From: Estrada, Linda
`Sent: 1/31/2017 5:24:04 PM
`To: TTAB EFiling
`Subject: U.S. TRADEMARK APPLICATION NO. 87028911 - GAIA ACUPUNCTURE - N/A - Request for
`Reconsideration Denied - Return to TTAB - Message 5 of 6
`Attachment Information:
`Count: 9
`Files: medstarwash.jpg, svhosp-1.jpg, svhosp-2.jpg, svhosp-3.jpg, svhosp-4.jpg, svhosp-5.jpg, ghhc-1.jpg,
`ghhc-2.jpg, ghhc-3.jpg


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`ort-sonoma/semcee-fesslthw—we-dofcancsr—su 0113‘il2017 04.57.22 PM
`F0 U N
`Who We An Ways lo Give what We Do
`News 8. Bing
`! _l
`Donate NOW
`& Fees ,1
`Helping you find the right treatment.
`Our services are offered on a sliding scale basis. We ask that you pay within
`the scale if at all possible AND we will not turn anyone away due to an
`inability to pay. Because we understand that cancer treatment can extend
`over a long period of time, and our services are more effective when used
`consistently, we want you to find a payment you can sustain over that period —
`of time (and into your recovary) for best results. If you cannot afford to meet
`the minimum. we can further supplement your care with our Patient —
`Assistance Fund and can offer you one “below scale" session per week.
`I] Visit Us on
`Fee Schedule
`Health Navigation —Our Health Navigator will meet with you when you begin
`the program to provide support and to help you understand how to best utiiize
`comolementarv therapies. The Navioator can provide education on what
`n...u. n-.. r--..... um-..“


`North Bay Cancer Alliance
`An Independent Community Rewmfl,
`0113112017 04.57.22 PM
`ntlp t/www smioundation.comlwnaI-we-doloancer-sugport—sonornarsemceefeesl
`complementary uiciuplca. in: novrguiui uun piuvruc cuucauun uii wnm
`therapies are available and work with you to co-develop a complementary
`care treatment plan to integrate with your western treatment. taking into
`account your unique circumstances. The navrgator will then be available to
`follow you through your care and assrst with any changes in your plan that
`may be needed during the course oftreatmentl A Health Navigator can also
`work with you to help you sort out your health goals provide resources,
`facilitate communication with your providers and offer support as you travel
`through your iourney.
`Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine — These methods have been
`shown to reduce the side effects of treatments such as chemotherapy and
`interferon such as nausea, fatigue and depression. A consensus panel
`convened by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 1997 concluded there is
`clear evidence that needle acupuncture treatment is effective for
`postoperative and chemotherapy nausea and vomiting. Acupuncture and
`herbs are also known to help reduce stress. boost the immune system and
`provide a general sense of balance and well-being.
`Naturopathyl'Nutritional Counseling — Naturopaths are trained at accredited.
`4-year postgraduate universities where they are provided with a
`comprehensive understanding of the basic medical sciences. accurate
`diagnostic skills and the ability to apply the natural and minimally invasive
`methods of whole-person health care. Naturopaths are licensed as primary
`care providers in Cahfornia. The purpose of a naturopathic consult at Cancer
`Support Scheme is to utilize their in-depth knowledge of nutrition. herbal
`medicine and supplements ‘in order to help to safely utilize these substances
`and avoid the redundancy and contraindications (with other herbs,
`supplements and western medications) that happens when individuals self-
`prescribe. When you come to your visit with the Naturopath, you will bring in
`all of your medications, herbs and supplements that you are currently taking
`and she will review them with you and help you come up with an effective,
`supportive regime to help you through your treatment and recovery process.


`rillp Wrth—sonornalsemcesfsssi
`0113112017 04.57.22 PM
`Oncology Massage and Bodywork— These therapies are designed not to
`overwhelm an already compromised system, and as a result of specific
`adjustments, people with cancer can sateiy receive this form 01 bodywork at
`all stages of treatment. Oncology Massage has the potential to reduce the
`severity of side effects resulting from radiation, chemotherapy and surgery,
`and some recipients report it helps them better tolerate their treatments
`Studies have shown it to be useful in reducing pain, fatigue, nausea, anxiety
`and depression. Survivors who may require special considerations due to
`continuing side effects also find it beneficial.
`FELDENKRAlSeJ is science-based neuro~muscular retraining, which uses the
`plasticity of the human brain to offer natural healing from stress, injury.
`surgery, illness or inefficient body use. Through gentle touch and movement,
`and expanding awareness, it helps you improve functions and comfort for
`daily living. If you have had cancer or are undergoing treatments for
`cancer. Feldenkrais brings you out of the high-stress sympathetic nervous
`system responses like fear/fightiflight, returning you to a calm
`parasympathetic ease, able to manage tasks of the day. It can increase
`mobility, reducing the tension of scar tissue, teach you more efficient ways of
`moving, which gives you more energy for the important things you do like
`heating, self-care. or work, and refresh your sense of well-being and
`whoieness. You can read more about how Feldenkraisdevelops the very
`aspects ofthe brain that enhance its self-healing in Dr. Norman Doige's new
`book "The Brain’s Way of Healing."
`® 3. cm are registered tradelcortification
`marks of the Feldenkrais Guilds: of North America
`Jin Shin Jyutsu — an Shin Jyutsu. translated as the “Art ofthe Creator
`through the person of compassion.” is a gentle form of Japanese acupressure
`that seeks In restore balance to the body's nalural energy flow patterns.
`Illness, injury, and stress can cause energy to become disharmonized causing
`a wide variety of symptoms and aiiments. By gently applying hands on
`different areas ofthe body in a specialized pattern, energy is stimulated to


`htlp IMWW
`0113112017 04.57.22 PM
`reawaken and move harmoniously through the energy pathways. Jin Shin
`Jyutsu also can be helpful in decreasing side effects from treatments such as
`chemotherapy and radiation.
`Integrative Psychotherapy — Integrative Psychotherapy refers to the bringing
`together of the emotionalfmental. physical and spiritual systems within a
`person. This work, which can be short-term or in-depth includes the use of
`guided imagery, mindfulness based stress reduction (meditation) cognitive
`behavioral therapy. acceptance therapy and many other forms of
`Guided imagery - Guided imagery is the use of relaxation and mental
`visualization to improve mood andlor physical well-being Through guided
`imagery techniques. you can learn to control functions normally controlled by
`the autonomic nervous system. such as heart rate. blood pressure, respiratory
`rate. and body temperature. Guided imagery is a two-part process. The first
`component involves reaching a state of deep relaxation through breathing and
`muscle relaxation techniques. During the relaxation phase. you might close
`your eyes and focuses on the slow. in and out sensation of breathing. Or. you
`might focus on releasing the feelings of tension from your muscles. starting
`with the toes and working up to the top of the head, Once complete relaxation
`is achieved, the Second component of the exercise is the imagery. or
`visualization, itself. There are a number of different types of gutded imagery
`techniques, limited only by the imagination Some commonly used types
`include relaxation imagery, healing imagery, pain control imagery. and mental
`Brennan Energy Healing - Practitioners of this hands-on healing technique
`undergo a 4 year training that works with an Individual's energy system. The
`client is usually supine or sitting and always fully clothed. Energy healing can
`assist with pain control and recovery from surgery, injury or trauma. It can
`help with stress. and feelings of being stuck. by creating balance within the
`physical. emotional. mental and spiritual bodies. Eneroetic medicine can also


`U‘llSifZU‘lT 04.57.22 PM
`ntlp tlwww—we-dolcancer-sugport—sonornalserwces-feesl
`piqulval. cumumm. meme. nuu apiluual vuulco. wage“ “mum”: vnll am.
`help clear and align your energy field in order to help you move forward in a
`healthier direction.
`CranialSacral Therapy (CST) — 051' was pioneered and developed by
`osteopathic physician John E. Upledger following extensive scientific studies
`from 1975 to 1983 at Michigan State University. where he served as a clinical
`researcher and Professor of Biomechanics. CST is a gentEe. hands-on method
`of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of a physiological body system
`called the craniosacrai system — comprised of the membranes and
`cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord.
`Using a soft touch, practitioners release restrictions in the craniosacrai
`system to improve the functioning of the central nervous system.
`By complementing the body's natural healing processes. CST can support
`healing and promote relaxation and stress~reduction.
`/ \
`Sonoma Valley Hospital Foundation
`contact@svhfoundation corn ] (707) 935-5070
`347 Andrieux Street. Sonoma, CA 95:176


`thw hhcenter comlssmces 0113112017 [14 59 54 PM
`Whm you are suffering from m memeched “IDES nr injury, nrwhenym simply require gm medical
`attention wlhout wamng [or an appointment, we areihe Whore-Lth Tumyau need. Our professional
`the—Lisii: prach'iloners is equipped bu handle a comprehensive range whean and medical
`cnndiu'nns and injuries, muline “basses, and general] Whale-Lisfir: serving
`You can be assuen 7 we have a cornmmnmtln extenence Mien It tomes to me level nf :arewe provide.
`Our mission is irxyouta FINDING THE IDEAL 'U'
`Whar- MMHIH mar!
`CHM fwme
`Finding the real U, holistic = realistic
`Whole-listic Healing
`(Mind + Body + Soul = Whole)
`sum III.“
`The Sac o:
`mmfl. gm Eff“: M


`hlip #le qhhcerlter comfsel'vlces
`0113112017 04 59 54 PM
`enrrepracne mania. Lance Annsimrlg‘
`Mel Gleam JanetJacksa1,Amnld
`Schwanentggal Andy Grimm Dixle
`Cane! Emmm 5mm: Joe Manuna.
`Wlillam Shannan Davld Lemennan.
`Micneel Jordan Madonna. Tigel Woods.
`Malla Maples Trump Napoleon Hill, Jack
`Nlcnalsen Kan Kamashlan and Dr Phll
`lrenlmpmne ra gum] enough immeee
`elite ear: and alhlehes. shouldnl you
`give it a m
`Chlmpracbc (30ml) l5 2 system DI
`chlmpmcl‘lc and Chlmpracbc Cranmer-my
`lnal lnlegrala Ike an‘ science and
`phllosupny oi opllmlzlnn lhe Human
`innate healing potential sow) utlllzesa
`avatemi: and svstemalil: awoacll to
`removan lunellenal. neumlogical arm
`slruclural lrnerlerences melth reslerlng
`inn rnnana healing tapacllymthn eyelmn,
`Claniupaflly‘ Drcranlalwulk‘ lame study
`and clinical appllearren mile nnammv
`and physmlujy at line Emlllum and
`nerveua syslem and ila lrltal relanensnlp
`wilh the bully as: Mule. llmav be
`pilldfu [be prevsnlicm and eearr-nenr
`:iulaaase arme annancemam al Mann
`and rnvelvee aeeaeemg me 16 muvaabla
`lulnis Ihat make up lire skullll-lalllum‘ as
`well as lne membrane d’lal com line
`brarn and spinal cord- lne aura.
`l" l
`M H H
`V91! I Elli—ass
`Yaga vie-aw Is of modem millage and
`lepreaenlsa nrsl enorllolnlegme Mammal
`yogic concepts and iec‘nrliques with Weslam
`medical and psychologcal knowledge
`Whereas traditional Yoga ls prlmaflly
`:uncemed wim aelsmal lranscelldel'lce on
`are part e1 3 “nonnal‘ tr heallny minimal,
`Yoga therapy aims at me helislic treatment or
`various kinds a! mvrnubgical or somal'rc
`dysfumtlmns ranging from back problemsle
`emelmnal diaries; Bell-l aenrnacnes
`Iluwever FullElE an underiianding nilhe
`lnrman being as an lmeglatad hxiymlnd
`eyelem which can nrncmn npumall‘y only
`when there '5 aslale Dfdyl'laml: balante
`ur nolrslrc 301m; Melnml combed
`physician ulrlraa a laennrque lllat nelpe
`cond'nlons such 35 Acid Reflux bland
`Sugar lssues. :unsllnalion. dlanhae.
`been palpllallon‘ deprean headaches
`luxrany isarm nnolaelaml lavala nrgn
`blood DIESSUIE‘ hormonal imbalances.
`Kldmzv palm; rrnlable bowel syndrome
`and menslruaj [ramps re. name a iew
`CMRT can mnhllza Mirna adhesion
`canned by acre-ca mlniury and 'reael'lne
`organ reflex neulalaglcally
`The Key benem are-ll: Evaluale physflal
`problems, increase and rnarnlarn muscle
`suenglh and endwarlce. restore and
`increase ielm range almolien. increase
`mordrnallon, decleaae pal" decrease
`miracle spa-em and plaelrcrly decrease
`swelling and inflammation mom.
`pmmole healing of sell me lfimfls
`prevenl canneclure and deiumlily nf
`Ilmbs. allevlam walklng plloblllmgl
`anneale palienls and laran and
`\Juulmw eueae,
`7- A
`The Alexandev Technique is an
`eeucenamel lnelhod ul releaeing
`unwanted musculal rensrml mmugnnul
`yourbody By leaching you how lo
`change Taullr Pos'wal hahils. ll enables
` The underlying llleurv behind reflexong!’
`l5 hit here are Cenaln punls a. "reflex"
`aleas on "IE [eat an! llamas Illa!
`cmasponl‘l msperiflc nrgan5 glance
`and inner pane urine body Applle
`pressureln the areas ean pmmnle nealm
`lrl ihe ceneepanelng body pane mreugn
`enageec pamways
`No lenger olflemlg Reflexology on sire


`m. my. um...” mummy“, m. an
`mum office iurwrtmsled praclifiunel:
`Tm um mm ‘5 aflen lhe cause d
`your ch‘s nrs: physual and
`mnmmhamlal dsmnn (gunmaan
`Emuhurlal mum», mung. [dusts ur
`Dhysaca‘ diswmnn. vs becomzng a boggar
`\ssue imhcls Ind-3y as lheyn'y locan
`wuh commom scenano like divorce
`mama and peer pressure
`Retained anm've Reflex should be
`megmea wan me nervouse system and
`mum mums [mung may \eammg
`' ‘ iosluré
`936 v; hévé'imir'uied miai
`am mflarmance amng mlh REL‘EF
`Hemmevlonen's flare
`\nfemhty is most commonly weaned bv
`han‘nlul mcahans whmh can have an
`ending mum nl EMS-61me and
`negative advnlss mailman
`Hohsuc we mrougmu magnancy
`Iaslura ha‘ance In me peMfi. muscles
`lwgamenl and me mamer emional six-112
`much can lead mbemr demons: and
`I255 mychubginal mugs furyour hahy
`Breaslreequ menswal dwsulden
`menopause are some cammull \ssues we
`tam can? all GHHC‘ my WHOLE Luna
`l1le t/wvm qhhcenter comlsamces
`0113112017 04 59 54 PM

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