Case 6:20-cv-00272-ADA Document 65-13 Filed 03/14/22 Page 1 of 88
`Exhibit 11


`Case 6:20-cv-00272-ADA Document 65-13 Filed 03/14/22 Page 2 of 88
`Cl9) \\'odd .!l."ltdkctis:.d Pmpe~!y
`Jntermitiorml Biir,~,w
`111111!11! ![ Iii[ I lllf!ll!i! nm If Ii!![ m 11m lfil!!lll!!lll!lliil li!illlllillll HUii
`(43) l:nttnuifomi.d :PuhHtatiM Hale
`21 Jamurry 20H4 (22,0t.1004)
`Otti fo!erniiltfonat l"uh!kalion Numhtr
`\V() 20041008786 Al
`,\G. A.L ,-\_\f
`(~fl D,,s.lgmHNi Stats;.~ fn,ui;.,_,1,t!},
`AZ .. HA, HH. BG, HR, HX BZ, CA, CH. CN, CO, CR,.CO,
`C::t, Dht)1(.DM, !)/,EC.Eli, ES.Tl. GB, GP,GE, on.
`GM. HR. HU, m. !L, IN.JS. JR KL KG. KP, K.R, KZJ ... c.
`UC LR, LS, LT. LU, LV, !\.-JA, MD, ).-lG, MK, MN, M'N,
`MX, .!\ctZ, NO, NZ, OM, l'l{ PL, vr, RO.JU!, sr, S:E, SG,
`us, CZ.
`sr,SK SL, TJ, TM,TN. TR, TL'lY, UA,
`·vrst YU. ZA, ZM, l'N.
`(84) l.)l:~&ign;.\t.t~i·Stn:tt~s:_ (i:~?_gio.~~.:.H}! ARlP()• f.<;:Hf::nt ·({Jlt {H\~f.
`KR LS, MW, ML SD, SL,. SZ, TZ. UG, ZM, '..i'.W\
`bn.=t~_i;,-;1 pa,,;m (AM,.,\'/, BY'. .KG, KZ. M.D, RU, TJ. TM\
`fan,:m,xin f1ii,,mi (AL, BE, HG, CH,. C'{, CZ, DE,. DK, EE.
`ES,. FL Ht (Ht GR, Hi, TT,.LU, i\lC NL, PT.SE. SK,
`TRi, OAJ.'l rs:i,,mi ,B!'. BJ.(:!\ C,G, CI. C\.:f. GA, GN. (>\/,
`G\V, !\IL, !\JR, NE, SN, Tl\ TO\
`(llJ fokmatfomd Appfa.11tfo1i Niiml,~t;
`(1fl (hr 4ft ,:l,,,si.~,,,nnl Si;;i,,~ ,~,c·tpt US}: NOKIA
`CORPOlMTmN !l'J/Ul; Keff;,fahde,1,k 4, HN-02l5Q
`Hsy,:,,:, (fl).
`(72) hw.,rihw; and
`G'S) Im~'i~il>T!AJ1p!k,mi {f,r US ,mfr); Tl!{)HlN(}, '.\farK!<n
`fFi/Ff!~. Koh:·U½Y(Fi. I5'•J\.VJN\U2,i 30 l~~pt~o (fl}.
`L}:".SON, Tlmtmls, J;iham~e&, Al~il.,s ~tat; THK·
`lhr;.•~d;?J~:ng:_4:.~\ 8H3}6 '!\·l'HiK~ht~n (i)fi).
`-b- NC
`~ -~
`~ -=
`VOP _RBR0000490


`Case 6:20-cv-00272-ADA Document 65-13 Filed 03/14/22 Page 3 of 88
`The p:h~~,(~nt in\'e,ntion relates to d ~~ystem &rid m~~tbod fer
`routing messi\9es and/or set of me$sages and/or sessior1s, .tn
`system), to another nt--ctwoxk or op€irato.r, The other netvrork 1.s
`C,?'l.lled foreign rn~twork,- and th(;', other op€i.cator
`ope.r,3.tox. In an E;J.64 message/sessJonr the p.~rty/equipment
` the me~,;sage/session i.nd.ic,1tes :the E, 1.fM nutnber of
`- ·1 ·s
`t:O .. scOW.lTIS,J t:rl.~'ee conditions are tniei cnnc:erning t.he foreign
`' .. ,,
`network 2md operato:c:
`Cl) 1'he fqr.ei9n oper,atox· uses the s8me hi.unber range f<">:e
`IMS {1MB = IP Multimedia Subsystem) and not1-IMS e.g. CS
`{Circuit Switched) networks;
`C2) Only indivtdu<J-.1 - not al l
`- customers of tb,2: f<:>reign
`operator have suhsq:ribed bc,th the . non-INS and JNS;
`C3} The fore.ign op~:r.ator does :not al.low to use .its ENU!+·
`ONS database (DNS ·"" Domtd.n Narn;~ System, ENUM is SpBci.fied in
`RFC 1:916 "'£. 164 numbe r and PNS" ) via DNS delegation or as a
`copy f o.r a trusted ope:tatoi:.
`The t.~s.k o.f the ENUMWDNS database is. to give answe.t· whether
`the target .identifier, Le. the £.164 numbe.rr is a ·ia.1id THB
`identity and if y(::$, give one o.t more NAP'TR.
`'l'hete is not
`VOP _RBR0000491


`Case 6:20-cv-00272-ADA Document 65-13 Filed 03/14/22 Page 4 of 88
`/ .,.g,
`\ -~ -_. .. - -
`range If norlc-'IMS
`the BNUM-~ DNS databf.rn<2 Is used to answ-e:r the
`more d~tail ,
`qu,,,stiot, Q1 "I$ the target E.164 a valid IMS 5.dentit_y?" of S,"(cid:173)
`CS.CF {s~cscF __ ,,, Serving Call Stab:, Control function} in the
`r•c:-'~•·, .. __ ,,, .,
`,- .. ·•s ·ni."lmi.,,~·••
`:) .. _ .a.~~-~ -
`.. -_
`to return Om: or mo.l:'<--3 NAP'l'H (NAl?'.fR ··""·· Nam.Lng Authority
`Pi:)5,tit<s;~:i;·; HR of DNS: RR -"~ Resoun::e R<2ct1rd of DNS} if t:h.e
`-..-..} .... • ~--;' "'r
`t .... · ·tt · ..

`-'1,-:c,~ 0
`rou ,-.~ · lll.:.l -~••'-'·"''-"c'½'···
`tlw target network.
`~ .. ...,.; "'f~
`the question "Ql" abtJVe when E.164 belongs to the number
`ENUl't··DNS then may retu:rn "not found'r; "doma in unknown'! en: a
`stm.u,,u· .result, This means that the £,164 numbi.~r is not a
`va .Lid. lHS i dentl ty ,
`However, it may be that the E ,164 numbe:c is act.u~.lly a valid
`IMfl idi~nt.i. ty but thi .s information. cannot be obtatned
`fro:m the ,3va.Llabl0 ENUM-l>NS in the o.tigin:atfng netwot'k {Le,
`condition nt3" is true} . rt can e.q. be obtained only in the
`trusted nt~t¼'<.)rks C.ff pqssibly only in the taxqq:t network
`itself, The answer 1.n these c~sses is that th!? £, 164 numh•BJ'.'
`may b¢ a vaLit:l IMS identity,
`According to the p.tesent IMS standard d.ra.ft ( 3GPP 'I'S 23. 22B
`\L 5AL 0) the rt,e$saqe/ is :routed to an owrt EGGE\ and
`from tbe.r·e to an own MGCF or to .~ BGCF in tb1:: target rn,
`that routes the message/session further to a MGCF in the
`target network. f.t'om MGCF the mess$.g~/session is routed to
`non-JMS fL-g. CB network. _If the E,164 message/Session .is a
`VOP _RBR0000492


`Case 6:20-cv-00272-ADA Document 65-13 Filed 03/14/22 Page 5 of 88
`mu1tim~dia m@s:sag€:/s es sion that cannot be touted in non--1.MS
`e~gc cs networkt the message/sess.ton is :released latest at
`MGCf in the ow n or in the targe,t netw.ork .
`,.....,,. _4,. DNS databases ,
`This ev.hfontly was th~~ original .idea bo.t it Wtis not accepted
`;.is such in the statid.~:rdi za t i.,on. Le. there is no g1c.1b$.l ENUM--(cid:173)
`DNS. Some e.:;:c9eratort1 are even reluctant to .let the other
`. -"'\,.·.f~
`database ar~ n,m-IMS e.g. CS (CS "' Circuit. Svtitched)
`subscribers th0-t havo not. yet become IMS subsc:rihers.
`In addition i:)perato:cs .seem to be unwil.Lh ig to publish npt
`ever .. i:nfo:r:mat.ion of the ,~mQtmt of the sub.scribe rs they hav~~,
`subst.:ribEiYs) can easily be Se.en from ENUM-ONB if it .is
`publicly avaJlable in the sitUlition desccLbed above.
`BGCE' (EGC F ""' Rreakt>tit Gateway ContrQl Fun.ct.ion), and fn:,rn
`[MGCF ·~. Media Ga teway Contr,::il E\m.c.t.ion}
`there to an own MGCf'
`or to .:l BGCF in the taxget n~twork that routes the
`m(~ssage/sessic,n further to a MGCF in the tar9et n~1twork.
`:t<)iJted to non-IMS e.g. CS
`this is
`n,on-IMS terminal e.g. to GSM rnobi.1~ station.
`If, howev,:rr( th,~ B.164 message/se~;.si<.)n is a mu.ltimedia
`:,s me ssage/s€: s-5Jon th~t cannot be routed in .n<.:m·-- IMS f.:L g, GSM
`VOP _RBR0000493


`Case 6:20-cv-00272-ADA Document 65-13 Filed 03/14/22 Page 6 of 88
`network., the message/session is released lati?t<t at MGCF in
`the o',tn or in thB target network.
`A.ccc,rding t.o one aspect,. the invention provides a system as
`di?fined in the independent system c.laims o:t a.ny one of th;;:
`Ac,mrdin9 to a further aspect,, th,2 invenb.on pJ:'ovS.dee; ,;l
`method a.s d0t'inecl in the ind.ep€ndt-)nt 1n1~thod cl.aims Or .~.ny one
`of the dt,pendent method claims,
`.sess.1 ans dep1:mding on checked
`set { s). of messa:ges and/ or
`message/session requ i r.·em(int.s, e.,g .
`ni<~~dia and/o:t QoS ~tnd/ox
`other requ.i ts of t:hf.~ mess·ag1:~ or the sot of messi":.tgi?s o :r
`the teglHcsted .s~!,$S/Cln. .
`that may carry mul tirnedic~ content. Anothr2r example Ls the
`sub$c.tipti on o.f tb..e pre.senc:e i .nforrnati on of anc::<ther
`subscriber. The delit'<a-ry of the p.rese.ncE: informatiNl ,:;;.;rn be
`delivt~ry i.s done fouriedJ.~tely and it zes the reve:tM");
`.r-oate of the subsc.r.i.ption} br it can be seen to build a
`sEipa r~ te messageset { esp?tt:ia.1 ly when a change in · the presence
`later or when the delbrery Ls routed
`information .is :t'€Jx.1rted
`inde:pe.ndently' of thEf Si..l.b:s~~ rlptionJ,
`VOP _RBR0000494


`Case 6:20-cv-00272-ADA Document 65-13 Filed 03/14/22 Page 7 of 88
`,~ sol11tio.n which will to ln1 early t~~lease
`Fi.g . 1 shot-1.s
`of INS message and/or session;
` .:)ftd/or session is aJ.wa_ys .touted cw a normal IMS
`10 messa ~;e and/o.t sess5.on"',
`which p:t<,vldes a sohttion "Rovte the message and/().r
`m~,;ssagest?t .and/or session ctCC<-.;tdtn9 to the rnedid and/o.r QoS
`and/or other.",
`,1 r1vE1nt .:i.on
`which provi.des a t,olnt}on ''Cn~_ate an t1dditi"'na1 route f rorn
`.Le . t ~Hminat ing BftCF to I ~cSCE"'' $
`5 .illustrates an embodiment of t.h.e structure of utilized
`,g .BGCF,
`Fig, 7 shows utiliied SNUM-DNS da tabases U$ed at a
`t, a ting- BGCf.,
`Fig. B i.llustr.ates an .fo.t routing rnessa,;;:ies
`and/or rnessagesets and/or s es.siori.s which Ori.gin.ate trcrn IMS,
`wherein ~11 E .. 164 messages and/or' messageSets t1n.d/{..)t' sessions.
`are routed via BGCF without ENUM queJ'Y at orig-in~ting S-CSCF,
`VOP _RBR0000495


`Case 6:20-cv-00272-ADA Document 65-13 Filed 03/14/22 Page 8 of 88
`Fig. 9 shows an implementation of the inventi,m similar to
`the sttt.i.,-::tute of Fig, H,. wherein all E.164 mest~,iges and/or
`:messagesets ,~nd/or sessi<>rt$ a:te routed ,d.a BGCI:' without EN!JM
`query at oxiqiriating s-cscr,
`Fi.g ,
`J. O shows . an embo:diment of the ;invent.iort wh-erein a BGCf
`se r,ves as tra.nsft exch-anqe_,
`Fig. 11 shows an embodiment which provides routing to ,J
`Fig. 12 sJ1Q~qs embodirtH,mts for explaining routing examples .for
`an embodiment. p .roviding<-~d :routing b;~$ed
`Fig , 13 sh(cid:144)\-:ts
`on media a nd/o r. QoS ,,~l1d/oit other reqtii:cernents_,
`Fi9. 14 shows a further emtxxtimtint prov5.ding enhanced rout:inq
`b,,~S{::d 9n media anq/or QoS "~nd /or· oth0.:c req1-iiri~,ment$,, and
`''Route the. mr::s.sage .:3,nd/0:c
`mes sageset and /or sessi.oii acco.tdit1g to the media a nd/or QoS
`Se.low/ s.ev('!.ral s .oltitioris ,H'C- p:copos(:,d :re.latinq to the routi ng·
`o.f mess<; "'1nd/c,r 1m::iss,:Ige~rnt and/or s~s.sion usin9 EL 164
`number as i.d,~htifiei for identifying the tertnina1/si..ibscr.iber
`to the message and/(cid:144)r
`·mes.sage.set ~ind/or s ession is to
`VOP _RBR0000496


`Case 6:20-cv-00272-ADA Document 65-13 Filed 03/14/22 Page 9 of 88
`A bas.ic solution. .includes the i ntrnduct.ion of a rou tin9 chain
`S~CSCf' ... EGCF{o) ~ BGCF{t) -
`J>·CSCF (o~oriqinating;
`l>"'te rm.i.nating-) . Local .SNUM·-DNS is used at an own ori qinat:Jng
`S ·-CSCF t o di~cide whether the E.164 :is an nis ident.i.ty or not.
`A sur:Jset of the l ocal ENUM---DNS dataha.s,;; cont<" oni y the
`own n-1:::, EL 1611 iderttities. cat\ bi:., used also at t.m own
`termi.natin.9 from terminating BGCF to I·-CSCF'.
`H(;CF to an. cwn MGCF o.r to a f<>J:'eign i. e, t~:rminat:ing BGCF. So
`t:NOH~·DNS databases tLre p:CovJded to 1nana9(::
`the fo.l1cwinq th.t~E,e
`all E, 164 routihg including special :routing from terminatin9
`BGCE' to 1·--CSCF; l) 8NUH-DNS dat;;tbas1::: of own IMS E:.164
`t he trusted operator s
`(a pal::t o f these may be deleqatioiis: t o
`app.toprJate ENUN-DNS da t.t1bases of respecti ·v~ operc1tors
`- . "l
`:t OJ., .QW1 l19
`Some pot,s.fble solutions SU to SSJ fot' hand.Ling messag;::s
`and/ ox messages,,d:s and/cH· ses::.dons, in pa.rticula:r IMS
`:25 messages itnd/or tness;,.'tgesets and/or sessinns, to bEi routed to
`a nothe t' rnJtw,>:r k, ar.i:i d isclosed and d.iscussed in thi~
`$1) th:\J.e.~se the messaqe and,/o:r mess.ageset and/or sess.itm
`earlier7 possibly alre ady at trHr S-CSCF\
`-, ..
`VOP _RBR0000497


`Case 6:20-cv-00272-ADA Document 65-13 Filed 03/14/22 Page 10 of 88
`S~} Route the message and/or message.set aud/o:r session
`84) Create an addit5.ona.l route ft'(->ln ta1.~get i.e.
`te:rminating BGCE' to J--,CSCF,
`thi:; message and/o.r messages~t
`The. so1ution Sl. 1
`and.l ot Session !:lar1h~r",, include ;=:-; the follqwi11g wt eps:
`Check medicl and/ox QoS and/or othet r'equirements of the
`rru3ssage/m0ssa9eset/session, r elease th,::~
`Chi>cking coul d .be dorn2 as .::.iarly .,~s in th,$ ,::>x-.i.g i nat ing $---CSCF_,
`.Latest .it should b(c done in the originating BGCF or MG-CF ,
`and/()t' mestrngesi?t.s ;;rnd/ot sessiohff hul: vtlll not support the
`rm.iting of such m(:,ssaqes and/ox: messa.,JeSE!tS and/or s~iBs:ions
`to thi~ intm1ded pax-ty/e.quipment.
`Fig, 1 .illustrates this soJ.ution SJ.} , Tn the case shown in
`MGCE' S_, and a BGCF 9. further,. network 10 r:eprBsents the home
`!'1etwork of the called p?trf:y/ent.Lty E- 17. The network lO
`includes a BGCF' 11" an T•·CSCF 12, a HSS 13 1 a S-CSCE' 14, a P(cid:173)
`CSCF 15,. ~nd a MGCF 16 .
`.A Circuit-Switche!d (CS) networ k 18 is avail able for
`hahdling connections.
`VOP _RBR0000498


`Case 6:20-cv-00272-ADA Document 65-13 Filed 03/14/22 Page 11 of 88
`The above ,:'Ind below clescripticm of the network
`e lerru:mts /enti tie s
`t~hown in Jti.9'.- 1 a..nq. their inte:trelitt;ionshi,p
`ls va.l id and applicable ,Jlso f<>r the fuxther di:'awin9s unless
`otherwJsce oescrib2d below ..
`In the fbllowi:ng, the steps shown In Fi.g , :1 are described:
`1} .A message or session request message, 1J. q. SIP INVITE
`,1 ca lb.1d par ty :B ,
`indi.cmt.in9 the 8.1.64 numbet .o f
`meSs1.;tge ,
`e,g. +3NJ~-5C--2.2112233 which may he F.:.164 .of' s IMS
`subs,;r.:iber, is se:nt fo.:,·91rt
`1-1se r equipmin,t A to p,;_CSCf 2 of the
`v1$ited netwoi:·k 3 visited by {e ,.ff.
`,.Htbsc:1:iber A.
`me.ssa~j\~/se.s~,io:n request message, e. 9. TNVIl'.E messa\F'::t to the
`· s homtJ. s, .indi.Gi:tt:ing thi~
` 4 <>f A subscriber 1
`E ,.164 number ,.,f
`thE.~ called party, +:E,8-50---221122 33.
`3} The S·•·CSCF 4 of the home network S pe.t fr.) :i::ms a local IMS
`BNUM-·DNS 6 query indiCi~tting the E.164 nunibe.r. Whm'l as$,.rming
`ca11fed IMS sub.sCd.ber, thert~ t'<'ill he, in this case,.. an
`"-unknown domaJ n", hnot fot.lnd ' j or ;;, Ii k£~ r es.ponsr>. o.t no
`. .response at all from ENGN-DNS dat.abase 6.
`4 J :ehe mes.sage/messageset/sess,ion .is then :r(';}e,-:1sed ✓ or touted
`further .fr()m SwCSGf 4 t.o the BGCF' 9 :in t.he h,::mie netwo.Rk 5
`releas¢d if mr,dia, QoS o:r othe:C req1.U.:r.eroent can.not be
`.f u l f il.led in the non-IMS e.9. CS netwoT.k carrying
`mess.a,9e/me.ssageset.:/sizssion to the targBt n.etwo.r k. Checking
`cequi.xeme.nts and releasi.n9 the /'nessage/rriessageset/sessi.on
`c.1lxea.dy in s-.CS.Cf:' 4 .avl..?ids toi1tir"i9 to MGCF.' 8 i.n vaJn .
`VOP _RBR0000499


`Case 6:20-cv-00272-ADA Document 65-13 Filed 03/14/22 Page 12 of 88
`The solution S2? •~i:toiJte the messa,ge and/o,:r- messag:~set .,.,~id/or
`session always as a normcil TMS :mes.sage and/or rnl':~ss;;t,;Jeset
`and/or s~~ssion'', is ill1:ist1;ateg in f'ig . 2, and include$ the
`following steps:
`RoutB all mes.sag,es ahd/or messages-et~, and/or ses,Si(cid:144)n,~~
`from the o d .,Jirtatinq S'-CSCF' 4 to th~ taxge-t t:~csc.r 12 (1--·CSCf
`·"" Interrogating Call State Contrr.>1 Fi.uic t ibn) of the network
`nH.:?Ss.:1ge/rm:.issag0sBt/E',esrdt,n,- it is routed n<>r:t\,:tll.y as IMS
`message/, If tbe messagehne.s,-sageset/session
`is not ,a 1/,,, IMS t,mssage/messageset:/.sess.ion 1
`.it Ls t·outtJd
`f:rcmt T·-·CSCF 12 vi a BGCf 11 to ~!GCF.' 16, and possibly via non -(cid:173)
`JMS e, g. cs network 18, to entity 17. Thus, the routing Js
`:Cf the messaqe ,~nd/c.•r messaqeset and/or is not a
`valid !MS rm?.ssa9e/rnessageset/sess.t{)n; the tatq€,t operator J:Wy
`alte ttVJtively release the rriBssage/messageeet/ses$Lon and the
` opera.tor of network 5 can .reroute th!::?-
`message /tnh,sageset /session ·f.ia an own BGCF 9.
`MGGf 16. In this caseT the target opera.tor has to handle a
`terminating non-IMS e.g. cs at r~
`CSGF 12. An additional S-CSC.E\ e.g •. ~ default S-CSCF' for non--
`J:MS suhsc!'.iberst or· alike can be used betwe1::n r-csct 12 and
`Fig . 2 i.Uustiate.s an example .of an .i.nforrnatd.on flow
`according to solution S2. In thi.s ex.ample,- a HSS qtH~xy {HSS •~
`Home. Subscriber Server}, step 5 , is .i,nvolv¢:d, as shown In


`Case 6:20-cv-00272-ADA Document 65-13 Filed 03/14/22 Page 13 of 88
`In the f611owirig,, the .steps shown in Fig. 2 are described::
`1} A messa~1e or session request mf.H~sa.9e1 e.g. SIP 1NVX:'..t&
`.indicating the B.164 riumbe-r of ,,.i cal.led party,, e.g.
`suh$criber" is .sent from user eqi_iipment .A to P--CSCF 2 of th-e
`visited netwo:rk :3 vi.sit€id by (e.g. xoa.:min91 suhsct'i.b~:t· A..
`rmJssage/session request messa9.e, e.g. TNVI1'£ irH?Ssi,HJe,. to the
`s--c:scF 4 of A s14bscr.ib el:- 1 s hon:h~ networ:k St indicating the
`E. 164 num.her of the called party, ·L35 8-.fi0·•·55223 34.A.
`ENUM- DNS q ue:t'Y indi.c~~ttng the E. 164 number. WrHC;n iiSSUming
`that the local ENUH·-DNS datab,ls,~ 6 does not contain ~be
`4omtdn'', Hnot foiJnd" o r alike re spons~~ or .no rospon~H~ at a11
`from £Nt.l.H-DNS d,:ltabase 6 because the id1~fftity is a non-·THS
`s-cscr 4 to the :t-csmt 12 in thti home. n.etwork to of
`subscriber B. The address of the J ,.-cscF 12 i.s feb::h~d f rorn
`routi ng datcibase,, which be e, g .• a.• routing tabh~ or .an
`ENUM-Dti!S database special:Lz.ed for: routing similarJy as th€:i
`S) 1'he I--cscr 12 performs a HSS 1:3 query using the E.164
`number. '1'he HSS 13 returns inf.ormati.on that the E .164 is not
`an IMS idtintity. HSS 13 may :retiirn the address of BGCE' 11 o-f
`the home net.wor k 10 of sub,;:'.rcr ibe:c EL If a s--..cscr,, e.g. for
`35 m.>n-IMS subscribers,, is used between I-CSCF 12 and BGCF lit
`VOP _RBR0000501


`Case 6:20-cv-00272-ADA Document 65-13 Filed 03/14/22 Page 14 of 88
`Hss may return its address .
`from BGCf 11 to HGCF' 16 of network 10 of B1
`identity of B.
`.indi{~ating the
`B) The MGCE' 16 .r:.out,?s the message/messageset.h,ession to cs
`r,etwcrk 18 which c~ir:ries the messa~1a/message,.rnt or
`esti'lbl ishe:,; a sess i o:n t.o Subscriber B {.step 9} ,
`1s of th€~
`invention is the solution S3} .
`message and/or :messageset and/or sessi{)n &ccordin9 to tb.e
`Cht'Ck the iw::di,~ ai1d/o:r QbS and/er other. requi.rements of
`.; ,., po. •·<"•o""·"""" ,,., p.,.. . ..,, ·1,· -~.,...,,i.,1,.1
`~~ ,.0,
`~;.J.: -"''-·
`·:-~ · U'-~u
`ti,,:, hom· ·.,,.
`-J. ~·,.,
`'l'he check can be done as ei3.rly as .in the Qr.igin~ting S(cid:173)
`of A.
`CSCF 4,. latest it shotd.d b~ done in BGGF 9.
`,r,t,.: "
`S.~ _i._J .. -~'--
`,~i.,Qc·l,"!' ·'1'
`',,..•t,..-..;;; . -~...t. . .)..~;,_

`.-..."w _ ,_t__..),,,,Qf✓ .f
`·.1.· ,.,
`· .
`.t..1 ·
`. ,~.V
`.,,s-;t• ,,·,r '•·. ,:;
`-W'-...> · X,,_. ~:--
`An eitaluatio:n of the solution S3 shows it is of
`adv,sntage because multimedia IMS m~ssa.g-es and/or rness~ge,sets
`a!1d/or, se~,s.ions are .routed cc..1rrectly to the target nebmJ~k.
`VOP _RBR0000502


`Case 6:20-cv-00272-ADA Document 65-13 Filed 03/14/22 Page 15 of 88
`Non multhnectia1 e, g. voh.-:e$ messaqes .. ~nd/or. messagesets
`and.lor sE.issions are ,t61Jted to the ,c,1..l l.i:1d p~1tty via non- IMS
`e.g. CS network.
`th1:tt i.s needed.
`Fig. 3 illustrates .~n ex,,:i.mp1e of an inf,:):tmation flow
`acco:tdin.9 to soltlt.itin. $3,. In this example,, two local EtWM·-·DNS
`dat.,~.'ba$e Ct 7 axe provided. The Joc;,i1 BNUM-DN$ (fatabas e 6
`preferably is it SNOM~T}N$ d.atab;.ise ccnitaining !HS E.164
`identities of Sttbscriher:s to which the m:?twork S is thE, home
`network. The dat.,:,,b.,:ise 6 may also c::orx,3.;sponcl to th,;; loc,11
`ENUM-DNS database B of Fig. 2( and rncfi includ€i
`the sam~ o.:r
`15 essentia.l ly the content a.s the .lat.·U~:r..
`ident i tk,s of the trnsted ope,tators . This pax.-t of th<:J
`database may' contain delegations t:o apprc-pr iat.::? ENUM-ONS
` of r ope1;-a tors ft,>Llowing stan<.brd DNS
`principles. '!'he database 7 includes an ENUM-!)NS. data.base
`c(cid:144)ntzdn i ng inform.:'l.tion t.o find FQON { FQDN "'' :E'u 1J.y Qual..i f:ied
`Domain Name}
`fo:i::e1gh I-CSCfs (Le. I---CSCE's Qf t)ther
`operatot.s/netwo:rks}, Instead Of the database 6 othf~:t means
`25 may be used to h,~lp translating E.164 to c:o.rresponding
`routing address. :tnstead of thB!,-e 7 other mNins, e. q .
`. touting tables, rn,~y .be u$ed to find i::1dd.ress cf fQretgn lw
`30 A HSS query (HSS ~ Honm Subscriber Server}, step 6 ✓ is als<>
`invQJNedt as shown iti. F.ig, J.
`Fig. 3 illustt,3tes an example of an Jnf.ormati$,.,n flow
`according t o solution S3.
`VOP _RBR0000503


`Case 6:20-cv-00272-ADA Document 65-13 Filed 03/14/22 Page 16 of 88
`1} A message or session request message, e.,.9. SD: INV:X'1'8
`message, indicating the E'.,164 number of a called p~u:ty_, e.g.
`subscrtber, is $€}ht from user equipment A to P-CSCF 2 of th<c~
`visited network 3 by {e,g. roaming.} subs~;r.iber; A.
`ENUM-ntm query to the local- FlNUM--DNS database 6, Jn.ct.:tca.tin9
`the E.164 number. When ass1Jming that the lOCi..~I £NUt+-'DNS
`databttSI;} 6 dGe s n,,t cont~in th11 called JMS subs¢:tihe,rs, there
`w.tll be, in this case, an "trnknown domain", ••not found" or
`t.h-e IMS .identity is conside:ced non-IMS
`ENOM--DNS datctbas-e 6.,
`id.Gntity. That .is why the o..ri ginating S-CSCF 4 ch€cks
`25 media r.eqt1.1..rements and/or QoS requ.i.:t:€;m-en.ts and/or: other
`:tt!qui:rement.s of tJ\e .mes si-:!9Ei/message$,et/sessi.on. by checkin.9
`the information crmtained in the request t'€C€ived
`f.rorn P--{:SCf
`<:.:,';>n be routed th:r:ough nc,n-1:MS (e.g, CS} r1etwork ot wbethe:r i.t
`should be .t'<->uted via TMS networ.:lc
`4}When the message/messageset/sessJon has to be :routed vi.a
`INS network, the EL t 64 is reg,:i; :rded as an IHS identity. In
`orde:r to route tr.> UH: 1-CSCF 12 the add.tess of the I-·CSCF 12
`i.s needed. 'that is why th.<2: S-CSCF 4 of the home netwoi:k 5
`VOP _RBR0000504


`Case 6:20-cv-00272-ADA Document 65-13 Filed 03/14/22 Page 17 of 88
`perfm:mts a loc~l JMS gNtJM'-DNS query tQ the .local ENU}'.!--!)NS
`database 7, i ndicc1ting th,e ,B. 164 m,nnber. R(J\ltin9 address to
`I-CSCf 12 is built w.ith the help of. tJAP'TR RKs received .f.rorn
`the loc.a.l ENUM-DNS da.ta.b aSe 7 .
`message/me ssa.9eset/ses,si.on c annot be r onted throuqh non-IMS
`t1et;,,rc.:n:k,- the message/messageset/sessi.<>il .is then ... rout e d
`fUrthe.r frQrri s-cscr 4 t o the I--cCSCF 12 in the h ome- network 10
`6J The I"CBCF 12 fer.'£onns a. HSS 13 query using the E, 164
`ntuilbe:r.:. Th<1.~ HSS 13 rettn:n.s the address Qf s-csc-rt 14 of th.::
`from S ··CSC:F 14 t<) P-CSCF 15 of network 10 o{ B, indic.\:l.ting
`!MS identit y of l:3.
`-; ,,
`9} The P-CSC:f 15 rotites tl'H~ messag\~/rn.essaqeset/session to
`subscril,er. 17- so that the message/irtessageset. is serH: .from A
`to J3 c,:r session is ei:.tabl:Lshed from A to B.
`indi cate that the mess.aqe/Jnessageset/s (;.)ss ion need not to be
`the mess,:;ge/messageset/session may b i?.
`routed via IMS net\,ic-i.rk_.
`i'<>Uted 1.da non-:n-is rH~itwork ;l ,e . vi9 BGCf 9, HGCF 81 and cs
`netw<>:rk 18, b:, enti ty 17.
`Atiother- one 6.f tbi:: pr,tH(;,)rted solutions .in accordance wi t h
`embodiments of the invent.i,011 Ls the solution $4 l •
`VOP _RBR0000505


`Case 6:20-cv-00272-ADA Document 65-13 Filed 03/14/22 Page 18 of 88
`a} C1:ea te a ne'lt, rout 1ng fts:)m the tar~wt Le. term1n.atlng
`f I--·CSCf "' Interrogating Ca.ll State
`HGCF 11 to I~GSCF 12
`Control Fun~tion}.
`bJ If the E .164 is a valid JMS J.dentity, xoute from BGCF
`11 to t· .. CSCF l2t
`c) otherw1~te tcrnt<:.:: as usual to a MGCF 1.6 {Ot SJ,
`d) If BGCFs 9$ 11 drop themselves out, the .routing .is a
`rtor.ma1 IMS routing.
`'the .r'out:ing :Ls then: S-CSCF 4 ---> {.I-CSCF 12J "'- >
`te:rmlna tln9 S¥•CSCF 14 .
`20 This solution S4 provides c:o:r.:.t:'(~~t routi.nq in q..U c ases. An
`~~xtra x;outing from HGCE' J.1 to I ~cscF 12 :rtl<'.\::r' 1:.<2' rH.~<~d<e,,;L
`according to $<:>lution
`and/or roessagi.'.!set and/or: sessi:-.,n by s.tihscriber A,. A
`subscriber is home network 5 is Sonera ts n,etwor.k.
`1'hEi t':im..bodiment of Vtq. A pr,;.Yv ides three datahases 21, 22 ;. 23,
`for checking and fln ding It-IS idehti tie s and. FQDN.s,
`The databas.1;1 21 is provided for net}~•ork 5 and includes the
`own IMS E.164 identit:h:.rn: as well as the IMS E.16-.4 identities
`the t:iitstep operators ... 'rhts d.atabase 21 is used by s.,..CSCF'
`4 of the .network 5, for fhtding IMS idetttities of
`VOP _RBR0000506


`Case 6:20-cv-00272-ADA Document 65-13 Filed 03/14/22 Page 19 of 88
`the message and/ or session request messagB of step 2,
`The dat,::i1n.d.H:, 22 is also proVided for ni-~twoxk 5 ~:1nd include s
`thi.:.: FQQNs of the qwn MGCFs, e,g, MOCE' 8,' and foreign BGCFs,
`e. g, BGCF 11. This datab-;:tSB 22 is used by BGCF 9 o.f the
`f o.r findin.ff FQDNs u s ed for routing t o
`network 5,,
`FQDNs of the own
`database 23 l> "-'
`.. · ,;..,;.' usr~d by BGCF 11 of the netwo.rk 10, for finding
`!MS idm1titi,~s or f'QDNs used for routin9 to
`p;; rt iesfter:min .. tJs/networks/NBs (Network E.l12itttents ) beit'l.9
`identified by the E. 164 numbe:n,, in the rti.3ssaqe and/ o:r
`session reqw.:!st messagt;? -of su:~p 6;1,
`l} A me~,sage o:t tiess:ton r.equ~st mesr~age_, e. 9, STP J:NVl'fE
`m,Jssage" indi cating the .E.16.4 m.lttibe.t of a ca1Ted party, e , g.
`+358-S0...:55223344 which is ~.q, E.164 of Radic1inja t ~' non~IMS
`suhsc:ribe:c,, is sent to P-CSCF 2 o.f the Vi-sited n,;:tW<>:ck 3
`vi.sited by
`2} The P.,~CSCF 2 of tbe visited network sends a messa9e or
`to the S~CSGF 4
`$ession request m¢ssa9er e,9 , IN\ll'l'Z message 1
`3) The S-CSC F 4 of t he horttt~ network 5 performs a local TMS
`ENUM-l)NS query to database 21 with
`VOP _RBR0000507


`Case 6:20-cv-00272-ADA Document 65-13 Filed 03/14/22 Page 20 of 88
`4. 4. 3. 3 .• 2 .2. 5. S, 0. 5" S. 5. 3. loc;31 ____ im$ ent1m, e164. ims. sonera. fi .•
`Whet1 ttssti.ming th?t the local S:NUM-DNS d<:ttabase 21 contains
`RadiolinJa' s n1s subscriPe:.ts., there will he, in th.ts case, an
`:tespt; at all ff.,;)m ENUM--·PNS datab,3se 21 the
`identity is a non---IMS i.demtity.
`4} 1'he me:ss,39e/messageset/session is routed fu.rther from S·-(cid:173)
`CSCF' 4 to the BGCF 9 in tht'~ own network 5.
`'fhe HGCE' 9 performs ~ l<>cal :routing ENOM --- DNS query tc
`database 22t with
`for each possJble .routing from B-GCF 9,
`a vc1l :id IMS routing ad.dress. The result would he e.g.
`bgcf. irns . .radiol.Lhj i.i. fl ..
`'the BGCF 9 of thti }1ome network 5 of A Sends a messs:HJ,~ to
`BGCF 11 of fh,3 ht~twor.k HJ of the called party er
`equipment 8., e.g, JNVt'l'E with +358 -50-5 5.223 344 a.nd using
`bgcf. ims ., :r~'3.dioli.nja, ti .as .r.'01..:rtin.g add:ress.
`7) Th,:2 BGCF' 11 6f network 10 of B performs an ENUH"'·ONS query
`to datztbase 23,. with
`4, 4, J. 3.2 . 2 ., S , 5. 0 ~ 5. 8, 5 ,<:,, e164. ims, tadlol inj a. ft. BNOH-DNS
`database 23 contain.s one (:i.r more NA1?1'R RR for Radiolit}ja 's
`XMS subscrib(~tt, and one or NAPTR for eaQh po.ssibl-e
`1:-outir1g fr:ont SGCF 11.
`VOP _RBR0000508


`Case 6:20-cv-00272-ADA Document 65-13 Filed 03/14/22 Page 21 of 88
`The response returnE~d .hy database 23 to BGCf 11 is NAPTR that
`is used to get a valid IMS routing :;;.iddl(?ess. The n~sult would
`be e, g. mqcf2. ims .:radiolir}jca. fi beca.ttse tht;:1 ide ntity :is non(cid:173)
`IMS. fden tity .
` ;i.s sent from BGCF 11 to MGC.f 16 of nf.':-t:wor:k 10 of B,
`imlic~~ti.nq +358-50-55223344 and using mgc.f2,irn.s.t'
`.1 2 send s a mess t,9f.~ or session :reqtH~st, e,i;f.
`10b} The 1-CSC.f
`INVITE ffiiz.Ssaqej to t.he S--·CSCF 14 b)dicated in the
`12b) ThEi P~-CSCF 15 sends a n1Bss:agehnessageset or flstablishes
`the session to subscribe.!' B.
`VOP _RBR0000509


`Case 6:20-cv-00272-ADA Document 65-13 Filed 03/14/22 Page 22 of 88
`Let us assume Sone:ra {358 --·40) is t he o .rigin
`is the terminating
`Fig" S shows t h e st :ru{-:ttu~e of util i zecl ENUM-DNS databasi?-s
`fi:.):trninq part of database 21 used .at the originati ng S·--CSCF' 4.
`Ari: e :-::ample of the data base "IMS E.164 i dentith~s of the
`trusted o per.ato:r.s··,, which c ontains NAl?'I'R. RRs for. Ft~dto.l.i.njar .$
`(J 58=·$(>·2.2l12ZJ3 and .358-f<0.,...2211 2244) is:
`$ORIGIN 2. 2. 0. 5. S. 5. 3 .local_ims,~en.i.;ru , e164. hns. sotH.~ra. fl.
`3. 3. 2.2.1 . 1 I N NAPTR 100 10 f
`'1 s.ip+B2U"
`•• !. \--' .• *$) !sip:\HHms.,.r<.:1di1j:Unja.f i t"
`4. k .2,2,Ll TN N.APTR 100 1 0 ,;u;' 1'sip+E2U1
`An ex,~inple <>.f the database ''own H·LS E , 1 64 ident i ties··•,
`contains NAPTR RRs :fot Sc,ne ra I s own I MS E.. 164 .i.derrti t:.tes:
`~ (· ~ - -.;,..~
`,c. V
`· ~
`- ·
`·,· ~ · , •• }
`... ~,.,. ;.J •
`fJS B- 40-.$56 6 7 78 8 and 35!3_-40·". 55 6f{7799} .. :
`'"' u"'R· •rr'T~s
`1 o•• ,..;;, 'l
`., .. ) '~4
`i; · •i;• n 4· s••·
`-=:;> . · > .. \.:Jk -k"i
`8Af.7.7.{5.6 ni NAP'!'R 100 10 ,;fr''
`0t f"" >*·$) ! $ip; \ sonera .• f .i. ! ~•
`9. 9. 7. 7,6 ,6 1'.N NAPl'R 100 1 0 ·''ti'' ii ,sip+EZlJ.i
`.. t{". *$) ! sip: \HHms. sonera , fi ! "
`., "'" ' '"'l"'t.
`. \~•• ~.) .• !-• ._.._..(d •li:l-..-.._ • ..,,,.,;:. ·J.· .J.~ . -H . ..: .-,: ~ - -..:.. S"..,,
`'"""' · "" '(cid:144)·
`-~ ~~(-~~ . . ,. .-~
`.··f' 1
`!'IE.::. '<' "'
`. ;;....,.,_,.. V , ~ - ,,. ~-i-
`IMS identity ,. a nd Jf J.t is, to i;get NAf-"l'H to build a rou:U~ble
`INS id.entity .
`The d ,,1tabaaes of
`the "own 1MB E. 164 ident ities'·' tmd the " IMS
`VOP _RBR0000510


`Case 6:20-cv-00272-ADA Document 65-13 Filed 03/14/22 Page 23 of 88
`E, 164 identities o--f the t:nisted <)per:atot's'•' may be located
`{Jocal_ims __ ~1-ru.m. e16 4. ims. sone:ra .. f:i .• ) or unde r dif f;:n:cn1t
`domai n nam~s. ln th11l- fir st Cas~J n(cid:144)nnaliy
`· one 8N'UMd>NS qyer.y
`foreign BGCf'$"'' , which contain:-,: NAVi'H RRs fo:c
`sc-ne:ra I s ow-r1 MGCE's and R~dioHnja I s EGCF:
`(35B""-40-56xxxxxx to Sone:ra's :MGCFl):
`{ 3.5B-40-4xxxxxxx to Som,ra I s MCCF2) :
`(358--50-x::-:;x:x:xxx::< to Radiolinja 1 s BGCE') ; B.::i:re p:refix can be
` to
`$0!:<IGTN 6. $, 0 . 4. 8. S ,.3 , l.oc:al __ .rout ___ ~num~ e:164 . ims, son era di .
`"' IN NAPTR 100 10 "u" "s.ip+B2!JH
`$ORIGIN 4 .O. 4, B. S .. 3 . 1ocaJ ___ .touting_ enum. e164. ims • .sone:ra. fi.
`* lN NAPTR 100 tO '' tiY "$ip+E20"
`,..! J/•-, ·1>':;~) ! sip~ \1@mgcf2, ims. soneca. fi ! n
`$ORIGIN O, 5. B, 5, 3. __ enum, €:164,
`* IN NAE>TR 100 10 nu" >fsip+l<:20 11
`• *$) l sip: \l!]hgcf, ims, radioli.nja . .fi.I"
`.irns. sone.ra. fi.
`Fig. 'l shows the utilized ENtJM-tJNS databases of database 23
`us(~ct at the ti~rrn.inating nGCF 11.
`VOP _RBR0000511


`Case 6:20-cv-00272-ADA Document 65-13 Filed 03/14/22 Page 24 of 88
`An exampl e of t he database " Own I MS s. .. 164 iden tities u, whi ch
`contains NAPTl-t RI.ts for Radioli,njat s !MB £!.164 identitie-s
`(358...,50-2 21.12233 ;,:u1d 358--5 0 -2.2:;1122:44) :
`$0RIG1N 2 •. 2. !}. S . 8. 5 .3 .eli54 , irn,s .radiolinja. fi,
`:L 3 .. 2. 2. L 1 IN NA!?TR 1()0 10 "u'' f'sip+E.:2U"
`4 .4 .2•2 -
`ide nt}ty , <~nd if it }$t to get NAPTR to biJild a routabJe IMS
`A.n 1.:::xcn:tiph? of the . '\FQDNs of fh€: own MGCE's and
`:routing to
`foreign HGCFs", which contains NAP't'R RRs fox-
`Rad ioJin_j ,'1 1 s own MGC.Fs an.d Sone.,~ci ' s EGCF
`{35B-50-23xxKxxx to Radiolinja 's MGCFJ.):
`(.'3 5B--"5Qw{) XXXX,J-: x x to Radiqli n.j.a.!$ MGCF2),
`{ 358--4 0--xxxxKxxx to Sone.t:·,;i !s BGC.F') : Bare pre.fix can he used
`. ~
`* IN NAPTR 100 10 ~'u '1 >l:3:tp+ E2U;'
`., ! F'. -x-~;} !sip! \1@mqcf1. irns. J?<idiolinja. :fiT"
`$0R1GIN 5 , 0, 5. 8. 5 . 3, e1 64.1rM . .L radi,.:ilinja , fL
`* TN NAPTR 100 10 ''u" Hsip+E2U't
`ti!. r ,•, *t) i .. ~'"'"\1<'i.,.,,.,,cf. ·2··· .··~m "'· ,.-.,,.,,-i-101· -• T'-''l"'
`~ ..;_~,f,,..t,.- ::-
`l ._~;;.' ~ .,),,g•

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