Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-1 Filed 01/17/20 Page 1 of 144 PageID #: 8005
`Maxell Claim Construction Presentation


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-1 Filed 01/17/20 Page 2 of 144 PageID #: 8006
`Asserted Patents
`Patents asserted against Apple
`• US 6,748,317
`• US 6,580,999
`• US 6,430,498
`• US 6,329,794
`• US 6,928,306
`• US 7,116,438
`• US 8,339,493
`• US 10,084,991
`• US 6,408,193
`• US 10,212,586


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-1 Filed 01/17/20 Page 3 of 144 PageID #: 8007
`U.S. Patent Nos.
`6,748,317; 6,580,999; 6,430,498


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-1 Filed 01/17/20 Page 4 of 144 PageID #: 8008
`U.S. Patent Nos. 6,748,317; 6,580,999; 6,430,498
`Portable Terminal with the Function of Walking Navigation
`,.,, United Stales Patent
`l\ h1ruJ uma ct al.
`(IO) Patent No.:
`(~5) lfa lc of Patent:
`US 6,748,317 B2
`•,Jun. 8, 2004
`,.,, United States Patent
`l\la ruyamael al.
`1111111111111111 ~l!!sl,!!,!ll 111111111111111
`us 6,580,999 B2
`*.J un. 17, 2003
`(IO) Pa h :n l No.:
`(45) Date or Patent :
`,.,, United States Patent
`l\faruya mu et al.
`(JO) Patent No.:
`(45) Date or Patent:
`US 6,430,498 Bl
`Aug. 6, 2002
`lnvc nt<Is;
`l,J,;hlko Maruyama, KO<b .-. (JI');
`foshiichlr"u Sasa ki , lw•~•(JI')
`(73) As>ii:0<<:
`llhachll.1d .• Tol..yo(Jr)
`( ' ) Not,c,;
`pilcnlisHt<nd..\l oradJU>kdunder35
`WJ,;<12 G1o>m<1>1
`611'196 St«otr<l>I
`S.528,Ul! /I
`5/21.00 J__.;,.,.
`6, 124,826/1
`llll(l)2 M,,,.,y;,m•«>i
`6,4l0,-196 U1
`6.'illl.'l'J\I B2 • M!1m M,ruy.:om>«>I
`(21) "'~'' No 1!~~28.7~~
`May~ 21J03
`( 6.'i)
`l'rlor l'Uhllcatlonll"lll
`U~20UWl\>5t>%Al°'1 lb,2((1.J
`ll.eltl<.d U.S.A pplic~ll11n JM 11
`.,-,. ,...11:n/\ppllcatlon l'rlo rltyJJata
`(Sl) Jnt.1.:1 '
`(52) U.S. U
`1:011.:2 1/00
`701/lOU. 701/201; -~;.~;;/~
`7111/2!(). 201
`(~) riehl nfS.,,,rd,
`l'l'im~n· f,xt11Hi1•'r-Yund llc• ulo:u
`~:L:1:~1,'I', 11/!<"II!. ur fl,,,..4fal!1nJ!)y. Stanger &
`A portabk lcrmrnal has• funciion ofw•l~ing n.,.,,g,tion
`l'hcd1ro,:t ,onuf>d<>llll>IK>nisdi,.playcdby an111do:>1mi;
`owth ·
`'.>r<>rnbmr"cd u\!on oflhc,'

`· ,n
`In lh< na~'l,•liOO ,.
`,.~. II>: uv·· ·,d•t• tovh1 a
`.. ,i;,vndu,::,n,on ·" v1u1c-A1
`ti"l.lhc """' g,1,lh, k,;a\,onrnform,t,::,nofth: portable
`andanal111udc,forc,..m1,k . l"hcn,thcu,,:rg:1>thcd r c,·t10n
`,nform,11«1 ,,f th< portable tcrmrn•L who:b ,, 1hc d n .:hun
`uf Iii< llp of lhc ponablc l<rmmal a, dcl<fnlLll<<l by>
`~nd •h,:f ~,'~ ~r ;· 1~;;;·✓11r ~ :rn,I: '.:.;m:::~
`, ·:,rnntrul, -·
`·• · ·:• ... ~, .. ~c"ndll•>n> . 11
`nd·:·.,· · " c · · ' · m,w 1•>ndmi;
`lo lh< v': .. l n:·u . • '":ha, rou ~-.da,
`Inventor,.: Kkhiko, ~faru, ·an,a. Koo,;,.. (JI');
`Shil,-.·n1 Shin1ad.1.Kod.lira(JI');
`(73) N.sigr,oc: Hl1achl. l.ld~Tokyo(Jl')
`pal<n t i.,cxt<nd<doradju,l.:duntkr3S
`~:~.•cnt i,,;ubj<<1to1lcrmin 1ldi,,-
`(2 1) Appl.No.: 10/17.MD
`Prkor l'ublka1ion 1Ma
`W~lali'il U.S.Ap11lkalion J);it•
`(6.3) ;. ... , ,.,...l',of~
`.•~.•\\'l.· !fJ"IJt>J4. r""oJooJul. ll.
`··,,n,li;n Applk••T~>n l'rlorl ty llat•
`Jol.11,l~J (J~ ) - - - -
`(5 1)
`l n1.CI.' - - - - -
`(52) U.S.CI
`701/200; 701 1201;342/.157.0I;
`l'rima,y f;.m,,,;,.,,-Yoncl lk &ulicu
`t;:L:1~7'' Agent. or l'inn--M,ninJ!)}". Suni;cr &
`Apon,bk ,crmin,l wi1h 11>.: fun,·tion ofw,lking navigation
`"The po<1ablc tcrmin,I di,;pl;y'<inform>lionoo its narrow
`;:c"'~~•:I ::,t~;\1
`j~• ,!' ;;,:~.:::h~':",n:~~.};~~r ::
`understand input< of rc1ri«·ing condition, in1ui1i,·cly.
`1hcrcbysaving 1hcinputlobor.
`A.<..surnc oowthot>.u<;<r(w,lk«) IO i.<IM,whikw•lkini;
`1owrnl,r 1hlirutiorr 11 . In .ud, • c•sc. the prcscnt inwn•
`li<.>n enabk:•"'"",,..,.'Y inform>1ion 1ob-c<:0m~-d. for
`<><>rn11k . ,oastodispl•~bolbdirc,1iona!ldtli,,j,oc<o101bo
`dfn,1 ·,,nf "'Jlf""""'Pl=w·1hano,·,n111 ·,,nand1
`~;~~ ;~ :;;~~~;k'::;,~,:~~"';~h•t ~i~~~~',,7,~
`llSCf (walker) 10
`dcstin>tion in the &CIU>I Sjl&CC. If th<
`'Jl<Cific,; >. comprt'-«:d jnform >liorr item 12, IJ. o, U foe
`in<Juiry. 11>: prc;,.;n1 invcn1ionron1rols ,o lbOI lbc arrow
`1lwa}$poin,.1hcdira1ionof tbcdc>l inationcorr,:,;ponding
`1t1cochoftho,.:wmpr<s.'i<di11form•lioni1cm, 12. IJ. ,od
`U .Thccondi1ionofwri<v1lc1n1b.,h,:,,,<
`~:;%':i\i~~~~ i'i. \~. };~~hie o,rmi",I di=1ly in lh<
`lnV<:nlorsc Klshik<> M"ntJ• ma;Shli,:,•nt
`Sh im:>rul , bnthofKndai ro;
`T,,<hli,·hinru Sa,..IJ.lwaki.•ll of(JP)
`(7.l) A.s.<ign<c: Hl1achl.,Toky<>(JI')
`(•) Noti,·o:
`palcnl i< <>len&:d nr adju,1cJ un<kr 35
`U.S.C 15.i(b)by tl days
`(21) Appl.No.: Oll/6 13.634
`(22) Filed
`Jul.U , 2000
`Fon,!~n Appllcalk,n l'r~>rl ty Dala
`lnt.C1- ' - -~ - - <'.0I C 21/00
`701/200; 1;~;1;~1~ ~;~:~~j
`(52) U.S. CL
`f leldofS<-<1r<h
`/',i,rwry/:'.mminer--Yont:I 11<, ulicu
`~ ~!u;~'~;nry; llg~m, "' l'ir,n....,.,h11ins[y. Stani.;r
`A por1al>k l<rminal has , furx.1K,n uf walkini; n1viga1 ion
`lbt:dircc1ionof1bcd.:stin>1ion is displayed b~ ,n iodi,·otini;
`•rrow thatalw>yspoio1sinthcdircc1ionof1bcdc"'io>1ion
`ln tbcna• i0 >1 · npro .. · 0 .thc>L<.ercnt..',.1>1,ke1a
`· 9 oond ·,-,'""""'hc·up<cn.A,
`fir.,1.thcu,crgcosthc lo,:alioninfom111ionuftbc pon,blc
`•ndan, ltitudc.forcumplc.Tben .11>:usc,sc<:<1hcdirc.:tion
`of the lip of t he ponablc terminal as determined by•
`_· •;1 :~:::::"'
`f 1hcw,·,·°'"""'rt·,,.,._Th,· ,y·, m,xoruukrc1·· i:
`of10< d,.tah>.<.< and f<l~<'-"C<tO< informatiooco,rcspnnding
`~:;ru_; ~ "·-:~oc\.:,;:~ ·11o: ·
`61~ I POflTABlE


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-1 Filed 01/17/20 Page 5 of 144 PageID #: 8009
`U.S. Patent Nos. 6,748,317; 6,580,999; 6,430,498
`Terms in Dispute
`Term 1: “device for getting location information denoting a [p]resent place
`of said terminal”
`Term 2: “a device for getting a location information of another portable
`terminal from said another terminal via connected network”
`Term 3: “a device for getting a location information of another portable
`Term 4: “a device for retrieving a route from said present place to said


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-1 Filed 01/17/20 Page 6 of 144 PageID #: 8010
`“device for getting location information denoting a present
`place of said terminal”
`’317/’999/’498 Patents, Claim 1
`nc ion o walking
`1. A portable terminal with the
`navigation, comprising:
`a device. for ge f n6 lo"atio
`· forma ·on deno · g a
`present pl-- ce of said par able terminal; an
`•· f ·

`dev · e .,:-
`d · · c ·
`et ·
`g __ t g _ ire _ on 1 or a 1
`_ _ ot ng __
`a _ _ 1c _ 1 1
`orientatio of said portab
`· nal
`wherein a
`·rection and a distance of a destinatio
`sai present place are d oted w· h an or·e ta ·on a d
`a le gth of a line that is distinguis ed between star i g
`and nding points to s pp y rout gui ance informa ion
`as said \: alking navigation information.
`’317/’999/’498 Patents, Claim 1


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-1 Filed 01/17/20 Page 7 of 144 PageID #: 8011
`“device for getting location information denoting a present
`place of said terminal”
`’317/’999/’498 Patents, Claim 1
`Maxell’s Proposed Construction
`Apple’s Proposed Construction
`Function: No dispute
`Function: No dispute
`Structure: a wireless or cellular antenna,
`Structure: a wireless or cellular antenna,
`a GPS, a PHS, or the like; such a data
`or a GPS, or a Personal Handyphone
`receiver as an infrared ray sensor, or the
`System (PHS); and an infrared ray sensor;
`like; and a CPU for analyzing received
`and a control unit for analyzing received
`data; or equivalents thereof.
`data, with the control unit calculating
`location information as disclosed in ’498
`at 5:48-56 and Fig. 2; or equivalents
`The parties dispute whether the structure should be adopted verbatim
`from the specification.
`The parties dispute whether IPR proceedings created a disavowal of claim


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-1 Filed 01/17/20 Page 8 of 144 PageID #: 8012
`“device for getting location information denoting a present
`place of said terminal”
`Apple Agrees That This Is The Correct Approach
`Dkt No. 99 at 2 (Agreed
`"a device for getting direction information denoting an
`orientation of said portable terminal"
`Function: getting direction information denoting an orientation of
`said portable terminal
`'498: claims 1, 5, 10
`'317: claims 1, 6, 10
`'999: claims 1, 5, 6
`Structure: a compass, gyroscope, and/or sensor such as a clinometer
`in conjunction with a CPU, or equivalents thereof.
`tion. The portable terminal 61 is provided with a CPU 71,
`which is a control unit; such a display device 71 as a liquid
`crystal display or the like; an input device 72 enabling inputs
`of button keys, a pen, etc.; such an internal memory device
`74 as a ROM, a RAM, or the like; such an external memory
`device 75 as a flash memory, a DVD, or the like; a device
`for data communication 76 of an ordinary portable telephone
`and a PHS terminal; a device for getting location informa(cid:173)
`tion; and a device for getting direction information 78.
`Those devices are connected to each another. The device for
`getting location information 77 is provided with such a
`wireless antenna, a GPS, a PHS, or the like; such a data
`receiver as an infrared ray sensor, or the like; and a control
`unit for analyzing received data, thereby calculating location
`information. The device for getting direction information 78
`is provided with a compass, a gyro, such a sensor as a
`clinometer, and a control unit for analyzing sensor-measured
`data. thereby calculating direction informationJ The device
`for getting location information 77 and the device for getting
`direction information 78 are not necessarily built in the
`portable terminal; they may be provided outside the portable
`terminal so as to be used for walking navigation.
`’498 Patent, 9:39-44


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-1 Filed 01/17/20 Page 9 of 144 PageID #: 8013
`“device for getting location information denoting a present
`place of said terminal”
`Yet Apple’s Proposed Structure Modifies
`The Specification Definition
`Maxell’s Proposed Construction
`Function: No dispute
`Structure: a wireless or cellular antenna,
`a GPS, a PHS, or the like; such a data
`receiver as an infrared ray sensor, or the
`like; and a CPU for analyzing received
`data; or equivalents thereof.
`FIG. 10 shows a block diagram of the portable terminal of
`the present invention with the function of walking naviga(cid:173)
`tion. The portable terminal 61 is provided with a CPU 71,
`which is a control unit; such a display device 71 as a liquid
`crystal display or the like; an input device 72 enabling inputs
`of button keys, a pen, etc.; such an internal memory device
`74 as a ROM, a RAM, or the like; such an external memory
`device 75 as a flash memory, a DVD, or the like; a device
`for data communication 76 of an ordinary portable telephone
`and a PHS terminal; a device for getting location informa(cid:173)
`tion; and a device for getting direction information 78.
`Those devices are connected to each another. The device for
`getting location information 77 is provided with such a
`wireless antenna, a GPS, a PHS, or the like; such a data
`receiver as an infrared ray sensor. or the like; and a control
`unit for analyzin received data, thereby calculating location
`information. The device for getting direction information 78
`is provided with a compass, a gyro, such a sensor as a
`clinometer, and a control unit for analyzing sensor-measured
`data, thereby calculating direction information. The device
`for getting location information 77 and the device for getting
`direction information 78 are not necessarily built in the
`portable terminal; they may be provided outside the portable
`terminal so as to be used for walking navigation.
`’498 Patent, 9:39-44


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-1 Filed 01/17/20 Page 10 of 144 PageID #: 8014
`“device for getting location information denoting a present
`place of said terminal”
`Apple’s Proposed Structure Modifies The Structure
`Provided In The Specification
`Apple’s Proposed Construction
`Function: No dispute
`Structure: a wireless or cellular antenna,
`or a GPS, or a Personal Handyphone
`System (PHS); and an infrared ray sensor;
`and a control unit for analyzing received
`data, with the control unit calculating
`location information as disclosed in ’498
`at 5:48-56 and Fig. 2; or equivalents
`FIG. 10 shows a block diagram of the portable terminal of
`the present invention with the function of walking naviga(cid:173)
`tion. The portable terminal 61 is provided with a CPU 71,
`which is a control unit; such a display device 71 as a liquid
`crystal display or the like; an input device 72 enabling inputs
`of button keys, a pen, etc.; such an internal memory device
`74 as a ROM, a RAM, or the like; such an external memory
`device 75 as a flash memory, a DVD, or the like; a device
`for data communication 76 of an ordinary portable telephone
`and a PHS terminal; a device for getting location informa(cid:173)
`tion; and a device for getting direction information 78.
`Those devices are connected to each another. The device for
`getting location information 77 is provided with such a
`wireless antenna, a GPS, a PHS, or the like; such a data
`receiver as an infrared ray sensor. or the like; and a control
`unit for analyzin received data, thereby calculating location
`information. The device for getting direction information 78
`is provided with a compass, a gyro, such a sensor as a
`clinometer, and a control unit for analyzing sensor-measured
`data, thereby calculating direction information. The device
`for getting location information 77 and the device for getting
`direction information 78 are not necessarily built in the
`portable terminal; they may be provided outside the portable
`terminal so as to be used for walking navigation.
`’498 Patent, 9:39-44


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-1 Filed 01/17/20 Page 11 of 144 PageID #: 8015
`“device for getting location information denoting a present
`place of said terminal”
`The Disclosure Of An Infrared Ray Sensor Is Non-Limiting And
`Includes GPS and PHSs As Examples
`Next, a description will be made for a processing flow
`when the walker 10 selects Run in step 105. At first, the
`walker 10 gets the location information of the portable
`terminal with use of a device in step 106. The location
`information of the portable terminal here is represented by
`a latitude/longitude or coordinates and an altitude. For
`example, the location information is measured with use of a
`Cellular antenna and such an infrared rav sensor as a GSP,
`PHS, or the like. Then, the walker 10 gets the direction
`information of the portable terminal with use of a device in
`step 107. The direction information is the direction of the tip
`of the portable terminal or the orientation of the display
`screen represented by a direction and an angle of elevation.
`’498 Patent, 5:53-56
`FIG. 10 shows a block diagram of the portable terminal of
`the present invention with the function of walking naviga(cid:173)
`tion. The portable terminal 61 is provided with a CPU 71,
`which is a control unit; such a display device 71 as a liquid
`crystal display or the like; an input device 72 enabling inputs
`of button keys, a pen, etc.; such an internal memory device
`74 as a ROM, a RAM, or the like; such an external memory
`device 75 as a flash memory, a DVD, or the like; a device
`for data communication 76 of an ordinary portable telephone
`and a PHS terminal; a device for getting location informa(cid:173)
`tion; and a device for getting direction information 78.
`Those devices are connected to each another. The device for
`getting location information 77 is provided with such a
`wireless antenna, a GPS, a PHS, or the like; such a data
`receiver as an infrared ray sensor. or the like; and a control
`unit for analyzin received data, thereby calculating location
`information. The device for getting direction information 78
`is provided with a compass, a gyro, such a sensor as a
`clinometer, and a control unit for analyzing sensor-measured
`data, thereby calculating direction information. The device
`for getting location information 77 and the device for getting
`direction information 78 are not necessarily built in the
`portable terminal; they may be provided outside the portable
`terminal so as to be used for walking navigation.
`’498 Patent, 9:39-44


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-1 Filed 01/17/20 Page 12 of 144 PageID #: 8016
`“device for getting location information denoting a present
`place of said terminal”
`Contrary To The Specification Apple’s Proposed Structure Limits
`Analyzing Received Data
`Apple’s Proposed Construction
`Function: No dispute
`Structure: a wireless or cellular antenna,
`or a GPS, or a Personal Handyphone
`System (PHS); and an infrared ray sensor;
`and a control unit for analyzing received
`data, with the control unit calculating
`location information as disclosed in ’498
`at 5:48-56 and Fig. 2; or equivalents
`Those devices are connected to each another. The device for
`getting location information 77 is provided with such a
`wireless antenna, a GPS, a PHS, or the like; such a data
`receiver as an infrared ray sensor, or the like; and a control
`unit for analY.zing received data, thereby calculating location
`information. The device for getting direction information 78
`’498 Patent, 9:39-44
`Furthermore, in the portable terminal of the present inven(cid:173)
`tion with the function of walking navigation, location infor(cid:173)
`mation to get is represented by a latitude/longitude or
`coordinates and an altitude. For example, such a wireless
`antenna as a GPS, a PHS, etc., as well as an infrared ray
`sensor is used to measure location information. The portable
`terminal of the present invention may also be provided with
`any one of the above methods for measuring a position or
`some possible methods combined for measuring a position.
`’498 Patent, 4:6-14


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-1 Filed 01/17/20 Page 13 of 144 PageID #: 8017
`“device for getting location information denoting a present
`place of said terminal”
`The IPR Proceedings Did Not Create A Clear Disavowal Of Claim Scope
`See Maxell Ltd. v. Huawei Device USA Inc., 297 F. Supp. 3d 668, 735 (E.D. Tex. 2018)
`“The standards for finding lexicography or disavowal are ‘exacting.’ GE
`Lighting Solutions, 750 F.3d at 1309. To disavow or disclaim the full scope of a
`claim term, the patentee’s statements in the specification or prosecution
`history must amount to a ‘clear and unmistakable’ surrender. Cordis Corp.,
`561 F.3d at 1329; see also Thorner, 669 F.3d at 1366 (‘The patentee may
`demonstrate intent to deviate from the ordinary and accustomed meaning of
`a claim term by including in the specification expressions of manifest
`exclusion or restriction, representing a clear disavowal of claim scope.’).


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-1 Filed 01/17/20 Page 14 of 144 PageID #: 8018
`“device for getting location information denoting a present
`place of said terminal”
`The IPR Proceedings Did Not Create A Clear Disavowal Of Claim Scope
`First, PTAB proceedings were under a different claim construction standard and
`Apple agrees that District Courts are not “bound by PTAB’s construction.”
`See THX, Ltd. v. Apple, Inc., Case No. 13-cv-01161, 2016 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 153557, at *13(N.D. Cal. Nov. 4, 2016)
`“As an initial matter, Apple conceded at the claim construction hearing that the Court is not bound by PTAB's
`construction. See Hr'g Tr. at 3:23-5:16; cf. Cuozzo Speed Techs., LLC v. Lee, 136 S. Ct. 2131, 2146, 195 L. Ed. 2d 423
`(2016) (recognizing that the ‘different evidentiary burdens’ in IPR and district court proceedings ‘mean that the
`possibility of inconsistent results is inherent to Congress' regulatory design’).”
`See Danco, Inc. v. Fluidmaster, Inc., No. 5:16-cv-73, 2017 WL 4225217, at *9 (E.D. Tex. Sept. 17, 2017)
`“In light of the above, the IPR petitions and the recent decisions regarding institution have no legal impact on claim
`See Blitzsafe Texas LLC v. Mitsubishi Motors Corporation, No. 2:17-cv-00430, 2019 WL 2212646,
`at *8 (E.D. Tex. May 22, 2019) (citations omitted)
`“The court is not bound by a preliminary claim construction used by the PTAB for the limited purpose of denying an
`IPR request.”


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-1 Filed 01/17/20 Page 15 of 144 PageID #: 8019
`“device for getting location information denoting a present
`place of said terminal”
`Second, there is no estoppel. ASUS proposed a construction that it forgot
`to apply, so Maxell pointed out this deficiency to the PTAB while applying
`ASUS’s construction.
`§ 42.104 Content of J?..!i!..~I~.i-~ .. ~-·
`In addit ion to the requirements of .§.lL:1:.? ..... ~., 42.8, 42.22, and 42.24, the
`petit io_n_ must set forth:
`(a) Grounds for standing. The petit ioner must certify that the patent for
`which review is sought is available for inter partes rev iew and that the
`petit io_ne_r is not barred or estopped from requesting an inter partes review
`challenging the patent cla ims on the grounds identified in the petiti_on.
`(b) Identification of challenge. Provide a statement of the precise relief
`requested for each claim challenged. The statement must identify the
`follow ing:
`(1) The cla im;
`(2) The specific statutory grounds under?.?. U.S.C. .. ~.9.?. or .. ~.9.~. on w hich the
`chal lenge to the cla im is based and the patents or printed publications relied
`upon for each ground ;
`(3) How the challenged claim is to be construed. Where the cla im to be
`construed conta ins a means-plus-function or step-plus-function limitation as
`permitted under -~.?. ... l,,J .. :.?.:.~ ........ !J?.(f)., the construction of the claim must
`identify the specific portions of the specification that describe the structure,
`materia l, or acts correspond ing to each claimed function ;
`( 4) How the construed cla im is unpatentable under the statutory grounds
`identified in P?IS~9.r~P.h .. (!?JG.2. of th is section. The P.~.t.i.! i.PD. must specify
`w here each element of the cla im is fo und in the prior art patents or pri nted
`publications relied upon ; and
`37 CFR § 42.104


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-1 Filed 01/17/20 Page 16 of 144 PageID #: 8020
`“device for getting location information denoting a present
`place of said terminal”
`ASUS Proposed A Broadest Reasonable Interpretation Construction
`“Solely” For The Purposes Of The IPR
`Trirascular, Inc. v. Samuels, 812 F.3d 1056, 1062 (Fed. Cir. 2016). Thus, as required
`by the applicable rules, this Petition uses the BRI standard and, except as described
`below, applies the plain English meaning of the claim terms. Petitioners reserve all
`rights to take a different position with respect to claim construction in any other
`proceeding that does not rely on the BRI standard.
`Dkt. No 165-4 at 13
`IPR2013-00172, Paper 50, at 9-11 (PT AB July 28, 2014 ). Solely for the purposes of
`this proceeding and while reserving the right to argue that these terms are indefinite
`in district court litigation, Petitioners have in some cases adopted Patent Owner's
`Dkt. No 165-4 at 14


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-1 Filed 01/17/20 Page 17 of 144 PageID #: 8021
`“device for getting location information denoting a present
`place of said terminal”
`ASUS Proposed A Broadest Reasonable Interpretation Construction
`“Solely” For The Purposes Of The IPR (cont’d)
`Accordingly, for purposes of this IPR only, Petitioners propose the following
`BRI constructions of these terms: "a device for getting location information denoting
`a present place of said portable terminal" should be construed as "a wireless or
`cellular antenna, OR a GPS, OR a Personal Handyphone System,;, AND an infrared
`ray sensor,;, AND a control unit for analyzing received data, with the control unit
`Dkt. No 165-4 at 18-19


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-1 Filed 01/17/20 Page 18 of 144 PageID #: 8022
`“device for getting location information denoting a present
`place of said terminal”
`Maxell Pointed Out That ASUS Failed To Apply This Construction
`Rendering Its Petition Non-Compliant With 37 CFR § 42.104
`4 While Patent Owner does not contend that such a construction is proper, for
`purposes of the IPR, it is Petitioner's burden to propose a construction and then
`explain how the construed claim is unpatentable. See 3 7 CFR § 4 2 .104(b )( 4). The
`Petition fails to do so. Thus, the Petition does not comply with the requirements set
`forth in 37 CFR § 42.104, and for this reason alone, the Petition should not be
`Dkt. No 161-18 at 14


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-1 Filed 01/17/20 Page 19 of 144 PageID #: 8023
`“device for getting location information denoting a present
`place of said terminal”
`Maxell Pointed Out That It Is Applying ASUS’s Proposed Construction
`For The Preliminary Response “Only”
`However, for purposes of this Preliminary Response only, Patent Owner
`does not dispute Petitioner's proposed constructions for the corresponding
`structure for these two means-plus-function terms. 3
`Dkt. No 161-18 at 10


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-1 Filed 01/17/20 Page 20 of 144 PageID #: 8024
`“device for getting location information denoting a present
`place of said terminal”
`Maxell Pointed Out That It Disagreed With ASUS’S Proposed
`Construction And Is Reserving Its Rights Under Phillips
`3 Patent Owner reserves all rights regarding arguments for the construction of these
`terms under the Phillips standard, i.e., as set forth in litigation and/or in Patent
`Owner's response to the extent the PT AB decides to institute this Petition. For
`example, the Petitioner's proposed structure are overly narrow and conflate various
`alternative structures disclosed in the specification. However, Patent Owner will
`apply Petitioner' s forwarded constructions to the prior art in its Preli1ninary
`Response because it is Petitioner' s burden to propose a construction and then apply
`these constructions in the prior art analysis, which Petitioner fails to do.
`Dkt. No 161-18 at 10-11


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-1 Filed 01/17/20 Page 21 of 144 PageID #: 8025
`“device for getting location information denoting a present
`place of said terminal”
`Maxell Pointed Out That It Was Applying ASUS’S Proposed Construction
`When Discussing Prior Art
`Using Petitioner' s own proposed constn1ction of "a device for getting
`location information denoting a present place of said portable terminal," the
`Suzuki/Nosaka combination does not disclose this limitation.
`Petitioner' s
`proposed construction for the corresponding structure for this means-plus-function
`term is "a wireless or cellular antenna, or a GPS, or a Personal Handyphone
`System; and an infrared ray sensor; and a control unit for analyzing received data,
`with the control unit calculating location information as disclosed in 5:48-56, and
`Fig. 2." Petition at 18-19.4 However, neither Suzuki nor Nosaka disclose an
`"infrared ray sensor"-the phrase is completely absent from the translated copies
`of the references-a necessary component of Petitioner's proposed construction.
`Dkt. No 161-18 at 13-14


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-1 Filed 01/17/20 Page 22 of 144 PageID #: 8026
`“device for getting location information denoting a present
`place of said terminal”
`The IPR Proceedings Did Not Create A Clear Disavowal Of Claim Scope
`• Thus, the IPR proceedings provide anything but a clear and unmistakable surrender
`of claim scope.
`• ASUS itself had proposed a construction for the IPR proceeding only, Maxell was
`under no obligation to set forth a construction under Phillips standard at the PTAB
`when ASUS had submitted a non-compliant petition.
`• Maxell made the record clear that it did not agree with ASUS’s proposed construction
`as it was overly narrow.
`• Apple’s proposed construction should be rejected and the term should be construed
`consistent with the specification.


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-1 Filed 01/17/20 Page 23 of 144 PageID #: 8027
`U.S. Patent Nos. 6,748,317; 6,580,999; 6,430,498
`Terms in Dispute
`Term 2: “a device for getting a location information of another portable
`terminal from said another terminal via connected network”
`Term 3: “a device for getting a location information of another portable
`Term 4: “a device for retrieving a route from said present place to said


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-1 Filed 01/17/20 Page 24 of 144 PageID #: 8028
`“a device for getting a location information of another
`portable terminal [from said another portable terminal via
`connected network”] / “a device for retrieving a route . . .”
`’317, Claim 10
`10. A portable terminal, comprising:
`a device for getting location information denoting a
`present place of said portable terminal;
`a device for getting direction information denoting an
`orientation of said portable terminal;
`a device for getting a location information of another
`portable terminal from said another terminal via con(cid:173)
`nected network; and
`a display,
`said display displays positions of said destination and said
`present place, and a relation of said direction and a
`direction from said present place to said destination,
`and said display changes according to a change of said
`direction of said portable terminal orientation for walk(cid:173)
`ing navigation.
`’317 Patent, Claim 10


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-1 Filed 01/17/20 Page 25 of 144 PageID #: 8029
`“a device for getting a location information of another
`portable terminal [from said another portable terminal via
`connected network”] / “a device for retrieving a route . . .”
`’317/’999/’498 Patents
`Maxell’s Proposed Construction
`Apple’s Proposed Construction
`Functions: No disputes
`Function: No disputes
`Structure: CPU and device for data
`Structure: CPU 71 and device for data
`communication 76 of a portable terminal;
`communication 76 of a portable
`or equivalents thereof
`telephone and a Personal Handyphone
`System (PHS) terminal (Figure 10, ’317
`Patent at 9:40–50); or equivalents thereof
`The parties dispute whether the structure should be limited to include a
`device for data communication 76 from two devices a portable telephone
`and a PHS terminal.


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-1 Filed 01/17/20 Page 26 of 144 PageID #: 8030
`“a device for getting a location information of another
`portable terminal [from said another portable terminal via
`connected network”] / “a device for retrieving a route . . .”
`The Claims Are Directed To A Portable Terminal
`Not To A “Portable Telephone” And A “PHS”
`10. A portable terminal, comprising:
`a device for getting location information denoting a
`present place of said portable terminal;
`a device for getting direction information denoting an
`orientation of said portable terminal;
`a device for getting a location information of another
`portable terminal from said another terminal via con(cid:173)
`nected network; and
`a display,
`said display displays positions of said destination and said
`present place, and a relation of said direction and a

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