Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 1 of 41
`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 1 of 41
`., m
`Figure A2. Voltage and current limits for an MDX modal 5K, ”standard 2'” con-
`9" show the boundarias for ears?) of the three
`figuration. Each numbered “anveiop
`availabie taps. The}
`admce ranges for the
`taps are shown by the four labeled
`arrows. Note: The v0 age may actuafly be Might higher than Shawn here A?” the
`max is warming in current at power regufiation.
`ea we impedance-range grwh
`in Fig Mo,
`Artisan Techmiogy Group - Quality tmtmmeniation Guaranteed I (888} {RESOURCE [Wfifflfiflfitgfiflm


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 2 of 41
`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 2 of 41
`Figure 14-3. Vaitage and omen: mm for an MDX modal 5K, “high 2” com
`figuration. Each numbered “mveme” shows the boundaries for saw of the three
`available taps. The infedance rangea for the taps are shown by the {our fabeted
`arrows. Note: The va age may malty be slight higher than shown ham 1! the
`gag}! isAagerating in mm: or power ragufatm.
`ea the impedance—range grew?
`~ 1.
`A - 5
`Artisan Techmiogy Group - Quality tmtmmeniation Guaranteed I (888} {RESOURCE [Wfifflfiflfitgfiflm


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 3 of 41
`ilC8--~A~P~P~E~N~D~IX __________________ _
`Figure A-4. Voltage and current Jfmlts for an MDX model 10K. "low Z" con(cid:173)
`figuration. Each numbered "envelope" shows the boundaries for each of the three
`available tap& The impedance ranger; for the t s are shown by the four labeled
`a1rows. Note: The voltage may actually be
`higher than shown here I the
`MDX it operetlng In current or power regulation. ee the impedance-range graph
`In Fig. A-22.


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 4 of 41
`Figure A-5. Voltage and cummt llmfts for an MDX model 101<. "standard Z" con(cid:173)
`figuration, Each numbered "envelope" shows the bOundarles for each of the three
`ranges for the tap, are shown by the four labeled
`avallable tap,. The ii
`anows. Note: The
`ge may actually be sllghtlV higher than shown here if the
`MDX Is operating in cum,;nt or power regulation. See the impedance-range graph
`In Fig. A·23.


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 5 of 41
`ure A-6.. Voltage and current limits for an MDX model 1 OK, "high Z" con•
`"envelope" showa the boundaries for each of the three
`available taps. The lmJ)edance ranges for the taps are shown by the four labeled
`voltage may actually be slightly higher than shown here If the
`ar,ows. Note:
`current or power regufatlon. See the Impedance-range graph
`MDX is operating


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 6 of 41
`Figure A-1. Voltage and current limits for an MDX model
`figuration. Each numbered "envelope" shows the OOl'Jm:JWHJS
`available taps. The impedance ranges for the
`s are shown by the
`t the
`arrows. Note: The voltage may actually
`higher than shown
`MDX is
`in current or power regulation. ee the impedance-range graph
`fn Fig, A


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 7 of 41
`re A-S. Voltage and current llmlts for an MDX model 15K, "standard Z" con(cid:173)
`ach numbered "envelope" shows the boundaries for each of the three
`ranges for the taps are shown by the four labeled
`higher than shown here I the
`e the Impedance-range graph
`operating In current or power


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 8 of 41
`Figure A-9. Voltage and current llmltt for an MDX model 15K. "high Z" con(cid:173)
`figuration. Each numbered "envetope" thows the boundaries for each ol the three
`ance ranges for
`are thown by the lour labeled
`available tapt. The
`armwa Note: The
`ge may actually b6
`higher than thown here I the
`• ee the Impedance-range graph
`MDX Is operating fn cummt or power regulat
`fn Fig. A-27.


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 9 of 41
`ilCe--~A_P_P~E~N~D~IX __________________ _
`, , ._
`' ~
`~ 7
`Flgure A-10. Voltage and current limits tor an MDX model 20K, "low Z"' con(cid:173)
`figuration. Each numbered "envelope" shows the boundaries for each of the three
`. The Impedance ranges for the taps are shown by the four labeled
`tJv higher than shown here II the
`The voltage may actually be
`MDX is operating In cunent or power regu
`• See the Impedance-range graph


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 10 of 41
`~ r'
`\ ~ \ /
`' ~ '
`,,,, __
`"standard Z" con(cid:173)
`Figure A-11. Voltage and current limits for an MDX model 20
`r each of the three
`figuration. Each numbered "envelope" shows the
`available taps. The
`ranges for the taps are shown by the lour labeled
`arrows. Nata: The
`ge may actually be slightly higher than shown here If the
`MDX is operating In current or power regulation. See the Impedance-range graph
`In Fig. A-29.


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 11 of 41
`nc·--~A~P~P~E~N~D~IX ___________________ __
`, 1 '
`' \
`~ ' \
`\ ~
`"' "
`- r
`and cummt limits for an MDX model 20K, "high Z" con(cid:173)
`•envebpe" Shaws the boundaries for each of the three
`available taps.
`ce ranges for the
`our labeled
`than Shawn here If the
`arrows. Note: The
`may actually be
`MDX is operating in current or power regulatfon.
`the Impedance-range graph
`in Fig. A-30.


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 12 of 41
`1200 -+--+---+--+--+--+--+--+---+---1---11---1---1----4
`re A· 13. Voltage and cuuent limits for an MDX model 251(, "A:>w Z" con-
`. Each numbered "envelope" shows the boundaries tor ead1 d the three
`a. ranges for the t
`are shown
`r labeled
`may actually be
`here I the
`MDX is operating In cuuent or power regulat
`Impedance-range graph
`In Fig. A•31.


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 13 of 41
`ilC--~A~P~P~E~N~D~IX __________________ _
`Figure A-14, Voltage and current limits for an MDX model 251<, "standard Z" con,.
`figuration. Each numbered "envelope" thow, the boundaries for each of the three
`available taps. The impedance r.
`for the taps are thown by the four labeled
`arrow& Note: The voltage may
`rgher than thown here If the
`MDX Is operating In current or power "
`the ll'Tlpedance,.range graph
`In Fig. A-32.


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 14 of 41
`A· 15. Voltage and current limits for an MDX modal 25K, "high Z" con-
`11au,racK.'11. Each numbered "envelope" shows the boundaries for each of the three
`avaiilalJ·ie taps. The impedance ranges for the taps are shown by the four labeled
`arrows. Nore: The voltage may actually be sllgh
`than shown here if the
`MDX Is operating In current or power regulatk:in.
`the Impedance-range graph
`A· 17


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 15 of 41
`ilC9--~A~P~PE~N~D~IX ___________________ _
`Figure A· 16. Voltage and current limits for an MDX model 30K, "low Z" con(cid:173)
`figuration. Each numbered "envelope" lhows the boundaries for each of the three
`ce range, for the taps are shown by the four labeled
`ava11able taps. The
`am:.>ws. Note: The
`ay actu
`than lhown here If the
`MDX Is operating in current or power regulatli
`the lmpedanc•range graph
`In Fig. A-34.


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 16 of 41
`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 16 of 41
`Figum Alp-17. Voitage and amen: limits for an MDX modal 30K, “standard 2" con-
`figuration. Each numberad “mvafiope” shows the boundaries for each of the time
`available tape The impedance ranges for the taps are shown by the four labeled
`arrows. Note: The v (age may actually be slight higher #131) sham: here if the
`M? isAogffMIMg in current or power regulatfiom 99 we impedancwange graph
`Artisan Techmiogy Group - Quality tmtmmeniation Guaranteed I (888} {RESOURCE [Wfifflfiflfitgfiflm


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 17 of 41
`Figure A· 18. Voltage and current Umlts for an MDX model 30K, 'tlfgh Z" oon(cid:173)
`ffguration. Each numbered "envelope" show, the boundariea for each of the three
`ranges for the tap, are shown by the four labeled
`available tap,. The t
`arrows. Note: The
`an shown here ii the
`ge may actual1y be sllghtlv
`MDX is operating In current or power regulation. See
`impedance.range graph
`In Fig. A-36.


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 18 of 41
`A-19. Impedance-range graph for an MDX model 51(, "tow Z" conflguratiOn.
`are the three overlapping ranges of Impedance values that can be
`accomodated with either tap 1, 2, or 3. Th
`that can be accomods.ted with
`tap 1 is enclosed by the lines labeled ·1 ";
`the lines that enclose the
`other two ranges are labeled "'2" and "3." Also see Fig. A-1.


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 19 of 41
`ac--~A~P~P~E~N~D~IX __________________ _
`Figure A-20. lrnpedane&-range graph for an MDX model 5K, "standard Z" con-
`figuration. Shown are the th
`ranges al Impedance values that can
`be accomodated with eith
`that can be accomodated
`with tap 1 is Mclosed by the lines labeled "1 *;
`, the Jines that enelose the
`other two ranges are labeled "2" and "3." Also see


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 20 of 41
`graph for an MDX model 5K, "hlah Z" configuration.
`A-21. lmpedance-,r.
`g ranges of impedance values that can be
`are the th
`accomodated with either tap 1, 2, or 3. The range that can be accomodated with
`tap 1 Is enclosed by the lines labeled "1 "; l!llmllarly, the lines that enclose the
`other two ranges are labeled "2" and "3." Also see Fig. A-3.


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 21 of 41
`Figure A·22, Impedance-range graph for an MDX model 101<, "bw Z" con-
`figuration. Shown are the three overlapping
`of Impedance values that can
`be accomodated with
`or 3.
`that can be accomodated
`ty, the lines that encbse the
`with tap 1 ls enclosed by the
`labeled "1 ";
`other two ranges are labeled 12· and "3." Also see Fig. A-4.


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 22 of 41
`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 22 of 41
`7 1,000
` 2000
`100 120
`40 16C) 130 209 220 240 2290 280 30c;
` 0
`figuration. Shawn am the three overlapping ranges of madame wait/ea that can
`be accomdated with either tap 1, 2, or 3. The range that can be accouwdatad
`with tap 1 Is enclosed by the fines mm “1 "; similarln the (rhea (11‘3th the
`other two ranges are labeled "2“ and “3.” AM see Fig. k5,
`A ~ 25
`Mean Technomgy Gmux} - Quantity mgtrumemafion Guaranteed | (888} 3&801) REE E wwwamsantgumm


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 23 of 41
`ilE·--_A_P_P_E_N_D_IX __________________ _
`Figure A-24. Impedance-range graph for an MDX model 10K, "high Z" con(cid:173)
`figuration. Shown are the three overlapping ranges of impedance values that can
`be accomodated with either tap 1, 2, or 3.
`that can be accomodated
`with tap 1 is enclosed by the lines labeled
`, the lines that enclose the
`other two ranges are labeled "2" and "3." Also see Fig. A-6.


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 24 of 41
`-~· 1 \ t5
`\ \
`0 \
`\ \ "
`" " '
`1 ,.,
`Figure A-25. lmpedanct!rtange graph for an MDX model 15K, "low Z" con(cid:173)
`figuration. Shown are the three overlapping ranges of Impedance values that can
`be accomodated with
`2, or 3. The ranr;,e that can be aa':Omt::Xia,ted
`with tap 1 Is enclosed by the
`labeled "1 "; similarly, the lines that enoro,se
`other two ranges are labeled
`and "3" Also see Fig. A-7.
`A 27


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 25 of 41
`oc--~A~P~P~E~N~D~IX __________________ _
`Figure A·26. Impedance-range graph for an MDX model 15K. "standard Z" con(cid:173)
`figuration. Shown are the three overlapping range, of impedance value, that can
`2, or 3. The
`that can be accomodated
`be accomodated with
`with tsp 1 i1 encloled by the
`labeled 111 •;
`, the lines that enclose the
`other two ranges are labeled "2 • and "3." Also see


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 26 of 41
`15K, "high Z" con-
`re A-27. Impedance-range graph for an MDX
`. Shown are the three overlappfng ranges
`Impedance values that can
`be accomodated with either tap 1, 2, or 3. The range that can be accomodated
`with tsp 1 it enclosed by the lines IBM/ed "1 "; similarly, the tines that enclose the
`other two ranges are labeled "'2" and "3." Also see Fig. A-9.


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 27 of 41
`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 27 of 41
`. ___ A_P_P~EN~D~IX ___________________ _
`i: u-—M‘
`EMP‘EUANCE (511:)
`Figure A~28. tnmedanwmge graph for an max made: 20K, “law Z” mn-
`ance valuea that can
`figuratim. Shown are the Wee overlappin ran
`3 of famed
`be ammodatsd wfm either
`1, 2, or 3. The range that can be ammoniated
`wim tap 1 is massed by the ines Wed “1"; similady, the lines ma! enclose ma
`other two ranges are mead ”2" and “3.“ Mm 399 Fig. .440.
`Artisan Technology Group » Quaiity {nanomematim Guaranteed 3 {388} BBMEOURBE f Wfiflimntgfiam


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 28 of 41
`Figure A·29. Impedance-range graph for an MDX model 20K, "standard Z" con-
`figuration. Shown are the three
`ranges of impedance values that can
`be accomOdated wfth either tap 1, 2,
`The range that can be accomOdated
`wfth tap 1 Is enclosed by the lines labeled •1 •; similarly, the lines that enclose the
`are labeled "2" and "3" Also see Fig. A-11.
`other two


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 29 of 41
`ac·---A~P_P~E~N~D~IX ___________________ _
`Figure A-30. Impedance-range graph for an MDX model 2
`that can
`figuration. Shown ate the three overlapping ranges of i
`be accomodated with either tao 1, 2, or a The
`that can be accomodated
`with tap 1 fs enclosed by the lines labeled "1 "; si
`'ly, the Ines that enclose the
`other two ranges are labeled "2· and "3." Also see Fig. A-12..


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 30 of 41
`Figure A-31. Impedance-range graph for an MDX model 25K. "low Z" con·
`figuration. Shown are the three overlapping ranges of Impedance values that can
`be accomodated with either tao 1, 2, or 3. The
`that can be accomodated
`with tap 1 is MClosed by the Jines labeled "1 ";
`, the lines that MClose the
`other two ranges are labeled "2 • and "3." Also see FIQ. A· 13.


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 31 of 41
`Lli:. __ A_P_P_EN_D ___ IX......_ ________ _
`Figure A-32. Impedance-range graph for an MDX model 25K, "standard Z" con-
`figuration. Shown are the three
`ranges of Impedance values that can
`be acaJmodated with
`that can be aa::omodated
`with tap 1 Is enclosed by the es labeled "1 ";
`, the lines that enclose the
` labeled "2· and '"3." Also see Fig. A-14.
`other two


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 32 of 41
`Figure A-33. Impedance-range graph for an MDX model 251(, "high Z" con(cid:173)
`figuration. Shown are the three overlapping ranges d impedance value, that can
`that can be aooomodated
`be aooomodated with either tap 1, 2, or 3. The
`wfth tap 1 Is enclosed by the lines labeled "1 ·;
`ty, the lines that encto,e the
`other two ranges are labeled "2 • and "'3." Also see Fig. A-15.


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 33 of 41
`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 33 of 41
`ilC~--_A_P_P_EN_D_IX __________________ _
`NMQ...) 38{3(2)
`55% {DC}C33QC}
`5Z3 QC:0::(DC:
`F‘GWER{Wetts} I;E;3 5:}C)QC)QC3C5OO MInn—innu-*
`Mamas-u— O“ 00o0OC} a;
`1 1G
`figure #34, Impedance-range gmph far an MDX mode! 30K. “low 2'" 00m
`figuration Shown are the three overlapping range& {if impedance values that can
`be ammodated with either!
`1, 2, or 3. ”the range that can be ammodated
`with tap 1 is endows! by the ' as labeled “1“; similarly, the lines that enema the
`other two ranges are labeled ”‘2“ and “3.” Also we Fig. .446.
`A - 36
`Mean Technomgy Gmux} - Quantity mgtrumemafion Guaranteed | (888} 3&801) REE E wwwamsantgumm


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 34 of 41
`3000 -tllt-----t~~-t--~··-+~~+--~-+-······-···1~~······t-~~f······-······+-~--t~~--1
`Figure A-35. lmpedance--range graph for an MDX model 30K, "standard Z" con-
`ranges of Impedance values that can
`figuration. Shown are the

`be accom
`The ranqe that can be accomodated
`with tsp 1 is enclosed by the
`"1 •; similarly, the lines that enclose the
`other two ranges are labeled "2" and "3." A/So see Fig. A-17.


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 35 of 41
`dE• ___ A_P_P~E~N~D~IX __________________ _


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 36 of 41
`Warranty Claims
`to defects In material
`narrnl\N tJIVYU\.ILO are warranted to be free from
`workmanship for 12 months
`are shipped from the factory (please see warranty statement, below,
`for aet,irnsJ
`damage, you must Inspect the delivered goods
`shipping or
`receipt of the goods. Please note that failing to report any damage
`30 days of
`Is the same as acknowledging that the goods were received undamaged.
`it must:
`For a warranty clalm to be
`warranty period
`of the
`to the
`number and a full
`include the product
`• have been assigned a retum authori2ation number (see below) by AE Customer .,.,..,,,.,..,,.
`list of contacts at
`front of
`performed at an authorized AE service center
`warranty work will
`the manual). You are ra"' 1"""'"1«un1a for obtaining
`(see details below) to retum any defective
`and ensuring that the units are returned to an authorized AE service
`center. AE wlll return
`unit (freight
`to you by
`air shipment
`parts and labor
`for local returns);
`provided free
`the unit
`you or AE) Is
`for proper1y packaging and
`Authorized Returns
`Before returning any product for repair and/or adjustment, call AE Customer s11:1inu,,..A
`problem with them. Be
`them the
`unit and
`must actually
`proposed return.
`call will allow Customer
`Such technical consultation Is always avaDable at no rh111,rna
`problem to be
`without authori2ation from AE Customer Service and that are found to be functional
`warranty (see warranty statement, below). That is, you wHI have to pay a
`will not be
`retest and calibration
`shipping charges.
`Upgrading Units
`products are oontinuaffy changing as ways to improve them are discovered. AE Is happy to upgrade
`so that they
`recent Improvements. The fee for upgrading a unit wlll be a percentage of
`age of
`based on
`unit. Such an upgraded unit will carry a 6-month warranty
`to any time remaining on the original warranty). Contact
`Service for
`spe!cmc:s on getting an older unit upgraded to
`current revision level.
`The seller makes no express or implied warranty that the goods are merchantable or flt for any
`particular purpose except as specifically stated in printed.A£ specifications. The sole responsibility
`of the Seller shall be that it will manufacture the goods in accordance with its pubHshed
`specifications and that the goods will be free from defects In material and workmanship. The
`seller'• liability for breach of an expressed warranty shall exllt only If the goods are Installed,
`started in operation, and tested in conformity with the seller's published inttructions. The seller
`expressly excludes any warranty whatsoever concerning goods that have been subJect to misuse,
`negligence, or accident, or that have been altered or repaired by anyone other than the seller or the
`seller's duly authorized agent. This warranty is expressly made in lieu of any and all other
`warranties, express or implied, unless otherwise agreed to In wrHing. The warranty period is 12
`months after the date the goods are shipped from AE. In an cases, the seller has sole reaponslbUity
`for determining the cause and nature of the tallure, and the seller's determination with regard
`thereto shall be final.


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 37 of 41
`ARC.OUT .•.....
`rate .......•............•....•.
`ua..,,,..,. configuration .•...••.••.......•... 3-10
`•..•....•...• 3-27
`................. 1-9
`f'lntimum (floating output) . . • .
`. . • . . .
`• •.•• 1-12
`output) ........... 1-10
`port . . . . . . . • . . . . . ...... 2-8, 3-17
`..•.....•.••.•••..•.... 2-10
`••...•..•.....•....•. 2-10, 3-18
`1, 3-28
`• . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . .
`output ..•
`remote control
`contactor hold
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7
`. . . . . . . . . . . . .
`. . . . . . . 3-9
`current regulation ....................... 4-3
`de bias ...•.•.....•.•.........••..• 6-3
`.....................• 3-28
`error me:ssaaes


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 38 of 41
`QC® ____________ IN_D_E_X_
`fast ramp . . . . . . .
`functional block diagram
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13
`Host port
`transmission parameters .
`host-remote control
`. . . . .
`. . . . . .
`control hierarchy .
`Host port .....
`minipanel controls
`minipanel rear panel .
`rear panel ..... .
`remote control panel, rear view
`standard control panel controls
`User port . . . . . . . . . . . .
`line voltage changes
`lockmode .....
`2-33, 4-21
`2-25, 2-45
`2-25, 2-45
`Artisan Technology Group· Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed I (888) 88-SOURCE I
`DEFTS-PA_000024 7


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 39 of 41
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-53
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-55
`mesisaaies . . • . • . • • • • . . • . • • . . . • . • • • • • • 2-23
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . 2-17
`. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17
`1mpeaance . . • • . • • • • . • • . • • . • • • • . • •
`1-21, 4-43
`• • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . •
`8, 2-16
`• • 4-49
`. . . • . . •
`. • . . . • •
`. . 4-9
`. . • . . . . . . • .
`. . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10
`l"\r"IArmu-.n - Host port
`l'f'ln'lm!:lmic:t to set
`ff'"'''"'"'""" hexadecimal characters
`. • . . . . . 2-38
`.. 2-42
`.. 2-34
`. . • • 2-40
`. •
`interlock status
`c::v!t1ti::om status . . . . . . . . . 2-41
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-36
`. ' • • . • . • • 2-43
`fl:in(!l!:!tll'ln r1:1,cnr1nc:t,ic:t to status
`run timer .•..•••••........•..•..•... 4-15


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 40 of 41
`signal descriptions
`User port.
`setpoint level . . .
`setting up ....
`spacing requirements
`. .
`physical ...
`start-up procedure
`status information
`messages ..
`digital meter LEDs .
`signals ...... .
`control panels
`status indicator LEDs -
`status indicator LEDs - passive front panel
`switch LEDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`tap selection . . .
`tap changing .
`target-life counter
`theory of operation .
`transmission parameters .
`typical applications
`basic magnetron sputtering
`de sputtering with RF bias .
`de-biased RF sputtering . .
`User port
`connector .... .
`.... .
`pin-description table
`signal descriptions .
`user-remote control
`. .
`method of output regulation
`on/off ...... .
`output setpoint level
`target ...... .
`4-37, 4-43
`4-5, 4-24
`2-31, 4-23
`Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed I (888) 88-SOURCE I


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 41 of 41
`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 77-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 41 of 41
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`lmtmfif‘zéwm REMWE mama”:{01%
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