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`httn.ffww'w.surgicalarts netffacial—cosrnetic—seivices—col|e vi||ef4d—t'ace|ifi html
`0212612012 D416 26 PM
`pioco-mpatihle implants or grafting t-echnigues-These are minor parts ofthe procedure that yield
`tremendous rejuvenating effectsl
`" .Consii:lerthe face as a whole and don‘t divide it into anatomic parts. As analytical surgeons and as
`artists. we learn to study the symmetry ofthe face in parts the forehead‘ the eyes‘ the cheeks. the
`nose, the lips, the mouth, the chin and the neck We have been trained in multiple techniques in order
`to address these “parts“ ofthe face that patients want addressed The problem is that the overthirty
`muscles offacial expression don't adhere to this division of anatomy That is to say that the honey skin
`and muscles are all connected and ifwe effect change on one part‘ it may adversely effect change or
`prevent change as desired The whole face is greaterthan the sum ofthe parts Dramatic results are
`achievable with addressing the entire face as is done in the Four Dimensional \/lF' Facelitt
`Fat Transfer
`Facial Skin Resurfacing
`Chemical Peels
`Botox Cosmetic” :3: Dyeport
`Facial Fillers
`Ahollt‘ Ac-sthcifiqiisi
`cm nuzaacime
`5UFG|CAL mars
`SUJTE 100 (HWY. 25)
`Four Dimensional
`multivectorfmulitlayei face and necl< lift and facial skin resurfacing This procedure is performed under general
`anesthesia on an outpatient basis in our state—of—the—art surgical center Additionally patients may benefit from
`simultaneous eyelid lifts or chin or cheek augmentation For patients who have limited skin laxity, a Three
`Dimensional Facelitt may he performed which does not utIll2Q the component oflaser resurfacing The finesse
`ofthie procedure involves a tailoring ofthe technique to each individual in order to achieve long-lasting, natural-
`appearing rejuvenated results
`Home |
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`022612012 04 23 46 PM
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`Teehnningiee IZEIVEHHQ the VASER Linn system and procedure Tn view webinars, ynLi‘H need to validate your identity
`by providing a name and email address by registering with our site.
`VASER® 4D Lipusculnture
`Featuring. Dr Atfredo Hoyos
`Learn to sculpt the human anatomy in four dirnensions height, width,
`depth, and motion. integrating DVNAMFC DEFiNi'TiOi\/“‘ into your
`VASES’ Lipo® treatments reduces postoperative deformities and
`produces a far more natiiraii athietic contour that moves with the body
`This webinar includes multiple before—and—atter pictures comparing Dr
`Hoyos‘ 4D Scuipt” resuits with other I/ASER Lipo techniques
`tmvances in Fat Grafting Ierzhniques and the Viability nf
`VASER Treated FBI
`Featuring Dr Robert J Schwartz
`Learn how the l/ASEF‘ Lipo System deiivers optimai body sciifpting
`resiiits with high oiiahty, viable fat for fat grafting procedures Topics
`include VASER fat via.bii‘i'ty, fat grafting best practices, preferred
`settings, harvesting techniques and an in depth Q&A session
`nmrancefl Bnfly Sculpting and lmagefiuided Fat Grafting with the New
`VASER Line and Tnuchview firstems
`Featuring Dr John Miifard
`i'_earn about the iinique benefits of scuijnting and harvesting fat with the
`new ‘L/ASER Lipo System in combination with the Touch)/iew System for
`irnage-guided aiiitofogous fat grafting procedures Tbpics inciude basin:
`SCFEDCQ and i:i'iniv:ai‘ appiications, advanced fiposiiction techniques, and
`harvesting, transpiantation and transferring methods for superior body
`shaping results.
`Revulutiunizingttutulnuuus Fat Transfer with the new VASER Z.U
`Linu System
`VASER Linn firstem
`How it Wnrks
`Case studies
`Clinical Studies
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`022612012 04 23 46 PM
`Lulu ayslulll
`Featuring Dr Mark Schafer
`Learn about the new features of the I/ASER 2 D Lipo System specificafiy
`designed to enhance fat ceii viabiirty for subsequent fat grafting
`procedures Topics rnciude ‘L/ASER Lipo mechanrsm of action and the
`Latest cfinicai cfata avafiabfe on the viability of VASER’ treated fat.
`u A Plastic Surgeon‘; Perspective on VASER |n.0lfice Liponlasty
`Featuring. Dr Tanya Atagr
`Learn how to get started integrating Wide Awake VASER‘ Lipo treatments
`into your practice. incfudes details such as costs, recordkeeping, office
`setup, etc.
`a Advance Your Body Contouring Technique with VASER Hi—DeTLinusculnture
`Featuring. Dr David Broadway
`See an overview of ‘L/ASER Hr—Def body contourrngg rnciudrng rdeai
`patrent demographics and technique
`B Frincinles of Ultrasound for Body Cnmnurinn: The VASER wstem
`Featuring Dr Mark Schaier
`See an overview of uttrasound technofogy and learn how the I/ASER
`System uses it to sefectiveiy remove fat
`D Revolutionizing Autulnuous Fat Transfer with the VASER Lipo System
`Featuring. Dr John Millard
`Learn how VASER Li;po's uirrasound technology has improved upon
`earfier methods of fat reniovai and transfer
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`[1 t E
`hiIn.ffwwMr.nevirfacelifl ergi'nagei'2/
`022612012 04 31 23 PM
`New Faoelift
`Introduction to 4D VIP Facelifi
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`One ofthe newest innovations in plastic and cosmetic surgery today
`is the 4D VIP facelift, or the four dimensional vectors in plane
`facelift. It is not uncommon to hear horror stories about facelift
`procedures gone wrong; or even procedures that were done
`correctly but gave patients horrible results. With the old technique,
`a person who has gone under the knife to address the aging issue
`usually gets an unnatural look, or a look that makes it obvious that
` he or she has received a liftin treatment However with this new
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`facelift technique, you will never have to worry about a thing. And
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`$65UEI Call 3U1*652*
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`Face lift
`look that most patients complain about after a
`The unnatural
`traditional facelift is due to the fact that it only pulls the sagging skin
`up, without considering that, through time, the skin is not only
`pulled downward by gravity, but also forward because the skin’s
`collagen matrix tends to slack. What this 4D VIP facelift does is it
`pulls the skin up and back towards the face. Hence, this technique
`will not result in an “operated” look.
`Another mistake that traditional facelifts do is the stretching ofthe
`skin and cutting off of the excess. The old technique failed to
`consider that it is useless to stretch the skin if it is the collagen
`matrix itself that has slack-enecl, and the natural aging of the facial
`bones made the face shrink causing the skin to sag further. What this
`new facelift procedure does instead is to utilize laser to tighten the
`skin’s collagen matrix, and add volume to the facial bones by
`them with
`What many of the old facelift techniques failed to do is to consider
`the face as a whole, and instead used procedures that focus on just
`certain parts of the face. The VIP facelift is different. Before
`applying the procedure, it considers the face as a whole and keeps in
`mind the symmetry ofthe patient’s face, ensuring that the end result
`ofthe procedure will make the outcome look more natural.
` 21:. D No Comments
`Understanding the Risks ofFm-.elifis
`by -1
`There are different kinds of cosmetic surgeries available today and
`one of the most popular is a facelift procedure. A facelift is a surgical
`procedure designed to smooth and firm up the skin on the neck, face
`and jaw. Although a facelift can dramatically change one’s
`appearance, there are certain risks of facelifts that should
`be noted.
`Prior to deciding to undergo this procedure, it is important to know
`what to expect as well as understand the risks of facelifts. There are
`certain surgery-related injuries and risks involved after a facelift
`the estper-ferl rhqmmfnrt associated with the pv‘n(‘GI(‘lIlr'eI
`Aside from the imminent risks in any surgical procedure, a facelift
`can result to several potential dangers ranging from mild to severe
`h1In.ffwwMr.newI'acelifl urgfnagefll
`022612012 04 31 23 PM
`One must remember that this procedure involves exposing the facial
`muscles so one of the major risks of facelifts is temporary
`injury to the facial muscles. Although this injury may be
`the risk of losing the use of one’s facial muscles
`permanently is a possibility. Sorne ofthe risks offacelifts also include
`skin discoloration, changes in skin sensation, facial nerve weakening
`or injury.
`In this regard, there are quite a few people who are turning to
`cheaper alternatives that can give them the same effect as with the
`new facelift procedures minus the high cost and eliminating the risks
`involved. One can find products available that can give the effect ofa
`suppler, younger looking skin like peels, creams, cellulite lotion, or
`natural skin care products. These products, like that ofa cellulite
`lotion, give consumers the effect they desired without the pain and
`the cost that goes along with the typical facelift cosmetic treatment.
`Although the importance of looking good is becoming more
`significant those days, one does have options of looking younger
`aside from opting for expensive new facelift cosmetic treatments.
`However, it is important to understand the risks involved when
`undergoing these kinds of procedures if one choose to pursue the
`Q Nu Comments
`Facelift Alternatives: Cheaper, Risk-free, and
`Safer Option To Tighten Those Saggy Facial
`Nowadays, more and more people want to look good, fresh and
`younger. It is because of this that people often choose to have a
`quick fix and undergo procedures such as facelifts. However, you do
`not have to go under the knife to get that youthful look. There are
`numerous ways and products
`that you can use as
`Due to the risks involved in surgical procedures, more and more
`people are turning over to noninvasive or natural facelift
`alternatives to tighten their facial skin and bring back its
`suppleness. 'l‘hese alternatives can range from non-surgical new
`facelift treatments to topical products. In this sense, people have
`more options to choose from than going to a plastic surgeon.
`Non-surgical facelift alternatives can provide you with the same