`Sent As:
`JAMES R MENKER(eastdocket@holleymenker.com)
`U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 97388435 - ORGANICALLY YOURS
`October 17, 2023 02:03:38 PM EDT
`United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
`Office Action (Official Letter) About Applicant’s Trademark Application
`U.S. Application Serial No. 97388435
`Correspondence Address:
`PO BOX 331937
`United States
`Applicant: Johnvince Foods
`Reference/Docket No. N/A
`Correspondence Email Address: eastdocket@holleymenker.com
`Issue date: October 17, 2023
`This Office action is in response to applicant’s communication filed on 9/26/2023.
`Applicant’s request for reconsideration is denied. See 37 C.F.R. §2.63(b)(3). The trademark
`examining attorney has carefully reviewed applicant’s request and determined the request did not: (1)
`raise a new issue, (2) resolve all the outstanding issue(s), (3) provide any new or compelling evidence
`with regard to the outstanding issue(s), or (4) present analysis and arguments that were persuasive or
`shed new light on the outstanding issue(s). TMEP §§715.03(a)(ii)(B), 715.04(a).
`In the request for reconsideration, applicant continues to maintain that "consumers' attention would be
`drawing to the larger wording MISSTEA and that they would call for the goods by the product name,
`and if the slogan were even pronounced, verbalize the wording ORGANICALLY YOURS after
`verbalizing the product mark." Although previously attached evidence clearly demonstrates that
`not only do tea and various nuts products travel through the same trade channels, they could also
`emanate from the same source and marketed under the same brand, applicant still argues that the goods
`are "not branded under the same mark." Applicant also seeks explanation of why "reverse confusion"
`would be applicable in the instant case.
`First, the examining attorney notes that although registrant's mark contains stylization where the phrase
`"organically yours" is shown in a smaller font, applicant's mark is in standard characters. As
`such, applicant's mark may be displayed in any lettering style; the rights reside in the wording or
`other literal element and not in any particular display or rendition. See In re Viterra Inc., 671 F.3d
`1358, 1363, 101 USPQ2d 1905, 1909 (Fed. Cir. 2012); In re Mighty Leaf Tea, 601 F.3d 1342, 1348, 94
`USPQ2d 1257, 1260 (Fed. Cir. 2010); 37 C.F.R. §2.52(a); TMEP §1207.01(c)(iii). Thus, a mark
`presented in stylized characters and/or with a design element generally will not avoid likelihood of
`confusion with a mark in typed or standard characters because the word portion could be presented in
`the same manner of display. See, e.g., In re Viterra Inc., 671 F.3d at 1363, 101 USPQ2d at 1909;
`Squirtco v. Tomy Corp., 697 F.2d 1038, 1041, 216 USPQ 937, 939 (Fed. Cir. 1983) (stating that “the
`argument concerning a difference in type style is not viable where one party asserts rights in no
`particular display”). Therefore, applicant's mark could presumably also be shown in a smaller sized
`font, or even in the identical font as the registrant. Applicant's mark could also be placed with other
`additional wording shown in a more dominant like manner, just like registrant's mark.
`Just because the term MISSTEA is shown in a larger size, it doesn't mean that consumers would fail to
`notice the wording "organically yours" that's shown directly above and in the center of the mark. In
`fact, consumers may view the phrase as a house mark or a family of marks under the "organically
`yours" brand. And this is where the reverse confusion comes in. As previously noted, t he Trademark
`Act not only guards against the misimpression that the senior user is the source of a junior user’s goods
`and/or services, but it also protects against “reverse confusion,” where a significantly larger or
`prominent junior user is perceived as the source of a smaller, senior user’s goods and/or services
`such that the “senior user may experience diminution or even loss of its mark’s identity and
`goodwill due to extensive use of a confusingly similar mark by the junior user” for related goods
`and/or services. In re i.am.symbolic, llc, 866 F.3d 1315, 1329, 123 USPQ2d 1744, 1752 (Fed. Cir.
`2017) (quoting In re Shell Oil Co., 992 F.2d 1204, 1208, 26 USPQ2d 1687, 1690 (Fed. Cir. 1993));
`Fisons Horticulture, Inc. v. Vigoro Indust., Inc., 30 F.3d 466, 474-75, 31 USPQ2d 1592, 1597-98 (3d
`Cir. 1994). Since many house marks are typically shown in a smaller size (see attached evidence from
`P&G and Nestle), then applicant, as the junior user of the term ORGANICALLY YOURS, could be
`mistakenly perceived as the source of the senior user's teas, hence--reverse confusion.
`And with respect to applicant's claim that the goods of the parties are not branded by the same mark,
`the trademark examining attorney has attached additional evidence from the USPTO’s X-Search
`database consisting of a large number of third-party marks registered for use in connection with the
`same or similar goods and/or services as those of both applicant and registrant in this case. This
`evidence shows that the goods and/or services listed therein, namely, nuts, chocolates, candied fruits,
`cereal/granola snacks or breakfast foods and teas, are of a kind that may emanate from a single
`source under a single mark. See In re I-Coat Co., 126 USPQ2d 1730, 1737 (TTAB 2018) (citing In re
`Infinity Broad. Corp., 60 USPQ2d 1214, 1217-18 (TTAB 2001); In re Albert Trostel & Sons Co., 29
`USPQ2d 1783, 1785-86 (TTAB 1993); In re Mucky Duck Mustard Co., 6 USPQ2d 1467, 1470 n.6
`(TTAB 1988)); TMEP §1207.01(d)(iii).
`Finally, the examining attorney also attached evidence that consumption of tea is often paired with nuts
`or chocolates, essentially, these goods have complementary uses. Where evidence shows that the
`goods at issue have complementary uses, and thus are often used together or otherwise purchased
`by the same purchasers for the same or related purposes, such goods have generally been found
`to be sufficiently related such that confusion would be likely if they are marketed under the same
`or similar marks. See In re Martin’s Famous Pastry Shoppe, Inc., 748 F.2d 1565, 1567, 223 USPQ
`1289, 1290 (Fed. Cir. 1984) (holding bread and cheese to be related because they are often used in
`combination and noting that “[s]uch complementary use has long been recognized as a relevant
`consideration in determining a likelihood of confusion”); In re Toshiba Med. Sys. Corp., 91 USPQ2d
`1266, 1272 (TTAB 2009) (holding medical MRI diagnostic apparatus and medical ultrasound devices
`to be related, based in part on the fact that such goods have complementary purposes because they may
`be used by the same medical personnel on the same patients to treat the same disease). In re Hester
`Indus., Inc., 231 USPQ 881, 882-83 (TTAB 1986) (holding bread and frozen chicken parts to be related
`because they are complementary goods that are appropriate for use together in sandwiches and may
`otherwise be sold to the same purchasers for use in a single meal); In re Vienna Sausage Mfg. Co., 230
`USPQ 799, 799-800 (TTAB 1986) (holding sausage and cheese to be related because they are
`complementary goods that may be used together in recipes, sandwiches, and hors d’oeuvres); Polo
`Fashions, Inc. v. La Loren, Inc., 224 USPQ 509, 511 (TTAB 1984) (holding bath sponges and personal
`products, such as bath oil, soap, and body lotion, to be related because they are complementary goods
`that are likely to be purchased and used together by the same purchasers).
`Given all the overwhelming evidence regarding the relatedness of the goods, the complementary uses,
`and the similarity of the marks at issue, the following refusal made final in the Office action dated April
`11, 2023 is maintained and continued:
`Section 2(d) Refusal with respect to reg. no. 6022033
`See TMEP §§715.03(a)(ii)(B), 715.04(a).
`If applicant has already filed an appeal with the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, the Board will
`be notified to resume the appeal. See TMEP §715.04(a).
`If applicant has not filed an appeal and time remains in the response period for the final Office
`action, applicant has the remainder of that time to (1) file another request for reconsideration that
`complies with and/or overcomes any outstanding final requirement(s) and/or refusal(s), and/or (2) file a
`notice of appeal to the Board. TMEP §715.03(a)(ii)(B).
`/Emily Chuo/
`Emily Chuo
`Trademark Examining Attorney
`Law Office 101
`(571) 272-1728
`BLoG 2 Q AUD ¥
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`Should you drink your tea with chocolate? What kind of chocolate works best with which kind of tea? Certified Tea Master
`and Founder of Cup AboveTea, Alison Dillon shares the ins and outs of tea and chocolatepairing.
`How to go green when it comesto
`10 ways you might be drinking your
`tea all wrong
`Learning howto pair tea with food opens up a whole new wayto enjoy exceptional tea. By considering texture, aroma,
`intensity and flavour you can begin to understand what compliments what. The two share manysimilar characteristics,
`from floral, fruity or nutty aromas through tolevels of astringency from tannins.
`Exceptional tea + high quality chocolate = pure happiness. The answerto this equation is one that few would challenge,
`and while it looks simple enough, there are some key things to keep in mind whenpairing tea and chocolate.
`“The cratt chocolate sceneis growingglobally in a similar way to speciality tea. Small batch craft chocolatiers
`focused on single origin chocolate are introducing our taste budsto far superior products and helping us
`understands the bean-to-barjourney. When you pair chocolate crafted this way with garden-to-glass focus of
`Cup Above Tea you can get some sensationalresults," Alison said.
`“As with tea, terroir plays a critical role in fine chocolate. The altitude, climate andsoil affect the flavour of the cocoa bean
`in similar ways to the tea leaf. The very best tea is created thanks to theskill of the craftsman - the same is true for
`chocolate. When the best cocoa beansare in the handsofa skilled artisan, the results give you a taste of what you may
`have been missing out on.
`“You can find such a diverse rangeof styles for tea and chocolate and while there aren’‘t that many‘terrible’ combinations,
`there are certainly many that are better than others. For example I would generally avoid paring a delicate white tealike
`Silver Needles, or a fresh yellow tea with chocolate as the subtleties that make these teas exceptional will be overpowered.
`By understanding the principles that create great flavour combinations with tea and chocolate you will be able to identify
`the congruent and complimentary pairings that really work.”
`Tea Cocktails - Dark Roast Sumatra
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`Fine quality white chocolateis rich, smooth and oh so creamy. White chocolate is made with cocoa butter, sugar and milk
`with sweetness often being the defining characteristic. The general principle here is to match sweet with sweet but you
`can find some really diverse pairings with white chocolate too that leverage more bitter flavours.
`“Think about the types offlavours you usually find in a flavoured white chocolate for example macadamia nuts, berries,
`coconutor lemon. Using these flavours as a base guide we find thatthey translate over to tea styles. Master Wei’s
`Dragonwell Green teais characterised by its gorgeous chestnut, hazelnut and macadamia notes andit is an excellent pair
`for a white chocolate.”
`“Tisanes work quite well with white chocolate too. A herbal tisane with a lemongrass base is great because the natural
`acidity and zing balances out the sweetnessof the chocolate and cleanses the palate.”
`“An unexpected tea pairing for white chocolate is matcha. Matcha is one of the most‘bitter’ tasting green teas and this
`extremebitter profile directly contrasts the sweetness of white chocolate. When combined, the creaminessof the pairing
`is spot on and offsets the tanninc bitterness of the matcha, while cutting through the sweetness of the white chocolate.
`You end up with a really luxurious mouthfeel. It’s a combinationthat’s staring to gain a lot of traction in the culinary world
`with chef's increasingly using white chocolate and culinary grade matcha in desserts.”
`° Dragonwell
`o Matcha
`© Jasmine scented green tea
`o Tisanes with a lemongrass base
`Milk chocolate contains anywhere from 10-40% cacao, milk fat, milk solids and sweetenersandis generally mild, sweet
`and melt in your mouth. It's probably the most versatile for tea pairing and will work well with a spicy chai blend through
`to a smokeyastringentblack tea.
`“There are a couple offailsafe options for pairing milk chocolate with tea. Generally any black tea will work
`well, though I recommendblack tea without milk. Asides from the fact that ifyou're drinking a high enough
`quality tea that milk wouldspoil it, adding the extra layer of creaminess can sometimes mask the nuanced
`flavours in a carefully crafted artisan chocolate.”
`“My ultimate suggestions are a high grown Nepalese black tea - something from the second flush with a sharp muscatel
`undertone is idea, or seek inspiration from Japan and look to a roasted green tea like Mater Kinezuka's Houjicha, or even
`his Genamicha works amazingly well. The Houjicha has warm, toasty notes with a hint of salted caramel which when
`paired with a decedent milk chocolate can really open up some newflavours. The Genmaicha, which has toasted rice
`pieces throughit, contrasts the milkiness with its mineral, salty and nutty flavours, but then also complements with its
`creamy buttered popcorn notes.”
`o Nepalese Black Tea like Second Flush Hand Rolled Himalayan Tips
`e Genmaicha
`© Houjicha
`o Darjeeling
`© Chai
`Dark chocolate has a high cocoa content and robust cocoa bean flavours.It's earthier,fruitier and more powerful on the
`palate than any othertype of chocolate. Dark chocolate yields great contrast for sweet andspicyflavours, and will also
`withstand really bold flavours without being overshadowed.
`“Dark chocolate tolerates really bold, tannic-heavy tea. I'm noticing a tendency for green tea and dark
`chocolate pairings, but mypersonal view is that this doesn't really do either any favours. The tendency to
`pair often comes from the perspective that dark chocolate is the ‘best’ foryou and so to green tea. Certainly
`when it comesto tea, this isn’t necessarily the case and the nuancedlayers ofa high qualitygreen tea are
`often too subtle to stand up to a powerful dark chocolate.
`“Td opt for a rich Chinese black tea like an aged puerh or a bud only, earthy black from Yunnanlike Master Lin’s Golden
`Buds.I also really like experimenting with oolong pairings. There is such a broad rangeof flavour with oolong thatit’s
`always possible to pair something thatwill specifically suit the extract flavours of the dark chocolate bar you are trying to
`match to. Dark Roast Sumatra, an Indonesian oolong tea with rich cinnamon notes and an overall bold flavouris perfect
`with dark chocolate, but so too is something with honey undertoneslike Master Zhang's Tie Guan Yin where thefruity,full
`bodied liquor complements the richness and intensity of an 85% plus cocoa bar.”
`Suggested Tea and Milk Chocolate Pairings
`© Golden Buds
`o Puerh
`o Dark Roast Sumatra Oolong
`© Tie Guan Yin
`Onething to remember when pairing high quality ingredients is less is more. If you have an extraordinary tea or an
`exceptional chocolate expressing outstanding provenance,terrior and craftsmanship do eitherthe justice of pairing with
`somethingof a similar quality level.
`“Where possible avoid pairing flavoured teas with fine chocolate. The artificial, and even natural blended
`flavours will mask whatthe chocolatieris trying to express through the bar. You don’t want too much going
`happening on the palate, andyou don't want overwhelming aromas.This will letyou focus on texture,
`mouthfeel and the nuancedflavourlayers. Experiment and play around andyouwill quickly cometo realise
`whatwill compliment and contrast andyour own personal preferences when it comes to tea and chocolate
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`How to Pair Tea and’Chocolate
`(4 Posted: 05/14/2021
`Could there be a more delicious duo than tea and chocolate? Each of these culinary delights Browse bv Ca tezorv
`is wonderful on its own, but when intentionally paired together? A match madein heaven!
`Not onlyis pairing tea with chocolate a positively decadent experience,it can also help
`unlock those more subtle flavors and aromasthat you might not pick up when enjoying one
`or the other on its own. A successfulpairing will enable you toexperience the nuances of
`both the tea and the chocolateindividually, as well as explore new flavors through the
`interplay of their flavor, aroma, sweetness,bitterness, texture and intensity.
`Tea and chocolate share many commonalities. Just as the tea leaf to cup journey influences
`the quality and taste of tea, the cacao bean to bar journeyinfluences the quality and taste of
`chocolate. Terroir — the climate, weather, elevation,soil and terrain in which the tea leaves
`or cacao beansare grown — has a significant impact on thefinal flavor, aroma and
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`Guidelines for Pairing Tea and Chocolate
`The key to preparing a successful tea and chocolate tasting is to ensure the flavor profiles
`are well-balanced. We recommendselecting high quality chocolates with varying
`percentagesof cacao, including a white chocolate, milk chocolate and one or more dark
`chocolates. You may select teas that have complementing or contrasting flavors; both
`experienceswill heighten the flavor and aroma of the chocolate, and vice versa.
`To begin the tasting process, take a small bite of chocolate and allow it melt slowly and
`thoroughly across the tongue. Then slurp someof the tea into the back of your mouth to
`ensureit reachesall of your taste buds. Slurping rather than sippingwill draw air into the
`mouth, intensifying the flavors and aromas.
`Take another small bite of the chocolate, and notice how thetea hasinfluenced its
`mouthfeel, flavor and aroma comparedto the first bite. Does it taste sweeter? More bitter?
`Nuttier, fruitier or more floral? At this point you may choose to cleanse your palate with a
`sip of water and reverse the process:taste the tea, have a bite of chocolate, followed by a
`second tasting of tea to see which changesyou notice.
`Teas to Pair with Milk Chocolate
`Milk chocolate may contain anywhere from 10% to 55% cacao, along with cocoa butter,
`sugar and milk solids or powder. This ingredientlist is what gives milk chocolate its sweet,
`smooth taste and creamy, melt-in-your-mouth texture.
`Milk chocolate tends to be the mostversatile type of chocolate for pairing with tea. Because
`of its creamy, milky consistency, milk chocolate can help to balance the bold, robust flavors
`and high tannin content of strong black teas. Teas accented with warmingspiceslike chai
`tea are also a good match for milk chocolate.
`Recommended Tea and Milk Chocolate Pairings:
`British Breakfast - Savory Indian, Sri Lankan and Kenyan tea leavesgive this tea a hearty,
`robustflavor. Tastes exquisite served with a splash of milk and sugar, making it the perfect
`pairing for milk chocolate.
`Tea of Inquiry - This Sencha green tea has a robustflavor and warm,toasty notes, Pairing it
`with a creamy milk chocolate can open upthe nutty, savoryflavors.
`Chai Stackable Tin - Enjoy the experience of pairing milk chocolate with three delicious,
`uniquely flavored chai teas: earthy and chocolatey Mushroom Cacao Chai; spicy-sweet Bold
`Green Chai; and hearty, malty Bold Black Chai.
`HiCAF® Caramel Black Tea - Robust black tea with smooth, sweet caramel noteswill
`naturally complement and balance theflavors of milk chocolate.
`Teas to Pair with Dark Chocolate
`Compared to milk chocolate, dark chocolate has a high concentration of cacao — at least
`55%, and up to 100% (thoughtypically not more than 90%). The flavor of dark chocolateis
`powerfuland rich, with bitter notes.
`Dark chocolateis slightly trickier to pair with tea than milk chocolate. Selecting a tea thatis
`too astringent can overwhelm your taste buds with bitterness. At the sametime, delicate
`teas will be overpowered by the strong cacaoflavor of dark chocolate.
`Strike a happy medium by pairing your dark chocolate with moderately bold teas,like those
`with fruity, smoky, ginger, nutty, spicy or mint flavors. Aged teas such as pu-erh can also bea
`good choice for pairing with dark chocolate.
`Recommended Tea and Dark Chocolate Pairings:
`PassionFruit Papaya Black Tea - Tropical passionfruit, papaya and pineapple layered over
`fine black tea will bring out the natural sweetnessof intense 80+% chocolate.
`Vanilla Almond Black Tea - The smoothness of Madagascar vanilla beans takes overthe first
`sip of this black tea, creating a decadent multilayered tasting experience.
`Earl Greyer - The addition of Bergamot Orangeto fine Ceylon black tea gives this blend a
`uniqueflavor profile that pairs beautifully with dark chocolates.
`Ginger Peach Black Tea - Savor the taste of sweet, lush peach and zesty ginger as you pair
`this exceptional tea with rich 80+% dark chocolate.
`Teas to Pair with White Chocolate
`White chocolate is made of cocoa butter, sugar and milk powder, without the cacao solids
`contained in milk and dark chocolate. This confection lacks any trace of bitterness, and is
`purely sweet, smoothand buttery.It also has the creamiest mouthfeel ofall chocolates.
`Thanksto its sweet flavor and creamy consistency, white chocolate can hold its own against
`strongbitter, vegetal and grassy teas, such as matcha. White chocolatealso pairs beautifully
`with nutty and floral favor profiles.
`Recommended Tea and White Chocolate Pairings:
`Daily Matcha - 100% premium Japanese matcha is the perfect pairing for white chocolate.
`Creamy, sweet white chocolate balances the bitterness of matcha while creating a luxurious
`Jasmine Jazz Green Tea - Rare Yin Hao green tea leaves and jasmine blossomsgive this cup
`alight, clean fragrance. Sweet, milky white chocolate will serve as a delightful contrast.
`Big Green Hojicha Tea - Roasted Japanese green tea leaves yield an earthy, woody and
`nutty taste. Pairs deliciously with pure white chocolate.
`Organic Thai Ginger SuperHerb® Tea - The zing of spicy-sweet Thai ginger and lemongrass
`beautifully balances the sweetness of white chocolate, while delivering a delicious contrast.
`Be sure to approachyourtea and chocolate pairing with a sense of adventure, and take
`notes on which combinations you enjoy the most. Interested in learning more about the
`nuancesof tasting tea?
`Read the Latest
`Benefits of the Herbal
`Ally St. John's Wort
`Learn why many herbal tea
`enthusiasts enjoy the flavorof St.
`John's wort, boasting a long history of
`wellness with manydelightful
`Celebrating National Chai
`Learn more about cozy and spicy chai
`on September21st, National Chai
`4 Amazing White Tea
`Benefits for Wellness
`Take a sip and learn about fresh and
`sweetwhitetea,full of delightful
`benefits to complimentits delicious
`Celebrating National
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`Sweeten your September and
`celebrate National HoneyMonth!
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`INTL Website ¥
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`> Chocolate & TeaPairings| Intl
`Afternoon Tea - The Lindt
`Revive yourafternoon tea bypairing your favourite blend with one of our
`exquisite Excellence chocolate bars. Prepare to transform your tea
`Black Tea Pairings
`Lindt Excellence 85% and AssamTea
`Lindt Excellence 85% and Assamteacreate an intense
`flavour experience. The tart and maity flavour of the tea
`draws out the rich andintense tones in the chocolate
`Lindt Excellence Orange Intense andEarl
`The bergamot flavour of Earl Grey tea withits subtle
`tones of muscatel is the perfect accompaniment to the
`citrus flavours of our much-lovedclassicLindt
`Excellence OrangeIntense. Balancingthe highcitrus
`taste, sliced almonds compliment thetea’s earthy
`undertones for a well-roundedflavour.
`Lindt Excellence Sea Salt and Assamtea
`A dark chocolate enhancedbyfleur de sel crystals to
`create a bar bursting with flavour, Lindt Excellence Sea
`Salt is best enjoyedwith a brightly-coloured Assamtea.
`The tea’s brisk malty notes and strong flavours
`compliment the chocolate's salty-sweetflavour
`Lindt Excellence Extra Creamy andEarl
`Early Grey works beautifully with the creamy caramel
`characterof our Lindt Excellence Extra Creamy. The
`honey notes in the chocolate enhancethecitrustaste in
`the tea - combining with the bergamotfor a complex
`Lindt Excellence Dark Caramel and Sea
`Salt and English Breakfast Tea
`Muchlike English Breakfasttea is rich and invigorating,
`sotoois Lindt Excellence Dark CaramelandSea Salt
`Buttery caramel combines witha pinchoffleur de sel
`for a stimulating flavour experience. Combining the two
`accentuatesthe rich caramel taste. Add milk for aromas
`of warmtoast andhoneythat harmonise deliciously
`with the chocolate. A stunning and simply delectable
`Lindt Excellence 78%andEnglish
`Breakfast Tea
`Lindt Excellence 78% blends perfectly with the robust
`flavours of English Breakfasttea for a full-bodiedtaste.
`Addmilk to accentuate the chocolate's creaminess.
`Thisis a classic.
`Lindt Excellence Chili and Chai Tea
`A robust dark chocolatewith a gentle heat of mildchili;
`Lindt Excellence Chili perfectly complements the
`aromatic, spicy notesin a chai tea. Cardamom,
`cinnamon,ginger andcloveintertwine withthe chili for a
`powerful burst of flavour — adda dashofmilk for a
`more subtle taste
`Green Tea Pairings
`Lindt Excellence 70% and Green Tea
`Lindt Excellence Mint Intense and
`Moroccan Mint Tea
`Experience an enhancedcocoaflavour bypairing our
`Lindt Excellence 70%with a soothinggreentea. The
`deepflavourof the delicate grassy tea wraps aroundthe
`richnessof the chocolate creating a fresh taste. No
`needfor sugar, milk or other additions — let the purity of
`the greentea shine through
`Lindt Excellence Mint Intense perfectly pairs with a
`refreshing minttea - you could say they were made for
`eachother. Enjoy a reviving mint tea, brewed light or
`strong, slightly sweetenedwith a squareofcrisp Lindt
`Excellence Mint Intense for a elevated cooling sensation
`with a subtle bittersweetnote.
`White Tea and Herbal Tea Pairings
`Lindt Excellence 90% andJasmine Tea
`Lindt Excellence 70% andVanilla Tea
`Our high-percentage cocoa chocolate pairs perfectly
`with a delicate jasmine tea. Thelatter's light andfloral
`tones drawout the complexity of the dark chocolate and
`balanceits rich depth.
`Lindt Excellence 70%has a delicate dark flavour with
`floral undertonesandhintsof vanilla. Th