

`Electrical Engineering |
`An update of the definitive guide to
`all aspects of battery design and selection
`New York, NY 10020
`Here is the one and only referenceto offer you detailed data and information on
`the characteristics, properties, performance, and applications of all types of
`electric batteries.
`Written by a staff of leading experts in battery technology, this essential work-
`ing tool covers batteries for everything from small portable consumer items to
`electric vehicles and military and industrial equipment.
`The newedition of the Handbookof Batteries shows you how to:
`® Determine the performance characteristics of batteries underall conditions
`of use
`® Establish the conditions and proper operating procedures to achieve
`optimum use of each battery system
`® Select the most suitable battery for a given application
`The Second Edition now featuresthe latest data, tables, and figures covering
`the vast improvements in battery performance in recent years—and also
`explores new battery technologies,includinglithium and rechargeable batteries.
`Whether you’re an engineer, technician, or product designer, the updated
`edition of this one-of-a-kind sourcebook enables you to take advantage of the
`many new advancesin the fast-changingfield of battery technology.
`E S$ BN O- 0 7-0 3 75el- hh
`Cover Design: Maria Amato Scharf
`McGraw-Hill, Inc.
`Serving the Need for Knowledge
`1221 Avenueof the Americas


`David Linden Editorin Chief
`Second Edition
`New York San Francisco Washington, D.C. Auckland Bogota
`Caracas Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan
`Montreal New Delhi San Juan Singapore
`Sydney Tokyo Toronto


`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Handbook of batteries / David Linden, editor in chief. -- 2nd ed.
`First ed. published undertitle: Handbookof batteries and fuel
`Includes index.
`ISBN 0-07-037921-1
`1. Electric batteries--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
`If. Title: Handbook of batteries.
`I. Linden,
`To my grande.
`Copyright © 1995, 1984 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed
`in the United States of America. Except as permitted under the United
`States Copyright Act of
`1976, no part of
`this publication may be
`reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a data
`base or retrieval system, without
`the prior written permission of the
`The first edition was published under the title Handbook of Batteries
`and Fuel Cells.
`34567890 DOC/DOC 90987
`ISBN 0-07-037921-1
`The sponsoring editor for this book was Harold B. Crawford, ihe editing
`supervisor was Frank Kotowski, Jr., and the production supervisor was
`Suzanne W. B. Rapcavage. It was set in Times Roman by the Universities
`Press (Belfast) Ltd.
`Printed and bound by R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company.
`This bookis printed on acid-free paper.
`Information contained in this work has been obtained by
`Inc. from sources believed to be reliable. How-
`ever, neither McGraw-Hill nor
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`not attempting to render engineering or other professional
`If such services are required,
`the assistance of an
`appropriate professional should be sought.


`TABLE 23.3. Characteristics of the Major Secondary Battery Systems
`Common name
`| Nickehiron
`(except when on
`float service)
`(when cycled)
`(lower operating
`and endvoltage
`during cranking
`—40 to 55
`—20 to 40
`—10 to 40°
`—40 to 60
`—20 to 45
`—40 to 50
`—40 10 45
`=I0 to 45
`20 10 60
`Very flat
`Very flat
`to high
`Moderately lar
`Bisbisc 1
`Cell voltage
`(typical), V:
`(at 20°C):
`Power density
`rate (at 20°C),
`% loss per
`High energy
`Advantages Lowest cost of|Designed forLowcost, ready Maintcnancc- Very rugged, Rugged; Sealed, rom
`“float” service,
`free; long life on
`can withstand
`relatively low
`gocd high-rate,—_systems (also lowest cost of float service; physical and storage; good good love awe)
`cost; good low-
`high- and low- low- and high-_—electrical abuse;see SLI) competitive specific energy tempera
`systems (also
`good charge
`and high-rate
`high 106
`operation (good
`see SLI)
`performance; no
`and low-
`storage and
`Jonglife inate
`service), good
`effect; operates
`cycle life lowest
`float service, in any position—_cost ofalkaline position
`Relatively low
`Seale pelt r
`cycle life;
`battely ae
`limited energy
`density; poor
`charge retention
`and slorability;
`Poorcycle life
`Low energy
`density; less
`tugged than
`Low energy
`effect; thermal
`Cannal be
`stored in
`condition: lower
`cycle life than
`sealed nickel-
`difficult to
`manufacture in
`very small sizes
`Based on
`Based on
`cylindrical celis:
`positive plate
`positive plate
`2,5-25 Ah;
`design: 5—
`design: 45—
`prismatic cells:
`400 Ah per
`200 Ah per
`0.9-35 Ah
`positive plaic
`positive plate
`(characteristics vary with batlery
`lithium-ion cell (sce Chap. 36)
`4 Based on C/LiCoO,
`> Self-discharge rate usually decreases with increasing storage time.
`© Dependent on depth ofdischarge.
`4 Low-rate Zn/AgOcell.
`Majorcell types Prismatic cells:
`30-200 Ahat
`20-h rate
`Prismatic cells:
`5-1300 Ah
`Prismatic cells:
`10-100 Ah
`system and design).
`y sy


`silver oxide
`Slew Aad
`—20 to 60
`—20 to 60
`—25 to 70
`0 Lo 50
`20 to 30
`—20 to 40
`—20 to 55
`Double plateau
`Double plateau
`Moderately fat
`High (for high
`Moderate to
`Moderate ta
`— Sealy
`ug te 45
`peetatel flat
`1.25- 1.00
`—40 to 50
`Very flat
`storage; good
`specific energy
`and high-rate
`and low-
`Sealed, na!
`good jaw
`temperate atl
`longlife ovthe
`operntes in amy
`High cost:
`effect; thermal
`Scala lead
`battery beltttiat
`high tempers
`and flout
`Maerite (0
` caldn
`ect abuse;
`fy He
`Betis or|
`High encrgy
`relatively low
`cosl: good Jow-
`Poorcycle life
`Highest energy
`density; high
`discharge rate;
`High energy
`density: low
`good cycle life
`High energy
`density; long
`eyele life at high
`density; sealed,
`Good shelf life:
`High specific
`energy, good
`shelf life
`High cost: low
`cycle life;
`at low
`at low
`Highinitial cost;
`proportional to
`H, pressure
`High cost (may
`be limited to
`special military
`and aerospace
`Limited cycle
`life; low drain
`small size only
`Low rate
`(compared to
`aqueous systems)
`Prismatic cells:
`10-100 An
`Burton colle
`05 A ie
`cylindric ee
`to 10-Att
`Prismatic cells:
`Mainly for
`<1 to 800 Ah;
`ye= Metjon
`special lypes to
`applications (up
`6000 Ah
`to 100 Ah)
`Prismatic cells:
`<1 to 500 Ah
`Button and
`cylindrical cells
`Cylindrical cells
`Cylindrical and
`prismatic cclls


` 23.12
`23.2.3 Advanced Batteries
`ABLE 23.4 Comparison
`Finally, the need for higher energy density, better charge retention, and other improved
`characteristics has created an unparalleled interest
`in the development of new, more
`advanced secondary battery systems. These fall into several general groups:
`temperature systems that are stable in aqueous electrolytcs, using zine,
`1. Ambient
`aluminum, or magnesium as the negative active materials.
`2. Ambient
`temperature systems using lithium or other alkali metals as the active
`materials but requiring nonaqueous, aprotic electrolytes as the aqueouselectrolytes are
`reactive with these metals.
`3. High-temperature systems, also using lithium or other alkali metals as the active
`materials. These systems use molten salt or ceramic electrolytes and operateai high
`temperatures ranging from 200 to 450°C.
`These advanced systems are covered in Part 5.
`23.3.1 General
`The characteristics of the major secondary systems are summarized in Table 23.3. This
`lable is supplemented by Tables 1.2 and 6.2, which list several theoretical and practical
`electrical characteristics of these secondary battery systems. A graphic comparison ol
`theoretical andpractical performances of various battery systems is given in Fig. 3.1. This
`shows that up to only about 20-30%of the theoretical capacity of a battery system 5
`attained underpractical conditions as a result of design and the discharge requirements.
`It should be noted, as discussed in detail in Chaps. 3 and6, that these types of data ane
`comparisons (as well
`the performance characteristics shown in
`this section) ae
`necessarily approximations, with each system being presented under favorable discharge
`conditions. The specific performance of a battery system is very dependent on the ¢”
`design andall the detailed andspecific conditions of the use and discharge-charge of !M*
`A qualitative comparison of the various secondarybattery systems is presented in Tab
`23.4. The different ratings given to the various designs of the same electrochemical syste ‘
`are an indication of the effects of the design on the performance characteristics of @
`*Rating: 1
`to 5, best to pc
`Conventional system
`1.65 V for the nickel
`relatively little differ
`flven system. How
`Sifferences could be
`Most of the cony
`xcept for the silver
`the silver oxide elect
`_ The discharge cu
`dioxide system, is sh
`higher than those of
`tthium anode. The «
`lower Conductivity «
`“lectrode, The discl
`atleries are discusse
`23.3.3 Energy Der
`The del;elivere
`ells ay aes
`ld batteries a
`With th
`nickel Silver oxide <
`shox, ;yd rogen cells
`Goh the Slgnificancr
`The discharge curves of the conventional secondary battery systems, at the C/5 rate, Fr
`ons under wh
`compared in Fig. 23.2. The lead-acid battery has the highest cell voltage of
`23.3.2 Voltage and Discharge Profiles
`a L


`93.4 Comparison of Secondary Batteries*
`a, and otherimproy,
`opment of new
`> More:
`lectrolytes, using zing+
`metals as the active
`iqueous electrolytes are.
`i metals as the active
`‘es and operate at high’
`ized in Table 23.3. This
`theoretical and practical
`taphic comparison of the
`_is given in Fig. 3.1. This
`ty of a battery systems
`lischarge requirements.
`at these types of data and
`wn in this section) ae
`inder favorable discharge
`ty dependent on the cell
`d discharge-charge ofthe
`lems is presented in Table;
`ne electrochemical ee
`yance characteristics of
`operation retention
`iency Life
`ier zinc
`en ese
`to 5, best to poorest.
`conventional systems. The average voltage of the alkaline systems ranges from about
`{65 V for the nickel-zinc system to about 1.1 V. At the C/5 discharge rate at 20°C thereis
`relatively little difference in the shape of the discharge curve for the various designs of a
`given system. However, at higher discharge rates and at
`differences could be significant, depending mainly on the internal resistance of thecell.
`Most of the conventional rechargeable battery systems have a flat discharge profile,
`except for the silver oxide systems, which show the double plateau due to the discharge of
`the silver oxide electrode, and the rechargeable zinc/manganese dioxide battery.
`The discharge curve of one of the rechargeable lithium cells, the lithium/manganese
`thoxide system, is shown for comparison. The cell voltages of the lithium cells are usually
`higher than those of the conventional aqueouscells because of the characteristics of the
`lithium anode. The discharge profile of the lithium cells is usually not as flat due to the
`lower conductivity of the nonaqucous electrolytes that must be used with the lithium
`tlecttode. The discharge characteristics of the lithium and other advanced secondary
`tatteries are discussed in Part 5.
`#33 Energy Density
`The delivered energy densities, both gravimetric and volumetric, of the various secondary
`fells and batteries are shown graphically in Fig. 23.3. The values can also be compared
`Mith the theoretical values for these systems given in Table 1.2.
`hick he silver oxide systems deliver the highest capacities, followed by the nickel-zine and
`, ayhydrogen cells andfinally by the nickel-cadmium and lead-acid systems. These data
`a ; the significance of the cell and battery design on the energy output as well as the
`~Mitions under which the battery is discharged. Accordingly, there is a wide range and
`ate, ae
`tems, at the C/5¥ f
`‘hest cell voltage O


`4.0 -
`3.0 [
`2.0 -
`Ni-Cd, Ni-MH
`\PsAg-Ca, Ag-Fe
`410; AgZn
`90 TTT
`220 Ag.zn
`160 |-
`FIGURE 23.3. Energy
`density. (b) Volumetric
`120 -
`100 >
`2 80F
`x gw
`€ eb
`e 40F
`20 F
`oO te
`FIGURE 23.4 E
`%of capacity discharged
`FIGURE 23.2 Discharge profiles of conventional secondary batlery systems and
`rechargeable Li/MnO,cell at approximately C’/5 dischargerate.
`even an overlap in performance, indicating the need to consider all of the conditions of
`operation before making a choice ofbattery system and design.
`Advanced rechargeable batteries, using lithium and other high-encrgy materials
`(covered in Part 5), have the potential of higher energy densities, ranging up to about
`125 Wh/kg and 275 Wh/L.
`23.3.4 Effect of Discharge Rate on Energy Density
`In Fig. 23.4 the effect of the discharge rate on the performance ofeach battery syste”! y
`compared based on the watthour capacity for each system (capacity at 0.1Crate =
`d for
`With the exception of the conventional nickel-iron battery, which was not designe
`wi tlt
`high-rate performance, the capacity of the alkaline batteries decreases relatively fittle WE
`increasing discharge rate compared with the lead-acid system. This is due to the ine
`dise ball
`time available for the diffusion of the sulfuric acid electrolyte during a high-rate
`the lead-acid battery. The sintered-plate nickel-cadmium system shows
`is als
`The performance of the rechargeable lithium/manganese dioxide cell
`While the energy density of this systemis higherat the relatively low discharge rales:
`capacity decreases with increasing discharge rates moresignificantly than the cony
`aqueous secondary batteries.
`The effects of the discharge ratc on the performance of these secondary battery 5)
`are compared again in Fig. 23.5. This figure is similar to a Ragone plot, except th


` 36.42
`The solid polymerelectrolyte technology provides flexibility in battery design as the cel]
`can be fabricated in a variety of shapes, forms, configurations, and sizes. The estimated
`specific energy and the energy density, up to 200 Wh/kg and 385 Wh/L, are very attractive,
`To date, however, cells have been fabricated only in small sizes, and none have been
`commercialized. Major interest
`is in using this battery system for applications requiring
`high voltages and capacity. This will
`require significant
`scaling up of
`the current
`technology, which presents a manufacturing challenge because of the thin components and
`the uniformity standards that will be required.”
`At present, solid-state rechargeable lithium polymer electrolyte cells using lithium
`anodes have limited cycle life and rate capability. The limited rate capability of these
`batteries is due to the Jower ionic conductivity, low lithium transport number, and poor
`electrode-electrolyte interface properties. The cause for
`the limited cycle life is not
`completely understood, but could be due to degradation of the presently used cathode
`materials, irreversible lithium intercalation into the cathode materials, high reactivity of
`the polymeric electrolytes toward the anode and cathode materials, or the formation of
`lithium dendrites.
`Solid polymer electrolytes have also been used with anodes other than metallic lithium,
`such as lithiated carbon in a lithium-ion cell (see Sec. 36.4.3). These cells may have lower
`capacity but may provide some of the advantages of the lithium-ion technology, such as
`longer eyele life and greater safety, and minimize potential problems due to the use of
`metallic lithium and the formation of dendritic lithium, which may form during repeated
`cycling of a lithium anodecell.
`36.4.3 Lithium-lon Cells
`The lithium-ion rechargeable cell refers to a cell whose negativeactive material is a carbon
`to which lithium cations are intercalated or deintercalated during the charge-discharge
`process, rather than metallic lithium or a lithium alloy. The positive active material is a
`lithiated metallic oxide intercalation compound from or into which a lithium ion can be
`extracted or
`inserted, respectively, during charge and discharge. LiCoO), LiNiO,, ane
`LiMn,O,are attractive materials, with advantages suchasstability in air, high voltage, a
`reversibility for the lithiuminsertion reaction. LiCoO, was used in most ofthe initial work
`on the lithium-ion technology and was the first system commercialized. This materialC
`to prepare andholds its structure during cycling, LiNiO,
`less expensive i ig
`is more stable at higher temperatures, and has a lowerself-discharge fate.
`anticipated that ultimately the industry will move to a manganese-based material, such a
`LiMn.O,, as these materials are more abundant, inexpensive, and nontoxic. The oe
`lithium-ion cells used liquid organic electrolytes, but both liquid organic and solid polyite
`electrolytes (SPE) are used, similar to the electrolytes in the metallic lithium anode celi~
`SO,-basedelectrolytes are also being investigated (see Sec. 36.4.4).
`described 1?
`The general characteristics and the chemistry of the lithium-ion cell are
`Sees, 36.2.3 and36.3. Some oftheirelectrical characteristics are listed in Table 36.12, high
`The lithium-ion cells, using the positive active materials identified earlier, ba cells
`voltages ranging from 3.0 to 4.0 V. A comparison of the discharge voltage profiles © wate
`using these positive electrode materials with petroleum coke and graphite nee
`electrode materials is shown in Fig. 36.31. The sloping discharge profile is characteris” ihe
`the lithium-ion cells using the disordered coke type carbon materials, compared
`flatter discharge profile of the cells using graphite.
`soo Tit
`At present the graphite-anode cells usually have a higher capacity at low dischare’ rains:
`than the petroleum coke cells, but
`they lose this advantage at
`the higher curt at
`This is probably due to the potential drop across the space charge region of graphite
`a oO
`Cellvoltage,V AS5
`FIGURE 36.3
`parison of petr
`(@) Cor
`> 2 vent mechanismfor
`iting. (1) Aluminumt
`the need to use a compatible ethylene carbonate-based electrolyte, which has


`Petroleum -coke
`Graphite anode
`> a
`& 20
`Discharge capacity, %
`FIGURE 36.31 Discharge characteristics of a C/LiCoO,
`parison of petroleum-coke and graphite anodes.
`lithium-ion cell com-
`design as the cel]
`es. The eslimated
`we VeTY Allractiye
`| none have been
`lications requiring
`p of
`the current
`n components ang
`ells using lithium
`rapability ofthese
`number, and poor
`cycle life is poy
`intly used cathode
`_ high reactivity of
`r the formation of
`an metallic lithium,
`Ils may have lower
`echnology, such as
`due to the use of
`‘m during repeated
` a
`Positive cap
`Positive tab
`| !
`Center pin
`material is a carbon
`ye charge-discharge
`active material is a
`jithium ion can be
`2002, LiNiO., and
`ir, high voltage, and
`‘tof the initial work
`ed. This material is
`Jess expensive than
`discharge rate. It is
`ed material, such as
`jontoxic. The carly
`ic and solid polymer
`lithium anode cells.
`cel] are described in
`in Table 36.12.
`d earlier, have high
`tage profiles of cells
`J graphite negative
`ie is characteristic of
`Is, comparedto the
`t low discharge rate
`ivher current drains.
`jn of graphite and to
`; which has a lower
`(a@) Construction of a lithium-ion cell. (6) Detail of current breaker mechanismas well
`FIGURE 36.32.
`as a vent mechanism for an abnormalrise of internal pressure in case of overcharging with no voltage
`limiting. (1) Aluminumburst disk. (2) Aluminumlead. (From Sony Corp.}


`Active material:
`Loading (total):
`11.57 g
`Current collector:
`Al]foil (25 wm)
`0.018 cm
`Thickness (total):
`Cathode length:
`Substrate length:
`Area (both sides):
` p
`conductivity than other clectrolytes. The diffusion coefficient of Liv into graphite is about
`two orders of magnitude lower than that in petroleum coke.
`The lithium-ion cell can be designed in any of the typical cell constructions: flat orcoin
`spirally woundcylindrical, or prismatic configurations. While most of the developments tq
`date have concentrated on the smaller cells for portable applications, larger prismaticcells
`are under investigation for applications ranging up to power levels required forelectric
`Carbon[Lithium Cobalt Oxide Cells. These cells use the spirally wound cylindrical
`construction, as shownin Fig. 36.32. The cell is fabricated with the active material in the
`discharged state. The positive electrode is made by coating a thin aluminumfoil collector
`with the lithiated metal oxide compound (LiCoO,) for the active material.“““* Metal-
`doped(Al, In, or Sn) LiCoO, has also been used as a cathode.””? The current collectorof
`the negative electrode is a thin copper foil onto which a petroleum coke type carbon
`material is coated for the active material. Graphitic carbon, however, delivers much higher
`capacity.””"* The electrolyte consists of an organic solvent, such as propylene carbonate-
`diethyl carbonate, in which a salt such as LiPF, has been dissolved. LiBF, has also been
`used as the electrolyte.” The electrodes are rolled up in a ‘“‘jelly-roll” configuration with a
`polypropylene separator between them. The cell contains a safety vent
`to release any
`pressure that may devclop if the ccll
`is overcharged or otherwise abused. Some cells
`contain a positive temperature coefficient device to protect
`the cell against excessive
`currents that may occur during discharge, charge, or short circuits.
`The design parameters of a lithium-ioncell, using a nongraphitized carbon anode anda
`LiCoO, cathode, are listed in Table 36.17. The discharge characteristics, at various
`discharge rates and temperatures, are plotted in Fig. 36.33. The cell has a high voltage,
`ranging from about 4 to 2.7V during discharge, and a
`sloping discharge profile.
`TABLE 36.17 Typical Design Parameters for C/LiCoQ, Cylindrical Cell (Size 18650)
`AM|SYY _LS_WJNTS—2er_7Js_—S
`carbon <
`0.2C rate
`Continuous discha
`Up to the 5-6C ra
`Problem due to in
`collector. The inte
`drop during the di
`Other batteries in \
`Figure 36.34 sh
`(node. The discha
`The shelflife c
`Netallic lithium ce
`at 20°C, but it is |
`Testored with cycli
`Lithium-ion cel
`the chargii
`Vollages may caus
`Active material:
`Loading (total):
`Nongraphitized carbon
`4.92 g
`Current collector:
`Cu foil (25 wm)
`Thickness (total):
`Anode length:
`Substrate length:
`Area (bothsides):
`0.020 cm
`53.7 cn
`5.4m |
`552 cm”
`Other Components
`Celgard (25 um)
`PP disk
`Nickel-plated steel
`Aluminumsafety vent


`0 graphite js about
`ictions:flat OFcoin
`ne developments
`irger Prismatic Cells
`equired for electrie
`wound Rie
`‘live material in the
`ninum foil|collector
`naterial."""* Metaj.
`current collector of
`a coke type carbon
`lelivers much higher
`opylene carbonate.
`LIBF, has also heen
`configuration with a
`to release any
`abused. Some cells
`oll against excessive
`carbon anode anda
`cleristics, al various
`has a high voltage,
`g discharge profile.
`¢ 18650)
`0.018 cm
`49.5 cm
`535 cm"
`0.020 cm
`FIGURE 36.33 Discharge curves af C/LiCoO,lithium-ion cell (nongraphitized
`carbon anode). Charge limited to 4.1 V. (@) Discharge at 20°C. (b) Discharges at
`rate at various temperatures. (From Sony Corp.)
`Continuous discharge currents can be as high as the 1.5-2C rate, with pulse discharges of
`up to the 5-6C rate. Overdischarging should be avoided as it may cause a performance
`problem due to internal short-circuiting resulting from the corrosion of the anode current
`collector. The internal impedanceis relatively constant during the discharge. The voltage
`drop during the discharge results from potential changes in the negative electrode, unlike
`other balteries in which the drop in voltage is due to an increase inthe cell’s impedance.
`Figure 36.34 shows the discharge characteristics of a C/LiCoO, ccll using a graphite
`anode. The discharge profile of these cells is flatter than that of the cells using petroleum
`The shelf life or charge retention of these lithium-ion cells is poorer than that of the
`melallic lithium cells. For the C/LiCoO,cell it can be as high as 10% per month of storage
`at 20°C, but it is lower with the other cathode matcrials. The capacity of the cell can be
`Testored with cycling.
`Lithium-ion cells are capable of being recharged quickly within 1-2 h. It is necessary to
`Control the charging voltage for the LiCoO,cell to about 4.2 V percell. Higher charge
`voltages may cause the decomposition of the electrolyte at the positive electrode with a
`ee c
`Roted capacity, %
` orc
`~20%¢ 60°C
`Rated capacity, %
`= 3
`1 °
`Cellvaltage,V n


`5.0 4.0
`lithium on the carbonsurface. Figure 36.9
`rise in the internal pressure and the plating of
`shows the voltage and current characteristics of a modified constant-current charge @
`several charge rates, with the maximum charge voltage limited to 4.2 V. The tenrperalll
`range during charge should be between 0 and 45°C.
`ic lithium
`Typically the cycle life of the lithium-ion cell
`is superior to that of the metall
`own ne}
`rechargeable cells. Over 500 cycles can be obtained to 75% of rated capacity, as sh
`Fig. 36.356.
`Lithium-ion (C/LiCoQ,) cells are commercially available in a spirally wound cylindtie
`configuration. The physical andelectrical characteristics of some of these cells are listed :
`Table 36.18. Manufacturers’ data sheets should be consulted for more recent and detailet
`The C/LiCoO; system has also been examined in other configurations. The dischaTe
`> &Q
`Retention,% nn °o
`FIGURE 36.35)
`current rate to 4.
`Rated capacity, %
`Rated capacity, %
`FIGURE 36.34 Discharge characteristics of C/LiCoO,lithium-ion cell (graphite
`anode). (a) Discharges at 20°C. (b) Discharges al 0.2C rate at various lempera-
`tures. (From Sanyo Energy Corp.)


`4,20 V/cell >
`Constant voltage
`Charge time, h
`100 14.5C rate
`100 1.0 Crate
`80 30
`100 0.5 Crate
`80 90
`= ©

`a C/LICoQ,
`FIGURE 36.35a¢@ Charging
`lithium-ion cell at 20°C. Constant current charge (at 0.5, 1.0, and
`1.5 C€ rate) to 4.2 V/cell. (From A&T Banery Corp.)
`urface. Figure 36.35
`t-current charge al
`V. The temperature
`the metallic lithium
`apacity, as shown lm
`ly wound cylindrical
`‘se cells are listed in
`recent and detailed
`‘ions. The discharge
`Number of cycles
`[C constant
`lithium-ion cell at 25°C. C

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