From: Keam, Alex
`Sent: 4/11/2011 3:51:30 PM
`To: TTAB EFiling
`Subject: U.S. TRADEMARK APPLICATION NO. 77892528 - FOCUS - T3185US -
`Request for Reconsideration Denied - Return to TTAB - Message 1 of 4
`Attachment Information:
`Count: 5
`Files: 1-1.jpg, 1-2.jpg, 1-3.jpg, 2-1.jpg, 77892528.doc

` Warsaw Orthopedic, Inc.
` T3185US
`The trademark examining attorney has carefully reviewed applicant’s request for
`reconsideration and is denying the request for the reasons stated below. See 37 C.F.R.
`§2.64(b); TMEP §§715.03(a), 715.04(a). The requirement(s) and/or refusal(s) made final
`in the Office action dated October 5, 2010, are maintained and continue to be final. See
`TMEP §§715.03(a), 715.04(a).
`In the present case, applicant’s request has not resolved all the outstanding issue(s), nor
`does it raise a new issue or provide any new or compelling evidence with regard to the
`outstanding issue(s) in the final Office action. In addition, applicant’s analysis and
`arguments are not persuasive nor do they shed new light on the issues. Evidence shows
`that imaging is also used prevalently in spinal surgeries. See attachments. Accordingly,
`the request is denied.
`The filing of a request for reconsideration does not extend the time for filing a proper
`response to a final Office action or an appeal with the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board
`(Board), which runs from the date the final Office action was issued/mailed. See 37
`C.F.R. §2.64(b); TMEP §§715.03, 715.03(a), (c).
`If time remains in the six-month response period to the final Office action, applicant has
`the remainder of the response period to comply with and/or overcome any outstanding

`final requirement(s) and/or refusal(s) and/or to file an appeal with the Board. TMEP
`§715.03(a), (c). However, if applicant has already filed a timely notice of appeal with the
`Board, the Board will be notified to resume the appeal when the time for responding to
`the final Office action has expired. See TMEP §715.04(a).
`/Alex Seong Keam/
`Law Office 114
`Phone: 571-272-9176
`Fax for Responses: 571-273-9114

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`Advanced lm'aigijr)sg Technology Improves @ Surgery Outcome
`Sci'enceDai'ly (Dec. 23, 2008) —.,U__s'fl7i'g a three-
`dimensional (SD) image—guided system to help place
`screws in the spines of patients results in safe and
`accurate surgery with a decrease in the number of
`misplaced screws, and subsequent injuries, seen in
`more traditional operations, say neurosurgeons at
`Mayo Clinic in Florida.
`In the Dec. 9 online edition ofthe
`Journal ofNeurosurgery Spine,
`Mayo physicians published the
`largest study yet iisirrg 3D image-
`guided technolo y to place screws in
`the spine for
`procedures. The screws are used to
`stabilize the spine in patients who
`suffertrom collapsed discs or
`compressed nerves.
`Specifically, atter implanting IDEA
`"pedicle" screws in 220 patients,
`surgeons reported a nerve inyury rate
`of less than 1 percent. Additionally,
`less than 1 percent ofthe screws in
`this study were considered to be
`significantly misplaced That
`compares to a reported nerve injury
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`patients will look following plastic surgery involving
`the nose appears to be moderately accurate, and
`patients value its inclusion in the preoperative
`consultation, > read more
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`from ACL Reconstructive Surgery (Apr. 23,
`2DD9) — MRI has identified five possible causes of
`patient complications from anterior cruciate
`ligament (AOL) reconstructive surgery, according to
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`surgery, according to a study performed at
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`have to be removed after a while or replaced by new
`ones. A new biomaterial makes this unnecessary. It
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`FlestSeninrCareOn|ine rtnrn
`misplacement rate of up to 55
`percent using standard technology. As well, re-operation for
`removal of a misplaced screw has been reported in other
`surgical literature to be as high as 6.5 percent but occurred in
`less than half of one percent ofall patients in the Mayo study,
`according to the researchers.
`"_l.l__$1_fg'g' 3D image-guided technology to help us place these
`screws results in a much better outcome for our patients,"
`says Mayo Clinic neurosurgeon Eric Nottmeier, M D ,the
`::iludy':: lead irivebligelur. "In addition lo the decreased
`incidence of nerve root injury, this technology allows us to
`place larger screws into the spine, which can also increase the
`success rate ofthe operation."
`The technology uses a special camera on a computer that
`uses infrared light to track a surgical instrument in 3D space.
`The surgeon places the instrument on the patient's spine and
`navigates the spine Llsirujthe computer. The surgical
`instrument is used to determine the best entry point and
`traiectory for each screw An imaqequided screwdriver is used
`to place a screw.
`In most other institutions, pedicle screws are placed irsifig a
`freehand technique or by fluoroscopy, which uses X-rays to
`capture a one-dimensional image on a television screen ofthe
`process ufsurevv pleuerrierit Nut urily is the image less
`detailed, but both patients and the operating room staff can be
`exposed to radiation and must use lead clothing for protection,
`Dr Nottmeier says Almost all patients in this study were given
`a CT scan following surgery so that a radiologist could
`independently determine how well the screws weie placed
`"Every person's spine is a little bit unique," Dr. Nottmeier says,
`"and unexpected variations in bone shape and density can
`make screw placement in the spine more challenging,
`especially in patients who have had previous spine surqerv."
`Almost half ofthe patients in the Mayo study had a previous
`spine surgery.
`"This technique allows us to have the best view possible ofthe
`vertebrae as we operate," Dr. Nottmeier says.
`Based on the success ofthe technique, the image guidance
`system is now used in all n screw operations at Mayo
`Clinic's campus in Florida
`Two different image guided systems were used in this study
`the "Stealth |reon," manufactured by Medtronic ot Littleton,
`Mass., and the "EIrainl_AEl Vector Vision," from ElrainLAEI in
`Westchester, lll. Nottmeier is a paid consultant for EIrainl_AEI,
`however, this study was done independently and did not involve
`any company funding.

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`EI4i'07i'2011 04:41:31 PM
`’ T’
`Co-authors ofthe study include Phillip N1. Young, N1.D.,
`N Transfer Made Easy’ Move lv poles to and
`Department ofRadio|ogy, Mayo Clinic in Florida, and Will
`from bed without lifting or detaching pumps.
`Seemer, E A, Department of Chemistry, from the University of
`North Florida in Jacksonville.
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`achieve outstanding results in your career.
`Ema-"W-" 5-"?=""5'l-W19 5l0",'r'-
`Story Source:
`The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by
`ScienceDaii],r staff) from materials provided by Mayo Clinic
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`For Healthcare Professionals
`Enter your keywords
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`ome 3- For Healtncare Professionals '4 E and Orthopaedic > Surgical Navigation andE 5 Spine Surgery gang Surgical
`""""“"’a9e ““"“i""a9‘* A A "“
`and Surgical Navigation
`Clinical Outcomes
`O NAvioArioM
`and Instruments
`Systems, Software,
`Edtlfifitifln. Emil
`E Naxngation C11n1cal Outcomes
`The Spine Surgery Navigation Citation Lis1[|is1 under revision) is a collection of
`peer reviewed clinical papers summarized by the value that Navigation and |ntra—Operative
`E have brought to the procedures.
`Overall, the use of image guided navigation across thoracic and lumbar spine procedures
`provides clinical value to each stakeholder:
`Minimally lmrasive “Surgery
`3 91")’
`G 11
`S99 ,,0W,,,Q 0_a,,,,.i
`2DI3D intraoperative
`navigation are
`improving spine surgical outcomes.
`p more
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