
`4 21:18:36 2002
`Regression Report For VGT - Project = r400 Created on Fri Oct
`RunTime Baseline
`Test Status ProbableCauseofFailures
`cpe2 hostdatabltpntr8888
`cp_e2 oneblit
`cp_e2 oneline
`cp_e2polyscanlines brush
`cp_e2polyscanlines brushmt
`ATI Ex. 2085
`Page 1 of 5393
`milestone event flush tril
`milestoneevent flushtriz
`milestone event flush tri3
`milestoneevent flushtri4
`milestoneevent flush_ tris
`milestone event flush tri6
`milestoneevent flush_ tri?
`milestone event flush trié
`milestoneevent flushtri9
`ATI Ex. 2085
`Page 1 of 5393


`cone even
`Cone even
`switch flus
`tone even
`switch flus
`Cone even
`cone even
` _tril
`_trié _trigd
`mil mi
` Coneeven t_ randomized
`switch flus
` tri9
`cone even
`Cone even
`t tris
`tone even
`Cone even
`cone even
`Cone even
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`toneevent tri?
`random tri
`tril2s8 pix4
`mi Les
`ATI Ex. 2085
`Page 3 of 5393
`tri2 pixl
` tri48x48
`tri2 pix4
`tri32 pixl
`tri32 pix4
`_tri2 pixle
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`milestonetri_tri8 pix4
`primliblsttri _junel5
`primlibgouraud_tri_l xyzvb_1 rgb_vb
`primlib_gouraud_triangles 2 draw_passes
`r400cl_ barytexture08 bug
`r400cl_clip_ 10verts 01
`r400cl clipdisable01
`r400cl_clipspacedx_ogl 01
`r400cl clipucp6bits 01
`r400cl_ cullonlyena_01
`r400cl edge
`lags 01 bug
` r400cl edgef lags O01 lags frustumright 01
`lags frustum_bottom_01
`r400cl edge
`lags frustumfar01
`lags frustum_left_01
`lags frustum_near01
`20020c a
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`r400cl edgeflags gband_bottom01
`r400cl_edgeflags gbandleft_01
`r400cl_edgeflags gband_right_01
`r400cl edgeflags gbandtop01
`r400cl_ frustum_01
`r400cl_ frustum_03
`r400cl frustum_05
`r400cl frustum_06
`r400cl frustum_08
`r400cl_ frustum_09
`r400cl frustum10
`r400cl_ frustum_11
`r400cl frustum13
`r400cl_ frustum14
`r400cl frustum_15
`r400cl_ frustum_16
`r400cl_ frustum_17
`r400cl frustum18
`r400cl edgeflags frustumtop01
`r400cl_ edgeflags gband_01
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`00cl_ frus
`O00cl frus
`00cl_ frus
`00cl frus
`00cl_ frus
`r400cl_ frus
`r400cl frus
`tumallvols lines
`r400cl_ frus
`tum_allvols tris
`tum lines O01
` 00cl frus
` r4
`00cl frus
`O00cl frus
`00cl_ frus
`00cl frus
`00cl_ frus
`O00cl frus
`00cl_ frus
`00cl frus
`tumlines 02
`tum lines 03
`tumlines 04
`tumlines 05
`tum lines 06
`tumlines 12
`tumlines 07
`tumlines 08
`tumlines 09
`tumlines 10
`tum lines 11
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`00cl frustum_lines 14
`O00cl frustumlines 15
`00cl frustum_lines 1
`O0cl frustum lines 17
`00cl frustum_lines 19
`r400cl_frustum_lines 20
`r400cl_ frustum_lines 21
`r400cl_frustumlines 22
`r400cl frustumlines 23
`r400cl_ frustum_lines 24
` 00cl frustumlines 1300cl frustumlines 18
`r4 00cl gbhandtelO1
`00cl_nan_kill 01bug
`O00cl pointlistvertexstate_ucp01
`00cl polymodelinefill01 bug
`00cl_ simpletriangle01
`00cl trianglepolymodelinestippled01 bug
`00cl_ucp_combos 01
`O00cl ucpcombos 02
`00cl_ucp_combos 03
`00cl_ucp_combos 04
`O0cl ucpcombos 05
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`r400cl ucpcombos 06
`r400cl_ucp_combos 07
`r400cl ucpcombos 08
`r400cl_ucp_combos_ 09
`r400cl_ucp_combos_ 10
`r400cl ucpcombos 11
` r400cl_ucp_combos 12
` r400cl ucpcombos 29
`r400cl_ucp_combos_ 13
`r400cl_ucp_combos 14
`r400cl_ucp_combos_ 15
`r400cl_ucpcombos 16
`r400cl_ucp_combos 17
`r400cl_ucp_combos_ 18
`r400cl ucpcombos 19
`r400cl_ucp_combos 20
`r400cl ucpcombos 21
`r400cl_ucp_combos 22
`r400cl_ucp_combos 23
`r400cl ucpcombos 24
`r400cl_ucp_combos 25
`r400cl_ucpcombos 26
`r400cl_ucp_combos 27
`r400cl_ucp_combos 28
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`O00cl vertexreuseclipO01
`O0rbbm_ simpletriangle01
` O0cl ucpcombos 30
` r4
`r400scbres cntl01
`r400sc_bres cntl02
`r400sc_bres cntl_03
`r400scebres cntl04
`r400sc_bres cntl_w2k_01
`r400scbres cntlw9x01
`00sc_ cliprect_04
`00secdiamondexit 03
`20020c can
`20020c ct
`20020c ct
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`00secdiamondexit 04
`ss_lxlprimtypes 01
`ss 1x2 01
`ss 1x2 02
`ss 1x2 primtypes 01
`ss_ 1x301
`ss 1x302
`ss 1x3primtypes 01
`ss 1x4 01
`ss_lx4 02
`ss 1x4 primtypes 01
`ss 2x1 01
`ss 2x1 02
`r4 r4
`r4 r4
`00sc_ 3
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ss 2x1primtypes 01
`ss 2x2 01
`ss 2x2 02
`ss 2x2 primtypes 01
`ss 2x301
`ss 2x302
`ss 2x3primtypes 01
`ss 2x4 01
`ss 2x4 02
`ss 2x4 primtypes 01
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ss 3x101
`ss 3x1_02
`ss 3x1primtypes 01
`ss 3x2_01
`ss 3x2_02
`ss 3x2 primtypes 01
`ss 3x301
`ss 3x302
`ss 3x3primtypes 01
`ss 3x4 01
`ss 3x4 02
`ss 3x4 03
`ss 3x4 primtypes 01
`00sc_ 3
`r4 r4
`r4 r4
`ss 4x1 01
`ss 4x1 02
`ss 4xlprimtypes 01
`ss 4x2 01
`ss 4x2 02
`ss 4x2 primtypes 01
`ss 4x301
`ss 4x302
`ss 4x3primtypes 01
`ss 4x4 01
`ss 4x4 02
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`r400scjss 4x4 maxdist01
`rd400sc_jss 4x4 primtypes 01
`r400sclinedxl0eq0 D1
`r400sc_linedx10ge0 O01
`r400sc_linedx101t_0 O01
`r400sclinedyl0eq0 01
`r400sc_linedyl0ge0 01
` r400sclinedylO1t_0 D1
`r400se line expand width msaa 8 01
`r400sc line expand width msaa 8 02
`r400sc line expand width msaa 8 03
`xr400sc_linejss 3x4 01
`r400sclinelistverifyst 01
`r400scjss 4x4 03
`rd400sc_jss 4x4 aa_mask01
`r400scjss 4x4 aamask02
`r400sc_jss 4x4 fe01
`r400sc_jss 4x4 fe02
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`r400se line list verify st 01 bug
`r400sc_linemsaa_8 01
`r400sclinemsaa_8 textured01
` r400sc_lines
` r400selines
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`r400scmsaa_1primtypes 01
`r400scmsaa_ 1rec
`r400scmsaa_ 1rec
` 00seclinestipple22
`r4 r4
`00sc_msaa_2 primtypes 01
`lis list
`lis lis
`00sec msaa 2 rec
`00secmsaa2 rec
`00scmsaa_2 rec
`O00scmsaa2 rec
`O0sc_msaa_2 rec
`00sec msaa 2 rec
`00secmsaa2 rec
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`00secmsaa2 rectanglelist _08
`00scmsaa_2 zbufferrectanglelist_01
`00scmsaa_2 zbufferrectanglelist02
`00sc_msaa_3primtypes 01
`00sc_msaa_3rectangle list _01
`00secmsaa_3rectangle list 02
`00sc_msaa_3rectangle list _03
`r400sc_msaa_3rectangle list _04
`r400sc_msaa_3rectangle list05
`r400sc_msaa_3rectangle list _06
`r400scmsaa_3rectangle list 07
`r400sc_msaa_3rectangle list_08
`r4 r4
`r4 r4
`00sc_msaa4 01
`00scmsaa_4 primtypes 01
`00sc_msaa_4 rectangle list 01
`00sec msaa 4 rectangle list 02
`00secmsaa4 rectangle list 03
`00sc_msaa_4 rectangle list 04
`00scmsaa_4 rectangle list 05
`00sc_msaa_4 rectangle list06
`00sec msaa 4 rectangle list 07
`00secmsaa4 rectangle list 08
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`00secmsaa4 zbufferrectanglelist01
`00scmsaa_4 zbufferrectanglelist02
`O00scmsaa_ 6OL
`00sc_msaa_6primtypes 01
`00sec msaa 6 rectangle
`00secmsaa_ 6rectangle
`r400scmsaa_ 6rectangle
`r4 r4
`r4 r4
`00scmsaa_ 6zbufferrectanglelist02
`00sc_msaa_€ 01
`O00scmsaa_8 02
`00sc_msaa_8 03
`00sc_msaa_ 68 04
`00secmsaa8 05
`00sc_msaa_8 aa_mask01
`O00scmsaa_8 aa_mask02
`00sc_msaa_8 aa_maskfc02
`00sc_msaa_8 hos PNT cont_cp_qn_ complex_01
`O00scmsaa_8 primtypes 01
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`00secmsaa8 rectangle
`00sc_msaa_8 rectangle
`O00scmsaa_ 8 rectangle
`00sc_msaa_8 rectangle
`00sec msaa 8 rectangle
`lis list
`00secmsaa8 rectangle
`00sc_msaa_8 rectangle
`r400sc_msaa_8 rectangle
`r400sc_msaa_8 zbufferrectanglelist01
`r400sc_msaa_8 zbufferrectanglelist_02
`r400scmsaa_Xprimtypes 01 bug
`r400sc_msaa_Xprimtypes 02 bug
`r4 r4
`r4 r4
`00secpoint list 05
`r400scmulti chipprimdiscard00 07
`00secnulltriangles 01
`00sc_null_triangles fc_01
`O00scpinwheel O01
`00scpinwheel 02
`00sc_pinwheel 02 bug
`00secpoint jss 3x4 01
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`t lis
`00scpoint |
`00secpoint |
`t 06
`t_ 06bug
`r4 r4
`r4 r4
`t_msaa_8 01
`t_10 bug
`00scpolymodetri fillOl
`00sc_polymodetri fill 01bug
`00sec prsp byc intrp ref pix O01
`O00se prsp byc intrp ref pix 02
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`prsp bye intrp ref pix
`intrp ref
`intrp ref
`intrp ref
`intrp ref
`prsp bye
`intrp ref pix
`r4 r4
` listdl
`_list _03
`-list _06
`list 07
`list 08
`00scscissorrect O01
`00sc_ scissorrect_02
`00secscissorrect 04
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`00secscissorrect 05
`00sc_ scissorrect_fc_01
`Le cnt
`Le cnet
`Le cnet
`tri 16par64 dwords 01
`tri 8textures 01
`tri 8textures 02
`tri wal
`lk s
`C ver
`Cc ver
`r4 r4
`r4 r4
`tri wal
` tri wal
`tri wal
`tri wal
`tri wal
`tri wal
`Le cntl
` lk s
` C ver
` car
`lk s
`lk s
`lk s
`Cc ver
`lk s
`C ver
`lk s
`lk s
`Cc ver
`lk s
`C ver
`ATI Ex. 2085
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` tex10
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`00sectri walk star
`00sec_tri_walk star
`00sctri walk star
`00sc_tri_walk_ star
`00sec tri walk star
`00sectri walk star
`C ver
`Cc ver
` C ver
`C ver
` tex16
`00sc_triangle stipple01
`r4 r4
`r4 r4
` fertrianglelist 01
`OO0su_baryctest 04
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`lippointtest 02
` r400su_cl
` r400su_lineend_ capfunctional 01
`r400su_cullingfunctional O01
`r400su_degentri_ test01
`r400su_degentri_ test03
`r400su_edgeflags triangle01
`r400su_edgeflags triangle02
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`00su_lineorientationdx01 01
`O00su_lineorientationdx01 02
`00su_lineorientationdy01 01
`r400su_multi_ context_01
`r400su_multi prim02
` r4
`r4 O00su_pemanagement01
`r400su_parallel orientationall01
`r400su_parallel orientation_all02
`O0O0su_point sprite03
`O0O0su_point sprite08
`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`O0O0su_point wl6hl functional 01
`00su_pointwl _hl6functional 01
`00su_polymodelines degentriangle01
`O00su_polymodelines degentriangle02
`00su_polymodelines zero_area_triangle01
`r400su_polymodepoints degentriangle01
`r400su_polymodepoints degen_triangle02
`r400su_polymodepoints zeroareatriangle01
`r400su_polymodepoints zero_area_triangle02
`r4 r4
`r4 r4
`r400su_polymodelines zeroarea_triangle02
`00su_provokingvtx_edgeflags triangle01
`O00su_provekingvtx_edgeflags triangle02
`00su_provokingvtx_edgeflags triangle03
`00su_provokingvtx_edgeflags triangle04
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`r400su_provokingvtxpoint 01
`r400su_randpoint 01
` r400su_randtri 01
` r400vgt_autoindexpoints 01
`r400su_z gradtest02
`r400su_vertexsortingfunctional 01
`r400su_z grad_test_03
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`toindexprimtypes 01
` toindextriwflags 01
`r4 r4
`r4 OOvgtdmaengine05
`OO0vgt_dma_indexpoints 01
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`ATI Ex. 2085
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`ré400vgt_dma_indexprimtypes 01
`r400vgt_dma_indextri list 01
`r400vgt_dma_indextri_wflags 01
`rdéA00vgt_dma_swap_indx32 01
`r400vgt_edgeflags polygon01
`rd400vgt_edgeflags quadlist01
`r400vgt_edgeflags quadstrip01
`r400vgt_edgeflags trianglefan01
`rd400vgt_edgeflags trianglelist_01
`r400vgt_edgeflags trianglestrip01
`r400vgt_edgeflags trianglewflags 01
`ré400vgt_ext2int indexlinelist01
`rd400vgt_ext2intindexpoints 01
`ré400vgt_ext2int indexquadlist01
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` t2in t_index_
`trianglefan O01
`trianglewilags 01
`OO0vgt_hos LPatch_01
`Lcp1ln_ cont_no_projection_01
`r400vgt_hos PNQ cp_qn_cont_light_ texture01
`r400vgt_hos PNQ cp qn cont light texture02
`r4 r4
`r4 OOvgt hos PNTTOL cp gn cont stress O01
`OO0vgt_hos PN1 [disccpqncomplex01
`OO0vgt_hos PN1
`O0vgt_hos PNT
`OO0vgt_hos PN1
`cp qn
`OO0vgt hos PNT
`cont_light_ texture01
`OOvgt hos PNT cp gn cont light texture02
`OOvgt hos PNT
`cp qn
`cont light texture_03
`cp qn
`O0vgt hos PNT
`cont moving normals 01
`OO0vgt_hos PN1
`[ cp_qn_contnoprojection_01
`OO0vgt hos PNI
`[ cp qn disc 14 04 lit tex proj
`r400vgt_hos PNQcp_qncont_noprojection01
`r400vgt_hos PNQ1p_cont_noprojection_O1

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