`#148 change 91060 edit on 2003/03/19 by
`delifton@dclifton_r400 (ktext)
`Reverted width of IOPAscan and PA_IOscan
`back to 15 bits.
`#147 change 91033 edit on 2003/03/19 by
`delifton@dcelifton_r400 (ktext)
`Changed number of IOPAscan and PA_IOscan
`pins to 14 each.
`#146 change 90895 edit on 2003/03/19 by
`bhankins@fl_bhankins_r400_win (ktext)
`add test signals
`#145 change 90862 edit on 2003/03/19 by
`bhankins@fl_bhankins_r400_win (ktext)
`add commondft test ports
`#144 change 85882 edit on 2003/02/21 by
`bhankins@fl_bhankins_r400_win (ktext)
`add blockbusyextender module to pa.v
`#143 change 76202 edit on 2003/01/13 by
`scamlin@scamlin_crayola_win (ktext)
`update memory order of patch chain
`#142 change 72728 edit on 2002/12/20 by
`bhankins@fl_bhankins_r400_win (ktext)
`1. use sclk_ag to clock clipper registers that get reset when writes are done to
`pa cl enhance register to ensure register is clocked.
`2. add some test logic for soft reset
`(for test only; commented out).
`removed reset from pa cl enhance register
`#141 change 72494 edit on 2002/12/19 by
`delifton@dclifton_r400 (ktext)
`Fixed makefile to compile cot gate netlist.
`Added flush for writes to clenhance reg.
`Added daisy chain reads.
`Put state variable poiinter logic in pa_ag on hard reset.
`Put perfmon on hard reset.
`#140 change 71769 edit on 2002/12/17 by
`bhankins@fl_bhankins_r400_win (ktext)
`1. update some non state-based perf signals
`to more closely match csim.
`remove some commented lines.
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`#139 change 69259 edit on 2002/12/06 by dcelifton@dclifton_r400 (ktext)
`Eliminated ground nets in setupdebug buses.
`#138 change 69136 edit on 2002/12/06 by dclifton@dclifton_r400 (ktext)
`attached registered reset to pa_perfmon
`#137 change 69079 edit on 2002/12/06 by bhankins@fl_bhankins_r400_win (ktext)
`uncomment u0/1_pa_sx_wake_up_call signals
`#136 change 68717 edit on 2002/12/05 by bhankins@flbhankins r400win (ktext)
`add logic for pa to sx wake up call.
`commented out in pa.v
`#135 change 68177 edit on 2002/12/03 by scamlin@scamlin_crayola_unixorl (ktext)
`updated memory sizes
`#134 change 68127 edit on 2002/12/03 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400_win (ktext)
`1. add vertex reordering bits from cliper to su
`2. add clipped_prim_seq_stall logic and bit to clip enhance reg
`3. add some non-state perf counter signals
`#133 change 67858 edit on 2002/12/02 by dclifton@dclifton_r400 (ktext)
`added clip_su_reordervtx input and expanded fifo to hold it. Changed provoking vertex
`logic in pa_su_geomprep block
`#132 change 67786 edit on 2002/12/02 by delifton@dclifton_r400 (ktext)
`Added temp fuse box for rams.
`#131 change 66979 edit on 2002/11/26 by viviana@viviana_crayola_unixorl (ktext)
`Added the delay block and IO connections.
`#130 change 66777 edit on 2002/11/25 by delifton@dclifton_r400 (ktext)
`Reducing clip_su_pt_size to 25 bits.
`#129 change 66692 edit on 2002/11/25 by bhankins@fl_bhankins +400win (ktext)
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`Reduced the width of the clipper's pointsize memory to 25 bits, as well as the
`pointsize datapath within the clipper.
`#128 change 66598 edit on 2002/11/25 by bhankins@fl_bhankins_r400_win (ktext)
`add a clipper debug bus
`#127 change 66573 edit on 2002/11/25 by bhankins@fl_bhankins_r400_win (ktext)
`rearrange clipper debug bus
`#126 change 66269 edit on 2002/11/22 by delifton@dcliftonr400 (ktext)
`Connected up additional debug buses.
`Fixed debugdata mux select in pa_rbiu.
`#125 change 66199 edit on 2002/11/22 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400win (ktext)
`change state reg in pa_sxifecg so as not
`to support readback
`#124 change 65917 edit on 2002/11/21 by viviana@viviana_crayola_unixorl (ktext)
`Connected PA_rf_recen to STAR_testbus_rf[1].
`#123 change 65549 edit on 2002/11/20 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400win (ktext)
`added clipper-oriented performance monitoring signals
`#122 change 65541 edit on 2002/11/20 by viviana@viviana_crayolaunixorl (ktext)
`Changed the reset going to the memories to hard reset.
`#121 change 65488 edit on 2002/11/20 by bhankins@flbhankins r400win (ktext)
`increase pa_clipper perf counter multicount values to 5 bits.
`#120 change 65272 edit on 2002/11/19 by bhankins@fl_bhankins +400win (ktext)
`add signals to debug busses
`#119 change 65233 edit on 2002/11/19 by viviana@viviana_crayolaunixorl (ktext)
`Added a port connection to the pa_rf_stp.v that was missing inside the pa.v
`#118 change 65200 edit on 2002/11/19 by viviana@viviana_crayolaunixorl (ktext)
`Added the pa_rf_stp (Virage processor),
`Scan IO and new Virage memories.
`the Test Controller and
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`#117 change 64457 edit on 2002/11/15 by bhankins@fl_bhankins_r400win (ktext)
`add more and fix some existing non-state based performance monitoring signals to
`#116 change 64397 edit on 2002/11/15 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400_win (ktext)
`1. add non-state based performance monitoring signals to pa_cl_clipsm.
`fix some leda warnings in pa_cl_vert_storel.v
`#115 change 64364 edit on 2002/11/15 by bhankins@flbhankins r400win (ktext)
`add more to non-state based performance monitoring,
`including counter enable.
`#114 change 64055 edit on 2002/11/14 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400win (ktext)
`1. start to add clprim non-state based performance monitoring signals.
`not complete.
`2. change assignment
`to non-blocking in register proc in pa_clvertstore3.v
`#113 change 64031 edit on 2002/11/14 by bhankins@fl_bhankins +400win (ktext)
`add non-state based performance monitoring signals to pa_sxifccg
`#112 change 63921 edit on 2002/11/14 by bhankins@fl_bhankins +400win (ktext)
`misc performance monitor bug fixes
`#111 change 63672 edit on 2002/11/13 by bhankins@fl_bhankins 1400win (ktext)
`add more performance monitoring
`#110 change 63528 edit on 2002/11/12 by dclifton@dclifton_r400 (ktext)
`Added performance counters
`#109 change 63365 edit on 2002/11/12 by bhankins@fl_bhankins_r400win (ktext)
`add pa_clipper and pa_sxifsm performance counter signals, and bring up to pa.v level
`for now.
`#108 change 63330 edit on 2002/11/12 by bhankins@fl_bhankins +400win (ktext)
`add debug bus to pa_sxifccg (clipperdebug3)
`#107 change 62865 edit on 2002/11/08 by viviana@viviana_crayola_unixorl (ktext)
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`Changed the STAR test buses for the pa_ag to get rid of the extra
`instantiations for the memories that should have been bit write memories.
`#106 change 62724 edit on 2002/11/08 by bhankins@fl_bhankins_r400_win (ktext)
`removed debug bus signal for synthesis (for now)
`#105 change 62708 edit on 2002/11/08 by bhankins@fl_bhankins_r400_win (ktext)
`removed debug bus from sxifceg for now for a quick synthesis
`#104 change 62684 edit on 2002/11/08 by bhankins@flbhankins r400win (ktext)
`register ROMspndisablevtx inputs
`#103 change 62673 edit on 2002/11/08 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400win (ktext)
`add debug bus for pa_sxifecg block
`#102 change 62352 edit on 2002/11/07 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400win (ktext)
`replace pa_cl_clip_to_outsm_fifo.v with an rtl version without latency.
`#101 change 62087 edit on 2002/11/06 by delifton@dcliftonr400 (ktext)
`Connected up debug busses, added cl_enhance reg to su,
`fixed typo in counters.
`removed reference to SU_ENHANCE,
`#100 change 61915 edit on 2002/11/06 by viviana@viviana_crayola_unix_orl
`Added another set of STARpatch signals for the pntsz memory for the clipper.
`#99 change 61844 edit on 2002/11/05 by dclifton@dcliftonr400 (ktext)
`Added performance counter outputs to pa_su
`#98 change 61217 edit on 2002/11/02 by viviana@viviana_crayola_unixorl (ktext)
`Changed the instance names for the ati master clock instances and the rbbm interface.
`#97 change 61081 edit on 2002/11/01 by viviana@viviana_crayola_unixorl (ktext)
`Added the STAR test bus signals and wired up the hierarchy.
`#96 change 61080 edit on 2002/11/01 by dclifton@dclifton_r400 (ktext)
`Fixed problem with init_point_prim.
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`Added decode for debug and enhance registers
`#95 change 61041 edit on 2002/11/01 by bhankins@flbhankins r400win (ktext)
`infer pa_cl_enhance register and the connections to it.
`#94 change 60980 edit on 2002/11/01 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400win (ktext)
`1. add clip_to_ga_ps_expand out of pa_clipper
`2. add initial code for clipper vertex reordering (hard-wired disabled).
`#93 change 60278 edit on 2002/10/30 by dclifton@dcliftonr400 (ktext)
`Changed name of ROMdisable bits to ROMdisablevtx. Connected to sxifecg block
`#92 change 60238 edit on 2002/10/30 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400win (ktext)
`update for 4x clipper
`#91 change 60077 edit on 2002/10/29 by dclifton@dcliftonr400 (ktext)
`CHanges for clock speed-up and a few STAR bus additions or fixes.
`#90 change 60033 edit on 2002/10/29 by viviana@viviana_crayola_unixorl (ktext)
`Added the STAR test bus signals.
`#89 change 59670 edit on 2002/10/28 by dclifton@dclifton_r400 (ktext)
`first cut as distributing resets
`#88 change 58336 edit on 2002/10/21 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400win (ktext)
`stop clipperbusy from turning off too soon
`#87 change 57230 edit on 2002/10/15 by delifton@dclifton+400 (ktext)
`Moved st_indx and primtype from ram fifo into register fifo so early version could be
`used by polymode circuit. Created special controller to drive both ram and register
`based fifo. Routed early version of st_indx into regs block and routed back early
`versions of cull, polymode, and init state variables to update in syne with other prim
`Increased prim_fifo controller to use 8 deep ram since it's available.
`state variable input delay on geom_prep block.
`#86 change 56587 edit on 2002/10/11 by dclifton@dclifton_r400 (ktext)
`Routed sclk_reg and sclk_ag into pa_ag.
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`#85 change 56421 edit on 2002/10/10 by delifton@delifton_r400 (ktext)
`Routed sclkreg into pa_clipper and pa_sxifecg for state storage blocks.
`#84 change 56410 edit on 2002/10/10 by delifton@dclifton_r400 (ktext)
`Routed sclkreg to pa_su_regs block
`#83 change 56393 edit on 2002/10/10 by dcelifton@dclifton_r400 (ktext)
`Routed sclkreg into pa_vteregs
`#82 change 56076 edit on 2002/10/09 by dclifton@dclifton_r400 (ktext)
`Connected registered pa_srst to internal blocks instead of srst input.
`#81 change 56066 edit on 2002/10/09 by dclifton@dclifton_r400 (ktext)
`Added VGTPAwakeupcall and PASCwakeupcall clock enable signals
`#80 change 55645 edit on 2002/10/07 by dclifton@dclifton_r400 (ktext)
`Changed name of power management signal
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`#51 change 95000 edit on 2003/04/10 by tien@tien_r400devel_marlboro (ktext)
`Some LEDA cleanup
`Fix for unnormed coords
`Got FMT_32 3232 32 FLOAT working for one test :-)
`#50 change 91104 edit on 2003/03/19 by tien@tienr400develmarlboro (ktext)
`Fixed cmask for hicolor fast floats
`Added test ports
`#49 change 87694 edit on 2003/02/28 by nkociuk@nkociuk1400linuxmarl
`change to allow sclktpperf to br forced off (except during register read/write
`#48 change 87102 edit on 2003/02/26 by tien@tien_r400_devel_marlboro (ktext)
`Width mismatch
`#47 change 87093 edit on 2003/02/26 by tien@tien_r400_devel_marlboro (ktext)
`Fixed a port issue in tp
`Added max clamp in sptp_norm32
`Fixed max/min clamp in sp_tp_norm32
`Fixed sens list issue in sp_tp_norm32
`#46 change 85630 edit on 2003/02/20
`smburu@smburu_r400linuxmarlboro (ktext)
`Some STAR_cmdscout hook-up changes.
`#45 change $4996 edit on 2003/02/18
`smburu@smburu_r400sunmarlboro (ktext)
`Hook-ed up clrerr as should be.
`#44 change 84979 edit on 2003/02/18
`smburu@smburu_r400sunmarlboro (ktext)
`Some changes to STAR_emdscout hook-up.
`#43 change 82833 edit on 2003/02/07
`bring in rts to perfmon_wrapper
`#42 change 82175 edit on 2003/02/05
`tien@tienr400develmarlboro (ktext)
`Fixed recen
`Removed fusebux
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`change 81887 edit on 2003/02/04 by nkociuk@nkociuk_r400_linux_marl
`tpregisters, and matching tp.tree
`also connects up tp_perfmon_wrapper
`#40 change 80382 edit on 2003/01/29 by nkociuk@nkociuk_r400_linuxmarl
`renamming tp_reg.v to tp_registers.v
`#39 change 70840 edit on 2002/12/12 by tien@tien_r400devel_marlboro (text)
`Added RBB_* readback ports to TP top level
`#38 change 69795 edit on 2002/12/09 by tien@tien_r400develmarlboro (text)
`Fixed bit widths in tpc_fifos
`Fixed logs in anise to add sign bit where needed
`#37 change 69099 edit on 2002/12/06 by tien@tienr400develmarlboro (text)
`Added STAR proc and fusebox
`#36 change 65627 edit on 2002/11/20 by tien@tienr400develmarlboro (text)
`Fixed LOD logic to match algorithm in spec
`change 64485 edit on 2002/11/15 by tien@tien_r400devel_marlboro (text)
`tp_tc_ fifo and tpc_state_fifo
`up control between tpc_aligner and TP_TC interface
`change 62504 edit on 2002/11/07 by desiree@desiree1400sunmarlboro (text)
` change 62169 edit on 2002/11/06 by tien@tien_r400devel_marlboro (text)
`to STAR
`checkin of STAR ctme and v files
`TP Makefile
`STAR signals tied off and tp level to avoid new ports and chip.tree
`Candidate fix for border
`Candidate fix for tpc_rr_fifo overflow
`#32 change 55685 edit on 2002/10/07 by tien@tienr400develmarlboro (text)
`Fixes for clamping/mipmapping
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`#42 change 85363 edit on 2003/02/19 by delifton@delifton_r400 (ktext)
`Controlled writes to CIDO to prevent real time streams from corrupting non-real time
`state by writing state without initial cpy.
`#41 change 72494 edit on 2002/12/19 by delifton@dclifton_r400 (ktext)
`Fixed makefile to compile cot gate netlist.
`Added flush for writes to cl_enhance reg.
`Added daisy chain reads.
`Put state variable poiinter logic in pa_ag on hard reset.
`Put perfmon on hard reset.
`#40 change 70338 edit on 2002/12/11 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400win (ktext)
`init function variable to remove synopsys warning
`#39 change 66692 edit on 2002/11/25 by bhankins@fl_bhankins_ r400win (ktext)
`Reduced the width of the clipper's pointsize memory to 25 bits, as well as the
`pointsize datapath within the clipper.
`#38 change 65236 edit on 2002/11/19 by delifton@decliftonr400 (ktext)
`added include “header.v"
`#37 change 65200 edit on 2002/11/19 by viviana@viviana_crayola_unix_orl
`Added the pa_rf_stp (Virage processor),
`Scan IO and new Virage memories.
`the Test Controller and
`#36 change 62865 edit on 2002/11/08 by viviana@viviana_crayola_unixorl (ktext)
`Changed the STAR test buses for the pa_ag to get rid of the extra
`instantiations for the memories that should have been bit write memories.
`#35 change 62858 edit on 2002/11/08 by dclifton@dcliftonr400 (ktext)
`Changed stve and veoc_back rams to bit-enable write variety
`#34 change 61915 edit on 2002/11/06 by viviana@viviana_crayola_unixorl (ktext)
`Added another set of STAR_patch signals for the pntsz memory for the clipper.
`#33 change 61081 edit on 2002/11/01 by viviana@viviana_crayola_unixorl (ktext)
`Added the STAR test bus signals and wired up the hierarchy.
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`#32 change 60239 edit on 2002/10/30 by bhankins@fl_bhankins_ r400win (ktext)
`update for 4x clipper
`#31 change 56587 edit on 2002/10/11 by delifton@dclifton_r400
`Routed sclkreg and sclk_ag into pa_ag.
`#30 change 55261 edit on 2002/10/04 by dcelifton@dclifton_1r400
`Fixed a small
`leda error
`#29 change 54996 edit on 2002/10/03 by dclifton@dclifton_r400
`Added register stage on rbiu inputs to eliminate timing violation.
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`#38 change 74916 edit on 2003/01/07 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400_win (ktext)
`Increased sxrequestindx to seven bits to fix a bug that could occur when both even or
`both odd pipelines were disabled.
`#37 change 74660 edit on 2003/01/06 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400_win
`Fix bug in sxifsm request side that shows up when disable_sp is non-zero.
`#36 change 72728 edit on 2002/12/20 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400_win
`1. use sclk_ag to clock clipper registers that get reset when writes are done to
`pa_cl enhance register to ensure register is clocked.
`2, add some test logic for soft reset
`(for test only; commented out).
`removed reset from pa_cl enhance register
`#35 change 71769 edit on 2002/12/17 by bhankins@flbhankins r400win
`1. update some non state-based perf signals to more closely match csim.
`remove some commented lines.
`#34 change 69061 edit on 2002/12/06 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400_win
`change wake up to use pasx_req_cnt
`#33 change 68842 edit on 2002/12/05 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400_win
`include write of sxpendingfifo
`#32 change 68717 edit on 2002/12/05 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400win
`add logic for pa to sx wake up call.
`commented out in pa.v
`#31 change 66586 edit on 2002/11/25 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400_win
`rearrange pa_sxifecg debug bus
`#30 change 65467 edit on 2002/11/20 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400_win
`leda warning fix
`#29 change 65466 edit on 2002/11/20 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400_win
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`bug fix for performance counter
`#28 change 65273 edit on 2002/11/19 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400win (ktext)
`1. bug fix in nan kill flag
`2. add signals to debug busses
`#27 change 64364 edit on 2002/11/15 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400win (ktext)
`add more to non-state based performance monitoring,
`including counter enable.
`#26 change 64031 edit on 2002/11/14 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400_win (ktext)
`add non-state based performance monitoring signals to pa_sxifceg
`#25 change 63944 edit on 2002/11/14 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400_win (ktext)
`mods to try and improve on timing.
`no functional changes.
`#24 change 63365 edit on 2002/11/12 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400win (ktext)
`add pa_clipper and pa_sxifsm performance counter signals, and bring up to pa.v level
`for now.
`#23 change 63330 edit on 2002/11/12 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400win (ktext)
`add debug bus to pa_sxifccg (clipperdebug3)
`#22 change 62982 edit on 2002/11/09 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400_win (ktext)
`add a register to the output of the vgt_toccgenfifo to try to improve on timing.
`#21 change 62708 edit on 2002/11/08 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400_win (ktext)
`removed debug bus from sxifcceg for now for a quick synthesis
`#20 change 62673 edit on 2002/11/08 by bhankins@fl_bhankins_ r400win (ktext)
`add debug bus for pa_sxifceg block
`#19 change 55858 edit on 2002/10/08 by dclifton@dclifton_r400 (ktext)
`LEDA errors fixed
`#18 change 55550 edit on 2002/10/07 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400_win (ktext)
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`fixed some leda warnings
`#17 change 55536 edit on 2002/10/07 by delifton@deliftonr400 (ktext)
`Fixed sens. list in proc 610.
`Fixed a few more LHS, RHS width mismatches.
`#16 change 55426 edit on 2002/10/04 by delifton@dclifton_r400 (ktext)
`Fixed blocking transition errors in proc 600, 300, 480
`#15 change 55397 edit on 2002/10/04 by delifton@dclifton_r400 (ktext)
`Fixed leda errors associated with LHS and RHS bit sizes.
`#14 change 54783 edit on 2002/10/02 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400win (ktext)
`try to improve on timing.
`no functional change.
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`#38 change 74916 edit on 2003/01/07 by bhankins@fl_bhankins_ r400win (ktext)
`Increased sxrequestindx to seven bits to fix a bug that could occur when both even or
`both odd pipelines were disabled.
`#37 change 71769 edit on 2002/12/17 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400win (ktext)
`1. update some non state-based perf signals to more closely match csim.
`remove some commented lines.
`#36 change 68717 edit on 2002/12/05 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400win (ktext)
`add logic for pa to sx wake up call.
`commented out in pa.v
`#35 change 66591 edit on 2002/11/25 by bhankins@fl_bhankins_ r400win (ktext)
`debug bus fix
`#34 change 66586 edit on 2002/11/25 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400_win (ktext)
`rearrange pa_sxifccg debug bus
`#33 change 66199 edit on 2002/11/22 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400win (ktext)
`change state reg in pa_sxifccg so as not
`to support readback
`#32 change 65272 edit on 2002/11/19 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400win (ktext)
`add signals to debug busses
`#31 change 65200 edit on 2002/11/19 by viviana@viviana_crayola_unix_orl
`Added the pa_rfstp (Virage processor),
`Scan IO and new Virage memories.
`the Test Controller and
`#30 change 64639 edit on 2002/11/16 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400_win (ktext)
`fix syntax error
`#29 change 64364 edit on 2002/11/15 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400win (ktext)
`add more to non-state based performance monitoring,
`including counter enable.
`#28 change 64031 edit on 2002/11/14 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400win (ktext)
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`add non-state based performance monitoring signals to pa_sxifecg
`#27 change 63365 edit on 2002/11/12 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400win (ktext)
`add pa_clipper and pa_sxifsm performance counter signals, and bring up to pa.v level
`for now.
`#26 change 63330 edit on 2002/11/12 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400_win (ktext)
`add debug bus to pa_sxifecg (clipper_debug3)
`#25 change 62724 edit on 2002/11/08 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400win (ktext)
`removed debug bus signal for synthesis (for now)
`#24 change 62708 edit on 2002/11/08 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400win (ktext)
`removed debug bus from sxifceg for now for a quick synthesis
`#23 change 62673 edit on 2002/11/08 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400win (ktext)
`add debug bus for pa_sxifccg block
`#22 change 61081 edit on 2002/11/01 by viviana@viviana_crayola_unixorl (ktext)
`Added the STAR test bus signals and wired up the hierarchy.
`#21 change 56421 edit on 2002/10/10 by dclifton@dclifton_r400 (ktext)
`Routed sclk_reg into pa_clipper and pa_sxifecg for state storage blocks.
`#20 change 55340 edit on 2002/10/04 by bhankins@FLBHANKINSP4 (ktext)
`fix vertex fifo size definition
`#19 change 55305 edit on 2002/10/04 by bhankins@flbhankins r400win (ktext)
`put fifo dimensions in pa_clippkg.v
`#18 change 55244 edit on 2002/10/04 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400win (ktext)
`replace ram-based fifos with register-based
`#17 change 55091 edit on 2002/10/03 by bhankins@flbhankins r400win (ktext)
`back out registered-fifo replacements due to simulation errors.
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`#16 change 55066 edit on 2002/10/03 by bhankins@fl_bhankins r400win (ktext)
`replace ram-based fifo with register-based fifo.
`no functional change.
`ATI Ex. 2098
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`#143 change 91177 edit on 2003/03/20 by donaldl@fl_donaldl_p4 (ktext)
`Removed IOSC and IOSC_B partition scan input/output signals.
`#142 change 90807 edit on 2003/03/18 by donaldl@fl_donaldl_p4 (ktext)
`Added common test ports.
`#141 change 88830 edit on 2003/03/06 by donaldl@fl_donaldl_p4 (ktext)
`(ie. w_addr[2:0],
`Delayed by 1 clk some of RBIU inputs/outputs to state storage modules
`we, sel, cp, wdata[31:0], r_addr[2:0], re, r_data[31:0]).
`Done to reduce large fanout
`in post layout netlist.
`#140 change 87944 edit on 2003/03/02 by donaldl@fl_donaldl_p4 (ktext)
`Fanout of state variable indices to help post layout timing.
`#139 change 84488 edit on 2003/02/14 by rramsey@rramseycrayolalinuxorl (ktext)
`Add pixel-per-quad perfcounters to SC RTL
`#138 change 78237 edit on 2003/01/21 by kmeekins@kmeekins r400win (ktext)
`Cleaned up fifo interface.
`Removed unused signal.
`Changed waitforrl logic.
`#137 change 73878 edit on 2002/12/31 by donaldl@fl_donaldl_p4 (ktext)
`Make same sciter change of nxt_spinterfacefull to sc_biter. Need to also add
`interface signal sc_beopv from sc to sc_b.
`#136 change 73050 edit on 2002/12/21 by scamlin@scamlin_crayola_unixorl (ktext)
`updated sc_intercmdfifo depth to 28
`#135 change 71840 edit on 2002/12/17 by rramsey@RRAMSEYP4 r400win (ktext)
`Add PA_SC_FIFOSIZE to rbiu decode, state block
`Change sc_primfifo and sc_tilefifo to progdepth fifos
`ATI Ex. 2098
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`#134 change 69647 edit on 2002/12/09 by mmantor@FLmmantorLTr400win (ktext)
`added replicated qd0 and qdl hit signals to
`sc packer
`#133 change 69632 edit on 2002/12/09 by
`rramsey@RRAMSEYP4_r400_win (ktext)
`SC timing fixes
`Change sc_rbiu srst input to a registered version
`Split hier_masksum into two clks in sc_perf_cntl
`Register samplemask outputs in se_qdpr_proc
`Make g0/1hit output from qdprproc 5 bits to help with fanout
`#132 change 68882 edit on 2002/12/05 by donaldl@fl_donaldl_p4 (ktext)
`Reassigned primdata and quad data widths/definitions so lsbs line up sequentially with
`data going to sc_b.v.
`Change scbiterphase[2:0]
`to sebiterphase1lsb since only bit 0 is need in sc_b.v.
`#131 change 68725 edit on 2002/12/05 by
`mmantor@FLmmantorLT_r400_win (ktext)
`removed sc rc wake up since re is not using
`#130 change 68700 edit on 2002/12/05 by
`rramsey@RRAMSEYP4_r400_win (ktext)
`Fix some lint warnings for se rtl
`Cover iclk hole in busy cnt decrements from
`#129 change 68079 edit on 2002/12/03 by
`scamlin@scamlin_crayola_unixorl (ktext)
`change itercmdfifo memory from 22 to 24 deep
`#128 change 67640 edit on 2002/11/29 by
`mmantor@FLmmantorLT_r400_win (ktext)
`moved “define USESC_B to header file so it
`is defined for every one
`#127 change 67412 edit on 2002/11/27 by
`grayc@chipregress orl (ktext)
`added define for scb
`#126 change 67351 edit on 2002/11/27 by
`donaldl@fl_donaldl_p4 (ktext)
`Added wake-up output signals going to SX's,
`SP's, SQ, and RC external blocks.
`#125 change 67284 edit on 2002/11/27 by
`donaldl@fl_donaldl_p4 (ktext)
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`Added delay chain and scan I/O to scb.v.
`Added fusebox to sc.v.
`#124 change 66994 edit on 2002/11/26 by viviana@viviana_crayola_linux_orl
`Added the ati_delay block and two IO pins to the se and tbh_se.v.
`#123 change 66978 edit on 2002/11/26 by donaldl@fl_donaldl_p4 (ktext)
`Send sc_clk_en from sc.v to se_b.v for clock gating in sc_b.
`#122 change 66791 edit on 2002/11/25 by donaldl@fl_donaldlp4 (ktext)
`Initial split of sc into two blocks: sc.v and scb.v.
`The sc_b contains the sc_baryc blocks and any supporting logic.
`#121 change 66725 edit on 2002/11/25 by kmeekins@kmeekins r400_win (ktext)
`- Propigated the scpipeout_cntx0 signal to the output of the
`sc_iter (renamed it iterator_SP_cntx0).
`- Registered iteratorSP_cntx0 in the sc_interface_regs.
`#120 change 66519 edit on 2002/11/24 by grayc@graycr400win (ktext)
`changed top level signal name to PA_SC_wake_up_call
`#119 change 66087 edit on 2002/11/21 by kmeekins@kmeekins r400win (ktext)
`-connected new module I/O ports for use with trackers.
`- Created two new outputs to indicate when context
`1 thru 7 are in use. Used in the trackers.
`0 or context
`- Added a new SC to SX port indicating context
`0 usage for trackers.
`- Created two new registers for the new tracker ports to keep
`control signals alligned with their data.
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`#118 change 65916 edit on 2002/11/21 by viviana@viviana_crayola_unixorl (ktext)
`Connected SCrfrecen that was previously unconnected.
`#117 change 65685 edit on 2002/11/20 by viviana@viviana_crayola_unixorl (ktext)
`Connected the Virage memories reset to the sc_hard_srst.
`#116 change 65259 edit on 2002/11/19 by viviana@viviana_crayola_unixorl (ktext)
`Added more Test
`IO for the register file memories.
`#115 change 64540 edit on 2002/11/15 by viviana@viviana_crayola_unixorl (ktext)
`Added the Star Processor to the sc.v and all the Test Controller busses.
`#114 change 64321 edit on 2002/11/15 by mmantor@mmantorr400win (ktext)
`added debug port from the packer
`#113 change 64188 edit on 2002/11/14 by rramsey@RRAMSEYP4 r400win (ktext)
`Change comment for RTS bbfract default from Oxf to 0x0
`Hook scperfcntl to permanent sclk instead of sclk_sce
`Add iter freeze signal to scperf_cntl to filter out packer send rows during freeze
`Fix rbbm address decodes in sc_perfmon
`#112 change 63461 edit on 2002/11/12 by donaldl@fl_donaldl_p4 (ktext)
`Added debug bus for sc_qdpr_proc and sc_z_interp
`#111 change 63372 edit on 2002/11/12 by rramsey@RRAMSEYP4 r400win (ktext)
`Add debug connections for qpp (two selects)
`Change rts bbhfract default to 0x0 from Oxf
`Add three new perfmon selects
`#110 change 62922 edit on 2002/11/08 by donaldl@fl_donaldl_p4 (ktext)
`Added initial debug bus.
`#109 change 62852 edit on 2002/11/08 by viviana@viviana_crayola_unixorl (ktext)
`Corrected the size of the STAR_testbus going to the primfifo.
`#108 change 62779 edit on 2002/11/08 by viviana@viviana_crayolaunixorl (ktext)
`Changed the memories in the primfifo to 3 84x96 and one 84x80 due to the
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`new compiler's limitations. Added a STARpatch bus for the additional fifo.
`#107 change 61587 edit on 2002/11/05 by rramsey@RRAMSEYP4 r400win (ktext)
`Add sc_one_quad_per_clock logic to quad pair processor
`half rate)
`(allows us to detail-sample at
`RTL- adds a bit to se_hiz_cull_rslt_fifo
`#106 change 61436 edit on 2002/11/04 by mmantor@mmantorr400_win (ktext)
`added packer optimization with register hookup
`added sc bad pipe logic
`#105 change 61216 edit on 2002/11/02 by viviana@viviana_crayola_unixorl (ktext)
`Changed the instance names for the master clock instances and the rbbm interface
`#104 change 61088 edit on 2002/11/01 by kmeekins@kmeekins r400_win (ktext)
`Added a second register level for reset.
`Created new reset signals for the usc instances requiring reset.
`#103 change 60665 edit on 2002/10/31 by rramsey@RRAMSEYP4 r400win (ktext)
`correct connection of eventid msb in sc and tb sc
`clean up ports in se_perf_cntl.v
`#102 change 60275 edit on 2002/10/30 by rramsey@RRAMSEYP4 r400win (ktext)
`Add pix suffix to the ROM pipe disable signals for the sc
`#101 change 60080 edit on 2002/10/29 by kmeekins@kmeekins r400win (ktext)
`Piped rt_valid through to the 3C_RC interface for dump file compare
`purposes only.
`#100 change 59915 edit on 2002/10/29 by rramsey@RRAMSEYP4 r400win (ktext)
`Add another
`(and hopefully the last) signal to the se performance monitor logic
`#99 change 59805 edit on 2002/10/28 by kmeekins@kmeekinsr400win (ktext)
`Fixed sc_perfmon target
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`ATI Ex. 2098
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`ATI Ex. 2098

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