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`Exhibit 21

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`(973) 403-9000
`Civil Action No.2: 11-cv-07044-PGS
`It appearing that discovery in the above-captioned action is likely to involve the
`disclosure of confidential information:
`Any party to this litigation and any third-party shall have the dght to
`designate as "Confidential" and subject to this Order any information, document, or
`thing, or portion of any docutnent or thing: (a) that contains trade secrets, compe~itively
`sensitive technical, marketing, financial, sales or other confidential business inforr~1ation,

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`or (b) that contains private or conJldential personal in formation, or (c) that contains
`information received in confidence from third parties, or (d) which the producing party
`othervvise believes in good faith to be entitled to protection under Rule 26(c)(1 )(G) of the
`Federal Rule.s of Civil Procedure and Local Civil Rule 5.3. Any party to this litig:~tion or
`any third party covered by this Order, who produces or discloses any ConOdential
`tnaterial, including without limitation any information, document, thing, intern,gatory
`answer, adtnission, pleading, or testimony, shall mark the same with the foreg(,ing or
`SUB.JEc·rr TO
`DISCOVERY CONFIDEN'I'IALITY ORI)ER" (hereinafter "Confidential").
`Any party to this litigation and any third-party shall have the dght to
`designate as "Attc)rneys' Eyes Onli' and subject to this Order any infonrnation.
`document, or thing, or portion of any docwnent or thing that contains highly stmsitive
`business or personal information, the disclosure· of which is highly likely to cause
`significant harm to an individual or to the business or cotnpetitive position of the
`designating party. Any party to this litigation or any third party who is covered ~1y this
`Order, who produces or discloses any Attorneys' Eyes Only material, including without
`limitation any information, document, thing, interrogatory answer, admission, pl~ading,
`or testimony, shall mark the same with the foregoing or similar legend: "ATTORNEYS'
`CONFIDENTIALITY ORDER" (hereinafter "Attorneys' Eyes Only").
`All Confidential material shall be used by the receiving party solely for
`purposes of the prosecution or defense of this action, shall not be used by the re<~civing
`party for any business, commercial, competitive, personal or other purpose, and shalJ not
`be disclosed by the receiving party to anyone other than those set forth in Paragraph 4.
`unless and until the restrictions herein are removed either by written agreement of
`counsel for the parties, or by Order of the Court. It is, however, understood that counsel
`for a party may give advice and opinions to his or her client solely relating to the above(cid:173)
`captioned action based on his or her evaluation of Confidential material, provid<~d that

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`such advice and opinions shall not reveal the content of such Confidential material except
`by prior written agreement of counsel for the parties, or by Order of the Court.
`Confidential inaterial and the contents of Confidential material rnay be
`disclosed only to the following individuals under the following conditions:
`a. Outside counsel (herein defined as any attorney at the parties' out:~ide
`law finns) and relevant in-house counsel for the parties;
`b. Outside experts or consultants retained by outside counsel for purp(~ses
`of this action, provided they have signed a non-disclosure agreement in
`the form attached hereto as Exhibit A~
`c. Secretarial, paralegal, clerical, duplicating and data proces~ping
`personnel ofthe foregoing;
`d. The Court and court personnel;
`e. Any deponent may be shown or examined on any
`docmnent or thing designated Confidential if it appears that the witr~ess
`authored or received a copy of it, was involved in the subject malter
`described therein _or
`is etnployed by the party who produced the
`infonnation, document or thing, or if the producing party consent~~ to
`such disclosure;
`f. Vendors retained by or for the parties to assist in preparing for pret:rial
`discovery, trial and/or hearings including, but not limited to, court
`reporters, litigation support personnel, jury consultants, individuals to
`prepare demonstrative and audiovisual aids for use in the courtroorr~ or
`in depositions or mock jury sessions, as well as their staff, stenograp~ic,
`and clerical employees whose duties and responsibilities require acc:ess
`to such materials; and

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`g. The parties. In the case of parties that are corporations or other business
`entities, "party" shall mean executives who are required to participat¢; in
`decisions with reference to this lawsuit.
`Confidential material shall be used only by individuals permitted access to
`it under Paragraph 4. Confidential material, copies thereof, and the infonnation
`contained therein, shall not be disclosed in any tnanner to any other individual, until and
`unless (a) outside counsel for the party asserting confidentiality \vaives the chtitn of
`confidentiality, or (b) the Court orders such disclosure.
`With respect to any depositions that involve a disclosure of Confidential
`material of a party to this action, such party shall have until thirty (30) days atler :receipt
`of the deposition transcript vvithin which to infonn all other parties that portions of the
`transcript are to be designated Confidential, which period may be extended by agn~ement
`of the parties. No. such deposition transcript shall be disclosed to any individua[ other
`than the individuals described in Paragraph 4(a), (b), (c), (d) and (f) above and the
`deponent during these thirty (30) days, and no individual attending such a deposition
`shall disclose the contents of the deposition to any individual other than those de~~cribed
`in Paragraph 4(a), (b), (c), (d) and (f) above during said thirty (30) days. Upon being
`informed that certain portions of a deposition are to be designated as Confidential~ aJI
`parties shall immediately cause each copy of the transcript in its custody or contra~; to be
`appropriately marked and
`limit disclosure of that
`in accordancet with
`Paragraphs 3 and 4.
`Material produced and marked as Attorneys' Eyes Only tnay be dis,closed
`only to outside counsel for the receiving party and to such other persons as counsel for
`the producing party agrees in advance or as Ordered by the Court.

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`lf counsel for a party receiving documents or information design~tted as
`Confidential or Attorneys' Eyes Only hereunder objects to such designation of an~; or all
`of such items, the following procedure shall apply:
`Counsel for the objecting party shall serve on the designating p~trty
`or third party a written objection to such designation, which shall
`describe with particularity the docun1ents or infonnation in question
`and shall state the grounds for objection. Counsel
`for :the
`designating party or third party shall respond. in writing to such
`objection \vithin 14 days. and shall state with particularity the
`for asserting
`the document or
`Confidential or Attorneys' Eyes Only. If no timely written respo'1se
`is made to the objection, the challenged designation will be deerlled
`to be void.
`If the designating party or nonparty makes a tirr:ely
`response to such objection asserting the propriety of the designatton.
`counsel shall then confer in good faith in an effort to resolve the
`If a dispute as to a Confidential or Attorneys' Eyes Only designation
`of a document or it ern of in formation cannot be resolved by
`agreement, the proponent of the designation being chaJlenged slhall
`present the dispute to the Court initially by telephone or letter.r in
`accordance with Local Civil Rule 3 7.1 (a)( 1 ), before filing a foninal
`motion for an order regarding the challenged designation.
`document or information that is the subject of the tiling shall be
`treated as originally designated pending resolution of the dispute.
`All requests to seal documents filed with the Court shall comply with Local
`Civil Rule 5.3.

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`1 0.
`If the need arises during trial or at any Ilearing before the Court for any
`party to disclose Confidential or Attorneys' Eyes Only information, it 1nay do so only
`after giving notice to the producing party and as directed by the Court.
`the extent consistent
`'vith applicable
`the inadvert<~nt or
`unintentional disclosure of Confidential material that should have been designated as
`such, regardless of whether the infonnation, document or thing was so designated at the
`time of disclosure, shall not be deemed a \vaiver in whole or in part of a party's cllaitn of
`confidentiality, either as to the specific information, document or thing disclosed or as to
`. any other material or information concerning the same or related subject matter. Such
`inadvertent or unintentional disclosure may be rectified hy notifying in writing qounsel
`for all parties to whom the material was disclosed that the material should have been
`designated Confidential within a reasonable titne after disclosure. Such notic(~ shall
`constitute a designation of the information~ document or thing as Confidential unc;er this
`Discovery Confidentiality Order.
`12. When the inadvertent or mistaken disclosure of any information, do<~ument
`or thing protected by privilege or work-product itntnunity is discovered by the producing
`party and brought to the attention of the receiving party, the receiving party's tre,attnent
`of such material shall be in accordance with Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(b )(5)(8).
`Such inadvertent or tnistaken disclosure of such infonnation, document or thing sball not
`by itself constitute a waiver by the producing party of any claims of privilege ot work(cid:173)
`product in11nunity. However, nothing herein restricts the right of the receiving party to
`challenge the producing party's claim of privilege if appropriate within a reasonab,~e time
`after receiving notice of the inadvertent or mistaken disclosure.
`13. No information that is in the public domain or which is already known hy
`the receiving party through proper means or which is or becomes available to iP party
`from a source other than the party asserting confidentiality, rightfully in posses$ion of

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`such information on a non-confidential basis, shall be deemed or considered to be
`Confidential Jnaterial under this Discovery Confidentiality Order ..
`'fhis Discovery Confidentiality Order shall not deprive any party of its right
`to object to discovery by any other party or on any othenvise permitted ground. This
`Discovery Confidentiality Order is being entered without prejudice to the right of any
`party to tnove the Court for tnodification or for relief from any of its terms.
`This Discovery Confidentiality Order shall survive the termination of this
`action and shall remain in full force and effect unless modified by an Order of thi$ Court
`or by the \Vritten stipulation of the parties filed with the Court.
`Upon final conclusion of this litigation. each party or other individual
`subject to the tcnns hereof shall be under an obligation to assemble and to return to the
`originating source all originals and unmarked copies of docutncnts and things con:taining
`Confidential material and to destroy, should such source so request, all COJ~ies of
`Confidential material that contain and/or constitute attorney work product as 'Nell· as
`excerpts, sumtnaries and digests revealing Confidential material; provided, howev,:r, that
`counsel may retain complete copies of all transcripts and pleadings including any e!'Xhibits
`attached thereto for archival purposes, subject to the provisions of this Dis1~overy
`Confidentiality Order. To the extent a party requests the return of Confidential n":aterial
`from the Court after the final conclusion of the litigation, including the exhaustion of all
`appeals therefrmn and all related proceedings, the party shall file a motion seeking such
`17. Any person who receives any document containing technical information
`designated as Attorneys' Eyes Only shall not use such information in prepa11ing or
`prosecuting any patent application, have any substantive involvement in such use or in
`claiming priority from any application filed using such information, or otherwise use
`such information to assist in such preparation, prosecution, or other patent prosc~cution

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` 4299
`procedure from the titnc of receipt of such information through and including one (I)
`year following the entry of a final non-appealable judgtnent or order or the complete
`settlement of all claims against the relevant prod

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`Civil Action No.2: 11-cv-07044-PGS
`I, ___________________ __ _______ , being duly sworn, state that:
`1. My address i s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
`2. My present employer is ___
`and the add:ress of
`tny present etnployment is
`3. My present occupation or job description is
`_____________ ,
`4. I have carefully read and understood the provisions of the Discovery
`Confidentiality Order in this case signed by the Court, and I will comply \,;,ith all
`provisions ofthe Discovery Confidentiality Order.
`5. I will hold in confidence and not disclose to anyone not qualified under the
`Discovery Confidentiality Order any Confidential Material or any words, summaries.·
`' abstracts, or indices of Confidential Information disclosed to me.
`6. I will limit use of Confidential Material discJosed to me solely for purpose of
`this action.
`7. No later than the final conclusion of the case, I will return all Confidential rYiaterial
`and summaries, abstracts, and indices thereof which come into my possession, and documents or
`things which I have prepared relating thereto, to counsel for the party for whom I was employed
`or retained.
`I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
`Dated: -----------------

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