Case 2:15-cv-01274-JRG-RSP Document 466 Filed 03/15/17 Page 1 of 131 PageID #:
`FOR THE PLAINTIFF: (See Attorney Attendance Sheet docketed in
` minutes of this hearing.)
`FOR THE DEFENDANTS: (See Attorney Attendance Sheet docketed in
` minutes of this hearing.)
` Substitute Court Reporter
` 306 West Sabine Street
` Carthage, Texas 75633
` (903) 754-1472
`(Proceedings recorded by mechanical stenography, transcript
` produced on a CAT system.)


`Case 2:15-cv-01274-JRG-RSP Document 466 Filed 03/15/17 Page 2 of 131 PageID #:
`I N D E X
`January 12, 2016
`APPEARANCES.......................................... 1
`HEARING.............................................. 3
`COURT REPORTER'S CERTIFICATE.........................131
`* * * * *
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


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`THE CLERK: All rise.
`THE COURT: For the record, we are resuming the
`pretrial conference in Blitzsafe Texas versus Tom Walker, et
`al, Case number 2:15-1274 on our docket.
`Would Counsel note their appearance again for the
`MR. AKIN: Randy Akin for Honda; Joe Beauchamp, Bob
`Kantner, Albert Liou, Jeff White.
`THE COURT: All right. Thank you, Mr. Akin.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`MR. FINK: Your Honor, Plaintiff Blitzsafe is here.
`My name is Rudy Fink. Mr. Peter Lambrianakos, Mr. Albert
`Fabricant, Mr. Shahar Harel, and Ms. Jennifer Truelove.
`THE COURT: Thank you, Mr. Fink.
`MR. HEARTFIELD: Good morning, Your Honor. Thad
`Heartfield and Gil Gillam for Toyota. Over there we have Bill
`Mandir, John Rabena, Brian Shelton and Fadi Kiblawi.
`THE COURT: Thank you.
`MR. GARDNER: Good morning, Your Honor. Allen
`Gardner here for Nissan. Serving with me is Mr. Kumar
`Vinnakota, Mr. Glenn Janik, Mr. Sean Hsu. We are ready. I do
`want to again note for the record that Mr. Patterson has
`pneumonia; otherwise he would have been here today. Thank you,
`THE COURT: All right. I just want to -- I'll make
`the point that it would be helpful, given the fact that we
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`don't have microphones everywhere, if you would speak up when
`you are not near a microphone, and we'll try to do most of the
`talking by the microphone. So thank you, Mr. Gardner.
`MR. CRAFT: Good morning, Your Honor. Brian Craft.
`Here with me is Paul Steadman here on behalf of Hyundai and
`THE COURT: Thank you, Mr. Craft.
`MR. DACUS: Good morning, Your Honor. Deron Dacus
`here with Susan Smith and Michael Turner on behalf of
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`Volkswagen, Your Honor. We're ready to proceed.
`THE COURT: All right. Thank you, Mr. Dacus.
`I will note that we are going to take up the motions
`in limine filed by the Defendants in the order that was
`established for the trial order recently. Meaning that we'll
`start with those filed by Volkswagen.
`I'll also ask counsel to please state their names for
`the record early and often if you don't want have attributed to
`you something that somebody else said. It would be helpful if
`you would identify yourself for the record so that we can not
`do that.
`Let me see. I think we had completed the motions in
`limine filed by the Plaintiff yesterday; and I think that would
`leave us starting with the motions in limine filed by
`MR. DACUS: Good morning, Your Honor. Deron Dacus on
`MELISSA BAILEY (903) 754-1472


`Case 2:15-cv-01274-JRG-RSP Document 466 Filed 03/15/17 Page 5 of 131 PageID #:
`behalf of Volkswagen. I will say at the outset, Your Honor,
`there are ten motions in limine but only three remain in
`dispute. So as we go through these, I will identify for the
`Court the ones that the parties have agreed on subject to the
`Court's approval.
`THE COURT: Thank you.
`MR. DACUS: Unfortunately, Motion in Limine No. 1 is
`not one that has been agreed on. This is a motion in limine
`that seeks to preclude the Plaintiff from asserting that
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`Volkswagen was required to produce source code and that it
`failed to do so.
`It has a second aspect to it also, in that it seeks
`to preclude the Plaintiff from discussing or arguing in any way
`that source code it obtained from third parties that relate to
`other Defendant's products has some applicability to
`So with respect to the first aspect, Your Honor, I
`think the important parts are Volkswagen does not have
`possession, custody, or control over the source code here. The
`Plaintiffs did not seek to compel the source code from
`Volkswagen. Plaintiffs did seek some third party discovery
`from third party suppliers.
`In some of those instances, they did not seek the
`source code related to Volkswagen. In others, I think they
`claim they did. We don't need to fight about whether they did
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`or did not. But in the end, they did not receive that source
`code and they, again, did not seek to compel that source code.
`Essentially, this is a prohibition in having a
`discovery fight in front of a jury.
`THE COURT: And Mr. Dacus, the motion in limine is
`framed in terms of argument or testimony that you were required
`to but did not produce. So are -- does that extend to
`mentioning that you did not produce; or is it only directed to
`the argument that you should have produced and did not?
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`MR. DAVIS: To avoid the implication that we should
`have done so, Your Honor, I think it would extend to precluding
`the expert or any witness from Blitzsafe from saying that we
`did not produce.
`Certainly, the Plaintiff can say -- and this
`primarily comes up in the context of the experts, certainly he
`can say, "I did not have the source code." But to say that we
`did not produce it, I'm afraid, implies that we had some
`obligation to do so; and so we would extend to preclude that
`type of statement.
`THE COURT: All right. During your meet and confer
`on this, did you develop an understanding of how the Plaintiff
`intended to handle this issue or should I get that from the
`MR. DACUS: To be honest with you, I'm not quite sure
`I understood how -- my understanding was, perhaps incorrectly,
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`that they wanted the expert to say that Volkswagen failed to
`produce the information.
`THE COURT: Well, let me hear from them and I will
`give you a chance to respond.
`MR. DACUS: Thank you, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Thank you, Mr. Dacus.
`MR. FABRICANT: Good morning, Your Honor. I'm Fred
`Fabricant for Plaintiff. The two points I would rest that
`Mr. Dacus raised with respect to what we would intend to do
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`with this issue, the expert in each and every instance with
`respect to the Defendants in this case would have liked to have
`reviewed the source code, particular to that particular product
`if it was available.
`Under the rules of this Court, we believe Volkswagen
`should have produced source code for the products that it
`includes in all of its hundreds of thousands of vehicles. They
`did not produce any source code whatsoever with respect to any
`product. So all we want to do is to be able to have our expert
`testify that we would have like to have seen Volkswagon's
`source code; that it was not produced in this litigation by
`Volkswagen. Really, that's the extent of the testimony that we
`would elicit from our technical expert with respect to that
`That source code is always available, as far as the
`manufacturer has to have source code. Source code is always in
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`these units. Source code is a very important part of the
`product. And no source code was produced by Volkswagen with
`respect to any of these products that were used.
`THE COURT: I take it that was never an issue raised
`by Plaintiff during discovery?
`MR. FABRICANT: Well, Your Honor, we did everything
`we possibly could to try to obtain the source code. Volkswagen
`told us that they didn't have it. We went out and subpoenaed
`third party suppliers. We did get some of it.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`We find it hard to believe that Volkswagen was not
`able to have access to the source code for its own products,
`but they didn't produce it. And we went out and had the same
`problem with other Defendants and gathered source code from
`third parties.
`We even have a pending action in Alabama against one
`of the Defendants, Your Honor, to try to get the source code
`from the holding subsidiary of Kia; so this has been, you know,
`a battle from day one. And I don't believe any Defendant in
`this case actually produced the source code. We had to go on
`an expedition to try to gather source code from third parties.
`THE COURT: And tell me, do you have anything that
`you consider evidence that Volkswagen had the source code and
`failed to produce it? Or has it been their position that they
`don't have it and you've not been able to controvert that?
`MR. FABRICANT: The only circumstantial evidence I
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`would say that we have, Your Honor, from most of the Defendants
`we are were able to get ahold of the documents that they have,
`the contracts with their suppliers, where it was clear -- and
`this relates not to Volkswagen but to others -- that the
`suppliers commit to allow the OEM to have the source code and
`inspect the source code and see the source code.
`I cannot say that we have that specific agreement
`with Volkswagen, but it is an industry practice to have the
`manufacturer of the automobile have access to the very code
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`that is running the product. So we don't have any -- you know,
`contending with the Volkswagen Defendant, we would not seek to
`do more than to just have the expert testify with respect to
`what is in that device and the source code that's in there and
`the fact that it was not produced in litigation and he was not
`able to see it.
`THE COURT: I think that Volkswagen is entitled to
`avoid the implication that they failed in an obligation to
`produce it since there is no evidence that they had it. I
`think your expert would be well within his rights to say it was
`not available to him.
`And I'm concerned that what you want him to say is
`that the Defendant did not produce it.
`MR. FABRICANT: That he was not able -- that the
`Defendant did not produce any source code in connection with
`these products and therefore he was not able to review the
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`Volkswagen source code.
`MR. FABRICANT: And, really, when that becomes
`relevant, Your Honor, relates in part to the second point that
`Mr. Dacus raised which is the expert's reliance on other source
`code from other suppliers. There are a whole bunch of
`different that provide these radio head units to the automobile
`And the reason we believe that is relevant and should
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`not be precluded in the motion in limine is this is an expert.
`This is an expert very knowledgeable in the field of
`automotive. He has been retained in other litigations,
`reviewed -- looked at these same types of products. He's
`reviewed source codes. He has experience with these types of
`units. He has, in fact, reviewed the source code from other
`suppliers for units that are substantially identical.
`And so we don't believe it is proper to preclude our
`tactical expert from talking about other source codes that he
`has, in fact, reviewed for similar or substantially identical
`models made by other manufacturers.
`So that really relates to the fact, at the end of the
`day, he would say, "I did not have an opportunity to review the
`Volkswagen source code, but I did have the opportunity to
`review source code from A, B, C and D; and those units are
`substantially the same, and I can tell you, based upon my
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`experience in the industry and based upon my knowledge of
`source code, based upon my review of the third party source
`code that these are the opinions that I've rendered."
`THE COURT: All right. Thank you, Mr. Fabricant.
`MR. FABRICANT: Thank you.
`THE COURT: Mr. Dacus, is there -- are you seeking
`some limitation on what the Plaintiff's expert can say about
`source code from other entities besides Volkswagen?
`MR. DACUS: We are, Your Honor. And the reason for
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`that is that the very things that Mr. Fabricant just recited
`was that their expert has industry experience and therefore is
`able to infer or impute someone else's product source code to
`our's is found nowhere in their expert report. That's the
`reason, candidly, that I emphasized that particular issue when
`I first came to the podium because I saw that in their
`response; and I was told that Mr. Turner, my colleague, has
`been through their expert report and that is nowhere found in
`there. So that's the reason for that preclusion. So it is
`And we do think, Your Honor, that the expert saying
`that Volkswagen failed to produce it leaves the implication
`that we had an obligation to do so. And if that -- if -- I
`think it is clear from the argument this is going to evolve
`into a discovery dispute in front of the jury, which we should
`not be having.
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`THE COURT: All right. As far as the second part of
`your request, I am not going to enter a motion in limine
`addressing whether or not something is within the scope of the
`expert report. That's something that can be handled at trial,
`based on what the exact question and answer is that is
`presented to him.
`But with respect to the primary issue, I will grant
`this motion in part to say that the expert can say that source
`code was not available to him but not say that the Defendant
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`failed to produce that. I do think that carries an implication
`that there was an obligation, which is not a matter properly
`put to the jury.
`So I know that's a fine line; but, Mr. Fabricant, I
`just ask that you go over that with your expert.
`MR. FABRICANT: Yes, sir.
`THE COURT: All right.
`MR. DACUS: Understood, Your Honor. Thank you. The
`Motion in Limine No. 2 has been agreed to by the parties
`subject to the Court's approval.
`THE COURT: All right.
`MR. DACUS: If the Court doesn't have any questions
`on that, Your Honor, I'll lead to No. 3. No. 3 is agreed among
`the parties with the further agreement that it is reciprocal,
`meaning that neither party will refer to any IPR proceeding
`subject to the Court's approval on that, Your Honor.
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`THE COURT: All right.
`MR. DACUS: Motion in Limine No. 4, Your Honor, is an
`issue that we talked about yesterday in conjunction with
`Plaintiff's motions in limine related to what we sought to do,
`is to preclude the Plaintiff from praising or lauding the
`patent office.
`The parties' agreement with respect to that is that
`both parties will not say anything that is outside of or
`inconsistent with the Court's patent video. I think that is
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`consistent with what the Court said yesterday.
`THE COURT: That's fine.
`MR. DACUS: With respect to No. 5, it is agreed, but
`the language is slightly different than what's contained in the
`motion in limine, so with the Court's approval, I will read
`that into the record so we have it.
`THE COURT: All right.
`MR. DACUS: It now reads -- the agreed limine reads,
`"Other than as is necessary for Blitzsafe's standards case,
`that is the disclosure of Volkswagen United States sales,
`revenues, and costs associated with the accused products,
`Blitzsafe agrees not to make general statements before the jury
`about Volkswagen or it's affiliates' overall size,
`profitability, wealth, revenues, or value."
`MR. FABRICANT: Can I just comment on that so there
`is no misunderstanding, Your Honor? We agree in essence with
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`what Mr. Dacus said.
`I think for one thing, we just want to be specific on
`and reserve the right to comment on, is there is an element of
`a hypothetical negotiation the damages expert is going to
`comment upon with respect to the relevant bargaining position
`and strength of the licensor on the one hand and the licensee.
`So we wouldn't want that to be read so literally that
`the expert is precluded from saying that, one, it's a very
`large company that makes many, many automobiles; and on the
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`other end is a very, very small company that makes, you know,
`small products for purposes of hypothetical negotiations.
`THE COURT: He is not going to use specific dollar
`amounts in making that comparison?
`MR. FABRICANT: That's correct.
`MR. DACUS: That's agreeable, Your Honor. No. 6 is
`not agreed, Your Honor. This is a motion in limine that seeks
`to preclude the Plaintiff from referring to Volkswagen or it's
`counsel's prior retention of experts.
`I have some experience with the Court on this issue.
`I know the Court generally has said that if the party itself
`retains the experts, then that is proper subject matter for
`The Court may or may not decide to changes its mind
`on that issue, but my experience with the Court has been that
`with respect to retention by counsel by experts that it is not
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`a proper matter for disclosure or subject of cross-examination.
`So we would ask the Court to issue a limine on those bases.
`THE COURT: All right. Let me hear from Plaintiff
`MR. FABRICANT: I'm Alfred Fabricant for the
`Plaintiff. I think our position on that is -- not trying to
`make a big issue out of it, but with one exception; and that is
`-- and I don't have any reason to believe necessarily this is
`the case with respect to Volkswagen. But where Volkswagen
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`questions the qualifications of the expert to be -- to be
`qualified as an expert in the case, and what our evidence of
`his basic skills and knowledge and qualifications and object to
`his qualifications as an expert, I think it would be pertinent
`to that.
`In fact, this law firm that is representing
`Volkswagen has qualified him as an expert in other cases that
`are of a similar nature; and to challenge his qualifications as
`an expert in this case when they've stood before the Court and
`qualified him as an expert in another case, I think, would be
`THE COURT: Mr. Fabricant, my view of that is that it
`is just not proper to get the lawyers from center in this. If
`Volkswagen has retained this expert before, then I think that
`is fair game to point out that they have used him and now they
`are criticizing him, but I don't think it is appropriate in
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`front of the jury to inject counsel's relationship with the
`expert in other matters.
`I just -- so I will grant the motion in limine to
`that extent.
`MR. FABRICANT: Can I ask one question?
`MR. FABRICANT: When Your Honor says if Volkswagen
`had retained the expert, does that include that Volkswagen had,
`in fact, retained the expert through counsel as opposed to
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`Volkswagen directly retaining the expert?
`THE COURT: If the expert has testified for
`Volkswagen in prior matters, --
`MR. FABRICANT: Yes, sir.
`THE COURT: -- yes. I don't think it matters what
`law firm retained the expert on behalf of Volkswagen. I think
`the focus should be on the parties, not on the counsel.
`MR. FABRICANT: Understood, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: All right.
`MR. DACUS: Your Honor, Motion in Limine No. 7 seeks
`to preclude the Plaintiff from referring to Volkswagen's
`alleged copying of Blitzsafe's patents or products.
`I know this is an issue that I've had a lot of
`discussion with the Court about in the Genband and Mediswitch
`cases. The Court is very aware that the Federal Circuit has
`sort of strikingly said that copying is not relevant to the
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`issue of infringement.
`THE COURT: I'm not going to accept any
`characterization of the Federal Circuit as striking. I'll
`agree that there are cases that make the point strongly.
`MR. DACUS: As Judge Ward used to tell me, maybe I
`should drop all of adjectives from my discussions.
`THE COURT: You may be before him before you know it.
`MR. DACUS: I do think the Court will hopefully agree
`that the Federal Circuit has said that the issue of copying is
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`not relevant to the issue.
`THE COURT: Not legally relevant. That's correct.
`MR. DACUS: Right. It can be relevant to the issue
`of secondary considerations. However, in this case, there is
`no evidence -- as the Court well knows, there is a very
`specific requirement for that relevance. And, here, I think
`rather than go into that specific requirement, the Plaintiff's
`response admits -- if you look at the Plaintiff's response,
`they say they have no intent to put on specific evidence of
`What they say in their response and what I've
`understood from the meet and confers, although still left a
`little bit as to why we can't reach agreement on this, is that
`they want to introduce evidence that Mr. Marlowe, the principal
`of Blitzsafe and inventor, had some communications with
`Volkswagen prior to the filing of this lawsuit.
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`We don't object to that. We don't -- we agree that
`they can seek to introduce that evidence. What they cannot do
`is to go further and say that Volkswagen copied or that that is
`evidence that Volkswagen copied based on the Federal Circuit
`So we would ask the Court to simply preclude them
`from attempting to refer to the fact that Volkswagen copied any
`of Blitzsafe's patents or products.
`THE COURT: All right. Let me hear from the
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`MR. FABRICANT: Alfred Fabricant for Blitzsafe. Your
`Honor, we only seek to introduce evidence of copying with
`respect to the willfulness claim against Volkswagen. I don't
`disagree with what Mr. Dacus said about infringement. We do
`have a willfulness case. There is evidence in the record that
`Mr. Marlowe, on more than one occasion, on several occasions,
`communicated with Volkswagen, sent products to Volkswagen,
`tried to negotiate a business relationship with Volkswagen;
`they had his products and they certainly should, we believe, in
`the context of willfulness be able to argue that Volkswagen
`liked what they saw and they wanted to use such a product but
`they didn't want to do business with Mr. Marlowe.
`THE COURT: Well, certainly, their knowledge --
`Volkswagen's knowledge of the Plaintiff's products or patents
`is admissible. What evidence of copying do you have, other
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`than the evidence that they had knowledge?
`MR. FABRICANT: Your Honor, the only evidence would
`be that the final product of the Volkswagen companies was
`similar to the patented devices which Mr. Marlowe -- the
`devices which incorporate the patented invention that Mr.
`Marlowe had, that were provided to the Volkswagen Company.
`So it is a situation where if I sent you my product
`and it was covered by the patented claims and asked you to do
`business with me, you said no, and then years later you are
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`making a product which was very, very similar and meets all of
`the elements of the claim. I mean, that is evidence of
`THE COURT: Mr. Fabricant, I think the best thing to
`do with this motion would be to grant it and say that if you
`have placed in the record evidence that you think supports the
`inference that you can approach before you make an argument
`from that evidence to the jury that there is copying.
`I do think that this is an issue that is very
`sensitive under the case law; and unless you have a factual
`foundation for it, I think it is also very prejudicial.
`I'm just going to say that before you introduce the
`issue of copying into the case, you need to approach the bench
`and bring it up.
`MR. FABRICANT: Yes, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: What's next?
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`MR. DACUS: Yes, Your Honor. Motion in Limine No. 8
`brought by Volkswagen has been agreed to by the parties subject
`to the Court's approval.
`THE COURT: All right.
`MR. DACUS: That is the same for No. 9, Your Honor
`with some slight difference in wording. And with the Court's
`permission, I'll read into the record what the parties have
`agreed to subject to the Court's approval.
`Motion in Limine No. 9 it's agreed would read,
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`"Blitzsafe agrees not to make any statements or elicit any
`testimony alleging liability due to Volkswagen's or any
`witnesses' country of origin or otherwise making pejorative
`statements concerning German or foreign companies. However,
`Blitzsafe shall not be precluded from mentioning the fact that
`Volkswagen imports certain of the accused vehicles from foreign
`countries such as Germany."
`THE COURT: All right. Mr. Fabricant, that is
`MR. FABRICANT: That is agreed.
`THE COURT: All right. Thank you.
`MR. DACUS: And then With respect to Motion in Limine
`No. 10, Your Honor, that relates to the priority date on the
`'342. The Court addressed a motion with respect to that
`yesterday; and, as a result, I believe that Motion in Limine
`No. 10 is agreed.
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`THE COURT: I'll spare the Plaintiff from saying it's
`agreed, but it is ruled on.
`MR. FABRICANT: I would believe it is moot in light
`of Your Honor's ruling.
`THE COURT: All right.
`MR. DACUS: Just so we're -- for absolute clarity
`here, Your Honor. I'm not so sure it is moot. I mean, based
`on the Court's ruling, they should be precluded from providing
`any testimony or argument that there is a priority date other
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`than June 27th, 2006.
`THE COURT: I believe that is only moot because it
`has already been ruled on.
`MR. DACUS: Okay. And with that, Your Honor, that is
`the conclusion of Volkswagen's motions in limine. Thank you,
`Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Okay. Thank you.
`Next, we will take up the motions in limine by
`Hyundai and Kia.
`MR. STEADMAN: Good morning, Your Honor. This is
`Paul Steadman for Hyundai and Kia. I apologize in advance, I
`have a cold and I'm not able to hear very well this morning.
`THE COURT: I will try to speak loud.
`MR. STEADMAN: I'll try not to say "what." As to
`Motion in Limine 1, Your Honor, I believe we have come to a
`compromise position with the Plaintiff.
`MELISSA BAILEY (903) 754-1472


`Case 2:15-cv-01274-JRG-RSP Document 466 Filed 03/15/17 Page 22 of 131 PageID #:
`The compromise is this: The Plaintiff's expert is --
`intends to refer to the Affinity Labs case and verdict insofar
`as to explain the Affinity Labs context of the Hyundai and
`Kia/Affinity Labs settlement agreement. But they agree not to
`refer to the Affinity Labs case with a jury verdict in any way
`that implies that Hyundai and Kia are infringers or that the
`jury should make a similar finding in this case. With that, we
`would agree with the Court's approval.
`MR. FABRICANT: We agree, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: All right.
`MR. STEADMAN: As to Motion in Limine 2, I would like
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`to argue it with Motion in Limine 12 because they are closely
`Motion in Limine 12 was something very similar that
`was granted in part for Volkswagen. And I think the same
`ruling probably applies here, and we don't have to discuss it,
`but that is voicing complaints before the jury panel or jury to
`suggest Blitzsafe could not prove its case because it was not
`given access to source code.
`In this case, our clients are sales companies here in
`the United States; Hyundai of America and Kia of America. They
`do not have possession, custody, or control of the source code
`and there is no evidence that they do.
`In addition, we went to the parent companies of those
`companies in Korea. They told us they did not have possession,
`MELISSA BAILEY (903) 754-1472


`Case 2:15-cv-01274-JRG-RSP Document 466 Filed 03/15/17 Page 23 of 131 PageID #:
`custody, or control of the source code; and we asked our
`suppliers for it and did not get it.
`In addition, Blitzsafe made an argument about that
`our supply agreements with our suppliers would contain clauses
`that would allow us to get that source code. Even though
`Hyundai Corporation and Kia Motor Company in Korea were not
`parties to this case, we got the

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