition has remained in serious condition that he
`has been unable to participate in any deposition preparation with other team members. To the
`extent helpful, PMP/Altria is willing to disclose further details of the attorney’s illness to the Court.
`PMP/Altria asked for a new deposition date the week of May 24, and Reynolds refused to provide
`any alternate date. Ex. 11 (5/14/2021 N. Smith email). While we understand that this situation
`has caused an inconvenience to Mr. Kodama and Reynolds’ counsel to re-arrange their schedule
`to accommodate a serious medical issue, Reynolds has provided no reason why they cannot do so.


`Case 1:20-cv-00393-LO-TCB Document 616 Filed 05/14/21 Page 8 of 11 PageID# 14000
`Reynolds Must Provide A Date For
` Deposition
`Reynolds must be ordered to provide dates for
` personal deposition and for
`30(b)(6) deposition topics that have been pending for months. Reynolds has refused to provide a
`witness for Topic 22, which has been pending for over seven months. Fact depositions closed on
`April 19, yet Reynolds has provided no testimony on the topic. Reynolds has also refused to
`provide a date for
` personal deposition, which was noticed in March 2021. And
`Reynolds has refused to provide dates for any of PMP’s injunctive relief 30(b)(6) topics (Topics
`79-96), noticed in March and April. By contrast, PMP promptly provided dates in response to
`Reynolds’ injunctive relief 30(b)(6) topics in May. Although Reynolds asserts that it need not
`provide any dates because it believes PMP’s designation of witnesses is somehow deficient,
`Reynolds’ now familiar “tit-for-tat” argument is improper, unsupported, and irrelevant to this
`Motion. Genentech, Inc. v. Trustees of Univ. of Pa., No. 10-cv-2037, 2011 WL 7074208, at *1
`(N.D. Cal. June 10, 2011) (“The Court does not look favorably upon a ‘tit-for-tat’ approach to
`discovery.… A party may not excuse its failure to comply with discovery obligations by claiming
`that its opposing party is similarly delinquent.”) (citation and footnote omitted).
`The Court ordered the parties to conduct any remaining fact depositions close to the date
`of the final pretrial conference, May 21. 4/16/2021 Transcript at 12. Yet, Reynolds continues to
`refuse to provide dates for the remaining 30(b)(6) topics, and a date for
` personal
`deposition. Though PMP/Altria is loath to bother the Court, Reynolds’ inaction has forced
`PMP/Altria to file yet another motion. The Final Pretrial Conference is quickly approaching, and
`the parties have been directed to promptly complete remaining discovery. PMP/Altria respectfully
`requests that Reynolds be directed to produce witnesses before the end of May with regard to these
`undisputedly relevant topics.


`Case 1:20-cv-00393-LO-TCB Document 616 Filed 05/14/21 Page 9 of 11 PageID# 14001
`PMP/Altria respectfully requests that the Court grant this Motion and compel Reynolds to
`provide (i) an alternate date for Mr. Kodama’s deposition; (ii) a date for
` personal
`deposition, and (iii) date(s) for PMP/Altria’s 30(b)(6) Topics 22 and 79-96, before the end of May
`Dated: May 14, 2021
` Respectfully submitted,
`By: /s/ Maximilian A. Grant
`Maximilian A. Grant (VSB No. 91792)
`Lawrence J. Gotts (VSB No. 25337)
`Matthew J. Moore (pro hac vice)
`Jamie Underwood (pro hac vice)
`555 Eleventh Street, N.W., Suite 1000
`Washington, DC 20004
`Telephone: (202) 637-2200
`Facsimile: (202) 637-2201
`Clement J. Naples (pro hac vice)
`885 Third Avenue
`New York, NY 10022-4834
`Tel: (212) 906-1200; Fax: (212) 751-4864
`Gregory J. Sobolski (pro hac vice)
`505 Montgomery Street, Suite 2000
`San Francisco, CA 94111
`Telephone: (415) 391-0600
`Facsimile: (415) 395-8095
`Brenda L. Danek (pro hac vice)


`Case 1:20-cv-00393-LO-TCB Document 616 Filed 05/14/21 Page 10 of 11 PageID# 14002
`330 North Wabash Avenue, Suite 2800
`Chicago, IL 60611
`Tel: (312) 876-7700; Fax: (312) 993-9767
`Counsel for Defendants-Counterclaim Plaintiffs
`Altria Client Services LLC, Philip Morris USA
`Inc., and Philip Morris Products S.A.


`Case 1:20-cv-00393-LO-TCB Document 616 Filed 05/14/21 Page 11 of 11 PageID# 14003
`I hereby certify that on this 14th day of May, 2021, a true and correct copy of the foregoing
`was served using the Court’s CM/ECF system, with electronic notification of such filing to all
`counsel of record:
`/s/ Maximilian A. Grant
`Maximilian A. Grant (VSB No. 91792)
`555 Eleventh Street, N.W., Suite 1000
`Washington, DC 20004
`Telephone: (202) 637-2200
`Facsimile: (202) 637-2201
`Counsel for Defendants-Counterclaim
`Plaintiffs Altria Client Services LLC, Philip
`Morris USA Inc., and Philip Morris
`Products S.A.

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