`"Express Mail" Mailing Label Nunibéri” 5
`Date of Deposit:
`I0 (9 Q'1" I 50 (1-5
`IQ , E200 '1‘
`I hereby certify that this paper anclior fee is being deposited with the United States
`Postal Service "Express Mail Post Office to Addressee" service under 37 CFR 1.10 on
`the date indicated above and is ad_dre‘ss'ed‘to BOX RESPONSES - NO FEE,
`Commissioner for Trademarks, 29i)ti‘fi"ystal Drive, Arlington, Virginia 22202-3514.
`Denise R. Ginn
`(Typed or printed name of person mailing paper or fee)
`(Signature of person mailing paper or fee}
`Federal intent-To-Use Service Mark Application
`;'%?;erial No.; 761‘484,1l}7
`A ..E‘ilin Date: January 23-, 2003
`reference No: GXU-395-TM
`BOX RE§éor§lsEs - NO FEE
`Cornrnissioner for-Trademarks
`2900 Cr'ystal.Drive
`Arlington, VA 22202-3513
`u.s. Pram 6 TMOfcITM Mail ficpt D1. F74
`Applicant hereby responds to the Office Action mailed on February 17, 2004, as
`RESEARCH. The Office Action refused registration based on the contention that the
`Page 1 of 5
` .,.t ---.‘
`CENTER'AFOR'}5LU'i;'3MOTlVE RESEARCH are primarily
`descriptive of applicants services and requested that Applicant disclaim said terms.
`Page two of the Action states: -
`A feature or characteristic of the applicant's real estate services would be
`to develop a place where twcgrgnioretnations would concentrate on
`automotive research.
`Applicant respectfully declines toidisclaim said terms and respectfully requests
`that the mark be registered under:'$ei:tiidn g(f)' for the following reasons.
`The statement on page two pf the Action is incorrect. Applicanfs real estate
`-services do not involve developmentyoili a place where two or more nations would
`concentrate on automotive research. Applicants services are directed to corporate
`entities, not governments of different countries. These corporate entities currently
`include IBM, Microsoft, BMW Manufacturing Corp. in South Carolina, and Michelin
`North America, ino., the latter two companies being headquartered in South Carolina
`and owned by companies headquartered in Europe. Thus, the term “lnternational" is
`more suggestive than descriptive as concerns applicant's services and accordingly
`should not need to be disclaimed on that basis alone.
`Furthermore, Applicant respectfully submits that the phrase INTERNATIONAL
`CENTER FOR AUTOMOTIVE RESEARCH is recognized throughout industry and
`commerce as having a secondary meaning, namely, as an identifier of a unique source.
`of real estate development services Applicant submits herewith approximately 150
`separate documents from varying publications having a distribution that ranges from
`national to local in scope and that evidence public recognition of INTERNATIONAL
`CENTER FOR AUTOMOTIVE RESEARCH as a unique source identifier for real estate
`Page 2 of 5
`' development services. Pertinent referencesfto the phrase are highlighted for the
`convenience of the Examining Attorney. Indeed, Applicant has not found any reference
`to the phrase where it was merely used in a descriptive sense for the services of a third
`party. Each of the enclosed 150+ publications that contain at least one reference to the
`phrase in question show the phrase being used as a proper noun or proper adjective
`and referring to Applicant's services alone. Accordingly, the phrase lNTERNATlONAL
`CENTER FOR AUTOMOTIVE RESEARCH is shown to have acquired a secondary
`meaning as an indicator of a unique source of real estate development services.
`Several of the accompanying documents deserve particular mention. Exhibit A is
`a national publication of a real estate forecast from Grubb & Ellis, a real estate service
`provider. Exhibit A serves to demonstrate that the phrase INTERNATIONAL CENTER
`FOR AUTOMOTIVE RESEARCH uaasigaiiied recognition on the national level as a
`unique identifier for real estate de:ve_loprnent services. Exhibit A is provided as an
`excerpt from a larger publication,.',bu‘t férfihe sake of convenience, only the pertinent
`pages (i.e., Title page, pg. 3, andflpg.
`are provided. The full publication will be made
`available to the Office upon request‘E.i"‘S;aid phrase canbe seen to extend beyond the
`borders of a single State. Exhibit B is an article from The Charlotte Observer (Charlotte,
`NC). Exhibit C is an article from Winston-Salem Journal (Winston-Salem, NC). Exhibit
`D is from the Community News section of Ashevillecom (Asheville, NC). Exhibit E is an
`Associated Press -article from Raleigh, NC displayed by WTOP News (Washington,
`DC). Exhibit F‘ is an article from The State newspaper (Columbia, SC) in the central
`part of the State of South Carolina. Exhibit G is an article from The Post and Courier
`(Charleston, SC) in the southeastern part of the State of South Carolina. Exhibits l-I-J
`Page 3 of 5
`den1o:ns-trate- local usage of the phrase in question in the northern part of South Carolina A
`where the real estate development is located. Exhibit H is an article from the
`Spartanburg Herald-Journal (Spartanburg, SC). Exhibit I is an article from Anderson
`Independent-Mail (Anderson, SC). Exhibit J is an article from The Greenville News
`(Greenville. SC). Exhibits K and L are instances of use of the phrase in question by
`future consumers of Applicant's services. Exhibit K is a press release from Michelin
`North America, Inc, and Exhibit L is a printout from BMW Manufacturing Corp.’s
`website. These referenced Exhibits are but samples of all of the enclosed
`documentation. The remaining documents (Exhibit M) are separated by publication and
`date of publishing.
`Moreover, the ability of CLEMSON to function as a unique identifier of goods and
`services has been amply demonstrated by issuance of Registration Nos. 1,298,366 and
`2,328,954 and allowed application serial no. 76/417,021.
`In addition, it is noteworthy that INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR AUTOMOTIVE
`RESEARCH is often presented in association with another one of Applicanfs federally
`registered marks, CLEMSON UNIVERSITY (Reg. No. 2,845,824), for real estate
`development services. This association serves to reinforce in the public consciousness
`that the phrase is an identifier of a unique source, rather than a phrase that is merely
`descriptive of many different sources ‘of real estate development services. The close
`proximity of “Clemson University" phrase in question in these instances virtually
`confused as -a description of similarlservices offered by another party.
`Page 4 of 5
`Additionally, the Applicant‘s'servic.es_ are.real estate development of a research
`and technology park. AppIicaht"s services being promoted under this mark" are not
`automotive research, and all of the,,i'e_af-estate that is being developed resides in the
`United States. Therefore, the phrase INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR AUTOMOTIVE
`RESEARCH in Applicant’smark-EsQggéigrery descriptive of the services offered by
`Applicant. Accordingly, the reqtiirerrreritaton disclaim this phrase should be withdrawn.
`For the reasons set forth ab‘ols_re,.,refusal under Section 2(e)(1) to register
`unwarranted, and Applicant respectfully requests that such refusal be withdrawn.
`In accordance with the above remarks, Applicant respectfully submits that the
`application to register the subject mark should be published for opposition.
`Respectfully submitted,
`(864) 271-1592
`State of Georgia offered a $322 million incentive package. But, those plans were recently postponed indefinitely by
`the company. Although not in the Southeast. Toyota announced it has chosen San Antonio, Texas the site for
`construction of the $800 million Tundra plant.
`The annual G8 Economic Summit. a meeting of the leaders of the eight major industrial nations, will be held at Sea
`island. Georgianext June. State officials expect the economic impact from this one event to be $300 to $500 million
`to the areas along the Georgia coast. And, it will focus much international attention on the Southeast.
`As expected for the five southern states in this forecast, Georgia, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina and
`Virginia. the outlook for an accelerated recovery is good. With a total population of 33.6 million and 17.3 million
`employed, the Gross State Product for the five-state region (Year 2001) measured $1.146 trillion or 11.3 percent of
`the national total, The unemployment rate for the region stood at 5.0 percent, a full percentage point below the
`national average.
`Atlanta led the charge by creating more than 65,700 jobs in the 12 months leading up to September 2003. more than
`any other MSA and almost-triple of the next highest MSA, Las Vegas at 23,700 new jobs. However. as Atlanta
`experienced substantial job losses during the recession, the area has tremendous ground to regain.
`The State of North Carolina ranked top on Site Selection Magazine's Business Climate rankings. Charlotte's key
`industry driving the market remains financial services. As home to Bank of America and Wachovia, this financial
`sector provides over 20 percent of area jobs and added jobs at the rate of 2.2 percent over the 12 months prior to
`September 2003. But as Charlotte has grown, it has diversified its economic base making it much less vulnerable
`than in the past.
`Forbes Magazine recently ranked Raieigh—Durham third on its list of Best Places for Careers and Business. And,
`The Milken Institute ranked Raleigh-Durham as the 12th best performing city in the nation, up from 20th the previous
`year. Employment within in the Triangle Region is highly diversified. although services, government. retail and
`wholesale trade, and manufacturing are the most significant sectors.
`Columbia, the South Carolina State capital. is another fast growing southeast market showing an increase in
`population of 19% since 1990. Unemployment is low at 4.2 percent, 140 basis points below the national average.
`However, the area lost 8,200 jobs over the 12-months preceding October, 2003.
`It has been announced that Greenville will be the home of Clemson Universitys International Center for Automotive
`Research. The research campus will house a graduate engineering center, state-of-the-art research and testing
`facilities and private industry R&D operations, and is being backed by BMW, IBM, Clemson University, and local
`governments. The {CAR campus will prove to be a boonfor Greenville’s economy over the next decade.
`Vlfith unemployment at 3.9 percent, rising job growth and positive net absorption in all property types, Nashville has
`already begun to show signs of recovery. Nashville has a well diversified economy- that has allowed it to weather the
`economic downturn gracefully.
`Memphis is in the midst of a revitalization unlike most others, in that this transformation has been led by residential,
`not commercial development. And, much of the focus has been along the area fronting the mighty Mississippi River,
`led by the Riverfront Development Corporation. The momentum of the revitalization efforts are leading to a renewed
`corporate focus on the Memphis CBD.
`Richmond economy is on the road to recovery with its unemployment rate is down to 3.7 percent, 190 basis points
`below the national average and lob growth has been positive. Richmond is home to six Fortune 500 companies and
`has been ranked one of America's hottest cities for business relocation by Expansion Management magazinee
`§ i r
`Southeast 3
`the Greenville-
`The dev-elnprnent and fur-r-eaching impact of
`lrrt-erncztiomzri -Center «Fer Automotive Research will forever
`the economic
`5f3C1?'i'Ufil:3Ut‘i_.‘._§ Area“
`The Greenville-Spartanburg area has long been known as the industrial
`anchor of South Carolina, typically being the chosen location of dozens
`of new, expanded or relocated firms each year. in recent years however, the expansion of local firms has played the
`largest role in the growth of the local market, with relatively few new tenants entering the area. Speculative
`construction has been minimal in light of atypical levels of economic uncertainty, plant closings and job losses.
`I A,‘
`General _industrial space, at 42.9 million square feet, began to stabilize at the end of 2003. as vacancy decreased
`from a high of '11.6 percent to the current rate of 10.2 percent. Warehouse space, at 43.4 million square feet,
`followed suit, decreasing from 17 .9 percent to 15.9 percent in the last year.
`1 1,245
`- 20.2%
`Vacancy Rate
`Rental Rate“
`‘Square lost in tnousandl: lnotudec owner-ocwpiod
`" Weighted average calving rcntu'SFIyur Trials Net
`R&Diflex Space has taken a wild ride over the past three years.
`The volatile nature of this property type has resulted in huge
`tluctuatlons in vacancy. At 4.8 million square feet, vacancy has
`ranged from a high of 26.6 percent to the current 202 percent.
`This decline in vacancy is a sign that perhaps this group is
`becoming somewhat more stable.
`Approximately 646,000 square feet of new space will be "added
`to the market by the end of 2004. The majority of new space will
`or build-to-suit, while
`‘The largest
`construction accounts for roughly 20 percent.
`additions will include the 260,000-square-foot Glaxo SmithKline
`building and the 153,000-square-foot distribution facility built by
`Warehouse Services. The largest speculative building to be
`delivered is the 34.000-square-foot "Matrix Spec Building“ in
`southern Greenville.
`Even though Upstate economic development activity levels have
`been in a temporary lull, quite a buzz was created with the long-
`the tnternatienai, Qeriter for
`awaited announcement of
`Automotive ReSeat'§h‘(lCAR) in Greenville. This announcement
`' represents historical cooperation between the State of South
`Carolina, Clemson University, BMW. and developer Rosen and
`. The automotive industry has been a key economic driver in the
`Upstate for the past decade, and is expected to gain
`unprecedented strength as iCAR becomes reality. initially, lCAR
`will house a new graduate school of automotive engineering for
`Clemson, funded by a $10 million gift from BMW. The park will
`eventually house research and development firms and possibly
`a wind tunnel facility.
`It is expected that ICAR will create a
`synergy that will bring additional firms to the region, either
`directly or indirectly invoived in the automotive industry. The
`long-term result may be a significant transformation of the
`character and composition of
`industriai markete
`the upstate economy and
`.-.-a,-—,‘ ....u.';.._‘‘
`Page 1 of I
`' NewsLibrary Document Delivery
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`Charlotte Observer, The (NC)
`February 10, 2004
`Section: BUSINESS
`Edition: ONE-THREE '
`Page: 1D
`Column:Dai|y Briefing ‘
`The Carolinas
`Clemson hires director for automotive center
`RESEARCH Clemson University has hired a director for its new International Center for
`Automotive Research. Robert Geolas, 39, manager of N.C. State University's Centennial
`Campus, begins the new job in April.
`He has overseen the 1,334-acre N.C. State campus since 2000.
`As director, Geolas will be responsible for overall management of the Clemson auto research
`campus, recruiting additional automotive and rnotorsports industries and coordinating education,
`research and business activities.
`Clemson broke ground in November on its 400-acre automotive research park in Greenville,
`S.C.. 40 miles from the university's main campus. Clemson officials hope it will become a world
`leader in automotive innovation.
`BofA mails proxies for Fle-etBoston merger vote
`BANKING Bank of America Corp. on Monday began mailing proxies to shareholders who will
`vote on its proposed FIeetBoston Financial Corp. merger. The bank will hold a special
`shareholders‘ meeting on the merger March 17 in Charlotte. FleetBoston will hold a meeting for
`its shareholders the same day in Boston.
`Copyright (c) 2004 The Charlotte Observer
`http://rd.nei§rsbag:gr3fom!n!=sec :Arehives?p?ae§i{§§_,jfdoc&p_docid=100A77C8CCE2DFAF&p d...
`Archives: Winston-Salem Journal
`Bags 1 or 2
`Journal Staff and Wire Report. Winston - Salem Journal. Winston-Salem, NC: Feb 27, 2004. pg. 1
`Full Text (423 words)
`Copyright Media General, Inc. Feb 27, 2004
`CHARLOTTE - A San Francisco jury ruled that Bank of America illegally raided the Social Security benefits of a million customers, and it
`ordered the bank to pay damages that could exceed $1 billion.
`The Superior Court jury verdict, reached Wednesday after a six- week trial, requires Bank of America to pay $75 million to the entire group.
`plus $1.000 to each customer who proves the bank's actions caused substantial emotional or economic harm.
`Bank of America predicted that the verdict would be overturned.
`The class-action case, filed 5132 years ago, centers on allegations that Bank of America collected some service fees by taking money from
`direct-deposit accounts set up to receive Social Security benefits.
`S.C. wants automakers to invest in Clemson park
`GREENVILLE, S.C - State business leaders are looking to Detroit and Germany to find automotive business partners for Clemson
`University's research park.
`Plans for meetings in Germany in June include Gov. Mark Sanford and possibly U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., Sam Konduros, the
`president and chief executive of the 10~county Upstate Alliance, said at the economic-development group's annual investor meeting this
`Chris Przirembel. Clemson's vice president for research, also provided details of a trip in March to Detroit, where business leaders and
`recruiters will lobby for U.S. auto manufacturers to setup in the ffflfliiatiunal Center for Automotive Research.
`BB&T starts fourth phase of Hispanic ad campaign
`BB&T Corp. introduced yesterday the fourth phase of its audiotape marketing campaign to the Hispanic community.
`The 60~minute tape provides information on‘ health care and basic financial information for newcomers to the United States.
`The free tape series is called “BiBl" and is named after one of the fictional Hispanic characters on the tape. BB&T. the N.C. Ofiice of
`l-lispanic!Latino Affairs, and the Forsyth County Department of Public Health and AIDS Care Service Inc. sponsor the series.
`It is available" at all of BB&T's 1.350 branches.
`Partners to cut premiums for Medicare Advantage
`Partners National Health Plans of North Carolina Inc. will reduce its monthly premiums for its Medicare Advantage plan by $5 next month,
`as the federal government has given more money to Medicare- plus choice health plans.
`The monthly premium will drop from $39 to $34 effective March ‘I, the company announced yesterday.
`Congress passed the Medicare Prescription Dmg, Improvement and Modernization Act in December, which will bring increased Medicare
`reimbursement to HMO plans. insurance companies across the country have used the reimbursements to lower rates this year.
`Have a business story idea? Call 727-7374 or send it to business@wsjouma|.ccm
`Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction or distribution is prohibited without permission.
`Bank of America (NAICSL 522110. 522120, Duns:00-691-1747 ) , BB&T Corp
`Column Name:
` .._.g:;rrgrAc=5e41d2cocsr76ebeab3so9e22feb8s7... 7/21/2004
`.1119_‘?Y./553 1.9
`hfip=//Pegs‘? pearsh_iVer~aoIn;£i_ _
`- .2
`.A.sheԤ1lle.com news: Michelin
`Page 1 of 2
`Asheville business & communllg directogy
`AsheviIIe.com community new
`Michelin Investing in Upstate S. C. Auto Research Park; Will
`be Joining BMW, IBM and Microsoft
`Michelin North America is the fourth company to join Upstate S. C.'s
`International Center for Automotive Researcnsince the auto research
`campus was announced in November 2003. Campus investment now
`tops $90 million.
`Michelin North America announced Thursday, Feb. 19, that it will
`invest $3 million to endow a professorship in vehicle electronic
`systems integration. That amount could be increased with state and
`other matching funds. The endowed chair wiil promote accelerated
`improvement in electronics and the development of intelligent tire
`systems for automobiles and trucks that improve overall performance
`and efficiency.
`Michelin joins BMW, IBM and Microsoft as partners in Clemson's
`ambitious undertaking. The project will coalesce, onto a single
`research campus. automotive engineering, motorsports and
`research-driven graduate education.
`"This project continues to gain substantial momentum at both the national and international level,"
`said Chris Przirembel, Clemson's vice president for research. "An increasing number of companies
`and organizations are expressing serious interest in locating in or near the auto research campus."
`The 400-acre Clemson University International Center for Automotive Research promises to make
`South Carolina a hub of the nation's automotive and motorsports industry. Site development is
`already under way for a graduate engineering center and an information technology research center
`that will focus on automotive software systems for BMW products. Future R&D facilities at the
`Greenville-based campus could include a full-scale wind tunnel, crash-worthiness lab and a fuels lab
`with an emphasis in hydrogen-based research.
`Robert Geolavs has been named campus director. Geolas was hired from his position as top manager
`for one of the countrys best-known research campuses, the Centennial Campus at North Carolina
`State University.
`Clemson expects to name the auto research campus's first
`endowed chair this spring. That person will also serve as director of
`the Carroll A. Campbell Jr. Graduate Engineering Center, the
`academic cornerstone of the campus named for the former S.C.
`governor instrumental in recruiting BMW to the state.
`' Automotive and motorsports engineering are increasingly driving
`South Carolina's economic future. More than 1.000 automotive
`assemblers and suppliers are within a 500-mile radius of Upstate
`South Carolina.
`The campus's three components — graduate education, automotive
`engineering and motorsports — will work seamlessly, putting researchers, students and industry
`scientists in close working contact.
`"B 1
`it 3;.“
`. .......au.;u..£;-.1x.-....' -..--.-s..' ..
`7/ 1 6/2004
`Ashe*:i1le.co1n news: Michelin
`Page 2 of 2
`The campus's academic anchor will be the graduate engineering center. where programs will focus
`on systems integration. Successfully integrating mechanical, electrical and digital technologies is a
`growing challenge in the automotive industry as car components become increasingly computerized
`and complex. The center could open as early as 2005.
`The automotive engineering component is being spearheaded by an information technology center
`that will focus on improving automotive software systems and softwarelhardware compatibility for
`BMW products. IBM and Microsoft will also play a part in the campus.
`The motorsports component will be anchored by a proposed wind tunnel testing facility that will
`feature research capabilities unique in the Westem Hemisphere.
`The research campu_s is on Interstate 85 halfway between Charlotte. N.C., and Atlanta, Ga.. a
`corridor that is home to two-thirds of the nation's motorsports racing teams.
`(Images provided by Michelin)
`all contents copyright © 1999, Asheville.com. contact: info@A§hgville.com or 328.253.2880
`Fgr listing and advertising information...
`. ma.-_— .
`7/ 1 6/2004
`Page 1 of 3
`D-[mate Yoiir Car To C'l1ai'ity
`Washington "5 News,
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`H_om_§_Eag_e I gags D §_po_rL«; » EASQAR in Top gaging News is» Stories
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`" 5"“ 3' S """'i"' t" "W" ‘fi°°""L
`Carolina Lawmakers Back Tax-Funded Track
`Updated: Thursday, May. 6, 2004 - 9:39 PM
`Associated Press Writer
`RALEIGH. N.C. AP - Stat
`lawmakers wantt
`s end
`millions of dollars to)protecteNorth Carolina's stgtulis as
`the hub of stock r racing.
`They are pushing for a $50 million test track and
`research complex in the Charlotte area that would allow
`drivers to remain close to home. Virtually all NASCAR
`teams are based in the area.
`gutthe sanctiogng body limit‘: theegumbler of tignes
`trac ,suc as
`more can pra ice on a san ion
`Lowe's Motor Speedway outside Charlotte. Big time
`stock car racing IS a $1.5 billion industry that employs
`10,000 people in the state. supporters said.
`"This is an industry that a lot of states are really showing a lot of interest in right now." said House Co-Speaker Jim
`Gov. Mike Easley is proposing $15 million be included in the 2004-05 budget for a North Carolina Motorsports Testing
`and Research Complex. Easley said the complex would link with the University of North Carolina-Charlotte's existing
`motorsports engineering program.
`“The growth and popularity of motorsports has led to increased competition from other states in this sector,“ the
`governor said in a letter this week to a joint legislative committee on economic development. "We must invest now to
`ensure that this industry keeps its home in North Carolina.‘
`:'.u- in
`=-i-in '-=..~ur._u."-
`In South Carolina, Clemson University is building a -400-acre
`"promises to make South Carolina a hub of the nation's automotive and motoports Industry," according to a university
`Web site.
`Heavy-hitters including BMW, Microsoft and Michelin North America are partnering with Clemson on the roughly $140
`million project. The campus will include a graduate engineering program, research and testing facilities. and other
`Wrginia also is working to boost auto racing in that state. said Humpy Wheeler, president of Lowe's Motor Speedway.
`He said NASCAR has "nationalized" itself. leading to increased competition for the industry.
`"3" Ab°"t T°“"'
`‘North Carolina is not the gcen__ter”of'N/XSCAR from a geographical standpoint like it originally was." he said.
`tip ://WWW. wtopnews.com/indeiephp?nid.==1 5 5&sid=201177
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`Page 2 of3
`Bob Madlgan
`National Security
`Keeping Kids
`Pentagon Report
`AFCEA Defense
`echnology Report
`The Politics
`Mark Plotkin
`Charity of the
`Mattress Discounters
`Ask the C!-ICO
`Wellness Update
`whole Foods Market
`Even so. about'30O race teams _ NASCAR and otherwise __ are located within 60 miles of Chariotte, and most are
`within 35 miles, he said.
`Wheeler said several counties around Charlotte could land the track. Acreage would likely be donated and supporters
`are looking for public money to build the complex.
`The complex would include four tracks and probably include Formula One and other racing entitles, proponents said.
`Racing teams say the most pressing need for North Carolina is to build a test track. according to Michael Almond,
`president and chief executive ofiicer of the 16-county Charlotte Regional Partnership. an economic development group
`leading the track effort.
`He added that the track could eventually wean itself off public financing.
`"We would like to make a pre-emptive move,‘ Almond said. "We want to make sure we are doing everything possible to
`have the infrastructure so they stay here.”
`Mike Schmaliz, a spokesman for Kentucky Speedway in Sparta, Ky., said NASCAR teams practice a few days a week
`at the 1 1/2-mile trioval. which opened five years ago.
`Ultimately, they want fliem to race there, too.
`“Oh. we'd love to see it come our'direclion." he said. "That's sort of been our hope since we opened."
`(Copyright 2004 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. ‘This material may not be published. broaclst, rewritten or
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`7/23 /2004
`Companies still vying for Georgetown Steel
`Page 1 of 2
`Posted on Wed, Jun. 16, 2004
`Companies still vying for Georgetown Steel
`An auction of the assets of Georgetown Steel Co. continued late Tuesday In a Columbia bankruptcy courtroom.
`At least two other companies were in on the bidding, hoping to top the $16 million initial bid by International Steel Group. Names of the
`bidders might be revealed Thursday. They were not named because they wanted to keep secret the details of offers to union members at the
`The steel plant closed in the fall of 2003. It could reopen this fall but with fewer workers than the 500-plus it had.
`- Developer details donation to Clemson
`GREENVILLE — Cliff Rosen, the Miami developer who worked with Clemson University to buy land for automotive research, said he donated
`$20 million worth of real estate options in the deal.
`Rosen said he sold and transferred options to buy a site for the university to build the International Center for Automotive Research to
`Clemson's real estate foundation at below market value.
`Clemson reached a deal with Rosen in October to acquire land where it plans a graduate school of automotive engineering and a BMW research
`center focused on information technology.
`Clemson officials said they do not know if Rosens' options add up to a $20 million donation. The deal gives Clemson 250 of the 400 acres Rosen
`acquired on I-85.
`- JPS stock jumps on higher profits
`GREENVILLE — JPS Industries inc. stock surged 33 percent Tuesday after the industrial products company reported higher sales and a
`quarterly profit.
`The company said sales in the quarter ending May 1 rose 29 percent compared with the same quarter of 2003. An increase in sales for roofing
`products led to a quarterly profit, compared with a loss a year ago.
`JPS stock closed at $3.34 on Tuesday, up 83 cents.
`JPS Industries Nasdaq: JPST
`quarter May 2004 2003Revenue $38.2 million $29.5 million
`$900,000 ($1.5 million)
`Net income
`Earnings per share $0.09
`o Winn-Dixie prepares to sell 130 stores
`Winn-Dixie Stores Inc. has hired help to sell 130 stores in a dozen states that include South Carolina.
`The grocer hired Excess Space Retail Services Inc. and The Food Partners LLC of Washington, D.C., to sell the stores.
`winn—Dixie in April said It would close or sell 156 stores nationwide and shed 10,000 jobs. Eight of the company's 62 S.C. stores will be closed,