`Schechte, Bemard
`B ARRY S_ W'H]”['E
`Commissioner for Trademarks
`P0 BOX 1451
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1451
`Ifno fees are enclosed, the address should
`include the words "Box Responses - No Fee."
`Pleas“ PT°Vi‘l‘ 1“ 3" “‘"“5P"“d°"‘°3
`1. Filing date, serial number, mark and
`applicant's name.
`2. Date ofthis Office Action.
`3 . Examining Attorney's name and
`Law Office number.
`4. Your telephone number and e-mail
`Serial Number 76/561118
`The examiner accepts and acknowledges the disclaimer of PASTE submitted in that the identification of goods now indicates
`that some of the goods are in paste form.
`Applicant is requesting reconsideration of a final Section 2(e)(l) refusal dated December 15, 2004.
`After careful consideration of the law and facts of the case, the examining attorney must deny the request for reconsideration
`and adhere to the final action as Written since no new facts or reasons have been presented that are significant and compelling
`with regard to the point at issue.
`Accordingly, applicant’s request for reconsideration is denied. The time for appeal runs from the date the final action was
`mailed. 37 C.F.R. Section 2.64(b)', TME-P Section 7l5.03(c).
`As previously indicated, a mark is merely descriptive under Trademark Act Section 2(e)(l ), 15 U.S.C. 1052(e)(l ), if it
`describes an ingredient, quality, characteristic, function, feature, purpose or use of the relevant goods. In re Gyulay, 820
`F.2d 1216, 3 USPQ2d 1009 (Fed. Cir. 1987); In re Bed & Breakfast Registry, 791 F.2d 157, 229 USPQ 818 (Fed. Cir.
`1986); In re MetPath Inc., 223 USPQ 88 (TTAB 1984); In re Bright-Crest, Ltd, 204 USPQ 591 (TTAB 1979); TMEP
`section l209.01(b). The applicant's goods specifically include “pastes” used to treat gingivitis, periodontitis and halitosis.
`The terms THE PASTE only convey this feature of the goods and are, therefore, merely descriptive. Please again note that
`the article THE modifying the highly dcscriptivo or generic term PASTE, and die stylization shown in the proposed mark
`merely emphasizing the highly descriptive or generic term PASTE, cannot obviate the stated refusal. See again the relevant
`definition of PASTE below in this regard:
`paste (past) noun
`1. A smooth viscous mixture, as of flour and water or of starch and water, that is used as an adhesive for joining light
`materials, such as paper and cloth.
`2. A soft, smooth, thick mixture, as:. a. A smooth dough of water, flour, and butter or other shortening, used in making
`pastry. b. A food that has been pounded until it is reduced to a smooth, creamy mass: anchovy paste. c. A sweet, doughy
`candy or confection: rolled apricot paste.
`3. The moist clay or clay mixture used in making porcelain or pottery. Also called pcite.
`4. a. A hard, brilliant, lead-containing glass used in making artificial gems. b. A gem made of this glass. In this sense, also
`file://\\ticrs-ais-01\ticrsexport\.HtmlToTifi1nput\REC00012005_07_12_1 l_07_36_TTABO...
`7/ 12/2005
`Page 2 of 3
`called strass.
`It takes no thought or leap of the imagination on the part of the consumer to determine the meaning of the proposed mark,
`THE PASTE, when viewed in relation to oral hygiene products in fibrin. The examining attorney must always
`consider whether a mark is merely descriptive in relation to the identified goods, not in the abstract In re Omaha National
`Corp., 819 F.2d 1117, 2 USPQM 1859 (Fed. Cir. 1987); In re .4bcorDeveIopment Corp.,
`F.2d 811, 200 USPQ:lQll 5
`(C.C.P.A. 1978); In re Venture Lending Associates, 226 USPQ 285 (TTAB 1985); In re American Greetings Corp., 226
`USPQ 365 (TTAB 1985). TMEP §1209.0l(b). As can be seem from the above definition, the term PASTE is a common
`English language term which is highly descriptive or generic in relation to oral hygiene pgstes. Moreover, see again
`evidence from the Automated X-Search System alrea.dy of record in this regard indicating that oral hygiene pastes exist in
`trade. For example, see US. Registration Number 2769528 already of record for “dental prophy paste”. Moreover, see
`again evidence already of record from the world wide web refening to oral paste and oral dental paste in trade. See
`additional world wide web evidence now attached in this regard. And, as indicated above, the mere addition of the article
`“the” to the highly descriptive or generic term PASTE in stylized form cannot obviate the stated refusal. See the relevant
`definition of THE below:
`the (thébefore a vowei, thebefore a consonant) def.aIt.
`a. Used before singular or plural nouns and noun phrases that denote particular, specified persons or things: the baby;
`the dress I wore. b. Used before a noun, and generally stressed, to emphasize one of a group or type as the most
`outstanding or prominent: considered Lake Shore Drive to be the neighborhood to live in these days. c. Used to indicate
`uniqueness: the Prince of Wales; the moon. d. Used before nouns that designate natural phenomena or points of the
`oompass: the weather: a wind from the south. e. Used as the equivalent of a possessive adjective before names of some
`parts of the body: grab him by the neck; an infection of the hand. f. Used before a noun specifying a field of endeavor:
`the law; the film industry; the stage. g. Used before a proper name, as of a monument or ship: the Alamo; the Titanic. h.
`Used before the plural form of a numeral denoting a specific decade of a century or of a life span: rural life in the Thirties.
`Used before a singular noun indicating that the noun is generic: The wolf is an endangered species.
`a. Used before an adjective extending it to signify a class and giving it the function of a noun: the rich; the dead; the
`homeless. b. Used before an absolute adjective: the best we can offer.
`4. Used before a present participle, signifying the action in the abstract: the weaving of rugs.
`5. Used before a noun with the force of per. cherries at $1.50 the box.
`[Middle English, from Old English the, alteration (influenced by thaet, neuter demonstrative pron., thaes, genitive demonstrative
`pron., etc.), of se, masculine demonstrative pron..][1_1
`The final requirement for an acceptable identification of goods is also maintained and continued. In this regard, the applicant
`may adopt the following: “oral hygiene products for medical use, namely, mouthwashes, antimicrobials and disinfectants in
`the nature of oral rinses and pastes, antisepties, and oral solutions used to treat gingivitis, periodontitis, or halitosis” in
`Tntemational Class 5. TMEP section 804. Please not.e that, while an application may be amended t.o clarity or limit the
`identification, additions t.o the identification are not permitted. 37 C.F.R. §2.‘7l (a); TMEP §l402.06. Therefore, the applicant
`may not amend to include any goods that are not within the scope of goods set forth in the present identification.
`/Zhaleh Delaneyi
`Trademark Attorney
`Law Office 116
`(571) 272-9153
`file://\\ticrs-ais-0 l\ticrsexport\HttnlToTifiInput\RECO00 12005_O7_l2_1 l_07_36_TTABO...
`Page 3 of 3
`fl]T/we American Heritage® Dic(ionary of the English Language, Third Edition copyright © 1992 by
`Houghton Mifflin Company. Electronic version licensed from INSO Corporation; further reproduction and
`distribution restricted in accordance with the Copyright Law of the United States. All rights reserved.
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`mggm 0700.12 AM
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`Medical College of Georgia
`Patient Services
`General information
`Clinical Policies and
`Infection Control
`Quality Assurance Manual
`Radiation Use Policy
`Information for Patients
`Information for Students
`Dental Services for Dentists
`Southern Regional Testing
`Agency (SFITA) Board
`AZ index i» MCG Home I Site Search
`SRTA Board Examinatiommaterials Provided
`Materials Provided by Medical College of Georgia for
`the SRTA Board Examination
`The below items, which are furnished by the school, are located in the drawers or
`under the sink in each operatory:
`Headrest covers
`Saran wrap
`LPH Disinfectant
`Red bags (for disposing of blood or saliva soaked
`Saliva ejectors and suction tips
`Gloves (Latex-free)
`Available at the Supply Counter:
`Amalgam Dispersalloy 0100.600, fast set & regular set) Tytin — slcnv set
`Blue patient drapes
`Cotton tipped applicators
`Box of tissues
`Disclosing tablets
`Medicine cups
`Ruber dams & napkins
`Tray covers
`Clear Matrix Strips
`Point 4 composite
`Etching gelitips
`Prime n bond
`Finishing disk
`Finishing strips
`Sterile cotton rolls
`Tongue blades
`Wax cups
`Endo film
`Paper points
`Luca; Anesthesia (2%
`Xylocaine, with l:l00,0fJ0
`99in '3" 3% P°'°°ai"e3
`Prophy cups and paste
`Sterile 2 x 2 gauze
`Topical anesthesia
`Sodium Hypochloride
`irrigation Syringes
`Kits Below are Made Up and Ready for Each Procedure
`Amalgam Kit
`Styrofoam tray
`Disposable airlwater syringe tip
`Matrix bad and wedges
`Articulating paper
`Composite Kit
`Styrofoam tray
`Articulating paper
`Disposable airfwater syringe
`Mylar Strip
`Fmln Supply Taltln
`Cotton Pellets
`Files (Limited Number of sizes)
`Gutta Percha (tine, medium. large)
`Paper points (fine. medium, large)
`Perlo/Hygiene Kit
`Styrofoam tray
`2x2 8. 4x4 gauze (sterile)
`Disposable air/water syringe tip
`Disposable prophv cup
`Prophy paste (medium and fine)
`Fixed-Ptos Kit
`Dentoform MOUNT ONLY
`FietcherlFace Mask
`Copyright 2005
`Mod!“ COMO olowgia
`Patient Services
`School of Dentistryl Medical College of Georgia
`Please ema;‘lAc|c;r;‘i_r;1i2Grits_ suggestions ordquestions to.
`ee. mgee@mcg.e u
`June 23, 2005
`New Dental Paste May Fix Cavities Without :1 Drill
`A report on the new paste appears in the February
`24 issue of the journal ‘Nature.’
`The researchers, led by Dr. Kazue Yarnagishi, say
`that by filling cavities in their early stages, dentists
`are destroying too much healthy tooth to destroy what may be microscopic
`decay. Eventually, if not treated, the cavities can destroy the tooth‘s enamel
`deep within the tooth. Once erosion reaches a certain point, fillings become
`needed but not before.
`Click Here
`The paste is designed to stop the erosion process before it advances. Chemically,
`the paste resembles tooth enamel and in 15 minutes, the damage to a new cavity
`can be repaired without the use of a drill. The paste is designed to integrate with
`the tooth’s actual enamel.
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`Japanese researchers hope that their newly
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`sound of dentists drill a thing of the past. In the
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`i The paste cannot come into Contact with gums, however, because it was cause
`/\ inflammation of the gums due to its high acidity and hydrogen peroxide.
`The paste is still a few years away from being used by your dentist and needs
`further testing. while it may not entirely eliminate the number of fillings we
`: receive in the future, it could make the dentist's drill a much less frequent
`’ experience.
`Brad Kurtzberg
`lites TV
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`Brand Name(s): Orabase HCA
`Generic Name Hydrooortisone Dental Paste
`what is hydrocortlsone dental paste?
`HYDROCORTISONE (Orabase~HCA®) is a corticosteroid. It helps to reduce inflammation
`and ulceration in the mouth. Hydrooortisone helps treat and relieve mouth sores that
`are not caused by herpes. Generic hydrocortisone dental paste is not yet available.
`What should my health care professional know before I use hydrocortlsone?
`They need to know if you have any of these conditions:
`~Cushing‘s syndrome
`vinfectlon, including chicken-pox, herpes, measles, or tuberculosis
`-stomach or intestinal disease
`«an unusual or allergic reaction to hydrocortisone, corticosteroids. other medicines,
`foods, dyes, or preservatives
`opregnant or trying to get pregnant
`How should I use this medicine?
`Hydrocortisone dental paste is applied to sore places in the mouth. Follow the
`directions on the prescription label. Use the paste after meals and at night. Use a
`cotton swab to press a small amount of paste on the area to be treated to form a
`smooth film. on not rub the paste into the area or try to spread it because it will
`become crumbly and gritty. Do not use more often than prescribed.
`Elderly patients have an increased risk of side effects from hydrocortisone.
`what if I miss a dose?
`If you miss a dose, use it as soon as you can, If it IS almost time for your next dose,
`use only that dose. 00 not use double or extra doses.
`What drimlsl mm: inferant with hudrnrtnrtisnni-.?
`What drug(s) may interact with hydrocortisone?
`Interactions between hydrocortisone dental paste and other medicines are unlikely.
`However, Tell your prescriber or health care professional about all other medicines you
`are taking, including non prescription medicines, nutritional supplements. or herbal
`products. Also tell your prescriber or health care professional if you are a frequent user
`of drinks with caffeine or alcohol, if you smoke, or if you use illegal drugs. These may
`affect the way your medicine works. Check with your health care professional before
`stopping or starting any of your medicines.
`What side effects may I notice from using hydrocortisone?
`Side effects that you should report to your prescriber or health care professional as
`soon as possible:
`Side effects with hydrocortisone include:
`oblisteiing or signs of infection in the mouth
`churning or Increased inflammation in the mouth
`Call your prescriber or health care professional if you get these side effects or any
`other unusual effects after using this medicine.
`What should I watch for while taking hydrocortisune?
`Visit your prescriber or health care professional for regular checks on your progress.
`Only use the dental paste as directed. Tell your prescriber or health care professional if
`your symptoms do not improve or get worse. Do not use any leftover medicine at a
`later date without first checking with your prescriber or health care professional.
`Hydrocortisone can make some conditions worse.
`Where can I keep my medicine?
`Keep out of the reach of children.
`Store at room temperature between 15 30 degrees C (50 86 degrees F); do not
`freeze. Protect from light. Throw away any unused medicine after the expiration date.
`Ava!/abie at: gm
`Last Updated:03/04/2004
`) 2005 Express Scripts. Int. All Rights Reserved.
`These materials are the property of Express Scripts. Inc. and are protected by copyright,
`trademark, Anri AH-mr l;w<. Darnniuirin fnv II<v‘l it graniorl only fnr y-mrtnnhl. rmnrnmmnn-i,\l
` All Databases
`Seafgh PubMed
`of Medicine
`v for]
`Gal Clear.
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`vusendto vi
`1'" 1: Wiad Lek. 1989 Aug 15-Sap l5;42(l6—18):980~2.
`Related Articles, Links
`[Infected cecostomy treated with Riebler's dental paste]
`[Article in Polish]
`Bogacki J, Zjac S, Nazarewski S.
`Rieb1er's dental paste is well lcnown to dcntists and is widely used in conservative treatment ofinfectcd dental pulp. The possibility is
`described ofits successfizl use in the treatment ofsuppurative cutaneocaecostomy, one ofthe most serious surgical complications,
`Publication Types:
`a Case Reports
`PMID: 2534815 [PubMed — indexed for MEDLINE]
`writg 1g thg H919 Qggk
`N99 IJ:lLM_l.NJ.L4
`It &Hu 3
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`Egivacg §3a1gmgn1|l-‘reegom gr Infggnatign Ac} I Qi_m_gi_m_g1
`> Javanese Siie
`Other Oral Care Products
`Products for Dental Gfinidflrugs
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`E Dania; Paste
`63 Dental F2519
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`(2 Denlzui Pam:
`E [31:n!mGt7§
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`f;-3.1.3. M ffirarztanl !3’a2;m
`In avclxtxcn to iraci%iiors«3$ active :n1;1s'<:z1s5ar;1 CPO‘!
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`ofteath and gums. Baiaszw {asmstmg egent“2} IS
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`[Banzai Faste eiimmases {be cause eféhe
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`Features of G.U.M Derztal Paste
`(1 ) Active ingredient CPO’! starslize peirodanza! disease causmg bacteria.
`flu: ba-Lirsria
`(2) ¥’-)<;:w§- v:.o:‘:tai:'2cri i3cia:m<: zjas5i.ximg aq;::a3!"5.‘) {wigs CFC to uamh is‘;
`(‘3).1\cfiive ingredient CPS cve:tx:!ws and inacinvate izzxin (L.P3’:E}}.
`(4) Actiwe ingredient Vtianwira E {sci
`>3‘-seas the flow ofblood M gums.
`{Ci} F§=4x)s:.was I-r’)?i3' {?u5u:xuf‘)uui=.>':
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`“s Cet*,'§:;yridi:2iurn Chlmighzc
`‘L2 Coc.c:;midcs::as'wcs3,ri fieiairse
`'8 abtareviaisczra mi Lsmpoéysacz-haride
`Consumer Medicine information
`Triamcinoione acetonide 0.1% in emollient dental paste
`What is In this leaflet
`Please read this leaflet carefully before you start to use your medicine. It answers some common questions about Oracorl.
`Keep the leaflet with the medicine.
`You may need to read it again.
`This leaflet only applies to Crracon.
`hat Oracort is used for and how it works
`providing a protective covering.
`dvice before using Oracort
`Make sure it is safe for you to use Oracorl. Read the following questions carefully.
`Have you previously had an allergic reaction to lriamcinolone acetonide or any other ingredient such as gelatin. pectin. carboxymelhylcellulose sodium. mineral oil.
`polyethylene? (An allergic reaction may include rash, itching, swelling or breathing diflicullies],
`Have you currently got a fungal, viral or bacterial infection in your mouth or throat?
`Do you have tuberculosis, a stomach ulcer or diabetes?
`Are you pregnant or intend to become pregnant?
`Are you currently breast feeding?
`Are you taking any other iriediuirie, especially any ulliei piepaialiuii that is lu be applied tu the earlier area iii the mouth?
`ltyou answer YES to any of the above questions or are not sure. do not start treatment. Talk to your doctor. pharmacist or dentist first.
`How to use the Oracort properly
`Use your medicine as instructed by your doctor, pharmacist or dentist. Press a small dab (about 6mm) to the lesion (such as an ulcer) in your mouth until a thin film
`develops, A larger amount may be required for coverage of some lesions. To avoid a granular gritty sensation, dab, do not rub or spread Orscort, Spreading may also
`This medicine is for you. Never give it to others. it may harm them, even iltheir symptoms are the same as yours.
`Side effects
`Long term use of Oracort may result in side effects known to occur with steroids that are taken as tablets or injections; for example supressing your natural steroid
`production. You should consult with your doctor before using Oracoit for longer than 7 days.
`Local irritation or increased sensitivity may occasionally occur. Oracon should be discontinued and your doctor. pharmacist or dentist consulted.
`Storage conditions
`Store below 25°C. Do not refrigerate. Keep the tube tightly closed to prevent the dental paste from drying out.
`Keep your medicine out ofthe reach of children.
`U0 not keepluse this medicine when no longer needed or alter its expiry date.
`List of other ingredients
`Besides triamcinolone acetonide, Oiacort contains gelatin, pectin, carboxymethylcellulose, polyethylene and mineral oil as inactive ingredients.
`If you want to know more
`'//www best-med . om dr
`’ folnasa on
`escri iion htm
`NUS/2005 7:
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`Nuacon Now
`Nasal and Oral Inhalers and AQ Nasal Spray: Triamcinolone acatonide, USP, Nasal Inhaler, is a
`giucocorticosteroid with a molecular weight of 434.51 and with the chemical designation 9-Fluoro~11b, 16a,
`17,21-tetrahydroxypregna-1, 4-diene-3,20-dione cyclic 16,17-acotal with acetone. (C24!-l3|F06).
`Oral Inhaler: Triamcinolone acetonide Oral Inhaler is a metered-dose aerosol unit containing a
`microcrystalline suspension of triamcinolone acetonide in the propellant dichlorodifluoromethane and
`dehydrated alcohol USP 1% w/w. Each canister contains 60 mg triamcinolone acetonide. Each actuation
`releases approximately 200 mcg triamcinolone acetonide, of which approximately 100 mcg are delivered
`from the unit (in vitro testing). There are at least 240 actuations in one triamcinolone acetonide aerosol
`canister. After 240 actuations, the amount delivered per actuation may not be consistent and the unit should
`be discarded.
`M1 Nasal Spray: Triamcinolone Acetonide AQ Nasal Spray is an unscented, thixotropic, water-based
`metered-dose pump spray formulation unit containing a microcrystalline suspension of triamconolone
`acetonide in an aqueous medium. Microcrystalline cellulose, carboxymethylcellulose sodium, polysorbate 80,
`dextrose, benzalkonium chloride, and edetate disodium are contained in this aqueous medium; hydrochloric
`acid or sodium hydroxide may be added to adjust the pH to a target of 5.0 within a range of 4.5 and 6.0.
`Each bottle contains 9.075 mg triamcinolone acetonide. Each actuation delivers 55 meg triamcinolone
`acetonide from the nasal actuator to the patient (estimated from in vitro testing) after an initial priming of S
`sprays. It will remain adequately primed for 2 weeks. If the product is not used for more than 2 weeks, then
`it can be adequately reprimed with one spray. There are at least 120 actuation: in one triamcinolono
`acetonide AQ nasal spray bottle. After 120 aotuations, the amount of triamcinolone aoetonide delivered per
`actuation may not be consistent and the unit should be discarded. In the manufacturer's original package
`insert, patients are provided with a check-off form to track usage in the Information for Patients tear-off
`Nasal Inhaler: Triamcinolone acetonide Nasal Inhaler is a metered—do5e aerosol unit containing a
`microcrystalline suspension of triamcinolone acetonide in dichlorodifluoromethane and dehydrated alcohol
`USP 0.7% w/w. Each canister contains 15 mg triamcinolone acetonide. Each actuation releases
`approximately 55 meg triamcinolona acetonide from the nasal actuator to the patient (estimated from in vitro
`testing). There are at least 100 actuation; in one triamcinolone acetonide Nasal Inhaler canister. After 100
`actuations, the amount delivered per actuation may not be consistent and the unit should be discarded.
`Patients are provided with a check-off card to track usage as party of the Information for Patients tear-off
`i fo/n sa
`0 :
`Dental Paste: Each gram of triamcinolone acetonide in Orabase provides 1 mg (0.1%) triamcinolone
`acetonide in emollient dental paste containing gelatin, pectin, and carboxymethylcellulose sodium is a
`plastibase (plasticized Hydrocarbon Gel), a polyethylene and mineral oil gel base.
`IIIjl:|.UOII'l0: (Fur IlIlld‘u!Ll\.'ula!, IuLial.aur>al ui liitiaueimal Use)
`Triamcinolone acetonide (sterile triamcinolone acetonide suspension, USP) provides triamcinolone ecetonide,
`a synthetic corticosteroid with marked anti-inflammatory action, in a sterile aqueous suspension suitable for
`intradermal, intra~articular, and intrabursal injection into tendon sheaths. The preparation is NOT suitable for
`IV or [M use. Each ml of the sterile aqueous suspension provides 1.0 mg triamcinolone acetonide, with
`sodium chloride tor isotonicity, 0.0% (w/v) bcnzyl alcohol as preservative, 0.75% carboxyrncthylccllulozvc
`sodium, and 0.04%, polysorbate 30; sodium hydroxide or hydrochloric may have been added to adjust pH
`between 5.0 and 7.5. At the time of manufacture, the air in the container is replaced by nitrogen. The
`chemical name is 9~fluoro- 11b,16a,17,21-tetrahyroxypregna»1,4-diene -3,20— dione cyclic 16,17- acetal
`with- acetone.
`lnjerfinn-40: (Nnt for IV nr lntradermal lice).
`Triamcinolone acetonide (sterile triamcinolone acetonide suspension, USP) provides triamcir-olone acetonicle,
`a synthetic corticosteroid with marked anti—inflammatory action. Each ml of the sterile aqueous suspension
`provides 40 mgitriamcinolone acetonide, with sodiumchloride for isotonicity, 0.9% (w/v) benzyl alcohol as
`preservative, 0.75% carboxymethylcellulose sodium, and 0.04%, polysorbate 60. Sodium hydroxide or
`hydrochloric may have been added to adiust pH between 5.0 and 7.5. At the time of manufacture. the air in
`the container is replaced by nitrogen.
`Aerosol Spray. Cream, and Ointment: (For Dermatologic Use Only)
`The topical corticosteroids constitute a class of primarily synthetic steroids used as anti-inflammatory and
`antipruritic agents. The steroids in the class include triamcinolone acetonide. The chemical name is 9- Fluoro~
`11b,16b,17, 21- tetrahyroxypreone-1,4-diene-3,20-dione cyclic 16,17-acetal with acetone.
`Aerosol Spray: A two—second application which covers an area approximately the size of the hand, delivers
`an amount of triamcinolone acetonide not exceeding 0.2. After spraying. the nonvolatile