From: Meier, Sharon
`Sent: 9/5/2018 10:22:00 AM
`To: TTAB EFiling
`Subject: U.S. TRADEMARK APPLICATION NO. 87396555 - CHARTRETRIEVAL - 81528.00036 - Request for
`Reconsideration Denied - Return to TTAB - Message 3 of 3
`Attachment Information:
`Count: 14
`Files: web9-3.jpg, web10-1.jpg, web10-2.jpg, web10-3.jpg, web11-1.jpg, web11-2.jpg, web11-3.jpg,
`web11-4.jpg, web11-5.jpg, web11-6.jpg, web12-1.jpg, web12-2.jpg, web13-1.jpg, web13-2.jpg


`09f0412018 03:41:24 PM
`Ask us about Secure Virtual Print (SUP) E Remote Secure Virtual Print (RSVP),
`which enables the electronic transfer of medical records directly from an EMR into
`MRCS through the ubiquitous “print” function. SUP and RSVP deliver unparalleled
`efficiency by significantly reducing the cost and disruption associated with medical
`record retrieval, while also improving Provider relations.
`plane pm -leti:aid
`Hone oflhe Above
`M C


`http #www releasepoint.comfsolutionsfmedicalerecorderetrievali’
`09f04i’2018 03:43 46 PM
`if; ReleasePoint
`The Evolution of
`Medical Record Retrieval
`ReleasePoint is a leading provider of national medical
`record retrieval services, ofiering dynamic solutions that
`satisfy the needs of the insurance industry's largest
`Record Retrieval 2.0
`Record Retrieval 2.0 is a concept that acknowledges that record retrieval is no longer simply a commoditized
`necessity of the underwriting and claims process‘ but that industry customers can and should expect more from their
`supplier. Record Retrieval 2.0 denotes a next generation approach to the workflow process that encompasses:
`As more facilities replace their paper-based systems with Electronic Health
`Records, ReleasePoint provides a “many-to-one" file conversion and delivery
`process that actively encourages the transmission of EHR infon'nation to our


`http #www releasepoimt.comfsolutionsfmedicalirecordiretrievaix’
`09f04f2018 03:43 46 PM
`r'—'-" —'—‘ —'-"'z ""“"=" —" ——"-""——"" " —' " ' ""-""——"' " '—'
`secure imaging sewers. Documents of any and all types are converted to a single
`file based on customer format requirements.
`Quality Control:
`ReleasePoint delivers a multi-layer QC process that assures our customers can
`use the documents we deliver — or they don’t pay.
`Distributed Processing:
`Request processing moves seamlessly through our three production offices, in
`Los Angeles. St Louis and Charlotte. providing redundancy. scalability and
`improved cycle time through reduced USPS distance.
`ReleasePoint excels at complex systern—to—system projects. whether it's through a
`temporary bridge to a legacy mainframe. or Web SenriceleML integration with
`today’s current technologies.
`Medical Record Retrieval for the Following Industries:
`Lite Underwriting
`and Claims
`Underwriting and Underwriting and
`Property and


`http #www releasepoimt.comfsolutionsfmedicalerecorderetrievalx’
`09i04x’2018 03:43 46 PM
`Low Risk
`High Value
`High Quality
`High Degree of
`% 40 years of
`0/0 Bundled Value
`Added Services
`with le Impact
`% Employee—Based
`0/0 Integrated Provider
`Fee controls
`% Secure,
`Redundant, and
`% Special Handling in
`% Mulli—level Quality
`Assurance Process
`assures the
`% ReleawPoirrl
`Adapts to YOUR
`Pmcemes &
`% Fastest
`Turnaround at the
`Lowest Cost
`3 Iver can serve
`:oFuments we
`purpose 7 or you
`Ir Intended
`don't pay
`% C
`[3 [3 mp 23 my
`al Record Rat
`Clinical Analytics


`httpsflmmvmedfusion comfsolutionsefon’insuranceewellmessiandeledalecompaniesi
`09f0412018 03:44:25 PM
`Find Your Doctor's Portat Here _
`Solutions For
`'-"'.-'I-7k*-. w.
`. figurines i.._...,.:.,.
`Solutions That Drive
`For Customers
`Knowledge Center
`About Us
`:'-.1-. all:31:: .3" 5
`a fiure Access to
`tructured Patient Data‘
`ier and More
`e-Iith U
`Home > Solutions For > Insurance. Wellness and Legal Companies
`Retrieve Patient Medical Records with
`Medical Data APls.
`Medfusion APls give developers and vendors tools to easily integrate with
`healthcare infrastructure & access patient data. Whether you’re looking to
`power your wellness app or verify insurance eligibility, we've got your
`Gather health
`data for less


`httpsflmmymedfusion comfsolutionseforfiflsuranceewellmessiandeleqalecompaniesi
`09f0412018 03:44:25 PM
`Our platform allows you to securely gather and organize medical record
`data across multiple providers and EMR systems. We take a patient-
`centered approoch to accessing this data. End users connect to their
`patient portal and our APIs import the data.
`At a fraction of the time and cost of traditional record retrieval, Medfusion
`APls securely deliver structured data directly to your soflware or system.
`Data retrieval goes from months or weeks to minutes or seconds—the
`speed of business.
`These are the same APls that power the Medfusion Plus consumer app,
`currently available to health systems and enterprises.
`than 15% of the
`cost of an APS,
`in a fraction of
`the time, by
`directly from
`Read More
`Medfusion EMR Integrated Solutions Retrieve and Consolidate
`Medical Records in Minutes.
`Without Medfusion APls:
`5-10+ Weeks
`APE. Requested0 Application APSReleased
`Underwriter Review


`httpsflmmvmedfusion comfsoiutionsefon’insuranceeweiimessiandeleqalecompaniesi
`09f0412018 03:44:25 PM
`fl 1 to 2 weeks
`1 to 10+ weeks
`With Medfusion APls:
`Reducing 1 to 10+ Weeks to Data Flowing in Minutes
`Underwriter Review
`' 9—)
`10 minutes
`Imagine being able to qualify an insurance applicant in minutes. What kind of competitive edge
`would that give your business? Better yet— at less than 15% of the cost!
`Clients We Serve
`Insurance Carriers
`Legal Services
`Power your app with clean and
`codified healthcare data that you
`can access in an easy—to—use
`Easily retrieve medical records for
`health, life and auto insurance
`Quickly obtain medical records
`related to legal cases with our
`HIPAA—compliant services. You can
`access & authorize user healthcare
`annna Inh- uri'l-k nae-n


`httpsflmwmedfusion comfsolutionsefon’insurancewellnesseandeledalecombanies;f
`09f0412018 03:44:25 PM
`accounts with ease.
`Solving Interoperability through
`Medfusion APls
`3......” _
`Siloed EMR systems present a challenge for accessing patient
`data from different systems. Leam how Medfusion APls solve
`that issue and allow you to securely gather medical records
`from multiple providers & EMR systems.
`Learn more about Medfusion APls
`Need a partner to help navigate the future of
`Medfusion can help you engage patients on an ongoing basis, and boost practice efficiencies
`and financial performance.
`Talk to a sales


`httpsflmmvmedfusion comfsolutionssfon’insuranceswellnessandsledalscompaniest
`09f0412018 03:44:25 PM
`Learn More About How We Help Insurance, Wellness & Legal Companies.
`ASSO canon.
`Medfusion Patient
`Experience Platform
`aggregates clinical,
`scheduling & financial
`data — from every major
`EHR and Practice
`Management system
`February 28, 2018
`No doubt that when HIMSS kicks
`off next week that the words
`interoperability, patient
`engagement and patient
`experience will be on everyone’s
`booths, lips and twitter feeds. But
`at Medfusion. for neartv twentv
`Medfusion joins forces
`with National
`Association for Trusted
`Exchange to Drive
`Health Data Access
`December 18, 2017
`Medfusion has joined the National
`Association for Trusted Exchange
`(NATE) to further drive adoption
`of medical record sharing
`technologies and standards.
`NATE is a not-for-profit
`membership association focusing
`on enabling the trusted exchange
`of health information. And their
`Medfusion health record
`app takes home NCTA
`Innovative Products
`November 14, 2017
`Medfusion brought home the
`hardware for our Medfusion Plus
`health record app at the recent
`NCTA Tech Awards. Named the
`most Innovative Product, the app
`consolidates your medical data ;'n_ "
`the palm of your hand. Patients
`connect all their various patient” _
`portals into a single, consolidated
`view. Then thev can share that


`httpsflmwmedfusion comfsolutionsefon’iflsuranceewellmessiandeleoalecompaniest
`09f0412018 03:44:25 PM
`ill. WIL'UIUSIUII, IUI "wallyI lWCllly
`0| "earl." IlllUllllauUll. Full] IIICII
`VIEW. Illell [[le can SHE“: Ulal.
`years we’ve been putting the
`patient in the center of health IT.
`And it's something we continue to
`do every day. It's
`information with providers
`goal is increasing technology
`adoption and improving patient
`outcomes. They call him Captain
`Blue Button—Empowering
`consumers by
`Load More
`5501 Dillard Dr, Cary, NC 27518
`Contact Us Today
`ONC Certified HIT *\ %
`© 2013—2018 Medfusion Inc. All lights reserved. Medfusion, among others, is a registered trademark or service mark of Medfusion Inc. in the United
`other countries. Other partims‘ trademarks or service marks are the property of their raspective owners and should be treated as such.


`httpsfmrww mediconnectflelfitechnoloq rmedical record retrieval methodesp
`09f04f2018 03.48 04 PM
`Login in
`Tammy may
`MEUlLEI RECON Retrieval
`Pdemad Process
`HIPM Ccumiance
`No Map-mtg Fees
`Schedule i Damn
`How Verscend Obtains Medical Records
`Request Records—Anytime, me Anywhere.
`Each medical record retlieval request initiated in RapidRetn'eve is filtered
`through Verscend’s Master Record anater (MRL), our database of my me
`million provider locations. Within minutes of entering a n'iedical recard retrieval
`request, Verscenrl's elite team at agents uses pmpnetary technology tn initiate
`and expedite each request on behalf of our clients.
`Verscend has spent over 16 years fostemg a broad netwonc of provider relationships. which are built on a foundation oftmst in our ability to
`maintain patient privacy We’ve made tremendeus efierls totrack ever; provider ofl‘rce In great detail; wrm qu—ttHIate Inion11ation on the type
`of records a prawder Keeps, the software systems they use, the office hours the"; Keep, wharnto contact on their stafl—and even thetr
`favorite types rifman his,
`The levet ottrlstwe‘ve built lMfl’I pruvrflers ailaws us tn suppart our cltents with global access ton'tedical intnnnatmn faster, and mm a
`quality ofeemce that is unparalleled in the moustrv.
`The Wine Vmcmd Serve; in Medical Recurdflen’ieval' andReview:
`‘ I
`Learn How to Request Records with RapidRetrieveT“ >>
`Capynghl 92016 Verseend and its subsidiaries and afiliales
`Hume | Services leompany l Free Sign Up | Careers l Contact l Privacy Policy I Site Map


`httpsflmvw mediconnectfletftechfloloq Hmedica‘ record retfleval method.aap
`09f04f2018 03.48 04 PM


`httos:r'fvvmv.mosmedlcalrecordreview comfmedicalrrecordrretnevalrservices php
`UQIO4E2018 03 50:38 PM
`MOS Medical Record Reviews
`Sening the Meditelegal Industn’ since :ooe...
`3+ - fillings
`Comments ’
`Quick Contact
`first Name '
`Last Name
`Phone '
`Email ‘
`Medical Record Retrieval Services
`Managed Outsource Solutions (MOS) provides medical record retfieval services for insurance companies. law time
`and corporate legal departments, We can handle large Vllume medical record collection efficiently lltlilh a skilled and
`experienced chart retrieval team and state—of—lhe—art snfiware system that is designed to ensure efficiency and accuracy.
`Let us help you retrieve the medical documentation you need for your medical malpractice, workers‘ compensation,
`personal injury and insurance defense cares as well as class action cases,
`Interested in our free hill offer? Call our toll free number 145M67l12809.
`Customized, Afiordable, High Quality Outsourcing Services
`When you entrust your records remeval got) to MOS. you can expect speedy completion of the project Within your
`required tumaround time,
`I The tumardund tmle is customizable cnremighl to multiple days or weeks,
`I We are dedicated to maintaining the highest industry standards, and providing high quality ofwork We ensure that
`all the medical records we retrieve are audited, and even randomly recheck the medical charts already reviewed by
`I Attorneys
`I Case or Chan Revtew Firms
`independent Medical
`insurance Cornpanies
`I Medcal—Legal Consultanb
`- Plivate Corporations
`I Sisal Seculity Disability firms


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`UQIO4E2018 03 50:38 PM
`I DJIreoonbnalrievaltumismeIZAIThprmfleyurwitheoorlariwllmpuinudilyreoordsrflrievaland
`I mrmfigfiafirdafleaflcumrfiedmmiflmclmWfliaiomaquiem
`I Wecmretrieverecordslocallyamlnationafl.
`I Weensurelhalllrerecmdsymrelzeivearemnplefleheva’yrapectlaccumteadagaizalmadinghym
`I WeenrequESta'liHmemqemlpmfinefiamemgpflrerrmonhasflrepHfiEMMmEhflhu
`I Track, retrieve and viewlredigilized marital recorrh viaour settle onlirre pldfimrl,
`Unique Combination of Dedicated Workforce and Advanced Technology
`rrmitxllhe [Ingram ufmkasaigrndardenaurewnplelbnontim
`OurVatue Propositions
`I Cost-efiecfiveserficewtthassuedmmmmnvingsformclierls
`I mickardefficientcharlmieval
`I Highvcilrerecudrdrievalwrlhirnirinunlrmauurlllime
`I Custnrizeddocumenhtirn
`I MLlilevvelqrality mmeamtaudittnil
`I Refilonsivecrmnersewie
`I 24!?5upport
`Benefit from Confidentiality. Secufity and HIPM Compliance
`MMOSJonfiden‘tiflyfierournedicd recordsis ourprime objective. Weare HIPAAcornpliantarKlensuettralyul
`:llder'grfi ow medical-W clieris {are and provide Ham, W 2nd comprehensive yiriiorsW to
`Each cirnt
`No long term yeany contracts to sign.
`LetuseinflflyymrkzunuflmfiemlhflnflhourmaflednmtdmdMelamine; Getinlnurzlrwihus
`manmsm aserdaremlhhfnfimnamdmlsoumecunfixnminfomlafim,
`All Rights Reserved. Websi'heDesig'I by MedResmrr-ive.

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