`ESTTA Tracking number:
`Filing date:
`Richardson/Yale Property Trust
`NEW YORK, NY 10022
`Motion to Dismiss - Rule 12(b)
`Elliot S. Blair, Esq.
`darkofthemoon.pdf ( 62 pages )(6197695 bytes )
`Filer's Name
`Filer's e-mail
`t'he11;a‘1i_li:erfl.fEI'a(IeJfi1£aIj1£;ap1j]j.qatim3 Saris] No; ?85I4i.U‘_53‘6~
`marl; “Dark QT the-'Mmn"’
`Pubfislied in fl1e0rig'1'nalA Gazetize :on‘August 3D,‘.20171.
`R1;harc1sun[¥a1e-Praprerty 'Er‘ust
`Ease No.:-9120401 1
`T‘ on -1-''{} A1=PmcAHT:sMnT1muiaD1sMIss¥
`an Februaryz 3, 2;01‘.2,'the K1uhard&on.p(a1a;Prope'rty Ttust (opp:-se;r1).filed Natice of
`opp_osition=_to App.t1ca_nt:s’%
`trademark: ap1::élit:ari‘c:n% [§Ser_i_a'l Na. 35; I4%063%6)~=fifle%-ging flmt
`work. -f:J,1;1’noss2z*"s "play and =$ut:t':e'5s.ftiI th_e:a.tr1‘;r:zIl%;I1r:;-cl);n't:fitm, titled ‘-'-‘lfiark 0:1." the
`.eg'tabfi$h:e}d, and has .ean'hin'uuusI;’_y been used and expleited and
`-rem'a'ias-in use: '[A.ttac:he.das Exhibimis E1__j::p.I1:§er.'SNotice'Qf'011poSifipr1wfth
`2 and
`I..‘haret9;._ jln 'fiuTth!élianCB'=théfeflfi adiiEfiD.!3_'flI E-.x.h1ihirs_.- se-.t fofifxin P.w“:agraph
`are annexed Herein .] Further. Qppasar a11;e;g@s% that “Dark affine Mon-n_”%.%
`a wen known ‘play Whidh; has
`.secq-ndaw m§ani‘r1g tiazrongl: its longsfa:r:c.ifi;x:g*
`-' ;Appfica_nr1_a1::e1a_d 'f_1;_t£_%‘j.[_“f1‘1'Q_ijL'l))ii_
`TJ115~R_::spLo'n.S_e wlill refer to: Anplicahrs
`"'0pI:tesci’$‘“Miifici11 F0
`ia5;"?Oppu§ar’s;Mofi-on to Dismiss.“
`tsfilimitxed an March
`to d1.s;n:i:ss as. “Afinficénfs Mdfiem 3% IIi==imTis='4"‘-and Hm as
`.qqp__Et_ng1o_u5 _[_‘Ln excess.-.ofsixty-flue _[65]_ years], use .an.d.e:;pI0*itiaitiu]I1.
`fi£:[i:iiti'r§!l1aIJ_3F. Tflppfiser
`alleges‘ that me registrafi-fin ‘of Ap'p1ica'u€s': “mark .of%tt:m.-A M._oan"’ marl: by Hasbro will cau.se~
`-aimunn 1:0‘ .0]:pos.c_+;.r's marl;
`‘cause. substantial r_:91:£.usi:nn
`to-* file sartree of .Gt_m.os.er"s
`ggmrcisé andfor ;$‘ervic-23.. and demonstmtes a bad faith ieffiwrt -an ‘the p.'ai"t of
`A13pflEanft1n.us1qg'G-ppbsblrfs mark in camfrm-2-I.‘cé; AppIitani’tf1IEti.a mDt.Ton_ifiU. dismiss onMEa_rc11
`'2 21, 26121. "I'l1'1s.Méui£iI!a11d.tI'in 1s.m‘(Jp1;_as1‘tion to ':$p];iIit:'a.I_1.t_’s*I\1['ti1:‘i1II tfi D-i_‘$mis's«,
`Applicant n1.-.m;~d.to 1:fis1_'I'fi$s rhe:Opposarfs (ipp:osit'i‘tmn uuclermzl. R£.Iiffiv, P, 12 [_t;1(r«5j: for
`Eaaiureta Sfateas alaixfi up'on.whicI5 reIi_e_ffca-nzbe-granApplitanfis-M 0-tinn toflliismiss
`hafihfgf that O_p_p'ofse't_"'S
`fare Ii-mited' 'aul;‘I-we "issue that Fegi-St1'3fi0fl' "will .d'.iII31”tE~ .01"
`-Eauseaa ;Iike‘Ii]1m3d.ef‘eonsua1er-can-fL1eSion"T.. A'ppJicanrE'm its \M.o_fiii:1'11 tel
`IITlIl'f.C!|3 llfliififir
`e0r£lfiI1IIe'5, "...11::-t1%atIéji11i:1r1£.1:ight$adIJ!E:1‘€:
`tc~;tI::e tithe _c:>.'fa-p.!ayy -E ‘ifipnciser Ebere.!a%re hasm
`pr:io;‘r_ty over fflasb£I.1«‘i11cl_nq E;-agis Eorasserfiing harm From Has.bro’s‘re_g-istzmtibn mf-tra-de-m'€t'1"k
`r’i-g"l1I;$'i:'1f 'I}ar1<_ the Moon‘? The ~App‘1-‘ica.I3t's I'-es.ta'£:eme1af'o:f-’ fac:'ts 'Ei11*lCl'l1Jss=:$S.-
`by the Gppo=ser,»ax-'e=:;i.istf1r1:e*d andgglamglyabhreiziatiacl e_Ap'pliz:an_t:’-s recifaifnf
`re:-;iuced_=:ans: éI:1nin?isI1e_d%
`facts: and uses a1mearing'in% the T0pP9sef'fi
`E_‘fl|_:_:_l;'i"t:e ()f7(;J_]_;p[_J_t;)§i1_;if_111 amdattaclwed tllelzetms in additifila,¥§pp'111:ant’-s_rc21I&I:Li:»t3‘Lifc’ai=s1€5
`[aw is inaceu-r°ate'aad diétiriguisfllablfi.
`:_'-¥._§_3_;}:u_l_Ti§l=;'L‘t':'1r”~;'; c01;r_11'f1'?BI-fI1.’f."§
`arezextremelgz brie F-and fail to recitelur-inelud'e
`-aflfl 'prit_:;:r‘use
`-(if the M0.‘0Fl_" ‘Whieh are 'uncurp0.rai2e‘d iii the?
`Nmi-ce .o'fGp13tis;];_i;jr_r_1_ and
`EX'fihjhim~.attached'Ehef‘et0~_[andEiippIéi:i1i=:nfef1 by E3'11fl.“fitS.l1st£§d
`in‘ in
`Ilppasefis-“well-pleadefil ;a.11eg-moms‘ must fbe tafideptxid -‘a1sItru£*;.:anidjt11.&_'
`-camplajmmustbeaconsuued aniciin Ta Iightmnst 't%v-\ora.1i1e:rto" 0ppgée.r.. Eiar_Grng_gAutamobi1e
`M -794
`1111,. 1112
`2'0‘I0),; ;:I_eaI_‘Ljr.s‘mijes a claim far wh-ich relief
`may be.g1'an1;efl;5pu'r§u_ay,t :59; the; Fedeta] Rules of Civil Pr_oc_edum%-and iflié faerI;s_-a»s5?£::1*técI| by
`0;pp_o:;:e_r.ir1.fJ_pp.o.se;r'sNgq'1_jr:e:01’a=ppa_su':i:;m plainly meal .Opp'0se1l"§" tm1:ntza1:1.on.pf '*'1:vark=.oF:ti_1e;
`Mama," :3‘ mark made famoust1rroughit$'c;§ufifiu.uu.s egplnitafiian Lhfi_ou@ ui:;u't the IJI_mite.t!%$t:at.e~s
`and iii!
`that the title "Dark mffine M0911" has "est-a'b1iSh7e_ii
`'§e_i:Q11'*d;_1f'3_i ;T1_i_1;e'a_]gj1:_-._g,‘ whic_h:a]lews*the mawk to-acqmréesémbruser sfl‘IatuS~re’gaa‘dlES'$‘Df Vf.'e-'£'1.ErZ~Il
`registra_fi'_nn. Oppeser’:-S marl}: has "been used=i11 commerce
`the |lllJ_J_1I1it£:drSraUEs:Sfi11c§i zabsout
`1-945'whe‘J3 the theauiral.-stage producfimi — prnfluaedjby Me-assrss Shubert Enmbably one of-or
`L'.In‘[’t‘.-ed Stateii, miitfafly;
`fl‘1'¢.ffi':u:‘Jst prqminefi:_andia:~ma;1jj1g ¢11-_e;a_m«;a1 stage: prod'.u1-tiers‘ in
`ppaged 9):: adwayand performedfor;ten;[_:1:o)monthsi;N.o1i¢euE;i3pp'osiuot;1_]f I:l_:c_iw;=;ver;
`Appi ieaa:"s%abbre:«1*a‘u%un. offhe fact: :c.'re;-.ate;a falsti:
`nyin:lufling.thatApp;fi¢ani assefits
`the'heIief:th'at the in1‘tia1.Br¢adway‘.them:-ical ‘St-.a§é‘Pf0d“'€"B'0fl apérned ‘in 1945:am3 ran farka
`fp:3ri1)_¢::,f"te;;1 ‘(1_ojweeks»and I-mt the :1£z1n1aJ;t't:11 (103: macaw. [Ag)11'[|iCanf'js Motion Lt: P}_iS’1fl_i$§;
`‘T Hi F1363 Alleged]?
`Ea€11ibiti3.-attached ta: i;)pp.;Qse1"T ;N¢_:’ti;ce zaiif I:__Ip_pqs_itim-1,; statgs
`faflawing. am_-£9I_1.--g
`'[ern]3hasisa.dd1e.ti]; and '}3rot;eei15fl71 his:
`(5): pagegs.of ghowcase the Oplaesc-=.r’s
`fiqfifinuggs Ijrigfi L153‘ of mar]; = we listed itzemswere in't'end.ed_ta' He oilljla
`-sanjpliiag of the vast ciinfinnous ;aI1d]:I1‘i_t_J'r
`_0_'F the m,3rk_~,; -which aids in -est.'abIis'1i1ngg-a
`dy ‘s,tr'or;g,§e;¢a;1(1=e;1_ry m_ejam'_i pg and distinctivenes-S. Further; réptltéfhleémémfie-Ifs .i¢.':-E
`the ind ushrfiincrl udflng-east,I1iI:e€tars. publi-shirig-,;a11'cI {teem-Singfli p'a't1iés; 1'ncl1.'ifiing«Sanitijé1
`'Fr.e11c11 a11é1Tl*.1e3t:e
`Eoaks. have :cr:‘ficaI1y;aca1;aimed ‘uppcnsems
`diéamcalprodumfiqn, and
`axfpresshy indicateti tIt:at"‘l3?ar_'l_£at Moon" 1135 tzaks,-m-on semn;d.;_-
`BfQ'el§s;a1‘-2 ‘attached l1ereta4asE-Fxh -Bits. B, (3, Band 13.). “Dark
`-Q_Ft_}1e_I\*[q:aIj,." l1hemafl§utilIi'zed 'by5O'.pp'9ser, {raked
`‘EH pJ'b.£ifS, E1333:‘
`'m.ea.n1:n_g,;wh'mi1 a'Stiablish5é.saeuLQr'-user pIiQrify.9vEr
`-?juu'it::r.t_:_ser, and as there:
`i~s.a.~$I1fiwfng.by C¥_P[1.I§!SET'Ofé1‘dit’f:CIQt)1i1II1€TCiil‘1 iute.re,s:.whia_'l1sa. i
`the “real iIi_teresr'-’ iraepsiz
`-94-3,945,s5 usmiq Ed 134'2,;=1-8424-[F;é;i..Ci.1‘-; 2003).
`Id at-‘l 161, :citing Cu_nni-n
`am- ; gaser VG‘a1ffCo -_
`._-32.22 ‘£"=.3td
`s«howApp1i;:ax.11:’s regfilstratipn ofthe:ir-appiied—fo-rWald d-illxte file l‘fl3:I’K_9'f
`-ufizgnfugi-an. Nohflifllstanéing, Apiplic-ant's assertion that H-0
`magma-rk rights adhere to meme era pm; thelawis snfficiantly ti1=:if"iI11é=tftJ&.ofa p.1_1ay
`.i:s..-s:'ubj_ecrt:sownership, mid 1.ig§h_t.ir1‘itii?fs escablishefi bygronf‘.t:I.f1_’1IS'£:.!r':1£_iT/*e.I'ti§:1'iI3g:;I:111!:’I€i‘ the.
`a11tI1oI.1_".E1 it is no1_-T .
`a -
`e-mark _at1_d
`nfit a t1:ade'-:-name."','.oh-nston 'l.!—. Twentieth
`, 1'-a-7% R2-d M4, 483: _E_Ca'l. (:1; -App. -1947); [e;:§phas:s.addedj.
`.sflFF”IuENT1..YsTATEsA 4
`PuVs:Lf2ihf_tO.t¥1:p1iC£t11t?S‘3S$TEfi!iDItSTiI1fit§5I\'1*?fi0fi to. Dismiss? p1msH*°" ---nmd on I3!-alll
`aw.-e'h facts as -wauld. ifprovcsiil,
`_']3m.c'ee.diI1g§,..aI1d .[‘2j'-aAv.aIicI_ f_g1‘D.Llfii1d‘
`F0r'o1;p9sing tbs:
`_[_oppam*hjg H'asbrc-='s
` “_ DISIIHSSA - _ dards ‘far; agplicanon fur registrafiom].
`’ otii‘JIi._tE1r
`tomaéjiiesfi .A.-v.\Irac._M
`Dismiss-fl[J1I.z!L_.] [qu_nti1:g_E1atGra_u Au
`E-‘ISEQ?d "1111, 1_J.-I 2 [TTA’Bj 201(1)]. Using Fiat" 'ar1’d‘_t.'aICii1.g
`Appliznfis st-2"1e6l:i've inelusians .01‘ libel-actual fam: and '.use§, -Oppbsérlhafi
`;a "W311
`:a_pn'fic;atia,n ffe:r.re.gi,sttrario1:L
`AppTiVcantappea1-‘s.to canfinually relyVup:m1 ‘In
`Eoogezrj, 25.31». F; 2:5! 6;1'1'[CCPIA.-1-952:3],
`Herbka Inter-n. _ Iirn-".—.. ::r._Ka' Ta Books; Inez; 308 F. 3:1. 1l56:[F;edL fi2i1‘».é20_U2]:a;nd an Rel?-as'.thu'E,-"T
`443 Etsp-Q 2cL.:2.'o.11
`1933?]. EC: e;s1~at:1ii:s1: that
`mpctzgn a_sh@wing7nf.jsécond;;i_*y 'rn'eami-ring
`=re'gi$ter .the fl'k;1§'e <11’ .a -t2‘-lay an the Prinsii-pal or Tfiupnlemenial
`AppTIiMn.t, }I9wever,seems tn .disne'ga:rd t.heifact=th'ai an ;seam;h-aafiflae USP-TfJ.g0VTES‘S< Database
`‘reveals that flaeamttéi p'nod_m:::uun tTfle's which, t.111't_1‘.t.=._'1n‘»"=!::1;.'-pIir:.4'1',1:tJ%€‘s.:: fntfejrptietzaltitsn sgzrge singiig
`wt-tits; inéluniing
`{Reg Na» -39-95§3SJ~% am ‘Dim: By Presents; The Imm
`‘gmfadway-' Musical [Regi Ne); 21.1361 21], have receivefl federral LTa£¥El:fifl']'k Eegififrfafidn
`iprotecum. »;5.'ppIjca11.t pélying ‘rupbfi
`which cites
`-s21fehar"£:czn?iin'th'ei :c:c.:»-:1r:e;p.t'::I12:airc iiref
`nfarbqnk xgitle E5 equally: apyilitablrz to‘ «the
`I1f1:_lB-tT3f..*.1'I_i1_rE,* thE_at_1_‘ifit:a1_ ]I)I"l‘§_C['l_J.(-‘.‘li_EI]El'~. [n.~RePasfhuma T45 U..S‘.P.Q.’2d 201 1, 2-7013.‘ [Trademark Tr.
`3: App. Ed. 1993}. 1.1: i-snot disputed‘1th2:if.t1:ie '.Op']1m3e:r has not :'*i*=I.-:g'\lfS't,3.=.frl'I.E2_i1 "'Dar1-_c ‘Of I119 Mi3C0§l1."
`wfiiclj eiratzmstance is ‘glisfiiigtfishiihlei mm ztlie i;:;s.ue's rfiififijd it: Prmfmni-cc antl%m:;;e_r< .a'n_:l
`.cit_:efl byAppLiC3Iit
`lnuadtfjjipni Applzic-an_t-,_~ in itswlofion to 'D'i§nu'ss [at '1] 1III;B._, 3:rage3]_. relies upan
`_tha“t"[ti_flE _'o.‘f-smgle "isL.i:1‘9I_ n‘r:;:gis.r_:n‘~i.s;n_I::1e~%v‘:a.:1, either‘|i1ie ?ri_n-t::ipa1Z Register. ar Si,1_DI31%m‘.eI1taI‘
`Fgggi.g_1_3r'-’_]F, but-whi-ch a_re;‘disti;1ggn'g5ha}31eand I1_o1=_¢1ispn.s[i:ive1n'tl1e instant matter. Oppos-ar's
`'.b_a‘s.;_e_d an Lhésec,-zmd‘ ;, _1_ d_oct:.I'iu.e and. wIIe~timrT Elm We *9‘ r‘e.gi-Stra'131e Mes mt.
`in any case- cited.
`thé~A1jp1ii?an;t, negate t*J1e~ prior _'rri_gl_1t§ in _ti_1.flej
`achieved .a
`ae'.canda.Ty% rm-"a'I1[i;::_n_g..~
`The prim-1:'ip:leS=.s€Ltff).FtjJ
`'i:1f:ah.- r n‘ v.
`C‘entw * fbx Fifhj Cn'1"__‘ - _:L8_7P._.:‘:.?_;d :474,
`-433 [Cal-iCt App; 1-9473 express. fi1e%dac’afin%e-flfsecfinflajrfi mémfmg.
`Iezctanfis is catch
`phrases am slogans; The -cam i-_I1_[fl_hnst‘m_1 asserted :tfi:;'a?c "the ti-1;i.l‘e .03? a play is --subiiect tin
`gwne_rsJ:ip,,a;;a -right; in iti-5=.establ§j's1ri;ef_1_1AJ3I prt;%o_fcf ,u_se‘,_,at‘.i_verti_sing under tbs? tifle.-although
`mat-reglis-te1:ed‘as 'a
`_i5_T;1.E:1f ;%1 |Erade«name;"
`gravamen-ofiitsn1an1::s=is1€3pposer::da.'e:s net-seak to
`its tn;ai‘-k=-amid wheth;eritis-mark
`is tapabhagfbeing r‘§.§gi§te_re'd ismt tlzeissfue. -c:ant:rariwise%tfi_e: Opp-a'ser-'9 Dpp.osifiirm'is«basefl%
`.up“cin‘ 1_:1_1j¢ rigiztriwxe ofsecaridaxy
`which i;s;a.1;.d slmuld marble driscomtezi :2: fiiiminisheq
`byan issue i11VuIiiIfl_g~f&e{gi5UT3hi1Tfi;y4
`Altliaugfh IhB;;'CiT§'DfIlQst;ances ma 'r.eh'eE are diJs;fi:iTmguis_'hab1e from
`cum"e?I‘1t'r3'12‘at1Ie¥t. in
`gwv-Gen-er_a1 him Go. 1:54 ms 98.8'[1915j%) tine.
`prflminenfly stated atpage; 9.89::-"‘TI.1:e
`}p‘lf,ii'1;1_11_i'ffs;}1;:;ve .estab-fished
`*ciCt1Iiil‘Et13E!i’E '$X_'t§I1Isi\£e ;pr_apr-ie1;ar_§z
`as-;.%a‘ _ti'afiIé}—'nan_1_eaJ;d
`Erade4tx1‘a'1‘-"I12" in thFe' W'Of1‘1iSI ‘ii-5 FOGQBI There
`.‘:1s~.a tifle in GflI1_I1BC.-Tliiflli
`play, andtliéy
`{z’1_1*»’aggr:‘1jQt;I1'=;d 1:_'o‘_ pgrprxganent injumztien
`del_"E_r_1da3j\: frmsu the eonfinmailcé Qf'tI1.E
`impaiumelht of f_h»eij1'_- riglut
`a.t_n-d so .‘such .'tradia~m:n‘l«: or tcade-n3m.e,"
`The Applitiar1‘t_i.iII its M1:tiosn to ‘Dismiss fir ms. at page :3) [c.i1:ing_
`94 1'.ISI’Q-‘id at
`1 11-4:), a.'.SS_érfs that the Gppa-ser ‘fffo: .dflm_ian claim. Oppose: must have ‘a man1iin%1i$‘e:ifi the
`United states,-arfor w1si.idh'_tf1_efi:.iS 21,1; i=n':e1:1t'r!sz
`:2-he maafikinzflie [3_111“'teC1‘.Stiiif_t3'S fC!3'ti_I3fl.PT€l"*Vi‘i13
`tiqmtiteut-rel-ied 119013 bYi‘3PP11'€éfit
`iii .1‘11'e;'I?;’g.d:ecisi:<:t1:
`-isjgcorporated in agsennfince wliithsegks liq cavaftan underéEamIfii1i_I§Dfit1i¢?ft£=nn "Eammxs-mark'*
`emd i'xi;§Ii£ifi'Le$;.tFJ'a*t.terzil
`the. canmxwz. 91' them.tum:g_«-Tdefimtian; “rm-15,1 in
`it Eirs smted..-
`mar11_<’"is a. ire-fe;ren.e_é 1ro.ajrr'I_aTrit in‘ use in am IJn-ited Sta'te's,\arf-forwhiuth
`were is
`-ij;;_t‘._e,rg,t ta use the -mark in _th:e United .St?£ifit?:'S coupled; with
`apnlicafitm fen‘-
`regisliI~‘a'tiQa”. As-Genstru-cred, the sen‘tence .<-:IeaI"Iy reflefcts twp [2] .ciJifl?e_1‘§{ut phr_a:5'_es siatting
`difienefnt ‘Iii!-‘c'111117staiu:ea.
`plir-eisek areparatgagi ]E1ya;cqa11;11:;J-a-a,11d_E11r_:;wt)1'§;i
`"'0?" the differant ev'en'cs,% (a) at maria: in
`fl:e.~un1r:ed states, and [b]|an intent E0
`u'se~t;he marki-n t11e*!J:1_'ite*.d -Sta;1:e.s coupled with
`eappiicafion _ft)r‘r'egisIfafiDu.
`I11_I:h.e Gurreat matter tlaerezis
`acleq.uate;shuwing'|:I1af"'Dal“k-of Ehe~iM‘_m_3_J:r", _I:_l;1:=,-~;1’1a_1_‘}I;
`.usea‘fby the 'CIppose-r;
`and :u.:o1frtIn;uedus.e:_an:i ii: &:o,nr_oruufty'.o-fuze Tnffial phI?a.se.=
`United Stafc.e$<-.and,- fl1u.$7rmD'nefeIi t_7C.- r‘e.fl«:=::.c_:t u_poin:tI.1e phm-sea; Wldt-J1
`'commfen'tsVupnn;ani11Ttent [i]J“|1he; futttre] to use coupled
`Fmthei; in
`[a‘tf*12:_]_j.~1ti-s rstated, ",fdefini|:..icm -reflecis that marks .can
`cgm-mun%1g»m'ar'm.TgmctIy iI_1''1i!-‘ ;
`us°e_]." '[e_u:ipha:si;s.ac1dsedj. .'a11.d.1['a..I [j"12]fj,.ajt1n_g%'c‘;ie:mh.irz._A
`Ts Nretworim Inc -910% USPQZIL 10-Z2 [TFABE'0D§)‘.F' .£x:art__v may-gtabfish its awn pfiior
`pruprietary r.i.gb.t:; in .21 mark thI~'o<ugl1 ownership -afaa jariar-;r'egistrafit1n, actual M-I1se=arfi=jj1_n;;1_1gh
`use amaliqgnus tn
`Wfii:c[1' ..e1"fe'a1_1:e .a ,puI:im:2arwa:en2ss.--at the-tlesigna-tion as a
`.m_ejparty asa _sour::e]J’1
`‘Ta beioverlyexacfiirg, the Oppaserginflais;
`notattempfingm register
`Assuming argussmgio, _tl'1’e!5,]2I1IiCaI1t’S.ie1it,1‘?él§ii11g1i.i;IRo§t}iuti2a4ahc[@2@havE’ua'adtion,
`the; ‘ram’: here Te1fi1-'_e.«:;r. that ‘Opp i':l‘:s.e1_"s -mark has, IJl1I‘S.?!_1if:1I1t
`I.:c;-‘ =IitifIf1IIiL3n* Jaw use; .achi_ ewgd
`seriztmdarar and that ithas been conruinuauly um} amaljezqilrrjitecl. and a1‘E.uTiend:2..an¥
`-con::e_st finé-atéd
`A_pn1_1canj:,_ in eanneetion wriclin we c)‘ppHus:er*ts'uss: ‘ofthe tifle as having
`.acq::if‘;-ed s.e;conaa;y~:_:;eanjng, at basiz.--is an issu'e.af‘fa'c_:1:T :':hnsmr1»:a'f.814._a
`T113“ Agppfixzant, by 'its‘<:1aiI7i1_s~. W"-.0;1i.lCL
`I15 '15E!it_We
`thexewa-Iea" of-aififlaéwfiiéh is
`not reg1str?a.hli¥3,.i!§iU not he affhnrfdrzd pmtgemzion-_ef his property tights. Bilt.
`33:2 (:o'u__1_".'tiT1
`estahfifihefi the prin'<;‘i1_3Ia3] ‘that -'a title: evgn =t,o :a Plfjalyi
`£:VT£JH’- _n'Cé_d‘
`proper p1—'_o_o_f =regrdIe.ss 915 the:
`‘ ;' 2 ‘ -UF the title-a5 Ea‘ hrad;£:~11i1ar1§._c;r‘.t:*.a;i'e_+na;;:1t_a even If the*t£t1e:wIa5=HB.Lf »n&gi§tered.
`A. Pleagl’-igg_
`the Nfutice ofOpposition I11'€¥Q]JpQSEI‘F¢5¢:a'blished,
`inisgalia, that
`it was j:_]‘1_e: first :9. use the-mark "Hark .o’f1i_h"e Moon? iin'cjqmmg._rc.e_; 0p.paser'smiua.1
`Ln um _1~9'4n'-s, sigui-fi's§an'tljf lung bgfu:-"me Aiiplicant:-dievflflp-ed
`use For the 'r;n'?-.tr'1i.% which was
`cierived "f1-{uni
`"Terminam.r:; "Dark of the Mo'o'II}" ii
`pitfiuliej prpdutzed and
`_Pi”ctm-es from w.‘hi:am‘, up“ infcrmatitm and" ‘belie-fu App!-i‘c.3m
`apquirgdfighps. Oppose? aimestablished that tlige mark has been used iaeoimnneitce silicathe
`f1-Mrs tlar-eugilout fchéz E1ni:t;_eé1‘S1:aEeS. as we" 'territazies.'bm:sidir=;= Lhe.c.'1.Juited $ta1t_e_s. i'r_a«c'.l%
`‘Canada.A!i$TCIT31i§.»EiD§k?I|Fl.:lreland,;Sc0tIé11d, S:o;.u|;l.5
`"Dark of
`Moon" raw-seived -numemus-_aué'l zslgnificant writeup; in magazine-5 and pap.é'Ir'$_ It has 'bE€'n‘
`optic:nejd forxratiaus-subsi.dimj¥1'1g1iltS-11535.‘iJ1C1'l1Cli1§g, MIitb9!1tTii31iEiiii0fl:FI1Dfi'0iT_PiC3i“I€3 fighw
`fi‘1j_1dc:p‘en.dent -pmducers and mvtluu pi'1c'tL'II-‘er-
`EL. E’-‘§1I!‘il.l.'fI.".||J|-1.I'Tl’.E
`Irt appeaxs that App1'ican_t:‘:s
`asserttans -are i(f1-“J QPEUSEF has Jfleacled no Faetthat
`wauld give rise t_c):2,1_ 1:ra'den1_'au'-it
`.1212 the filer? "Dark -of fine Mann"; tfieprlficanfs --M.efion 1:9
`Jnissmiss, 1| IHA1, ami.t;ha't Gpprfii-.=r11ad mat p1e;irde£i0WneTsTfi“19'-GP ‘any; ittfiidiéfliflli [at .11 1113;-{,’]i.
`gpphqam has '[naee:uI'ate]§z clmaccehizeid find, in :a tavafier manner, presented
`ap—pea]i7I§§giI| ‘the 0p1p.ésEi"s Nfltifie Dffippzdsifion and the E_X_1fl:hiiE3VTaA‘ttach-efl Vlgheretn. Appli-ca-nt
`.fajl_'sIt'i3 pfgffigr§]_1']'y gvitiengergfintpagy tg (_§.f3p:’(1_5$-'l‘;'.__j"EI.‘§‘;,$'tT‘,!_'I‘1Ei.E:i]‘.IS‘ regard?ir1g"‘Da[rkdf.thje M-nan”iz«:i_'I1.;t_i
`its: logg
`use, but :2. review efIQ‘]J1;)_’£3fi'.§s‘-;*1“S Nfifité Of LOp1Jf!Si1:1C)fi;
`a ttached the-Feta‘ [tagiaifhar wiflz _tl1e’étiidif:l'oIiJ,é3 Eiéhibitsganuuemd Imgnetflfla when deeiphe-re‘é' in
`the most favmableaught :1e_a1:Iy evidemgejazgd it_1nu;tbeT_rey_qgn1zed that "Dark atthe Moon“
`_l:TtI_'§?:_ of tlfgg: piay
`by Hmmzrfl
`and WiII?ian'1 B_'E->.‘I"l2(Lt_i‘ Y:_](‘
`-‘3'eGm1_eia1'y- mgaumg, As: at résuit‘ bf‘-t-I1'e -t*_ore;g_a_'mg -’t_h_.ei -Eijapoiserfi -rights s.lj1t_n1ti_1d be accorded
`pr:+tec'l:it.\n .e'ein.SlstiéhJf'WLth the. cf any ’t,3iW!‘;1fer'£ff ;a "title afa wplay a=lthou:gh1the title is new
`L"e_gTis1ief§d ']::.J‘mstc:ug,
`iéi1l‘re'a_s:_mal:1e=mferenaes b'£3l-!Z1._gi"1‘].f‘E1i_:'T‘jt'§_'}"'~fG.‘['7'fl_1_'?t’," Uppqserfthe
`U]3D.:Gri_<i:r"5? pru'fi’¢r’of egmence leads tn the c‘0i1oIusion'.tlh'21it ‘5li)2irIc.0f the Mp;on"* has met all
`* .:s;st ms 1nc. -9‘H8F?.2d required standards.
`1157, 1'16f):Fc;d_.RA.E§1'V;PA12
`[f'a1fg1|e'nda App].-'[cant'5.dLisp.ut'afi.9nS
`$61135, including, mung o'theTs.
`Itlie. .quesfiun ,bjf’Wh[eT.hBT "little
`aflquixed :3
`segondary meaning, izsla-'quéfsiti0n ‘(if f.!&I;t. Ifihnstg9,. Id. "I‘hfe E7!ppqS.e-I‘-'§jN.etfae ax’: Upp;o51t'l9‘fl.- 133
`incl-udiIIg:f1:hi=: -attachn1em;9:th:.ereto ‘Ears well as; the
`mm'exe.d -harem)
`.d'em&nsiIrate‘.th*at'0ppOSé.I‘1ikB]jVfiC?C1lJfi'9fl sgamdary
`in thej-ma-rk-"D:.ar1.::uf1:ue' Minna"
`;and t:he%r.:+"sn_I:ant:hereafIfis filial: Jihe-fimzaaser has se-nib? 1192-fi.ght5.i?n§its:m.arl§amd hasatan<1i.ng
`tr) QppQ‘$e Appficanfs regiést-rat.imL
`0;1p:1se_r~ha1s; £'§.tahfishecI:a valid-gound for
`appusing Qthe mamas alltwéln-g7;sutih
`wc-uI'd iamziihge nppn "0ppase1".s pemmiary
`rights tn usia its mark
`O]1p'oser~in"i1és N;otic£ 91'Dp;_iusifi’fii;1'.di$dDSE$. Féthi_'I3it_3,thi-ngs, variaus
`and -explaitafien
`the-: play
`p_ri.or vgrsipns, gaciafitafian and transl-al;i.o'11-5. T]'lt?'-
`fa::1ewm_g;r_efl%ects.and% tsimtenderd to ]3,1f(?Yii_tlfE;iac{(§1itijtaa1al;elata samples .o'nI3_«1and to supplement
`Eichzibit 3;: Letter
`F-rennin. June 2_§f:;r.% 19185‘ "B-4ii%e'd herein -in pa-mgwaph
`Exhibit C: Letter Samuel F1‘€I!1'.Cha‘ Jtfly 1.. 1935. ;Ec%ite.d herein in
`'Ex.l1ib'it 1):: Letter Frei1ch,~..'Marc:-h 29, 2IJ'?.;Z‘(cit'arii herein
`paragrafih LB.-:]%
`Exhibit E: Le1terTh_ea1;:=e
`1:3‘c:a1:<s,ju13;: 15, 19;f3'E-if-r;ited_JJerei11'in paragraph 1.3;);
`'E5(Iii—1Eiit=F-'3: Best; Plays\1i'9.«4.4:—.45s frmn Burns Mani?“ '“'”°"1“d1ng_Pag.:=:'_I3 0f Burns
`Mantel réiesx-‘ring tcii "'Da_r'1c u_:'_:_f tJ1e'Mt;1p1_1"9
`Eéflflbit-G=% L3-SW5 Plays ofitfi-E Wear; 1949 1131.1
`Eixhibitfl". ‘NM YorI§'Ti'me;$~ATtiI€_l€»
`E.5d1ihit'J; _[\}ewYork Times eritiquig. March 1.4., 1945.
`Exhibits;1:1 and 1-2 'r;e:s;1;:T«::e;ct:ixre1‘y:T New Ynrk ‘Timer. critique June 28; T970. afiid
`Em‘ an off~BTDa{fW3}\j
`10.2 Eidfihit K; Article ;6h/flag? flatter 0'ctbbTe§" 1929 3;.
`L: Arflcle Pititsbmjgll pr1sr:—£i-smarts, I-3£ug11§t§2:D'(iS.
`"M1: Beak cmzeer 'audh-shart tnm:nenta1ryafv'arinns newspaper cfltiquesg
`:aTNc;_tab1éAc;ars- rand _dmectm:~.s @‘\'rJ1«::-1a~‘t:t:e'r1_V‘.i;‘_Ii; and ;di:_:ec;t:e:i “Dark uf
`-the Moon
`:14; Exhibit 9: Mat.e.r'iaL1s:reIate:d1tr_n‘.Ngwlensgy.Fastival. 1-991 [it
`ham: to *be,inci1udedEi-n; a%Shakesp;eiar'e F'e's'_1:iTv'a1.%
`f Ialsprésenten ‘three-"[3]"
`11iBn»Sh31f.es_pear1ian plays "Earl:offl1eMoon'".and.
`"'TI'.he.Ski'n =ef'ym11" '1‘-eeth" by Ti1em1:en.’Wflder.]
`Emil;-_it:s:l=r.~.-1 flimugli B—8::.Sa.rnp.1e:cgrrespondau::esragardmg%"nar1<urrheM:mn"'.
`the 131:3-_gr'fieom
`we__]I—kn own
`Exhibit P—‘1—: Alexander Cohen ta Trinity Theatre September 12;, 1980
`P—2: A1e.x'a_1-f1&_é.r 'C.13iié:i11 "cc; Vivian‘ Beaumont ‘TP1‘e::i~tre, .S.feptember 12,
`Exhibit P-31: _]_'e-'1-time Rdbbins. F-e’b'£ua17y:-23;.1‘§8E?: ta Haward Ri.I:»hardson.;
`.. Exhibit P-4: Ier:on1e;Rubbr'n:s.%Nu.vember'29,%;989toH-owardRicha.rc1som
`E2i‘chiI_ii‘I: P+5:_ Btu‘-an% Huutrzm, Nnvenilierizi, :1|9?2‘ mfloward
`P:-6: Opera Nati0naL%.CJeteb:er
`;197'1'ta Haward Rihhardsane
`B:-=-77:: N91332:. 'ca_r.i:a1in:—1 state university mag 14, L9i937Ifo'.E1JinfS; Blair.
`P43: :1-mu 13]er.ti.s, December
`192916 :1: Elliati-5. 'B_!_air.
`.be.h-211:1? :0" E] blm
`Bettis. "Steve Dcmff and Rick
`[;~ir;-;s'u:nes ;att'acIae:I').
`iaicts: It: be
`£1f£*«pDIiCa”nt"5‘ cflafrk W_o1_iI.c_i result in :a
`the market with the nagne "Dari; Hf
`:9 ea -paint Eh}1't"W'fiH'1fi‘T¢fl‘dEI"
`Qppo-ge_~r'sJ=us§: in mark unr'ewgn'izaThle as ta, jdantifjr ;Eh_e1.'som:ee- af IL]ilE:‘_]31Elf‘I§.‘
`;fegi§fi?aEi@n-0fAppI3ca}1t§’1u’ar1éW0u1fl 8130' causestibstantial 60519101; as to the so.urce¢1f the
`mark as E119 names are identical. Furthermore, the gmids -and services Applicant is séelciiug
`registratim; For are in the'lJ'ke‘ly zone of exp_ansior1 for 'P_Iainl:iffs' mark
`McCarthy in
`treatise states, "If the st-:-niojr user cannot pr0Ve_aUtLIa] sales penetration
`into _tl1_e co u1estec{area_, and ca-rmot prove that tJ1_e-re_putation ofits mark extends into that area,
`it maystifl malie a 'c‘:lai1_n that the iunioruser is located-in an area which falls within the senior
`user's "2m:1_e at? u_atu_ra'_J exp_ansion."' That is, as of Izhje date: cifth-e‘ junuior'user's' first adoptien and
`use, Ehe contested area was nnein which I:l1_e_se‘ni0r user _sh0u1d be
`moln to expand.
`5 McCaI'-th ' on Trad-e-111arks and UI] fair Cam etiti'ofl § 26:20 [ti-I11 ed_.]_. Dpptjsuer has Shown
`every indication tllat it may _e:£panid i-nto. -and has 'eXp2u1d.ed into, the field of tm'der1;1a_rk
`Applicant seek pratecfion. 'Eberef0re, Opposer‘ I1=a_s a distinct finajn C13] j1'ni:ierest in the outcome
`uftlle "matter a_s1'tWDuld:aff.e.ct its current-ancl fuhjre usein the mark w1"th'in the United States
`tluroughjout the world. Opposer has‘ satisfied the necessary -requjre_mu_eu'ts tn oppose the
`Moti-0r1_ to DiS_T_I'1_J'S'S.
`Acconiingly, PIai_ntiff has stated _a we.l]—pleaded claim for which re_liefmay”t1e;granted.
`As such, P|ajnti£F respectfully asls this court to‘ deny Defendants‘ Moiiofi to Dismiss, and 1:0
`pmr?:eiei:l with the current .0]3_p0siti0n.
`[la tech April 11, 2012
`E‘1licrtS_. Blair, Esq.
`600 Madison Avenue, 2.-7.'"” Floor
`New York, NewYerl< 10022
`LITI C‘retc\DO.TM—Mem0—FL-#91 20401 1.{635.)—04~1 1.- ‘I 2
`T» 1 2 —
`I hereby certify thata true and complete C013)’ Of [the foregoing 0PPOSER’S MEMORANDUM
`Landstnan, Esq‘. by maifing -said
`copy on gpri] 11, 2012, and via
`e'af'i5e”&1 m]enb'o k.|'.‘D1TI'
` Ma dsrnan Eo|enb0c|<.com.aud
`:E_1lio_t S. Blai-r, Esq.
`Attorney for Opposer
`certificate ‘of Transmission
`Ihereby rser-tify that this c0rr_esp0ndenC_e is being tjra11smitted£:lectrcanically via the Uni ted
`States-Patent and Trademark olficejs’ ESTTA-Web 5Y$té.I;I1 "on A pri] 1. 1. 2012.
`-Elliot 3. Blair, Esq.
`Attorney for Oppnser
`LITl§§a9tc\DOTM—M6mo—FL-#91 20401 1-(636)-04-1 1-12
`— 13 -
`UNlT_ED ST3_;1‘]B-S RAT‘ENTANlJ_ TT_1_am.jnEivL:;RL<; QWICE
`ma-Her otf’n‘ade.mark appiicaficn Serial No. .3514063.6
`For the mark ""DMk'afIhe'1"»’.[0:.m“
`Published in the Ofiicial Gzizetteron August 30, ?-2.011,
`Extension ta file opposi't1on_ 5_§;:au1ted unfll Deg:-embe; 23, 20] fl
`Richardsmx/‘uY'aJeAPropen3r Trust cfo Eiint S
`E::q., Ad:u;ti_1;_i.s:trat0:
`TS-Late E}p]7).l.-‘.'lS_-E}.l"5,-II3J1'iB, 'address, and
`hlfexmafimn a5~fo.fl:fi'ws:
`R.'1,c:h.aIdstjufY-ale Property Tmsi
`c/0 Eliot S. Blair, Esq.
`600 I~..?I.af:1‘1s.0j11[ -Avenue; 22”‘ FJQDI‘
`NE-ivv Yark. New York 1 0022
`The above.-idejnfified qppcser believes that it will be damaged by -registratiofl oftt-1e_rnat1~e
`shpum in -‘L116 .ab@ve—ider1fifn_ed applicafiml, and h-ereb=§r apposes The game-
`The gznmmdé for oppgéaifign tare as-fiallovas:
`ap-p}i_cafioJ1_-Se1iail_slo 35140635, filed in '
`Applicaflié Hasbro, 1n_c_.’:; (Hasbrg)
`the United States Patent and
`Ofiee (“PTO”) -can ;September 2952010 far the mink
`‘-‘Dark of‘ H313 Melon”. The mask is .3 standard character mark.
`1'heVapp]i5a'fiOu WaS‘1TLI13I1i_S]_l€Ci for
`03:,-posifibn on Adi 3'0, ".201 1-
`Opposer filed a timely application ii): an -extension of tilne ta oppose ‘the _Applic=an:‘s
`re.gis'i:rafion appiicm-an. Opposez
`3:1 afension oftime ffl C-ppbse
`Decambsr 33,
`Hasbro’-s applicafion is for use in ctmne.-'~:-_:tiofn vfith; Iiltitimliional Ciasas Q23; US 022 012.3
`G38 G50, Ci
`toy vehicles and EtG6E8SOTif'_-S,'f01' use
`‘toy action figures aiidaccessories for use fl1£fIBW3"UZL;At0j{ plafysets for use in <.I_0jnnec-ticlfl
`with tcwaction figuras and lay VE}Ii{il&S; tray vehicles and toy robots c:_0I1veri1’b1'_e into other
`E Ehlhii A
`‘I 3 pages
`Iea_r;:i.:ua§ f1-‘r}:;S:, iG1*—*.1fir.e:.rLi"?$~
`xslufih -WIS; -Sttfle-d-m;:v's;.%
`ifiysfi ]i1§.S1i.?I';13;?‘5; gull 1§€_!§.¥5‘,
`um clarhmg and duaflf ;aaces501§?:§5;
`mulfiple3 rtws:
`It-03' eharaerers ganvzi my
`$q;;e__§-zézfe icy:-;; siaeifingi rays; Ta.éio.~m@ntm£'=led
`may Maw
`mo'de1i”ng £:citflp0Im'11i=Si. my maid: _and% toy
`"icy foqtbails
`:_ =
`=ac,t:'esso§ies far 1138-
`Imés; my swur':ts_anm1T.'ta:1 -§hi%ada=
`mi my
`for ;msei%th:e.m-xith; jigsa_v~'
`. ,5;
`SE31 :;9-mes: Bard
`'§€!I'—_§§fiI T_S'BJTIl_é$Z Iii-6% _§'tl;TlTI.t?;%;
`frénr uéze
`acititm keys: e1w:.ram.a
`mys; dii1Wi’Iwg mm.
`B5, meal-“aainifial
`actamal display
`-m’ nmniter,
`T716 Arstalifiafii-’s Efigisfiafifinz-apfifififififim was ffimfi by Hashm cm ifieptmfner Z9, Ei0’l?Q
`Daie“) and -were ibaaeéi an -theinte11Ho use -‘l:13e=7"7TDa$1c~ofthe -Moan” mark “in
`D11pfizs»%3r'i;s:ti:e Dww efa
`-Ridwdam and
`s3ni;psis= It: :I'mibe%fl1a:pI}a?;
`Thfe B:a_:n1‘1T£=‘£'&_ ‘Y:-I.oblLa
`inlxpvajwiili a
`;;;Ag:EE1BI6I% x;:m;'f_c:;I:ds. as w:jm:t1 boy 1:«”i.'I"I‘i7%3§}iI'l'.‘-1
`: Barbara: A'It:en;._
`"IE5 play» was jazracilzimad =a Bma:iwg;'hi‘1i"’A
`an 1%3m:a.fi;w-a:y% in ' New Yofi:
`'“n_:s:- pjlay ‘*I::::a:r1I:.:o_f.th.e; Mann?‘ .hacI% a. mt: (III)
`"and highh_ave'u;%sefid‘1:®plia3+*te» pu.1%s:n.16izél%
`Bppoawfs 1:12:34
`Elfin be;
`a: wzfle'1mr:.%wn% and 5i1_!‘;’4G$%5S’fi;1
`of flmf: Mann?
`high sEha3I31Tm1d.¢:3J1f>§,61I*Ii?€3t3i=liErns.
`T Qméewfibefiaves :1;-a.Td:a.ma1ic_: pIm;r_i‘Dm: -.e_:f
`ttslonfig-srapnding pr‘ 1:
`Mqunf-’ has a_c:1uire:1J.a secmxflfiiy
`as-a-drainafic play.
`Qppqsw befieves 1iie«mg1'§h‘&i;ien sf ;éL33p\1i::a.=.1’€’si mark will
`fliiufien ‘Bf
`-mark ‘in
`Qppnser baflE'was% ‘£11: r@‘stration%ef‘i%;>p.lE§=am’s
`9%‘ M0m1”'~
`pf Appficaa3t*'se'intm11}1_‘-a use;a_;p;_a}ia=atinn.
`years prj-‘;31: iffi‘ ft?-he
`134 _ Mbmavar. .Q1s:r:tc=~s=?:r
`‘the fim?Ire"_
`‘fli¢'fi§FL?B5.O1Ff§UtifI§A:iflcl sminsea flaw Apjpfiaam 'nta.*; mempngd
`ref expansien £332’:
`Ezajpagnd [um
`" '
`Adfiitiwaflm Em ;rreda_e@e,ss¢r- 1213 the 'C*p*pE:a$er
`'_[“_‘§*.aLr&.[:aaE>11ra.t”) entered i11_t_{J_ a fightfi
`mspwt *l€Ei,.N
`‘f.'E.1i11-_%-.th& =€1ra:rm~bla;1a1%Ly~ _e_nt'it1éd.
`af the M-ans” (1:!:e;“P1a3{*’), by
`mi Wifiiam
`.fc:eI'La3rdis mitied
`is-% the %E_':_1.m* "of the recmtl-3* _113‘_fi'v‘_!1t1-1‘-fli and 1-¢§lT
`. Dan: .c:f:r1ae Mc:~.::-.n"" (fhée ‘iéiefiefl P‘*i'ét=1fi‘-“.}»-
`nights in 21.1.6
`Exnléitéfl‘ .1:-gr
`' '- ..g)‘- we Gyurefifizr béing
`up-Q” 3*-I-1“
`-#3 2&7 remit Bfa 'gr2mt,V'iiem%% fir _é'1_Lt_h_e:r
`]’a‘&1‘ambua$; as fke Iét«2*-iserrfim
`'-anti bgrzliaaf
`:a.f‘.iiis"posiziu‘n _(€;fl1Z
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`Blair, Esq?
`6&0 {l~:t~a<Hs::n Avguua. 2:2“‘°‘H-rmr
`NW; Y;-,u1; 30022
`- m Qppasffian
`-fihifiifiifif EEEEE as 3% Ndvsmne: 2;, 12?: Eatwéaa Eawaté Eifiea
`Ri€hafdsGfi*amfi‘Eran¢s$ Eofimrth (QDIleetim3l§ ealléfi “awfi5:")
`.amd fiargmfiufit PiEfuiE5 Carparaiiea 1“Eur¢hEsafi"f_'
`:3‘-34$ iguis tag
`-'3V"*"°*T"*—‘f Eh’? é.C:~i1‘=-z"-53-5,
`3'95-3T1-gmI7“'e*“-Ti Di
`?@rchase: the sale anfl Exclusive-m¢:¢en pietaie and other fights,
`fill fifi Ea? ffirfih in tfie fitifldaxfl Terms attafifiéfi,
`in abfl-to-tfié-EGl—
`lnwing matéiiala
`Iii _TfiE Elfiyuwzitten by fiawa$d%Eé2;a%Ri¢fiaraa¢n Entitlefi
`'3ARB@35TR%EEN‘=-Hfiwaré Bixefi Riéhafiasbn is th& aukhaxaamd Sela
`bwner 9f saia Qlafg
`Iii% =The play written by Hwward EiEé&'BiQha:&san?*L§nd
`Wé1liimfClai;haurne‘Be£me§*%mtifi1ga,"QfiEE DE ifiE€M@ON“; Hgwara Eixan
`Rifihfirdsfifl i5;the-efifafithsr flflfl;5WnEf'flf a 9né—hal£ unéiviéaé in£er—
`¢St in 3fiia'PlEEw anfl¢1egat¢e.unaar tha~wii1 Qf William Clairbeurme
`B9335?-finfi-awfléf fif the Qthér oneihalf umdiviflefi interest Lfl aaifl
`.iii) The=dnamaticeamsi¢al p;a3 wfitten hy 3aw@rfi—fii:5é
`Eiphar§s¢n.enti:1ea "BARR OF EH3 M903“
`fmfigigal-§er§:gn); aawa:&
`fiififl Ribhardsen is the-authsr~afi&'sfi1é ¢Wg§:.gf $aidld:amati§¢*
`musical filay, exeegfi $9: certa;n*s¢fig$ tghtgiflefi fhefgin-WhiQfl'§ZB
`in the @uhlibV&amain-
`ifiEAfif$iVfiIaft_SEIEén§lag Written by*Hnwa£§+&$mM%
`_ Eivl
`R$3fifif@$Qfl and Frances.Goferfihaenfiifil%fi”“D$3K fii THE MDQH“: Eawarfl
`Th?flCRi¢harfl$§h;is‘cG=authar nf aaié first éxait sereeaplay;afia
`Qfiher Qffla-Qneahalf unaiviaefi integegfi fhafiéifi, anfi Etafiggs Séfprfih
`.15 geaanthqr-of saié first firaft-scrfieaplay aid Qwhar cf :he.@thé:
`-qne-haii unfiivide&‘inhEIEst thgreip.
`Iwhicfi matarial. referred tfirin Euhgaraqraphs ti}. (ii),
`53¢ 1iV§ afiéva; 3S_flEfinéfl in Said-Stamdarfl.Ta£mS.is hezeinaéter