`ESTTA Tracking number:
`Filing date:
`Nettadoz Enterprises
`NOVI, MI 48374
`Motion for Summary Judgment
`Christopher J. Falkowski
`/Christopher J. Falkowski/
`Exhibit25-29.pdf ( 44 pages )(7951820 bytes )
`Filer's Name
`Filer's e-mail
`Opposition Numbers: 91200692 and 91200807
`Marks: CINTRON (word) and CINTRON (stylized design)
`ҭettadoz Enterprises v. Cintron Beverage Group, LLC
`Exhibit 25
`3 -—----------——x
`4 LLC,
`:N0. II-3926{JS}
`venom, ]NC., et aJ.,
`Thursday. February 2, 2fl12
`Oral deposition WFRICHARD ‘WYATT,
`I2 held at the law nffices of MDNTGDIHIERY
`14 Broad. Street, Avenue ni-‘the A113,
`15 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19109, beginning at
`16 1I]:I]D mm, on the above date, before Debra I.
`1'? Weaver, :1 Federally Appmved RPR, ERR, CUR of
`13 NJ [Nn. X] 01514), and a Notary Public nf
`19 Pem1s;-glvania and Delaware.
`1335 Market Street
`Suite 2500
`Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103
`(215) 933-9191
`Wyatt 2-2-12 Final.txt
`Page 1
`1 area. The Midwest. We're going to begin
`2 targeting the southeast, Texas. Florida,
`3 Alabama, Louisiana area.
`So does that mean you're
`5 considering expanding?
`A. Yeah.
`Q. Okay. And if you do that, you
`3 would expeet the number of employees to grow‘?
`Q. What areas did you soale bank
`1 1
`from that you were previously distributing
`12 products in‘?
`13 _
`I guess they would — similar
`14 areas, it'sjust level of saturation you could
`15 say. The Northeast we scaled back from almost
`16 oonipletely.
`Q. Are you eurrently distrihrrting in
`13 any eountries other than the United States?
`A. Yes.
`Q What countries‘?
`A. Guatemala.
`Q. Anywhere else‘?
`I don't know if you oonsider
`24 South Africa and the Afiiean oontinent as
`Wyatt 2-2-12 Finaltxt
`Page 48
`1 current distribution. Bermuda.
`Let’s go back to South Africa.
`A. We currently have a distribution
`4 agreement with adistributor in South Africa.
`5 His territory is Africa.
`Q. who is that distributor?‘
`Q. Okay. You consider the
`9 distribution agreement with Vedozi ongoing?
`It has not been terminated to my
`I 1 knowledge.
`Q. When is the last time Vedozi
`13 purchased product from CBG?
`I don‘t recall the date.
`Q. Has it been at least an year‘?
`I don‘t know if it‘s been that
`long or not.
`Q. Okay. So you said Guatemala.
`I9 You discussed your distribution agreement with
`El] Vedozi. Any other countries?
`A. Bern: ad; Afghanistan.
`Q. Anywhere else‘?
`. Not that 1 can recall sitting
`24 here.
`Wyatt 2-2-12 Fiual.txt
`Page 49
`{ml 1 5
`that indicated that an assignment agreement
`2 was — a proposed assignment agreement was
`3 sent to Mr. Edoaien in late ‘D9 or early Efllfl‘?
`I don't recall the dates.
`5 reveal] the e-mail, tl1at there was one sent to
`6 him, yeah.
`Okay. We'll get to those
`it e-mails.
`Take a look at paragraph 62, air.
`10 In the first sentenee there, you say, "For the
`reasons set out I sub1nit that Cintmn is the
`I2 sole lawful proprietor in Nigeria and
`I3 throughout the Egrld ofthe trademark CINTRDN
`I4 and that because of its substantial use
`IE worldwide, including in Nigeria, has aequired
`I6 substantial pretecnahle goodwill in partieular
`IT in connection with beverages."
`Do you truly believe, sir,
`19 despite not registering marks in many
`2|] countries in the world, Cintron is the enamel‘
`2] of that mark worldwide‘?
`The “worldwide" reference there
`23 is a distribution that we have in various
`24 parts of the world.
`‘Wyatt 2-2-12 Final.t1tt
`Page 115
`DU] 115
`Okay. Thafs not what it says
`2 here, sir.
`It says "worldwide."
`MS. HARVEY: Objection to form.
`THE WITNESS: Wlrat is your
`5 definition of — can you provide —- I don't -
`Q. My definition ofworlriwide is the
`3 entire world.
`Saturated in every country?
`Q. You're not claiming, sir, that
`1 1 you have trademark rights throughout the
`12 entire world, correct‘?
`A. No. Fm saying we‘ve had
`14 substantial use worldwide, across the woritl.
`15 Distribution in Permsylvania and distribution
`16 in California you would probably -- and some
`1'? parts in between would be eonsidered
`lli nationwide. That doesn't mean I'm in every
`19 store, in every convenience store in every
`2!] county.
`Q. According to the countries that
`22 we listed earlier that you're distributing in,
`23 other than the srfrican countries. which you -
`24 said you haven't been distributing since the
`‘Wyatt 2-2-12 Final.txt
`Page 115
`mil 1 7
`1 relationship with Mr. Edozien broke down
`2 approximately a year age, the only eouutries
`3 you iisted for me were Guatemala, Bermuda and
`4 Afghanistan. Would you eonsider that to be
`5 distribution worldwide?
`MS. I-EARVEY: (Jbjeetion to form.
`It”s aeross the
`3 world, 355.
`Sir, you talked about substantial
`] 1 use in Nigeria. The oniy use of Cintron
`12 beverage product in Nigeria was through the
`13 distribution agreement with ‘fedoni, Ine.,
`14 eorreet?
`Sir, CBG has opposed Nettadoz’s
`IT trademark rights in Nigeria, oorreot?
`Q. And do you know what the result
`2|} oftilat opposition was?
`I don't recall, no.
`Q. You don't know if there's been a
`23 decision?
`I don't know if there's been a
`Wyatt 2-2-12 Final.txt
`Page 117
`1 specifically energy drinks and sports drinks,
`2 as early as August 2t'.|I]tEi."
`I'm sorry, where areyou looking
`4 at‘?
`MS. I-L5LR‘v'E‘t': Ithinl: you have a
`15 different dcctunent there, Kev.
`‘Jr’ 13"!’ M11. I-YIJRSCH:
`Sir, now I've handed you the
`9 correct R. Wfieatt Exhibit 4, which is also a
`la declaration cl-‘Rieh Wyatt. It is a different
`ll declaration, correct‘?
`A. Yes.
`Q. Okay. And you signed this
`I4 declaration as well, correct?
`Q. Under penalty cfpetjury, right‘?
`Yes, I believe so.
`Okay. And in paragraph 5 it
`19 says, "The marl: CINTRCIN was first used in
`2|} commerce in association with heyerages
`21 specifically energy drinks and sports drinks,
`22 as early as August 2U-EH5."
`Do you have personal knowledge of
`24 that, sir, oflhe date that CBC‘: first started
`Wyatt 2-2-12 FiI1al.txt
`Page 133
`] selling their beverages‘?
`1 don't knew the specific date.
`3- ‘.It was believed that AugI.1ataf'flIi was the
`4- time that it was being sold.
`Q. . Dkay. You weren't even involved
`6 with the ccmpany in August ef'll6, correct‘?
`A. Nut in a f‘nrrn_al capacity.
`Okay. Now, then, in paragraph 6,
`9 ycu say that ”...the mark CINTRCIN has been in
`It] continuous and substantially exclueiye use in
`11 cflmmerce to dacrihe fiLpplicant‘s heyelugee for
`12 substantially 5 years."
`New, this declaration was sigtlcii
`14 en February Ia, 2I}ll,c4:rr1'ect'?
`I 5
`Q. Okay. Sc it was certainly less
`1'? than five years, correct? Yeah, certainly
`13 less than live years, because August Eflflfi and
`19 February let, 2D_l 1, correct‘?
`I raised that queeticn, and there
`21 was acme legal deterrninatian that
`22 substantially five years was apprcpriate to
`23 use.
`fin you believe "auhetantially 5 _
`‘Wyatt 2.-Z-12 Finaltxt
`Page 134
`1 years" is—ti'JatwasateI'mthatwusputit1
`2 by your lawyers and you agreed with it‘?
`4 accurate, correct.
`Okay. But it was certainly not
`I5 five years as of February 1st, EU] 1'?
`Like I said, it would have not
`3 been, then.
`Q. Do you know why the five years is
`1|] relevant‘? In other words, do you know why you
`11 were asked to put this in an affidavit or a
`12 declaration that it: had been in commerce for
`13 five years‘? Is there some special relevance
`14 to that number?
`I believe theme is. I u:lon‘t know
`16 what: it is specifically.
`I Q. Okay. But you believe the
`13 requirement to he five years or substantially
`I9 five years‘?
`MS. HARVEY: Objection to Form.
`'I'I-[E WITNESS: Again, I ::'|on‘t know
`22 what the legal determination of what
`23 substantially five years is, so I don‘t lcncw
`24 that I could answer that.
`Wyatt 2-2-12 Ii'inaI.tx't
`Page 135
`Q. Okay. Then, in paragraph '5’, you
`3 say that "US Applieatiern,” and then it has
`4 aerial numbers, Pm net geing to read the
`5 ntunbers, "have ever the past at least 5 years
`45 acquired speeitie distinctiveness..."
`New, we established that it had
`8 been less than fiye years. ‘Why are yeu using
`9 the term "at least 5 years" in paragraph "F?
`:1. Again, a legal determination that H
`11 that was appropriate wording to be used, and
`12 also that the name, prier te this fermatien at‘
`13 the eempany, was, I believe — there was
`14 diseussierns prier to that. I don't know what
`I5 marl-zetingwas dune prierte it.
`Q. Are yen telling me, air, that the
`1'? term "at least 5 years" has a legal meaning
`13 that could mean less than five years?
`MS. HARVEY: flbjeetion to form.
`THE WITNESS: I'm net -~ I den‘t
`2] knew. Pm not a -- I ean‘t answer a legal
`22 determination like that.
`‘Who wrote the —» did yen do the
`‘Wyatt 2-2-12 FiJ1al.tIt
`Page 1315
`[till 3'?
`initial drafi of this declaration or did
`2 someone else‘?
`_Someone else drafineti it.
`Q. A lawyer?
`Paragraph 13. Same declaration.
`T It says, “The undersigned is unaware of any
`8 consumers that have associated the CINTRDN
`9 mark with a person or surname."
`Cintron is a strand of surname,
`l 1 correct‘?
`At. Yes, there are people with the
`13 name.
`Q. And, in feet, the "company Cintmn
`15 Beverage Group got its name hased on the
`16 relationship with Edgardo Cintron, the hand
`leader, eorreet?
`I E
`I don't know how it was derived
`19 fiom that. {fine eoulti conclude.
`I Do you conclude‘?
`A. He was involved at that time, so
`22 the similarity of the name.
`Q. Do you believe Cintrron to he a
`24 popular Spanish surname‘?
`Wyatt 2-2.12 Finalist
`Page 137
`2 foml.
`MS. HARVEY: Objection to the
`' Q. Do you have any knowledge of
`5 whether -
`i don't have any knowledge. No.
`Q. Okay.
`MR. mason: Let‘s get this
`9 marked as R. ‘i'r§ratt—5.
`[Deposition Exhibit No.
`ll R. Wyatt-5, i'I.‘*E.sentafion entitled "Cintron
`I2 Liquid Energy," Bates CEG|}U6|J61-oil-65, was
`13 marked for identification.)
`Sir, I5-re handed you what's been
`16 marked as R. Wyatt Exhibit 5.
`Have you seen this document
`13 before?
`A. Yeah. It looks like a PowerPoint
`2i} presentation of some sort.
`‘Were you involved in the
`22 preparation of this document?
`A. Yes.
`Q. Okay. ‘Who else was imrolved?
`Wyatt 2.2-12 Fioal.t;It
`Page 133 '
`llneli-eve Donna.
`Q. Donna Davin‘?
`' Q. Okay.
`A. And I believe ‘Wes.
`Q. Okay. Now, in the third line
`‘Ir’ down fiom the 1301:}, it says, "Deciding on the
`8 name Ciintron, a popular Latin surname..."
`‘Who decided to use that language
`It] in this PowerPoint presentation‘?
`I guess I did.
`Q. Okay. So do you want to change
`13 your testimony now? Do you agree that you had
`14 knowledge that Cintron was a popular Latin
`15 suiname?
`I said hefere that I don‘t have
`I‘? that knowledge or information. Iohoaeto use
`IE that, fiom a marketing perspective, for a
`I9 prospective eustomer.
`So you dont know if that's true,
`21 but you used it in promotional marketing
`22 materials not knowing if it was true?
`MS. I-L¢tR"u’EY: Objection to form.
`TI-[E WITNESS: Correct. Ithink
`Wyatt Z-2-12 FinaLt1t
`Page 139
`that the issue of that statement has no impact
`2 on the overall presentation. So 1 ehose to
`3 use it, use that wording as a popular surname.
`Q. Okay. So you think that in your
`Ii marketing materials generally it doesn't
`1" matter if something is true or false as long
`3 as its not -
`l'don‘t think that's a true
`it} statement.
`MS. HARVEY: Objection to Penn.
`Q. You don‘t disagree that it‘s a
`14 popular Latin surname, do you, sir‘?
`I 5
`[ don't have the knowledge as to
`I6 whether it is or not.
`I don‘t think its as
`11' popular as Smith would be, but I don‘t know if
`it's as unpopular as others.
`Q. Okay.
`MR. I-JJRSCH: This would probably
`El he ago-odtimetotakeabreak. Pm aboutto
`22 move into some new documents.
`{flffflie record from 12:24 pm.
`24- to 1:39 pm.)
`Wyatt 2-2-12 Fi11al.txt
`Page 141]
`Opposition Numbers: 91200692 and 91200807
`Marks: CINTRON (word) and CINTRON (stylized design)
`ҭettadoz Enterprises v. Cintron Beverage Group, LLC
`Exhibit 26
`U.S. rank for CINTRON
`Page 1 of 2
`_.,.-. _-;,".m
`"ml H
`Where does CINTRON rank in the most common names in the U.S.?
`CINTRON is identified by the U.S. Bureau of the Census as a surname
`with more than 100 occurrences in the United States for the year-2000
`U.S. Census. In "Demographic Aspects of Surnames from Census 2000",
`the Census Bureau tabulated the surnames of all people who had obtained
`Social Security Numbers by the year 2000.
`Fraa Lnt.n|
`|'|I- I. '|':III' 1|.1||-I
`CINTRON ranks # 3230 in terms of the most common surnames in the
`United States for 2000.
`CINTRON had 10,158 occurrences in the 2000 Census, according the
`U.S. government records.
`Out of a sample of 100,000 people in the United States, CINTRON would
`occur an average of 3.77 times.
`Race I ethnic origin
`The race categories shown in these files are the modified race categories
`used in the Census Bureau's population estimates program. All people
`were categorized into six mutually exclusive racial and Hispanic origin
`groups: "White only", '‘Black only", "American Indian and Alaskan Native
`only", "Asian and Pacific Islander only", "Two or More Races", and
`For the last name of CINTRON the Census Bureau reports the following
`race I ethnic origin breakdown:
`- 8.08 percent, or 821 total occurrences, were "Non-Hispanic White
`- 1.69 percent, or 172 total occurrences, were "Non-Hispanic Black
`- 0.45 percent, or 46 total occurrences, were "Non-Hispanic Asian
`and Pacific Islander Only"
`- 0.16 percent, or 16 total occurrences, were "Non-Hispanic American
`Indian and Alaskan Native"
`- 0.68 percent, or 69 total occurrences, were "Non-Hispanic of Two or
`More Races“
`- 88.93 percent, or 9,034 total occurrences, were “Hispanic Origin"
`NOTE: Fields suppressed for confidentiality are assigned the value
`The presentation of data on this site focuses on summarized aggregates of
`counts and characteristics associated with surnames, and, as such, do not
`in any way identify any specific individuals.
`All data is derived from David L. Word, Charles D. Coleman, Robert
`Nunziata and Robert Kominski (2008). "Demographic Aspects of Surnames
`from Census 2000". U.S. Census Bureau.
`Search the web for more on the name CINTRON :
`H H
`I H W
`L Search I
`Most Common Surnames
`Surnames Alphabetical
`Most Common Male Names
`Alphabetical list
`Most Common Female
`1 -1 000
`1001 -2000
`2001 -3000
`3001 +
`Alphabetical list
`Popular Baby Names
`United States - Boys
`E E
`501-750 751-1000
`United States - Girls
`1-250 251-500
`501-750 751-1000
`By State
`Select a State 7|
`Ancestry In the United
`United States
`b ci
`African American
`Z'p Codes
`Washington DC
`U.S. rank for CINTRON
`Page 2 of 2
`New Hamgshire
`New Jersey
`New Mexico
`New York
`North Carolina
`North Dakota
`Rhode Island
`South Carolina
`South Dakota
` %
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`Pr Edw Island
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`Copyright Rhett Butler 2004-2008
`mongabay.com is a free resource.
`Opposition Numbers: 91200692 and 91200807
`Marks: CINTRON (word) and CINTRON (stylized design)
`ҭettadoz Enterprises v. Cintron Beverage Group, LLC
`Exhibit 27
`Opposition Numbers: 91200692 and 91200807
`Marks: CINTRON (word) and CINTRON (stylized design)
`ҭettadoz Enterprises v. Cintron Beverage Group, LLC
`Exhibit 28
`L]3MD.::un: - Latin B+:alMaf_[;1:-zinc - Latill ]'--'luL-:i:: Magazinu - Fualuru.-g
`I-"a_E_r: 2 uni‘-’I
`FI‘|h'l: Did gpmr :erI.IEi=I1l:hI=11'rIhlar:.I?'
`E|:'.l:-Erw-:‘.'.In.1:*§||aa': |‘|1I1|:l F|.l'|11j|_ I'l'Dl'l1 'IE|'.'fl III "IBi"i"
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`|i|I.IL-:I1~'-1|-‘E -n |.r-u-dvaaa.
`EC: Ill Imillui-I-.' -iI:I'|I.:I\:l.|EuI.=h'1EIi pi.-°.-.1-iru,| II’-H FI'En'II.'.II I"'|'.||l"' baflufié Ii uili I
`Ihen I F.I'.'|I.|:I1|'.'dI2D1I1|! g.It.1rfi:ra I.-.rl1:-5. n-Elan: geltng l:I1E |:.e-.'|:u:mI:1'. in-:1;.u-.'.'1In:I'.
`.'Ealr_.r -:.I|cI:|'_-1.‘.
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`51:‘-rvelal rI1:I'r'.I1:.
`In Hgha-:|'.I:vuC Iffienr-:1:h'Hi5;|'1 5I:|1nI:liI1 I‘-:1:-.~I Jul-5&1-'_|
`I played Ill IIII.-.a».r.z I:ar.d_
`and .1:-:1nn'-2|-.Iv.'.u plagllungw.-.1rr.rn3,-dad‘: I:|an|1r=_n: Trnpnaln-srpla-‘In:-rrnlng |.'u:nI3,- h1rn: '!n:n1-an_
`HEW! J-EII‘3E'.I filrfl. _II'I$I. W|:|I:- I.=I3E-I:PEflI:.' 5'II:.'
`|.I3iI'II"Ij}|. HHIE Ir=..II'I"-If:I.E'I"IrIiI |I2I
`:IIIQl'l'In!'l. .1n:I sr_I,-Ie-5
`I|'E'|'I'|\EI'l'|IiIE'|' wcL'ln:r:g II r-de'.'I.'.l:r5ae'|."5 Grea':.I'.u:hI:n1Lrn Ian :|l1'l.£'5n\!1'l'|'El1I:Fh’.l'I'I:I
`am: -an-'r.'re aunvmrm mm n'.4;:41p5.'rn hug rng,- fil:-:1 5aru.':11r\-1h=_gl¢:.
` Cintrcrn E!an_-;I-—fi:gI[|'na-.=. Ga
`IIWI: I:IIcI :.n:ILuv:rrIu:I'I'|I:I::r'|:I.Il1a1'I:Ir:rH:I l:l1|:-}'-.|'vai'-:1‘
`EISZ 'I"$$.1|1Ia'-]- -URI‘? LF' IL-31¢-‘I F"kB|'IE|.-:?I$--'.‘I|'I:- TIEF-1| £-H!|2Ih'uI||'- |'I'H?I
`I Icvna-1tr're:-E.-a |'|M:'I1'5-'
`?." I H.-‘Elf? I
`LBMD.::urn - Latin Beat Magiizinc - Latin MUSIC Magazine - Fualun:-_-',
`I-"a_a_:: 3 LII‘-5|
`FI‘|II'l: Du yI:ILIa!l.H|:Il]- LPIIrnI:r.£aa?'
`EI::: 'rn:_ nut I also payed Tn-ca (anal: E3-54g.na1urvn sank: InrnH.hIn_ and -1|rnnnII3.' Irnnla].-.ng
`bra~.=.~m'-adall. 'nII'IflH"I IIEIFIIET flfl =3-I'|'I-3.2!‘-n"|2fi‘3|l'-fl|‘fl' B-|}|.in"rII rI'1'.'I|'II|I‘II!'iI"2-I'I‘.’I|fl.
`FI'|I'|: WH-an Iflld tilt illnlruhn Blnfl earn-I lfl hail’?
`EC:.I'-rn-and '|EEI5. I waa-|a~adI-rt;| a banal unIr:lerlI'-a :IarI1an:II"'I'Ian1:-cl ‘:'I5‘. l'EIE'E'l-Il1§-El‘! album I:aIIad
`n'.M:Ia.I ca-unnro -.n.In lull:-.v.n.:.-.-.-1:1: nnnunurnnanin-g1-Ema 5.-.r.a.5v.r.u..1:~ mung: L,.'.I1n_n21
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`'3 HI F'T"Fl'E-IU|EI"I BIIE-'I'I'$
`lnau;I.IIal Cale-1:IIal.'u:I'I
`FIM: Iu"|'ia: '|:iI1'IrI5-n |fI‘.h|.- band! all-aya haaed In Ivla-Hr J-arI=eg.r‘.i'
`En: 'r'n:_ n1:u:I C|'I'I1'I|I playnrs wan: Ircrn H-:-.5 Jenny-_ wrha raw annually ra:.|d-rlglrvr-'~ann=,.-i-aanla
`B|'I|] |:||?IB'A'fl-‘E
`Hill: What was F-la-nan II||'.'-|:rEr'I|.Ii rule In fl1e'|unfl'l
`Ir-:III'r'- I116 Elfiflfl
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`LBMCL::um v Latin E-cat Magazine - Latin Music Thlagazinc - Ft:al1.1t‘v.:-_-',
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`nwku 5|-nu frail WIII1 w-nut :,|nur9nJ1
`Opposition Numbers: 91200692 and 91200807
`Marks: CINTRON (word) and CINTRON (stylized design)
`ҭettadoz Enterprises v. Cintron Beverage Group, LLC
`Exhibit 29
`No. 07-3043
`Defendant! Third Party Plaintiff,
`Third Party Defendant.
`APRIL 1, 2009
`Presently before the Court is a Motion for Summary Judgment filed jointly by Plaintiff,
`Cintron Beverage Group, LLC (“Cintron”), and Third Party Defendant, A. Wesley Wyatt
`(“Wyatt”) (collectively, the “Moving Parties”), against Defendant/Third Party Plaintiff, Rocco
`DePersia (“DePersia”). For the reasons set forth below, the Motion will be denied.
`Cintron is a limited liability company that produces and distributes various beverages,
`one of which is an energy drink by the name of “Cintron.” On July 25, 2007, Cintron filed a
`Complaint in this Court seeking a declaration that DePersia has no ownership interest in Cintron,
`and is entitled to no compensation or ownership in the company. On September 13, 2007,
`DePersia filed a Motion to Dismiss Cintron’s Complaint for failure to join Wyatt as a necessary
`party. This Court denied the Motion to Dismiss by Order dated October 2, 2007.
`On October 30, 2007, DePersia filed a Third Party Complaint against Wyatt, asserting
`claims for breach of contract, quantum meruit, and unjust enrichment. In his Complaint,
`DePersia alleges that a contract existed between him and Wyatt, whereby the parties jointly
`agreed to manufacture and distribute the energy drink, Cintron. DePersia asserts that Wyatt
`agreed to share an ownership interest in the company, as well as profits from the sale of the
`energy drink with DePersia, in exchange for the use of DePersia’s band’s name and image and
`DePersia’s efforts in marketing the business.
`On January 4, 2008, the Moving Parties both filed Motions to Strike the Third Party
`Complaint and Motions to impose sanctions upon DePersia and his attorneys. The Motions also
`asked this Court to issue an injunction enjoining DePersia from filing any further actions against
`them without leave of court. By Order dated April 14, 2008, we denied the Motion to Strike the
`Third Party Complaint, as well as the Motions for sanctions and for injunctive relief. The
`Moving Parties currently seek summary judgment with respect to Cintron’s Complaint against
`DePersia and DePersia’s Third Party Complaint against Wyatt.‘
`This matter stems from a series of business dealings between DePersia and Wyatt.
`DePersia is an attorney licensed to practice in the State of New Jersey. Since 2000, he has also
`been the co-leader and lead singer in a local Latin band named Cintron (the “Band”), along with
`1DePersia asserts that the Moving Parties seek summary judgment on all his causes of
`action, but have not challenged Count II (Quantum Meruit) and Count III (Unjust Enrichment) in
`their Motion. Consequently, DePersia argues that this Motion should be treated as a Motion for
`Partial Summary Judgment. A review of the Motion reflects that the Moving Parties have not
`challenged these claims, and thus, we shall address it as a Motion for Partial Summary Judgment.
`its co-leader, Edgardo Cintron. DePersia also owns a corporation called Shark Salsa Latin
`Productions, Inc. (“Shark Salsa”), which acts as the music production company for the Band, and
`books the Band’s business. DePersia and Wyatt first began a business relationship in 2004 when
`DePersia sought an investor to finance the recording and promotion of a Latin jazz CD by his
`Band. Wyatt invested in the Band and financed the completion and promotion of a CD called
`“Back in the Day.” In exchange for his investment, DePersia agreed to share equally with Wyatt
`all revenues generated by sales of the CD. This deal was never reduced to writing.
`Shortly thereafter, Wyatt expressed an interest in re-branding his off-shore racing boat
`that was being sponsored by his company, D.F. Young, Inc. DePersia and Wyatt agreed that