`Sent: 2/7/2014 10:09:35 AM
`To: TTAB EFiling
`Request for Reconsideration Denied - Return to TTAB - Message 3 of 7
`Attachment Information:
`Count: 6
`Files: found-07.jpg, found-08.jpg, found-09.jpg, found-10.jpg, found-11.jpg, found-12.jpg
`mm Ifforum foundorsfcu comffoundars-fnrumflnsurancef
`The end of the year is quickly approaching. Fall is a good time to
`evaluate 2012 and tie up any loose ends. If you are currently on
`Medicare, signing up for a Medicare Part D plan is important to ensure
`your prescription drug coverage is appropriate.
`The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modemizalion Act
`of 2003 paved the way to bring much-needed prescription drug
`coverage to people with Medicare. Medicare Prescription Drug
`Coverage, sometimes referred to as “Medicare Part D,” WOHG
`differently than Medicare Part A or Part B. To get this coverage,
`you'll choose a plan tl1at is contracted to provide the new
`prescription drug coverage.
`There are key dates you should remember for the Medicare Part D
`October 15, 2012 is the first day people with Medicare, who qualify
`rur d presuipuur. drug plan, Ldll erllull ul switsl
`tu d Medicare
`prescnptlon drug plan.
`December 7, 2012 is the last day you can enroll unless you qualify for
`an exception.
`January 1, 2013 is the first day you can use your Medicare
`prescnptlon drug benefit ll you enrolled between October 15, 2012
`and December 7, 2012.
`In addition to helping you find which plan is right for you, the agents
`of Founders Insurance Services can help you witl1 individual products.
`Founders srrsrs products to help cover outstanding dsht, income
`replacement, healfli insurance and final expenses.
`Vkflth recent natural disasters affecting areas around us, it is always a
`good idea to review your current Property & Casualty insurance plans
`to be sure your home and belongings are properly covered in case of a
`natural disaster or accident. By partnering witl1 AAA, Founders offers
`members the most competltlvely-pnced, comprehensive Property and
`Casualty insurance products on the market.
`It's refreshing to know the same place lhat offers you competitive
`rates on your home and auto loans can now protect you in case a
`situation arises which puts those valuable assets in danger. Plus, with
`our partnership with zwx, we also drrer N\A Roadside Assistance.
`Call 1-300-345-1614 today to schedule an appointment to discuss
`your insurance needs with one of our qualified agents. For Property &
`Casualty insurance inquiries, ask for Dan Baxley or Toby Taylor and
`l:l1ey can gather information about your personal insurance needs to
`find the best combination of policies for you.
`These prududs offered through Founders Financial Group, LLC, doing business as
`Fuunders Insurance Services.
`Insurance prsdutls nut underwrllten by Founders
`Financial Gmup, LLC or any affiliated mmpany.
`mm Iffnrum fnundersfcu comffnunderl;-inrumflnsuramcef
`E|2:’DE:QDlt1 ll'2El'3El AM
`Not NCUA insured — Nu Crazlit Ul'llDll Guarantee — May Luee value — Nut Depuslls —
`Nut Insured by any Federal Gaverrlment Agency.
`meal at l3:JC‘.-:.'1linlrIn.|r'i'n:lel Pen-nal'nl<| camnemaga;
`() Reblag [U)
`077261201 2
`Are You Covered?
`Chances are, we all know someone who has been affected by cancer.
`Being prepdred in Ule event you ur surneune in your family is
`diagnosed with cancer is an important step in protecting yourself.
`Cancer Insurance offers extra benefits if you are diagnosed. with a
`Cancer Policy, you'll have peace of mind knowing you won't have to
`struggle financially.
`Uur Cancer Insurance is designed to provide funds to help offset tl1e
`expenses incurred while you are being treated for a covered cancer.
`Vkflth the rising cost of medical care, and tl1e rising number of cancer
`diagnoses, it makes sense, both financially and medically, to have
`Cancer Insurance.
`The plan fealures make it a policy you really -;hou|dn’t do wililcut. The
`policy has no deductibles and has unlimited lifetime benefits. It is
`guaranteed renewable for life and pays up to 100% of covered
`charges for inpatient or outpatient services, supplies and treatments
`to policy maximums per calendar year. The policy will also pay travel
`benefits to family members and includes a wellness benefit. Plus, you
`are able to select your benefit amount ranging from $10,000 to
`$50,000. Also, the wellness benefit provides coverage for annual
`physical examinations for cancer, up to $150 per calendar year per
`insured after the policy has been in force for one year.
`Our agents can help you with individual products to cover outstanding
`debt, income replacement, health insurance or final expenses. 111ey
`mm Iffnrum fnundersfcu cnmffnunders-fnrumfinsuramcef
`air; Sis}.Eyaiiaiiieitifassisi i-iiiii ;.i.ai.’.;ia;.;e};ge;.};i1..;.;.i.;;.;e.i;i"
`insurance benefits typically offered lilrough payroll deduction.
`Call 1-300-945-1614 and schedule an appointment to meet your
`Founders Insurance Team at any Founders office.
`Thae prad uds offered through Founders Finanual Gruu p, LLC, doing businfi as
`Founders Insurance Services.
`Insurance produds not underwritten by Founders
`Financial Gruup, LLC or any Efflllfltfid mmpany.
`Nut NCUA insured - No Credit Urnnn Guarantee - May Ldee Value - Nut Dwepdeils -
`Not Insured by any Federal Government Agency.
`This article was wnlten by Kelly Pans.
` was published W the Founders i=cu‘s Transadidn Newsletter (June 2012). am. A.
`in nsurmuel
`(J Rebldg (U)
`Founders Insurance Services
`Founders Insurance Services is here for you and your family. we
`understand that life is unpredictable and we think it is important for
`our members to be as well prepared as tl1ey can be for life's
`Our six fi.II|-time insurance agents work continuously to make sure all
`your insurance needs are met. All of our agents are fully qualified and
`trained to assess your insurance needs and provide a plan tailored to
`your individual lifestyle. Plus, they stay current with the best carriers
`available in the industry, so they know what the best options are for
`you at any given time.
`uimr. .-n ...-..... e-...;....- -....r ..r-....- -...-.:I-.L.I..
`:i- --... 5... .r:rs»..Ir iv.
`mm Iffnrum fnundarsfcu cnmffnundari;-fnrumfinsuraiicef
`EIZEDEQDWK1 ii'23'33 AM
`Wil:l1 so many caniers and plans available, it can be difficult to
`determine what the best optiorm are for you and your family without
`some guidance. And because our insurance agents are members of
`tl1e Founders team, you can trust l:hey are putting your best interests
`Founders Irlsurdllce Services can help you and your family with Whole
`and Tenn lJfe Insurance, Health Insurance including Medicare
`Supplements, Medicare Part D Dmg Plans, VSP \fision Ir1surance,
`Dental Insurance, Property and Casualty insurance and more.
`IJfe insurance shouldn't be purchased once and forgotten, it should
`change and vary wil:h l:he different stages of your life. Our insurance
`agents can help you review your current situation and insurance
`needs to help you find the right life insurance coverage.
`Injuries and illnesses can be detrimental to your familfs economic
`stability. That's why having the appropriate coverage for your health
`insurance is a necessity for everyone. Our insurance agents are skilled
`at finding the right solution for you and your familifs needs.
`Founders insurance agents can also help you with personalized
`Property and Casualty Ii1surance plans so you can be assured your
`home and belongings are properly covered in case of a natural
`disaster or accident. By partnering with AAA, Founders offers
`members the most compeb'b've|y—priced, comprehensive homeowners
`and automobile insurance pro-ducm on tl1e market. It's refreshing to
`know the same place thal: offers you competitive rates on your home
`and auto loans can now protect you in case a situation arises which
`puts tl1ose valuable assels in danger.
`Contact Founders Insurance Services today at H(]3—2B9—514B to
`schedule an appointment with one of our qualified agents regarding
`your insurance needs.
`Thae produds offered through Founders Finanmal Group, LLC, doing business as
`Founders Irisuranoe service-;. Irisuranue pruduus nut underwnrteri by Founders
`Fmaru-iai Grrmrl, l
`i C nr any affiliate.-1 rnmnariy. Nnr NCIJA Tnsnrarl - Nn {‘.n=.d|l'
`Union Guarantee - May Lose value - Not Deposits - Nut Insurei by any Federal
`Government Agency.
`This article was published in the Founders FCU's Transaction Newsletter (April
`Dusted ar moo A.’1\lrIlrIn.lI'i'l'.iel Permali1k| CnrrIrr|en1:!0[
`If: Reblog (n)
`Founders Offers Home & Auto Insurance
`AAA is one of the most well—known companies in l:l1e world, with a
`100-year history of putting members first. And now, Founders has
`joined wiLh Ulem to offer our Inenltlers Llle must cunlpelilively-priced,
`comprehensive Property and Casualty insurance products on the
`It's refreshing to know the same place that offers you competitive
`rates on your home and auto loans can now protect you in case a
`situation arises that puts those valuable assets in danger.
`mm Iffnrum fnundersfcu cnmffnundars-fnrumflnsuramcef
`situation anses mat puts tnose valuable assets In danger.
`By partnering with AAA, we can offer you Property and Casualty
`insurance from carriers like Travelers, Progressive and Hartford, giving
`you more choices and opportunities to simplify your life while saving
`(‘all 1—HOfl—El45—1614 today to schedule an appointment with Founders
`Insurance Agent Dan Baxley. Dan can gadier infonnation about your
`personal insurance needs and find the best combination of policies.
`It's lhat simple‘.
`Tnae produds offered through Founders Fmandal Group, LLC, doing buslness
`as Fuu nders Insurance sennaa. Insurance prududs not underwritten by
`Founders Financial Group, LLC or any al‘f4l4ated mmpany.
`Nut NCUA Insured - No Credit Urnnn Guarantee - May Lnse Value -
`Not Depasns — Not Insured by any Faieral Government Agemzy.
`This amcle was pubhsnea In the Founders FCU's Transaman Newslelter (Jan uary
`Posted at 13-30 Afllin lruiranne 1 Pen-nali1l(| cam-namsgn;
`f) Reblag [U)
`Understanding Accidental Death & Dismemberment
`Accidents happen. That's why it's important that you and you family
`are covered in case an accident happens to you. Accidental Death 8;
`Dismemberment insurance (AD&D) pays you or your beneficiaries a set
`amount of money if your death or disniembennent is a direct result of
`an accident.
`AD&D would cover you in the event of a fatal accident or an accident
`mm Iffnrum fnundarsfcu cnmffnundars-inrumflnsuramcef
`resulting in loss of eyesight, speech, hearing or a limb. AD&D would
`pay you or your beneficiaries a specified amount of money should this
`There are restrictions and exclusions to AD&D coverage. To receive
`hanafirr. related m an accident, your injuries nr riaam usually must
`occur within a few months of ihe accident date. You wi only collect
`benefim If your death or injuries are proven, direct results of die
`If you are interested in looking at your ADED insurance options, call
`one of our Founders Insurance Agents today at 1—BCI(]—B45—1614. Our
`quafified agents can assess your individual situation and detennine
`which coverage is light for you and your family.
`Thae produds offered through Founders Fmancial Group, LLC, doing business
`as Founders lnsuranoe Servida. Insurance prududs not underwritten by
`Founders Financial Group, LLC or any affllldtfid company.
`Not NCUA Insured — No Credit umun Guarantee — May Lose Value —
`Not Deposils - Not Insured by any Feieral Government Agency.
`This article was pllalished in ma Founders F|'.l.l'k 'rr:n=m'nn Mmsiemr (January 21112].
`?oste:l at 15-2» win lnsurannel Perrr|ali1l(|Cnrr\rr|en1'_i!fl[
`O Relnlug (n)
`Are You Covered?
`The end of the year prompts many different emotions. We feel
`overwhelmed by the upcoming holidays. We feel the need to take a
`look at our finances, to regroup, and possflnly redirect for the
`nnrnminn vaar