Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 71 Filed 03/10/21 Page 1 of 239
`WO 2004/106581
`14. The method of claim l, :further including supplying a ceramic target.
`15. The method of claim 1, wherein the transparent conductive oxide film is doped
`with at least one rare-earth ions.
`16. The method of claim 15, wherein the at least one rare-earth ions includes erbium.
`17. The method of claim 15, wherein the at least one rare-earth ions includes cerium.
`18. A method of depositing a transparent conductive oxide film on a substrate,
`placin~ the substrate in a reaction chamber;
`adjusting power to a pulsed DC power supply coupled to a target in the
`reaction chamber;
`adjusting an RF bias power coupled to the substrate;
`adjusting gas flow into the reaction chamber; and
`providing a magnetic field at the target in order to direct deposition of the
`transparent conductive oxide film on the substrate in a pulsed-de biased reactive-ion
`deposition process, wherein the transparent conductive oxide film exhibits at least one
`particular property.
`19. The method of claim 18, wherein at least one particular property of the
`transparent conductive oxide film is detennined by parameters of the pulsed-de biased
`reactive ion deposition process.
`20. The method of claim 19, wherein the at least one particular property includes
`resistivity of the transparent conductive oxide film.
`21. The method of claim 19, wherein the transparent conductive oxide film includes
`an indium-tin oxide film.
`22. The method of claim 19, wherein the parameters include oxygen partial pressme.
`23. The method of claim 19, wherein the parameters include bias power.
`24. The method of claim 18, wherein the target can include at least one rare-earth
`25. The method of claim 24, wherein the at least one rare-earth ions includes erbium.
`26. The method of claim 24, wherein the at least one rare-earth ion includes cerbium.
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`WO 2004/106581
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`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 71 Filed 03/10/21 Page 5 of 239
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`WO 2004/106581
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`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 71 Filed 03/10/21 Page 12 of 239
`(19) World lnlellcclual Property
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`9 December 2004 (09.12.2004)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2004/106582 A2
`(51) lnlernalhmal Patent ClassiDcation7:
`14/08, 14/34, BOIL '.!l/316
`C23C 14/14,
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`'.!I May '.!004 ('.?J.05.'.!004>
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`'.!3 May '.?003 ('.?3.05.'.!003) US
`(71) Applicant (for all Jesigt1a1eJ States e.~cept US): S\'M(cid:173)
`MORPHIX. INC. [US/US]; l'.?78 Reamwood Avenue,
`Sunnyvale, CA 94089-'.!'.!33 {US).
`(81) Designated Slates /UT1less 01/ierwise irulic:a1ed. for every
`kind of t1a1i01wl protection availoble): AE. AG, AL, AM,
`AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB. BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN.
`CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, Fl,
`GB, GD, GE. GH, GM. HR, HU. ID, IL, IN. IS, JP, KE,
`KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD.
`MG. MK. MN. MW. MX. MZ, NA, Nl, NO, NZ, OM, PG,
`PH, PL, PI'. RO, RU. SC, SD, SE. SO, SK, SL, SY, TJ, TM,
`TN, TR. TI .. TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, Y1J, ZA, ZM.
`C84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regiorwl prolet:lion available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ. UG, ZM,
`ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU. TJ, TM).
`European (AT, BE. BO, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE. ES, Fl,
`FR, GB, GR, HU, IE. IT, LU, MC, NL, PL, Pl', RO, SE, SI,
`OW, ML. MR. NE, SN. TD, TO).
`withoul it11ema1ional search report and to be republished
`upon receipl of 1hat report
`For rwo-le11er codes a11d other abbreviatio1111, rt'fer to 1/ie "Guid(cid:173)
`a11ce Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearit1g at 1he begin(cid:173)
`ni11g of each regular issue of t/11! PCT Gazelle.
`Rkhard,Emest [US/US); 190 Fawn Lane, Portola Valley,
`CA 940'.!8 (US). ZHANG, Hongmcl (US/US]; 1330 Rod(cid:173)
`ney Drive, San Jose, CA 95118 (US>. NARASIMHAN,
`95136 (US). MJLONOPOULOU, Vasslllkl (GR/US];
`= (75) Jnvenlors/Appllcants (for US only): DEMARAY,
`= (72) Inventors; and
`= Mukundan [IN/US); '.!93 Bluefield Drive, San Jose, CA
`= 6160 Paseo Pueblo Drive, San Jose, CA 951 '.20 (US).
`= (74) Agenl: GARRETT, Arthur. S.; Finnegan, Henderson,
`= Washinton, D.C. '.?0005-3315 (US).
`= Farabow, G'.irrell & Dunner. L.L.P., 1300 I Slreet N.W.,
`= === --
`O (57) Ahlllrad: High density oxide films are deposited by a pulsed-DC, biased reactive spullcring process from a titanium containing
`O 1arge1 10 form high quali1y 1itanium containing oxide films. A method of forming a titanium based layer or film according to 1hc
`M presenl invention includes deposiling a layer of titanium con1aining oxide by pulsed-DC, biased reactive spullering process on a sub-
`0 slr.ite. In some embodiments, the layer is 'nOi. In some embodiment..~. the layer is a sub-oxide of Titanium. ln some embodimcnls,
`> 1he layer is 11,01 wherein xis between about land abou14 and y is between abou1 I and aboul 7. In some embodiment..~. !he layer can
`,_,.. be doped with one or more rare-earth ions. Such layers are useful in energy and charge storage, and energy conversion technologies.
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`WO 2004/106582
`Energy Conversion and Storage Films and Devices by Physical Vapor Deposition
`of Titanium and Titanium Oxides and sub-Oxides
`Related Applications
`The present invention claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application Serial
`No. 60/473,375, "Energy Conversion and Storage Devices by Physical Vapor
`Deposition of Titanium Oxides and Sub-Oxides," by Richard E. Demaray and Hong
`Mei Zhang, filed on May 23, 2003, herein incorporated by reference in its entirety.
`1. Field of the Invention
`The present invention is related to fabrication of thin films for planar
`energy and charge storage and energy conversion and, in particular, thin films
`deposited of titanium and titanium oxides, sub oxides, and rare earth doped titanium
`oxides and sub oxides for planar energy and charge storage and energy conversion.
`2. Discussion of Related Art
`Currently, titanium oxide layers are not utilized commercially in energy
`storage, charge storage, or energy conversion systems because such layers are
`difficult to deposit, ~fficult to etch, are known to have large concentrations of
`defects, and have poor insulation properties due to a propensity for oxygen deficiency
`and the diffusion of oxygen defects in the layers. Additionally, amorphous titania is
`difficult to deposit due to its low recrystalization temperature (about 250 °C), above
`which the deposited layer is often a mixture of crystalline anatase and rutile
`However, such amorphous titania layers, if they can be deposited in
`sufficient quality, have potential due to their high optical index, n-2. 7, and their high
`dielectric constant, k less than or equal to about 100. Further, they have substantial
`chemical stability. There are no known volatile halides and titania is uniquely
`resistant to mineral acids. Amorphous titania is thought to have the further advantage
`that there are no grain boundary mechanisms for electrical breakdown, chemical
`corrosion, or optical scattering. It is also well known that the sub oxides of titanium
`have unique and useful properties. See, e.g., Hayfield, P.C.S., ''Development of a
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`WO 2004/106582
`New Material- Monolithic T401 Ebonix Ceramic", Royal Society Chemistry, ISBN
`0-85405-984-3, 2002. Titanium monoxide, for example, is a conductor with a
`uniquely stable resistivity with varying temperature. Additionally, Th0:3, which can
`be pinkish in color, is known to have semiconductor type properties. However, these
`materials have not found utilization because of their difficult manufacture in films and
`their susceptibility to oxidation. Further, T40, demonstrates both useful electrical
`conductivity and unusual resistance to oxidation. T401, however, is also difficult to
`fabricate, especially in thin film form.
`Additional to the difficulty offabricating titanium oxide or sub oxide
`materials in useful thin film form, it also has proven difficult to dope these materials
`with, for example, rare earth ions, in useful or uniform concentration.
`Therefore, utilization of titanium oxide and suboxide films, with or
`without rare earth doping, has been significantly limited by previously available thin
`film processes. If such films could be deposited, their usefulness in capacitor, battery,
`and energy conversion and storage technologies would provide for many value-added
`Current practice for construction of capacitor and resistor arrays and for
`thin :filqi energy storage devices is to utilize a conductive substrate or to deposit the
`metal cond~ctor or electrode , the resistor layer, and the dielectric capacitor films
`from various material systems. Such material systems for vacuum thin films, for
`example, include copper, aluminum, nickel, platinum, chrome, or gold depositions, as
`well as conductive oxides such as ITO, doped zinc oxide, or other conducting
`(0007] Materials such as chrome-silicon monoxide or tantalum nitride are known
`to provide resistive layers with 100 parts per million or less resistivity change per
`degree Centigrade for operation within typical operating parameters. A wide range of
`dielectric materials such as silica, silicon nitride, alumina, or tantalum pentoxide can
`be utilized for the capacitor layer. These materials typically have dielectric constants
`k ofless than about twenty four (24). In contrast, Ti02 either in the pure rutile phase
`or in the pure amorphous state can demonstrate a dielectric constant as high as I 00.
`See; e.g., RB. van Dover, "Amorphous Lanthanide-Doped Ti02 Dielectric Films,"
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`WO 2004/106582
`Appl. Phys Lett., Vol. 74, no. 20, p. 3041-43 (May 17, 1999).
`It is well known that the dielectric strength of a material decreases with
`increasing value of dielectric constant k for all dielectric films. A 'figure of merit' (
`FM) is therefore obtained by the product of the dielectric constant k and the dielectric
`strength measured in Volts per cm of dielectric thiclmess. Capacitive density of
`10,000 to 12,000 pico Farads /mm2 is very difficult to achieve with present
`conductors and dielectrics. Current practice for reactive deposition of titanium oxide
`has achieved a figure-of-merit, FM, of about 50 (kMV/cm). See J.-Y. Kim et al.,
`"Frequency-Dependent Pulsed Direct Current Magnetron Sputtering of Titanium
`Oxide Films," J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 19(2), Mar/Apr 2001.
`Therefore, there is an ongoing need for titanium oxide and titanium sub(cid:173)
`oxide layers, and rare-earth doped titanium oxide and titanium sub-oxide layers, for
`various applications.
`In accordance with the present invention, high density oxide films are
`deposited by a pulsed-DC, biased, r~ctive sputtering process from a titanium
`containing target. A method of forming a titanium based layer or film according to
`depositing a layer of titanium containing oxide
`the present invention includes
`by pulsed-DC, biased reactive sputtering process on a substrate. In some
`embodiments, the layer is Ti02. In some embodiments, the layer is a sub-oxide of
`Titanium. In some embodiments, the layer is TixOy wherein x is between about 1 and
`about 4 and y is betwee°: about 1 and about 7.
`In some embodiments of the invention, the figure of merit of the layer is
`greater than 50. In some embodiments of the invention, the layer can be deposited
`between conducting layers to form a capacitor. In some embodiments of the
`invention, the layer includes at least one rare-earth ion. In some embodiments of the
`invention, the at least one rare-earth ion includes erbium. In some embodiments of
`the invention, the erbium doped layer can be deposited between conducting layers to
`form a light.:.emitting device. In some embodiments of the invention, the erbium
`doped layer can be an optically active layer deposited on a light-emitting device. In
`some embodiments of the invention, the layer. can be a protective layer. In some
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`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 71 Filed 03/10/21 Page 16 of 239
`WO lOOJ/106582
`embodiments, the protective layer can be a catalytic layer.
`In some embodiments of the invention, the layer and a Ti<h layer can be
`deposited between conducting layers to form a capacitor with decreased roll-off
`characteristics with decreasing thickness of the Ti(h layer. In some embodiments, the
`Ti02 layer can be a layer deposited according to some embodiments of the present
`These and other embodiments of the present invention are further
`discussed below with reference to the following figures.
`Short Description of the Figures
`Figures lA and lB illustrate a pulsed-DC biased reactive ion deposition
`apparatus that can be utilized in the deposition according to the present invention.
`Figure 2 shows an example of a target that can be utilized in the reactor
`illustrated in Figures IA and IB.
`Figures 3A and 3B illustrate various configurations oflayers according to
`embodiments of the present invention.
`Figures 4A and 4B illustrate further various configurations M layers
`according to embodiments of the present invention.
`Figure 5 shows another layer structure involving one or more layers
`according to the present invention.
`Figure 6 shows a transistor gate with a TiOy layer according to the present
`Figure 7 illustrates the roll-off of the dielectric constant with decreasing
`film thickness.
`Figure 8 illustrates data points from a bottom electrode that helps reduce or
`eliminate the roll-off illustrated in Figure 7.
`Figures 9A and 9B illustrate an SEM cross-section of a T407 target
`obtained from Ebonex™ and an SEM cross section of the T406.8 film deposited from
`the Ebonex™ target according to the present invention.
`Figure 10 shows the industry standard of thin-film capacitor performance
`in comparison with layers according to some embodiments of the present invention.
`Figure 11 shows the performance of various thin films deposited according
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`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 71 Filed 03/10/21 Page 17 of 239
`WO 2004/106582
`to the present invention in a capacitor structure.
`Figure 12 shows a cross-section TEM and diffraction pattern amorphous
`and crystalline layers ofTi02 on n++ wafers.
`Figure 13 shows a comparison of the leakage current for Ti02 films
`according to embodiments of the present invention with and without erbium ion
`Figures 14A and 14B show a photoluminescence signal measured from a
`5000 A layer of 10% erbium containing Ti02 deposited from a 100/o erbium doped
`TiO conductive target and a photoluminescence signal measured from the same layer
`after a 30 minute 250 °C anneal.
`In the figures, elements having the same designation have the same or
`similar functions.
`Detailed Description
`[0029] Miniaturization is driving the form factor of portable electronic
`components. Thin film dielectrics with high dielectric constants and breakdown
`strengths allow production of high density capacitor arrays for mobile
`communications devices and on-chip high-dielectric capacitors for advanced CMOS
`processes. Thick film dielectrics for high energy storage capacitors allow production
`of portable power devices.
`Some embodiments of films deposited according to the present invention
`have a combination of high dielectric and high breakdown voltages. Newly
`developed electrode materials allow the production of very thin films with high
`capacitance density. The combination of high dielectric and high breakdown voltages
`produce thick films with new levels of available energy storage according to
`Deposition of materials by pulsed-DC biased reactive ion deposition is
`described in U.S. Patent Application Serial No. 10/101863, entitled ''Biased Pulse DC
`Reactive Sputtering of Oxide Films," to Hongmei Zhang, et al., filed on March 16,
`2002. Preparation of targets is described in U.S. Patent Application Serial No.
`10/101,341, entitled ''Rare-Earth Pre~Alloyed PVD Targets for Dielectric Planar
`Applications," to Vassiliki Milonopoulou, et al., filed on March 16, 2002. U.S. Patent
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`WO 2004/106582
`Application Serial No. 10/101863 and U.S. Patent Application Serial No. 10/101,341
`are each assigned to the same assignee as is the present disclosure and each is
`incorporated herein in their entirety. Additionally, deposition of materials is further
`described in U.S. Patent 6,506,289, which is also herein incorporated by reference in
`its entirety.
`(0032} Figure IA shows a schematic of a reactor apparatus 10 for sputtering of
`material from a target 12 according to the present invention. In some embodiments,
`apparatus 10 may, for example, be adapted from an AKT-1600 PVD (400 X 500 mm
`substrate size) system from Applied Komatsu or an AKT4300 (600 X 720 mm
`substrate size) system from Applied Komatsu, Santa Clara, CA The AKT-1600
`reactor, for example, has three deposition chambers connected by a vacuum transport
`chamber. These AKT reactors can be modified such that pulsed DC (PDC) power is
`supplied to the target and RF power is supplied to the substrate during deposition of a
`material film. The PDC power supply 14 can be protected from RF bias power 18 by
`use of a filter 15 coupled between PDC power supply 14 and target 12.
`(0033) Apparatus I 0 includes a target 12 which is electrically coupled through a filter
`15 to a pulsed DC power supply 14. In some embodiments, target 12 is a wide area
`sputter source target, which provides material to be deposited on substrate 16.
`Substrate 16 is positioned parallel to and opposite target 12. Target 12 functions as a
`cathode when power is applied to it and is equivalently termed a cathode. Application
`of power to target 12 creates a plasma 53. Substrate 16 is capacitively coupled to an
`electrode 17 through an insulator 54. Electrode 17 can be coupled to an RF power
`supply 18. Magnet 20 is scanned across the top of target 12.
`[0034) For pulsed reactive de magnetron sputtering, as performed by apparatus 10,
`the polarity of the power supplied to target 12 by power supply 14 oscillates between
`negative and positive potentials. During the positive period, the insulating layer on
`the surface of target 12 is discharged and arcing is prevented. To obtain arc free
`deposition, the pulsing frequency exceeds a critical frequency that depends on target
`material, cathode current and reverse time. High quality oxide films can be made
`using reactive pulsed DC magnetron sputtering in apparatus 10.
`[0035] Pulsed DC power supply 14 can be any pulsed DC power supply, for example
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`an AB Pinnacle plus 1 OK by Advanced Energy, Inc. With this example supply, up to
`10 kW of pulsed DC power can be supplied at a frequency of between 0 and 350
`KHz. In some embodiments, the reverse voltage is 10% of the negative target
`voltage. Utilization of other power supplies will lead to different power
`characteristics, frequency characteristics, and reverse voltage percentages. The
`reverse time on this embodiment of power supply 14 can be adjusted to betWeen O and
`5 µs.
`(0036) Filter 15 prevents the bias power from power supply 18 from coupling into
`pulsed DC power supply 14. In some embodiments, power supply 18 can be a 2 MHz
`RF power supply, for example a Nova-25 power supply made by ENI, Colorado
`Springs, Co.
`(0037] Therefore, filter 15 can be a 2 MHz band sinusoidal rejection filter. In some
`embodiments, the bandwidth of the filter can be approximately 100 kHz. Filter 15,
`therefore, prevents the 2 MHz power from the bias to substrate 16 from damaging
`power supply 18.
`(0038) However, both RF sputtered and pulsed DC sputtered films are not fully dense
`and may typically have columnar structures. These columnar structures are
`detrimental to thin film applications. By applying a RF bias on wafer 16 during
`deposition, the deposited film can be densified by energetic ion bombardment and the
`columnar structure can be substantially eliminated or completely eliminated.
`(0039] In the AKT-1600 based system, for example, target 12 can have an active size
`of about 675.70 X 582.48 by 4 mm in order to deposit films on substrate 16 that have
`dimension about 400 X 500 mm. The temperature of substrate 16 can be held at
`between -SOC and SOOC by introduction of back-side gas in a physical or electrostatic
`clamping of the substrate, thermoMelectric cooling, electrical heating, or other methods
`of active temperature control. In Figure IA, a temperature controller 22 is shown to
`control the temperature of substrate 16. The distance between target 12 and substrate
`. 16 can be between about 3 and about 9 cm. Process gas can be inserted into the
`chamber of apparatus l O at a rate up to about 200 seem while the pressure in the
`chamber of apparatus 10 can be held at between about .7 and 6 millitorr. Magnet 20
`provides a magnetic field of strength between about 400 and about 600 Gauss directed.
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`in the plane of target 12 and is moved across target 12 at a rate ofless than about 20-
`30 sec/scan. In some embodiments utilizing the AKT 1600 reactor, magnet 20 can be
`a race-track shaped magnet with dimension about 150 mm by 600 mm.
`(0040) Figure 2 illustrates an example of target 12. A film deposited on a substrate
`positioned on carrier sheet 17 directly opposed to region 52 of target 12 has good
`thickness uniformity. Region 52 is the region shown in Figure lB that is exposed to a
`uniform plasma condition. In some implementations, carrier 17 can be coextensive
`with region 52. Region 24 shown in Figure 2 indicates the area below which both
`physically and chemically uniform deposition can be achieved, where physical and
`chemical uniformity provide refractive index uniformity, for example. Figure 2
`indicates that region 52 of target 12 that provides thickness uniformity is, in general,
`larger than region 24 of target 12 providing thickness and chemical uniformity. In
`optimized processes, however, regions 52 and 24 may be coextensive.
`[0041) In some embodiments, magnet 20 extends beyond area 52 in one direction, the
`Y direction in Figure 2, so that scanning is necessary in only one direction, .the X
`direction, to provide a time averaged uniform magnetic field. As shown in Figures
`IA and lB, magnet 20 can be scanned over the entire ex.tent of target 12, which is
`larger than region 52 of uniform sputter ero~ion. Magnet 20 is moved in a plane
`parallel to the plane of target 12.
`[0042] The combination of a uniform target 12 with a target area 52 larger than the
`area of substrate 16 can provide films of highly uniform thickness. Further, the
`material properties of the film deposited can be highlyuhlform. The conditions of
`sputtering at the surface of target 12, such as the uniformity of erosion, the average
`temperature of the plasma at the target surface and the equilibration of the target
`surface with the gas phase ambient of the process are uniform over a region which is
`greater than or equal to the region to be coated with a uniform film thickness. In
`addition, the region of uniform film thickness is greater than or equal to the region of
`the film which is to have highly uniform optical properties such as index of refraction,
`density, transmission, or absorptivity.
`(0043] Target 12 can be formed of any materials, but is typically metallic materials
`such as, for example, combinations ofln and Sn. Therefore, in some embodiments,
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`WO 2004/106582
`target 12 includes a metallic target material formed from intermetallic compounds of
`optical elements such as S~ Al, Er and Yb. Additionally, target 12 can be formed, for
`example, from materials such as La, Yt, Ag, Au, and Eu. To form optically active
`films on substrate 16, target 12 can include rare-earth ions. In some embodiments of
`target 12 with rare earth ions, the rare earth ions can be pre-alloyed with the metallic
`host components to form in~ermetallics. See U.S. Application Serial No. 10/101,341.
`[0044) In several embodiments of the invention, material tiles are formed. These tiles
`can be mounted on a backing plate to form a target for apparatus 10. A wide area
`sputter cathode target can be formed from a close packed array of smaller tiles. Target
`12, therefore, may include any number of tiles, for example between 2 to 20
`individual tiles. Tiles are finished to a size so as to provide a margin of non-contact,
`tile to tile, less than about 0.010" to about 0.020" or less than half a millimeter so as
`to eliminate plasma processes that may occur between adjacent ones of the tiles. The
`distance between the tiles of target 12 and the dark space anode or ground shield 19 in
`Figure lB can be somewhat larger so as to provide non contact assem

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