Case 2:21-cv-00040-JRG Document 70-6 Filed 09/02/21 Page 1 of 5 PageID #: 1332
`Exhibit K


`2nt 70-6 Filed 09/02/21 Page 2 of 5PagelD #: 1333
`Case 2:21-cv-00040-JRG Document 70-6 Filed 09/02/21 Page 2 of 5 PageID #: 1333
`IEEE Std 100-1996 FOR
`The IEEE Standard Dictionary of
`Electrical and Electronics Terms
`Sixth Edition
`Standards Coordinating Committee 10, Terms and Definitions
`Jane Radatz, Chair
`This standard is one of a number of information technology dictionaries being developed by standards
`organizations accredited by the American National Standards Institute. This dictionarywas developed
`under the sponsorship of voluntary standards organizations, using a consensus-basedprocess.
`ISBN 1-55937-833-b
`| i
`9°781 559°37833


`Case 2:21-cv-00040-JRG Document 70-6 Filed 09/02/21 Page 3 of 5 PageID #: 1334
`Case 2:21-cv-00040-JRG Document 70-6 Filed 09/02/21 Page 3 of 5PagelD#: 1334
`When the IEEE Standards Board approved this standard on 10 December 1996,it had the following
`Richard J. Holleman, Vice Charr
`Donald C. Loughry, Chair
`Andrew G, Salem, Secretary
`Gilles A. Baril
`Clyde R. Camp
`Joseph A. Cannatelli
`Stephen L, Diamond
`Harold E. Epstein
`Donald C. Fleckenstein
`Jay Forster*
`Donald N. Heirman
`Ben C, Johnson
`E. G. “Al” Kiener
`Joseph L, Koepfinger*
`Stephen R. Lambert
`Lawrence V. McCall
`L. Bruce McClung
`Marco W. Migliaro
`Mary Lou Padgett
`John W. Pope
`Jose R. Ramos
`Arthur K. Reilly
`Ronald H. Reimer
`Gary 8, Robinson
`Ingo Riisch
`John $. Ryan
`Chee Kiow Tan
`Leonard L. Tripp
`Howard L. Wolfman
`*Member Emeritus
`Also included are the following nonvoting [EEE Standards Board liaisons:
`Satish K. Aggarwal
`Alan H. Cookson
`Chester C, Taylor
`Kim Breitfelder (1995-present), /EEE Std 100 Editor
`Stephen Huffman (1993-1995), JEEE Std 100 Editor
`Assistance was provided by the IEEE Standards editorial staff.
`Howto usethis dictionary
`The terms defined in this dictionary are listedin /etter-by-letter alphabetical order. Spaces are ignored in
`this style of alphabetization, so cable value will come before cab signal, Descriptive categories associated
`with the term in earlier editions of IEEE Std 100 will follow the term in parentheses. New categories
`appear after the definitions (see Categories, below), followed by the designation of the standard or stan-
`dards that includethe definition, If a standard designation is followed by theletter s, it means that edition
`of the standard was superseded by a newer revision and the term was not included in the revision. If a
`designation is followed by the letter w, it means that edition of the standard was withdrawn and not
`replaced by a revision, A bracketed numberrefers to the non-IEEE standard sources given in the back
`of the book.
`Acronyms and abbreviations are no longerlisted in a separate section in the dictionary; rather, they are
`incorporated alphabetically with other terms. Each acronym or abbreviation refers to its expanded term,
`where il is defined. Acronyms and abbreviations for which no definition was included in past editions
`have been deleted from this edition of IEEE Std 100.
`Abstracts of the current set of approved IEEE standards are provided in the back of the book. It should
`be noted that updated information about IEEE standards can be obtained at any time from the IEEE
`Standards World Wide Website at
`The category abbreviations that are used in this edition of IEEE Std 100 are defined below, This infor-
`mation is providedto help elucidate the context of the definition. Older terms for which no category could
`be found have hadthe category “Std!00”assigned to them. Note that terms from sources other than IEEE
`standards, such as the National Electrical Code® (NEC®) or the National Fire Protection Association,
`may not be from the most recent editions; the reader is cautioned to check the latest editionsofall sources
`for the most up-to-date terminology.


`Case 2:21-cv-00040-JRG Document 70-6 Filed 09/02/21 Page 4 of 5 PageID #: 1335
`SASE.Po@heal-00040-JRG Document 70;6 Filed 09/02/21 Page,4.efmAagelP #: 133%
`electron sheath (gas) A film of electrons (or of sons) that has
`electroosmosis The movement of fluids through diaphragms
`formed on or near vo surface that is held at a potential different
`that is as a result of the application ofan electric current.
`from that of the discharge, Syranyne ion sheath, See also,
`[45], [84]
`electroosmotic potential (electrobiology) The electrokinetic
`potential gradient producing unit velocity of liquid flow
`electron-stream potential (any point in an electron stream)
`through a porous structure. See also: electrobiology.
`(eleciron tube) The time average of the potential differential
`difference between that point and the electron-emitting sur-
`face. See also: electron emission,
`electrophonic effect The sensation of hearing produced when
`an alternating current of suitable frequency and magnitude
`electron-streamtransmission efficiency (electron tube) (elec-
`from an external source is passed through an animal.
`trode through which the electronstream passes) The ratio of
`the average stream current through the electrode to the av-
`electrophoresis A movement ofcolloidal ions as a result ofthe
`erage streamcurrent approaching the electrode. Neale: In con-
`nection with multitransit
`the term electron stream
`application of an electric potential, See alse: ion.
`should be taken to include only electrons approaching the
`electrode for the first time. See alse: clectron emission,
`electrophoretic potential (electrobiology) The electrokinetic
`potential gradient required to produce unit velocity of a col-
`loidal or suspended material through a liquid electrolyte. See
`electron (telescope An optical instrument for astronomy includ-
`also: electrobiology.
`ing an electronic image transformer associated with an optical
`electroplating The electrodeposition of an adherent coating
`lelescope. See alsa: electron optics.
`[45], [84]
`upon an object for such purposes as surface protection or
`electron tube An electron device in which conduction by elec-
`trons takes place through «a Vacuum or gaseous medium within
`electropneumatic brake An air brake that
`is provided with
`a gastight envelope. Note: The envelope may be either
`electrically controlled valves for control of the application
`pumped during operation or sealed off.
`161-197 lw
`and release of the brakes. Nore: The electric control is usually
`electron-tube admittances The cross-referenced terms gener-
`in addition to a complete air brake equipment to provide a
`alize the familiar clectron-tube coefficients so that they apply
`more prompt and synchronized operation ofthe brakes on two
`to all types of electron devices operated at any frequencyas
`or more vehicles, Sve afso: electric braking.
`linear transducers. Note: The generalizations include the fa-
`miliar low-frequency tube concepts. In the case of a riode, for
`electropneumatic contactor (1) A contactor actuated by air
`example, at relatively low frequencies the short-circuit input
`pressure. See alsu; contactor,
`admittance reduces to substantially the grid admittance, the
`(2) (electropneumatic unit switch) A contactor or switch
`short-circuit output admittance reduces to substantially the
`controlled electrically and actuated by air pressure. See also:
`plate udmittance, the short-circuit forward admittance reduces
`contactor; control switch.
`to substantially the grid-plate transconductance, and the short-
`electropneumatic controller An electrically supervised con-
`circuit feedback admittance reduces to substantially the ad-
`troller having someorall ofits basic functions performed by
`mittance of the grid-plate capacitance, When reference is
`air pressure. See a/so: electric controller; multiple-unit con-
`made to alternating-vollage or -current components, the com-
`ponents are understood to be small enough so that linear re-
`electropneumatic interlocking machine An interlocking ma-
`lations hold between the various alternating voltages and cur-
`chine designed for electric control of electropneumatically
`rents. Consider a generalized network or transducer having n
`operated functions. See alse: centralized traffic-control
`available terminals to each of which is flowing a complex
`alternating component J; of the current and between each of
`electropneumatie valye Anelectrically operated valve that con-
`which and a reference point (which may or may not be one
`trols the passage ofair.
`of the n network terminals) is applied a complex alternating
`electropolishing (electroplating) The smoothing or brightening
`voltage V,. This network represents an n-terminal electron
`device in which each one of the terminals is connected to an
`of a metal surface by making it anodic in an appropriate so-
`lution, See alse: electroplating.
`electrorefining The process of electrodissolving a metal [rom
`electron-tube amplifier An amplifier that obtains its amplifying
`properties by means of electron tubes,
`an impure anode and depositing it ina more pure state.
`electron-wave tube An electron tube in which mutually inter-
`acting streams of electrons having different velocities cause
`4 signal modulation to change progressively along their
`161-197 lw
`electronvolt The kinetic energy acquired by anelectron in
`Passing through a potential difference of 1V in vacuum;
`LeV = 1.602 19 © 10°!J approximately.
`(QUL) 268-1982s
`tlectro-optic effect (fiber optics) A change in the refractive
`index of a material under the influence of an electric field,
`|. Pockels and Kerr effects are electro-optic effects
`that are respectively linear and quadratic in the electric field
`Strength, 2. “Electro-optic™is oflen erroneously used as asyn-
`onym for “optoelectronic.” See alse: optoelectronic.
`(Stdl00) S12-1984w
`electro-optic field meter A meter that measures changes in the
`transmission of light through a fiber or crystal due to the in-
`Hluence of the electric field. Nore: While there are several
`tlectro-optic methods that can be used for measuring electric
`fields, ¢.g., the Pockels effect, the Kerr effect, and interfero-
`metric techniques, this recommended practice only considers
`electro-optic field meters that utilize the Pockels effect,
`electroretinogram See: electrodermogram,
`electrascope An electrostutic device for indicating a potential
`difference or an electric charge. See also: instrument.
`electrosensitive printer A nonimpact printer in which images
`are generated on specially coated paper by an electric stylus.
`(C) 610, 10-1994
`electroshock therapy The production of 4 reaction in the central
`nervous system by means ofelectric current applied to the
`cranium, See also: electrotherapy.
`electrostatic actuator An apparatus constituting an auxiliary
`external electrode that permis the application of known elec-
`trostatic forces to the diaphragm of a microphonefor the pur-
`pose of obtaining « primary calibration. See alse; micro-
`electrostatic coupling Sce: signal.
`electrostatic deflection (vathode-ray tubes) Deflecting an elee-
`tron beamby the action of anelectric field. See also: cathode-
`ray tube,
`electrostatic discharge (ESD) (1) Electrical discharges ofstatic
`electricity that build up on personnel or equipment, generated
`by interaction ofdissimilar materials.


`Case 2:21-cv-00040-JRG Document 70-6 Filed 09/02/21 Page 5 of 5 PageID #: 1336
`Case 2:21-cv-00040-JRG Document 70-6 Filed 09/02/21 Page 5 of 5 PagelD#: 1336
`Thomson heat
`three-phase circuit
`and accessed by plhread_gelspecifrc() are maintained on a
`ihe material of the conductor. A consequenceof this effect is
`thal if a current exists in a conductor between two points at
`per-thread basis and persist for the life of the calling thread,
`(C/PA) 9945-1-1906
`different temperatures, heat will be absorbed orliberated de-
`pending on the material and on the sense of the current.
`threat (1) A potential violation ofsecurity.
`(C/LM) 802,10-1992
`2. In a nonhomogeneous conductor, the Peltier effect andthe
`Thomson effect cannot be separated. See also: thermoelectric
`(2) Means by which a system may be adversely affected.
`Threats include both inadvertent and malicious actions.
`(BA/C) 896,3-1993
`Thomson heat The thermal energy absorbed or evolved as a
`resull of the Thomson effect. See alse: thermoelectric device.
`three-address Pertaining to an instruction code in which cach
`instruction has three address parts, Also called (riple-address.
`In a typical three-address instruction the addresses specify the
`thrashing A stute in which a computer sys-tem is expending
`most or all of its resources on overhead operations, such as
`location of two operands and the destination of the result, and
`the instructions are taken from storage in a preassigned order.
`swapping data belween main and auxiliary storage, rather
`than on intended computing functions.=(C) 61012-1990, See also: two-plus-one address. (C) 162-1963w
`thread (1) (control) A contro! function that provides for main-
`three-address instruction (1) A computer instruction that con-
`tains three addressfields, For example, an instruction to add
`tained operation ofa drive al a preset reduced speed such as
`for setup purposes, See alse: electric drive.
`the contents of locations A and B, and place the results in
`location C. Contrast: four-address instruction; one-address
`(2) (data management) In u tree, a set of link fields, one in
`instruction; (wo-address instruction; zero-address instruction,
`each node, each of which points to the successor or prede-
`(C) 610.12-1990
`cessor ofthat node with respect to a particular traversal order.
`(C) 610.5-1990
`(2) An instruction containing three addresses. Synonym: ti-
`(3) A single flowof control within a process. Each thread has
`ple-address instruction, See alse: address format.
`(C) 610,10-1994
`its own thread ID, scheduling priority and policy, errno value,
`thread-specific key/value bindings, and the required system
`resources (o support a flow of control. Anything whose ad-
`dress may be determined by a thread, including but not lim-
`ited to static variables, storage obtained via malloc(), directly
`addressable storage obtained through implementation-sup-
`plied functions, and autornatic variables shall be accessible
`to all threads in the same process,
` (C/PA) 9945-1-1996
`(4) A single sequential flow of control within a process.
`1224.2-1994, 1326,2-1993, 1327.2-1993,
`1328.2-1993, 14252-1996
`threaded coupling (rigid steel conduit) An internally threaded
`steel cylinder for connecting two sections ofrigid steel con-
`threaded tree A tree whose nades contain link fields for one or
`more threads, allowing nonrecursive traversal of the tree. See
`also: doubly-threaded tree; left-threaded tree; right-threaded
`tree; triply-threaded tree.
`(C) 610.5-1990
`thread [D A unique value of type pthread_t that identifies each
`thread during its lifetime in a process.
`(C/PA) 9945-1-1996
`threading line (conductor stringing equipment) A lightweight
`flexible line, rormally manila or synthetic fiber rope, used to
`lead a conductor through the bullwheels of a tensioner or
`pulling line through a bull wheel puller. Synenyrrs; bull line;
`threading rope.
`(PE/T&D) 524-1992
`threading rope See: threading line.
`thread list An ordered set of runnable threads that all have the
`same ordinal Value for their priority, The ordering of threads
`on the list is determined by a scheduling policy or policies.
`The set of thread lists includes all runnuble threads in the
`(C/PA) 9945-1-1996
`thread of control A sequence ofinstructions executed by a
`conceptual sequential subprogram, independent of any pro-
`gramming language. More than one thread of control may
`execute concurrently, interleaved on a single processor, or on
`separate processors, The conceptual threads of contro! in an
`Ada application are Ada tasks, They may, but need not, cor-
`respond to the POSIX threads defined in POSIX. lc.
`(C/PA) LO03.5b-1995
`thread-safe A function that may be safely invoked concurrently
`by multiple threads. Each function defined by this standard is
`thread-safe unless explicitly stated otherwise. An example is
`any “pure” function (a function that holds a mutex locked
`while it is accessing static storage or objects shared among
`(C/PA) 9945-1-1996
`thread-specitie data key A process global handle of type
`plireadkeys that
`is used for naming thread-specifie data.
`Although the same key value may be used by different
`threads, the values bound to the key by pthread_setspecific()
`three-bit byte See: triplet.
`three-conductor bundle See: bundle.
`three-dimensional graphics The presentation of data on a two-
`dimensional display surface so that it appears to represent a
`three-dimensional model, and can be viewed from any posi-
`tion. Note: Each coordinate of the model contains a triplet of
`information; for example, x, y, and z in the Cartesian coor-
`dinate system.
`(C) 610.6-1991
`three-dimensional hardware A graphical display processor
`that accepts three-dimensional information as input and gen-
`erates an image directly rather than using a projection trans-
`(C) 610.6-1991
`three-dimensional priority The property possessed by a line
`or surface that is in front of another line or surface from the
`viewer's perspective.
`(C) 610.6-1991
`three-dimensional radar (navigation aid terms) A radar ca-
`pable of producing three-dimensional position data on a mul-
`liplicity of targets.
`172-1983w, 686-1990w
`3GL See: high-order language.
`three-input adder See; full adder.
`three-level address See; n-level address.
`3-of-9 bar cade A variable length, bidirectional, discrete, self-
`checking, alpha-numeric bar code. Its basic data character set
`contains 43 characters: 0 to 9, A to Z, —, .,/, +, 5, %, and
`space, Each character is composed of 9 elements; 5 bars and
`4 spaces. Three of the nine elements are wide (binary value
`1) and six are narrow (binary value 0), A commoncharacter
`(*) is used exclusively for both a start and stop character,
`(PE) CS7.12,35-1996
`three-phase ac fields (electric and magnetic fields from ac
`powerlines) Three-phase transmissionlines generate a (hree-
`phase field whose space components are not
`in phase. The
`field at any point can be described by the field ellipse, thatis,
`by the magnitude and direction of the serni-major axis and
`the magnitude and direction ofits semi-major axis. In a three-
`phase field, the electric field at large distances = 15 meters
`(m) away from the outer phases (conductors) can frequently
`be considered a single-phase field because the minor axis of
`the electric field ellipse is only a fraction (less than LO) of
`the major axis when measured at a height of | m. Similar
`remarks apply for the magnetic field, See also; electric field
`(PE/T&D) 644-1979
`three-phase circuit
`(electric installations on shipboard)
`(power and distribution transformers) A combination of
`circuits energized by alternating electromotive forces which
`differ in phase by one-ihird of a cycle (120 degrees). In prac-
`tice, the phases may vary several degrees from the specified
`(A/PE) 45-1983r, C57.12.80-1978r

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