`Wim Van Lancker, Davy Van Deursen, Erik Mannens, Rik Van de Walle
`Ghent University – IBBT
`Ghent, Belgium
`{wim.vanlancker, davy.vandeursen, erik.mannens, rik.vandewalle}
`HTTP adaptive streaming was introduced with the general
`idea that user agents interpret a manifest file (describing dif-
`ferent representations and segments of the media); where-
`after they retrieve the media content using sequential HTTP
`progressive download operations. MPEG started with the
`standardization of an HTTP streaming protocol, defining the
`structure and semantics of a manifest file and additional re-
`strictions and extensions for container formats. At the same
`time, W3C is working on a specification for addressing me-
`dia fragments on the Web using Uniform Resource Identi-
`fiers. The latter not only defines the URI syntax for media
`fragment identifiers but also the protocol for retrieving me-
`dia fragments over HTTP. In this paper, we elaborate on the
`role of Media Fragment URIs within HTTP adaptive stream-
`ing scenarios. First, we elaborate on how different media rep-
`resentations can be addressed by means of Media Fragment
`URIs, by using track fragments. Additionally, we illustrate
`how HTTP adaptive streaming is realized relying on the Me-
`dia Fragments URI retrieval protocol. To validate the pre-
`sented ideas, we implemented Apple’s HTTP Live streaming
`technique using Media Fragment URIs.
`Index Terms— HTTP Streaming, Media Delivery, Media
`Fragment URIs
`Multimedia content has become an essential part of the World
`Wide Web. Moreover, Web-based media is exploding:
`is used for entertainment, education, advertising, product
`reviews, etc. Media delivery on the Web evolved from
`download-and-play over progressive download to real-time
`streaming protocols such as the Real Time Streaming Proto-
`col (RTSP). Recently, a new media delivery technique, called
`HTTP adaptive streaming, was introduced showing an inter-
`esting combination of the features of real-time streaming pro-
`tocols and HTTP progressive download.
`The research activities as described in this paper were funded by Ghent
`University, the Interdisciplinary Institute for Broadband Technology (IBBT),
`the Institute for the Promotion of Innovation by Science and Technology in
`Flanders (IWT), the Fund for Scientific Research-Flanders (FWO-Flanders),
`and the European Union.
`Various proprietary implementations are already avail-
`able: Microsoft’s Smooth Streaming, Apple’s HTTP Live
`streaming, and Adobe’s Dynamic HTTP Streaming. Almost
`all current proprietary solutions for HTTP streaming define
`the structure and semantics of a manifest file, describing the
`high-level structure of the media content in terms of repre-
`sentations and temporal segments. Additionally, extensions
`and restrictions are defined for one or more existing container
`formats encapsulating the media content. User Agents (UA)
`interpret the manifest file and retrieve the media content us-
`ing sequential HTTP progressive download operations. Cur-
`rently, MPEG is standardizing HTTP adaptive streaming as
`media delivery protocol, Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over
`HTTP (DASH, [1]), which is based on 3GPP Adaptive HTTP
`In this paper, we investigate how Media Fragment URIs
`can be used within HTTP adaptive streaming scenarios. Note
`that Wu et al. already indicated the relevance of Media Frag-
`ments within HTTP streaming [2]. The specification of Media
`Fragment URIs is currently being developed within W3C by
`the Media Fragment Working Group1 (MFWG). Its mission
`is to address media fragments on the Web using Uniform Re-
`source Identifiers (URIs). Although most HTTP streaming
`solutions rely on the use of regular HTTP 1.1 Web servers,
`we assume in this paper the availability of Media Fragments-
`aware servers for HTTP streaming and describe the impact
`of this availability for HTTP streaming solutions. Addition-
`ally, since the Media Fragments 1.0 specification also fore-
`sees a scenario for serving Media Fragment URIs using reg-
`ular HTTP 1.1 Web servers, we will elaborate on how this
`scenario fits in the current HTTP streaming solutions.
`The Media Fragments 1.0 specification supports three differ-
`ent axes for media fragments: temporal (i.e., a time range),
`spatial (i.e., a spatial region), and track (i.e., a track contained
`in the media resource). Since the spatial fragment axis is not
`relevant in the context of HTTP streaming, we will not fur-
`ther discuss it. Further, the specification recommends both
`Google Exhibit 1016
`Google v. Ericsson


`the URI syntax and the protocol for the retrieval of Media
`Fragment URIs over HTTP [3].
`2.1. URI Syntax
`The specification defines the syntax for mediafrag
`the URI protocol://path/mediafile#
`mediafrag. For brevity, we give a simple example for both
`the temporal and the track axis; the full syntactical details
`can be found in the specification [3].
`• Temporal: http://foo/media.mp4#t=10,30
`identifies the time range [10s,30s[ of media.mp4.
`• Track:
`identifies the video track of media.mp4.
`Both URI fragments and URI queries can be used for me-
`dia fragment addressing. Using a URI fragment means that
`the media fragment is a secondary resource and hence must be
`expressible in terms of byte ranges pointing to the parent re-
`source. On the contrary, URI queries result in new resources,
`resulting in no restriction regarding the bytes used to repre-
`sent the fragment. Note that, although track fragments can
`always be expressed in terms of byte ranges, the amount of
`byte ranges for a certain track is infeasible high when tracks
`are interleaved. Therefore, track fragments are typically ad-
`dressed using URI queries when supported by the server or
`interpreted locally when the server is unable to extract the re-
`quested track (e.g., in case of a regular HTTP Web server).
`Local interpretation means that all tracks are downloaded by
`the UA, after which the UA picks the requested tracks. Tem-
`poral fragments are typically addressed using URI fragments.
`2.2. Media Fragment Retrieval over HTTP
`The current Web infrastructure, based on the HTTP proto-
`col, is not aware of addressing methods other than bytes to
`point to a portion of a media resource. Therefore, in order
`to implement and deploy a system able to deal with Media
`Fragment URIs, the key requirement is to have a module that
`is able to translate media fragments (i.e., expressed in time
`or tracks) into fragments expressed in terms of bytes (i.e.,
`byte ranges) [4]. Such a translation module can occur at the
`server or at the UA. The Media Fragments 1.0 specification
`describes a number of scenarios, based on the location of this
`translation module.
`As specified in [5], fragment identifiers are separated from
`the rest of the URI prior to a dereference. In other words, they
`are not sent to the server and thus the identifying information
`within a fragment needs to be interpreted by the UA. Apply-
`ing this to Media Fragment URIs, UAs must be able to parse
`and interpret media fragment identifiers. When the UA is able
`to perform the mapping between fragments and byte ranges,
`fragments can be requested in terms of byte ranges (using reg-
`ular HTTP 1.1 byte range requests), as illustrated in Fig. 1.
`GET /media.mp4 HTTP/1.1
`Accept: video/*
`Range: bytes=3000-6000
`HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content
`Accept-Ranges: bytes
`Content-Length: 3000
`Content-Type: video/mp4
`Content-Range: bytes 3000-6000/8000
`{binary data}
`Fig. 1. UA-mapped Media Fragment retrieval.
`GET /media.mp4 HTTP/1.1
`Accept: video/*
`Range: t:npt=11-19
`HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content
`Accept-Ranges: bytes, t, track
`Content-Length: 3000
`Content-Type: video/mp4
`Content-Range: bytes 3000-6000/8000
` {t:npt 10-20/0-30}={bytes 3000-6000/8000}
`{binary data}
`Fig. 2. Server-mapped Media Fragment retrieval.
`In a second scenario, i.e., if the UA needs help to per-
`form the mapping between media fragments and byte ranges,
`the media fragment identifiers need to be communicated in
`some way to a Media Fragments-aware server. Therefore,
`the MFWG recommends a protocol for retrieval of media
`fragments over HTTP. More specifically, a number of new
`HTTP headers were developed, allowing to provide media
`fragment information within an HTTP request. The details
`of the exact syntax can be found in the specification [3];
`examples of these new headers are provided in Fig. 2.
`this figure, a temporal range ([11s,19s[) is requested by us-
`ing a time unit in the HTTP Range request header. The
`Media Fragments-aware server interprets the Range header,
`performs the mapping from time to byte ranges, extracts
`the requested bytes, and responds to the UA. As one can
`the HTTP response message contains a header (i.e.,
`Content-Range-Mapping) indicating the actual extracted tem-
`poral range. The latter can differ from the original requested
`temporal range since random access points do not necessar-
`ily correspond to the range boundaries and the fragments re-
`turned by the server have to start with a random access point.
`The returned temporal fragment will always include the re-
`quested temporal fragment. Note that the UA can also re-
`quest codec setup information, together with the temporal
`range (in the example, the Range header would then contain
`t:npt=11-19;include-setup). The response would
`then consist of an HTTP multipart response message, contain-
`ing both the setup information and the bytes corresponding to
`the temporal range.
`Finally, retrieving a track fragment using a URI query
`simply comes down to the download of a resource, as illus-
`trated in Fig. 3. It is important to note that, when using URI
`queries and/or the newly defined HTTP headers for media
`fragment retrieval, the server needs to be a Media Fragments-


`GET /media.mp4?track=video HTTP/1.1
`Accept: video/*
`HTTP/1.1 200 OK
`Content-Length: 5500
`Content-Type: video/mp4
`{binary data}
`Fig. 3. Retrieving track fragments with a URI query.
`Listing 2. Composing representations using M3U8.
`Listing 1. Composing representations using MDP.
`<MPD minBufferTime="PT2S" mediaPresentationDuration="
`PT30S" baseURL="">
`<Period start="PT0S">
`<Representation mimeType="video/3gpp; codecs=avc"
`<SegmentInfo duration="PT30S" baseURL="media.3
`gp?track=highvid" />
`<Representation mimeType="video/3gpp; codecs=avc"
`<SegmentInfo duration="PT30S" baseURL="media.3
`gp?track=lowvid" />
`aware server, thus also containing a fragment-to-byte range
`translation module. Only in the first scenario, where the UA is
`able to perform the mapping, a regular HTTP 1.1 Web server
`is sufficient to serve the media content.
`As discussed in Sect. 1, HTTP streaming solutions make use
`of a manifest file. It may describe different representations
`(e.g., different bit rates, languages, or resolutions) of the same
`media content. Typically, these representations correspond to
`different media resources or track combinations within one
`media resource. The latter means that we can point to a repre-
`sentation in terms of a Media Fragment URI, using the track
`axis. This way, it is possible to store different representations
`within the same media resource.
`Examples of manifest files using Media Fragment URIs to
`point to representations are shown in Listings 1 and 2, using
`the Media Presentation Description (MPD) and M3U8 syn-
`tax respectively. Different representations/versions are rep-
`resented by means of different URI queries. For instance,
`media.3gp?track=highvid represents the high quality
`When different representations correspond to different
`layers/views of a scalable/multiview media resource, the pro-
`posed approach will fail. More specifically, the current Me-
`dia Fragments 1.0 specification does not provide explicit so-
`lutions for addressing scalability layers or alternative views.
`However, it should be noted that scalability layers and alter-
`native views are very similar to tracks; the only difference is
`Listing 3. Scalable media resources provide additional repre-
`<MPD minBufferTime="PT2S" mediaPresentationDuration="
`PT30S" baseURL="">
`<Period start="PT0S">
`<Representation mimeType="video/3gpp; codecs=avc"
`width="352" height="288" bandwidth="256000">
`<SegmentInfo duration="PT30S" baseURL="media.3
`gp?track=0" />
`<Representation mimeType="video/3gpp; codecs=svc"
`width="176" height="144" bandwidth="128000">
`<SegmentInfo duration="PT30S" baseURL="media.3
`gp?track=1_0" />
`<Representation mimeType="video/3gpp; codecs=svc"
`width="352" height="288" bandwidth="280000">
`<SegmentInfo duration="PT30S" baseURL="media.3
`gp?track=1_1" />
`that the former can be dependent on other layers/views while
`this is not the case for the latter. Thus, if these layers/views
`are identifyable, the track axis could be used to address them.
`Consider a media resource containing two tracks: an
`H.264/AVC video track and an SVC video track with two
`spatial layers. The corresponding MPD manifest is de-
`picted in Listing 3.
`As one can see, each scalabil-
`ity layer corresponds to a representation (which is simi-
`lar to what MPEG DASH will support). Further, the two
`layers are identified through the track axis (e.g.,
`media.3gp?track=SVC layer0 could refer to the spa-
`tial base layer of the SVC track). Of course, this only works if
`the server disposes of an SVC bitstream extractor and is aware
`of the mapping between layer identifiers (e.g., SVC layer0)
`and scalability layers.
`In typical HTTP streaming scenarios, not only the different
`representations of media content are described in the mani-
`fest, but also information regarding the structure of one rep-
`resentation. More specifically, for each representation, differ-
`ent segments or temporal fragments are described. These dif-


`ferent segments can also be represented by temporal Media
`Fragment URIs. Moreover, UAs could even avoid segment
`information and compose their own temporal Media Frag-
`ment URIs. The compact manifest shown in Listing 1 would
`then be sufficient for a UA to retrieve the media content using
`HTTP streaming.
`Based on the manifest, the UA can start interpreting or
`generating Media Fragment URIs, each representing one tem-
`poral piece of a certain representation. These Media Frag-
`ment URIs will be translated into HTTP Range requests con-
`taining using a time unit (see also Sect. 2.2). We illustrate the
`behavior of the UA by using the manifest of Listing 1.
`The UA decides to request the high quality representation
`(i.e., the media resource media.3gp?track=highvid).
`The UA can choose the target duration of each segment, for
`example 3 seconds. Consequently, the first segment corre-
`sponds to the Media Fragment URI http://example.
`com/media.3gp?track=highvid#t=0,3, which re-
`sults in the following HTTP request:
`GET /media.3gp?track=highvid HTTP/1.1
`Accept: video/*
`Range: t:npt=0-3;include-setup
`The UA adds the ‘include-setup’ parameter to the Range
`header in order to retrieve the codec setup information. Note
`that the latter can be seen as an initialisation segment in
`3GPP’s Adaptive HTTP Streaming specification. The Me-
`dia Fragments-aware server interprets the request, calculates
`which bytes from the requested resource need to be returned,
`and constructs the following HTTP response message:
`HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content
`Accept-Ranges: bytes, t
`Content-Length: 100
`Content-Type: video/3gpp
`{t:npt 0-3.6/0-30;include-setup}=
`{bytes 0-8,9-99/1067}
`Content-type: multipart/byteranges
`Content-type: video/3gpp
`Content-Range: bytes 0-8/1067
`{binary data}
`Content-type: video/3gpp
`Content-Range: bytes 9-99/1067
`{binary data}
`The response of the server consists of a multipart mes-
`sage containing the codec setup data and the bytes cor-
`responding to the requested time range. However, due
`to random access point boundaries,
`the server returned
`bytes corresponding to the time range [0s,3.6s[, as indi-
`cated by the Content-Range-Mapping header. This means
`the next request of the UA will correspond to the
`Media Fragment URI
`3gp?track=highvid#t=3.6,6.6, without requesting
`codec setup information since this is already retrieved.
`After retrieving the bytes from 0s to 16.2s, the UA de-
`cides to change the representation because less bandwidth is
`available. The following HTTP request is sent to the server:
`GET /media.3gp?track=lowvid HTTP/1.1
`Accept: video/*
`Range: t:npt=16.2-19.2;include-setup
`The UA requests bytes from the lower quality version (indi-
`cated by the track parameter) and requests new codec setup
`information. Since bytes up to timepoint 16.2s were already
`retrieved (high quality), the UA seeks to position 16.2s in the
`low quality version. The returned HTTP response message
`contains the following Content-Range-Mapping header:
`{t:npt 15.9-19.3/0-30;include-setup}=
`{bytes 0-7,308-361/534}
`Since random access points are not aligned between the two
`the server returns bytes corresponding to
`the underlying random access boundaries (i.e., time range
`[15.9,19.3[). Thus, the UA can seamlessly switch from high
`to low quality between 15.9 and 16.2 seconds.
`The presented approach lets UAs determine how fine or
`coarse the requested segments are in terms of duration. Also,
`the UA does not have to discover the location of random ac-
`cess points within the representation and their segments. In-
`deed, the server is able to perform the segment extraction and
`communicates the random access point boundaries to the UA.
`Also, codec initialisation information is determined by the
`server and requested by the UA through the ‘include-setup’
`parameter. Further, live scenarios are also supported by Me-
`dia Fragment URIs by using wall-clock time codes in the tem-
`poral axis. #t=clock:2010-10-11T11:19:01Z for
`example is a temporal fragment starting on 11th Oct 2010 at
`11hrs, 19min, 1sec. This way, not only information regard-
`ing the different segments within a manifest file is avoided,
`also updates of the manifest necessary in live scenarios are
`not necessary anymore thanks to the use of wall-clock time
`An HTTP adaptive streaming solution based on Media
`Fragment URIs as the one presented in this paper looks
`promising. It only requires a limited description of the dif-
`ferent representations in a manifest and does not impose any
`restrictions to underlying media formats. However, the pre-
`sented solution only works if the W3C Media Fragments
`1.0 specification is implemented within the Web infrastruc-
`ture. More specifically, Web servers need to be extended with
`support for the newly introduced Range unit (i.e., time) and
`HTTP headers, as well as with a media fragments extractor
`module that is able to perform the translation between me-
`dia fragments and byte ranges. Additionally, current HTTP
`caches will not be able to cache media fragments as they are


`GET /media.mp4 HTTP/1.1
`Accept: video/*
`Range: t:npt=11-19
`Accept-Range-Redirect: bytes
`HTTP/1.1 307 Temporary Redirect
`Accept-Ranges: bytes, t, track
`Content-Length: 0
`Content-Type: video/mp4
` {t:npt 10-20/0-30}={bytes 3000-6000/8000}
`Range-Redirect: 3000-6000
`Vary: Accept-Range-Redirect
`Fig. 4. Cacheable media fragments.
`not aware of the new Range units. Therefore, specialized me-
`dia fragment caches should be developed in order to cache
`media fragments served by Media Fragments-aware servers.
`The MFWG does recognize that there should be solutions for
`serving and retrieving media fragments using the current Web
`infrastructure. For instance, the UA can request the server
`to perform the translation between media fragments and byte
`ranges, after which the UA uses the obtained byte ranges to
`perform regular HTTP 1.1 byte range requests (HTTP com-
`munication is illustrated in Fig. 4). However, this solution
`still requires a Media Fragments-aware server. Such a server
`can be avoided if the UA is able to perform the mapping be-
`tween media fragments and byte ranges without help from the
`server, as discussed in Sect. 2.2.
`The translation between media fragments and their corre-
`sponding byte ranges is dependent on the underlying media
`container. Generally, two approaches exist to perform a re-
`mote2 translation, dependent on the organization of the con-
`tainer format.
`When the underlying container format of the media re-
`source supports a full index providing a complete mapping of
`time and byte-offsets, then only the first couple of bytes corre-
`sponding to the index need to be downloaded. Subsequently,
`the index is interpreted by the UA in order to calculate the
`mapping between media fragments and byte ranges. The lat-
`ter is dependent of the container format since different con-
`tainer formats use different structures to represent the index.
`Examples of container formats providing support for such a
`full index are MP4 and ASF.
`When no full index is provided at the beginning of the me-
`dia resource, the proper byte positions need to be found for a
`given media fragment identifier. This is obtained by applying
`a bisectional search over HTTP. More specifically, the UA
`starts by guessing which byte position corresponds to a given
`temporal position. Subsequently, these bytes are retrieved and
`interpreted. If the byte position is too high/low, another guess
`is made in the right direction until the correct byte offset is
`2Note that ‘remote’ indicates that the mapping is calculated without hav-
`ing the full media resource at our disposal.
`Listing 4. M3U8 composition served by NinSuna (/Medi-
`found. It is clear that this method is less efficient in terms
`of HTTP round-trips than the first method. Examples of con-
`tainer format structures where bisectional search over HTTP
`could be applied are Ogg files, WebM files, and fragmented
`MP4 files.
`In order to evaluate the feasibility of integrating Media Frag-
`ment URIs into HTTP adaptive streaming techniques, we im-
`plemented the above described ideas into Apple’s HTTP Live
`Streaming solution [6]. More specifically, we used M3U8
`as format to describe the manifest information. Also, native
`players supporting HTTP Live Streaming such as iPod/iPad/i-
`Phone and QuickTime X work with the presented solution.
`As a server solution, we used NinSuna3, which is a fully
`integrated media adaptation and delivery platform support-
`ing the Media Fragment URI 1.0 specification [7]. Moreover,
`NinSuna provides support for both query and fragment-based
`media fragment retrieval along the temporal and track axis.
`Note that the examples in the listings below are available on-
`line for testing purposes (base URL is http://ninsuna.
`As discussed in Sect. 3, different representations of the
`same media content can be represented in terms of media
`fragment URIs, using the track axis. This is illustrated in
`Listing 4, where two representations are described. Tracks
`‘1’ and ‘2’ correspond to the low quality audio and video ver-
`sion, while tracks ‘3’ and ‘4’ correspond to the high quality
`When the UA chooses one representation to start the play-
`back (e.g., the low quality version), it requests the correspond-
`ing manifest (see Listing 5). Since we use an existing, non-
`modified HTTP Live Streaming UA, we need to explicitly list
`the media fragment URIs of the different time segments. The
`latter are expressed with media fragment URIs using the time
`and track dimension.
`However, there is a difference in the approach explained
`in Sect. 4. Since HTTP Live Streaming UAs such as the
`iPhone do not support the Media Fragments URI protocol


`Listing 5. M3U8 served by NinSuna describing a media re-
`source (/Media/Apple/Avatar/Teaser.m3u8?track=1;2).
`GET /Media/Apple/Avatar/Teaser.ts?track=1;2&ft=11.5,21.5 HTTP/1.1
`Accept: video/*
`GET /Media/Apple/Avatar/Teaser.ts?track=1;2 HTTP/1.1
`Accept: video/*
`Range: t:npt=11.5-21.5
`HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content
`Accept-Ranges: bytes, t, track
`Content-Range-Mapping: {t:npt 10.92-22.5/0-128.92}=
` {bytes 241580-649539/3593996}
`Content-Range: bytes 241580-649539/3593996
`Content-Type: video/mp2t
`Content-Length: 407960
`Fig. 5. HTTP messages between UA, filter, and server.
`at this moment, we need to foresee a small hack in prac-
`tice. More specifically, we cannot use #-based temporal me-
`dia fragments since the UA is not able to translate the tem-
`poral fragment into a Range header (see Sect. 2.2). Hence,
`instead of writing Teaser.ts?track=1;2#t=0,11.5,
`we write Teaser.ts?track=1;2&ft=0,11.5. The
`newly introduced ft parameter is a replacement for the #-
`based time parameter. This ft parameter will reach the server
`and will be translated by a filter into the proper Range header,
`so that a compliant Media Fragments 1.0 request arrives at
`the NinSuna server. The latter sends a response back (com-
`pliant to the protocol discussed in Sect. 2.2) and the HTTP
`Live Streaming UA is able to playback the media resource.
`In Fig. 5, the above described HTTP communication is
`illustrated. The first request is issued by the UA; the second
`request is the same request as the first one, but adapted by the
`filter located just before the NinSuna server. The last HTTP
`message is the HTTP response of the NinSuna server, which
`is compliant to the Media Fragments URI protocol.
`In this paper, we discussed the role of Media Fragment URIs
`within HTTP adaptive streaming scenarios. We illustrated
`how different media representations can be addressed by
`means of Media Fragment URIs, by using the track axis.
`Further, by relying on the Media Fragment retrieval proto-
`col defined in the Media Fragments 1.0 specification, we dis-
`cussed how HTTP adaptive streaming can be realized. Also,
`we elaborated on how a specialized Media Fragments server
`can be avoided to perform HTTP adaptive streaming with
`Media Fragment URIs. Finally, we illustrated the proposed
`approach by providing an implementation of Apple’s HTTP
`Live streaming using Media Fragment URIs.
`“Call for Proposals on HTTP Streaming of
`[1] ISO/IEC,
`MPEG Media,” ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 N11338,
`April 2010.
`“Problem State-
`and R. Huang,
`[2] Q. Wu
`[3] R. Troncy, E. Mannens, S. Pfeiffer, and D. Van Deursen,
`Eds., Media Fragments URI 1.0, W3C Working Draft.
`World Wide Web Consortium, June 2010.
`[4] D. Van Deursen, R. Troncy, E. Mannens, S. Pfeiffer,
`Y. Lafon, and R. Van de Walle, “Implementing the Media
`Fragments URI specification,” in Proceedings of the 19th
`International World Wide Web Conference, Raleigh, NC,
`United States, April 2010, pp. 1361–1364.
`[5] T. Berners-Lee, R. Fielding, and L. Masinter,
`RFC 3986: Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) – Generic
`Syntax,” January 2005, Available at http://tools.
`“HTTP Live Streaming,” Avail-
`[6] R. Pantos,
`[7] E. Mannens, D. Van Deursen, R. Troncy, S. Pfeiffer,
`C. Parker, Y. Lafon, J. Jansen, M. Hausenblas, and
`R. Van de Walle, “A URI-Based Approach for Address-
`ing Fragments of Media Resources on the Web,” To ap-
`pear in Multimedia Tools and Applications Special Issue
`on Multimedia Data Semantics.

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