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`Case 6:20-cv-00636—ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 1 of 113


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 2 of 113
`LegalMetric District Report
`California Northern District Court
`in Patent Cases
`January 2016-June 2020
`This report contains confidential and proprietary information of LegalMetric, Inc. Use of this information by
`anyone other than the purchaser or, if the purchaser is a law firm, the purchaser's client, or disclosure of this
`information to persons other than the purchaser or, if the purchaser is a law firm, the purchaser's client, without
`the consent of LegalMetric, Inc. is prohibited.
`The information contained in this report is obtained from the official docket records of the federal courts. No
`attempt has been made to correct that data. For example, cases may be misclassified in the official docket
`records. In addition, cases are classified only by the primary cause of action. Cases having multiple causes of
`action are analyzed only under the primary cause of action identitied on the official court docket.
`LegalMetric, Inc. is not a law firm, does not provide legal advice, and is not engaged in the practice of law. No
`attorney-client relationship exists between LegalMetric, Inc. and any user of its products. LegalMetric provides
`statistical and analytical information to anyone who desires to purchase that information. Any purchaser of
`LegalMetric products who wants legal advice should hire an attorney.


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 3 of 113
`This report covers the patent cases of the active judges in the California Northern District Court as of July
`2020 (the date of the most recent LegalMetric docket download for this court). Cases of inactive judges are
`not included.
`The number of cases, judgments,
`contested judgments, and trials for this
`court are shown below.
`Patentee and Accused Infringer Overall Win
`Rate by Year
`Patentee Overall Win
`Acc. Infr. Overall Win
`Pat. Win Rate
`Accused Win Rate
`Average Time to Termination by Judgment
`Months from Case Filing
`Larger Version in Body of Report
`Total Cases
`Open Cases
`Closed Cases
`Contested Judgmnts
`The overall win rate, contested win rate,
`and trial win rate for the patentee are
`shown to the right and the corresponding
`times to termination are shown below.
`Contested win rates do not include
`consent and default judgments.
`All Cases
`Color Scheme: Red in the tables indicates a
`win rate more than 10% more favorable to
`the ACCUSED INFRINGER, or a pendency
`time at least 6 months SLOWER than the
`national average. Yellow indicates a win rate
`from 0% to 10% more favorable to the
`ACCUSED INFRINGER, or a pendency time
`from 0 to 6 months SLOWER than the
`national average. Bright (lime) green
`indicates a win rate from 0% to 10% more
`favorable to the PATENTEE, or a pendency
`time from 0 to 6 months FASTER than the
`national average. And dark green indicates a
`win rate more than 10% more favorable to
`the PATENTEE than the national average,
`or a pendency time over 6 months FASTER
`than the national average.
`The average and median award
`amounts for this district are:
`Number of Appeals Complete Affirmance Rate


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`Motions and Claim Construction:
`The win rates on various motions for the district (if any), along with the number of decisions and the number of claim
`construction decisions are shown below.
`Preliminary Injunction
`Stay Pending CBM Rev.
`Stay Pending IPR
`Stay Pending Reexam
`Summary Judgment
`Win Rate
`Win Rates on Contested Motions
`Sum mary Judgment
`Stay Pending IPR
`Stay Pending CBM Rev.
`Stay Pending Reexam
`Preliminary Injunction
`Number of Decisions
`Number of Decisions
`Claim Construction
`Preliminary Injunction
`tay Pending CBM
`Stay Pending IPR
`Claim Construction
`Preliminary Injunction
`Stay Pending CBM Rev
`Stay Pending IPR
`Stay Pending Reexam
`Summary Judgment
`Stay Pending


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 5 of 113
`Alice Motions: The number of Alice motions and win rates on those motions are shown below, by motion type.
`Win Rate
`Number of Decisions
`Dismissal Motion
`Judgment on the Pleadings
`Summary Judgment


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`Home Field Advantage?
`The plaintiff and defendant contested win rates in California Northern District Court are shown below, broken out by party
`(Away - Plaintiff and Defendant (neither side located in the forum), Defendant Local - Plaintiff Away (only defendant
`located in the forum), Local - Plaintiff and Defendant (both sides located in the forum) and Plaintiff Local - Defendant
`Away (plaintiff local - defendant not).
`Not all courts fit the expected pattern of favoring local plaintiffs. Many courts in fact show a distinct preference for
`non-local plaintiffs.
`The win rate charts are followed by a chart illustrating the fractions of contested judgment cases (cases in which a
`judgment is entered in favor of a party, but excluding consent and default judgments) for each category (all local plaintiffs,
`etc.). Many well-known patent venues tend to have a large segment of cases in the "Away - Plaintiff and Defendant"
`Plaintiff Win Rate, by Party Location
`Defendant Win Rate, by Party Location
`Away - Plaintiff
`and Defendant
`Defendant Local
`- Plaintiff Away
`Local - Plaintiff
`and Defendant
`Plaintiff Local -
`Defendant Away
`Away - Plaintiff
`and Defendant
`Defendant Local -
`Plaintiff Away
`Local - Plaintiff
`and Defendant
`Plaintiff Local -
`Defendant Away
`Fraction of Contested Judgments, by Party Location
`Plaintiff Local -
`Defendant Away
`Local - Plaintiff and
`Defendant Local -
`Plaintiff Away
`Away - Plaintiff and


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`Breakdown by Division
`The breakdown of patent cases by division is illustrated in the following chart:
`Total Patent Cases, by Division
`San Jose


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`Breakdown by Case Outcome
`The breakdown of patent cases by case outcome is illustrated in the following chart:
`Case Outcomes by Type
`Intra-District Transfer
`Improper Venue
`Default Judgment
`Consent Judgment
`Bench Trial
`Want of Prosecution
`Involuntary Dismissal
`Jury Verdict
`Lack of Jurisdiction
`Other Settlement
`Other Termination
`Remand to State
`Summary Judgment
`Voluntary Dismissal


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 9 of 113
`Breakdown by Judge
`The chart and table below illustrates the total number of patent cases for each of the active judges in the
`district. In addition, the table shows the number of patent cases for the past three years assigned to each judge.
`Number of Cases, by Judge
`100 120 140 160


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 10 of 113
`All Cases
`Last Three Years


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 11 of 113
`Divisional Comparisons
`The overall patentee case win rate (includes consent and default judgments), contested win rate (does NOT
`include consent and default judgments), trial win rate, complete affirmance rate (appeals affirmed with no other
`action, divided by the total number of appeals except for dismissed and pending appeals), and average time to
`termination by judgment (includes consent and default judgments) are shown below for each division.
`Patentee Overall Case Win Rate
`San Francisco
`San Jose
`Contested Patentee Win Rate
`San Francisco
`San Jose
`Patentee Trial Win Rate
`San Francisco
`San Jose
`Plaintiff Win Rate/
`No. of Judgments
`San Francisco
`San Jose
`Contested Win Rate/
`Number Contested
`San Francisco
`San Jose
`Trial Win Rate/
`Number of Trials
`San Francisco
`San Jose


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`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 13 of 113
`Complete Affirmance Rate
`San Francisco
`San Jose
`Average Time to Termination by Judgment
`San Francisco
`San Jose
`Months from Case Filing
`Complete Aff. Rate/
`Number of Appeals
`San Francisco
`San Jose
`Time to Term./
`Number of Judgmts.
`San Francisco
`San Jose


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`What are the Odds: Termination by Judgment
`The percentage of closed
`patent cases terminated by
`judgment are shown in the
`chart to the right.
`Terminations by judgments
`include terminations resulting
`from trials, from dispositive
`summary judgment motions,
`from involuntary dismissals,
`from consent judgments, and
`from default judgments.
`Cases Closed by Judgment
`The number of judgments by each outcome, the overall patentee win rate, the contested patentee win rate,
`and the trial win rate for each outcome are shown below. Note that the overall win rate includes consent
`and default judgments, whereas the contested win rate does not include consent and default judgments.
`The figures given are for "patentees", rather than "plaintiffs". These figures take into account those
`declaratory judgment cases where the plaintiff is not the patentee.
`Bench Trial
`Consent Judgment
`Default Judgment
`Involuntary Dismissal
`Jury Verdict
`Lack of Jurisdiction
`Other Termination
`Summary Judgment
`Number of Judgments Overall Win Rate Contested Win Rate Trial Win Rate


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 15 of 113
`Win Rates by Year
`The following chart shows the patentee overall win rate and contested win rate for the active judges in the
`California Northern District Court by year. The overall patentee win rate should be compared with the
`nationwide overall win rate of 54.7%, and the contested patentee win rate should be compared with the
`nationwide patentee contested win rate of 21.7%. A chart with a considerable amount of "jitter" reflects
`relatively few data points. Note that the contested patentee win rates are usually much lower than the
`overall win rates since they exclude consent and default judgments.
`Patentee Win Rate by Year: Overall and Contested
`Patentee Overall Win
`Acc. Infringer Overall
`Win Rate
`Patentee Contested Win
`Acc. Infringer Contested
`Win Rate
`The total number of terminations by judgment per year by the currently active judges during the same
`period in the California Northern District Court is shown in the following chart:
`Terminations by Judgment Each Year: Currently
`Active Judges
`Number of Cases


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 16 of 113
`The actual number of judgments, number of patentee "wins", and the corresponding win rates are shown
`below. In this report, a judgment entered in favor of both the plaintiff and the defendant on their respective
`patent infringement claims is counted as "1/2" a win for each party. This could happen, for example, where
`the plaintiff files a patent infringement action, the defendant files a patent infringement counterclaim on its
`own patents, and both prevail on their respective claims.
`Patentee Wins
` Total Decisions Patentee Win Rate Acc. Infr. Win Rate


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 17 of 113
`Patentee Overall and Contested Win Rates: By Judge
`The overall patentee win rate varies significantly from judge to judge over the period covered by this
`report. The chart below illustrates these win rates for these judges. The win rate for judges with no
`terminations by judgment is left blank.
`Patentee Overall Win Rate: By


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 18 of 113
`The patentee contested win rate for these judges is shown below. Note that contested win rates do not
`include consent and default judgments. The win rate for judges with no contested judgments is left blank.
`Patentee Contested Win Rate:
`By Judge


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 19 of 113
`The table below includes the patentee overall and contested win rates for each active judge, along with the
`number of terminations by judgment and by contested judgment by that judge in patent cases during the
`period covered by this report. Judges with no judgments are not included.
`Overall Win Rate Number of Judgments Contested Win Rate Contested Judgments


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 20 of 113
`Patentee Win Rates: By Nominating President: The number of patent cases in this district assigned to
`active judges and the win rates for those cases are shown below, broken out by the nominating president.
`Number of Cases - by Nominating President
`William J. Clinton
`Barack Obama
`Number of Cases: The number of
`cases assigned to active jduges in
`this district is shown in the chart to
`the left, broken out by nominating
`president. This includes all cases
`of the type covered by this report.
`Barack Obama
`George Bush
`George W. Bush
`Jimmy Carter
`Ronald Reagan
`William J. Clinton
`Ronald Reagan
`Jimmy Carter
`George W. Bush
`George Bush
`Win Rates by Nominating President
`Overall Win Rate
`Contested Win Rate
`Trial Win Rate
`George W.
`William J.
`Plaintiff Percentage of Cases Won
`Patentee Win Rates: The win
`rates for these cases, broken out
`by nominating president, are
`shown in the chart to the right.
`This includes overall win rates
`(includes consent and default
`judgments), contested win rates
`(does NOT include consent and
`default judgments), and trial win
`rates (cases decided by bench trial
`or jury verdict).
`Overall Win
`# of
`Contested Win
`# of Contested
`Trial Win
`# of Trial
`Barack Obama
`George Bush
`George W. Bush
`Jimmy Carter
`Ronald Reagan
`William J. Clinton


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 21 of 113
`How Long? Time to Termination
`The average time from case filing to termination for all closed cases, for all cases terminated by judgment,
`for all cases terminated by contested judgment, and for all cases terminated by trial covered by this report
`are shown below.
`Time to Termination
`All Cases
`Cases Terminated
`by Judgment
`Judgment Cases
`Cases Terminated
`by Trial
`Months from Case Filing
`The average time from case filing to termination for all closed cases by year, for all cases terminated by
`judgment, for all cases terminated by contested judgment, and for all cases terminated by trial covered by
`this report are shown below.
`Time to Termination By Year
`All Cases
`Contested Judgments
`Trial Terminations
`Months from Case Filing


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 22 of 113
`Time to Contested Judgment: By Judge
`The average time from case filing to contested judgment for the active judges in this district is shown in the
`chart below.
`Average Time to Contested
`Judgment: By Judge
`Months from Case Filing


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 23 of 113
`Average Time to Termination by Case Outcomes
`The number of cases terminated by each outcome for the active judges in this district is shown in the chart
`below, and the average time to termination for each outcome is shown in the second chart below.
`Case Outcomes
`Bankruptcy Stay
`Bench Trial
`Consent Judgment
`Default Judgment
`Improper Venue
`Intra-District Transfer
`Involuntary Dismissal
`Judgment as a Matter of Law
`Jury Verdict
`Lack of Jurisdiction
`MDL Transfer
`Other Settlement
`Other Termination
`Referral to Arbitration
`Remand to State Court
`Summary Judgment
`Voluntary Dismissal
`Want of Prosecution
`Number of Cases
`Average Time to Termination by
`Bankruptcy Stay
`Bench Trial
`Consent Judgment
`Default Judgment
`Improper Venue
`Intra-District Transfer
`Involuntary Dismissal
`Judgment as a Matter of Law
`Jury Verdict
`Lack of Jurisdiction
`MDL Transfer
`Other Settlement
`Other Termination
`Referral to Arbitration
`Remand to State Court
`Summary Judgment
`Voluntary Dismissal
`Want of Prosecution
`Months from Case Filing


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 24 of 113
`Termination by Month of Litigation
`An overview of when terminations typically occur is found in the following chart, which shows the number
`of patent cases in the California Northern District Court that were terminated each month of litigation. The
`first month of litigation is labeled "1", etc. Months with no case terminations are omitted from the chart.
`Closed Cases Each Month
` 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 60 63 66 69 72 75 78 81 84 87 90 93 96 99
`Month of Litigation
`Number of Terminations


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 25 of 113
`Average Pendency for All Cases: By Judge
`The variation in pendency for all closed cases is shown below.
`Average Time to
`Termination for All Cases
`Months from Case Filing


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 26 of 113
`Average Pendency for Cases Terminated by Judgment: By Judge
`The variation in pendency for all cases terminated by judgment is shown below.
`Average Time to
`Termination by Judgment
`100 120
`Months from Case Filing


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 27 of 113
`Average Pendency for Cases Terminated by Contested Judgment: By Judge
`The variation in pendency for all cases terminated by contested judgment is shown below.
`Average Time to Termination
`by Contested Judgment
`Months from Case Filing


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 28 of 113
`Case and Judgment Outcomes
`The number of outcomes by judgment, the patentee win rate for those outcomes, and the average time to
`termination for those outcomes for this court are shown below, broken out by type of outcome.
`Number of Judgments
`Pat. Win Rate
`Average Time to Termination
`Bench Trial
`Consent Judgment
`Default Judgment
`Involuntary Dismissal
`Jury Verdict
`Lack of Jurisdiction
`Other Termination
`Summary Judgment
`Detailed information about these cases, broken out by type of outcome, is shown in the following sections.


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 29 of 113
`Bench Trial
`The number of Bench Trial outcomes and the average time to termination by that outcome are shown below
`for the district and for each judge who has at least one such outcome.
`Average Time to Termination
`For Bench Trial
`Months from Case Filing


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 30 of 113
`Bench Trial
`Average Time to Termination
`Number of Cases


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 31 of 113
`Bench Trial
`The distribution of these outcomes by month of litigation is shown below. Months with no outcomes are
`omitted from the chart.
`Distribution of Outcomes by Month
`For Bench Trial
`Month of Litigation
`Number of Cases
`Bench Trial
`The patentee and accused infringer win rates for cases with this outcome are shown below for the judges and
`the district as a whole.
`Win Rates
`For Bench Trial
`Patentee Win Rate
`Accused Infringer Win


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 32 of 113
`Bench Trial
`Case Number
`Prevailing Party
` 16.3
`Accused Infringer
` 35.5
`Case Name
`AAT Bioquest, Inc. v. Texas
`Fluorescence Laboratories,
`Gilead Sciences, Inc. v.
`Merck & Co, Inc. et al


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 33 of 113
`Consent Judgment
`The number of Consent Judgment outcomes and the average time to termination by that outcome are shown
`below for the district and for each judge who has at least one such outcome.
`Average Time to Termination
`For Consent Judgment
`Months from Case Filing


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 34 of 113
`Consent Judgment
`Average Time to Termination
`Number of Cases


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 35 of 113
`Consent Judgment
`The distribution of these outcomes by month of litigation is shown below. Months with no outcomes are
`omitted from the chart.
`Distribution of Outcomes by Month
`For Consent Judgment
`Month of Litigation
`Number of Cases
`Consent Judgment
`The patentee and accused infringer win rates for cases with this outcome are shown below for the judges and
`the district as a whole.
`Win Rates
`For Consent Judgment
`Patentee Win Rate
`Accused Infringer Win


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 36 of 113
`Default Judgment
`The number of Default Judgment outcomes and the average time to termination by that outcome are shown
`below for the district and for each judge who has at least one such outcome.
`Average Time to Termination
`For Default Judgment
`Months from Case Filing


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 37 of 113
`Default Judgment
`Average Time to Termination
`Number of Cases


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 38 of 113
`Default Judgment
`The distribution of these outcomes by month of litigation is shown below. Months with no outcomes are
`omitted from the chart.
`Distribution of Outcomes by Month
`For Default Judgment
`Month of Litigation
`Number of Cases
`Default Judgment
`The patentee and accused infringer win rates for cases with this outcome are shown below for the judges and
`the district as a whole.
`Win Rates
`For Default Judgment
`Patentee Win Rate
`Accused Infringer Win


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 39 of 113
`Improper Venue
`The number of Improper Venue outcomes and the average time to termination by that outcome are shown
`below for the district and for each judge who has at least one such outcome.
`Average Time to Termination
`For Improper Venue
`Months from Case Filing


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 40 of 113
`Improper Venue
`Average Time to Termination
`Number of Cases


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 41 of 113
`Improper Venue
`The distribution of these outcomes by month of litigation is shown below. Months with no outcomes are
`omitted from the chart.
`Distribution of Outcomes by Month
`For Improper Venue
`Month of Litigation
`Number of Cases


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`Involuntary Dismissal
`The number of Involuntary Dismissal outcomes and the average time to termination by that outcome are
`shown below for the district and for each judge who has at least one such outcome.
`Average Time to Termination
`For Involuntary Dismissal
`Months from Case Filing


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 43 of 113
`Involuntary Dismissal
`Average Time to Termination
`Number of Cases


`Case 6:20-cv-00636-ADA Document 51-12 Filed 02/23/21 Page 44 of 113
`Involuntary Dismissal
`The distribution of these outcomes by month of litigation is shown below. Months with no outcomes are
`omitted from the chart.
`Distribution of Outcomes by Month
`For Involuntary Dismissal

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