Serial No.: 77/566,132
`Trademark Law Office: 111
`Attorney: T. Whittaker-Brown
`In re Application of: Amazon Herb Co.
`Serial No.: 77/566,132
`Filed: September 9, 2008
`Trademark Law Office: 111
`Attorney: Tracy L. Whittaker-Brown
`Commissioner for Trademarks
`P.O. Box 1451
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1451
`LETTER UNDER 37 C.F.R. § 2.64(b)
`Dear Examining Attorney Whittaker-Brown:
`This letter is in response to the Office Action of July 2, 2009, finally refusing registration
`of applicant's THE CAMU PEOPLE trademark on the principal register on the ground of
`confusing similarity to the trademark shown in U.S. Registration No. 1127749 for the words
`"CAMU PLUS.” Reconsideration is respectfully requested.
`LES, Paienl 3 Tllitfrz/TH Mail Rep‘. D9.

`Serial No.: 77/566,132
`Trademark Law Office: 111
`Attorney: T. Whittaker-Brown
`Amazon Herb Co. seeks to register the mark "THE CAMU PEOPLE" for dietary
`It is applicant's contention that the mark “Camu Plus,” and perhaps both marks
`are highly suggestive and therefore weak as applied to the goods involved here.
`In light of the
`weakness of the marks, the total impression given by applicant's mark as opposed to registrant's
`mark is sufficiently different that confusion is not likely. Applicant respectfully believes that the
`Examining Attorney has placed entirely too much emphasis on a side by side comparison of the
`marks, while ignoring the differences in appearance, connotation, commercial impression, and
`other significant factors such as strength of the marks.
`Notwithstanding the evidence submitted by the Applicant in connection with its first
`Response to Office Action, which is incorporated herein by reference, you have failed to
`recognize that the term “camu” is extremely weak from a trademark standpoint. Where a party
`uses a weak mark, other marketers may come closer to his mark than would be the case with a
`strong mark without causing consumer confusion. It has been widely held that where a party
`chooses a trademark which is inherently weak, that party will not enjoy the wide latitude of
`protection afforded the owners of strong trademarks; therefore, competitors may come closer to a
`weak mark than would be the case with a strong mark without violating the owner's rights.
`Kenner Parker Toys Inc. v. Rose Art Industries Inc., 22 U.S.P.Q.2d 1453, 1456 (Fed. Cir. 1992).
`Further evidence submitted herewith shows that “camu” is highly suggestive. Attached is
`Internet evidence indicating that “camu” is commonly used in connection with dietary
`supplements containing camu camu or Myrciaria dubia.
`Evidence in the form of web
`screenshots fiom ebay and other websites show marketers selling Camu-Camu health products
`under the names “Camu-C,” “Camu Camu,” “Camu Power” and “Royal Camu.” (Exhibit A.)
`Also attached are excerpts from articles taken from a Lexis Nexis search showing that Camu

` Serial No.: 77/566,132
`Trademark Law Office: 111
`Attorney: T. Whittaker-Brown
`Camu is popular as an ingredient in dietary supplement products and beverages due to its high
`vitamin C content, and its antioxidant properties.
`It is often referred to as a “Superfi11it.” Some
`of the articles also show that demand for Camu Camu is increasing. (Exhibit B.)
`It is clear from the evidence submitted with the first Response to Office Action and with
`this Response that the term “camu camu” is generic as the common name of the berry that is
`processed to form a high vitamin C supplement ingredient, and the plant from which the camu
`camu berry is harvested. “Camu” is an obvious shortening of the full name of the ingredient that
`is highly suggestive of the main ingredient of both the Registrant’s and Applicant's products.
`(See the specimen submitted with Registrant’s application). As such, the term has very little
`source identifying significance. The remaining matter of both marks sufficiently differentiates
`the two marks.
`The only common element of the two marks is the word “camu.” Where the common
`element of two marks is “weak” because it is generic, descriptive or highly suggestive of the
`named goods or services, consumers typically will be able to avoid confusion unless the overall
`combinations have other common features.” See, e.g., In re Bed & Breakfast Regisfl, 791 F.2d
`157, 229 USPQ 818 (Fed. Cir. 1986) (Bed & Breakfast Registry for making lodging reservations
`for others in private homes held not likely to be confused with Bed & Breakfast International for
`room booking agency services); The U.S. Shoe Corp. v. Chapman, 229 USPQ 74 (TTAB 1985)
`(Cobbler’s Outlet for shoes held not likely to be confused with California Cobblers for shoes); Q
`re Istituto Sieroterapico E Vaccinogeno, Toscano “SCLAVO” S.p.A., 226 USPQ 10_35 (TTAB
`1985) (Aso Quantum (with Aso disclaimed) for diagnostic laboratory reagents held not likely to
`be confused with Quantum I for laboratory instrument for analyzing body fluids).

`Serial No.: 77/566,132
`Trademark Law Office: 111
`Attorney: T. Whittaker-Brown
`In the present case, and because the “camu” portion of the mark is commonly used in the
`names of products containing camu camu, the distinguishing aspect of Registrant’s mark is
`“Plus” and the distinguishing feature of Applicant's mark is “People”.
`In the present case the
`differences in these weak marks are significant in the minds of consumers.
`Applicant's mark contains “the” and a different last word and becomes a distinctive mark,
`It substantially alters the commercial impression of the mark when
`compared to the cited mark. It is not permissible to attach more weight to the "Camu" portion of
`applicant's and the cited marks,
`in that "Camu" is so highly suggestive of the ingredients,
`qualities or characteristics of the goods involved, that "Camu" is therefore extremely weak from
`a trademark standpoint.
`As Applicant has established, Camu Camu (Myrciaria dubia) is a species in the genus
`Myrciaria, a subtropical shrub found in the Amazon rain forest region of Peru and Brazil, which
`bears a red/purple cherry sized fruit that contains the highest natural source of vitamin C in the
`world. Camu Camu is the main ingredient and the focus of products to be marketed under the
`applicant's mark, and under the cited mark. This makes the obvious shortening of the name
`highly suggestive, and the fact that the registrant was able to gain registration in 1979 when
`Camu Camu products were not so well known should not imbue the tenn with increased source-
`identifying significance in the present marketplace. Q; In re National Shooting Sports
`Foundation Inc., 219 USPQ 1018, 1020 (TTAB 1983). Each case should be decided upon its
`own facts and in the present, and not based upon what was known of Amazon bionutrients in

`Serial No.: 77/566,132
`Trademark Law Office: 111
`Attorney: T. Whittaker—Brown
`A likelihood of confusion determination is a balancing process. Given the weakness of
`the marks, the differences in the marks, the possibility of confusion between Applicant's and the
`cited registrant's goods is remote.
`In light of the foregoing, applicant respectfiilly requests reconsideration of the refiisal to
`register based on likelihood of confusion with U.S. Registration No. 1127749. Favorable action
`is therefore requested. If you have any questions or comments regarding this application, please
`do not hesitate to call me.
`Attome for
`azon Herb Co.
`121 S.W. Morrison St. Ste. 1020
`Portland, OR 97204
`(503) 226-6600
`I hereby certify that this correspondence is being deposited with the United States Postal Service
`as first class mail in an envelope addressed to Commissioner for Trademarks, P.O. Box 1451,
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1451, on December 28, 2009.
` 6
` mAL£Q_
`Sarah Smith


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`Product Description
`Camu—C:mu as an Amazonian ihmb that produces hgh: orange cotcrured fruit that are the size of lemons and comam the highest cancenzranou of Vxrarmn C It: {rust
`roman over 30 times mm Virarntn C than oranges, plus 10 times more iron," it is also a source of Vixamms B2, B3 and Bea-Carotene Increases defenses and it :5 2 high
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`Tradxrionaliy. native medickw pracrxoners and herbalisrs have r:com:nmded Czmu (‘amu for mcngtharmg the immune system, imprmng symptoms of herpes infections,
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`passages. promoting a healthy heart and mcuzatory swan
`Recommended use 7 Take I capsuzt dax}‘_«' per meal Do not exceed 3 capsules per day‘
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`Cnmwcamu is a low-growing shrub found throughout the Amazon rain forests ofPeru and Brazil. It
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`=»;:;u:oc JIC’ nu ma -_¢,‘ upwun cm’. or )5
`Camu Camu us ircm the 1‘-mazcmar ram Forest of Penn, mun: by yaurhulrh cm crnlmznw
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`my other kncxw!-. plant as wcdd (3-'3‘-50 nme: mar: than
`» oranges.) u~ what seems In be a more effeuwe form (Hm
`«cornmertialty denvad Vuzamm C. Camu CBYTKU I:
`'94!!!‘ nvtner-ts, bemg (ugh an bicflavonmds and conzammg
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`Your skin Is the largest oroan ol your body! For an average adult. the body's skin weighs
`between 9 and 15 pounds. It is the number one eliminatory organ of the body. and
`possesses many, manv vital funcuons for your overall health. Your skin, amongst other
`things: regulates body temperature and blood pressure; manufactures vitamin 0. plays an
`irnportant role in maintaining the immune system, containing glands which work to fight off
`unwanted and debilitating bacteria; prevents bodrlv evaporation of moisture: protects the
`body against environmental pollutants; provides you with vast information about the
`external world through its intricate network of nerve endings; keeps your bones. muscles,
`and other organs in place.
`The skin is a vital, dynamic, tonrinuously growing organ that is largely misunderstood ancl
`overlooked in its importance for overall well beina. ‘(our skin is the nlace where vour nhvsical
`Clmu CI'rw. (ht
`powulul ninnt ‘cum Nu
`Amuon. Writ to hum
`morn -new tn: ‘nigh
`commit of -iiiumm 1' M2:
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`Camu Camu 1 cup 145,000
`Wild bluuberry 1 cup 13,427
`Red kidney new ldned) nancun13.259
`mmo bun MM cup 11.883
`mueborry (cultivated) 1 cup 9.019
` The Importance of Vitamin
`crnnsevy I can (mean: 5.96:
`w'.~c*oie scockea 111,1: (I'eA'1$‘ 7 9:1
`C In yuur Skin
`2345 a
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`Pm’: rm! ca; 7.29‘
`isuberryl sun 6 D58
`Slvawaerry I cu: 5 32-2
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`c‘ pawns. turn: vnues
`and booms 57 we plasma '5
`utmaxvd wt’: ‘lam C
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`re-nus: We km! 00 C
`Tmefure. 0' Ktnnev
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`because at as when ’n a
`rrsa-rawry czuryu 4 ensure!
`1'‘: body no but! us adrzuaze
`rrsmance in the remit.’
`Slcu Beucfits
`' A power1ulAnti—agcng
`' It ads to avoaa loreign invaders anc combai the bacterias
`’ ll us via! to the production oi co|I:gon,.
`' It helps protect me tatsovuble vttarmns A and E as wen as fatty
`acids from oxtaatlon.
`' It ands In neutralizing ponuxams
`* It 45 needed 10! antibody production
`' it has natural antlhlslamane properties
`‘(he Cam. (in!!!) s ‘/um: C , ‘ Offer pcren! aniaoxonnl ;:r-:!ec:sc«n. As you Venus feud vcr e1§r;y_
`year may D700-.)Ctt substance: caled fro: rudrcm Fru rauuws are Defies-‘cc be cant-mute to nan;
`I-“C C2315?‘ US$535‘!
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`Ewcriev-ca DRAMATIC
`many lent mm
`"Mural proarcts
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`unknown is swam: demonnu. wnich
`ccnvertu adenosaw 1o ncsme Pumas are
`Camu Camu
`Mywrunu dusk: A natum Vlrw C
`The worids most powerful natura! antioxidant still
`unknown at the rest of the world
`or. Alvin Kresler
`The Car?» Cantu u snrub mu grow) an Era Peruun ramfarest am; the Amazon Rrm In ’-"em!
`car-inn we mcneu amun‘. cl natum-‘ vramr C :1 any haul tource tn the «vorid,
`"approximately 30 time: more vitamin C than what It found In
`Rank Food mm serving slu
`Total antioxidant capacity por sowing sin
`lb: 1: rang and I r9‘c.r'th,. Leia
`3 Herbals
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`ta :1: luau M mum when
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`donate MK} Nbetet
`somscn uraeroees ammo-1
`Md become-.1 out om
`hl!"I*fu! tflilmitd VIM!!!‘ C
`remcm out no venom,»
` Tho most powcful natural anti-oxidant In tho world
`vmettm you know 1 -at not your way as may cowanny masked by any hormht wbmmen WOW?! My ’V‘»l=’u9¢ 199 '0-'mIW‘ 0'
`as free radtcois. >'nu an re: 2:: them. nelxhem 31 {such mm. but they are Hway: hem. uyurg ‘.9 “tr radiant»
`destroy you! was. mint! Ms crvplm
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`owrces, much u m':rr:n~Nv~u! pohumn, smoking and vanouc synmwc cvwmicm M: are weed to
`'“°'5’V ”“"'"9’- W“
`our wait: no food We free mascot: are cnemscaiy unmnt because may luck we eiectren In war 3"’“‘°" “'9 "'“’“'1' ""3
`in stab-nze ttxenuwvu. they attack any war wwanoe wtbn use-r mm» m: 91:: an vmmn rrovr
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`9' *"?€*~" W‘ "W '1" ‘>9
`21' msrwy motzed By the
`(me you use We-m
`7:-no sun-cm damage xey erzymes. col nemlmnu and men the c“-remosomes that Itcre cur
`pend»: mozeml KDNL) Fm rmmh have been nwkaled ts moat lmnwn menus at manxsnd, but
`uocdlfiy It the chrome‘ deqenwnwl dnenm usacntau win Inc may prncen. kccomnu to The
`7:111 free rlddilii can In Inked in we: 83 cceucu, naming damn. but‘. d can and nrthrnzs
`Tm-y can ante Sh!!! reduction 1» col «nation we own madam of I on hum tau. who» in
`DNA has Men anmm beyond rent I can can no to cancer
`Cr K3009! W6. '73"! WWHIN-0 0'
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`unwaxa’ ‘N Mtfilhfl NM WWI
`DPIWWGU $9 «NW 1 *1 NOON‘ 405“
`N WbD’~=B MI “W96 W Ivwiflm
`M nnfigigs .1 a my pnmm
`Fnrtsmuvy we Mac I ‘Dual-an“ ha rodcai tqnlng mac!-amsmasso Icnovm as the ant-axial!!! defense
`wnem Q consilta nisaecuhzec enzyme» {Mt have 5 "units! Mama that they can gwe away
`wtfiautturnng into Oreo whom. Vn weer ts protect us‘ however the enzymes nceo hex: Farr crtan
`wlasrancau known u lntmaunnu
`5flZ0XLdlY=L! 1!: natural flee flihcl? fvhten They am; has I 005': Mctrcn whuzh may can give
`away to mate true 'IdiCIlI namlns. They wort: by orutzcimg he components 0! our Mmxdafit
`ayalm Cammor nntm-mat: «chase «lambs C. F. beta carotene, Iicfhvor-Ouésy IN; semuummc
`acts; sac»: Icua
`‘mum! fond :u'!\0x>nev‘:s are mvch mare moszniube to the body tun the syrnfietscaly crooossa.-a
`‘-151!!! that re cvmmar N West dreary suooremenls. what I cnemt may re! ycm'.M:\1 I synthetic
`mntecare 1 vdrrbcai !c n natural rrclecue 1 v-i aerfnrm Aden!-ccty It the body the malty as Eu! Ir
`nature. he natural mucule 3 attacred I:
`stare: ct met nuctecules mt camcmfie n :3 ncmn wanna tn: body
`Urfwtunlkev back it no 19302 when REA: '.-are estlbiralea, government soervum danced the! you
`rm mm C acccmng to the Imuunt of ncorb: um t cumin: So, uccmc aw becarm the
`n‘aV\’tl, gnomg II the other rutrtcvai bow: usorbsc and st Ittlcfiea to. In nituro, ucofbtc acid I! II‘
`Inivxmnl um vwsrvu I00 Dlvlacio we mm C camalex. man; wit?! me who! chntte‘. I be
`pertectty char, uurbsc acn by me! an net \/mun C 1 us Ascomm next 1 3 Miy one Comsionent af Ir
`entry s/«mm C ccmphx Al I relul. ynrm C u I wry mumurstood znamn. Yo syrmtntze cut the
`preuwnlwt. when! the ever cewvcnerts, In cur Osman. WIS a milk
`Cum Cam. Minna! 'C‘ Vcuna an nniure count: at onzymn, mofiavovom and learn or otnev
`conovneoro Mot re colectwty rmmu In n an F uaar. Yhege 9 vmgm gems no new It‘
`Hummus other way: Manes Inltoltdam Icxwky. In P factors strengthen Mo vlscuw lyllim
`They mu: me vases: zwrser ind mo-'t uvvwie Yney HD1010 the imogrty aim nature: the
`mcfinvwu-6! an cnzwflammatwry. hexwg ta n¢“uvc wound bump no olriscotwy aflcczsvc r
`reaucmg the uflcmmatvon :4 nlcrs
`Vtamm K a meme? on of me C cowaex Kcrorvctes prcthruvrtn winch means 4 Mb: n coaguutxm
`(wood asking) om.» compcneots of the C comclex ncreue the oxygen carryvng upacaty M the
`Mood. ‘I'M as ntremefy s:gn«fcaM tree oxygen 3 rcblbly the one tsunami numw we Ibuchbes;
`can '-ct In uncut. and the oxygen EM! :7 cur eswronnvetzt ccnlnue tn creche I-aotzanaly H you
`have I sold 0' m,ym1 wunl I1; 9:! oxygen to your lawn where 4 uxhtuos the toxin! and comes the"
`M1 as career» 6-orbs am! wator
`1»: nmwuw wuenrcned. use natsrai C comm: cvnlws enzymes. the most ugnxficr: MM
`xyvowue. Mud: :9 cream: cncvcr. Owner 4! I ccf

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