`Sent As:
`U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 97060107 - TRUCKVAULT - 301-27
`Remand Request to TTAB
`July 26, 2023 11:31:21 AM EDT


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`United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
`U.S. Application Serial No.  97060107
`Correspondence Address:  
`2033 6TH AVE, SUITE 990
`Applicant:   Truckvault, Inc.
`Reference/Docket No.  301-27
`Correspondence Email Address:
`Before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board on Appeal
`    The Office has reassigned this application to the undersigned trademark examining attorney. The
`trademark examining attorney requests that the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board suspend the appeal
`proceeding and remand the application to the examining attorney under 37 C.F.R. §2.142(d) in order to
`submit additional evidence into the record relevant to the issue(s) on appeal.
`    The examining attorney is making this request at this time because a new examining attorney has
`taken over the case and wishes to supplement the evidence of record.  The evidence consists of the


`    Evidence of the phrase "truck vault" used descriptively. 
`The Reflector The Big One: Is Southwest Washington prepared? | The Reflector
` Truck Vaults - |
`S&S Canopies & Campers ARE - S&S Canopies and Campers - Kalispell, MT (s-
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`Michigan Sportsman
`Retriever Training
`Refuge Forums
`States News Service (news article attached)
`Global Broadcast Database (news article attached)
`Evidence of applicant's descriptive use of the word "vault". See 
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`TruckVault The Best Truck Bed Storage System. Period. | TruckVault
`TruckVault All Weather All the Time: Truck Bed Storage for Any Conditions | TruckVault
`Evidence of third parties using the word “vault” descriptively in connection with goods similar to those
`identified by applicant. See 
`Kar Kraft Cargo Slides & Vaults - Kar Kraft Automotive
`Dana Safety Supply Troy Products CP-GB4430-PB, Storage Vault With Two Draw-Tight
`Locking Handles And Push-Button Lock, For Trucks/SUVs - Dana Safety Supply
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`Detroit Free Press
`Task and Purpose
`Motor Biscuit
`Rockland Custom Products
`                                                                Respectfully submitted,
`/Abigail Sue/
`Abigail Sue
`Examining Attorney
`LO117--LAW OFFICE 117
`(571) 272-9283


`Tuesday, July 25, 2023
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`The Big One: Is Southwest
`Washington prepared?
`Cascadia earthquake sources
`30-50 yr
`Subduction zone
`earthquakes (1700)
`Affected area
`@ Subduction Zone
`@ Deep Juan de Fuca plate
`Se earthquakes


`© Crustal faults
`Hundredsof yr’?
`The Cascadia Subduction Zone and the earthquakes nearthe fault over the years.
`Posted Monday, August 26,2019 6:05 am
`Cameron Kast/
`The ReflectorJuly
`26, 2023
`Viewthis issue
`Browseotherissues teoar a
`Five and a half minutes is about howlong it takes to microwaveapotpie orlisten to Billy Joel’s “Piano Man” once
`through,It’s also howlong the intense shaking from the Cascadia Earthquake — often referred to simply as “The Big
`One” — is expected to last
`Death ofOregon woman discovered in
`Rideatcarenink0ober canes
`Nearly nine years ago, a magnitude 9 earthquake shook the northeastern corner of Japanforclose to six full minutes.
`The March 11, 2011, earthquake with an epicenter near Tohoku destroyed more than 120,000 buildings and,
`according to Japan’s Reconstruction Agency, caused an estimated $199 billion dollars of damage, making it the most
`expensive natural disaster in world history.
`Experts say a similar earthquake is “overdue” and should be expected to hit the Pacific Northwest within the next
`century, if not sooner.
`Researchers from regional universities, geotechnical engineers and emergency response agencies expect the
`earthquake to wreak havoc whenithits, bringing about the collapse of roads and bridges and renderingelectricity and
`waterinfrastructure useless,
`While some effects from naturaldisasters are unavoidable, experts are growing increasingly concerned about the lack
`of preparation by both governing bodies and individuals.
`A ticking subduction zone
`The Pacific Northwestsits on the Cascadia Subduction Zone, whichstretches from the north end of VancouverIsland
`in British Columbia to Cape Mendocino, California, a distance of 620 miles. Cascadia is the meeting pointof the
`smaller Juan de Fucaplate and the large North Americanplate. As the twotectonic plates converge, one is forced
`underthe other.
`This causes the oceanic crust of the Pacific Ocean to move underthe continent of North America at a rate of about 40
`millimeters (1 4 inches) per year.
`The 2011 earthquake in Japan was dueto this sametype offault line.
`Alison Purch an associate geotechnical engineer at Hart Crowser exnlained that the deener an earthanake is
`rr ca
`Extended Stay America
`your car si
`World WarII re-enactors
`provide ataste oflife at Fort
`World WarIl reenactors brought
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`period on. Saturdav. Julv 22


`longerit causes sha.
`ing at the surface. The creates a muchhigherpotential for damage. A 30-second earthquake
`usually reaches a 7 or bh
`her on the Richter scale, while a two-minute quake reaches an 8 or higher. By four minutes,
`an earthquake is at 9.0.
`Along with depth, seismologists use the size of crustal breaksto indicate how powerful an earthquake could be. The
`1989 LomaPrieta, California, earthquake had a magnitude of6.9, enoughto cause more than $6 billion in damage
`and kill 63 people. LomaPrieta sits on one of the most well-knownandstudiedfault lines in the United States, the
`San Andreas Fault. According to the United States Geological Survey, the San Andreas Fault is capable of producing
`an earthquake nolarger than a magnitude 8.3 dueto its close proximity to both the surface (10 to 12 miles deep) and
`the size of crust that can break during an earthquake on the San Andres.
`More than 40 miles belowthe earth’s crust, the Juande Fucaplate is moving under North America and melting into
`the earth. However, around 30 miles down, the North Americanplate is stuck, causing pressure to build up
`underneath the surface of the earth. As the Juan de Fuca plate continues to move, the North Americanplate gets put
`under more pressure. Eventually, the pressure will become too muchandthe North Americanplate will snap upward,
`muchlike a breaking rubberband. Since the Cascadia Subduction Zonesits anywhere from7 to 18 miles deeperthan
`the San Andreas,if the entire plate breaks off, an earthquake largerthan a 9.0 is more thanlikely.
`“Geology works ona reallylong time scale, and we’ve been around for an eyelash ofthat really long time scale,”
`Pyrchsaid at “Science on Tap,” a seminar on earthquakes at Kiggins Theatre last month.
`Pyrch explained howdueto this larger-than-life timescale developing exact data on where and whenan earthquake
`will happenis not possible.
`Pyrchsaid the only way to make a predictionis to look at history. On average, a rupture in the Cascadia Subduction
`Zone happens once every 243 years, putting it around 75 years overdue. A large scale earthquake hasn’t happened
`since January 26, 1700, 76 years before the Declaration of Independence was signed.
`Seismologists and geologists are able to determine these estimates by lookingat the limestone of the seafloor and
`comparingit with the highly documented tsunami records of Japan. Before 1700, there was about a 780-year gap
`betweenthe Cascadia earthquakes (920 to January 26, 1700)
`According to an Oregon State University research teamled by marine biologist Chris Goldfinger, throughout the past
`10,000 years there have beenat least 41 earthquakes on the Cascadia Fault Zone with 19 being a “full margin
`rupture” where the entire zone snaps.
`Goldfingersaid there’s a 33% chance ofthis “megaquake”hitting the Pacific Northwestin the next 50 years.
`“Perhaps morestriking than the probability numbersis that we can nowsay that we have already gone longer without
`anearthquake than 75%of the knowntimes betweenearthquakesin the last 10,000 years,” Goldfingersaid in a
`statement earlier this summer. “And 50 years from now, that numberwill rise to 85 percent.”
`What a quakewill look like
`Werner citeoar
`to STAY awhile.
`Transportation crews!
`onInterstate 5 and |
`nighttime work will hq
`until the 2060s
`Oneof the largest sources of
`funding to replace the aging
`Interstate 5 bridge over the
`Columbia Riverwill tax travelers a few bucks as they
`cross the water. During its meeting July 18, the ...
`) Death of Oregon woman
`discoveredin Ridgefield not
`currentlylinked to other
`The death of 32-year-old Joanna
`Speaks, of Oregon, hasn't been connected to the deaths
`of four other area women where the Multnomah County
`District Attorney's Office found links, the ...
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`city leadersstill have
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` Death notices, July 26, 2023
`“for being away from home
`Carol Maurits, $0, ofVancouver, passed awayon July 18, 2023, in Vancouver, The
`funeral homeis NorthwoodParkFuneral Home & Cemetery, 360-574-4252, Susan
`Chenette, 69, of
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`8101 NE ParkwayDr. « 360-253-5771
`(Located nearOlive Garden andT] Maxx)
`Pyrehsays the Pacific Northwestis not at all prepared for an earthquake of this magnitude.Sheratescities suchas
`Portland at a 2.5 to 3 ona scale of 10 in termsof preparedness.
`“Ourbiggest lack is public education and public preparedness,” she said.
`Pyrch says populations around the world that are accustomed to a lack ofelectricity and waterare significantly more
`prepared for a disaster such as an earthquake.
`Pyrch offered Mexico and Japan as examples of countries well prepared in 2019. Both countries have earthquake
`early warning systems and a large culture built around the idea that a quake could hit at any moment.
`“Tf people are prepared for an event and they knowit’s going to happen and they are educated, they are significantly
`better whenit comes to handling an event,” she said. “As it is, we are not prepared simply because oursociety will
`not be bouncing back as quickly because we depend onall thoseutilities.”
`Pyrch’s second problem with preparednessin the regionis infrastructure. If the “Big One” wereto hit this year, she
`believes most of the transportation hubs — land, sea and air — would all be compromised. Alongwiththis, she
`mentionedthat there will be significant landslide damageas well as the explosionof natural gas andliquid fuel lines
`and ruptured waterpipes.
`Liquid fuel in Southwest Washingtonis refined in the Seattle-Tacomaarea andis transported througha pipeline that
`is “not seismically sound,”* Pyrch said. She added that fuel for the area is stored near the Willamette River where
`there is an expected movementof 25 feet. The spread offire is also a major concern given that many ofthe water
`lines will likely break, Pyrchsaid.
`Pyrch noted howmostofthe electricity in the area is supplied by the Bonneville Power Administration.If its power
`and energy networkfalls due to an earthquake, powerinthe area is expected to go out for anindefinite period of
`“Weare spoiled and we expect everything to work on demand,”she said. “Oursociety does not function without
`running water, electricity and our cellphones and communication networks working.”
`In her seminar, Pyrchsaid soils in the Pacific Northwest are subjectto liquefaction, the process ofsoils with a large
`water content losing strength due to a strongly applied force suchas an earthquake. Under this force, sand and mud
`sink into the ground causing the buildings and structures on top of themto follow. Pyrchsaid soil underneathlarge
`economic hubssuchas the Interstate 5 Bridge, the Glenn Jackson Bridge and the Portland International Airportallsit
`onliquefiable soil.
`Pyrch expanded on liquefaction damagein a followup interview,explaining that the I-5 Bridgeis “pretty muchtoast”
`ifa large earthquake wereto hit, but the bridge across 1-205 might be salvageable.
`“From what I understand there is a chance that it will be repairable,” Pyrchsaid about 1-205, adding that while it


`might be repairable, it will not be a structure people are goingto be able to drive over immediately.
`The destructionof these bridges and economic trade hubs suchas the Port of Portland and Portland International
`Airport (PDX) is expected to dramatically impact the surrounding area’s economy.
`“Oneofthe points of the (2011) Japan earthquake wasthat their economy took a big hit. In fact, the world economy
`took a big hit,” Pyrch said while explaining that one of the reasonsthe area needsto get ready for an earthquakeis the
`fact that not everybody is going to die in the initial shock ofthe quake. Most people will survive, and building
`infrastructure for that survival period is key to withstanding the earthquake, she said.
`Timothy “T.J.” Miller, of Battle Ground, has a degree in powersystems and works for BPA. He echoed Pyrch’s
`statements while pointing to the solar panels and generators he has installed in his earthquake-proof shop.
`“The irony ofit is that I work for the power grid and yet I have solar and a generator because I knowthe grid is going
`down,”he said.
`Miller has spent nearly his whole life preparing for disaster to strike.
`“T don’t really know what made me wantto be a survivalist other than the fact that I have five sisters and my mom
`always said, ‘you're the manofthe house, you’re going to have to protect yoursisters,” he said. “I grewup infear
`that I wouldn't be able to protect (them). It’s an overcompensated thing about me and I can’t help it.”
`Miller built a shop on his property for his business, Silenced
`Weapons. The shop doublesas his survival shelter, and he said
`it is structurally sound and can withstand an earthquake.
`“This shop is built better than any of the houses aroundhere,”
`he said. “The inspector said if we were to have the subduction
`zone earthquake, all the houses (nearby) would be gone and
`this shop wouldstill be here.”
`Millerbelieves a lack of food, water and shelter will be the
`biggest problems facing citizens in the Clark County area if
`disaster were to strike. He suggests bolting downeverything in
`houses and shops and having enough food and waterto sustain
`yourself and dependents.
`Government to pay Camp Lejeune victims
`$21 billion
`CampLejeune Water Claims
`“Water, water, water,” Miller said when asked about what he
`feels is the most important thing people cando to prepare.
` Miller
`shop is equipped with a two-yearsupply of food and
`@ranenrad | inke hu Tahania
`Abel fs


`sun oven, more than 10,000 gallons of fresh water and a
`systemto brewhis ownbeer.
`“Somepeoplesayit’s not a key part ofpreparedness, but I thinkit is,” Miller said as he opened a doorin the back of
`his shop revealing a home brewery where he makes India Pale Ale.
`Also in Miller’s shop is an old ambulance from the Los Angeles Police Departmentthat he is renovating to be a
`disaster vehicle complete with a few days worth of food, a fire ax and a truck vault, something he builds to securely
`store items in a vehicle. Also equipped with a truck vault is Miller’s Jeep Wrangler, which has everything from a
`snorkeling systemto an air compressor.
`“Tt’s got everything I think people should haveontheircarin case of a disaster,” Miller said before pulling out the
`truck vault containing a flare gun, hiking equipment and enoughfood and waterto survive for a week. Miller said a
`lot of the ideas for his Jeep cameafter he experienced the 1989 LomaPrieta earthquake andrealized howunprepared
`peoplein the area were.
`“The only thing that madeit outof the city were the 4-by-4’s,” Miller said.
`While Miller and his wife may be prepared if the Cascadia Subduction Earthquake were to strike, a good majority of
`the Clark County and the Portland Metro Area has notstarted preparing. Pyrchbelieves this lack of preparedness can
`be changed by working togetherto build an“earthquakeculture.”
`While Miller may have a two-yearsupply of food, Savannah Brehmerof the Federal Emergency Management
`Agency (FEMA)recommends having a minimum of 72 hours, but encourages a supply of up to two weeksoffood,
`water and necessary medicine.
`“We also recommend people knowtheir community because if you knowthemin advance,it’s going to help out in
`terms of sharing resources,” Brehmersaid. “Resources may be spread thinin the event of an earthquake.”
`FEMA's website outlines a three-step plancitizens should have to prepare themselves fordisaster. First, protect
`yourself before an earthquake. To do this, FEMA recommends practicing what to do during in an earthquake,
`gathering critical documents and building a preparednesskit that lasts at least three days. Second, protect yourself
`during anearthquake and drop, cover and hold on.Lastly, protect yourself after an earthquake by monitoring local
`newsreports, exiting damaged buildings and staying away from damaged areas. If your home has been damagedafter
`a disaster or is no longer safe and you need a place to stay, text SHELTER and your ZIP code to 43362to find the
`nearest public shelter in the area.
`Pyrch recommends doing everything possible to secure your home, suchas strappingit to the foundation and
`knowing howto turn off the gas and waterlines leading to your home. “Make sure your homeis safe and somewhere
`youcanbe for two to four weeks without help,” Pyrchsaid. Along withthis, he recommends building emergencylists
`and getting what you need wheneveryou're at the grocery store.
`“Tf van have an evtra five bueke oat that extra callan of water * che caid


`Eric Frank, the Public Information Officer of the Clark Regional Emergency Services Agency (CRESA),
`recommends doingall of the above and repeating it for your workplace and your vehicle, mentioning hownot
`everyone will be at home whendisasterstrikes.
`“T want to make sure I have whateverI need no matter where I am whendisasterstrikes,” he said. “Thoseare the
`messages we spread constantly.”
`Building an ‘Earthquake Culture’
`During “Science on Tap”and in subsequentinterviews, Pyrchstressed the importance of building a culture around
`preparedness for earthquakes. This culture, dubbed “earthquake culture.” revolves around education about
`earthquakes and the substantial followup damagethey will cause.
`“Educate yourself and your neighbors because until we are educated about the problem, we
`are not going to make any progress,” Pyrch said. “Untilit is a priority within oursociety and in our communities to
`be ready to handle a large earthquake, we are not goingto be ready.”
`To discuss this “earthquake culture” Pyrch uses the example of other countries such as Japan and Mexico around the
`Pacific Ring of Fire that she believes are preparedif disaster were to strike tomorrow. She mentionedactivities such
`occasionalstatewide earthquakedrills.
`“They can evacuate a building in under two minutes,” Pyrchexplained.
`She later used the exampleofa fire drill at a public high school to show howunprepared the United Statesis in terms
`of a disaster.
`“Doadults makeit out in two minutes?”she asked.
`Pyrchpressed the need for educating yourself, your family and yourneighbors about the importance ofpreparing for
`an earthquake, something CRESAbelieves to be just as important as building your ownpersonaldisaster kit.
`“Having the mindset (for disaster) is the biggest piece,” Frank said. “A positive attitude and connecting with your
`neighbors ... are what is going to make our communities stronger and more disaster-resilient.”
`Frank noted that images from recentdisasters showneighbors helping neighbors, not first responders in uniform.
`Frank said connecting with neighbors before a disasteris important because the area as we knowit will end up with
`fractured roads and downed bridges, making it harderforfirst responders to reach disastersites.
`“It’s going to be neighbors relying on each otherforthe first few hours and days of a disaster until we (emergency
`response) can makethat connection again,” Frank said.


`UKBDSA bmergency Management Livision Manager SCOTT JonNsonsaid, 11 Me past, Me government naa nara-set
`plans forif disaster wereto strike.
`“Fromabout 1945 up until 2005, there was an idea that governments should have very detailed plans that covered
`every aspect of every potential thing that could go wrong,” Johnsonsaid, “We had a very, very detailed earthquake
`planand a very, very detailed flood plan.”
`Now, Johnsonsaid governments and emergency response agencies have changed their mindset from hard fixed plans
`to the conceptof “planning” because putting emergencyplansin hardset“silos” can cause confusion about which
`plan to use duringa disaster.
`“Planningis a concept that revolves around looking at whatis actually going onand the impactit has on people’s life
`safety, the severity of the incident and the impactto our key infrastructure,” Johnsonsaid. “Ourplans have gotten
`much moreflexible. Ourplans have gotten much more responsive. That allows us to deal with things more effectively
`but it also means that we need a more informed and engaged citizenry because we need you(citizens) to buy us time
`to assess what is going on.”
`Johnsonand Frank recommend taking classes, building a community with neighbors and remindingelected officials
`to prepare for disaster before it strikes.
`“Tt takes educated community members to remind our elected officials all the time that this is an important topic,”
`Frank said.
`Brehmer repeated CRESA’s thoughts about becoming more educated and even suggested talking to Community
`Emergency Response Teams (CERT)in the area. The CERT programeducates volunteers aboutdisaster preparedness
`for hazards that might impact the area, such as earthquakes. The CERT programalsotrains volunteers in basic
`disaster response skills, suchas fire safety, light search and rescue, team organizationand disaster medical
`AmandaSiok, the earthquake contact for FEMA Region X (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington),also highlighted
`the importance of individually preparing and gaining these skills and the impact they have on the community.
`“Tt is really important that the public prepares themselves because the less prepared individuals are, the less prepared
`the community as a whole will be,” Siok concluded.
`ea —


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