Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Electronic Filing System.
`ESTTA Tracking number:
`Filing date:
`The Travelers Indemnity Company
`1300 19TH STREET, NW
`Filer's Name
`Filer's email
`Other Motions/Papers
`David M. Kelly
`/David M. Kelly/
`Group 7 Cover.pdf(79517 bytes )
`Morris Exhibit 29_Part1.pdf(5130934 bytes )
`Morris Exhibit 29_Part2.pdf(5047291 bytes )
`Morris Exhibit 29_Part3.pdf(1020841 bytes )
`Morris Exhibit 30_Part1.pdf(5225669 bytes )
`Morris Exhibit 30_Part2.pdf(4869097 bytes )
`Morris Exhibit 30_Part3.pdf(5178057 bytes )
`Morris Exhibit 30_Part4.pdf(3109202 bytes )
`Morris Exhibit 31.pdf(4404690 bytes )
`Morris Exhibit 32.pdf(5107326 bytes )


`Cancellation No.: 92067396
`Reg. No.
`January 12, 2016
`Exhibits 29-32




`Declaration of John Morris


`Wok-sine Whig min
`Motifiufidlg Center v | Your Profile | Inc'nuct's
` — Business hmranm
`Pars-anal :nsurance
`Band E: Specialty
`Agency Tools
`Home Quota-3. Issue
`Sillingffi Policy Services Claim 3 Ridmontml
`Products 3 Markets Markofim, Tunis
`for Injured Employees
`Trailbrgr'sls mind to 1mm: Wigs“ l'n'r Enj'ured Eri'IPiWEGQ—dlgm mahlltlgs that
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`Introduce Travelers customers to MyTravelers®
`Top 5 Reasons
` to Promote
`1 Consumers want online service. Online self-service is becoming increasingly important to consumers. One recent
`report shows 90 percent expect online self-service when making a purchasing decision.1
`2 Range of online service options. Your customers will have easy
`access to policy, bill and claim information, they will be able to:
`Report an auto, home or boat claim
`Pay their bill
`• View, download and print auto ID card(s)
`• Check their coverage
`• Check their efective date
`3 24/7 customer service. Customers want information on their own terms
`and time. The challenge is that, in many agent oices, customer service
`representatives are not available 24/7. presents the
`opportunity for you to ofer customer service, 24/7, providing you with a
`distinct competitive advantage.
`4 Increase customer retention. According to J.D. Power & Associates and
`Forrester, a great online experience is a key contributor to customer
`satisfaction, which improves retention rates.2,3
`The Evolving Consumer…
`90 percent of consumers expect
`online self-service when making a
`purchasing decision.1
`Over 75 percent of customers prefer
`to use self-service.2
`A great online experience is a key
`contributor to customer satisfaction,
`which improves retention rates. 2, 3
`5 Increase agency eiciency. Make the most of your valuable time and resources with
`Let ofer these services to your customers so that you can spend more time growing your business.
`Your business beneits from every timesaving practice you put in place.
`is your customer’s
`source for quick, easy,
`paperless service
`Contact your sales executive today to learn more.
`1 Global State of Multichannel Customer Service Report, 2015
`2 Forrester Survey, The State of Digital Experience Delivery, 2014
`3 J.D. Powers, Insurance Digital Evaluation Study, 2016
`The Travelers Indemnity Company and its property casualty ailiates. One Tower Square, Hartford, CT 06183
`This material is for informational purposes only. All statements herein are subject to the provisions, exclusions and conditions of the applicable policy. For an actual description of all coverages, terms
`and conditions, refer to the insurance policy. Coverages are subject to individual insureds meeting our underwriting qualiications and to state availability.
`© 2017 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved. Travelers and the Travelers Umbrella logo are registered trademarks of The Travelers Indemnity Company in the U.S. and other countries.
`PL-17756-E Rev. 5-17


`Step into the driver’s seat
`For information at your convenience,
`sign up for MyTravelers®


`Make insurance quick & easy with MyTravelers®
`Go online or access MyTravelers® through the Travelers Mobile app to:
`• See your policy information and auto discounts
`• Choose AutoPay to make bill payments efortless
`• Check the status of a claim
`• View your insurance cards
`Download the Travelers Mobile app — now with secure Touch ID® sign-in!
`Sign up today at
`It’s fast and easy with your policy number.
`* Touch ID® is a registered trademark of Apple Inc.
`The Travelers Indemnity Company and its property casualty ailiates. One Tower
`Square, Hartford, CT 06183. ©2017 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights
`reserved. Travelers and the Travelers Umbrella logo are registered trademarks of the
`Travelers Indemnity Company in the U.S. and other countries.


`Technology to make your life easier
`Choose AutoPay to make bill payments effortless.
`If you sign up for paperless billing, we can send you automatic
`confirmations and reminders.
`Download the Travelers Mobile app for easy account access
`— now with Touch ID® for secure sign-in!
`Not registered for MyTravelers®?
`• Sign up today with your policy number
`• Take a minute to enroll in AutoPay
`* Touch ID® is a registered trademark of Apple Inc.


`Enjoy 24/7 access with MyTravelers®
`Go online or access MyTravelers® through the Travelers Mobile app to:
`• See your policy information and auto discounts
`• Choose AutoPay to make bill payments efortless
`• Check the status of a claim
`• View your insurance cards
`Download the Travelers Mobile app — now with Touch ID® sign-in!
`Sign up today at
`It’s fast and easy with your policy number.
`The Travelers Indemnity Company and its property casualty ailiates. One Tower Square, Hartford, CT 06183.
`©2017 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved. Travelers and the Travelers Umbrella logo are registered trademarks of the Travelers Indemnity Company in the U.S. and other countries.


`You’ve got more than enough paperwork


`Go paperless and more with MyTravelers®
`Go online or access MyTravelers® through the Travelers Mobile app to:
`• See your policy information
`• Choose AutoPay to make bill payments efortless
`• Find answers to questions using our online help center
`Download the Travelers Mobile app for easy account access
`— now with secure Touch ID® sign-in!
`* Touch ID® is a registered trademark of Apple Inc.
`The Travelers Indemnity Company and its property casualty ailiates. One Tower Square, Hartford, CT 06183.
`© 2017 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved. Travelers and the Travelers Umbrella logo are
`registered trademarks of The Travelers Indemnity Company in the U.S. and other countries.
`Sign up today!
`It’s fast and easy with your
`policy number.


`I Wfiavcms | Hap : LWOtrt
`Find it Fast ‘J
` flmfiali I’w Fmaflnd II} uncanny can-Ida
`Video: MyTravelers® — Easy Ciaims
`MyTrauehrsfil makas raponing and reviewing claims easier.
`View ‘."ItJi=IL\
`|. [:Ifir'.l
`m I
`'3 save in famnles


`Find it Fast v
`MY acnvr'r‘r
` mum. n.'- r.-...-.1r:-'-.'-| I.|-=. ! FI|1|'-.-.l_-\'|i'F:--‘a.l--
`Imais I’ve Fmaflud
`Ily nuum candy
`Video: MyTraveters — Insurance Cards
`MyTravefars is an my. online way for summers m am their auto insurance card.
`m VIE‘IN Vldé‘ll Lilianl
`(+3 save ta farming
`firm Luca! HINGE


`tool kr' tPlus
`| mm | Help
`: Layout
`Find it: Fast \ ’
`Illl-Eh lI.. Ila-LE |'||I'
`.'.1.r\ |
`Materials I’ve Fmatlud
`My Activity Cinder
`Focus on retention by sending this eoerd to existing :uston'lers not already signed uo for Paperless.
`m L
`(9 'save to favorites
`View ECHIUIJlnaIy
`Go Paperless With Travelers.
`Did you knmv you can now View your billing and policy demerits at
`Empty log'on to MyTraveiers'L visit My Profile and select Delivery
`Preferences. Choose the billing accounts and polices you want paperless
`and enjoy theconvenienoe.
`m‘rrgvelere” is now the source tor quick‘ easy and papeness service on
`any device.
`- View policy. hill and claim information
`0 Report an auto. home or boat claim
`- View and print euto lD cerdls}
`' Make a payment
`Don‘t waitl sum for paperless today. Have your policy number or
`billing accou nt number ready.
`Sharon Stockwell
`225 beaonn hill nr
`cl'IeSI-iire. CT 05410


`tool kitPlUS
`MyF'mle | me| Help | Loam
`Find it Fist \f
`III III E' ' PI | l'.
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`Wis I'n Maid IlyAnflvilr cum.
`i M'.‘ '-"|'I|Ii'|
`filial 'r'.-'l HI ':::|
`Video: MyTravete-rs - Breadth of Services
`Mmivalets-dfieia cusaomers al! kinda of ways to em all kindsl'uf time;
`(+3 save to favorites
`m View Vader! Library
` I 33;“,
`u I‘m—I
`' H.
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`man II: In: new Ill:
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`FIT-1W Lugal N‘fixa


`mums? M W . WW I a E W
`Firid'it Fast V
`(Beam to favorites
`eCard: MyTraveIars - Welcome New Businese
`Send oul this relationahlp building ecerd in all afyaurTrawleta new madness.- Promotes the value you prmdde es en
`indapamiant agent tie-wall as the termite at MyTravelarsmm.
`m View etiard LIlIruIV
`------—Q a
`PoliCy service at your fingertips.
`Welcome to our agency! As an independent agent, we pride ourselves on
`exceptional se‘wice. Which is why. as a new customer to Travelers. we urge
`you to take advantage of the benefits at
`Access your account whenever. wherever you want.
`- View penny. bill and claim information
`. Report an auto‘ home or boat claim
`- View. download and prlnl inaurance cams}
`. Make a payment
`. Sign up for paperless
`Don‘t wait! m today! Haveyour policy number or billing account
`number ready.
`Again. thank you for putting your trust in our agency and do not hesitate to
`onnlacl us at any time.
`Sharon 51ml]
`£5 beacon hill dr
`cheshlra. CT 064m
`rut-r:Fr Legal Nukes


`Title: MyTraveiers for Business | Traveiers Insurance
`URL: https:f;‘www.traveiers.cornfsrnall-business-insurancefmytraveiers
`Forlnvestors T
` i
`‘ Q i
`Home {Small Business ! MyTravelers for Business
`a..- _1
`Online self service solutions for'sméllfi
`MyTrave/ers‘g' for Business
`MyTraveters for Business supports small business policy holders. This onllne service offers a fast
`and easy way to manage all your Travelers small business policies and billing accounts from one
`secure location. It provides a variety of convenient self—service capabilities.
`|Cnce logged in, you will be able to:
`:- Check you coverage
`i view and pay your bill
`i view billing and payment history
`i Report a claim or check a claim status
`1' Access our proprietary risk management tools and resources
`1' Complete and review annual premium audits
`1' Link and view multiple accounts
`1' Cbtain certificates of insurance in real time"
`Find Solutions
`Discover products by industry:
`Small Business
`Select your Business
`Find Solutions
`ee an
`ZIP C d
`o e
`" F 1
`li'iL an den
`Not a customer, but need proof of
`insurance for one of our customers?
`Request proof of insurance using our oniine
`See what IvlyTravelers for Business can do for your small business.
`Register Today
`'Certffioates that resuft in poir'oy changes or require review may take longer.
`For Agents
`Agent Website
`Become an Agent
`Find an Agent
`Get the personal service and attention that an agent provides.
`Find an Agent
`S sets The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved.
`'3 V in
`Pnooucrs a sERvICEs
`For individuals
`For Business
`Ciaim Services
`Prepare Si Prevent
`oua company
`About Travelers
`Customer Support
`For Agents
`Terms of Service
`Privacy St Security
`Producer Compensation Disclosure
`The Traveiers Indemnity Company and its property casualty affiliates. Dne Tower Square. Hartford. CT £36183
`This material does not amend. or otherwise affect. the provisions or coverages of any insurance policy or bond issued by Travelers. It is not a representation that coverage does or does not exist for any particular claim or loss under any
`such policy or bond. Coverage depends on theiacts and circumstances involved in the claim or loss. all applicable policy or bond provisions, and any applicable law. Availability of coverage referenced in this document can depend on
`underwriting qualifications and state regulations.
`All rights resented. Travelers and the Travelers Umbrella logo are registered trademarks ofThe Travelers Indemnity Company in the U.S. and other countries.
`MyTraveiers for Business | Travelers Insurance


`or USIness
`Convenient online access. Anytime, anywhere.
`MyTravelers® for Business is an enhanced online experience that provides convenient self-service
`capabilities for your customers that can also benefit your agency. Benefits include:
`The convenience and efficiency MyTravelers delivers to your customers
`will reduce some of your day-to-day administrative tasks. That means
`you’ll have more time to grow your book of business and focus on your
`Your customers need to get information when it’s convenient for them.
`With MyTravelers, your customers will have access to the services they
`need — even when your office is closed.
`cusmmers coverage needs'
`Your customers will experience a consolidated and simplified registration
`process for MyTravelers, e—Pay, Premium Audit and Risk Control.
`According to JD. Power & Associates and Forrester, a great online
`experience is a key contributor to customer satisfaction, which improves
`retention rates}2
`CUStomers W'” be able to;
`- Check coverage for all policies associated with an account.
`0 Obtain copies of policy documents.
`- View and pay a bill.
`. View billing and payment history.
`- Print auto ID cards.
`- Access proprietary risk management tools and resources.
`0 Report or check the status of a claim.
`- Complete or review the status of annual premium audits.
`fin rn inr
`Obta C8 t cates 0
`SU a CE
`ea t
`*Certificates that result in policy changes or require review may take longer.
`Online self-service has become increasingly important to all consumers,
`including business owners. More than 90 percent of consumers expect
`online self-service options when making a purchasing decision.3
`Encourage your small business customers to register
`for MyTravelers today so they can manage their accounts
`on their terms.
`Over 75% of customers prefer to use
`'Forrcster Suwey, The State of Digital Experience Delivery, 2014
`MD Powers, Insurance Digital Evaluation Study, 2016
`3Global State of Multichannel Customer Service Report, 2015
`It’s better under the umbrella®
`The Travelers Indemnity Company and its property casualty affiliates. One Tower Square, Hartford, CT 06183
`This material does not amend, or othenlvise affect, the provisions or coverages of any insurance policy or bond issued by Travelers. It is not a representation that coverage does or does not exist for any particular claim or loss under any such policy or bond.
`Coverage depends on the facts and circumstances involved in the claim or loss, all applicable policy or bond provisions, and any applicable law. Availability of coverage referenced in this document can depend on underwriting qualifications and state regulations.
`(C? 70152 The Travelers lnrlemnitv Cnmnanv All rights reserved. Travelers and the Travelers Umbrella loan are registered trademarks ofThe Travelers lnrlemnitv Cnmnanv in the U S and other muntries RSI SSIXX‘A-D New E1-11»?


`Convenient online access. Anytime, anywhere.
`As a small business owner, your business hours are often spent taking care of customers — which
`can leave you with after hours for taking care of your business. You need access to information
`and services when the time is right for you. MyTraveIers® is ready when you are.
`MyTraveIers provides convenient online access - so you can
`It’s easy to register!
`If you haven’t registered yet, please take a quick
`moment to create your MyTraveIers profile so we
`can customize your experience to fit your business.
`Have your Travelers policy number handy and follow
`these Simple Step5:
`manage your business insurance account on your schedule.
`Once logged into MyTraveIers, you’ll see a consolidated view
`of your Travelers policies and billing accounts. You’ll also find a
`wide variety of options to:
`. Check your coverage.
`. View and pay your bill.
`' View billing and payment history.
`. Report a claim or check a claim status.
`- Access proprietary risk management tools and resources.
`. Complete and review annual premium audits.
`' L'nk and V'ef’ multiple accounts.
`. Obtain certificates of Insurance In real time.’t
`. And more
`Best of all, MyTraveIers is available anytime, anywhere.
`*Certificates that result in policy chan es or require review may take Ion er.
`1. Go to
`“mllB in
`C case S a
`us ess Se
`“Small Business.”
`3. Enter your Travelers policy number.
`stedu de
`4. Create your MyTraveIers profile.
`If you need assistance registering, please contact
`Travelers Technical Support at 844.505.7208.
`Thank you for choosmg Travelers.
`It’s better under the umbrella®
`The Travelers Indemnity Company and its property casualty affiliates. One Tower Square, Hartford, CT 06183
`This material does not amend, or otherwise affect, the provisions or coverages of any insurance policy or bond issued by Travelers. It is not a representation that coverage does or does not exist for any particular
`claim or loss under any such policy or bond. Coverage depends on the facts and circumstances involved in the claim or loss, all applicable policy or bond provisions, and any applicable law. Availability of coverage
`referenced in this document can depend on underwriting qualifications and state regulations.
`© 2018 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved. Travelers and the Travelers Umbrella logo are registered trademarks of The Travelers Indemnity Company in the U5. and other countries.
`RCI CC nnrizn DAV lL152


`TRAVELERsfl‘ M More I mm | mi:
`| m
`Find itFast V
`..:I mm. H.
`|I.'..I|_l«I-'|'l ||'-
`iII;l:-.|.u\ll I-:u'.|
`MY mm .‘-.H.'-.I
`'r.:'| HI -.-..I. I'
`-:-i.:u.:-I r-
` WIBMW Hymnal-Mil!
`6} save to favorites
`eCard: MyTrawlersoom "An Easy Way to Interact with Travelers”
`From self service to your customers for things like viowing policy and billing information. reporting a claim. printing auto ID
`-o'ard(s) and more.
`m View eQarrl Library
`Travelers Offers ”Self-Service at Your
`Fingertips with a Mobile App and
`Create yourW profile to access your account whenever.
`wherever you want.
`0 View policy. bill and oralm Infon'nafion
`. Repon an aura. home or boat claim
`° View and prlnt auto ID card(s}
`- Make a payment
`0 Sign up for paperless
`WTraveiers i'srlow the souroel'or quick. easy'and paperless service on any
`Don't wait! mm. Have your policy number or billing account
`number ready.
`Sharon Stu-chm”
`225 beacon hill dr
`chesnlre. or 05410
`ram-.2- Loegal Markus


`Access your Travelers account with MyTravelers®
`Travelers is doing business your way. MyTravelers® is now your source for quick, easy paperless service on any device.
`Access your Travelers personal insurance account anywhere any time. Sign up today.
`MyTravelers®, you can:
`View policy, bill and claim information
`Report an auto, home or boat claim
`Pay your bill
`View and print your auto ID card(s)
`It’s easy
`Go to
`Register for MyTravelers®
`Complete the requested information
`(Be sure to have your Travelers policy number on hand for reference)
`Pay your bill online
`MyTravelers®, you can enjoy the convenience of viewing and paying your
`bill online. You can also view billing details and access past billing activity.
`Access information about your claim
`The information you need is at your ingertips.
`MyTravelers®, you can:
`When you log in to
`Check the status of an existing claim
`Report a new claim
`Visit MyTravelers® for convenient access
`to our online services
`• Pay your bill
`• Enroll in one of our automatic payment plans
`• Check the status of an existing claim
`• Report a new claim
`• View your billing activity, payment details and
`policy information
`• Locate a repair shop
`• Find answers to your questions 365 days a year
`The Travelers Indemnity Company and its property casualty ailiates. One Tower Square, Hartford, CT 06183
`This material is for informational purposes only. All statements herein are subject to the provisions, exclusions and conditions of the applicable policy. For an actual description of all coverages,
`terms and conditions, refer to the insurance policy. Coverages are subject to individual insureds meeting our underwriting qualiications and to state availability.
`© 2017 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved. Travelers and the Travelers Umbrella logo are registered trademarks of The Travelers Indemnity Company in the U.S. and other countries.
`PL-12176-eb Rev. 5-17


`Why eBill? Instant Communication about key billing activity
`Enrolling customers in eBill is fast,
`easy and you don’t have to worry
`about issues with the mail causing
`payment or policy interruptions.
`Lost, stolen or delayed mail can lead
`to delayed or missed payments, late
`charges, cancellation notices, potential
`stolen identity and frustration.
`· Mail delays spiked in 2015 after the
`USPS closed 141 facilities as part of
`consolidation plan to “right-size” its
`operations and workforce.1
`· According to the Federal Trade
`Commission, in 2016, approximately
`400,000 Americans had their mail
`and their identities stolen.2
`Why take the risk? Sign up for eBill
`on MyTravelers today.
`MyTravelers® keeps customer policy, billing preferences and payment
`information all in one place, 24/7.
`Prevent dropped policies. It’s easy to switch customers to eBill
`on MyTravelers.
`Step 1 – The customer visits MyTravelers either by downloading the Travelers Mobile App
`OR visiting the website.
`Step 2 – They click on “Proile” and select “Delivery Preferences” and enroll in Paperless
`Delivery of Billing or Policy Documents.
`Step 3 – Paying their bill couldn’t be easier. They will receive an email with their information
`20 days before the due date. They simply click on the “View and Pay Bill” button and
`are routed to MyTravelers to make their payment.
`MyTravelers eBill ...
`Mobile steps:
`Talking Points
`• “Travelers ofers paperless delivery for billing and policy documents. Do you like to
`do paperless bills?”
` “Is this the email you would like to receive your bill and policy documents”
`• “Welcome to paperless! Travelers will send you an invitation to consent and enroll
`in paperless delivery of your policy documents and future bills. Just to conirm your
`email address is…”
`2 – Is Your Mailbox a Lure for Identity Theft?
`The Travelers Indemnity Company and its property casualty ailiates. One Tower Square, Hartford, CT 06183
`© 2018 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved. Travelers and the Travelers Umbrella logo are registered trademarks of The Travelers Indemnity Company in the U.S. and other countries.
`PL-18266-a New 6-18


`Why eBill? It can improve irst-year retention by 1pt*
`Enrolling in eBill is fast and easy
`and can help prevent unintended
`cancellations and late payments
`due to forgetting to pay your bill.
`Lost, stolen or delayed mail can lead
`to delayed or missed payments, which
`can cause late charges, cancellation
`notices and frustration.
`· Mail delays spiked in 2015 after the
`USPS closed 141 facilities as part of
`consolidation plan to “right-size” its
`operations and workforce.1
`· According to the Federal Trade
`Commission, in 2016, approximately
`400,000 Americans had their mail
`and their identities stolen.2
`Why take the risk? Sign up for eBill
`on MyTravelers today.
`MyTravelers® keeps customer policy and billing delivery preferences,
`payment information and documents all in one place, 24/7.
`Help new business retention. It’s easy to invite your customers
`to enroll.
`Step 1 – Ensure during New Business Purchase that the CSRs are aware that their
` policy setting will default to paperless already. They can change if needed.
`Step 2 – Fill in the customer’s email address.
`Step 3 – Inform the customer that they will be invited (via email) to register for
`MyTravelers and conirm their paperless preference for billing and policy.
`MyTravelers eBill... QH2.0 System View
`Selecting the Paperless Option
`Enter customer email. The customer's
`policies will already be defaulted to Yes for
`the paperless delivery option. Your customer
`will be sent an email where they conirm their
`consent for paperless delivery. MyTravelers
`allows them to update or customize their
`preferences at any time.
`Talking Points
`“ Is this the email where you would like to receive your bill and policy document notiications?
`Messaging provides instructions on
`information the agent should remind and
`provide the customer.
`Set the expectations...
`Inform the customer they need to enroll
`and consent in MyTravelers within 3 days
`or policy documents will be sent via US mail
`in 7 to 10 days.
`• A separate email will notify the customer
`their documents are ready to view.
`• Billing notices will come electronically in
`the email provided by the customer.
`*Travelers 2017 PI Business Analytics & PI R&D
`2 – Is Your
`Mailbox a Lure for Identity Theft?
`The Travelers Indemnity Company and its property casualty ailiates. One Tower Square, Hartford, CT 06183
`© 2018 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved. Travelers and the Travelers Umbrella logo are registered trademarks of The Travelers Indemnity Company in the U.S. and other countries.
`PL-18266-b Rev. 7-18


`Why eBill? It can improve irst-year retention by 1pt*
`Enrolling in eBill is fast and easy
`and can help prevent unintended
`cancellations and late payments
`due to forgetting to pay your bill.
`Lost, stolen or delayed mail can lead
`to delayed or missed payments, which
`can cause late charges, cancellation
`notices and frustration.
`· Mail delays spiked in 2015 after the
`USPS closed 141 facilities as part of
`consolidation plan to “right-size” its
`operations and workforce.1
`· According to the Federal Trade
`Commission, in 2016, approximately
`400,000 Americans had their mail
`and their identities stolen.2
`Why take the risk? Sign up for eBill
`on MyTravelers today.
`MyTravelers® keeps customer policy and billing delivery preferences,
`payment information and documents all in one place, 24/7.
`Help new business retention. It’s easy to invite your
`customers to enroll.
`Step 1 – Ensure during New Business Purchase that the CSRs are aware that their
`policy setting will default to paperless. They can change if needed.
`Step 2 – Fill in the customer’s email address.
`Step 3 – Inform the customer that they will be invited (via email) to register for
`MyTravelers and conirm their paperless preference for billing and policies.
`MyTravelers eBill ... Non-QH2 System View
`Selecting the Paperless Option
`Enter customer email. The customer’s
`policies will already be defaulted to
`“Yes” for the paperless delivery option.
`Your customer will be sent an email
`where they conirm their consent for
`paperless delivery. MyTravelers allows
`them to update or customize their
`preferences at any time.
`Talking Points
`“Would you like to receive your
`bills and policy document
`notiications at this email address?”
`Messaging provides instructions on
`information the agent should remind
`and provide the customer.
`Set the expectations ...
`Inform the customer that they need to
`enroll and consent in MyTravelers within
`3 days or policy documents will be sent
`via U.S. mail in 7 to 10 days.
`• A separate email will notify the customer
`that their documents are ready to view.
`• Billing notices will come electronically
`in the email provided by the customer.
`*Travelers 2017 PI Business Analytics & PI R&D
`2 – Is Your Mailbox a Lure for Identity Theft?
`The Travelers Indemnity Company and its property casualty ailiates. One Tower Square, Hartford, CT 06183
`© 2018 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved. Travelers and the Travelers Umbrella logo are registered trademarks of The Travelers Indemnity Company

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