`US 5,995,102
`INVENTORS: Rosen, James Samuel
`Schmitter, Thomas A.
`Hall, Mark S.
`Server system and method for modifying a
`cursor image
`25 JUN 1997
`30 NOV 1999
`19 MAY 2017
`Ebay Exhibit 1010, Page 1 of 372
`Ebay, Inc. v. Lexos Media IP, LLC


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`Foreign priority claimed
`35 use 119 condlttons met
`- - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · - - ___ .,._
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`Assistant Examiner
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`ART UNIT 2773
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`by the United States Code lltle 35, S
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`122, 181 and 368. Pos
`to authorized employees and
`Ebay Exhibit 1010, Page 2 of 372
`Ebay, Inc. v. Lexos Media IP, LLC


`Transaction History
`Transaction Description
`Initial Exam Team nn
`IFW Scan & PACR Auto Security Review
`11-12-1997 Notice Mailed--Application Incomplete--Filing Date Assigned
`Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
`Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
`03-06-1998 Application Is Now Complete
`03-09-1998 Application Dispatched from OIPE
`04-30-1998 Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU
`07-06-1998 Non-Final Rejection
`07-13-1998 Mail Non-Final Rejection
`07-27-1998 Change in Power of Attorney (May Include Associate POA)
`12-17-1998 Change in Power of Attorney (May Include Associate POA)
`12-17-1998 Response after Non-Final Action
`12-17-1998 Request for Extension of Time - Granted
`12-23-1998 Date Forwarded to Examiner
`12-29-1998 Communication - Re: Power of Attorney (PTOL-308)
`02-01-1999 Final Rejection
`02-08-1999 Mail Final Rejection (PTOL - 326)
`04-12-1999 Response after Final Action
`04-15-1999 Date Forwarded to Examiner
`04-22-1999 Advisory Action (PTOL-303)
`04-23-1999 Mail Advisory Action (PTOL - 303)
`05-11-1999 Examiner Interview Summary Record (PTOL - 413)
`06-08-1999 Preliminary Amendment
`06-08-1999 Continuing Prosecution Application - Continuation (ACPA)
`06-08-1999 Mail Express Abandonment (During Examination)
`06-08-1999 Express Abandonment (during Examination)
`06-08-1999 Request for Extension of Time - Granted
`06-17-1999 Miscellaneous Incoming Letter
`06-18-1999 Date Forwarded to Examiner
`06-21-1999 Mail Notice of Allowance
`06-21-1999 Notice of Allowance Data Verification Completed
`07-22-1999 Amendment after Notice of Allowance (Rule 312)
`08-09-1999 Date Forwarded to Examiner
`08-25-1999 Mail Response to 312 Amendment (PTO-271)
`08-25-1999 Response to Amendment under Rule 312
`09-20-1999 Workflow - Drawings Finished
`09-20-1999 Workflow - Drawings Matched with File at Contractor
`09-20-1999 Workflow - Drawings Received at Contractor
`09-20-1999 Workflow - Drawings Sent to Contractor
`09-23-1999 Workflow - File Sent to Contractor
`Issue Fee Payment Verified
`11-08-1999 Workflow - Complete WF Records for Drawings
`11-10-1999 Application Is Considered Ready for Issue
`Issue Notification Mailed
`12-03-1999 Recordation of Patent Grant Mailed
`Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
`Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
`12-08-2015 File Marked Found
`01-14-2016 File Marked Found
`01-29-2016 File Marked Found
`Ebay Exhibit 1010, Page 3 of 372
`Ebay, Inc. v. Lexos Media IP, LLC


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`Ebay Exhibit 1010, Page 4 of 372
`Ebay, Inc. v. Lexos Media IP, LLC


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`Ebay Exhibit 1010, Page 5 of 372
`Ebay, Inc. v. Lexos Media IP, LLC


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`Ebay Exhibit 1010, Page 6 of 372
`Ebay, Inc. v. Lexos Media IP, LLC


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`Ebay Exhibit 1010, Page 7 of 372
`Ebay, Inc. v. Lexos Media IP, LLC


`United States Patent (191
`Rosen ct al.
`I lllll llllllll Ill lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll llllll Ill lllll llll
`[Ill Patent Number:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`*Nov. 30, 1999
`Inventors: James Samuel Rosen, New York, N.Y.;
`Thomas A. Scbmitter, Cambridge,
`Mass.; Mark S. Hall, SmttJ1 Oraoge,
`[73] Assignee: Comet Systems, Inc., New York, N.Y.
`[ * ] Notice:
`This patent issued on a continued pros(cid:173)
`ecution application fi led under 37 CFR
`J .53(cl), and is subject to the twenty year
`term provisions of 35 U.S.C.
`[21] Appl. No.: 08/882,580
`Jun. 25, 1997
`Int. c1.0
`........................................................ G06F 3/14
`U.S. C I . .......................... 345/339; 345/334; 345/145;
`.Field of Search ..................................... 345/302, 328,
`345/329, 331, 348, 145, 339, 334, 335,
`345; 395/200.33, 200.47, 200.48, 200.49
`Rei'cnmces Cited
`4,841,29 1
`6/ 1987 Stephens ................................. 364/900
`6/ 1989 Swix et al. .............................. 340/725
`l/ 1991 Muller ..................................... 364/200
`10/ 1992 Hoebcr el al. .......................... 395/ 157
`1/ !993 Lisle ........................................ 395/ 159
`9/1994 Brewer el al. .......................... 395/ 159
`8/1996 Capps ...................................... 395/ 152
`9/ 1996 Cyr el al. ............. ................... 395/ 155
`ll/ 1996 Judson .................................... 395/793
`l/1997 Capps ...................................... 395/ 152
`l/ 1998 Schneider ..... ......................... .. 345/334
`4/ 1998 Judson .................................... 395/761
`4/1998 Reilly cl al. .............................. 705/ 14
`9/ 1998 Lection el al. ....... ................... 345/347
`M. Brown , " WWW .Plug-Ia Companions", 1996, pp.
`Tbe Java Language Environment -A White Paper Goshiog
`et al., May 1995, pp. 6-64.
`Primary Examiner~aymond J. Bayerl
`Assistant Examiner-Chadwick A. Jackson
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Weingarten, Schurgia, Gagoebia
`& Hayes LLP
`A system for modjfying a cursor image, as displayed on a
`video monitor of a remote terminal, to a specific image
`having a desired shape and appearance. The system stores
`cursor image data corresponding to the specific image, and
`a cursor display code. The cursor display code cootaios
`information in response to which the cursor image is modi(cid:173)
`fied to tbe specific image. A server computer transmits
`specified iafom1ation to the remote terminal. The informa(cid:173)
`tion includes al least one cursor display instruction. The
`cursor display iostrnctioo is operable to modify, in coojunc(cid:173)
`tioo with the cursor information aod the cursor image data,
`a cursor image displayed by a display of the remote terminal
`in the shape and appearance of the specific image.
`75 Claims, 9 Drawing Sheets
`Try Fizzy Cola!
`Get Busy With Fizzy
`New Things
`'-------' I Search ~
`People Finder • Email Lookup • Yellow Pages · ~
`Stock Quotes ·Book Rights • Newsg™ • ~
`Travel with
`I Channel By Search it!
`Arts & Entertainment
`Business & Investing
`Careers & Education
`Comwters & Internet
`Health & Science
`My Channel
`People & Chai
`Travel & Regjonal
`Ebay Exhibit 1010, Page 8 of 372
`Ebay, Inc. v. Lexos Media IP, LLC


`Internet Service
`Internet Service
`Internet Service
`D -
`14 - ~r
`14 -
`I ul"'i
`14 ,_.
`141- ~al
`I 0 j0
`14 1-'
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`('> """ -c -..
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`Ebay Exhibit 1010, Page 9 of 372
`Ebay, Inc. v. Lexos Media IP, LLC


`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 30, 1999
`Sheet 2 of 9
`Client Terminal :
`0. k D.
`9-i API -- Browser Extension
`,___ ____ ______,
`or Plug-in
`Mouse Driver
`Display Driver
`Audio Driver
`: Mouse Adapter
`Display Adapter
`Audio Adapter
`Video Monitor
`r----- ---- ---------------------------------~
`1 Server Computer
`Server Software ...
`.. Communication Port
`HTML Page
`containing Cursor
`Display Instructions
`FIG. 2
`Ebay Exhibit 1010, Page 10 of 372
`Ebay, Inc. v. Lexos Media IP, LLC


`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 30, 1999
`Sheet 3 of 9
`Load file containing the Cursor Display
`Instructions from remote WWW server
`Retrieve Cursor Display Code
`>---~ Referenced in the Cursor Display
`Instructions from WWW server
`Store current cursor display
`configuration in local memory
`Retrieve cursor information
`from local memory
`Change cursor in manner
`consistant with retrieved
`Cursor Display Instructions
`Send usage data to
`statistic-gathering server
`Store Cursor Displ.ay Code
`in local memory
`Retrieve cursor
`information from
`WWW server to
`local memory
`Store info object
`on local non(cid:173)
`volatile storage
`Set timer for period specified
`in Cursor Display Instructions
`Revert to initial cursor state
`FIG. 3
`Ebay Exhibit 1010, Page 11 of 372
`Ebay, Inc. v. Lexos Media IP, LLC


`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 30, 1999
`Sheet 4 of 9
`203 .TYPE="application/x-oleobject"
`204.CLASSID="clsid :CB005660-DOC7 - llcf-B7 F6-00AAOOA3F278"
`205 .CODEBASE="http : // ols/cc . cab#ver=4, 70 ,
`206 .<PARAM NAME="CursorType" VALUE="l"
`207.<PARAM NAME="Cursorlmage"
`VALUE="http :/ /cometsystems . com/libr ary/i mages/acme . cur">
`208 . <PARAM NAME,.."Counter" VALUE="http://
`209 .<PARAM NAME="DisplayDuration" VALUE="S">
`210 .<PARAM NAME="CacheCursor" VALUE="l ">
`211 .<PARAM NAME="ServerSignature " VALUE="54F5254A23BD988AB54 11 >
`212.<PARAM NAME="DormantDelay" VALUE="600">
`213 .<PARAM NAME="CursorTrajectoryMap" VALUE="http://
`214 .<PARAM NAME="CursorPositionMap" VALUE="http://
`cometsystems .com/maps/position">
`215 .<PARAM NAME="CursorVelocityMap"
`VALUE="http : //cometsystems . com/maps/velocity">
`216.<PARAM NAME="CursorPositionMap" VALUE="http : //
`cometsystems .com/maps/velocity">
`217 . <PARAM NAME="CursorButtonMap" VALUE= "http://
` ">
`218 .<PARAM NAME="ContentType" VALOE="S">
`219 . <PARAM NAME="PriorityLevel " VALUE= "l ">
`220 .<PARAM NAME="StreamBufferSize" VALUE="O ">
`221 .<PARAM NAME="Satelliteimage"
`VALUE="http://cometsystems . com/library/images/acmesat .bmp ">
`222 .<PARAM NAME="SatelliteXOisplacement" VALUE="-50 ">
`223 .<PARAM NAME="SatelliteYDisplacement" VALUE= "SO ">
`224 .<PARAM NAME="ExtraDisplayParameters "
`VALUE="http : //cometsystems .com/library/pa rams/acme . prm 11>
`Ebay Exhibit 1010, Page 12 of 372
`Ebay, Inc. v. Lexos Media IP, LLC


`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 30, 1999
`Sheet S of 9
`<script language="VBScript ">
`<!--\1' ;
`302.Sub window_onLoad()
`ccl.RemernberCurrentCur sor()
`303 .
`eel. SetNormalCursor ("http : I I comet systems . corn/ libr ar y I
`i mages/acme . cur" )
`305 . end sub
`306 . Sub window onUnload()
`307 .
`eel . Reset()
`308 . end sub
`- - >
`FIG. 5
`Ebay Exhibit 1010, Page 13 of 372
`Ebay, Inc. v. Lexos Media IP, LLC


`Recycle Bin
`My Briefcase
`gi, IP11 -c (C
`file .§dit .Jiew _Help
`Program Files
`Shortcut to 3 1'2

`0 CJ 0
`D 0 ~415
`~ lrtiox
`(CJ Programs
`~ OoclJmenls
`(1 Settings
`~ Flnd
`§:JI Run
`I Start l
`Shalcut lo
`~ NeUog
`Shortcut to
`Control Panel
`11 1 object(s) selected
`II 120 bytes
`~ 11 ~ 403
`____i_---r-. 423
`11 Cancel
`e11 IP1 1-c (C:)
`'- 403
`1 Copying...
`From 'downloads' to 'Desktop'
`FIG. 6
`""'" ~ = ""'"
`z 0
`F .....
`(J) =(cid:173)~
`°' 0 -(cid:173)\C
`~ = N
`Ebay Exhibit 1010, Page 14 of 372
`Ebay, Inc. v. Lexos Media IP, LLC


`'£JI foo,
`I Who was the week's top performer?
`Monday, June 16 6:41 pm ET
`Net gains for big
`servers in
`is here!
`FIG. 7
`Everybody's game:
`Women hit big time
`The WNBA's debut
`Saturday will be
`another milestone for
`women's sports. It
`also will be the latest
`evidence that
`corporate America is
`banking on a large
`and relatively
`untapped fan base
`..__ _ _ _ __, for women's sports-
`women. In the first of
`a five-part series,
`SportsPlace explores
`the women-as(cid:173)
`spectators gamble
`Els captures
`second U.S. Open
`lnterleague play a
`box-office smash
`Doctor optimistic
`about Red Wings'
`Mo Vaughn slated
`for knee suraurv
`0 •
`~ = f'lf'-
`z 0
`~Q ,_.
`CJ) =(cid:173)
`t"> ...
`0 ......
`~ = N
`Ebay Exhibit 1010, Page 15 of 372
`Ebay, Inc. v. Lexos Media IP, LLC


`~~~~ . ~"~" ....... , "'""""" . ''"'"'
`... ~ ...... u.~.... ~~
`Try Fizzy Cole.! 0
`Get Busy With Fizzy
`~urch1~ ~
`~ ~ Weather
`New Things
`X !
`~ 60a
`I I
`I Search Time
`I S
`~-----~ earch
`Power Search
`People Finder· Email Lookup· Yellow Pages · Maps
`Stock Quotes · Book Flights · Newsgroups · Shareware
`- n==1
`I Channel By Search it! -
`Arts & Entertainment
`My Channel
`Business & Investing
`Careers & Education
`People & Chat
`Computers & Internet
`Health & Science
`Travel & Regional
`FIG. 8
`I I
`······· ····· ··· ··············
`Travel with
`························ ··· '
`~ •
`Cl'1 •
`tD = """'"
`z Q
`~ = ~
`"""' \0
`~ '"" QQ
`Ebay Exhibit 1010, Page 16 of 372
`Ebay, Inc. v. Lexos Media IP, LLC


`Join now FREE!
`Hot Lines
`Just in
`All comparisons
`CO-ROM central
`Best of the Web
`How to
`Digital Me
`FIG. 9
`231 A
`' CHck '
`I Enter I ,.,.-- 60b
`I~ ~
`I International
`Sculley joins
`lsreali firm's
`demands site
`use French
`Computing cuts
`Mac clone
`I CNET Television.}
`CNET Central
`The Web
`The New Edge
`downloads, and more ... --
`in browser central
`Word 97 tips
`Our updated feature shows you more ways
`to improve the latest version of the world's
`most popular word processor
`Development shootout
`Review of the top development tools
`Which development product is right for you?
`BUILDER.COM, the ultimate source Web pros
`d •
`~ = ~
`z c
`('> """ \0
`c -..
`~ c
`Ebay Exhibit 1010, Page 17 of 372
`Ebay, Inc. v. Lexos Media IP, LLC


`This invention relates to computer networks and software,
`and more particularly, to a server system capable of modi(cid:173)
`fying a cursor image displayed on a remote client computer.
`main frame dillicuh to read. As a result, users have devel(cid:173)
`oped ways to reduce tile size or even eliminate frames from
`the web page being viewed.
`Another type of Online advertising involves the self-
`s appearing window which generaJly appears on iL'S own as a
`user is using the Internet or browsing on the WWW. Such
`adverliscments are relatively easy for a user to avoid 11s a
`user may simply re-size the window to make it smaller, drag
`ano1her window or object in front of it to obscure it from
`IO view, close the advertising window, or simply ignore it and
`con1inue with the task being undertaken online. Recently,
`online advertisers bave begun using self-appearing screens
`which arc delivered via dialog boxes whicb dominate tbe
`main part of the screen. Altllough these dialog boxes can be
`15 removed when the user clicks on the appropriate place(s) on
`the dialog box, the self-appearing dialog boxes have a much
`higher rate of being seen by users. This follows because the
`dialog boxes take control of the user's screen for a preset
`amount of time and/or until the user clicks on the appropriate
`20 place(s) to make the dialog box disappear. The recent
`prevalence in the use of self-appearing dialog box advertis(cid:173)
`ing has resulted in a more intrusive method of advertising
`which has resulted in resentment among users wbo are
`accustomed to more passive online advertising methods
`25 such as the frames and banner advertisements which are
`more easily avoided and/or ignored.
`Accordingly, there is a need for a simple means to deliver
`advertising clements, i.e. logos, animations, sound,
`impressions, text, etc., witllout the annoyance o[ totally
`30 • interrupting and intrusive content delivery, and withou.1 the
`passiveness or ordinary banner and frame advertisements
`which can be easily ignored.
`11le World Wide Web ("WWW" or "web") and online
`services such as America Online, in conjunction with faster
`and more powerful personal computers, bave rendered the
`Internet and otber interactive online computer networks
`accessible to millions of people all over the world. Con(cid:173)
`comitant with the emergence of this new communication
`medium, digital content providers have proliferated, provid(cid:173)
`ing online news, entertainment, games and all sorts of other
`content. As with other mass mediums, such as television,
`radio, and print publications, the entities that create such
`content seek to offset their expenses by selling advertising.
`With reference to the WWW, online advenising bas become
`a multimillion dollar business, to the amount of approxi(cid:173)
`mately $300 million dollars in 1996.
`The most common type of online advertisement exists in
`the Corm of "banner advertisements". Users of online ser(cid:173)
`vices routinely encounter banner ads on lhe top, sides,
`and/or bollom of their video monitor screens wben viewing
`a web page. Banner ads arc generally square or rectangular
`boxes provided witb some combination of graphics, color
`and text directed to the product or service being advertised.
`t\s such, the intcntion or these banner advenisements is to
`create impressions among online users and to convey some
`advertising mt:ssagc and/or logo. Banner ads are usually
`provided on a web page io the form of a ''hyperlink'', in 35
`which users who yield to the advertisements solicitation 10
`"Click I lere" are transported to lhe web si1e of 1he manu(cid:173)
`facturer of the product or service being advertised, or to
`some 01her screen which provides additional information
`aboul the product or service.
`Unfornrna1ely, banner ads occupy only a small portion of
`a web page. t\s lhe user scrolls down a page the banner ad
`disappears. Although online advertisers and content publish-
`ers have attempted to optimize the visibility of banner
`advertisements by placing them on a popular web page 4s
`where they wi LI have a greater chance of being seen, Internet
`users, nevertheless, can easily ignore or find ways to remove
`and eliminate from their view the banner ads which exist on
`the web pages they arc viewing. As such, lbe banner ads arc
`rendered ineffective in their aim to provide information 50
`abou 1 a product or service. /\dclitionally, money speni to
`aclvcrrisc a product may be wasted if users are able 10 ignore
`or remove 1he advertisements from the web pages they are
`Another method of onlioc advertising involves the use of 55
`·•frames" on a web page. Frames <tre a supported by
`the recent versions of leading web navigating programs
`known as browsers, such as Netscape Naviga1or® and
`M icroson 's Internet Explorer®. Frames generally divide up
`a user's screen so that the user can, for example, iodepen- 60
`dently scroll clown each of numerous frames which appear
`on the web page being viewed on the user's screen. Like
`banner advertisements, frames can be aesthetically unap(cid:173)
`pealing as well as confusing to the user. Additionally,
`placcmen1 of advertising frames on a web page generally 65
`resulL<; in cramping or decreasing Lhe size of lhe main
`content frame which oftentimes renders the content in the
`11 is thus a general object of the present invention to
`provide a means for delivering on line advertisemen1s which
`arc unintrusivc and which arc not easily ignored by a user.
`A more specific object of the present invention is to
`provide a server sys1ern for modifying a cursor image to a
`specific image displayed on a video monitor of a remote
`user's 1erminal.
`It is another object of the present invention to provide a
`server system for modifying a cursor image to a specific
`image displayed on a video monitor of a remote user's
`terminal for the purposes of providing on-screen advertising.
`11 is a further object of the present invention to provide a
`means for providing on-screen advertising transmitted
`online which does not interrupt the delivery of content and
`which is aesthetically appealing and whicb affords the
`advertiser a great degree o[ unintrusive exposure.
`It is still a furtller objecl of tbe present invention to
`provide a system and a method for causing a remote user
`term inal to display a cursor image as specified by a server
`It is also an object of Ille present invention to provide a
`sysll.:m and method for causing a remote user terminal to
`display a cursor image as specified by a server terminal,
`wherein the cursor image corresponds 10 the contenl
`retrievecl by the user terminal.
`11 is a further object of the present invention to provide a
`sys1cm and metllocl for causing a remote user terminal to
`display a cursor image sucb as a corporate name or logo, a
`brand logo, an advertising or marketing icon or slogan, an
`animated advertising image, and a related audio clip, that
`Ebay Exhibit 1010, Page 18 of 372
`Ebay, Inc. v. Lexos Media IP, LLC


`relate to an advertisement, such as a banner advenisement,
`that is included in the information content being retrieved by
`tbe user terminal.
`It is an additional object of tbe present invention to
`provide a means for changing a cursor's appearance by
`sending data and control sihrnals from a remote computer so
`that tbe cursor or pointer's appearance is associated with a
`portion of, or the entire content being displayed on the user's
`It is still an additional object of lbe present invention to
`provide a means for changing tbe appeara1JCe of a comput(cid:173)
`er's cursor or pointer by sending da ta and control signals
`from a remote computer so that the cursor or pointer's
`appearance is associated with advertising messages.
`These and other objects of the invention are realized in
`various embodiments of tbe present invention by providing
`a system [or delivering advertising elements Online without
`the annoyance resulting from the interruption of content
`delivery and witbou t the passiveness of ordinary banner and
`frame advertisements which can be too easily ignored or
`bypassed or removed. An exemplary embodiment of the
`present invemion is directed to a system that provides Online
`advertising content using Lbe on-screen cursor which is
`generally controlled by an input of positioning device 25
`known as a "mouse" or "mouse pointer". Nearly all online
`computer interfaces utilize a wired or remote contro l posi(cid:173)
`tioning device such as a mouse or roller or track ball which
`controls the cursor's movement on the screen. It is the cursor
`controlled by the mouse or positioning device which a user
`uses to "navigate" or move tbe cursor over objects, buttons,
`menus, scroll bars, etc., which appear on-screen aod then
`clicking or in some cases double-clicking in order to activate
`a screen or task, or to commence an application or some
`As a result of the prevalence of the use of the mouse, by
`many millions of users of online systems, a great deal of
`Lime is spent focused on tbe icons which represent the cursor
`or pointer as it may appear in some cases. Presently, pointer
`icons change from application to application and can also
`change wi!bin an application depending upon where on the
`screen lbe pointer is located, wbat stale the computer exists
`in at a !,riven moment, and what tools are being used, among
`other faclon>. Generally, pointers change shape to reflect an
`internal state of Lbe computer or the present function within
`an application. While it is not new for pointers and cursors
`lo change shape, pointers are not presen1ly used to convey
`advertising. l n conventional systems, the appearance of tbe
`cursor or pointer does not change to correspond wilb on-line
`content being displayed on the screen.
`The present invention provides a means for enabling
`cursors and pointers to change color, shape, appearance,
`make sounds, display animation, etc., when the user's ter(cid:173)
`minal or computer, known as the ''client'' or ''user" terminal,
`which has a network connection, receives certain instruc(cid:173)
`tions from a remote or "server" computer attached to Lhe
`network. lo an e xemplary embodiment of the present
`invention, the generic cursor or pointer icons used in many
`networking applications, such as black arrows, bands with a
`pointing finger, spinning wheels. hourglasses, wristwatches,
`and others, will change appearaoce, and in some cases may
`incorporate sound or animation, in a way that is linked and
`related to the content, such as a web page, which is being
`transmitted Lo an

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