`Pin Gao∗†‡
`Tsinghua University
`Yongwei Wu†
`Tsinghua University
`Lingfan Yu∗
`New York University
`Jinyang Li
`New York University
`Performing inference on pre-trained neural network models must
`meet the requirement of low-latency, which is often at odds with
`achieving high throughput. Existing deep learning systems use
`batching to improve throughput, which do not perform well when
`serving Recurrent Neural Networks with dynamic dataflow graphs.
`We propose the technique of cellular batching, which improves
`both the latency and throughput of RNN inference. Unlike existing
`systems that batch a fixed set of dataflow graphs, cellular batching
`makes batching decisions at the granularity of an RNN “cell” (a sub-
`graph with shared weights) and dynamically assembles a batched
`cell for execution as requests join and leave the system. We imple-
`mented our approach in a system called BatchMaker. Experiments
`show that BatchMaker achieves much lower latency and also higher
`throughput than existing systems.
`• Computer systems organization → Data flow architectures;
`Recurrent Neural Network, Batching, Inference, Dataflow Graph
`ACM Reference Format:
`Pin Gao, Lingfan Yu, Yongwei Wu, and Jinyang Li. 2018. Low Latency
`RNN Inference with Cellular Batching. In EuroSys ’18: Thirteenth EuroSys
`Conference 2018, April 23–26, 2018, Porto, Portugal. ACM, New York, NY,
`USA, 15 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3190508.3190541
`In recent years, deep learning methods have rapidly matured from
`experimental research to real world deployments. The typical life-
`cycle of a deep neural network (DNN) deployment consists of two
`phases. In the training phase, a specific DNN model is chosen after
`∗P. Gao and L. Yu equally contributed to this work.
`†Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua National Laboratory for
`Information Science and Technology (TNLIST), Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084,
`China; Research Institute of Tsinghua University in Shenzhen, Guangdong 518057,
`‡Work done while at New York University.
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`for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation
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`EuroSys ’18, April 23–26, 2018, Porto, Portugal
`© 2018 Association for Computing Machinery.
`ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5584-1/18/04...$15.00
`many design iterations and its parameter weights are computed
`based on a training dataset. In the inference phase, the pre-trained
`model is used to process live application requests using the com-
`puted weights. As a DNN model matures, it is the inference phase
`that consumes the most computing resource and provides the most
`bang-for-the-buck for performance optimization.
`Unlike training, DNN inference places much emphasis on low
`latency in addition to good throughput. As applications often desire
`real time response, inference latency has a big impact on the user
`experience. Among existing DNN architectures, the one facing the
`biggest performance challenge is the Recurrent Neural Network
`(RNN). RNN is designed to model variable length inputs, and is a
`workhorse for tasks that require processing language data. Example
`uses of RNNs include speech recognition [3, 22], machine transla-
`tion [4, 46], image captioning [44], question answering [40, 47] and
`video to text [20].
`RNN differs from other popular DNN architectures such as Multi-
`layer Perceptrons (MLPs) and Convolution Neural Networks (CNNs)
`in that it represents recursive instead of fixed computation. There-
`fore, when expressing RNN computation in a dataflow-based deep
`learning system, the resulting “unfolded” dataflow graph is not
`fixed, but varies depending on each input. The dynamic nature
`of RNN computation puts it at odds with biggest performance
`booster—batching. Batched execution of many inputs is straight-
`forward when their underlying computation is identical, as is the
`case with MLPs and CNNs. By contrast, as inputs affect the depth
`of recursion, batching RNN computation is challenging.
`Existing systems have focused on improving training throughput.
`As such, they batch RNN computation at the granularity of unfolded
`dataflow graphs, which we refer to as graph batching. Graph batch-
`ing collects a batch of inputs, combines their dataflow graphs into
`a single graph whose operators represent batched execution of
`corresponding operators in the original graphs, and submits the
`combined graph to the backend for execution. The most common
`form of graph batching is to pad inputs to the same length so that
`the resulting graphs become identical and can be easily combined.
`This is done in TensorFlow [1], MXNet [7] and PyTorch [34]. An-
`other form of graph batching is to dynamically analyze a set of
`input-dependent dataflow graphs and fuse equivalent operators to
`generate a conglomerate graph. This form of batching is done in
`TensorFlow Fold [26] and DyNet [30].
`Graph batching harms both the latency and throughput of model
`inference. First, unlike training, the inputs for inference arrive at
`different times. With graph batching, a newly arrived request must
`wait for an ongoing batch of requests to finish their execution com-
`pletely, which imposes significant latency penalty. Second, when
`inputs have varying sizes, not all operators in the combined graph
`Petitioner, EX1004
`Hugging Face, Inc., v. FriendliAI Inc.
`EuroSys ’18, April 23–26, 2018, Porto, Portugal
`Pin Gao, Lingfan Yu, Yongwei Wu, and Jinyang Li
`can be batched fully after merging the dataflow graphs for different
`inputs. Insufficient amount of batching reduces throughput under
`high load.
`This paper proposes a new mechanism, called cellular batching,
`that can significantly improve the latency and throughput of RNN
`inference. Our key insight is to realize that a recursive RNN compu-
`tation is made up of varying numbers of similar computation units
`connected together, much like an organism is composed of many
`cells. As such, we propose to perform batching and execution at the
`granularity of cells (aka common subgraphs in the dataflow graph)
`instead of the entire organism (aka the whole dataflow graph), as
`is done in existing systems.
`We build the BatchMaker RNN inference system based on cellular
`batching. As each input arrives, BatchMaker breaks its computation
`graph into a graph of cells and dynamically decides the set of
`common cells that should be batched together for the execution.
`Cellular batching is highly flexible, as the set of batched cells may
`come from requests arriving at different times or even from the
`same request. As a result, a newly arrived request can immediately
`join the ongoing execution of existing requests, without needing
`to waiting for them to finish. Long requests also do not decrease
`the amount of batching when they are batched together with short
`ones: each request can return to the user as soon as its last cell
`finishes and a long request effectively hitches a ride with multiple
`short requests over its execution lifetime.
`When batching and executing at the granularity of cells, Batch-
`Maker also faces several technical challenges. What cells should be
`grouped together to form a batched task? Given multiple batched
`tasks, which one should be scheduled for execution next? When
`multiple GPU devices are used, how should BatchMaker balance the
`loads of different GPUs while preserving the locality of execution
`within a request? How can BatchMaker minimize the overhead of
`GPU kernel launches when a request’s execution is broken up into
`multiple pieces?
`We address these challenges and develop a prototype imple-
`mentation of BatchMaker based on the codebase of MXNet. We
`have evaluated BatchMaker using several well-known RNN mod-
`els (LSTM [24], Seq2Seq [38] and TreeLSTM [39]) on different
`datasets. We also compare the performance of BatchMaker with
`existing systems including MXNet, TensorFlow, TensorFlow Fold
`and DyNet. Experiments show that BatchMaker reduces the latency
`by 17.5-90.5% and improves the throughput by 25-60% for LSTM
`and Seq2Seq compared to TensorFlow and MXNet. The inference
`throughput of BatchMaker for TreeLSTM is 4× and 1.8× that of Ten-
`sorFlow Fold and DyNet, respectively, and the latency reductions
`are 87% and 28%.
`In this section, we explain the unique characteristics of RNNs, the
`difference between model training and inference, the importance
`of batching and how it is done in existing deep learning systems.
`2.1 A primer on recurrent neural networks
`Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) is a family of neural networks
`designed to process sequential data of variable length. RNN is par-
`ticularly suited for language processing, with applications ranging
`Figure 1: An unfolded chain-structured RNN. All RNN Cells
`in the chain share the same parameter weights.
`Figure 2: An unfolded tree-structured RNN. There are two
`types of RNN cells, leaf cell (grey) and internal cell (white).
`All RNN cells of the same type share the same parameter
`from speech recognition [3], machine translation [4, 46], to question
`answering [40, 47].
`In its simplest form, we can view RNNs as operating on an input
`sequence, X = [x (1), x (2), ..., x (τ )], where x (i ) represents the input
`at the i-th position (or timestep). For language processing, the input
`X would be a sentence, and x (i ) would be the vector embedding of
`the i-th word in the sentence. RNN’s key advantage comes from
`parameter sharing when processing different positions. Specifically,
`let fθ be a function parameterized with θ, RNNs represent the
`recursive computation h(t ) = fθ (h(t−1), x (t ) ), where h(t ) is viewed
`as the value of the hidden unit after processing the input sequence
`up to the t-th position. The function fθ is commonly referred to as
`an RNN cell. An RNN cell can be as simple as a fully connected layer
`with an activation function, or the more sophisticated Long Short-
`Term Memory (LSTM) cell. The LSTM cell [24] contains internal
`cell state that store information and uses several gates to control
`what goes in or out of those cell state and whether to erase the
`stored information.
`RNNs can be used to model a natural language, solving tasks such
`as predicting the most likely word following an input sentence. For
`example, we can use an RNN to process the input sentence “system
`research is” and to derive the most likely next word from the RNN’s
`output. Figure 1 shows the unfolded dataflow graph for this input.
`At each time step, one input position is consumed and the calculated
`value of the hidden unit is then passed to the successor cell in the
`next time step. After unfolding three steps, the output will have
`the context of the entire input sentence and can be used to predict
`the next word. It is important to note that each RNN cell in the
`unfolded graph is just a copy, meaning that all unfolded cells share
`the same model parameter θ.
`Although sequential data are common, RNNs are not limited
`to chain-like structures. For example, TreeLSTM [39] is a tree-
`structured RNN. It takes as input a tree structure (usually, the
`parse tree of a sentence [36]) and unfolds the computation graph
`to that structure, as shown in Figure 2. TreeLSTM has been used
`Low Latency RNN Inference with Cellular Batching
`EuroSys ’18, April 23–26, 2018, Porto, Portugal
`(a) Graph batching via padding
`(b) Graph batching in TensorFlow Fold and DyNet
`Figure 4: Existing systems perform graph batching
`batching during inference1. Nevertheless, batching is still required
`by inference for achieving good throughput.
`To see the importance of batching for performance, we conduct
`a micro-benchmark that performs a single LSTM computation step
`using varying batch sizes (b)2. The GPU experiment uses NVIDIA
`Tesla V100 GPU and NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit 9.0. Figure 3 (bottom)
`shows the execution time of a batch vs. the overall throughput,
`for batch sizes b = 2, 4, ...2048. We can see that the execution
`time of a batch remains almost unchanged first and then increases
`sublinearly with b. When b > 512, the execution time approximately
`doubles as b doubles. Thus, setting b = 512 results in the best
`throughput. We also ran CPU experiments on Intel Xeon Processor
`E5-2698 v4 with 32 virtual cores. The LSTM cell is implemented
`using Intel’s Math Kernel Library (2018.1.163). As Figure 3 (top)
`shows, batching is equally important for the CPU. On both the GPU
`and CPU, batching improves throughput because increasing the
`amount of computation helps saturate available computing cores
`and masks the overhead of off-chip memory access. As the CPU
`performance lags far behind that of the GPU, we focus our system
`development on the GPU.
`2.3 Existing solutions for batching RNNs
`Batching is straightforward when all inputs have the same compu-
`tation graph. This is the case for certain DNNs such as Multi-layer
`Perceptron (MLP) and Convolution Neural Networks (CNNs). How-
`ever, for RNNs, each input has a potentially different recursion
`depth and results in an unfolded graph of different sizes. This input-
`dependent structure makes batching for RNNs challenging.
`Existing systems fall into two camps in terms of how they batch
`for RNNs:
`(1) TensorFlow/MXNet/PyTorch/Theano: These systems pad
`a batch of input sequences to the same length. As a result,
`1The SGD algorithm used in training is best done in mini-batches. This is because the
`gradient averaged across many inputs in a batch results in a better estimate of the true
`gradient than that computed using a single input.
`2We configure the LSTM hidden unit size h = 1024. The LSTM implementation
`involves several element-wise operations and one matrix multiplication operation
`with input tensor shapes b × 2h and 2h × 4h.
`Figure 3: Latency vs. throughput for computing a single step
`of LSTM cell at different batch sizes for CPU and GPU. The
`value on the marker denotes the batch size.
`for classifying the sentiment of a sentence [33] and the semantic
`relatedness of two sentences [28].
`2.2 Training vs. inference, and the importance
`of batching
`Deploying a DNN is two-phase process. During the offline training
`phase, a model is selected and its parameter weights are computed
`using a training dataset. Subsequently, during the online inference
`phase, the pre-trained model is used to process application requests.
`At a high level, DNN training is an optimization problem to
`compute parameter weights that minimize some loss function. The
`optimization algorithm is minibatch-based Stochastic Gradient De-
`scent (SGD), which calculates the gradients of the model parame-
`ters using a mini-batch of a few hundred training examples, and
`updates the parameter weights along computed gradients for the
`subsequent iteration. The gradient computation involves forward-
`propagation (computing the DNN outputs for those training sam-
`ples) and backward-propagation (propagating the errors between
`the outputs and true labels backward to determine parameter gradi-
`ents). Training cares about throughput: the higher the throughput,
`the faster one can scan the entire training dataset many times to
`arrive at good parameter weights. Luckily, the minibatch-based
`SGD algorithm naturally results in batched gradient computation,
`which is crucial for achieving high throughput.
`DNN inference uses pre-trained parameter weights to process
`application requests as they arrive. Compared to training, there’s
`no backward-propagation and no parameter updates. However,
`as applications desire real time response, inference must strive
`for low latency as well as high throughput, which are at odds
`with each other. Unlike training, there is no algorithmic need for
`10 k
`CPU Performance
`32 64
`50 k
`40 k
`30 k
`20 k
`GPU Performance
`60 k
`Execution time (ms)
`24 8 16
`64 128
`0.2100 k 200 k 300 k 400 k 500 k 600 k 700 k0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
`Throughput (operations/sec)
`EuroSys ’18, April 23–26, 2018, Porto, Portugal
`Pin Gao, Lingfan Yu, Yongwei Wu, and Jinyang Li
`each input has the same computation graph and the exe-
`cution can be batched easily. An example of batching via
`padding is shown in Figure 4a. However, padding is not a
`general solution and can only be applied to RNNs that handle
`sequential data using a chain-like structure. For non-chain
`RNNs such as TreeLSTMs, padding does not work.
`(2) TensorFlow-Fold/DyNet: In these two recent work, the
`system first collects a batch of input samples and generates
`the dataflow graph for each input. The system then merges
`all these dataflow graphs together into one graph where
`some operator might correspond to the batched execution
`of operations in the original graphs. An example is shown
`in Figure 4b.
`Both above existing strategies try to collect a set of inputs to form
`a batch and find a dataflow graph that’s compatible with all inputs
`in the batch. As such, we refer to both strategies as graph batching.
`Existing systems use graph batching for both training and inference.
`We note that graph batching is ideal for RNN training. First, since
`all training inputs are present before training starts, there is no
`delay in collecting a batch. Second, it does not matter if a short
`input is merged with a long one because mini-batch (synchronous)
`SGD must wait for the entire batch to finish in order to compute
`the parameter gradient anyway.
`Unfortunately, graph batching is far from ideal for RNN inference
`and negatively affects both the latency and throughput. Graph
`batching incurs extra latency due to unnecessary synchronization
`because an input cannot start executing unless all requests in the
`current batch have finished. This is further exacerbated in practice
`when inputs have varying lengths, causing some long input to
`delay the completion of the entire batch. Graph batching can also
`result in suboptimal throughput, either due to performing useless
`computation for padding or failing to batch at the optimal level for
`all operators in the merged dataflow graph.
`We propose cellular batching for RNN inference. RNN has the
`unique feature that it contains many identical computational units
`connected with each other. Cellular batching exploits this feature to
`1) batch at the level of RNN cells instead of whole dataflow graphs,
`and 2) let new requests join the execution of current requests and
`let requests return to the user as soon as they finish.
`3.1 Batching at the granularity of cells
`Graph batching is not efficient for inference because it performs
`batching at a coarse granularity–a dataflow graph. The recursive
`nature of RNN enables batching at a finer granularity–an RNN cell.
`Since all unfolded RNN cells share the same parameter weights,
`there is ample opportunity for batching at the cell-level: each un-
`folded cell of a request X can be batched with any other unfolded
`cell from request Y. In this way, RNN cells resemble biological cells
`which constitute all kinds of organisms. Although organisms have
`numerous types and shapes, the number of cell types they have is
`much more limited. Moreover, regardless of the location of a cell,
`cells of the same type perform the same functionality (and can be
`batched together). This characteristic makes it more efficient to
`batch at cell level instead of the organism (dataflow graph) level.
`Figure 5: The timeline of graph batching and Cellular Batch-
`ing when processing 8 requests from req1 to req8. The num-
`ber shown in parenthesis is the request’s sequence length,
`e.g. req1(2) means req1 has a sequence length of 2. Each row
`marks the lifetime of a request starting from its arrival time.
`Req1-4 are Running Requests as they arrive at time 0 and
`have started execution. Req5-8 are Upcoming Requests that
`arrive after the Req1-4.
`More generally, we allow programmers to define a cell as a (sub-
`)dataflow graph and to use it as a basic computation unit for express-
`ing the recurrent structure of an RNN. A simple cell contains a few
`tensor operators (e.g. matrix-matrix multiplication followed by an
`element-wise operation); a complex cell such as LSTM not only con-
`tains many operators but also its own internal recursion. Grouping
`operators into cell allows us to make the unfolded dataflow graph
`coarse-grained, where each node represents a cell and each edge
`depicts the direction in which data flows from one cell to another.
`We refer to this coarse-grained dataflow graph as cell graph.
`There may be more than one type of cells in the dataflow graph.
`Two cells are of the same type if they have identical sub-graphs,
`share the same parameter weights, and expect the same number of
`identically-shaped input tensors. Cells with the same type can be
`batched together if there is no data dependency between them.
`3.2 Joining and leaving the ongoing execution
`In graph batching, the system collects a batch of requests, finishes
`executing all of them and then moves on to the next batch. By
`contrast, in cellular batching, there is no notion of a fixed batch
`of requests. Rather, new requests continuously join the ongoing
`execution of existing requests without waiting for them to finish.
`This is possible because a new request’s cells at an earlier recursion
`depth can be batched together with existing requests’ cells at later
`recursion depths.
`Existing deep learning systems such as TensorFlow, MXNet and
`DyNet schedule an entire dataflow graph for execution. To support
`continuous join, we need a different system implementation that
`req8 (1)
`req7 (3)
`req6 (7)
`req5 (5)
`req4 (5)
`req3 (3)
`req2 (3)
`req1 (2)
`req8 (1)
`req7 (3)
`req6 (7)
`req5 (5)
`req4 (5)
`req3 (3)
`req2 (3)
`req1 (2)
`(a) Graph Batching
`queueing time
`computation time
`formed batch
`waiting for batch
`to finish
`(b) Cellular Batching
`Low Latency RNN Inference with Cellular Batching
`EuroSys ’18, April 23–26, 2018, Porto, Portugal
`can dynamically batch and schedule individual cells. More con-
`cretely, our system unfolds each incoming request’s execution into
`a graph of cells, and continuously forms batched tasks by grouping
`cells of the same type together. When a task has batched sufficiently
`many cells, it is submitted to a GPU device for execution. Therefore,
`as long as an ongoing request still has remaining cells that have not
`been executed, they will be batched together with any incoming
`requests. Furthermore, our system also returns a request to the user
`as soon as its last cell finishes. As a result, a short request is not
`penalized with increased latency when it’s batched with longer
`Figure 5 illustrates the different batching behavior of Cellular
`Batching and graph batching when processing the same 8 requests.
`We assume a chain-structured RNN model and that each RNN
`cell in the chain takes one unit of time to execute. Each request
`corresponds to an input sequence whose length is shown in the
`parentheses. In the Figure, each row shows the lifetime of one
`request, starting from its arrival time. The example uses a batch
`size of 4.
`In the beginning of time (t=0), the first 4 requests (req1-4) arrive.
`Under graph batching, these 4 requests form a batch and their
`corresponding dataflow graphs are fused together and submitted
`to the backend for execution. The system does not finish executing
`the fused graph until time t=5, as the longest request in the batch
`(req4) has a length of 5. In the meanwhile, newly arrived requests
`(req5-8) are being queued up and form the next batch. The system
`starts executing the next batch at t=5 and finishes at t=12. Under
`cellular batching, among the first 4 requests, the system forms two
`fully batched tasks, each performing the execution of a single (4-
`way batched) RNN cell. At t=2, the second task finishes, causing
`req1 to complete and leave the system. Since a new request (req5)
`has already arrived, the system forms its third fully batched task
`containing req2-5 at t=2. After finishing this task, another two
`existing requests (req2,req3) depart and two new ones are added
`(req6, req7) to form the fourth task. As shown in this example,
`cellular batching not only reduces the latency of each request (due
`to less queuing), but also increases the overall system throughput
`(due to tighter batching).
`We build an inference system, called BatchMaker, based on cellular
`batching. This section describes the basic system design.
`4.1 User Interface
`In order to use BatchMaker, users must provide two pieces of in-
`formation: the definition of each cell (i.e. the cell’s dataflow graph)
`and a user-defined function that unfolds each request/input into
`its corresponding cell graph. We expect users to obtain a cell’s
`definition from their training programs for MXNet or TensorFlow.
`Specifically, users define each RNN cell using MXNet/TensorFlow’s
`Python interface and save the cell’s dataflow graph in a JSON file
`using existing MXNet/TensorFlow facilities. The saved file is given
`to BatchMaker as the cell definition. In our current implementation,
`the user-defined unfolding logic is expressed as a C++ function
`which uses our given library functions to create a dataflow graph
`of cells.
`Figure 6: The system architecture of BatchMaker. In the
`cell graph, black means computed nodes, grey means nodes
`whose input is ready, and white means input dependency is
`not satisfied.
`4.2 Software Architecture
`BatchMaker runs on a single machine with potentially many GPU
`devices. Its overall system architecture is depicted in Figure 6. Batch-
`Maker has two main components: Manager and Worker. The man-
`ager processes arriving requests and submits batched computation
`tasks to workers for execution. Depending on the number of GPU
`devices equipped, there may be multiple workers, each of which is
`associated with one GPU device. Workers execute tasks on GPUs
`and notify the manager when its tasks complete.
`System initialization. Upon startup, BatchMaker loads each cell’s
`definition and its pre-trained weights from files. BatchMaker “em-
`beds” the weights into cells so that weights are part of the internal
`state as opposed to the inputs to a cell. For a cell to be considered
`batchable, the first dimension of each of its input tensors should be
`the batch dimension. BatchMaker identifies the type of each cell by
`its definition, weights, and input tensor shapes.
`The workflow of a request. The manager consists of two submod-
`ules, request processor and scheduler. The request processor tracks
`the progress of execution for each request and the scheduler deter-
`mines which cells from different requests would form a batched
`task, and selects a worker to execute the task.
`When a new request arrives, the request processor runs the user-
`code to unfold the recursion and generates the corresponding cell
`graph for the request. In this cell graph, each node represents a cell
`and is labeled with a unique node id as well as its cell type. Request
`processor will track and update the dependencies of each node.
`When a node’s dependencies have been satisfied (aka its inputs are
`ready), the node is ready to be scheduled for execution (§4.3). The
`scheduler forms batched tasks among ready nodes of the same cell
`type. Each type of cell has a desired maximum batch size, which is
`determined through offline benchmarking. Once a task has reached
`… …
`batched task
`Request Processor
`cell graphs
`of cells
`update node
`EuroSys ’18, April 23–26, 2018, Porto, Portugal
`Pin Gao, Lingfan Yu, Yongwei Wu, and Jinyang Li
`Algorithm 1: Scheduling and Batching Algorithm
`1 Bsizes: a set of supported batch sizes.
`2 CellTypes: a set of cell types, each associated with a priority.
`3 MaxTasksToSubmit: the maximum number of tasks that can
`be submitted to a worker.
`4 def Schedule(worker):
`S ← {ct ∈ CellTypes | ct.NumReadyNodes() ≥
`if S.Size() = 0 :
`S ← {ct ∈ CellTypes | ct.NumRunningTasks() = 0 and
`ct.NumReadyNodes() > 0};
`if S.Size() = 0 :
`S ← { ct ∈ CellTypes | ct.NumReadyNodes() > 0};
`ct ← GetCellTypeWithMaxPriority(S);
`Batch(ct, worker);
`12 def Batch(ct, worker):
`num_tasks ← 0;
`while num_tasks < MaxTasksToSubmit :
`batch ← FormBatchedTask(ct, worker);
`if batch.Size() >= Bsizes.Min() or num_tasks = 0 :
`SubmitBatchedTask(batch, worker);
`for subgraph ∈ batch :
`subдraph.pinned ← worker .id;
`# pinned is unset once subдraph has no
`task running
`a desired batch size, it is pushed into the task queue of one of the
`Workers execute tasks on GPUs. Since the GPU kernel execution
`is asynchronous, the worker moves a task from the task queue
`to the in-progress queue once the task’s corresponding GPU ker-
`nel has been issued. The worker uses a pooling mechanism to see
`whether some task has finished. It pops the finished task from the
`in-progress queue and pushes it into the completion queue in the
`request processor. The request processor updates node dependen-
`cies based on the completed task, and checks whether a request is
`finished. If so, its result is immediately returned.
`We give a more detailed example of the request workflow in §4.4.
`4.3 Batching and Scheduling
`The scheduler needs to make decisions on what nodes should be
`batched together to form a task and what tasks to be pushed to
`which workers. The design must take into account three factors,
`locality, priority, and utilization of multiple GPUs, which are often
`in conflict with each other.
`Locality refers to the preference that 1) the same set of requests
`should be batched together if they are to execute the same sequence
`of nodes, and 2) the execution of that sequence of nodes should stick
`to the same GPU. The reason for both 1) and 2) is to avoid memory
`copy. Prior to execution, the batched inputs of a cell must be laid
`out in contiguous GPU memory. Since the batched outputs of the
`execution are also stored in contiguous memory, there is no need for
`memory copy before each individual cell execution when executing
`the same set of requests on the same GPU. Conversely, if the batch
`of requests changes between two successive cell execution, one
`must do memory copy, called “gather”, to ensure contiguous inputs.
`Furthermore, if the execution of successive cells switch from one
`GPU to another, one must copy data from one GPU to another.
`Priority refers to the ability to prefer the execution of one type of
`cell over another. Many practical RNN models have multiple types
`of cells. For example, as shown in Figure 2, TreeLSTM has leaf
`cells and internal cells. The popular RNN-based Seq2Seq model has
`encoder cells and decoder cells. For these models, one can achieve
`better latency by preferentially executing DNN types that occur
`later in the computation graph. Therefore, in TreeLSTMs, inter-
`nal nodes should be given preference over leaf nodes. In Seq2Seq
`models, decoder nodes should have priority over encoder nodes.
`We design a simple scheduling policy to make the trade-off
`between locality, priority and good utilization of multiple GPUs.
`We support the locality preference by constructing and scheduling
`a batched task containing multiple node invocations instead of a
`single one. To enable this, the request processor analyzes the cell
`graph of a request to find a subgraph to pass to the scheduler. A
`subgraph contains a single node or a number of connected nodes
`with the property that all external dependencies to other parts of
`the graph have been satisfied. Furthermore, all nodes of a subgraph
`must be of the same cell type. For example, in the case of Seq2