Case 2:15-cv-01455-WCB Document 182 Filed 09/02/16 Page 1 of 125 PageID #: 5724
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` *
` Plaintiff, * 2:15-cv-1455-WCB
`VS. *
` *
`INC., ET AL., * Marshall, Texas
` * August 26, 2016
` Defendants. * 8:29 a.m.
`A P P E A R A N C E S
` 12390 El Camino Real
` San Diego, California 92130
` 222 Delaware Avenue, 17th Floor
` Wilmington, Delaware 19899
` Official Court Reporter
` Eastern District of Texas
` Texarkana Division
` 500 N. State Line Avenue
` Texarkana, Texas 75501
`(Proceedings recorded by mechanical stenography, transcript
`produced on CAT system.)


`Case 2:15-cv-01455-WCB Document 182 Filed 09/02/16 Page 2 of 125 PageID #: 5725
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`A P P E A R A N C E S
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` 60 South Sixth Street
` 3200 RBC Plaza
` Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402
` 1507 Bill Owens Parkway
` Longview, Texas 75604
` 9
` 1615 M Street NW, Suite 400
` Washington, DC 20036
` 2900 Saint Michael Drive, Suite 500
` Texarkana, Texas 75503
` 12235 El Camino Real, Suite 200
` San Diego, California 92130
` 900 South Capital of Texas Highway
` Las Cimas IV, Fifth Floor
` Austin, Texas 78746


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`A P P E A R A N C E S
` 303 South Washington Avenue
` Marshall, Texas 75670
` 2100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 800
` Washington, DC 20037
` 110 North College Avenue, Suite 500
` Tyler, Texas 75702
` 55 West Monroe Street, Suite 3400
` Chicago, Illinois 60603
` 909 ESE Loop 323, Suite 400
` Tyler, Texas 75711
` 6 West Hubbard Street, Suite 500
` Chicago, Illinois 60610
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`I N D E X
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`Appearances....................................... 1-3
` 6
`Proceedings....................................... 5
` 7
`Court Reporter's Certificate...................... 125
` 8
` 9


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`P R O C E E D I N G S
`THE COURT: Thank you. Please be seated.
`We're here on the case of Allergan against Teva, et
` 5
`al. And it's 2:15-cv-1455, a Markman hearing.
` 6
`The way I like to do these, I learned from Judge
` 7
`Payne, is to give you my tentative views on the various issues
` 8
`that are contested. They are tentative.
` 9
`I'm perfectly willing to listen and modify my views,
`change them altogether, as the situation may suggest. But I
`think it's useful rather than having each of you stand up and
`go on for a while about your positions with no idea of what it
`is that I'm focused on.
`It's much more efficient, I think, for me to give you
`an idea of where I am tentatively and then for you to shoot at
`it -- excuse me -- if you have any complaints about my
`position. Which at least half of you, in all likelihood, will
`And let me say, also, that I know you have slides
`here and so forth and lawyers love to work from slides. And I
`hope you won't feel too much anxiety, but I prefer to work
`directly from argument rather than from slides. I really don't
`think having a slide show and having lawyers read from the
`slides is helpful, at least it's not helpful to me. So I would
`rather hear argument on the -- on the issues.


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` 1
`So let me give you at the outset the tentative views.
` 2
`And some of these will be more sketchy than others. But you
` 3
`will at least have an idea of where I'm going with respect to
` 4
`each of these issues.
` 5
`Let me ask, first, we have a number of people, I
` 6
`gather, that are going to be speaking. I would ask you two
` 7
`things: One, to let me know now which issues each of you will
` 8
`be planning to address. And two, when each of you stands up,
` 9
`even if you have spoken before, please identify yourself.
`Because, otherwise, the courtroom deputy and the court reporter
`will have a hard time figuring out who's who with as many
`players as we have.
`So why don't you tell me -- I have a list of I think
`it's four people on the defense side and one on the Plaintiff's
`side who are going to speak. Is that correct?
`Mr. Singer is going to speak for the Plaintiffs?
`MR. SINGER: Yes. Good morning, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: On all issues; is that correct?
`MR. SINGER: I drew the short straw, and I'm speaking
`on all of them.
`THE COURT: Very good.
`Now, we have four, I think, for the defense. Why
`don't you tell me which issue each of the four of you will
`MR. CARSTEN: Good morning, Your Honor. My name is


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` 1
`Doug Carsten on behalf of Mylan. I'll be addressing the "dry
` 2
`eye," "KCS" indefiniteness terms, as well as the
` 3
`"therapeutically effective" term.
` 4
` 5
` 6
`THE COURT: All right.
`Next up.
`MR. CWIK: Good morning, Your Honor. Joe Cwik on
` 7
`behalf of InnoPharma. And I'm going to be talking about the
` 8
`"second topical ophthalmic emulsion" term.
` 9
`MR. DZWONCZYK: Good morning, Your Honor. Mike
`Dzwonczyk on behalf of Akorn. And I will address the "about"
`term and the "restoring" and "enhancing tearing" terms.
`THE COURT: Very good.
`MR. POLIVICK: Good morning, Your Honor. My name is
`John Polivick on behalf of Famy Care. And I will be addressing
`the "only peptide present" term.
`THE COURT: All right.
`MR. POLIVICK: And the "administering" terms.
`THE COURT: "Administering," all right.
`Okay. So that works out pretty well. Because I can
`take them roughly in the order of the defense lawyers who will
`be speaking to those issues rather than having us bouncing up
`and down. I think we can do this efficiently.
`So the first issue I think that I want to discuss
`will be the definition of "dry eye," "dry eye disease," "dry


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` 1
`eye syndrome," and "keratoconjunctivitis."
` 2
`After that, I can stay with Mr. Carsten and discuss
` 3
`"therapeutic efficacy."
` 4
`After that, I think it makes sense to do the "about,"
` 5
`"restoring," and "enhancing" points.
` 6
` 7
` 8
` 9
`Then "second topical emulsion."
`And finally, "only peptide" and "administering."
`So let's take it in that order.
`Now, as for my tentative views, I do not think at
`this point that there is fatal indefiniteness in the
`definitions of either "dry eye," "dry eye disease," "dry eye
`syndrome" to the extent that each of those terms needs to be
`addressed, or "keratoconjunctivitis sicca."
`I acknowledge that there is some lack of clarity,
`lack of certainty, lack of precision in the definitions of each
`of those terms, particularly "dry eye," "dry eye disease," "dry
`eye syndrome." But that is not unknown in the medical area.
`And I think there is sufficient confluence of views as to the
`meanings of those terms that they satisfy the requirements of
`the Nautilus case of giving fair notice to a person of ordinary
`skill in the art as to what is encompassed within the claims.
`"Keratoconjunctivitis" seems to me is more
`straightforward. It is generally pretty well understood what
`that condition entails. And I don't think there's a whole lot
`of room for argument on that one as to indefiniteness.


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` 1
`"Efficacy," "therapeutic efficacy," again, I don't
` 2
`think that's a matter of fatal indefiniteness either. My sense
` 3
`is that it's a little hard to know whether this treatment
` 4
`should be deemed to be treating the underlying disease or
` 5
`condition as opposed to treating the symptoms given the
` 6
`particular way that this drug operates. But I'm not sure that
` 7
`really matters.
` 8
`And on that, I will be interested in hearing some
` 9
`argument. But I think "efficacy" is a term that is
`sufficiently clear that that would survive the indefiniteness
`And I feel the same way about "enhance" and
`"restore." I think the -- the notion of enhancement is to make
`something greater or better. "Restore" contains within it a
`notion of making something more like it was before, returning
`to the status quo ante, or at least in part returning to the
`status quo ante. And those terms, it seems to me, are clear
`enough to survive the indefiniteness attack.
`The "second topical ophthalmic emulsion," it seems to
`me if I understand the argument here, it is that the two
`emulsions that are discussed, one of them, the second, does not
`have a description of all of the other constituents in the
`emulsion and, therefore, you can't compare it to the first.
`I -- I think the context of the claim, including
`reference to the specification, makes it pretty clear that


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`we're talking about an emulsion that differs from the first
` 2
`only with respect to the items that are called out in the
` 3
`claim. And all other -- all other constituents are held to be
` 4
`equal between the two.
` 5
` 6
`So I don't find any fatal indefiniteness there.
`The "about" term -- I think I'm returning now to a
` 7
`term that we were going to discuss in connection with
` 8
`"restoring" and "enhancing." But in any event, this is a term
` 9
`that has always given me a lot of trouble in patents.
`The patent doctrine typically says, at least in most
`instances, that the term "about" is -- means approximately, and
`that's that. I never found that entirely satisfactory. What
`is "approximately"? Well, it means -- well, it means "about."
`That's not very helpful.
`It's particularly unhelpful in a context in which the
`"about" covers some feature that's really critical to the
`question of infringement or not. And there is no easy measure
`of what the -- the limitations of the spectrum of the -- that
`the "about" covers can be found.
`I will want to hear from the Plaintiffs on this as to
`what guidance I can look to to know what the limits of the term
`"about" are in this context so that I will be able to decide
`whether there is infringement or not if something is not at the
`1.25 and .004 numbers -- 005, excuse me -- .05. If those
`are -- numbers are not exactly or within a measurable


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` 1
`precision, the numbers of the constituents, how broad is the --
` 2
`does the "about" sweep?
` 3
`I don't think "about" means precisely. I'm not sure
` 4
`what that means in the context of chemical formulation, because
` 5
`there's no such something in the real world as precise. So I
` 6
`just find that argument not to be persuasive.
` 7
`Cyclosporine A, the only peptide present, on this
` 8
`issue I didn't find that the materials that I was given gave me
` 9
`a whole lot of help on what the relationship is between
`cyclosporine A and the derivatives and metabolites. And I will
`be interested in hearing more on that.
`But my tentative view is that derivates and
`metabolites are typically present in any kind of formulation.
`And that that would not be enough to constitute other peptides
`within the meaning of the claims.
`"Administered," now, this is a little tricky, because
`I think "administered" is a term that has different meanings,
`depending on context. I had a case which has been cited by the
`parties recently -- in fact, it's a still pending case --
`called Erfindergemeinschaft against Lilly, in which I construed
`"administer" broadly enough to cover a physician who is
`prescribing a course of treatment and supervising a course of
`I'm not sure that the word "administer" necessarily
`sweeps that broadly when you get to a specification such as the


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` 1
`ones in this case involving administration to the eye, where
` 2
`the suggestion seems to me to be that the administration is
` 3
`something that operates directly on the body or a part of the
` 4
`body. It's very difficult to say in that context, it seems to
` 5
`me, that a person who is simply writing a prescription is
` 6
`administering an emulsion to the eye. But I will hear further
` 7
`argument on that, of course.
` 8
`Okay. Those are the issues as I understand it. I
` 9
`gather that we are in agreement on "substantially no detectable
`concentration of cyclosporine A." Which is the term that I
`gather that you've reached agreement on. And I've accepted
`that -- that claim construction.
`So, what I would like to do is start, then, with I
`guess it's Mr. Carsten.
`I assume that you are probably not thrilled with my
`approach, my tentative definition, so I will let you go first.
`And Mr. Singer, if there are issues on which you feel
`aggrieved, then you should go first. On issues on which the
`Defendants feel aggrieved, we'll have them go first. And I'll
`let you-all decide who is the more aggrieved.
`MR. CARSTEN: I think on this one, Your Honor, it's
`pretty plain who the more aggrieved party is.
`THE COURT: I'm -- I'm in agreement with you of that
`at least.
`MR. CARSTEN: Thank you, Your Honor.


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` 1
` 2
`THE COURT: All right.
`MR. CARSTEN: So I very much appreciate the manner in
` 3
`which you conduct these Markman hearings, Your Honor. I think
` 4
`this is a very orderly way, and I like the back and forth on
` 5
`each term.
` 6
`THE COURT: I stole it from Judge Payne in case --
` 7
`Judge Payne does this -- he does me one better, though. He
` 8
`provides a written summary of each of his tentative views,
` 9
`which it seems to me is more helpful. However, I'm not as
`efficient as Judge Payne, so I am scrambling to get it into
`oral form. But in any event, there you are.
`MR. CARSTEN: Well, thank you, Your Honor.
`Again, Doug Carsten on behalf of Mylan. May it
`please the Court.
`These terms, Your Honor, do not have common plain and
`ordinary meanings. There have been lots of attempts to
`standardize these meanings: "Dry eye disease," "dry eye
`syndrome," "dry eye," "KCS."
`We've cited in our papers -- and I believe I can cite
`to the record if it's helpful to the Court -- ECF No. 167-3,
`the Calman declaration at Exhibit C. Allergan, the Noecker
`declaration, 155-48 at Exhibit M. EC 1 -- ECF 167-4, Calman
`declaration at Exhibit D. ECF 155-12.
`All of these papers beginning in 1998, continuing in
`2000, continuing into 2006, continuing to 2007, directly


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` 1
`specify confusion in the art over these terms and the use of
` 2
`the terms.
` 3
`This is, perhaps, pre Nautilus. Before the Supreme
` 4
`Court weighed in, Your Honor. I might agree with you that
` 5
`these terms are not indefinite in the sense that one can cobble
` 6
`together in some sense a series or string of words that you can
` 7
`proffer as a construction. But that -- that law has changed.
` 8
`THE COURT: I wonder how we would deal with a variety
` 9
`of medical conditions as to which there is a general agreement
`as to the core of what the condition is, at least
`symptomatically? We may not know etiology, but we --
`symptomatology, we understand generally. But there's
`disagreement as to whether particular features are part of that
`disease or not.
`Diseases come to mind, schizophrenia. Doctors have
`struggled for many years over what schizophrenia really is, but
`they have a general understanding of the symptoms. Nobody
`really has an understanding of the causes, but there's some
`But if you came up with a patent on a drug that was
`effective with respect to the core disease concept of
`schizophrenia, I would not find it invalid because I couldn't
`tell you with great precision what schizophrenia means. That's
`what I think we've got here as far as I can see.
`We've got a pretty good general agreement about what


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` 1
`"dry eye" is. We particularly have an even better agreement,
` 2
`as far as I can see, about "keratoconjunctivitis." But we have
` 3
`some disagreements around -- around the borders.
` 4
`It does not strike me that this is a profound lack of
` 5
`any agreeable concept as to what the -- the disease is. So
` 6
`you're going to have to persuade me that there's just -- this
` 7
`is just -- a person of skill in the art would just throw their
` 8
`hands up and say, I have no idea even what the general core
` 9
`notion is here.
`MR. CARSTEN: Your Honor, in the schizophrenia
`hypothetical, I don't believe you have patentees standing
`before you saying this is not a palliative medication. These
`patent claims are not directed to palliative treatment.
`Rather, these claims are specifically directed and only
`directed to treating the underlying disease.
`Now, "dry eye disease," "dry eye syndrome," "dry
`eye," come from myriad of sources, myriad etiologies.
`Including etiologies that would not, according to the experts
`in this case, be amenable to treatment by virtue of
`administering an anti-inflammatory.
`So let's say we've got a pirate -- not like the
`nasty, smiley pirates. Maybe -- maybe, you know, a Disney-type
`pirate who's out on a ship, doesn't have any carrots. He's got
`a Vitamin A deficiency. His crew has a Vitamin A deficiency.
`He happens not to have carrots, but he's got RESTASIS, for


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` 1
`whatever reason. He administers --
` 2
` 3
`THE COURT: It's not going to do him any good.
`MR. CARSTEN: He administers RESTASIS. That's not
` 4
`going to treat anything that -- that suffering -- or that his
` 5
`crew is suffering from.
` 6
` 7
`THE COURT: Right.
`And there are certain types of schizophrenia as to
` 8
`which my hypothetical drug probably would not be effective.
` 9
`Because schizophrenia is a collection of maladies, as I think
`we now understand.
`But if the drug is effective with respect to some
`significant subset of that collective group of maladies, then I
`don't think that it's fair to say that schizophrenia has no --
`has no meaning --
`MR. CARSTEN: Well, we're not --
`THE COURT: -- has no meaning that we can discern.
`MR. CARSTEN: Well, we're not saying that "dry eye
`disease," "dry eye syndrome," "dry eye" itself and "KCS" don't
`have meanings. The problem is they have too many meanings.
`And there's no sign post in this patent to direct one to which
`meaning is being used.
`In fact, Dr. Calman at his deposition was asked:
`What do you think this means?
`His said: Well, I got this meaning, but this is --
`his name is Andy -- this is Andy's personal view. I don't


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` 1
`consider myself arrogant enough to know what Allergan was
` 2
`saying in -- by virtue of this specific legally effective
` 3
`document that's going to be used to forestall generic
` 4
` 5
`THE COURT: Well, what about the American Academy of
` 6
`Ophthalmology's definition of "dry eye"? Why isn't that an
` 7
`acceptable definition?
` 8
`They say definition -- and this is back in I think
` 9
`2000, if I recall correctly. 2000, yeah: A group of disorders
`of the tear film that are due to reduce tear production or
`excessive tear evaporation that is associated with ocular
`discomfort and/or visual symptoms and may cause disease of the
`ocular surface.
`Very -- I'm sorry. I'm going too fast. Let me --
`let me slow down and do that again.
`And by the way, for the benefit of the court
`reporter, if we're reading materials let's slow down, as I just
`didn't. That's a perfect illustration of how not to do it.
`MR. CARSTEN: I agree, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Also, let's try to avoid talking over one
`another. That's something that I'm often as much at fault or
`more, but we'll try to avoid that.
`But the definition is: A group of disorders of the
`tear film that are due to reduced tear production or excessive
`tear evaporation that is associated with ocular discomfort


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` 1
`and/or visual symptoms and may cause disease of the ocular
` 2
` 3
`That's a definition. Why isn't that definite enough
` 4
`for present purposes?
` 5
`MR. CARSTEN: It is a definition. And pre Nautilus,
` 6
`it might be a suitable one. The problem, though, Your Honor,
` 7
`is that's one of many attempts to try to standardize a
` 8
`definition. But it just hasn't taken.
` 9
`And we know that from --
`THE COURT: How do you know it hasn't taken?
`MR. CARSTEN: We know that from the contemporaneous
`literature. The people with -- the clinicians, boots on the
`ground reporting --
`THE COURT: Other than --
`MR. CARSTEN: -- reporting --
`I'm sorry, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Other than Dr. Calman saying that that
`was his personal definition, what -- what do you have that is
`evidence that this is just a source of enormous confusion and
`chaos in the field?
`MR. CARSTEN: If I may, Your Honor, the citations to
`the record that I entered previously. But let me, if I may,
`just read a couple of these. I think they are telling and
`instructive, Your Honor.
`Here is one of the articles from 1998: The terms


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` 1
`used in this field are often confusing. Some of them being
` 2
`very loosely defined and others having a historical usage that
` 3
`differs from the contemporary meaning.
` 4
` 5
`Maybe it's gotten better in 2000, Your Honor, but
` 6
`apparently not: For years in 2000 there has been considerable
` 7
`confusion regarding the definition of "dry eye."
` 8
`Here's from 2006, and it certainly would have gotten
` 9
`better by then one would think: Panelists unanimously agree
`that the label "dry eye" reflects neither patient symptoms nor
`necessarily the pathogenic mechanism of the disease. Panel
`members also agree that diagnosing patients with dry eye may be
`misleading to both colleagues and patients.
`Your Honor, this is not a situation -- and I wouldn't
`be standing here if I really didn't believe that there's
`absolute boots on the ground reported evidence of confusion
`among these terms. These terms may be one can discern what
`Allergan means.
`But how -- how in the course of the patent within the
`four corners does one identify when -- when one choose -- when
`Allergan chooses, voluntarily elects and opts to claim using
`these terms and provide you zero guidance as to what they mean
`in the --
`THE COURT: What about keratoconjunctivitis?
`For the benefit of the court reporter, that's


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` 1
` 2
` 3
` 4
`MR. CARSTEN: Wow. Impressive, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: What about that? Do you --
`MR. CARSTEN: I think spelling bees are certainly
` 5
`your forte, Your Honor.
` 6
` 7
`THE COURT: No, no, not the spelling.
`What do you think about the specificity, the
` 8
`inadequacy of the -- of the term as sufficiently definite?
` 9
`MR. CARSTEN: In terms of historical roots, I
`certainly think in terms of the indefiniteness argument that
`that's the weakest one we've got. The strongest one for
`That, historically, was -- was targeting or talking
`about a particular type of Sjogren's inflammatory ailment. But
`over time, that changed. Over time "KCS" was being used
`interchangeably with "dry eye disease" and "dry eye syndrome"
`and just "dry eye."
`In fact, one need look no further than the
`specification of this very patent to see that Allergan itself
`in the patent is using "KCS" as a proxy to talk about a -- an
`absolute or partial deficiency in aqueous tear production.
`This is from the patent-in-suit at Columns 2 through 55 and --
`THE COURT: Are you talking about the '111 patent?
`MR. CARSTEN: Yes, the '111 patent-in-suit. From
`Columns 2:55 to 3:11: Other conditions that can be treated


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` 1
`with cyclosporine components include an absolute or partial
` 2
`deficiency in aqueous tear production, paren,
` 3
`keratoconjunctivitis sicca, or KCS, close paren.
` 4
`You know, cyclosporine, above that in that same
` 5
`passage that I cited --
` 6
`THE COURT: And where -- I'm sorry. Where are you
` 7
`right now in the '111? What column?
` 8
`MR. CARSTEN: I am at -- I am at Column 3, towards
` 9
`the top, at Line 2: Other conditions that can be treated.
`Just let me know when you have it, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Yeah, I have it. Thank you.
`MR. CARSTEN: Other conditions that can be treated
`with cyclosporine components include an absolute or partial
`deficiency in aqueous tear production, paren,
`keratoconjunctivitis sicca, or KCS, close paren.
`It is using KCS, or keratoconjunctivitis sicca, to
`refer directly to absolute or partial deficiency in aqueous
`tear production. That's not talking about a particular brand
`of inflammatory ailment like Sjogren's disease or one type of
`Sjogren's disease. Rather, it's using it as a bucket in which
`a whole host and panoply of conditions that lead to decreased
`tear production are being lumped together with no this, that,
`or the other guidance.
`Under Nautilus and under Dow that's a problem, Your


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`THE COURT: All right. Why don't we --
`MR. CARSTEN: If I may --
`THE COURT: Go ahead.
`MR. CARSTEN: Your Honor, so in addition, when one
` 5
`reads the briefs, it's pretty clear to us at any rate that even
` 6
`Allergan doesn't know what it is -- what it is they're talking
` 7
`about with respect to when they use "dry eye disease" or when
` 8
`they use "KCS."
` 9
`I mean, "KCS" is a subset of dry eye disease, they
`say in their reply brief. And for the opening brief it says,
`"KCS" is a partial synonym of dry eye disease. It's
`substantively -- the definition of KCS is a partial synonym of
`dry eye disease is substantively indistinguishable from
`Allergan's own construction.
`In the opening brief, dry eye disease is an
`inflammatory disease affecting millions of people. That's the
`opening brief at Page 2. The -- Allergan's reply brief at Page
`2, although KCS is an inflammatory disease, dry eye is not so
`So in the -- between the opening brief and the reply
`brief, apparently dry eye disease went from being an
`inflammatory disease to being not limited to an inflammatory
`The positions are all over the map, Your Honor. And
`that's the problem we have here. This indefiniteness, it


`Case 2:15-cv-01455-WCB Document 182 Filed 09/02/16 Page 23 of 125 PageID #: 5746
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`pervades not only the patent, but the briefing on the patent.
` 2
`And it's compounded because Allergan is sitting here
` 3
`saying, my claims are directed not to treating a symp

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