From: Johnson, Danythe
`Sent: 3/16/2018 9:49:57 PM
`To: TTAB EFiling
`Subject: U.S. TRADEMARK APPLICATION NO. 87278358 - COMFORT ZONE - A_TM1180 - Request for
`Reconsideration Denied - Return to TTAB - Message 1 of 4
`Attachment Information:
`Count: 7
`Files: Wikippe-1.jpg, Wikippe-2.jpg, Wikippe-3.jpg, Wikippe-4.jpg, Wikippe-5.jpg, Wikippe-6.jpg,


`APPLICANT: Ansell Limited
` A_TM1180
`The trademark examining attorney has carefully reviewed applicant’s request for reconsideration and is
`denying the request for the reasons stated below. See 37 C.F.R. §2.63(b)(3); TMEP §§715.03(a)(ii)(B),
`715.04(a). The Trademark act Section 2(d) refusal made final in the Office action dated September 14,
`2017 is maintained and continues to be final. See TMEP §§715.03(a)(ii)(B), 715.04(a). All previous
`arguments and evidence, where applicable, are incorporated by reference herein.


`In the present case, applicant’s request has not resolved the outstanding issue, nor does it raise a new
`issue or provide any new or compelling evidence with regard to the outstanding issue in the final Office
`action. In addition, applicant’s analysis and arguments are not persuasive nor do they shed new light on
`the issues. Accordingly, the request is denied.
`In its February 20, 2018 Request for Reconsideration, applicant amended its identification. However, this
`amendment does resolve the Section 2(d) refusal. Applicant contends that its goods “are sold exclusively
`within the personal protective equipment sector.” See Request at 1. Applicant states that this sector is
`“highly regulated by the United State Occupational Safety and Health Administration.” See Request at 2.
`However, the attached article demonstrates that “personal protective equipment” refers to “protective
`clothing, helmets, goggles, or other garments or equipment designed to protect the wearer’s body from
`injury or infection.” See Wikipedia, attached. There are no limits as to what can be “personal protective
`equipment” except that it must protect the wearer. As such, the attached and previously attached
`evidence of gloves demonstrates that these gloves protect the wearers from injury or infection. See,
`e.g., 5.11, Blauer, Propper, Tact Squad, Galls, Rothco (attached), HW1 Tactical & Duty Designs
`(attached). As such these gloves are “personal protective equipment.” Consequently, applicant’s
`amendment narrowing the sector of use does not resolve the Section 2(d) refusal.
`Applicant also contends that the goods of applicant and registrant are “very dissimilar.” See Request at
`2. Applicant contends that its gloves are “sold to industrial purchasers seeking to protect employees
`from industrial cuts or abrasive accidents, and are worn exclusively in industrial settings, such as
`factories or construction sites.” See Request at 2. However, this is not what applicant’s identification
`states. Applicant’s amended identification says “Specialized protective work gloves for use within the
`personal protective equipment (PPE) sector; specialized protective gloves for industrial use within the
`personal protective equipment (PPE) sector.” The only mention of “industrial” is in the second clause of
`the identification. Further, the attached evidence demonstrates that entities that provide law
`enforcement uniforms also provide industrial gloves. See e.g., Dickies, 221B Tactical (attached),
`TurtleSkin (attached), Radians (attached), and OccuNomix (attached). As such, this argument is not
`Applicant also contends that its purchasers are sophisticated because of the standards imposed by OSHA
`for personal protective equipment. See Request at 2-3. Applicant also argues that its goods “are not
`mass-market items …[t]hese are expensive and sophisticated PPE goods, regulated by the federal
`government through OSHA, that are only marketed to and purchased by manufacturers for use in
`industrial settings.” See Request at 3. However, applicant has not provided evidence of the cost of its
`gloves. Further, applicant’s identification does not refer exclusively to industrial settings or to being
`regulated by OSHA. Therefore, applicant’s attempts to narrow its identification are not persuasive.
`Even if consumers of the compared goods could be considered sophisticated and discriminating, it is
`settled that “even sophisticated purchasers are not immune from source confusion, especially in cases


`such as the present one involving identical marks and related goods.” In re, llc, 116
`USPQ2d 1406, 1413 (TTAB 2015) (citing In re Research & Trading Corp., 793 F.2d 1276, 1279, 230 USPQ
`49, 50 (Fed. Cir. 1986)), aff’d, 866 F.3d 1315, 123 USPQ2d 1744 (Fed. Cir. 2017); see also In re Shell Oil
`Co., 992 F.2d 1204, 1208, 26 USPQ2d 1687, 1690 (Fed. Cir. 1993). The identity of the marks and the
`relatedness of the goods “outweigh any presumed sophisticated purchasing decision.” In re
`, llc, 116 USPQ2d at 1413 (citing HRL Assocs., Inc. v. Weiss Assocs., Inc., 12 USPQ2d 1819,
`1823 (TTAB 1989), aff'd, 902 F.2d 1546, 14 USPQ2d 1840 (Fed. Cir. 1990)); see also Stone Lion Capital
`Partners, LP v. Lion Capital LLP, 746 F.3d 1317, 1325, 110 USPQ2d 1157, 1163-64 (Fed. Cir. 2014).
`Applicant’s arguments have been considered and found unpersuasive for the reasons set forth above. As
`such, the Trademark Act Section 2(d) refusal is continued and maintained.
`If applicant has already filed a timely notice of appeal with the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, the
`Board will be notified to resume the appeal. See TMEP §715.04(a).
`If no appeal has been filed and time remains in the six-month response period to the final Office action,
`applicant has the remainder of the response period to (1) comply with and/or overcome any
`outstanding final requirement(s) and/or refusal(s), and/or (2) file a notice of appeal to the Board. TMEP
`§715.03(a)(ii)(B); see 37 C.F.R. §2.63(b)(1)-(3). The filing of a request for reconsideration does not stay
`or extend the time for filing an appeal. 37 C.F.R. §2.63(b)(3); see TMEP §§715.03, 715.03(a)(ii)(B), (c).
`/Danythe Johnson/
`Examining Attorney
`Law Office 120


`htms lien wmpedia orniwrklfpersonei protective equipment 03/18/2318 US 24 16 PM
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`1 Types
`1,1 Respirators
`l 2 Stan protection
`1 3 Eye protection
`1 4 Hearing violation
`1 5 Protective clelnrrla andensembles
`1.5.l Ensembles
`15.2 In sports
`Personal protective equipment
`From Wikipedie. the free encyclopedia
`”Safety helmet” redirects here it IE not to he oonlusea with hard hat
`Personal protective equipment [FPE] refers to protective clothing, heirnets. pogpiesi or ether garments or equipment designed to protect the wearer's body from injury or
`inreelran, The hazards addressed by prolecllve equipment include physicist electricat, heal, chemicals hidhazards, and aimeme panieuiale matter, Protective equipment may
`tie worn tar jmrrelaled mnupetinrial serety and health purposes, as well as rnr spans and other renreelianel enlivities ‘Pmlectilie clothing" is applied to tredttidnel categories or
`cteil'linp‘ and “protective gear“ applies to ilems such as pads. guards, shields. er masks, and others
`the purpose at personal protective equipment is t5 reduce employee exposure to hazards when engineering controis and administrative controls are not feasible or attentive to
`reduce Ihese risks it: acceptable levels FF'E IS needed when Ihsre are hazards presenl FPE has Ihe serious Ilm'llalron Ural it does not eliminate Ihs hazard at lire salute and
`may result in employees being exposed lo the hazard irlhe equipment rails,“
`Any item UfF'F'E imposes a hamer hetweeh the weareriuser and the ertrlg enirirdnment This can create addilienai strains on the wearer: impair their ability to marry eutlheir
`went anti create significant levels or discnmrnn Any or these can discourage wearers rmrn using FPE cerrecthi‘ mererore piecing them at risk at iniury‘ iii-health or, under
`extreme circumstances death. Good Ergonomic design can helD to minimise these barriers and can therefore halo tn ensure sale and heaflhy working conditions through the
`correct use 01 PPE,
`Practices 01 occupational satetv and health can use hazard controls and interventions lu infiltrate workplace hazards. Wl‘llUl'l lapse a threat tn the Salem and uuallltl at life of
`workers, The hierarchy ol hazard CDIIIFDIS provides a policy tramewark whiah ranks the types or hazard controls in terms at absolafie flsk reduehun, Al the top of the hieraml‘ry
`are ellrmniltien and substitution which remnve the hazard entirely or replace the hazard with a serer nttemenue "elimination Ir sunstnutrori measures cannot apply.
`engineering controFs and admllllSUBllW conlrols. which seek to design saler mechanisms and coach safer human behavior. are Implemented Personal Drutuctrvu Equipment
`ranks last rm the hierarchy tir neutrals, as the wurkers era regulariy exposed to the hazard, with a hamer er pruieetrari The hierarchy at eunlreis rs imperiam in aeknawiedding
`that, while personal protective equipment has tremenonus ulillty, it is net the nestred mechanism nr control in terms nrwanter safety
`Centenb [hide]
` st
`Drug Entorcernerit
`Administration (DEA) agent:
`Wearing Level B harms! suns
`Salsh' equ went and
`supervisdr instiurliens are
`cansti-uctidn site
`Occuplfloml hazards
`ill-ram er lizard earn-ls


`films lien wlapedis oroMIltIfPersonel protective equipment [Elm/2318 DB 24 16 PM
`‘ ‘
`2 Limits of the definition
`3 Legislallon in Ins European Union
`4 can“
`aaiiasa Indonesta
`a See also
`a tans
`6 Relerences
`7 External linlcs
`‘k ‘5
`.4[or tints
`Engmaenw mum‘s
`Millmsll‘ahve controls
`Pei-mini proactive equipment
`Prevention lhrougr! daslgn
`DEW Mil-I'll
`Occupatiortaiexposllre ltmtt
`Exposure assessmm
`Wciflmtace beam survellarice
`Occupational tnxiculugy
`ni-nipstinriai EplfiPmlnlngv
`Personal protective equipment can be categorized by the area of the body protected, by the types 0! hazard, and by the type oi garment or
`accessory A Single ilam‘ for example mints, may provide multiple terms of prolaullun: a steel the cap arid sleet insoles for pratactinii of
`the tee! from crushing or puncture IIIJLII‘IES. tmpervteus rubber and lining for protection lrorn water and chemicals. high reflectivity and heat resistance tor protection from radiant
`heal, and high eleclnnal [Eslsllvlty rur prulecliull lmrll electnt: shock, The protective attributes olaanli piaca piaquiprnant must be compared with lhe hazards expected to be
`[HUNG In the womplace More breathable WDES 0' personal DIDlECIIVB equipment may IIDl F330 in more CDI’l'all'lIlIalan hut d0 I'QSIJII In BFBEKBV user satislactmn [Tl
`Main article Respirator
`Respirators serve to protect the user from breathing Ill contaminants In the air. thus preserving the health of one‘s respiratory tract, There are two
`main types nf respiminis One type at respimtpr functions by fillenng out chamicaifi and gases or aimpme particles, lrorn the aerrEall'lad by the
`user [3] ‘me nitration may be either passive or active (powered) Gee masks anti particulate respirators are examples or this type or respirator, Aseclna type or respirator protects
`users by providing clean. resoireble eir lrom another source This type includes airline respirators and sell-eontained breathing apparatus (SCBA) 1:) in work environments
`resonators are relied upon when adequate verililauori is not available or other engineering control syslerns are not teaSible or inadequate 5“
`iii the United Kingdom an organization that has extensive ememse in respiralury protective equipment is the institute pr Unoupahonai Meditme This sxparlisa has heart tiiiiti an a
`longstanding and ironed research programme that has included the setting otworkplace protection lemurs to the assessment or efficacy or mask; available through high street
`retail cutlets [m "mail
`Tlttt Huaitll iiiiu eatery Exwullw tHSE)‘ NHe Huallli euutiaiiu ariu Healthy wanting Litres (HWL) itaiit-iauiiiiiy uuvutupuu tile RFE {Respilaluly Protective Equiuiiiutiii sutuctut
`rant which is webrhased, This interactive tool provides descriptions ol‘difiererrt types A)! respiraluis and breathing apparatuses as well as 'dss and don'ts" r-r each type W
`In the United States. The National institute tor Occupational Safety and Heallh (NEOSH) Dmvides recommendations on respirator use, in accurdance to NlOSH federal respiratory reuulalions 42 CFR Part B4.ITII
`The Nfllmnal Personal Pmlenlive Technology Laborallui’y (NFPTL) ul NIOSH is lashed inwards actively conducting Sludies Clll resplralflr‘; and providing recommendfllinns Fl
`Skin preteenan
`Occupational skin diseases such as Contact dermatitis skin cancers. and other skin tnluries and infections are the second-most common lypa of occupational d'isease arid can
`he very pastry [“1 skin hazards which lead in Dcnupattnnal sklll disease can be Llassrlied thin rmirgmups, Chemical agents man came irtlci mutant with the skin uimugh direct
`Contact With contaminated surfaces, deposition oi aerosols, immersion or splashes.m Physical agents such as extreme temperatures and ultraviolet or solar radiation can be
`damaging to lhe skin over prolonged exposure M Mechanical liaume occurs in lhe lorrn Uf'l'lCllOHi pressure. abrasions lacerations and contusions ‘51 Biological agents such as
`Darasitesi micrwrgarnsnis. plants and animals can have waned efiecls when exposed to the SKULm
`A 1568 painting depicting
`beekeepcrs in Brokaw:
`“WWW" ““3”"


`nttos iron wmpeclle graham/Personal protectlve equipment 03/16/2318 US 24 16 PM
`Any form of PFE that acts as a barrier beMaen the skin and the agent or exposure can be caneloerea skin protection Because much work I5 oone With the nanos, gloves are
`an essential ilem In Drovlding skill orotection Some examples of gloves commonly used as PFE include rubber gloves cut-reslstant gloves. chainsaw gloves and heat-resistant
`gloves For sports and other reureetionol BllllleleS, many dilierenl gloves are used tor proleollnn, generally against mechanical lreume,
`Other than gloves, any other article or olDIhIrlg or pmleollctrl worn tor a purpose serve to pmlaol the skin Lao ovals tor example, are worn to pmtact against potential splashes of
`chemicals Face shields serve to protect ane's face from potential impact hazards. chemical splashes or possible inlectlous llulcl. A worlieiweanng a
`res traror, lab coat, and gloves
`while weighing (arbor.
`Eye protection
`Main article Eye protection
`Each dayi about 2000 US workers have aiob-relaled eye lniury' trial reuolres medical attention ITJ Eye Iniullas can happen through a variety of
`means, Most eye inrunes ocour when solid particles such as metal slivers, wood clllps‘ sand or cement chips get into the eye ”1 Smaller
`Danlolee ln srnolces ano larger panleles such as broken glass also account rctr oantouiale mener-caustng eye inlunes uiunt force trauma can
`occur to the eye when excessive tome comes into contaol with the eye Chemieei burns biological agents_ and thennei agents, from sources
`Such as welding torches and UV IighL also uuntnbule to occupational eye Inluly 15'
` While the reotrireo eye omteclion varies by ocouoaoon. the salely orovioeo ear. he oeneratized Salelv olasses orovioe oroieolion lrorn external
`detins‘ and should provide side proleotiori vie e wraparound design or side shields I“
`Goggles provide better protection than safety glasses. and are effective ln preventing eve injury from chemical splashes impact, dusty
`envrmnmerits and welding 1“” Goggles with high air ltow should be used to prevent logging 1“!
`Face Shlalds provide additional protection and are worn over the standard eyewsar‘ they also provide proleoltun horn lmpfifil, chemical, and
` r:
`This is an incorrectuse or
`personal protective Equipment
`because the gap between the
`Elm and m ‘3“ mm
`the wristio hazardous
`A paintbatl player wearing
`aoptopnale eye protection
`593'” “Pa“
`blood-Dorrie flfllfiffls,
`v Firllrlecenieoe [SSplfaEOFS are onnsraareo [he DESI form 0' eye pfo‘emlfll‘l when VESDIIEIOVY QIOIECIIO!‘ IS needed 55 W6"I DUI may be I855 BWBCIIVe Bgfilr‘lSl potential impact
`hazards to the eye ‘5:
`. Eye protection tor welding I5 shaded to different degrees, depenolrig on the specinc operation “’1
`Hearing protection
`Main article Hee'nno protacrrort
`lnciusinal noise is otten overlooked as an uoouoallunal hazard as it is not visible to Ihe eve Oil-emit, about 22 million workers in the United states are exposed to potentially damagtng noise levels each yearm
`Dneupattonal hearing loss accounted tor 14% at all occupational illnesses in Zuu‘r erh about 23am] cases significant enough to cause permanent nearing impairment M Aoout £296: or occupational hearing loss
`cases occurred to workers in the manufacturing sector lit The Occupational Safety and Health Administration establishes oocueellonal noise exposure standards "m NlOSH recommends that worker exposures
`to noise be reduoed to a love: equivotenl to 85 dBA tor eight hours to reduce useupallunal nnlsarlnduoed hearing loss " “
`PFE for hearing protection conslsls or earplugs eno earmufls, Workers who are regularly exposed to noise levels above the NIDSH recommendation should be furnished hearing pmleollorl ov the employers as
`they are E IflW-Eflil IIIIENSHEIOH
`Protective clothing and ensembles
`See also: List orpersonal protective equipment by body area
`This furm of PFE I5 allflncampasslng and refers In [he varluus Shuts and unrfDrms worn to prmeet Iris! user fmm harm Lab coals wnm by Sclarll‘lsls and ballrshc Vests worn by law
`5 n


`9 sets or FPE, worn together in a cumbined soil, are also in this category
`rlttos lien inimpedls graham/Personal protective equipment 03/18/2318 DB 24 16 PM
`enroroenieni otnoiois which are worn on a regular best would roll into this category, E
`Belnw are some examples or ensemotes orpersoriol protective equipment wont together tor 2i spoornc occupation or task to protiioe maximum proteonon torttre user
`. Chainsaw protection (especially a helmet with face guard. hearing prolecliarl, kevlai‘ chaps, anll-vlbtnltan gloves and chainsaw salety boots)
`r Bee-Keepers wear various levels of protection depending on the temperament at their bees and the reaction or me bees to nectar availability At minimum most bee keepers weer
`El orirnrned hot am e veil made or fine mesh netting The next level or protection involves leather gloves wlih lung gountiers one some way at keeping boas tronr crawling up une's
`trouser legs, in extreme cases, specially taoncaleo shirts and lmusers can serve as oarriers to the peer: stingers
`. Diving eoorpment, for underwater owing, constitutes equipment susri as a timing helmet or doing mask, an underwater oreaitorrg apparatus and a dIVrFIg suit
`. Firefighters weer PF'E designed to provide proleclton ageinst files and various tomes and gases F'PE worn by firefighlets include bunker goon self contained oreothrng apparatus
`a hallnRt solely liners, and a PASS riavlite
` A complete PPE ensemble
`Lucker containing
`pelsnnal prolecttve
`worn during litgir pressure
`cleaning work
`in sports
`Morn article Fmtechve oesri'rr sports
`Particlpanls in sports often wear proteclwe equipment Studies performed on the lrilunes of professional athletes. such as that on NFL platterspmja question the eflectlveness of existing personal protective
`Limits of the definition
`the detrnrtaon ot what constitutes as personal protective equipmenl vanes oy country in the United States, tire laws reoaming FF'E also vary oy stats in 2m 1‘ workplace satety
`:uriiptuiiils were Liruuglil ogoirist Hus-tier oriu uitiei ouull ni
`uiuuuuuuii curriuoriies Liv the AIDS Heoitlii. re FUulldflllulii ieeuiiig to suveiaf L‘IluLlollb Diuuylll try Gal/OSHA -’“‘ Tlle
`latluta to usa condoms by adult on stars was a Violation of neIiOSHA's Blood homo Pathogens Program. Personot Protective Equipment “" this example shows that personal
`proteciive BquiprrlElrIl can cover a varlely oi occupations in the Unitoo States, and has a mperangrng risnoitron
`Itial PF‘E meets common quality one soteiy slenderos or setting out DBSlC sorely requirements tor personal protective equipment as well as cuntjillons tor llS placemenl on the
`Le isiationjn the Eurnpezin Union 7
`Al "19 EUIODEBH UI'IIOI'I level. DGFSOHZI DI’mEEHVE equipment IS governed by DlFECllVE BQ/EflE/EEC on personal DMEDUVS equipment (FPE) n19 Directive IS designed to BHSLIIQ


`rings lien virilupedis uremia/Personal protective adult-merit 03/18/2318 US 24 16 PM
`It covers 'any device or appliance designed to be worn or held by an indllridual for protection against one or more health
`market and free movement within the EU single market
`and safety hazards "5’ the directive was adoutsd ori 2i Januarv1989 and came into force on l July 1992. The EuroDearl Commission additionally allowed tor a transition Dariod
`until so time 1995 to give ccmpanics sulficlerlt lime to adapttp the legislaltan Alterlhis date, aii PPE placed an the market in EU Member states was required in comply with the
`requirements 0| Directive EQtEBfi/EEC and carrv the CE Mancini},
`Article 1 of Directive EQIGSBIEEC defines personal protective equipment as any device oreppliance designed to be worn or held by an individual for protection against one or more
`heaith and salety hazards PPE which lalls urider ths scape cl the Directive lS divided intc three categenes
`. Category I slriiolo dsstgn te.o. gardenlnli gloves. footwear. ski goodies)
`- Category II PPE not falling into category I or III ie A} personal llolation UEVICGSi dry and Wei suits)
`. Category lll complex design to g respiratory eouiomenl, harnesses)
`Directive SBJESBFEEC on personal orolactrve edulpmenl does not dlstlriouish between PFE for prolsssiunal use and PPE lor leisure purposes
`Perscnal prptentive equipment telling within the scape or the Directive must comply with the basic health and salely requirements set mil in Annex ll crlhe Directive To facilitate
`COI’lfOlfl'Ill‘y Wlm "I959 requirements harmonized standards are developed at the European or international IEVEl by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN, CENELEC} end the International
`Drgflnizutlun rev Slenderdizatien in reistvm tn the design and menui'ccture of the product tie-9e crthe harmonized standards 6 vniuntary and prlvides presumption prccnlorrnily However, menurccturere rney
`ciiccse an alternative melhod qr pomprvinp wiih llie requirements urthe Directive
`Perscnal protective equipment exoruded lrprn the scope crthe Directive iriciudcs
`I PPE designed for and used by the armed forces or in Ihe maintenance {If law arid order‘
`r PPE for sellflelsrice (an aerosol oanlstars, personal dalerrenl weauorls),
`I PPE designed and manuhclured [Dr personal use agalrtst adverse atmDsprlsric Enridlllfllls (e 9 Seasonal Glolrilng‘ umbrellas), damp and water (9 g, dishrwasl’iirlg gloves) and heat,
`- PPE used on vessels and aircraft bul riol worn at all IlmQS‘
`. helmets and visors intended lor users of two- urthree-wheeled motor vehicles.
`The European Commission is currently working to revise Directive 5916BGIEEC the revision Wlll look at the smile of the Directive the conformity assessment urooedures and technical requirements regarding
`market surveiiiance It will aisc align the DIrBClive with the New Legaiislative Framewcrk, The European Cummission is liheiy to publish its proposal in 2013 it wtii then he discussed by the Eurcpean Parliament
`and Council or the European union under the ordinary legislative procedure herore helng published in the crucial Journal or the European union and becoming law
`wamers using personal
`pmtetliire Equipment while
`paimirin pales While basic
`head Vivienne" Is eraser“.
`tic engineering rail
`pmigmm systems appear
`'9 be "‘ 9““
`Members 01 FEMA Worker WEfilInQ a
`NHS mEfllflS
`prachse using PPE wear FPE to proletl
`tare shield a
`tn tum. Elwnlr‘
`new,“ mime.“
`Mi"...- “mi.
`Rescue worker
`wearing a hallrrrtask
`Chilean “1|!le
`wearing PPE
`Rlfll WSW dresser!
`in armer to plulecl
`emwr imrvnrtr
`National HOCKEY
`League goaltender
`warm. it...
`Tlan fishermen
`weenng brightry
`minwi nnrrr-nnl
`RESCUE team
`rricrnccrweannp an
`,... MMMMA


`nms‘h‘an wiépedla oI'QJ'WIkI/Parsoflal prmacwa equlbment
`to treat Elmla
`[Elm/2018 US 24 16 PM
`against radlnatlive
`against lmpans
`helmel, Tyvek
`coveralls, gloves.
`and earplugs Whllfl
`decontaminaling a
`cunlalnmanl boom
`wmarmg me
`rammed PPE lo
`cnlorea persnnal
`”Oman dflvlcas I0
`plated agalnsl
`all penneabla
`personal prmanhve
`squpnlenl apalnst
`CBRN mmals
`See also
`. Bluluglcal hazard
`. Blunt lrauma persnnal plolecnva aqulpmant
`. Bomb disposal
`. Chalnsaw safety clatmng
`. Chemical pmleullve manning
`. Environmental SIM
`9 Hard llal
`. Hazmal (hazardous materials)
`9 High-VISIDHIW clothing
`. Malnrcycle personal pmlectlve equipment
`. NRC sml
`. Personal pmlactive equlpmenl lbr all: llasn
`. Safe handllng or nazarduus dmgs
`. Personal llolallon dense
`. Safaly namsss
`- Usage of personal prolacllue aquipmnnl
`" MIDJIWWW nlallon wukiheannand-SEWIDGMHEJAWGCMV
`WMWWI‘IIE Pamnal Pmtacuvu Euulpmenl
`27 . VM M H: Dal snares: anke‘ mm“: mung".
`Jam H. “Wm Elia. "WWI”, Kuhn. Emu”. Miuml B 5,,“ ‘
`Rl' mall-l: Bald, F Selcall, Minalanlla Raluta c (19 April 2016]
`”Femoral DIMECINE aquilment lbr prevenlmg Euglw Infamous
`mgeases ma la mum In mnmm hwy mm; In mammare
`slalr's cmmmdsmmc Reviews Ju‘ln Wllayll
`Sons, m1 3: CDamizldnl'lannzllaasmfia :dunfizwunza
`' Resplmlulsil Neuunal Insutule lor Occupational Safety and
`5 " CDC aNIDSH , Respvahr Fail Shaelfl. The Nfllhna] Hymnal
`leefllVB Tnchnuluuy Labmaloly
`A . M " CDC. . 5km Expasuresand Erracls . MIOSH Workplace
`Salely and Health Tour-{1 The Nallunnl lns’lllllle for Occupational
`Salelvmd Heam
`" ’ ' CDC Eve Safely NIOSH Workplace Sam and Heallh
`Tawny The Monal lnsiilule for Occunallunal Salem and Heallll.
`"”"K'Iwceyesaletwlzye snrerngmelgemynespunse
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