`Commissioer of Patents and Trademarks
`Arlington, VA 22202
`In Compliance with 35 § 290 and/or 15 U.S.C. § 1116 you are hereby advised that a court action has been
`f M
`filed in the U.S. District Court
`ary and
`on the following
`El Patents or
`12! Trademarks:
`A0 120 (Rev. 2/97)
`U _I —
`Chesapeake Bank of Maryland
`Chesapeake Financial Shares, Inc., et
`c ‘
`QlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmfiI ”
`1 1-20-2002
`us. Patent & TMOfc/TM Mail Ficpt Dt‘ #11
`In the above-entitled case, the following patent(s) ha
`been included:
`B Cross Bill
`CI Other Pleading
`Copy 1——Upon initiation of action, _mail this‘ copy to Commissioner Cpy 3—Upon termination of action, mail this copy to Commissioner
`Copy 2—Upon filing documeht«addirg‘;’b'atent(s), mail this copy to Commissioner Copy 4——-Case file copy

`. JS 44MD(Rev.3/99)
`The JS-44 civil cover sheet and the information contained hereiniieitherreplacenor supplement the filing and service ofpleadings or other apers asrequired
`by law, except as rovided by local rules of court: ‘This form, approved 1; ‘the Judici Conference ofthe United States in September 19 4, is required for
`the use of tile Cler of Court for the purpose of initiating the civi docket s eet. «(SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE REVERSE OF THE FORM.)
`Chesapeake Bank of Mary1aiid.?.'.’ 2.”:
`Chesapeake Financial Shares, Inc., Chesapeake
`Bank, Inc., Private Business, Inc.
`County of Residence of Fit: Listed Defendant Lancaster» VA
`(b) Coimty of Residence of First Listed Plaintiff
`A M;
`H __ R '
`1' L!
`(C) Attorney's (Firm Name, Address, and Telephone Number)
`Fredric D. Abramson
`Law Ofiices ofFredric D. Abrainson
`21155 WoodfieldRoad,Gaithersburg,MD20882
`ll. BASIS OF JURISDICTION (Place an “X” in One Box Only)
`A“°m‘Y5 afx-“°“'1|)
`.. 1,}
`1 1%
`2 Q3 3
`" ‘“’ 0
`J 7
`III. CITIZENSHIP OF PRINCIPAL PA.RTI.ES(Pliice m "x" in Orle Box ii)!
`(For Diversity Cases Only)
`Plaintifl‘ilnd One Box for Defuidanl)
`Federal Question
`(U.S. Government Not a Party)
`Citizen ofThis State
`U I U I
`Incorporated or Principal Place )Q 4
`of Business In This State
`El 4
`U I US. Government
`CI 2 US. Government
`U 4 Diversity
`(Indicate Citizenship ofParties
`in Item III)
`Citizen ofAnother State U 2 U 2
`Incorporated and Principal Place U 5 K
`of Business In Another State
`Citizen or Subject of a
`Forei {J Courl
`El 3 U 3
`Foreign Nation
`U 6
`El 6
`Place an “X” in One Box Onl
`D 422 Appeal 28 USC 158
`610 Agriculture
`620 Other Food & Diug
`625 Drug Related Seizure D 423 Withdrawal
`ofProperty 21 USC 881
`630 Liquor Laws
`64-0 RR. 5:. Truck
`650 Airline Regs.
`660 Occupational
`110 lrulranoe
`120 Marine
`l30Miller Act
`B I40 Negotiable lrurument
`150 Recovery ofOverpaymait
`& Enforcement ofludgmenz
`I5 I Medicare Act
`Student Loans
`I52 RecoveryofDefaulted
`(Excl. Veterans)
`[] 153 Recovery oI'Ovel'payml:it
`I60 Stockholders‘ Suits
`E 190OtherContract
`L’ bil'
`“V D
`220 Foreclosure
`:33 $3; to Land& Emma“
`245 Tort Product Liability
`290 All Other Real huperty
`310 Airplane
`315 Airplane Product
`320 Assault, Libel &
`D 330 Federal Employers‘
`340 Marine
`U 345 Marine Product
`3SOMotor Vehicle
`355 Motor Vehicle
`‘" °'”°
`E 441 Voting
`442 Employment
`‘ 443 ;{ mhfimm
`444 Welfare
`440 Other Civil Rights
`400 Stine Reapportionment
`410 Antitrust
`[1 362 Personal Injury—
`430 Bank: and Banking
`Med. Malpractice
`450 Commerce./ICC Rates/etc.
`D 365 Personal Injury -—
`460 Deportation
`Product Liability
`470 Racketeer Influenced and
`U 368 Asbt-.-itoei Personal
`Corrupt Organizations
`Injury Product
`850 Securitiezl/Cornmoditied
`810 Selective Savice
`370 Other Fraud
`CI 375 cimmei Challenge
`an Truth in Lending
`I2 usc 34lo
`aw Oti'lerPenlonal LABIAI-URI
`89! Agricultural Am
`Property Damage
`[1 335riupenynumge
`U 7"’:2‘"“’°'S‘‘*‘‘‘*‘‘‘*'
`8931511 '
`If b'l‘
`894 En;‘;";““°°";_fim“X:‘“
`"‘ “ ‘ “V
`I] no Labor/Mgmt. Relations
`863 Diwc/i_)lww (4053))
`395 pmdom of
`364 55") Tm’ XV‘
`moflmm M
`D 730 Labor/Mgmt.Reporting
`865 R51 (405(g))
`D 5l0MotlonstoVacate
`FEDERALTAX SU‘Ts D 900Appeal0”,”
`740 Railway Labor Act Dmmgmfim Um
`190 Other Labor Liti don D 37° T“"“ W5‘ "“i“‘m
`E“‘“" "‘°““ “’ ’““'i°'
`or Defendant)
`E] 950 Corutitudonality of
`535 Death Penalty
`Sm: smut“
`& Other U 791 Em;-ll.’ Ret. Inc.
`D 890 om” Sammy Acfiom
`550 Civil Rlgltx
`555 Prison Condition
`B 871 lRs_Third Pm,
`26 USC 7609
`1 Original
`di tri t
`Cl 7
`D6 Multidistrict
`El 4 Reinstatedor D5 glpeciity) S
`D 2 Removcdfmm
`EI3 Remandedfiom
`State Court
`Appellate Court
`(Cite the US. Civil Statute under which you are filing and write briefatatement of cause.
`Do not cite jurisdictional statutes unless diversity.)
`Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. Sec. 1051 et seq.; Defendants infringe Plaintiffs trademarks and compete unfairly
`CHECKYES only ifdernanded in c
`(506 in5!m€!i°nS)t
`__ _ ._ _

` , T r,9:;;:g;

`r 2: ~“:'.“:"{l.-.t~.HD
`- - _ SEFST‘:
`Civil Action No.
`agistrate M 0 2
`3 7
`2001 East Ioppa Road
`Towson, Maryland
`a Federal Savings & Loan
`97 N.‘ Main St.
`' Kilmarnock, VA 22482 i
`a Virginia Corporation
`97 N. Main St.
`Kilmarnock, VA 22482
`a Virginia Corporation
`9010 Overlook Blvd.
`Brentwood, TN 37027
`Plaintiff, Chesapeake Bank ofMaryland, Inc., (“Chesapeake Bank”) brings this Complaint against the
`Defendants Chesapeake Financial Shares, Inc., Chesapeake Bank, Inc., and Private Business, Inc.
`(collectively “Defendants”).
`Chesapeake Bank v. Chesapeake Financial Shares et. al.
`Page _1_

`1. This action for trademark infringement and unfair competition arises fiom the Defendants’
`use of the mark CHESAPEAKE BANK in Maryland in connection with the marketing of banking
`services that infringes Chesapeake Bank’s CHESAPEAKE and CHESAPEAKE BANK trademarks for
`banking products and services.
`2. Plaintiff Chesapeake Eank has for over 40 years continuously and consistently used the
`CI-IESAPEAKErmark tosidentify itself as a source ofbanking products and services.
`3.__ By contrast, Defendant Chesapeake financial‘ Shares, Inc., and its subsidiary Chesapeake
`A. Bantqfnc. havein those same forty years changed corporate structures, changed names, changed
`products and services,'ar-"id changed trademarks by addingand abandoning various trademarks, all in a
`narrowly restricted area known as the Northern Neck of Virginia.
`4. This actionafises under Sections 32(1) and 43(a) of the Trademark Act of 1946, commonly
`referred to as the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C..,§U1O51 et _seq., and the common laws ofthe State ofMaryland.
`5. This Court has jurisdiction under Section 39»of the LanharIi_..Act, 15 U.S._C'."'§1121, and 28
`U.S.C. § 1338(a) in that this case arises under the Trademark Laws ofthe Unitedisfitates, 15 U.S.C. §§
`1051 et seq.
`6. This Court has jurisdiction of the Maryland state law trademark infringement, unfair .
`competition, false advertising, and business reputation injury claims herein ‘under the provisions of 28
`U.S.C. § 133 8(b) in that said claims are joined with substantial and related claims under the Trademark
`laws (15 U.S.C. §§ 1051 et seq.) of the United States.
`Chesapeake Bank v. Chesapeake Financial Shares et. al.
`Page _2_

`7. Venue is properly laid in this District pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1391(b), 1400 and/or 1381 in
`that each defendant may be found and/or is doing business within this District; a substantial part of the
`events giving rise to the claims occurred within this judicial district, and this Court has jurisdiction over
`the person of each defendant.
`6. Plaintiff Chesapeake is a Maryland business entity and is a federally chartered savings and
`loan association engaged in banking. It is headdquarteréid in Towson, Maryland.
`. . I Chesapeakel3ank. reaches 47% ofMaryland’s 5:2 million population
`the urban region
`‘, surrounding Towson (Anne_Arundle County, Baltiniolre City, Baltimore County, Carroll County,
`ii .Hairiford County and Howard County) and 83% ofMaryland including Frederick, Montgom§ry_
`Prhice’George’s‘Courfties. (Exhibit 1, map ofChesapeake Bank’s market area);
`' 8. Chesapeake Bank has been providing banking services inlvlaryland and surrounding states
`‘continuously since 1960 under the CHESAPEAKE trademark. Since 1997, Chesapeake Bank has been
`providing__bankin:g services under its CHESAPEAKE BANK trademark in Marylandand surrounding
`« states, including the metropolitan Baltimore-Washington DC area.
`. 9. Defendant Chesapeake Financial Shares, Inc. (“CFS”) is a Virginia corporation acting as a
`financial services and bank holding company. It is headquartered in Kilmarnock Virginia.
`10. Defendant Chesapeake Bank, Inc. (“Virginia Bank”), is a Virginia corporation that is wholly
`’ owned by Defendant CFS. The Virginia Bank is headquartered in Kilmamock, Virginia.
`11. The market area of Defendants CFS and Virginia Bank is rural Southeastern Virginia,
`covering most of the area north of the Rappahannock River and south of the Potomac River known as
`Chesapeake Bank v. Chesapeake Financial Shares ct. al.
`page _3_

`the “Northem Neck", the area bounded on the south by the York River and on the north by the
`Rappahannock River, known as the "Middle Peninsula", and the Williamsburg area north of the James
`River, and comprises less than four percent ofVirginia’s 7 million population. {Exhibit 2 - map of
`Virginia Bank's market area)
`12. Defendant Private Business, Inc. (“Private Business”) is, on information and belief, a
`Ten_n_esse«e corporation headquartered in Brentwood, Tennessee.
`13. Private Business is involved inthe management and sales of various financial and banking
`"products throughout the‘Unite'd States, including a product known as the Business Manage_r_,_ a type of
`factoring program that lends money to small businesses taking accounts receivable as security.
`,_._1_4, Ibe Defendants are all partwof a"common
`to market financial serviuces-in‘1i\i/laryland.
`_1_5. Chesapeake Bankiis in the banking business, which includes making loans to consumers and
`small businesses. Its products and services include checking accounts, savings accounts, mortgage loans,
`consumer credit loans, business loans, and collateral marketing goods..‘ its products and
`services through 6 branches located in Anne Arundel County, Baltimore City and Baltimore County
`within the State ofMaryland, and markets its products and services through the Internet under the marks
`16. Chesapeake Bank was originally organized in 1911 as the New Eastern Permanent Savings &
`Loan Association. It formally changed its name to Chesapeake Federal Savings and Loan Association on
`Chesapeake Bank v. Chesapeake Financial Shares et al
`page _4.

`January 20, 1960.
`17. Chesapeake Bank adopted its flagship trademark CHESAPEAKE as early as 1960 to identify
`itself as a source of banking services for consumers and business
`18. Its.use of CHESAPEAKE was in materials common to the banking industry, including
`newspaper ads, flyers, and radio advertising. (Exhibit 3, Example of 1966 Newspaper Advertising) -
`Plaintiff continuously since i960 used its trademark CHESAPEAKE to identify and ,
`distinguish its banking services.
`20. In the forty years since it,_began using the CHESAPEAKE mark, Plaintiff Chesapeake Bank
`has grown 100 fold, from holding $2 million in iassetsfiin 1961 to $193 million in 2001.
`21. Since 1960, Chesapeake Bank has earned hundreds ofmillions ofdoilars worth ofrevenues il-
`» re; banking services under the CHESAPEAKE ® mark, siso million in the 'p§§i 15 years alone. “ "
`22. Plaintiffis the lawfiil owner offederal Registraticnilumber 2,301,218 for its
`CHESAPEAKE trademark for “[c]}ons‘umer bankingservices, namely, checking accounts, personal
`savingsaccounts,‘certificates ofdeposit, and loans secured-by mortgages and automobiles, in class 36”
`that was issued by the United States Trademark Office _on December 21, 1999 without opposition.
`(Exhibit~”4, CHESAPEAKE Federal Trademark Registration).
`23. A federal registration is prima facie evidence of the validity of the registered mark, of the
`registration of the mark, and of the registrant’s ownership of the mark.
`24. A federal registration is prima facie evidence the registrant’s exclusive right to use the
`registered mark in commerce on or in connection with the goods specified in the registration. 15 USC.
`Chesapeake Bank v. Chesapeake Financial Shares et al.
`Page _5_

`25. Starting as early as 1997, Chesapeake Bank of Maryland, Inc. added the mark
`CHESAPEAKE BANK to its advertising and promotion as an additional way for consumers to identify
`and distinguish it from competition. (Exhibit 5, Example of 1999 Newspaper Advertising)
`26. The legal name of “Chesapeake Bank was changed from Chesapeake Federal Savings and
`"Loan Association” to “Chesapeake Bank of Maryland, Inc.” on January 21, 1998.
`_ 27. Defendant
`waschartered in Kilmarnock, Virginia in 1982 as a one-bank holding
`company iinder the name Chesapeake Bankshares, Inc.
`-28. Defendant CFS today uses the mark CI.-IESAPEAKE to identify itselfas a financial holding
`29. Defendant CFS first began use of CHESAPEAKE to identify itself as a financial holding
`company in the 1990’s, and in no event prior to 1982 when it was formed. (Exhibit 6, 1999 CFS Annual
`30. Defendant CFS markets both banking products and a variety of uninsured financial products
`through a network of separate, wholly owned subsidiaries.
`31. Defendant CFS owns and operates twoactive wholly owned subsidiaries: Defendant
`Chesapeake Bank, Inc. and Chesapeake Investment Group, Inc.
`32. Defendant Chesapeake Bank, Inc. owns one wholly owned subsidiary: Chesapeake Insurance
`Agency, Inc., T/A Chesapeake Title Company.
`33. Chesapeake Investment Group, Inc. owns and operates three wholly owned subsidiaries: (1)
`Chesapeake Bank v. Chesapeake Financial Shares er. al.
`Pagc _5_

`Chesapeake Trust Company, Inc., (2) Chesapeake Insurance Agency, Inc., d/b/a Chesapeake Investment
`Services, and (3) Chesapeake Financial Group, Inc.
`'.._n.«,-_.- 1..-r»
`34. Defendant CFS offers annuity products (fixed and variable), mutual funds and discount
`brokerage services only through Chesapeake Investment Services, the subsidiary to Chesapeake
`Investment Group, Inc.
`35. Defendant Virginia Bank traces its creation to 1900 when it was founded as Lancaster
`National Bank, a federally chartered bank.
`36. In 1968, Defendant ._\/irginia Bank’s predecessor, then still known as Lancaster National I’
`Bank, changed its name to “Chesapeake National Bank” after it acquired"a Virginia state bank -the
`Chesapeake Banking Company.
`37. Defendant Virginia Bank's predecessor Chesapeake National Bankbecarne a wholly owned}. '
`subsidiary ofDefendant CFS in 1982.
`38. From 1968 to 1995 Defendant Virginia Bank’s_ predecessorused only the marks
`National Bank as a source ofbanking ser-v_ices and‘products.
`39. Defendant CSF on June 27, 1995 terminatedthe existence ofits national chartered
`subsidiary, Chesapeake National Bank, and replaced it with a newly formed Virginia state chartered
`bank, Defendant Chesapeake Bank, Inc,
`40. Prior to 1965, there was no use by any Defendant or any predecessor of the CHESAPEAKE
`mark to identify themselves as a source of banking products and services.
`41. After 1965, the mark CHESAPEAKE was used only sporadically to identify Chesapeake
`National Bank as a source of banking products and services.
`Chesapeake Bank v. Chesapeake Financial Shares et. al.
`page _7_

`42. On information and belief, this sporadic use was from 1986 to 1990 in advertising in
`~Kilmarnock..Virginia area newspapers. __,-, -
`-..-. .
`I-2: ~.
`.. ;. o..-"I .
`43. Any trademark rights that may have been developed by the local Kilmarnock newspaper ads
`were abandoned as of 1994 in accordance with Section 45 of the Lanham Act (15 US. C. 1127) as
`Pub. L. 103-465 increasing from two to three years the time of nonuse needed to trigger the
`presumption of abandonment.
`44. The first use ofCHESAPEAKE
`as a mark for banking products and services. was not until 1995.
`incommerce by Defendants CSF or Virginia Bank
`45. On July 4,1997, Chesapeake Bank registered the Internet domain name
`CI-IESAPEAK-EBANKCOM with Network Solutions, Inc.
`46:-Plaintiff Chesapeake,Bank has since'Iu1y_ 4, 1997'.been continuously listed iii the public
`record as that domain name’s owner.
`47. Defendant Virginia I3ank registered the Internet domain name CI-IESBANK.C(i)M with
`Network Solutions, Inc. on March 25, 1998.
`48. Defendant Virginia Bank uses WWVVCHESBANKCOM as a trademark, displaying the
`mark prominently on such items as a Volkswagen Beetle to identify itself as source of banking products
`and services. (Exhibit 7, picture of VW with mark displayed).
`49. Defendant Virginia Bank has never objected to Plaintiffs use of CHESAPEAKEBANK as a
`~ mark or domain name.
`Chesapeake Bank v. Chesapeake Financial Shares et al.
`Pagg _3_

`50. On February 13, 1997, Plaintiff Chesapeake Bank applied for federal registration of
`CHESAPEAKE BANK (Serial No.75/244,844) on the Principal Register, with term “bank” disclaimed.
`51. In'March 1997, the Defendant Virginia Bank applied for federal registration of
`BANK (Serial No. 75/255,515), “oval design with marsh grass and flying ducks" 5
`(Serial No. 75/255,516), and CHESAPEAKE BANK AND DESIGN (Serial No. 75/255,517), with the
`term “bank” ‘disclaimed in the 25 5,5 1; and 255, 517 applications.
`52.,Defendant VirginiaBank declared under oath in itsiappilications that it uses the
`CHESAPEAKE BANK mark for _“[b] anking'service_s and marketing ofannuities, mutual funds, and
`title insurance” in class 36.
`53. On infornfation and belief, as of the date offilingiand..before,iDefendant Virginia»Bank was
`forbidden by law to market or offer for sale uninsured financial products under its name or in association
`with its name, marks and logos.
`54. On December'l8, 1997, the United Siates Trademark Cffice suspended Defendant Virginia
`Biank’s 255,515 and 255,517 applications.
`55. The United States trademark ofiice officiall-y notified‘ Defendant Virginia Bank that the
`255,515 and 255, 517 applications may be refused registration under Section 2(t) ofthe Lanham Act if
`either of.Plaintift’ s two applications (241,468 for CHESAPEAKE and 744,S44i for CHESAPEAKE
`BANK) matured intoa registration.
`56. On April 27, 1999, Plaintiffs CHESAPEAKE mark was published for opposition.
`57. Defendant Virginia Bank elected not to oppose Plaintiff s CHESAPEAKE registration
`Chesapeake Bank v. Chesapeake Financial Shares et al.
`, Page _9_

`despite two requests for time extensions from the United States Patent and Trademark Office to oppose
`and otherwise object to Plaintiff 5 registration of CHESAPEAKE.
`.58. Defendant Virginia Bank elected not to oppose Plaintiff’ s CHESAPEAKE registration
`despite its decision to file on July 6, 1999 its opposition to registration ofPlaintiffs CHESAPEAKE
`BANK mark.
`69. At the time Defendant Virginia Bank filed its opposition to registration ofPlaintiff’ s
`A CHESAPEAKE BANK mark, Defend»ant’Virginia Bank was still within the statutory period, which
`_i_ncluding.two extensions ended on’.Aiugust 25, 1999, to oppose Plaintiffs CITESAPEAKE mark
`60.iOpposition Case Number 114,3 53 before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board remains
`pending at this time.
`61. On March 22., 20041-Defendant Virginia Bank filed a_Petition with the United States
`Trademark Trial and Appeal Board to Cancel Plaintiffs CHESAPEAKE registration‘ (Cancellation No.
`i 31,763),
`remains pending. .
`62. On or about August 15, 2002, Defendant Private Business, Inc. telephoned Ms. Jan Orcutt, a
`smallbzusiniess owner_located in Montgomery County, Maryland. (Orcutt Affidavit, paragraph 4)
`63. Defendant Private Business’s phone call was unsolicited by Ms. Orcutt, or anyone afiiliated
`with Ms. Orcutt.
`64. The'caller identified himself as representing “CHESAPEAKE BANK.” (Orcutt Afiidavit,
`paragraph 5)
`Chesapeake Bank v. Chesapeake Financial Shares et_ al.
`Page _10_

`65. The caller, Mr. Kevin Kelleher, described an accounts receivable program called “Business
`Manager,” and set up an appointment to have a Mr. Kevin Wood meet Ms. Orcutt at her home; which is
`also her place ofbusiness, on August 20, 2062. (Orcutt Affidavit, paragraphs 9 & 10)
`66. Mr. Kelleher sent a confirming fax to Ms. Orcutt at about 11:28 am on August 15, 2002.
`(Exhibit 8 is a true copy ofthe fax) (Orcutt Affidavit, paragraph 10)
`67. The fax violated the law relating to use otftelephoneequipment (47 United States Code §227)
`bywnot providing identifyinglinformatfonfin the header as required.
`6d. Tlpon re.ceipt'iof_the
`and upon observing that Mr. Kelleher signed it as “for Private
`Business,'Tnc.,” Ms. Orcutt began to investigateiwhat was behind this meeting. (Crcutt Affidavit, _
`paragrap__h 12) i
`69. Ms. Orcutt went on-line and using a search engine identified the Plaintiff‘Chesapeake Bank.
`(Orcutt Affidavdit, paragraph 13)
`70. Ms_. Orcutt telephoned Chesapeake Bank on August 15, 2002 and spoke with Ms. 10 Taylor,
`vice president of Chesapeake Bank. (Orcutt Affidavit, paragraph 15)
`71. Ms. Taylor stated that Chesapeake Bank has no such product as__the Business Manager, and is
`not affiliated in any waywith Private Business, Inc. (ohm Affidavit, paragraphs 17 & 18)
`72. Ms. Orcutt then went online and located the phone number for Private Business, Inc., in
`Tennessee. She called Private Business, Inc. in Tennessee and obtained the phone number for Kevin
`Wood, who was located in Richmond, Virginia. (Orcutt Affidavit, paragraphs 29 and 32)
`73. Defendants’ Maryland target market at a minimum includes Montgomery County, Maryland,
`which geographically overlaps Plaintiff Chesapeake Bank’s market.
`74. The instance of actual confusion demonstrates that Maryland residents are likely to conclude
`Chesapeake Bank v. Chesapeake Financial Shares et al.

`that the Chesapeake Bank that is associated with marketing accounts receivable factoring is the
`-...<»-...- ..u.... ..,.....,
`Chesapeake.Bank headquartered in »Towson,—=‘Maryland-.
`75. Plaintiff reallegesthe preceding paragraphs as if fully set forth herein.
`76. Plaintiff Chesapeake Bank has used the CHESAPEAKE ® mark in relation to banking A.
`services and products on a cointinuouslbasis in i_nterstate commerce since as early as Ianuary 1960.
`'l:he registeredfmark used by PlaintiffChesapeake Bank (CHESAPEAKE
`describes; identifies and denotes Plaintiffas a source ofbanking products and services
`'78‘. Plaintiff Chesapeake Bank has used the CHESAPEAKE BANK mark in relation
`“services and products on a continuous basis in interstate commerce since as early as January 1997.
`79._ Plaintiff Chesapeake Bank uses the marks CHES’APEAKE® and CHESAPEAKE BANK to
`establish good will and reputation and to identify the particular products andservices it ofl‘ers, and to
`fUI'l'.h€l' distinguish these from similar goods and services offered by others.
`80. Since at least as early as 1960, Plaintiff Chesapeake Bank has advertised and promoted
`CHESAPEAKE® in the Baltimore-‘Washington metropolitan area. Such advertising and promotion was
`and is designed to distinguish Plaintiff Chesapeake Bank’s products from those of others.
`81. Plaintiff Chesapeake Bank has since at least 1997 prominently used and displayed its
`CHESAPEAKE® and CHESAPEAKE BANK marks in newspaper, television, radio and Internet
`advertising in the Baltimore-Washington metropolitan area.
`Chesapeake Bank v. Chesapeake Financial Shares et al.
`Page _12_

`82. Defendants in 2002 have started using CHESAPEAKE BANK in telemarketing to solicit
`customers located in the State of Maryland and to market banking services and products to‘ the public.
`83. Defendants are confusing the public as to the source of their services and products.
`84. The public believes that Defendants’ services and products originate with Plaintiff
`Chesapeake Bank.
`85. Defendants are infringing Plaintiff Chesapeake Bank’s marks in interstate commerce
`these and other various acts" that include solicitingsinall businesses in Montgomery Count; Maryland
`while holding themselves
`BANK as a source ofbanking servicesand products
`marketed to customers arid potential customers ofPlaintiff
`-86. Defendants; use ofthe mark CHESAPEAKE BANK in marketing banking services and
`products inlvlaryland is without pennissidn or authority ofPlaintiff Chesapeake Bank, and
`use by I
`these Defendants is likely to cause confiision, to cause mistake and to deceive.
`&___ 87. Defendantsare attempting to trade in the PlaintiffChesapeake Bank’s market area while
`using the Plaintiff mark: CHESAPEAKE BANK.
`88. Defendants’ use of CHESAPEAKE BANK in Maryland is,”and with knowledge that
`Plaintiffconducts its business in Marylarid under the CESAPEAKE and CHESAPEAKE BANK
`89. The Defendants’ use of the CHESAPEAKE BANK mark constitutes a false designation of
`origin that is likely to cause confusion, to cause mistake and to deceive as to the affiliatiion, connection"
`or association ofDefendantswith Plaintifi‘ and as to the origin, sponsorship, or approval ofPlaintiff.
`90. Defendants use the confusingly similar mark CHESAPEAKE BANK to indicate or identify
`similar products and services that they marketed in direct competition with Plaintiff Chesapeake Bank in
`‘ Chesapeake Bank v. Chesapeake Financial Shares et al.
`Page _13_

`the same trade area in which Plaintiff Chesapeake Bank has established its marks.
`91.-‘ Defendants’ acts violate 15 U.S.C-.S;' § .11 14(a)'in that Defendants use in commerce a -‘sis:-4'1‘;
`reproduction, copy, or colorable imitation ofPlaintiff’s registered mark CHESAPEAKE” in connection
`with the sa1e,'offering for sale, distribution, or advertising ofgoods or services on or in connection with
`which such use is likely to cause confusion, or to cause mistake or to deceive.
`92. Defendants have also reproduced, copied, or colorably imitated Plaintiff’ s registered mark
`CHESAPEAKEQ and applied such reproduction, counterfeit, copy, or colorable imitation to labels,
`si-gns, p‘rints,,packages, wrappers: receptacles or advertisements intended to be used in commerce upon
`orin connection with the sale, offering for sale, distribution, or advertising of services orpgoods on or in
`uiconnection w_ith.which_ such use is likely to cause confiision, or to cause mistake,"or to, deceive.
`93. Defendants’ acts of trademark infringement were committed with the intentttorcause
`confusion, mistake and to deceive.
`Through Deferidants’ acts, Plaintiff Chesapeake Bank has suffered and will continue to suffer
`damage to its reputation, loss of customers, and diminishment of its good will;
`Coimrf 11
`95. Plaintiff realleges the preceding paragraphs as if fully set forth herein.
`_ 96. Defendants’ acts in copying and emulating Plaintiffs registered mark CHESAPEAKE® and
`in copying and emulating Plaintiffs CHESAPEAKE BANK trademark constitute unfair competition
`against Chesapeake Bank.
`97. Defendants’ acts of marketing products or service under the CHESAPEAKE BANK mark
`Chesapeake Bank v. Chesapeake Financial Shares et. al.
`Page _14_

`constitutes unfair competition against Chesapeake Bank.
`98. Defendants’ acts are likely to cause confusion, or to cause mistake, or to deceive as to the
`affiliation, connection, or association of a Defendant with Plaintiff, or as to the origin, sponsorship, or
`approval of a'Defendant or its goods, services, or commercial activities by Plaintiff. 15 U.S.C. Sec.
`‘:9-9,,Plaintifflrealleges the ppeceding paragraphs as iffi.1lly set forth herein. ,
`pdisplhayfed to
`100. Defendants use the text mark
`., , the public that copy the
`BANK’mark used-by PlaintiffChesapeake fl
`1.0.1‘. Defendants, in commercial advertising or promotion, misrepresent the nature,
`characteristics, qualities, or’geographic origin of its services, goods, or commercial activities, violating
`15 U.S.C.A: Sec. '1 125(a)(1)(B).
`Plaintiff realleges the preceding paragraphs as if fiilly set forth herein.
`103. Defendants’ acts constitute unfair competition and a violation of the Maryland Unfair or
`Deceptive Trade Practices provisions ofthe Annotated Code ofMaryland, Commercial Law § 13-2Cl1 et.
`Chesapeake Bank v. Chesapeake Financial Shares er. al.
`Page _15_

`104. Defendants’ representations of sponsorship are misleading, and have the capacity,
`tendency or effect of deceiving or misleading consumers.
`105. As a result of the goodwill developed by Plaintiff Chesapeake Bank in its
`CHESAPEAKE” and CHESAPEAKE BANK marks, Defendants’ use of the marks and names
`CHESAPEAKE and CHESAPEAKE BANK is likely to and does cause confiision in the public.
`Onriinformation and belief, Defendants’ infringed Plaintiff Chesapeake Ban_k’s marks --~-
`with the intent. to deceive the public into believing that goods sold by Defendants are made by, approved
`by, sponsored by or affiliated with Plaintiff Chesapeake Bank.
`107 On information. and belief, Defendants’ acts were committed with the intent to pass off
`i and palm offDefendants’ goods as the goods of the Plaintiff Chesapeake Bank, and with the intent to
`deceive and defraudbthe public.
`108; . Defendants’ acts have createdconfiision and are likely to create confusion in the minds of
`a’ substantial portion of reasonable members of public.
`Plaintiffrealleges the preceding paragraphs as iffully set forth herein.
`1 Defendants’ injure Plaintiff Chesapeake Bank's business, and violate the Maryland Code
`of Business Regulations, § 1-401 et. seq., Trademarks, Service Marks, and Tradenames

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