`IEEE Standard for Information technology—
`Telecommunications and information exchange between systems—
`Local and metropolitan area networks—
`Specific requirements
`Part 15.1: Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC)
`and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications for
`Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)
`IEEE Computer Society
`Sponsored by the
`LAN/MAN Standards Committee
`IEEE Standards
`IEEE Standards
`Published by
`The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
`3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA
`14 June 2002
`Print: SH94963
`PDF: SS94963
`Authorized licensed use limited to:
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`EXHIBIT 1021 - PAGE 1
`Recognized as an
`American National Standard (ANSI)
`IEEE Std 802.15.1™-2002
`IEEE Standard for Information technology—
`Telecommunications and information exchange between systems—
`Local and metropolitan area networks—
`Specific requirements—
`Part 15.1: Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC)
`and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications for
`Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)
`LAN/MAN Standards Committee
`of the
`IEEE Computer Society
`Approved 15 April 2002
`IEEE-SA Standards Board
`Approved 26 July 2002
`American National Standards Institute
`Abstract: The lower transport layers [(Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP), Link
`Manager Protocol (LMP), baseband and radio] of the Bluetooth™ wireless technology are defined.
`Bluetooth is an industry specification for short-range radio frequency (RF)-based connectivity for
`portable personal devices. The IEEE 802.15.1 Task Group has reviewed and provided a standard
`adaptation of the Bluetooth specification (version 1.1) medium access control (MAC) (L2CAP, LMP,
`and baseband) and physical layer (PHY) (radio). Also specified is a clause on service access points
`(SAPs), which includes a logical link control (LLC)-MAC interface for the ISO/IEC 8802-2 LLC. A
`normative annex is included that provides a Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS)
`proforma, and a informative high-level behavioral ITU-T Z.100 specification and description language
`(SDL) model for an integrated Bluetooth MAC sublayer are also specified.
`Keywords: ad hoc network, Bluetooth, Bluetooth wireless technology, circuit switching, FH-CDMA,
`frequency-hopping code division multiple access, mobile, mobility, nomadic, packet switching,
`piconet, radio, radio frequency, scatternet, short-range, ubiquitous computing and communications,
`wearables, wireless, wireless personal area network, WPAN
`Authorized licensed use limited to:
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`EXHIBIT 1021 - PAGE 2
`This work is copyright © 2002 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. It is based on Bluetooth core
`specification (version 1.1), Bluetooth profiles specification (version 1.1), and Bluetooth test specification (version 1.1),
`copyright © 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 3Com Corporation, Agere Systems, Inc., Ericsson Technology Licensing, AB, IBM
`Corporation, Intel Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, Motorola Inc., Nokia, and Toshiba Corporation. Portions of this
`standard consist of unaltered or minimally altered text of the Bluetooth specifications. Other portions consist of new
`material and substantively altered material. Figure 1 (in 5.2) provides a guide to the changes that have been made.
`liability, including liability for infringement of any proprietary rights, relating to use of information in this document is
`disclaimed. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights are granted
`The following information is given for the convenience of users of this standard and does not constitute an endorsement
`by the IEEE of these products.
`The Bluetooth! trademarks are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and used by IEEE under license.
`The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
`3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA
`Copyright © 2002 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
`All rights reserved. Published 14 June 2002. Printed in the United States of America.
`IEEE and 802 are registered trademarks in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, owned by the Institute of Electrical and
`Electronics Engineers, Incorporated.
`ISBN 0-7381-3068-0
`ISBN 0-7381-3069-9
`No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior
`written permission of the publisher.
`Authorized licensed use limited to:
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`EXHIBIT 1021 - PAGE 3
`IEEE Standards documents are developed within the IEEE Societies and the Standards Coordinating Committees of the
`IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) Standards Board. The IEEE develops its standards through a consensus develop-
`ment process, approved by the American National Standards Institute, which brings together volunteers representing varied
`viewpoints and interests to achieve the final product. Volunteers are not necessarily members of the Institute and serve with-
`out compensation. While the IEEE administers the process and establishes rules to promote fairness in the consensus devel-
`opment process, the IEEE does not independently evaluate, test, or verify the accuracy of any of the information contained
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`Use of an IEEE Standard is wholly voluntary. The IEEE disclaims liability for any personal injury, property or other dam-
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`Interpretations: Occasionally questions may arise regarding the meaning of portions of standards as they relate to specific
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`Comments for revision of IEEE Standards are welcome from any interested party, regardless of membership affiliation with
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`Secretary, IEEE-SA Standards Board
`445 Hoes Lane
`P.O. Box 1331
`Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331
`Note: Attention is called to the possibility that implementation of this standard may require use of subject mat-
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`Copyright © 2002 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`Authorized licensed use limited to:
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`EXHIBIT 1021 - PAGE 4
`Information technology—
`IEEE Standard for
`IEEE Std 802.15.1-2002,
`[This introduction is not part of
`Telecommunications and information exchange between systems—Local and metropolitan area networks—Specific
`requirements—Part 15.1: Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications for
`Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs).]
`This standard is part of a family of standards for local and metropolitan area networks. The relationship
`between the standard and other members of the family is shown below. (The numbers in the figure refer to
`IEEE standards numbers.1) This standard focuses only on the medium access control (MAC) and physical
`layer (PHY) of an 802.15.1 wireless personal area network (WPAN).
`802.1! BRIDGING
`* Formerly IEEE Std 802.1A!.
`This family of standards deals with the Physical and Data Link Layers as defined by the International
`Organization for Standardization (ISO) Open Systems
`Interconnection Basic Reference Model
`(ISO/IEC 7498-1:1994). The access standards define several types of medium access technologies and
`associated physical media, each appropriate for particular applications or system objectives. Other types are
`under investigation.
`The standards defining the technologies noted above are as follows:
`• IEEE Std 802:2, 3
`• IEEE Std 802.1B!
`and 802.1K!
`[ISO/IEC 15802-2]:
`• IEEE Std 802.1D!
`Overview and Architecture. This standard provides an
`overview to the family of IEEE 802 Standards. This document
`forms part of the IEEE Std 802.1 scope of work.
`LAN/MAN Management. Defines an Open Systems
`Interconnection (OSI) management-compatible architecture,
`and services and protocol elements for use in a LAN/MAN
`environment for performing remote management.
`Media Access Control (MAC) Bridges. Specifies an
`architecture and protocol for the [ISO/IEC 15802-3]:
`interconnection of IEEE 802 LANs below the MAC service
`1The IEEE Standards referred to in the above figure and list are trademarks owned by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
`Engineers, Incorporated.
`2IEEE and 802 are registered trademarks in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, owned by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
`Engineers, Incorporated.
`3The IEEE 802 Architecture and Overview Specification, originally known as IEEE Std 802.1A, has been renumbered as IEEE Std 802.
`This has been done to accommodate recognition of the base standard in a family of standards. References to IEEE Std 802.1A should be
`considered as references to IEEE Std 802.
`Copyright © 2002 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`Authorized licensed use limited to:
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`EXHIBIT 1021 - PAGE 5
`• IEEE Std 802.1E!
`[ISO/IEC 15802-4]:
`• IEEE Std 802.1F!
`• IEEE Std 802.1G!
`[ISO/IEC 15802-5]:
`• IEEE Std 802.1H!
`[ISO/IEC TR 11802-5]
`• IEEE Std 802.1Q!
`System Load Protocol. Specifies a set of services and protocol
`for those aspects of management concerned with the loading of
`systems on IEEE 802 LANs.
`Common Definitions and Procedures for IEEE 802
`Management Information.
`Remote Media Access Control (MAC) Bridging. Specifies
`extensions for the interconnection, using non-LAN systems
`communication technologies, of geographically separated
`IEEE 802 LANs below the level of the logical link control
`Recommended Practice for Media Access Control (MAC)
`Bridging of Ethernet V2.0 in IEEE 802 Local Area Networks.
`Virtual Bridged Local Area Networks. Defines an architecture
`for Virtual Bridged LANs, the services provided in Virtual
`Bridged LANs, and the protocols and algorithms involved in
`the provision of those services.
`• IEEE Std 802.2 [ISO/IEC 8802-2]:
`Logical Link Control.
`• IEEE Std 802.3 [ISO/IEC 8802-3]:
`CSMA/CD Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications.
`• IEEE Std 802.4 [ISO/IEC 8802-4]:
`Token Bus Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications.
`• IEEE Std 802.5 [ISO/IEC 8802-5]:
`Token Ring Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications.
`• IEEE Std 802.6 [ISO/IEC 8802-6]:
`• IEEE Std 802.10:
`• IEEE Std 802.11:
`[ISO/IEC 8802-11]
`• IEEE Std 802.12:
`[ISO/IEC 8802-12]
`• IEEE Std 802.15:
`• IEEE Std 802.16:
`• IEEE Std 802.17!:
`Distributed Queue Dual Bus Access Method and Physical
`Layer Specifications.
`Interoperable LAN/MAN Security. Currently approved: Secure
`Data Exchange (SDE).
`Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) Sublayer and
`Physical Layer Specifications.
`Demand Priority Access Method, Physical Layer and Repeater
`Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer
`(PHY) Specifications for: Wireless Personal Area Networks.
`Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems.
`Resilient Packet Ring Access Method and Physical Layer
`In addition to the family of standards, the following is a recommended practice for a common physical layer
`• IEEE Std 802.7!:
`IEEE Recommended Practice for Broadband Local Area
`The reader of this standard is urged to become familiar with the complete family of standards.
`Conformance test methodology
`Products built based on this standard are considered to conform to (or be compliant with) this standard if
`they pass the Bluetooth™ qualification program as set forth by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG),
`Inc. More information can be found at http://ieee802.org/15/Bluetooth/.
`Copyright © 2002 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`Authorized licensed use limited to:
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`EXHIBIT 1021 - PAGE 6
`IEEE Std 802.15.1-2002
`IEEE Std 802.15.1-2002 has been derived from the Bluetooth specifications (version 1.1) (see 2.4). This
`standard provides the reader with the lower layers of the Bluetooth specifications or MAC and PHY:
`— The radio frequency (RF) layer, specifying the radio parameters.
`— The baseband layer, specifying the lower level operations at the bit and packet levels, i.e., forward
`error correction (FEC) operations, encryption, cyclic redundancy check (CRC) calculations, and
`automatic repeat request (ARQ) protocol.
`— The link manager (LM) layer, specifying connection establishment and release, authentication,
`connection and release of synchronous connection-oriented (SCO) and asynchronous connectionless
`(ACL) channels, traffic scheduling, link supervision, and power management tasks.
`— The Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP) layer, which has been introduced to
`form an interface between standard data transport protocols and the Bluetooth protocol. It handles
`the multiplexing of higher layer protocols and the segmentation and reassembly (SAR) of large
`Additionally, the IEEE has conducted numerous ballots and provided all comments back to the Bluetooth
`SIG, Inc. as errata. These errata have in turn been reviewed and in some cases adopted into the Bluetooth
`This standard contains state-of-the-art material. The area covered by this standard is undergoing evolution.
`Revisions are anticipated to this standard within the next few years to clarify existing material, to correct
`possible errors, and to incorporate new related material.
`There is a body of generally available industry information quantifying the level of over-the-air coexistence
`between 802.15.1 and 802.11. Additional information may be obtained from the anticipated IEEE 802.15.2!
`Recommended Practice for Coexistence of Wireless Personal Area Networks with Other Wireless Devices
`Operating in Unlicensed Frequency Bands (available in draft form as P802.15.2 at the time of this
`publication) that deals specifically with the coexistence issue.3
`Information on the current revision state of this and other IEEE 802 standards may be obtained from:
`Secretary, IEEE-SA Standards Board
`445 Hoes Lane
`P.O. Box 1331
`Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 USA
`3This IEEE standards project was not approved by the IEEE-SA Standards Board at the time this publication went to press. For
`information about obtaining a draft, contact the IEEE (http://standards.ieee.org). Upon approval of IEEE P802.15.2 by the IEEE-SA
`Standards Board, this draft will be superceded by the approved standard and published as IEEE Std 802.15.2-2003. Approval is
`expected in early 2003.
`Copyright © 2002 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`Authorized licensed use limited to:
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`EXHIBIT 1021 - PAGE 7
`The following is a list of the participants who were members of the IEEE 802.15 Working Group, the task
`group (TG) leadership, and the Task Group 1 Editorial Team when the IEEE Std 802.15.1-2002 was
`Robert F. Heile, Chair
`Ian C. Gifford, Vice Chair
`James D. Allen, Vice Chair
`Thomas M. Siep, Editor-in-Chief
`Patrick W. Kinney, Secretary
`Michael D. McInnis, Assistant Secretary and Editor
`Stephen J. Shellhammer, TG2 Chair
`John R. Barr, TG3 Chair
`Robert F. Heile, TG4 Chair (Acting)
`Ian C. Gifford, TG1 Chair and Technical Editor
`Chatschik Bisdikian, TG1 Vice Chair and Technical Editor
`Thomas M. Siep, TG1 Editor-in-Chief
`Michael D. McInnis, TG1 Secretary and Technical Editor
`David E. Cypher, TG1 SDL Technical Editor
`Michael T. Camp, TG1 Technical Editor
`Fujio Watanabe, TG1 Technical Editor
`Enrique Aguado
`Masaaki Akahane
`Richard Alfvin
`James D. Allen
`David Archer
`Arun Arunachalam
`John R. Barr
`Edul Batliwala
`Alan Bien
`Chatschik Bisdikian
`Timothy J. Blaney
`Monique Bourgeois
`Ed Callaway
`Michael T. Camp
`Boaz Carmeli
`Michael Carrafiello
`Hung-Kun Chen
`James Chen
`Kwang-Cheng Chen
`Todor Cooklev
`Wm. Caldwell Crosswy
`David E. Cypher
`Anand Ganesh Dabak
`Michael Derby
`Darrell Diem
`Mary DuVal
`Michael Dydyk
`Richard Eckard
`Nick Evans
`Atul Garg
`Ian C. Gifford
`James Gilb
`Ms. Nada Golmie
`Rajugopal Gubbi
`Jose Gutierrez
`Yasuo Harada
`Allen Heberling
`Robert F. Heile
`Barry Herold
`Mark Hinman
`Masaki Hoshina
`Bob Huang
`Katsumi Ishii
`Phil Jamieson
`Jeyhan Karaoguz
`Stuart Kerry
`Patrick W. Kinney
`Bruce P. Kraemer
`Jim Lansford
`Yunxin Li
`Jie Liang
`Stanley Ling
`James Little
`Kevin Marquess
`John McCorkle
`Daniel R. McGlynn
`Michael D. McInnis
`Vinay Mitter
`Akira Miura
`Peter Murray
`Wayne Music
`Marco Naeve
`Mohammed Nafie
`Erwin R. Noble
`Arto Palin
`Gregory Parks
`Gregg Rasor
`Ivan Reede
`Carlos A. Rios
`Benno Ritter
`Richard Roberts
`Martin Rofheart
`Chandos Rypinski
`Juha Salokannel
`Timothy Schmidl
`Mark Schrader
`Michael Seals
`Stephen J. Shellhammer
`Bill Shvodian
`Thomas M. Siep
`Carl Stevenson
`Katsumi Takaoka
`Teik-Kheong Tan
`Jerry Thrasher
`Bijan Treister
`Robert E. Van Dyck
`Ritesh Vishwakarma
`Barry Volinskey
`Fujio Watanabe
`Richard Wilson
`Song-Lin Young
`Amos Young
`Copyright © 2002 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`Authorized licensed use limited to:
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`EXHIBIT 1021 - PAGE 8
`Major contributions were received from the following individuals:
`BSIG PM chairs
`James Kardach
`Francis Truntzer
`BSIG P802.15.1/D0.5 reviewers
`Jaap Haartsen
`Jon Inouye
`Patrick Kane
`David Moore
`Thomas Müller
`Dan Sonnerstam (editor)
`Cathy Hughes (editor)
`IEEE Clause 7
`Part A/Radio
`Steve Williams
`Todor V. Cooklov
`Poul Hove Kristensen
`Kurt B. Fischer
`Kevin D. Marquess
`Troy Beukema
`Brian Gaucher
`Jeff Schiffer
`James P. Gilb
`Rich L. Ditch
`Paul Burgess
`Olaf Joeressen
`Thomas Müller
`Arto T. Palin
`Steven J. Shellhammer
`Sven Mattisson
`Lars Nord (section owner)
`Anders Svensson
`Mary A. DuVal
`Allen Hotari
`IEEE Clause 8
`Part B/Baseband
`Kevin D. Marquess
`Chatschik Bisdikian
`Kris Fleming
`James P. Gilb
`David E. Cypher
`Nada Golmie
`Olaf Joeressen
`Thomas Müller
`Charlie Mellone
`Harmke de Groot
`Terry Bourk
`Steven J. Shellhammer
`Jaap Haartsen
`Henrik Hedlund (section owner)
`Tobias Melin
`Joakim Persson
`Mary A. DuVal
`Onn Haran
`Thomas M. Siep
`Ayse Findikli
`IEEE Clause 9
`Part C/Link Manager Protocol
`Kim Schneider
`Toru Aihara
`Chatschik Bisdikian
`Kris Fleming
`David E. Cypher
`Thomas Busse
`Julien Corthial
`Olaf Joeressen
`Thomas Müller
`Dong Nguyen
`Harmke de Groot
`Terry Bourk
`Johannes Elg
`Jaap Haartsen
`Tobias Melin (section owner)
`Mary A. DuVal
`Onn Haran
`John Mersh
`IEEE Clause 10
`Part D/L2CAP
`Jon Burgess
`Paul Moran
`Doug Kogan
`Kevin D. Marquess
`Toru Aihara
`Chatschik Bisdikian
`Kris Fleming
`Uma Gadamsetty
`Robert Hunter
`Jon Inouye (section owner)
`Steve C. Lo
`Chunrong Zhu
`Sergey Solyanik
`David E. Cypher
`Nada Golmie
`Thomas Busse
`Rauno Makinen
`Thomas Müller
`Petri Nykänen
`Peter Ollikainen
`Petri O. Nurminen
`Johannes Elg
`Jaap Haartsen
`Elco Nijboer
`Ingemar Nilsson
`Stefan Runesson
`Gerrit Slot
`Johan Sörensen
`Goran Svennarp
`Mary A. DuVal
`Thomas M. Siep
`Kinoshita Katsuhiro
`IEEE Clause 11
`Part H:1/HCI
`Todor Cooklev
`Toru Aihara
`Chatschik Bisdikian
`Nathan Lee
`Akihiko Mizutani
`Les Cline
`Bailey Cross
`Kris Fleming
`Robert Hunter
`Jon Inouye
`Srikanth Kambhatla
`Steve Lo
`Vijay Suthar
`Bruce P. Kraemer
`Greg Muchnik
`David E. Cypher
`Thomas Busse
`Julien Courthial
`Thomas Müller
`Dong Nguyen
`Jürgen Schnitzler
`Fujio Watanabe
`Christian Zechlin
`Johannes Elg
`Christian Johansson (section
`Patrik Lundin
`Tobias Melin
`Mary A. DuVal
`Thomas M. Siep
`Masahiro Tada
`John Mersh
`IEEE Annex A
`Bluetooth PICS
`Stefan Agnani
`David E. Cypher
`Fujio Watanabe
`IEEE Annex B
`David E. Cypher
`Allen D. Heberling
`Hans Roelofs
`Yunming Song
`IEEE Annex C
`Part K:1/GAP
`Ken Morley
`Chatschik Bisdikian
`Jon Inouye
`Brian Redding
`David E. Cypher
`Stephane Bouet
`Thomas Müller
`Martin Roter
`Johannes Elg
`Patric Lind (section owner)
`Erik Slotboom
`Johan Sörensen
`IEEE Annex D
`Appendix VII/Optional Paging
`Olaf Joeressen
`Thomas Müller
`Markus Schetelig
`Fujio Watanabe
`Jaap Haartsen (section owner)
`Joakim Persson
`Ayse Findikli
`Copyright © 2002 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`Authorized licensed use limited to:
` Downloaded on January 16,2023 at 15:44:21 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
`EXHIBIT 1021 - PAGE 9
`Major contributions were received from the following individuals: (continued)
`IEEE Annex E
`Part I:1/Bluetooth Test Mode
`Jeffrey Schiffer
`David E. Cypher
`Daniel Bencak
`Arno Kefenbaum
`Thomas Müller (section owner)
`Roland Schmale
`Fujio Watanabe
`Stefan Agnani
`Mårten Mattsson
`Tobias Melin
`Lars Nord
`Fredrik Töörn
`John Mersh
`Ayse Findikli
`IEEE Annex F
`Appendix VI/Baseband Timers
`David E. Cypher
`Jaap Haartsen (section owner)
`Joakim Persson
`Ayse Findikli
`IEEE Annex G
`Appendix IX/MSCs
`Todor Cooklev
`Toru Aihara
`Chatschik Bisdikian
`Nathan Lee
`Kris Fleming
`Greg Muchnik
`David E. Cypher
`Thomas Busse
`IEEE “must-to-shall” reviewers
`Chatschik Bisdikian
`Thomas W. Baker
`Thomas Müller
`Lars Nord
`Henrik Hedlund
`John Mersh
`Thomas M. Siep
`Christian Johansson
`Patric Lind
`Richard C. Braley
`Jim Carlo
`Simon C. Ellis
`Harald Blaatand “Bluetooth” II
`The following members of the balloting committee voted on this standard. Balloters may have voted for
`approval, disapproval, or abstention.
`Toru Aihara
`John R. Barr
`Chatschik Bisdikian
`James T. Carlo
`Bruce J. Currivan
`Vern A. Dubendorf
`Mary A. DuVal
`Kurt B. Fischer
`Michael A. Fischer
`Avraham Freedman
`Ian C. Gifford
`Simon Harrison
`Vic Hayes
`Robert F. Heile
`James Ivers
`Stuart J. Kerry
`Brian G. Kiernan
`Patrick W. Kinney
`Gregory Luri
`Roger B. Marks
`Peter Martini
`Michael D. McInnis
`Marco Naeve
`Robert O'Hara
`Roger Pandanda
`Jon W. Rosdahl
`Thomas M. Siep
`Carl R. Stevenson
`John Viaplana
`Fujio Watanabe
`Don Wright
`When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this standard on 15 April 2002, it had the following
`James T. Carlo, Chair
`James H. Gurney, Vice Chair
`Judith Gorman, Secretary
`Toshio Fukuda
`Arnold M. Greenspan
`Raymond Hapeman
`Donald M. Heirman
`Richard H. Hulett
`Lowell G. Johnson
`Joseph L. Koepfinger*
`Peter H. Lips
`Nader Mehravari
`Daleep C. Mohla
`William J. Moylan
`Malcolm V. Thaden
`Geoffrey O. Thompson
`Howard L. Wolfman
`Don Wright
`Sid Bennett
`H. Stephen Berger
`Clyde R. Camp
`Richard DeBlasio
`Harold E. Epstein
`Julian Forster*
`Howard M. Frazier
`*Member Emeritus
`Also included is the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaison:
`Alan Cookson, NIST Representative
`Satish K. Aggarwal, NRC Representative
`Jennifer McClain Longman
`IEEE Standards Project Editor
`Copyright © 2002 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`Authorized licensed use limited to:
` Downloaded on January 16,2023 at 15:44:21 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
`EXHIBIT 1021 - PAGE 10
`Overview.............................................................................................................................................. 1
`1.1 Scope............................................................................................................................................ 1
`1.2 WPAN definition ......................................................................................................................... 1
`References............................................................................................................................................ 3
`2.1 IEEE documents .......................................................................................................................... 3
`2.2 ISO documents............................................................................................................................. 3
`2.3 ITU documents ............................................................................................................................ 3
`2.4 Bluetooth documents ................................................................................................................... 4
`2.5 Other documents .......................................................................................................................... 4
`Definitions ........................................................................................................................................... 5
`Acronyms and abbreviations ............................................................................................................... 9
`General description ............................................................................................................................ 15
`5.1 IEEE and Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG), Inc., license agreement ............................. 15
`5.2 The origin of the document and layout...................................................................................... 15
`6. WPAN architecture overview ............................................................................................................ 19
`6.1 The WPAN communications technology .................................................................................. 19
`6.2 High-level view.......................................................................................................................... 22
`6.3 Components of the Bluetooth WPAN architecture.................................................................... 26
`Physical layer (PHY) ......................................................................................................................... 29
`7.1 Regulatory requirements............................................................................................................ 29
`7.2 Frequency bands and channel arrangement ............................................................................... 30
`7.3 Transmitter characteristics......................................................................................................... 31
`7.4 Receiver characteristics ............................................................................................................. 34
`7.5 Test conditions........................................................................................................................... 37
`7.6 Radio parameters ....................................................................................................................... 39
`Baseband specification ...................................................................................................................... 41
`8.1 General description .................................................................................................................... 41
`8.2 Physical channel ........................................................................................................................ 42
`8.3 Physical links ............................................................................................................................. 44
`8.4 Packets ....................................................................................................................................... 45
`8.5 Error Correction......................................................................................................................... 60
`8.6 Logical channels ........................................................................................................................ 67
`8.7 Data whitening........................................................................................................................... 68
`8.8 Transmit/Receive routines ......................................................................................................... 69
`8.9 Transmit/receive timing............................................................................................................. 74
`8.10 Channel control.......................................................................................................................... 80
`8.11 Hop selection ........................................................................................................................... 105
`8.12 Bluetooth audio........................................................................................................................ 115
`Copyright © 2002 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`Authorized licensed use limited to:
` Downloaded on January 16,2023 at 15:44:21 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
`EXHIBIT 1021 - PAGE 11
`8.13 Bluetooth addressing................................................................................................................ 119